The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 24, 1865, Image 2

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FRIDAY: I ; : MARCH £4, ISM. j
' %
| j
4 'Short Settlements Make Long Friends."
Wo Lave so frequently renusded our friends
■who are in arrears, of tots propriety of settling
their accounts, that WP fee! almost ashamed
to call upon them again. But we cannot
print a paper without money, and, thererote.
we are compelled once more to ativ delinquents
to pav up- V. o have made out a number o.
bills and placed them in the hands cf Mr S
J. McCauslin, who is authorized to receipt for j
-us. Our terms of subscription have not been
changed, but owing to the exorbitant prices of]
all materials used by the printer, we arc com
pelled rigidly to enforce them. Hereafter.
two dollar! and j\tty cent: per year \\ I*l invariably
be charged, unless* the subscription le paid, in j
cash, at the beginning of tho year. This bar
been a part of our terms for it long time, bat :
heretofore we have not insisted upon i:. We
hope our friends will not permit us to don i
them again.
A Little Singular.
Some very strange things ate d< ne by the j
officers of the conscription. Wo do not wish j
to make any factious complaints, and we refer
to the case of which we are about to speak, ]
because it affects oOr political opponents much
more severely than the Democracy, and, there
fore. our motive in bringing it before the pub
lic cannot bo misconstrued. Under the recent
call, the quota of Bloody Run, was fixed at
t-gh*. There could be no deficiency in that
district, ns the previous calls Lad been filled by
-Tolcateew. Ye, of the sixteen men drafted,
thirteen were held to service. What G s means
we are arable to comprehend. By the same
hind of figuring, Bedford Borough, although j
having filled its quota, may, under tha next
call, be drafted for deficiencies under former
calls. We should like to see this matter ex-1
Pennsylvania and the Cabinet.
Poor Pennsylvania! A hewer of wood,
and drawer of water for tho New England ;
round-heads, they have denied her all repre- ;
sentation in the cabinet of Mr. Lincoln. The
Yankee states and the Northwest rule the
roast. They laugh Cameron to scorn, and as
for Forney, they think he does well enough in
the President's kitchen, licking the dirty din
ner plates. Oh ! how arc the mighty fallen 1 |
How is the once proud crest of the glorious
Cornmcr.wealth bowed in :hc dust 1 Prohpu- '
dor ' oh ye people, how long will you be tram
pled in the dirt!
igyThe Spring election, where there was any
contest, and where it waa possible fur the p.o- ]
pic to gr-t to the polls, resulted in gratify ing sac*
cesses to the Democracy. In some of the dis
tricts, however, there was no contest on politi
cal grounds. In eeveral townships but a small
vote was polled, owing to the swollen condition j
of the streams, as in St. Clair and Londonder
ry. Only about one-seventh of the usual vote
was polled in the latter township nnd JU the '
former but about one-half. Jur.i ita, Napier.
Harrison, SchtUsburg, Cumb' 1 Vail y, South
ampton, Snake Spring and Bedford townships
did the clean thing, without a scratch or blem
ish. A half dozen other districts did very- well,
but could have done better. *
fcyril. NicodemuJs, E.q , has been Justice of
the Pence, in this borough, for ten years. Da
ring that time he has been a consistent Demo
crat, and the result is that he has been re-elect
ed by an overwhelming majority. When elect
ed five years ago, Ids colleague on the Demo
cratic ticket, wc6 J. W. Lingenfclter, Esq.—
Unlike Esq Nieodetnie, tho latter proved fulse
to his party and to his early friends, arid the
result is that at the recent election he received
twenty votes less for re-election, than did Esq.
Nicodemus. Had he been true to tho [arty
that first elected him to office, he would not,
Lave boeu thus rebuked.
£3fOur friend, 0. E- Shannon, Esq., has
purchased 6ome oil territory in what is consid
er! the heart of uii-dom. His terms being rea
sonable, tho shares are being trken rapidly.
Mr. Shannon purchased ti.'s territory, after
cartful personal inspection, t ! we Lave no
doubt, made judicious selection*. A Prospec
tus, Maps, Ac, can b* seen at the backing ]
Lcuse cf Rupp, Shannon & Co.
