STASD FROU USHER: NHEAP CORNER COMING \J DO A N KIIH I CRABH, J. B. FARQUHAR, BAS BEEN TO THE CITE PUR CHASING BIS SP'IPG STOEK, AND TAKES PLEASURE IN | STATING HE I FULLY PREPARED TO SELL AT A REDUCTION OF FROM TWENTY-FIVE TO FIFTY PER CENT ON FORMER PRICES "IT ' F. ASK THE PUBLIC TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK, AS WE J \ \ ARE DETERMINED NOT TO LET ANY ONE UNDER SELL US. | COLONNADE BUILDING, J. 3. F ARQUHAR, MARCH 25TH, 1563. BROWN MUSLIN FIFTY CENTS, AT CHEAP CORNER. CALICO TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, AT CHEAP CORNER. •ELALNES THIRTY-FIVE CENTS, A: CHEAP CORNER. F \ OOD MACKEREL IN BAIR-1, HALF BIRR* IS, QUAR- | •J" TER, AND KITS AT FARQVH A ID ' S CHEAP CORNER.' EAST IT IT STREE T, BSDODJ MARCH 24, ISSI Bave Money! BUY YOUR GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES' ALLKLYDS OF GOODS - CAR'OS TINGS, XCNSIIR", - CALICOES, &C &c., F at greatly rjuced prices for Cash, at CRAMER &. CO'S. MARCH 24, 1855. BCMCRT) CANUTII, SS: AT AN O.PFCANS' COURT HELD AT FED FORD, % SCAL. S IB AN<! LOR CUE COUNTY OF BEJFOR- . ON '> S -HE 13TB DAY OF FEBRUAIY, A. D. ISU3, WF/'/'RI BEFORE THE JUDGES OF THE .-AID COURT. ON MOTION OF JOHN P. REED, ESQ., THE ("OUR* GR=.FIT N RULE ON THE HEIRS AND IT-GAL IEPIETEPTATIVES OF CATHARINE LOWRY, LATE OF H-RRIAOU TOWNS;, P, DEE'D., TO W .T: FREDERICK; 2ND, JACOB ; 3RD. MATY ANN WIFE OF EINANU.-L TURNER ; 4TH, AND H NRV, RE SIDING IN BEDFORD COUNTY , STH, JOHN EMAR.IIEI JE TITHNG IN SOMERSET COUNTY, PA., AND 6TH, LEVRIS ; : RESIDENCE UNKNOWN, SAI L TO HE IN CALIFORNIA, TO >C AND APPEAR, AT AN ORPHANS' COURT, TO BE IS- M AT B-DFORD, IN FOR THE COUNTY CI BEDFOIO, ON TFC • IST MONDAY, IST DAY OF MAY I. XT, TO ACCEPT, OR :N'US J TO TAKE 'HE REEL ES"A*E OF SAID IHC'D., AT THE V.! .3- TION W HICH HAS BEEN VALUED AND EPPISTS- I IR :U - SUSR.ES OL A WRIT of PARTITION, OR VALUATION, IS-UT 1 ON'OF OAR-A: 1 COAIT, AND FO THE SHERIFF C! S D COUNTY DIRECTED, OR SFCO.V CA-:;E WHY I T IS J (IJ I I VOL UE SO'.D. IN TESTIMONY TRTAR-JF. I .UN L.;R U .TO S? TAN ', AN ' THE SEAL OT T;.E .•- .RT, A. 12 TII. THE 12".N DAY O: FEBRUARY A. D. 1565. O. E. SHANNON, ; BSDLLRD, MAICH 2J, 1565. CLE IR. JLCIRTCRI) CONNIE, CS: AT AN ORPNANS' COURT, HELD AT BEDFORD, • ,N A I LR THE C< UNTY O: V.F OR . I THE 13 H DAY RET TRY, A IF. IN, .. OTIOI, OLATIY KOOI;:*, THE COU-T GRANT .T CN THE HEIRS' SI-D JF-FIA) REPRES-NTI;! IVE* S.-F J CCOK, JATE OF SOU'F A-NPTON TOWNS,..P, > COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, DEE'D., TO WIT : R ES ->, D NIS, MIRY NOW DEE'D., WHO WAS MTEIMARRIED TVI-H 1 DAVID HAY, LEAVING HSUE CALVIN AND 'J'.HIAM H V, CALVIN T. HAY, BEING A MINOR, OF WHOA PET r S. J HAY, IA GUARDIAN, SARAH, NOW DEE D., WNO WAS IN- ! TENNARNED WITH GEORGE G. W.-IJX-R, LEAVING ISSUE 1 JACOB, CATHARINE, ELIZA, SARAH AND SAMUEL, ALL OF J SOMERSET COUNTY, THE THREE LATTER OF WHOM SAMUEL ' WALKER IS GUARAIAN, JACOB COOK, NOW DEC" 1., LEAV ING UAUE SOLOMON, SARAH, INTERMARRIED WI B P. T- R BOOR, AND SAMUEL, NO* LIVING IN SO.M -.RET COUNTY, OF WHOM A. J. COL BORN, IS GUARDIAN, (ad litem.) J AND ELIZABETH ANN INTERMARRIED WITH V, ;:!:A,N BEN- J FORD, LENDING COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA, JOHN C I-I, HENRY COOK .NIL WILLIAM COOK, ALLOT LONDONDERRY TOWNSHIP. BE-ITONL COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, GEORG COOX, JEW RESIDING LA FULTON COUNTY, INDIRA, AND CATHARINE, INTERMARRIED WITH JACOB HARDIN, NOW ! RESIDING IN LEE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, O BE, AND A; PEA. AT AN ORPHANS' COUIL HELD AT BEDTOT 1 ON THE IST MONDAY, LIT DAY OL MAY NRX', TO .CCEPI, OR REFUSE TO TAKE THE REAL ESTATE OF SAID DEE'D., AT THE VAL UATION, WHICH FCA •BEEN VMUE.L AND IN NRRSUANCE OF A WRIT OF PARTITION OR VAIUATIO- ISU CD OUT OF OUR SAID COURT, AND TO THE SHERIFF ot SAD COAT ?Y DIRECT?;. OR SHOW CAUSE WHY THE -; SHOULD TOT BE SOID. IN TES' IMORY W HEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO ET MY BAND AND THE SEAL OF TFCE AID COURT, AT BEDFORD, TOE ] I3TU "IAJ OF FEBIUARY, A. H. H65. O. E. SHANNON, | BEDFORD, MARCH2I, 1:33. CIERK. Notice of Inquisition. WHEBF.AS, ANNA R NIRIGER. WIDOW OF RLENRY RM "IR.GER, LATE OF" ST. C!A:R TOW SHIP, DEE'D., PRE-ENT- ; D A PETITION, SETTIRG FORIH THAT THE SAID H-NRY , RININCER, LA!"'V DIED INTE.TATE, LEAVTI C A WIDOW, ♦BE SAID ANN I, AND ISVIE S.V CHILDREN, TO W\T; ,VFA I LIADS, INTCRMAIRTED WITH MARTIN B ACKBURN, RESI, JN? IN