To THE PEOPLE—A Government Intdli- j
gence office has been opened in Washington i
city, D. C , by R. M. Hall & Co., and any '
persons desiring information concerning any !
matter connected with the Government De- :
pari men t., War Office, Ordnance Office, Treas- j
ury, P,ft Office, Pension Office, or concerning j
bounty, tack pay, &c., can have the same fur
nished tbem promptly, by addressing these gen- '
tlecaen ar:d enclosing $2.00. This w a cheap j
woy of getting desirable information of any
kind, from Washington. They refer to Jay
Cocke i Co, Bankers, and Hon. Schuyler
Cel/ax, Speaker of House of Reprejeo.tsUive?.
j £J~-p:itig-!ikp—the weather and the ringing ■
of birds.
arPl :nt\ —eggs aud counterfeit po-n I cur- j
; rency.
Stirred up—the animals of tho Hainsburg
M"A subject for tins prayers oS '-loyal'
preachers—Andy Johnson
SsrTrue blue—New Jersey; she's in favor
of tie old Constitution and has just elected a
• Democratic U. S. Senator.
fcy Eleven thousand one hundred soldiers!
who have died since December last, have been j
burled in the cemetory nt Nashville, Tenn.
have had eighty days of good sleigh
ing in Maine. Their winter product there
must be mnine-ly snow.
gJ*The sewing v/outcr. have addressed a pro
test to President Lincoln against making shirts
at one dollar per dozen.
C?"A bare-faced act.—A Paris letter brings
j (La important news that the Emperor has sha- i
j ved off his imperial.
&3* i'vventy thousand bales of the Savannah j
j cotton have already been received nt New;
CyOvcr Air. Herring's truck, in the New ■
! York Procession, was the motto: "Ourcoun-i
; try's safe."—A Utile fishy, Mr. Herring.
£3~An unhappy petroleum speculator confesses
j to having "loved not wisely but too wc-ll."
black man recently testified in a St.
j Louis court against a white person. Some
thing new there. The world moves.
fej-A man in New London, Conn., is build-.
! ing a large church nt his own expense.
trA court in Dayton, 0., has awarded a i
j young lady sfi,soo damages for breach of
] promise of marriage. Pays nearly as well as
i 'il."
fyMisS Julia Cobb committed suicide a few j
' days since, by hanging herself in her father's
cellar. Her bead must have been full of cofcb
j webs 1
; 5£S"An abolition lady has sent us our own
! photograph cut ad to pieces. The lady in this
case cut a prettier figure than she ever did be
fore in her life.— Lou untie Journal.
fSrQueen Victoria has two garters,
' one of which, it is exj ecetd, she will bestow
upon Lord Cow ley.— Ex.
! We presume because Lord Cowley is tu; no
ised to have a calf.
CfStand corrected —Tho Carlisle Volunteer
eays that George Darsie never was Canal Com
missioner, but was a defeated candidate for ;
that office. Right, Mr. Brutton-
SJ'New Hampshire has again elected tho!
! Abolition ticket, by about the usual majority. !
1 Ephraim is joined to his idols.
syMislaid, by the typos, an obituary no
j tice handed us by Rev. B. If. Ilunt, of Scheils- 1
burg. Will Mr. 11. be kind enoug.. "o send us
j another copy ?
] (ST What General in the Federal army ought
to have the same advantage in tattle that was
given to Joshua, when, at his command, the]
sun etood still T Doulsleday, to be sure !
j-Mr. Wm. Dibert, of the Washington i
| Hotel, in this place, is about to remove to the j
house recently occupied by O. E. Shannon,
Esq. Mr. Grove, of Bloody Run, takes his'
place at the Washington.
M* j. John H. Filler, s'th P. V., for along;
I time a prisoner in the South, returned to his
home, in this place, on Monday last. He was
welcomed by a serenade. He has been mc-ri- j
teriously promoted to Lieut. Colonel,
i ftyThe report that Andy Johnson passed
through Bourbon Connty, Kentucky, on his ,
'■ wr.y to Washington, is denied; but it is admit-j
ted that a treat deal of Bourbon county pass- 1
cd through hitn.— World.
83"Moan. The Tlarnsburg Telegraph is in,
the ithbit of attacking us without sending us a
copy of the paper containing the attack.
\ irsrOur young friends, Wm. Jamison, M. D., ;
and J. Ross Anderson, M T>. hive just return
, ed from Philadelphia, having recently gradua-j
j ted from that celebrated institution, the Uni-;
, versitv of Pennsylvania. They are both clever j
; fellows and wc wish them abundant success.
ryj-We call tho attention of our readers to
the announcement of A. B. Cramer & Co., that
j they will sell their goods at greatly- reduced
• prices. A word to the wise is sufficient.
&&~J. B. Fnrquhar announces that he will :
j rell his excellent stock of goods at a great re
duction in prices. Give him a call, if you want
cheap, as well as good, articles.
IT/* Col. Robert Fyan, of Missouri, is at
present on a visit to his old home in this place.
Col. Fyan has served with distinguished gallant
ry in the U. S.. Array, since the beginning of
j the war, having participated in many of the
' severest battles, among them the bloody fight at
j l'ca Ridge.
TF"J. M. Shoemaker has just returned from
the east with a stock of new goods which he
'is selling at reduced prices. All in search of
bargains, will give him a call before purchasing
; elsewhere-
rattling among the dry bones. The
! Democrats have carried Harrisburg, by 174
majority, and York by 237, both largelyrin
' creased majorities.
] soldiers in the service from this bor
ough, voted as follows: Democratic 13, Aboli
tion 9. Good for the proxy law! Twenty-eight
Democratic voters (citizen?! did not g r t to the
' polls.
HARPER'S MONTHLY.—The March, number j
, of "Harper" is before us. It contains the usual 1
i amount of pleasant and instructive reading. — j
"A tour through Arizona," (illustrated) is an
| entertaining paper. "Sugar making in Cuba," is ;
| full of interest. "Armadale," by Wilkie Col
| lins, and "Our Mutual Friend," by, Charles
Dickens, are continued. The editor's tabic is
racy as ever.
GAZLAT'S PACIFIC.—TI e March number of
this magazine is on our table. There is a fu.
frontis-piece—"View of San Francisco, Gal."
This periodical is especially devoted to the in
terests of the Pacific countries. It is well got
ten up. The mining department is particularly
interesting. See advertisement.
G ODET'S LADY'S BOOK.—"Godov," for March,
is a fine The illustrations arc superb j
"The Shadow on the wail," a splendid line t
engraving, and the colored fashion plate, are j
in the best style of art. "Godey" deservedly
maintains its long established reputation as the j
magazine of art ami fashion.
PETERSON'S MAGAZINE.—This favorite of thel
ladies is especially brilliant this month. A j
j beautiful engraving, entitled "Forest Leaves," j
| embellishes the first page of the number, and
! Les Jllodes Pansier,lied is an obedient n pre. cn
; tation of the styles for the month. Peterson's
stories are always good, especially those of Mrs.
Stephens, who is one of the few female authors
whose writings received the praise of that great
critic, Edgar A. Foe.
AMERICAN MONTHLY.—A work which every'
American gentleman should take and read. It i
! is worth a half a dozen "Atlantic Monthlies/ |
Its literary contents are of n very high order |
; and entirely free from tbe taint of New Eng- :
; land asceticism and the namby-pamby-ism of;
' the day. It is beautifully printed and well got- ■
| ten up in every particular. Published in New j
York, by J. Holmes Agnew.
Bedford Election
j- - i
i 'I he following i- the result of the election held
in this borough, on Friday last. It will be seen
that the Democratic ticket, vviih two exceptions.
■ v as successful.