CEDAR CR.S&RJR, IOWA, JO--, PH RI.II.GER, • CEN. R CONI.IV, IOWA , GEORGE R,: INGER, LE-IDH.G IN EECTO D COUNTY, I'A.. JOHN KINNIGER. JERE NUI. R-1- MGER, AND F.IHN FININGER, RESIDING IN CECAR CO T>, LCWA, ALL OF WHOM A** TNIRORS, AND HAVE FIR THEIR GUAIDIAN (ad litem) WILLIAM CLARK, TI.A* SAID FOTESTATE DIED S-IZE 1 IN BIS DEMESNE, AS CF FEE, OF, ? *ND IN A CERTAIA TRACT OL LAND, ADJOINING LAND- OF WILHARNCL'RK, JCSEPB W. SLEEK,TAOMAA W. E'ACK BLIIU, JOHN AKE. AND OTHERS, COIITAIFIIIIG ABOUT CUE BUNDLED AND TWENTY-FIVE ACRES, MORE OR L-SS, AI. I PRSYIR.GRNE COURT TS MAKE PIRTITION OF THE PREMI SES SIOREEAID, TO AND AMONG THE HEIRS, BRC., WHERE- ( OPOA THE COU T AWARDED AN MQUEST TO MAKE PARTI- J TVRM ACCORDING TO THE PRSYER OF THE PETITIONER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT IN PURSUANCE OF A I WRIT OI PA'ITION.OR VALUITION TO ME D RECTED, I ■NIL! PROCEED TO HOLD N INQUISITION ON THE PREMISES, ON MONDAY, THE I7TH DAY OF APRIL, L C SS, WHEN HRID VRT-RE ALL PETSOR.A TNFTR.STED MAY ATTEND IF THEY TUT PROPER. JOHN ALDSTADT, E-DIORD, MARCH 24 , 1535. BAERIFI. NOTICE TO TRF.SPASSERS. AH PEREENS ARJ HEREBY FORBIDDEN LR <N; FI-SH IOP. HUNTING, DRIVING CATTLE, NR OTHER WI.SE TR.-S- ' PNIV-ITIG ON CIR PREMISES, AS THE LAW WILL BE RI- , GIJLY ENFORCED AGAINST S-1 WHO ARE FOUUD THUU VIOLATING, WITHOUT RESPECT TO PERSON®. MICHAEL E. NTIFFLER. JO-S. H FETIFFLF R. * UIONN TP, MARCFI 24, 1863. I A CARD TO ISF^LIDS. | A CLERGYMAN, WHILE RESIDING IN SOUTH AMERICA AS A MISSIONARY, DISCOVERED A S'.FE AND SIMPLE REM- I Y FOR THE CORE OF'NERVOUS WEAKNESS, EARLY DECAY, ' DII: ?. I S OF TH CRINARY AND SEMINAL ORGANS, AN-L THE WHO'E TRAIN OF DISORDERS BROUGHT ON BY BANE!';.I AND VICIOUS HABITS. GREAT NUMBERS HAVE BEEN AL READY CURED BY THIS NOBLE RERNPDY. PROMPTED BY A DESIRE TO BENEFIT THE AFFLICTED AND NNFORTORATE, 1 WILL SEND THE RECIPE FOR P-EPARING AND USING THIS MEDI CINE. IN : SEALED ENVELOPE, TO TNY ONE WHO I-.EE.L IT, FRCE OF CHAHSE. P -A-E OSE A POST-PAID ENVJPPE, ADDRESTE.I TO YOUNELF. ADDRESS, JOSEPH T. INMAN, STATION D, BIBLE HOUSE, FEBRUARY 10, 1555—LY NEW YORK. Notice in Partition. BY VIRTNE OF A WRIT OF PARTITION, OR VULNATION IS SUED OUT OF IHE I) PIJANS' COURT OF BEDFORD CSUNTY, | I WILL PROCEED TO VALUE AND APPRAISE THE REAL EETAT- I ■ OF CATHARINE MILLER, !ATE OF HARRISON TOWNSHIP, J BEDFORD COUNTY, DEE'D., TO WIT: ONE TRACT OF LAND J IN EAIRISOT TOWIAHIP, BEDFORD COURTY, CONTAINING ORC HUE RED AND E GHT ACRE-, ONE FOURTH, WITH A DOUI- LOG FC USE. STABLE ARD SPRING NONSE, :H>-REON ' ABOUT 40 ACRES CLEARED, AEJNINING LARD 3 OF J SAMUEL HED R AN. ISAAC DERORE, JOBS V. U'ERTZ. AI D OTHERS, ON TNOFS-.'O.Y, THE I3:H DAY OF APRIL, 1855 / I AT 1 O'CLOCK, P. M., WHEN AND WHERE ALL PARTIES IN- I TEREETED RAAV ATTEND IF THEY THINK PROPER. THE , BEIRS OF AAID CATHARINE MIPER ARE, IST, MNY ANN, WI'EOF PETER F. LEHMAN, ESQ.. OF .TNR.IAF.I TOWN- J SHIP, BEDFORD COUNTY, PA., 2> ', SOPHIE., ;• > OF JOHN T. WF-TZ OF MAR GC:: tow. S-O --OF ANDRE W BAI I , O R LORULONDERY TOWNSHIP. 4TH CATH ARINE W IFE OF PEL -R AARON OF VENSR.GO COUN'Y 5'H HESTER W IFE OF DANIEL M, MILLER OF H. RR UI TOW SHIP CTH TF." I- TIE OF SARAH AD- E'D DAIIIHT. R TO WIT, 1, F.I IZ? BET H ILLIER cf FEDIOID TOW NSB; P 2ND J SUSAN W.FE OF CF G-ORG LEDDIG, OF LONDOR .LERY ; ' FOWNIBIP, 3RD, JOHN S. MILLER, cf HARIIS-.N TOW - T SHIP. JOHN ALDSTADT, I BEDFORD, MARCH 24, 1865. SHERIFF. , OLD EYES MADE NEW- I Y PAMPHLET DIRECT! ;T HOW TO SPEEDILY RESTORE J '\ SIGHT AND GIVE UP SPEC'ARLES, WI'H M. AIL OF! ' DOCTC OR NE-LICIITE. SENT BY MAIL, FREE, ON LECEIPT ! JOF 10 CENTS. ADDRESS, E. B. FOOTE, M. D., J 113J BROADWAY, N'T W YORK. FEBIUARY S 'BS3—3M. AUDITOR'S FJOTICS- I THE UNDER* GIE! AUDI'OR APPOINTED BY THE OR. |P ANA* COURT OF BEDLORD COTITT'Y, TO I; TNBUTE THE J • MONEY IN THE BANITS OT TNE EXECUTORS O! TRIE !.;SL ; WILL, XC'. OF FRE'ERICK D . KHEIMRR, DEC 4., TO UNA ; AIR.ORG- 1 EGITEEV AND DEVISEES, V. MI ATFT-R.D T TIT" | J DII' -OF HIS APPO R.T; :EN, TN } ' . *H" 3I *T AY 'OF MA; C... ■ R -:T., AT BIS FH.I-T, . TIE BNROUGI OF '• I BED.'.-. WT ?N AND W HERE ALI |>ART I> SLR TE R -- R 'D C-N | ATLEODY JNO. P. REED, J ■ JI .R';. 17, 1535. ATR ITOR. ! V -I LUABLS FAR M A SI) TAN N E RY FCR SALE! THE GR:CER;V R .D OFFER IOR SALE, THEIR VAHUB'? H FIESTOR.IT FARM -BOATED IN BEDFOR.I TOWN I IP, BED FCI'L COUNTY, .DJOINUG UMIS CF P? IP Z-TN.NERS, • CI .TIES ■SUNTH AND O . IRS, CONTAINING 25 -RES. . 