Democrats A loltltoniskt
11. Xicodcmus, 137 J. IV. Lingenfelter, 117
, John 11. Rush, 103 Levi Agnew 74
J. A. Mo wry, 119 William Gephart, 103
Hiram Lentz, 114 Martin Milburn, 10G
S. J. McCauslin, 111 Jon. BrightliH, 103 :
J. M. Gephart, 115 J. R. Jordan, 105 !
Job Mann, 113 Saru'l L. Russell, 114 i
O. E. Shannon, 112 D. F. Mann, 103
Y. Steckman, 114 T. M. Lynch, 105
; John Miller, 118 IV. W. Shuck, I' 3
A. W. Mower, 115 R. Montgomery, 104 •
J. Boor. 119 P. H. Shires, ' 103
.J. Coiboy, 127 Shannon Mullin, 9G
J. 11. ilutton, i 14 N. McMullin, I*l
11. R. Sill, 115 John Biymvre, 104
' Augustus Carver, 114- No Or-posh ion
- ,
Township Officers.
The following is a list of Borough r.nd Town
ship officers, clioscn at (he recent elections in :
this county, as far as reported:
BEDFORD BOROUGH.—Justices of the Peace, -
. 11. Nicodemus, J. W. Lingenfelter ; High Cun
t stable, J. Carboy; Constable, S. J. McCauslin;
Judge, J. A. M.iwry ; Inspectors, H.,
M. ftiillburn ; Assessor, J. M- Gephart; K-iiool
; Directors, J. Mann. S- 1.. Russell; l.urgess, V.
j Steckman; Assistant Burgess, J. Miller ; C'oun- j
i cilmen, A. W. Mower, J. Boor; Auditors, R. j
It. Sill, J. 11. Ilutton; Town Cierk. A. Carver, j
, BedfordTp. —Constable, I). Heltzull; Assessor,
JD. Pcncyl. Judge, S. Walter; Inspectors, T.
j Gilchrist, A. Reighard; School Directors, G.
| Mann, D. Fetter, M. Nawgel; Supervisors, J.
| Fetter, W. O. Leary ; Auditor, S. Ikighar l;
Township Clerk, F. MeGirr;
Bloody Hun. —Chief Burgess. J. A. Gump;
Assistant Burgess. }. M. Vanhorn; Couneilrnen,
; F. Fell on, Sam 1 Bender; High Const a bio, J.
j Steckman ; School Directors, \V. Musters, K. ;
j Steckman : Supervisors, M. Ott, J. Wagoner ;
! Judge, F. Fed ton; Inspectors. V. Steckman, S. i
! P. Lewis; Assessor, J. J. Barn duller ; Consta
i hie, P. Bottomfield; Auditor, VV. F. Barmlol
i !ar ; Town Clerk, J. I. Barn dollar.
| C. Valley. —Constable, J. Gillnra ; Judge,
!J. Sligcr; Inspectors, F. Morgart, S. Elliot
j Justice of the Peace, A. Zcmbowvr ; Supervisors
jG. Elliott, J. McFerran,; School Directors,
I W. Mason, G. Bortz ; Assessor, J. Blair; Au
| ditors. j. Cessna, J. May, Township Clerk, J.
j B. Whip.
Harrison. —Justice of the Peace, G. R. Bai
ley; Constable, J. McCreary; Judge, J. Tru
eirne; Inspectors, T. Cook, D. M. Miller; —
School Directors, 11. Wertz, W. W. Lanoy,
Assessor, G. Baker; Supervisors, C. Faubcl-
Michael Retinger; Auditor, J. Nycum; Town
ship Clerk, Jacob Clark-
Hopewell, —Justice of the Peace T. N. Young;
Constable and Assessor, M. Gates ; School Di
rectors, J. B. Fluke, W. Ferguson ; Supervi
sors, \V. Garwood, J. Ilamm ; Judge, J. Gates,
Inspectors, J. Richey, \V. Flunk, Auditors, tie
vote between A. Davis and A. Fiuck.
Liberty. —Judge, S. Boiling r. Inspectors,
Geo. F. Steel, A. Iloupt, Supervisors M. Hoo
ver, E. A. Fockk-r, Constable, J. Kensinger;
Assessor, J Kensinger, School Directors, S.
Bollinger, Sani'l F. Shoup.
Londonderry —Constable, J. Bnrket, Judge,
J. Evans, Inspectors, J. T. Mattingly, J. E
vans, School Directors, Cornelius Devore, S.
Miller, D. S Evans, C. Shafer, J. Evans, J. C.