2'JJ ACRS CF WHICH ARE CB'ERED A- 1 IN A r-.c; STATE CF TU'TIVSTION BALANCE WE ! TIA B- RD. I'.S : ROP ! ART Y LIRA ABOU 4 MILES N.-FTH OF BEDFORD, 0.. OUR NIIIG'S CRER K, NEAR IHE B JLORCI ARID HUUTDJYSKNRG I ! TURNPIKE. THERE ARE MM TB • FARM A J LARGE BRICK DWELLING-HOUSE, A LARGE BACK. UAIR. AND OTHER IMPORTANT BUILDING . THEIEI-ALCOA FOE ORCHAR > OF APP'E, PEEI. RI; J OT .-CIRUIT TR-ES UPOU THE PREMISES, 'J HE FIRM IS U.V ,-T II.TR- ;• -;. LA OI 11 ACES E TCB, ENCLO-ED WITH PJ •: EI-U TAIL LENCE. ABOUT AC ES ARE IN MEADOW. 1 >, RE I- AN • XCELLENT SPRING of NEVER FAILING WAT R C!OE I" THE DWEEING-HJU AI.'O, UPON IHE SJU'. .WEST CORAER OF THT IARJA, THERE I> LOCATE;-, \ BALTLJI; TA.N.NERV, CONTAINING K3 VATS, WI'H ALL THE B'.<:!D- ; ITIG-., THE U ->LE V RD I -ING UNDER roof. TOE TAN ; I "IV IS ROW l AD HIS SEEN FOR YEAR ,IN S :C,-E-S:'UL IOP "AIION "1 -VERCY FIVS ACRES OF THE FIARM WILI BE • ,C; L WI'H 1F.." -R.ERY, IF THE 'CTT RBE SOID SEPAR- ' AJE!Y. UP THESE TWENTY FIVE ACRES THERE ARE SIX T-.-U OT BE • FOR FUR;HIT PARTICULARS A . 'R-S- T. H. E N. J. LYONS, March 17, 1865. Pa. A T T-A A " £' ■■■ M T R • J; Q, L.S II J I; n A. t . - O Y R I. A!; L S I A T L • • [-T VIR" Ecf "• OR !R O: ! .;E ORPHANS' COURT C: :L' --RD CM NTY, THE UNTIE;S'GNED EXECUTOR- : THE •' WILL A ■RE - TARN- •T CF J,WENC : . DEE'D, VTII SELL | AI J- ~C OUTER), ON fh PREMISE# ON THAR I- V. TNE 1 ' 5 LA-, O! APRIL N VT, *;T THE FOLLOWING . -<CRA . . REAL . -'ATE, SITUATE LIT ST. CLAIR I'OW-NSL IP, B .!- FORD CO-.: TY, TO WIT. ALL THAT TRACT <>l (AND, NOW IN J 1 THE POSSESSION OF JOHN VVERTZ, SITUATE OV. TNE JOHNS- ; •TOS II ABOUT THREE MILES IROM PIEAEACTVIL ' I CONT-I.::;' < CO O A H-P MOW AW XL j~I O , | IC 1 PERCHES MORE OR LESS, ABOUT -10 ACRES CLEAR?-! ! AND WHDER CE, WITH -I DW E'.ING IIJIIS- , .AD DOAB- ' IE L G I. THEREON ERECT I. T'IISR# ;• ALSO AN AP- I J PIE CRCH -RD OF CHOICE FRUIT UPON THE PREMISES. THE J , TRACT IS WELL SUPPLIED WITH GOOD RUNNING WA'OR. A ; I J U COVER D WITH FINE IOCU =T, CHESTNUT, A I O HER VA!- J AABLE TIMBER. I —ALSO— I THERE WILL BE '■ \ \ ON FRIDAY, THE 15TH OF AP 11. ON ■ LB? PREMISES, IN THE SAME TOWNSHIP, ONE OTHER TRACT COT 'AINING 231 ACIEA AND 23 PERCHES, MORE CR IE-S, ! THE SAME BEING THE MANSION PTOPERTY OF SAID ,'.-C'D. J . AND SIIUATE WITHIN O'I MILE OF ST. CLAYAVIILE, ; ABOUT 125 ACRES OF THIS TRACT ARE CLEARED AND UNDER ; FENCE, AND TNE BALANCE OF THE MET IS WELT COVERED WITH WHITE P NE, OAK AND O'HER VALUABLE TIMBER.— I J THERE IS ALSO A GOOD LOG DWT I'MG-HOUSE AND DOUBLE LOG BARN NP;ON IHE PREMISES. I R.IS LERRN IS ' WELL AUPPIIEN WITH WATER, AND THERE IS AN ORCHARD I OF CHOICE FRUIT UPON THE PREMISE'. BOTH OF SHE I ABOVE ES OF LAND ARE PATENTED, AND TITLES IN .LIS- J I PUT.TIE. TEE —GN * TBIR 'IN HAN-I E - ETION OF , 'ILC, A; . THE B; I; CE IN TWO EQT,?T a . -WL PAY : OINIR, "-ITCOUT INTEREST. JOHN WF.ISEL, } JOHN FJCKEB. \ EXVCT'TOAS. ' ! MARCH 17, I§Bs. \ | Hft'S ITlFftimfi AKL> CANE MILLS. : *T" RI F. UEDER-GAED IS AGPR.T FOR TH ABOVE R A TRIED ! TTIBCB'FI-", AT :—"UFRCA >• 'J PI. -t. R' ; - • ,-ET DACITBIR-G TH" USE OF MACHINE*, AND THE PRO* T; MATIN .IRTURING •*, RUP A- I SUGAR FROM SI,, 180. -AN B HAD BY APP') -T<G TO t.'.cr. BV LI TER OR OTN-R --NSE, OR BY CAFFII. * ■' THE '• Gazttt* " OTFI-E. J LHE UN.L°RSIGI J HAS AIFO ON AND FOR 'A!", A A-GE LOT VF PURE -ORGHO WHIRB C.TN BE I; • : A, IP: 'ICATION TO HIM, >.R AT TFCE STORE OF P. A. REED, B DFORD. II MANU R ACTRRED B.S*. T •< . , S'-VE.A! HUNDRED GALLONS OF SORGHO SYRUP, WHICH SE!!S LOR J CL.SO PR GALLON. FROM ISD TO 333 GALLON* CAN BO J i PRODUCED TO THE ACRE. J J. H. SCHELL* ; J MARCH 10, 1355 SCUTHUBUKU, PTFUA'. A Most Excellent Medicine. J. F CAHPENTER'S RHSDMATIC FLVID.—PERSONS I SUFFERING FROM RHEA EATIAM, NEURALGIA, DIPTHERIS, I BUIR;.-, ESC., WUL THIS A MOST EXCELLENT REM-DY. : ECU LIES TO N RRCOTN.-CENDED BY SOME OF THE BST | MEN IN THE SURE—END IN THIS COMMUNITY TRT A BOLT!" AND SEE FOR JOURSEIL. FOR SALE AT .* . L DEFI BAUGH'A, B- DFCRD. APRIL 29. 1864 !Y. 7". N. IILCKOK, J. G. MLVXIOH, JR., ' BBSfISfS, BEDFORD, PA. OFFICE IN THE RANK BUILDING, JU'IAOA St. ALT OPERATIONT. PERTAINING TO . ORGIEAL O- MECBAO ICE 1 DENTISTRY EAREIUI'Y A- D FAI'BFALLY PRFORMED, AND V A: RJR.TED. T TE.'DS —CASH. ; BEDFORD, .'ERUARY 6, ISBS. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. Br authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the ur.ti-r*igned has assumed the General Subscrip tion Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three tenths per cent, in 1 terest, per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of August 15th, j ISC I. and are payable three years from that time, in currency, oi tie convertible at the option of the holder into i U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. G 0 L D-3 EARING BONDS i ; These bonds are now worth a premium of nine per j i cent., including geld interest from Nov., which i tnakes the actual profit on the 7-30 !oe?i, at current rides, including interest, about ten per cer.t. per annum, besides it* errrnvtion f-om State and mum- ! ... , 1 eipal taxation, tehick add* from one to three per cent. ; mart, according to the rate levied on other property. , The inters .-t is payable rem: annuslly by coupons! attached to each note, which may be cut of and ! sold to any bank or banker. Th° interrt amounts to One cent per day on a &5Q noU. Two cents " 4i SIOO " Ten " " $')00 " 20 •' " "SIOOO 44 £! 44 ."SSOOO Note* of ail tfco d.'norr.inatioua name-:! wil be t ; promptly turnishej upon receipt of subscriptions. J This i? i ! THE OM.Y LOAN IS MARKET I row offered by the Government, an 1 it is con ft lent- . !y expected that its •cperior advantages will stake f. . ? • t | GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PECPL C . Less than $*100,009,000 remain un-o!d, whi rhwill probably be <i pn*d of within t: .* next 60 ar f'O days, when the notes will undoubtedly conrtns •' a pecmi'-m, as has uniformly been the case on cl uing the subsctiption toother loans. In order hat ci*-- of •. ry town EM! section of the country may be afford-'! fa< Titles for til'ng the loan the Nat;--, al Fai : , S ate iV k-. an- Pri vate a nfcers ibro- el-oat ".ha country have a-i?: -ly agreed 'o receive subrciij!: r.s at par. Suk-cn bers will aeleot their orn ae-nts, in whem ihpy have confidence, and wbo on': to be r'-pomible ' for the delivery of the r. ,!*• for which they rotetve i.!AY COOKE, SuasczirT ion Aocst, Philadelphia. St EiCtttrTTCNs wilt, BE HvctiVED by the First Xatiur al Bur. .ofHo i .ysv rg. ar ' First Nrion ai Bank of Huntingdon. February 21—2m0 iAtsi'ib ciiil iExps-wiifwrsi i' . ; . V" l> I i r>p TH S POOR & FIOEsE OF EMPLOYMENT of Bedford county for the year indue* January 1, 1805. GHOHGE B!.\ VuEwn™. r*. Received irom A.Croyie collector for 19U0 SHI 17 Hizckiah Barkman Ir-'il 1! L'u " Jonathan Hyde, 19C-2 68 36 John V'ayda 140 09 John Feaster 4S 94 " Francis Beard C 3 2K s R Funai oe 2." 7S H Nice iemus 1 S'J-3 30)39 " Jacob Fetter 'ST. :g Pct- r Rwalt 2; 2 " San net B-nd r 1> 23 David Sp'rki 7! 29 " L. Fyan 50 5S "Fhoiiias Fisher 3 1 52 " D. A. T. Black Sr 00 David ('arp-Kter 2.97 08 " George Beegle 230 d-3 " labn C. Figard 127 16 i " Peter VVi-.egar aer 144 59 " Aaroi' Reed 43! 8 " Alfred Entrik°n 41 <4 " Wm- M !' arson 9> 16 John W. Cri*man 6-5 30 " Baltz-r Fieicb-r 131 10 " Ja me F.. tvnv 6171 U. H. Akers 1851 20.5 V 6 " Her.ry Beegle 290 10 " John C. FJt'iir J CO 10 •'* Sarnue. Fu-nder r 0 Vk'm. Mason 190 10 Herbert Shoemaker 218 10 iVm Gnrsuch 191 J0 " Alexander Shoemaker 100 0 " Georxe Gvrdili - D 0 i 0 " Ber jam in Valentine 100 00 " John Echart 85 CO , " Wo. *tueW 199 08 Wm.Crisman 100 <0 • " Jam 3 Fisher 'O9 if) Peter Bartoi 100 '0 Archibald Per icw Samuel Beck ley 2.50 ill George S.rouse '9O (1) " '.Vm.J Rock George Bceiie 200 ® " Samuel Ciisman '>2 00 Solomon Barley 186 (£ " George VVidel, Steward 5T C) Balance due from last •eUiement 331 £2 I $6,388 45 GEOR&E BLYMYLS, Ti Somi, 03. ; By amrvuiit paid on wundry checks, viz: Alio Ae -aiar< as Poor Director $29 DC ( i J. Mower services as Attorney 2 ' 0 , N. J. Lyons . ht and bill ol gocds 36 o.i| Henrv KaiiS' beef *> 3 j i Dr. J*. Gompher salary, medicine and int. 53 13, : Adotnhns Are oeei and tntercit '2 s?' > Josepn B>'liers when' B>d ry 21 i 5 . W. M. Hail gram in null 1' i Henry F. smith leet 8 8r J. L. Fri; e removing pauper •*' 9C ' J. V. R- giiar: innerai expenaes of J. Swart* 14 us j Ijaac Cbblr do do- J. Johnt&n 10 j0 i T. Ridcnour appicbut'er " 4 00, Edmund Black mra applebu'.ter " 09 , joaiah Gvp&urt v.heat 3 59 J. 8. Riddle appiefcofter 48 00 • Adal.l C'royle applebutter 2. 00 | David Koontz a pp.-e butter an f boot 2s 22 | Asa Silvers beef - 7 38 ( j Jacob Cioyle applehutttr 11 00 i Herbert Shoemaker overpaid on duplicate ' 2 i I Abraham Richard beef and interest 48 90 j ! Scott & Beeler beef and interest 34 --9 j ' Elizabeth Williatna applebutter 14 00 IMib. E. Dreunfng support ot son 900 j Maria Fisher support of Mrs. Wert* 50 00. H. Nicoriemus, Esq., issuing order* 2 75 j Adam Dibert beet * 21 9u; ' L. Jamison beef . 