Devore. Assessor, G. May; Supervisors, all can
didates ran a tie vote; Auditors, John Evans,
James Logue.
Monroe.. —Constable, Wilson Nycum; Judge,
Nathan Shaw; Inspectors, B. Weimer, 11. J.
Means; Supervisors, George Steckman, Jacob
Fletcher School Directors. B. Claybaugb,
Fred. Mills tind Jacob Eletche-r ran a tie vote; i
Assessor, Philip Felton; Auditor, Lewis Koons.
Napier. —Justices of the Peace, K. M 'l'}'-
; lor, Jos. W. Sleek; Constable, Charles Cris
j man; Judge, C Whetstone; Inspectors, G. W.
1 Gump, Adam Diebl; Supervisors, Christian
Darr, Josiah Adams; School Din etuis. ]'. I'.
Studebaker, G. W. Bowser; Assessor, V. m.
Crisman, Auditor, Richard McMullin; Town
ship Clerk, John Whetstone.
Janata. —C - n"-table. Joseph Horn; Super
visors, Sebastian Wolf, IL Adams; School
Directors, Alfred Miller, George (,L Buri.s;
Judge, Joseph Garber; Inspectors, John Gd
icsjiie, Isaac Rock; Assessor, Fred, Hii'cgu.-:
Auditor, John Garber; Township Clerk, AI i
Providence E. —Constable. Samuel St!cy ; i
Judge, L'onard Giffin ; Inspectors, ('.•:• ore
Richey, Samuel Frazei; Supervisors, J
Mcilott, John Svvartz; SsD'ol i - r< : N. j
Mcliott, S. -N;. urn: A -.---. or, Yv. li. 11. Foor; '
| Auditor, Anthony Feb JU.
j Prowl. W. —Justice of t! • {.•!: ,
,Fiber; Constable, VV. F. Way; Judge, John j
Sparks: Inspectors, John S. Mm vis, Eh osier;
! Sup rvisor., Andrew Ilamler, Jacob Whct
s stone: Asscsor' Eiiaa Clark,
j Snake Spring. —-Judge, John Henderson;
! In s pectora, A. J. College, W. C. Ritehey; Con
-1 stable, N. N. Koons; School Drr-ct- M. S. ;
; Kitchcy, John Koons, Jo se Hodman; Super-!
J visors, VV. Grisslnger, Samuel Wilts; Assessor, i
; Jacob E L be/: Auditor, i-Mwin il.irtley.
St. Clair. —Justice of the Peace, J. H.
'Wright; Con--, tabic, John VV. M'DK •' Judg-, Oster; Supervi.->r?, .Joseph Reining r, j
Jol.n Wis,-gar;or, School Directors, Jc-- Can- ;
ncr, Job Barefoot, Jacob Walter; Assessor,;
Win. 0.-T. r; Auditor, B. R. H ' 'or-m. Ja
sper !or . Josiah Penrose. Jesse Vv iilis.
Southampton. —Justice of the. r-ace, v. m. ,
' Adnais; Constable. John Caveu !<*r; Ju : .
Isaac Dickon; Inspectors, Isaac V i -on, * n
| at! an Owen; Supervisor, N. Walter; Assessor,
| Wesley Bennet; Auditor, Ed. Northeraft.
i SchelLburg Bur. —Burgess, John Smith; .
i Councilmen, Joseph Horn, J. 11. Sr he!!, Peter j
Ewalt, John Kcmery; W. A". Poorman; High
Constable, W. Correll; Auditor, John O: to, j
! Town Cleik, Isaac Darr, Judge, A. P. Ham
inker, Inspectors, George Beneigh, F Biittio
j brunt, Constable, Jacob Dull, Assessor, W. <'
I Sniveley, School Director?, S. W. Stall, W.
'J. Rock, Supervisors, John Relninger, Daniel
i Horn.
i Union tp.- —Justices of the P< ace, Ac us
Ake, A. i'l. Hull, Constable, W. Ltunbnght,
i Supervisors, Daniel Griffith •;! three ot'w a
tie; Assessor, Mi hacl Fry, Judge, VV. J. .' ,
mcr. Inspectors, Go or go Hurtle, J
i School Directors, M. Klutz, John 11. I
! Auditor, Moses Gouchcnonr, Township C i . .