16 45 • D. Defibaugh making eoffiii 3 00 ! John Snider corn 30 00 R. Fyan bills of merchandize W 31 i Wm. M. Cook beef 5 0 5 4 | Shuck Brothers bi'i of merchandize 69 01 Wm. Oster Deef and Epplebutter s"' 39 ' Wm. t'ernng toll 2 50 Mary J. John.-on support 830 B. f. Burnnarr work at mill 4 00 B F. '•* - j-r- pr.ntieg and interest 79 00 19. Bullm in remevir.g p 'per 4 Go Francs Code mefhar.d'ze 6 50 . Aduipbua Ake salary -0 50 ; S- Reighard salary 29 00 Asa Stuckey balance on botse 10 00 j -S. Reighard bill of costs 12 96 Daniel Sbuss cider 6 00 ■ 8. Re ghard poik 20 79 ■ Jacob Semler grain __ 6 62 Dr. J. Compher salary 20 00 Wiilia-i Forney applebutter " 13 90 A. B. Cramer rye in rrnil 19 26 A. B. Cromer & Co- bacon 241 .50 ' Solomon Reighard bacon 10 81 | Jacob Over Wheat 5 00 ' D. Dibeit applebutter _ 910 D- Jamison applebutter i 87 J. Noble d" Co. manufactured goods A int. 74 31 i W N". Sipes beef 14 45 ! Wm. M. Cook beef ? 43 | Jacob Brumbaugh beef IS 00 | F. M. Lynch overpaid on duplicate 52 86 j V. Steckmar, : re horse and wagon & int. 7 78 ! J. Baugbroaii castings 6 50 j Wm. Betgle bill at sale 6 54 ! John A. M'jwry balance on account 6 98 ,B. F. I'uri ham work at mill aod interest 312 42 Job Mann balance on gram 15 00 Josish Gephatt freight 3 00 F. R. Gettys salary and int. 27 73 Henry Fluke reirovl g pauper and int. 5 65 S S. A. Carmac removal of paupers It 00 t Asa Stuckey beef 38 22 John Snn.ier in'< rest on sundry checks 301 57 1 lrivic Lippel bill ci mercharidize 220 51 i | S. Reighard services rendered 5 00 j j A. Ake -.eivices as Director 2o 00 | ; G. H. Spang, Esq-, services 20 00 ' VV'm. Welch ditching 40 00 . i M- Moorr head biack-mithitig 15 2fi , { Thomax Jamison beef 52 86 S. Reighard beef and cider 41 00 , Salomon Reighard salary 20 0C I Maria V 1 -hei < epport for E.'Wertz ! " 00 John Dr! teiroval of pauper 5 50 ; John Mewer, E-q.. services a? attorney 20 00 i A. W. Mo ver freight on goods 3 00 S | Samuel Rii'encur 19 o9 : • Asa Siiver applebutter 16 00 j George Rhodes overpaid on duplicate 32 42 : ! A. J. Bowers mercbatidiza 12 go j j Samuel Davis interest or $530 06 check 3o no ! ! J G. Hartley applebutter 15 po ! 1. H. Thorp rerr.o-. ir.g pauper 6 Oq | : A. Greenawalt straw e 0 | Levi Dieh! applebutter 2o 75! I Asa Stuckey beef 11 41 Joseph Ggc- zemoving piup*; 1 57 Chiles Hei'z -I beef 7 25 : William Forne;. anplebutter 12 00 : Wi'liam Ch'Toweib beef 13 86 : Frederick SchnehleTFbeef 33 88 • M. Moorehi ad blac : -mithirg 1 • 00 | A Fisher splitting staves an 1 interest 3 21 1 A. J. 'Uf s rio: ft dive ami interest l'S 77 . Wm. V i two planes ,nd int. 3ll j Jos. Nrglev ke-'jiii s pauper and int. C 47 | J. L. Prince removing pauper and int. 6 52 | • : t, up reri.i.l", ii c pauper and int. 6 77 . B. t< nr •I! cow 23 00' George Hardi.'iter 1 5.5 I j Jos. Nagley keeping pauper and int. 6 59 j 1. C. Ga am bet an-', int. 3 44 J. W Bai. coiiar coal and int. 6 62 J. Aisip shirs and int. 7 20 H. Porsey beef and int. 9 96 D. Tro.-fle mill -pi; lie, step and ;::t. 7 32 ■ G. G. Gibson freight a d int. 10 21 j j Geo. Dibert clover seed and inf. 3 92 i Mary J. sup; -; t 3 months eni int. 621 ' l. <" R-un er dr. sts 1 int. 10 53 j Royti & Royrr John Briduham 2 91 j 4. Getty* salary aril int. 11 4t ; \Y. O. Leary 3 qm-rtera salary end int. 282 15 ' George G. ay one bu i 35 00 i Wm. O Leary interest on checks 39 30 Dr. J Compl,. -: . I .ry a, d fre ght P.": drugs 2l 00 I. R.-i'tir%.rrO".v printin; ar..! int. 70 37 T. R Gettva salary an! int. If 57 W. I) F- que it b removal ol pauper 3 30 A. G. Allen freight oa goods 7 29 i Geoige Wide I salary aid inc. 95 25 | Wm. Miilburn checks iu full and inf. 6,5 J2 A. Ake beef and int. 60 79 1 Wm. B. Mii'er sugar 46 37 j Wm. Herring t 11 2 50 Thomas Jamison beef 34 7 A . W. S .acfc bill of goods 15 6; V. Sleekman horse hire and manure 15 50 M.-.rv J. Job. e?n support 6 00 Cbariea R. R- a interest on check 6 00 G. Blymyr-r r B<>n cook etove, tinware, &e., ?3 43 James Negley 18 75 IVrcentage llrwed cci'. ctcrs 340 no Exor "! at ions Td collectors 2)2 10 Stationery, &c. 15 00 Trenrnr"-'s diary gq 00 } Auditors' and Cieik's felarr 30 09 $1,092 45' Balance due county 1,696 01 1 ■ Tefal _ $5,388 46 , Amounts Duo from Collfctors. Leo •: F, Broad FO.l township lh'B sl2 7! J cob NicoJemu-i M. Woodberry " 3t! ; Bait/er F)tcber, Monroe 1862 22 13; fohu Wayde, Napier •> u 6fi ; G org. Beegle, Uti'on lf3 25 S3; Wm. '-I. Pearson, M. VVoodberry " "2 26 ' John W. Crisman, St. Ciair " 31 14 1 Ba'rzer F'letche*. Monroe • 19 34 ; H-mry Beegle, Bedford township 1864 32 30 1 John G. Fiu irt, Bread Pop 107 70 , Sarnoe) Bender, F'oo<ly Flun bor. " 13 1.5 AD xnrohT Shoemaker, Herrison •' 20 P George GenTII, Juniata 42 50 Wii-iini Crisman, Napier 152 11 Joseph Fisher VI". Providence " 31 75 Peter Bai'jn, F.. Providence < 58 10 Arc.,! I'c dew, Souf. lmptoa '• 73 29 Sam,;el ,eck' v. Sr. C'. r • 116 93 George Beegle, Union • 54 gg Samuel (", S. Woodberry •< 501 29 < So;o 1 on Barley, M. W;,odbrrry " 377 42, Total $1,552 27 j We the undersigned. Auditors of Bedford county, 1 , do that have examined the foregoing ac count of George Bivmyer, Treasurer of the Poor I : Hid ilo'jie of Employment of .Bedford county, asd hod the same { u 3e j• Ist and true as above stated, ; and that tiifre :- a balance in the hands of Laid ; Treasurer ol 01. Witness our binds and seals this sth day of J nnarv, A. D. SSCS JOHN H. BARTON, m. s.] i DANIEL BARLEY, fu. .] i DAVID FVANS, [L. e..] Attest —T. R. Gr.T.rvs, Clerk. ' STATE2ZHNT AND REPORT C F GEORGE If I DEL, j Steward ci the. Poor r.nd f/ou*e of Employ- • ment'of Bedford County, for, the ye-ir j ending January 1-7, IHSh. CR, Ti 10 barrels of four $73 CO : To 33 pound* of flour 1 20 I To cn-< v K ; ; t buitnee on se'ilement 50 \ s To 5 bv feels of w! -at from D. Shuek 7 CO ' To on" bsrr-1 of fi- :r from .1. C. Riser 7 00 To one barrel ef fiour 7 00 : To 4 bushels of corn 4 00 : To one hat rei ef flour 7 00 To one barrel of flour 7 00 j To 2 bushels of rya 5 50 To one barrel of flour 7 00 To 2 bushels of rya 2 50 To ore barrel of flour 7 50 j To 3 bushels of rye 3 50 j To 3 bushels of wheat 6 ej . To 2| bushel* of rye 3 75 I To cash received treat drover* 5 09 I To 1 bushels oi rye 3 00 Jl Balance 73 64 Amount *317 75 18-54 CF. ' January \y--bjf baltaee 00 uettlement b0 16 , Gzsis pi<' ior toll 3 50 George Ply my or tieasiirer 34 59 * PE ! ft r tinware at sal- 75 ' Win. FleriE.r toil 1 00 ' George Blymyer treasurer 32 "0 H. Dorsey on arcount 2 50 ' F.xp-ns sto Ciearviiie 1 50 1 f. Alip on account 2 18 >! At rale !or goods ' 00 I . Ruby on account C 88 I E. Norris repairing locks I 00 I Won. Herring toll §0 i Removing pauper 35 I 8. R-ighard staves 15 30 ! Miil license 19 Q0 1 Wnreham for timber 1 50 I : S. Reighard ior produce 2 00 i Expenses to Cambria county for panp<-r 9 49 1 j Wm. Herring toll 3 50 D. Heltzel lumber 1 10 Removing pauper 53. , ' Medicine for horses 1 00 • Wm. Herring toll 1 80 ! Removing Pauper 1 IS , | Expenses to Saxton 4 32 D. Gardner freight 2 20 Lime and toil 3 40 Removing paupers to Philadelphia 8 C'O : S. Ncus butchering 4 00 ' Work at race 3 00 ! J. R. ReigharJ repairing clock 1 0® , Wm. Herring toll 60 8. Reighard dried apples 7 30 , Wm. Herring toil GO j Wood Udders and fruit _ 2 50 j H Nau* harvesting 14 50 | Postage stamps - l 30 Rye straw 5 39 Expenses' to Hopewell I 80 Expenses to Hoiiidaysburg 3 95 ; Ait*ring stock 60 ■; J. Border locks and rakes 1 00 I Wm. Herring toil 1 GO j Removal of pauper 2 75 j Clothing for pauper 3 50 I i Wm. Herring toll 1 85 ! Expenses in hauling coal 3 S3 Expenses removing pauper 1 50 i j Two pairs of spectacles 90 1 VVm. Herring toll t 40 Half a bustei o.' timothy sec i 3 00 j ; Expenses in haaling coal 3 75 j Removing paupers 75 j Hauling coai 2 00 | I.irr.e and produca i 05 ?317 75 | STATEMENT OF POUR liOLSE MILL ' Erom January I, ISCJ, till January I, 1865. DF?. Wheat. Rye. Corn. B. W. : Amount of grain brought j> ' , a r , in as per monthly reports J " 4 ; Raised un farm 52 To'al amount 6C2J 183 33 64 CR. Giain used in Poor House 445 II 33 45 Horse feed ISO ■ Sold to sundry persona 15! J 43J i 2 : Total 59-jJ 184 37 43 FiCduoD of Farm ?nd Qarde::. I 28 to:.* of hay, 13) bushel* of oa;. 375 bushels or * of corn. 5 U-ad- ot re; f- •'-r, 68 of ye, 780 busoeis of p:,*. 15 h-j ,is of tbi ; I-- i -s of neets, 3 0-, 1 - so: it.,.,.,-, 8 bosbela ol bean, 4 barrel-, of •ooicropt, •: bareels of vinegar, -> uarie.y ot ps- 3,606 j oui,s pc-rk . 375 pounds lard, -tod r.otui E vesi, 12 bu*hel- on."on . 1 base-, sraaii oiiior.s, 15 Lu Leis to natoes, 10 bush els p-.r :nps, 69 pounds hard soap, I I ..irrels soft i soap, IGO pounds wool, 7 calf skius, 26S pounds of j butter. Stock on Farm, i 3 bad f hor er, 8 cows, 1 fan:!, 65 steep and 12 | hogs. Articles Manufactured by Matron. 