A. P. Mborehead.
Woodberry S. —Justice of the P>" -e.
Haderman, Constable, VV. Detvvilcr, Judge,
'tie vote, Jiippoctors, C. B. Koebendarfer, ' L. •
Buck, School Directors, John 5 Bru -gh,
■ Samuel Working, Supervisors, John
D. S. Everaole, Assessor, J S. I'ru . r.u ;.
' Auditor, J. L. Replogle and three ethers a-rie.
' [Prom the Pittsburg Gazette, ]lepublican "]
V:co President Johnson. % i
We Imvc hitherto refrained from com:fen;'u g
upon the fact that the Vice President i rigr:o ~d
himself and t!:e nation by appearing in a st to t
of intoxioatiou at I in* time of his indu'tion in
t') office and irdli' ting upon ids hearers a maud- :
lin, drunken ech, nut because we hoped there- I
' by to hide tiie unpler.s int fact upon our read- i
ers, or shrink from condemning th • grievous fault
committed, but because we hoped that a little
delay would bring us some mitigation or ihe
report, and render the transact! >n less disgrace
ful than was at first stated. W have waited, -
however, in vain ; and now that the facts are
beyond dispute, w join with the Kcp-nhfican |
! press of the country in telling ti.o Vice Presid t i
tl at !.: vi" utterly di- re •, 1 . iuis. if. i] |
. his party to the keenest mortification, and made ;
his country, a laughing stock in the eyes of
the world, the least reparation be can make is. '
to resign. After the exhibition of himself, he
j cannot occupy that place any longer with hOn- 1
!or or credit. His good name is lost, and he
! cannot regain it by holding on to a place he
has disgraced. If he attempts to liold <a to
'it he will thereby show himself insensible to
shame, and therefore all the more unfitted for j
- that high position.
! But what if lie does not resign ? Then let i
; him fte impeai lied, or reached in sarna nth T j
way by the action of the Senate.
Sherman Setaiiating for the liurder of his;
Mississipri, JN THE FIELD, Feb, 24, 18G5. j
Lieut. Gen. Wade Hampton, Commanding Cav- |
airy Forces C. S. A , General—lt is officially
reported to me that our foraging parties are i
murdered after capture, and labeled "Death to ;
j all foragers." One instance of a lieutenant and ;
Lsevcn men, near Chesterfield and another of j
i twenty, "near a ravine, eighty rods from the I
main road," about three mi . s from Feaster- |
ville. 1 have ordered a similar number of pri- |
OUSTS in our hands to be di-poeed of iu like
I hold about a thousand captured
-in various-ways, and can stand it as long as
you ; but I hardly think the e murders are com
mitted with your knowledge, and would z? t i
that you nice notice to the people at large that
every life taken by them simply results in the
death of one of your confederation.
Of course you cannot question my right to
forage on the country. It is a war-right as old
as history. The manner of exercising it varies
with circumstances ; and if the civil authorities
will supply my requisitions, I will forbid all for
aging But I find no civil authorities who can
respond to calls for forage or provisions, and
therefore must collect directly of the people. I
have no doubt this is the occasion of much mis
behavior on the part of our men, but 1 cannot
permit an enemy to judge or punish with whole
sale murdor.
Personally, I regret the bitter feelings engen
dered by Ibis war but they were to be expect
ed ; and I simply allege that those who struck
the first blow and made war inevitable ought
not in fairness to reproach us for the natural
consequences. I merely assert our war-right
to forage, and my resolve to protect my foragers
to the extent of life for life.
I am, with respect, your ob't servant.
VV. T. SHERMAN, Maj. Gen. U. S. A.
—Maj. General VV. T. Sherman, U. States
army: Genera!— Your communication of the
24 inat., reached mo to-day. In it you state \
that it bus been officially reported '.hat your for-'
aging parties were "murdered" nftrr rapture,
and yon g<> on to say that you had "order.'l a
similar number or ;> isir-'tA tti }<ur Lkm ' to
bo dirpoied ot in ib • ;irt*r " '1 hat is to av
vou nave ordered a number of L infederate s>o'-
die to be "murdered."