1 S3 men's G.irU, S3 cl.imeses. 28 women's drea i s*.*, 8 aprons, 23 women's sacks, 17 children's d-.-s --j se-, 12 children's apruoa, 10 children's skirts, 24 p;i- Isnv slips, 15 p-.r Iran's drawer*. 2! sheets 8 men's raps, 13 women's-skirts, 0 comforts, 5 c, i.l -I!red'* -1. 34 iowelj, 7 sun bom **, i 2 ebrond*, j 24 pairs ot smcki. gs. 5' pattsof socx =, 4i pairs of • men's par:?;, 13 rou.. , jeei.-ets. | List of Paupers a imtH dis 'Juirge f t di &c.y o'Uii: * each ar;i the r rem;.!*.:: <. 1 at the end of cacn month; also, th-. average num ber supi-orted in the house the year, tog th j er with the number of out door pitipcis supported i by the insti?u-ia:; from the Ist day of January, 1364, ; tiil the it oi January,'Tß63 : I" 1 ? I M ST 5' f J - 5. ?• £. - • n 0 5 S & "S 5 5 W. 15 J* I Jicu3ry 4 27 41 February .3 2 4 2-5 33 • March 2 ! 28 38 ! April 1 1 28 38 ; May 5 1 28 j Jule i 1 27 42 . July 1 2 29 42 i vui-i-t 3 1 1 .30 43 | September I I 39 43 j : October 3 2 1 i 27 46 ' November 1 3 24 45 December 1 11 24 45 Mixing an average nf 6JJ p-r month, of wen - : 6 are colored, 2 blind, 26 insane, also 181 wayfar 'p o persons -v. re provi ieo wi:h board ui.-i ... ging ; I thei; are a'so M outdoor piupera who are not i,.e.u --i ded in tho above. We the undersigned, Directors of the Poor fe?:l , House of Employment of Bedford county, do erti fy that we have examined tne aoove account, state ment ar.d report of Georye Widel, Steward of the ! Poor and House of Employment of Bedforu to ::-"y, from the Ist day of J nary, ISSI, till the 'st day 'of January, 1 ?ofs, ar.d nr.: the 43roe to be correct. Witness our hr ;.ds and seals this Ist day of Janua ry, A. D. 1853. SOLOMON RF[SHARP, [u. s ] HENRY MOSES, [r.. s.J HIRAM DAVIS. [u. s j Attee!—T. R. GSTTYN, Clerk. I VVM. W. PAUL. D. J. H3AR H. L. HOOD, WITH w.rz. w. r-AkiSj & c?., WHOLE- ale V A ft T tv f 7 ft P ij Jif i a u li U y h A II E I! y U S E , 6?3 Market Sr. & 614 Commerce St. above S xth PHILADELPHIA, i December 15, 188 i ly. *>• r- r*'jiTs A: -7. t*T 'E? T f ■* j 5* .al*l .1 j, a U A. Ki. as tU<.< •' - tt| (Srccvft ;-s TO MICHAEL A ART MAN 4" GO.) ! Tol'scro St?ttff itni I?sn •'ry . , i 0 .ty > MANUFACTORY, >7a STS NORTH THIRD STREET, ?c eon i door below V.'oed, PHIL A DELPHI ; J. W. WARTMAN. 15. P. F.NGELMAN. | Marci 26, 186-1. FELIX HEY MAN WITH Arnold, Swsbniim A Importers, J ibbecs, end Wholesale De&icri in II 0L 0 TIIIN G, ji ; Cloths, Ca-sslmfrps, Testings, Tsihira' Trini niings, &c. | Ntw. 333 Market 3 reet, und 27 North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA. 5 ."iFFF.RS grest in- ic> to Wh-'. - ale !>ei! n T > V I f'oni the Country, in quant",ty, quality, *ty!c, 9 price* and tern;*. j ereben' * Tailor* end Dealers v.siting Phil ad >!- 9 pl-.ia, will fir. 1 it to their auvaatage to <v:l a::d ax is amine stock and learftpricea bef9t {bitcbasirig f-lse -0 whate Dec 9, ISO 4 —ly • SJ 00 GAZLAY'Sj 1 59 11 PACIFIC MONTHLY. i Now is yoar time to sobaenbo tor our New Pa ci*w which we cheerfully c -srmeoii ?o , i you a* the Kxcehior ot Mi *fce MONTHLY MAGAZINE t! Employing and p tying more for Literary talent : than any other Magazine it; the country, we fin'er ; ; ot: selves last no department of the Pacific M OUT a - i l* will suffer neglect from 'he vrtat of able and I | well known LITERARY gontribu TORS, representing some of the principal shining Lights of 1 the Literary wor We shall make such additional engagt ru l a. circu nstau-g,, may dernau I. Your speci-1 attention i called to our j illustrations, ! which nrc produced, without r retard to expense, by ian i (s'ieit torps of artists—at whose head stands ' BaiGHTLY anil McLejax. unvqu lied as De,iners I and Engraven. W-call the attention of the Public I to the profusion of fir>t ela3 illustrations of the Va ried, novel and picturesque scenery and local views cthe GOLDEN CTA TES l ANR TERRITORIES ■ i OF THS P A C I V i €, ! V",!h descriptive views and reading matter, af fording trie most reliable and comprehensive medi u;t> in existence for <u!l information in regard to California, Oregon, Nevada, as.t their contiguous and auriferous territories. The information' we give regain to the Pacific States, alone, is worth ten times the subscription price of our Magazine. The twelve numbers, i year's subscript ion, when neatly boun J, affjidiiig two splendid volumes, suitable frr the DRAWING-ROOM, LIBRARY. en Tits COUrsTHSG-HOUSL', 1 m ' costing b"t FIVE DOLLARS, which in rear;: j to coim.' can r.ot De purchased tor any pr:~e. Gar i_ v ' fr.Oi: . .;.. >. DR' vv I v;: a : -u . ; g".