Yut rbaracteiize your order in proper term*,
for the public voice, even in your own country
where it seldom dares toexpref irs. if tn u:
cation of truth, honor or justice, wii! - .! ■
gree with you in pronouncing you guilty of
(ler, if your order is carried oat.
Ik-fore dismissing this portion •f .1 .:• -
f beg to assure you for every - in .e
"inunknk ' by you J. .shall have 1 . ~ I. .• at
once two of your*, giving in r.i" c - . .re
ference to any office!* who . .1 my
In reference to tha statement vi-.i mako rc- ;
garding the death •: your a- 1
i : SUV I kli'.-W nuti,!r;.f .Li.: t . r><- <,
given by me authorize "... .: u ■;( pr.aui. rs ,
iii't -f capture; an ' 1 ... foal my j
men killed any of youra, < xccpt nv ler circum-!
Stan - i-t w: i::h f ami i
pr per they should k■ ii ;a< ua.
It is a part of ibesy.-teui o; the tbic-ves whom
' you d s;_nate :• your foragers to li.-. the dwell- j
I ing of tlin-e ci.izens whom tiny have robbed.
; To chcc!; this inhuman sys.crn, wl:i his justly j
: exccn led by every civiiiz.-l nuti •: . I have di-
I rcctcd my men to shoot down ait of your men t
•v. ivo are ci'.ugjrt burning housed. 1 liL: order j
\ shall remain in fort-; as long as you disgrace the 1
; jirof . -ion of arms l>y atlovviiig your men to
destroy private dvv< 1 lings,
i You say that I atoms. ef c-.urse. questi. :i
i you, right to ■. r en the untry. "T : is
. right as ' 11 s liisto-y " i <!•> not sir, ones- ■
ti'vrti tl'.i- % \±: 1 1' '■ : . i? \ Oi iCi t*v n •
j thai. ,r, juhl one taorc neili ruiik the riu ;t
j that every man has to •>!■ lend his home : ud to
protect tl'ose vvh' are < penT-nt upon him;
an 1 from my heart I wish thai ever- old man •
and boy in aiy country who can fire *1 g'.t"
j would shoot down, as he would a wild beast, ,
; tlio men who arc demdating their la ml, burning
! their houses and insulting tfmir *.v. men.
; You are particular in k-fming ami claiming ;
; "war rights." May I ask if ybu enumerate
• among their, jhe. right to tire ur on u UeLn-p
--less city without notice; to burn that r l.
the ground after it had been sir.. ." r.G Lv
the autiioritivs, wk 1 clai.uv ! , ll >u • 1 in vi <n
that promotion •. h'.-U i ; '/• ... i: --cor Hi }.•
j civiiiz 1 w • ; • '" ■ ... 1 -mm ; to !)-■• if. >
j and to Ita . . lark r vo ..a . fees®
, '1 1 ' ■ r. r;: .!,.t yt u have no* <>:.k *.
{to the e. y 01 Toiurr. without a word of
, . kid :■ ;• . : : 1 . k.iaim
j - vS: ° l!i ® and # pro: vet ion to private proper iv,
; .V ; u m 1 the whole city in ashes, leaving amid
i's ruins thousands ef old men i ncJ hei ' •
women .aid children, who are likHv to p"
of starvation and ex-:- • ur.i. Your line of
iir. I■:n k' trace 1i- ; ; - ;,;i. 5 light i b 'n
. .u 1 2 u.'t '--.goiiy mr n. ;e bitter tuan tint of
; I : •.
• The In'ian scab 1 his victim r *-tmal -• of
j sex or age, but with.all his barbarity h• A
: ways n.ip.cted the persons of his female cap
i.vits. Your soldi rs, uio.-j savage than the
Indi 11, ircuit those w' isj natural protectors
are a l , -cat.