- 0 StoVie . jIN •vi : t ties, m : light Literature, ciMc; Irmri a I -■ 'i-garn- <•;' of fn-:, f :ct etv hidden', 1 "lording inter-*• <■■ light rt. -.tiug .. ;-or tilt ; lor anil the Fire-side. ! COM 10 iLLLSTRATIGHS. J This l p :".rent tj the Monthly, unc-r the im • ed.ate sup- : virion of McLejas, the celebrated j Comic Deiiuea'or, vvI:: be fooud always jicb in IVit, I Men intent, ar.j appropriate Design. fashion PLATES. IH • • mi 1' •racial a;ra ge-r.ei.ts with Mice. Dtt 'OREsr. ilroa vay. N. *.v Vortf. tot contribu i i.e. to our Fa .;<>n D-partment, e call the attbn j" • ; tu •L; lies to the atn . and commend cur i Mor-th-t 1., ;i ;i • as containing more inter* . . r. :n r-.-ui-i to ana the T-.-ilet, than any other Magazine j •bl^ fi u >ooit IB it hi 0 vV ; Now is the time to subscribe, and have vour vi!- •jrne complete fur IS'iS. V.'e wiil furnish back num bers to i-.ich as do not subscribe i . time for the Jan uary or F. b r ury number. But to be sure and get' them xvi'cent delay, send ur subscriptions ear ly. Our subscription pi tee is FIVE LXJLUIRS .1 YEAR, \ Payable in ivance. upon tc receipt of which ou j receipt., for the same, vviii be scr t in return. i prmmj: A* as ad .t ;oni! inducement to .vibscriba early, I 'f nail ois ihute -,rr; >:.g our s.'.bscrib rs a large : -tot valuable Pieneiuins '-lying upon -aa cxtraor -1 - '}' '*' t ■ -'fir-tion i;*t to c amp i.-sate us for j r-'i- ut-r-;: :v*. T ,s • pre • ; ;r.< ivi'.! c.'-nsist of val : ' Sph . of the go].'.en wealth of the Pacific 1 Stat; 5. ■ad .. he . s fid o-.ts : j T' - - any per-on s-r/ .;g p.: One Hundred Pay ir : -c .... s. ve v. .j' ;h< ... im ! a Twenty find a den Dollar Gold Piece, California jo .aa g-, a*. -,.;a copy cfi the Pacific JlosrHbY j for _; J y ear, ;> ; t-- •' a;.', pe-son secd.fg us Titty Paying* Sub* , ".-rioers. we ,eu- , i-irte-Heuly, a Tn and a l ive I'oii .: i" ; Piece. .-in eurra copy of the j Pacific Mosth:.* for a ■ >ar, f l-J" aoa• •: - i : sen .... i. t'werty-Sve Paying ' ■ 'S, VV- W-r. S-'U(I, re? - 7 f'vp Dol | -at -"ul a Two. nd-haff Vo lar Gold P-ece, ami an levtr v of t; - ?/. r:r:r Movrnuv fiora year,/re. fid/" I. ■" ; -is -. -r - r i'er Payinghuasen - is, We wit! je; !, i t. :ly , a T-; Dollar Gold P.- . •. as; a:i ex'ri copy ot the Pacific Morthtv ' I3T a v r.r ,fies. T > a.-y p-tT,i aecdirg us Five Paying anb scr i-'i v is, we will .. r :.<■:xtra copy of the I'ACir ic .Monthly for a year,/. ■;*. yWi tie. a No. i-v in* made, a large quantity of valu t.i „fft I. : !'N T5 and KEHf'SAKKS for sin gle .i;b ii i, v.fio nnd dir-ct te the Office. The Pr s . *s a i Souvenira cunawt of Ladies' : Br-ast-P:,.;-, Ear.iliogs, Ffager-Rtoga, Sleeve.gut tons, tli-.; p.-.d G. .iirim: ' h easr-Pins, Fmuet j Rings, Sleew.Rn-to g , Settings for Cam-, etc.. made lronr, Cu. . rr.u an-i N- vada tfold r.r I !- I vf' bearing Quartz and Or- — Ury-'ji.-zod Quartz few- rv, (eou.tbofily known as California D.amond Jewel rv.) I'd if !.! and Silver bearing Quartz ami Or* from which to-** Souvenirs are n-ade, made from the celebrated Gould,fi Cchby cr:-l O hir mi. s of Nev fii, and will be valuable as mementos, as wcL as heautifti! in appearance and desi. i VERY REGULAR SUPS; RISER, a. above, to the Pacific Monthly, will be entitle-3 ito onel: ti •se art. .les for every subscription ; :nd ' lug opposite their names on cvr books. SPECIMEN COPIES OF THE PACIFIC MONTHLY sent, postage pre-paid, upon the receipt of Fifty Ceo'.*, ia currency or postage stamps. | CAUTION. C7*"W:ite your NT me, P-t-Offic, and Stat-, to where you the ifi.ciPic Mo.-.thly seot, plain ar.d distinct, i Register at; ' furs contbiniog motmy; cr, when convenient, s-r..i by li your-Post-Office is a Money-Order oiiic.-, ah tfiin a fccney-or :*r for your tarice. Send none but United ht-itet Treasury oc r | money bankable in New X ork. ! All letters asking mformatiot, etc., to receive fittentic'i, mu-t ctr,'#:r z stamp, to tnswer. j Address all ccrrespe>n'lence, a. n. GtZLiY & co, PUBLISHERS ■i PACiFiG MONTHLY, ! 31 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK. WHOLESALE AGENTS: ' AMERICAN NEWB COMPANY, Si 7;aeaia .New York,' WHITB-& 3A.TOP, S.-.v Francisco, California' January 27 ( 1 *65 Jv-.
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