111 conclusion, I have only ! i rcc.-ft that
| whenever you have a:.y of my • n -disp. --d
i of," or "inuniared," for th n■ 1 . -ar £0 be
. synonymous with \ ••<, v <-ij hoar .*
it, in order that f may know w .at union to
take in f! 3 matter In the meansius-> I shrill
hold fiiiy-six of your nu-a I o-r-mea n.r those
whom you biyre o nlub- . x on ted. I a-u
- ours, ,
vDE iI.AMPTOft, Lieut. Gjueral.
~ THE WAR. "
; Several Federal gunboats have been sent up
the Capo Fear river from W ilmington towards
, Fayctti ville to open communication with G n.
Siu rman. hhe Confederate st .oner Cbieku
•>i.iu;t. is sunk in the channel, forty miles -
. Wii wing toll, and she will have to do j-ta; ve
before the trunbnata can ascend above. *j ,c
f Cape Fear river is navigable sill the "way t .
1 Fayettevifk for vessels of light draft. The'
5 dis!; uce ly the river from Wi"lining!on is or. ■
Mu. dred and twenty miles The distance >v
! rood to Fisyeitov:he is one tiundr d mi! - G. 1.
1 Sherman writes fr-.m FaycUevitle, ..n March i
i id, to Geueral Grant. lie state- 1! - C
| Inmliia, Cheraw and Favelteville he riiotur- k
j eighty-eight cannon, and destr■■". d the Can-'
i f'eib rate arsenals and the railroad d:p >'s—'
j tic says nothing o-fi ially of Gen KiipatrickV j
defeat. ;
Extensive preparations are being made in •
Gram's camp for the contemplated advance of j
i the Federal army. G tier i Longstreet is in i
! command of tho Confederates at i'ett rsliurg, |
| and if is reported that Gen. I,r.- has gone to ;
j Gol kboro, to superintend the operation against '
It is announced that the reason Sheridan !
turned back from Lynchburg in his recent raid,
was that lie found Lynchburg strorgly fortified
and garrisoned. He has not yet been heard
i nc rcn i.s m the neighborhood of Ri'-hmon-d ■
cave g,'! - ;i,tiKiron. .-..v ,r. !, and etui bear :,r
--tn.'.ry and tiuins. Wc may theref-ro expect
to hear very scon of a movement by Gen. Grant.
1 lie Confederates are very active—troops are '
constantly moving to and fro, and it is reported
that a detachment of Lee's army has gone South
to oppose Sherman. There are also rumors that
the Confederates at Petersburg are preparing ■
to attack Grant. All the sick, wounded, a> '
non-combatants in the Federal camp have been
sent to City Point.
General Sheridan has passed to ihe east of
Richmond. On the loth he was on the line of,
the Richmond and Fredericksburg railroad, 1
twenty miles due norlh t.f Richmond. He has i
destroyed a great deal of railroad and other
property. It. is expected that ho will soon com
municate with Grant's right.—
The undersigned, with full and mot grate- !
ful hearts, take this method of tee.. 7 .-ir<r'their ;
long to he cherished thanks to iheir fell ■ v cit
izens of Bedt ird, male and femal far their
Herculean eiiarts to save their valiiallc ; n .>
crty from entire destruction by fire on the'l-Ph
inst. Stout hearts :io.i strong .arms i> r. 'ir red
all they could for tho old so! her . .his la -i
--ly, in their old age. Sympathy snot, d
was not wanting m this* o:ir ../ -u t jmura •
trial and loss, but God v ill provide.
MRS. E D. Tam-iafei-HO,
I-AW. TAi.UAn?RHO, Major IT- S. A. '
ir "i - , - ivm, af.:l i<-rnaie ; the
rtie' i of ilis.a'irs; ths inarnage ei9tom
v. ■ 'ri; lew to marry well arid a thou-a:
tn-vr published bfore read mid
I.': lit ••MkoICAL CojSMiiN Sex-B," .
beak lor rurioa p 'opte, and a e.! !
one. 1-, 0 [ 1 ?, 100 illustrations Pi ;c
• 'j.-re,.:- t.ibi'* sent free to any ad lr-s
y l>- i' ' t th** book stie, or wi 1 t>
10 caid. on receipt of the pi ice. A
Dr. F. H. FOOJ E, Vt.j
l!3j BioaUway, New '
FF . 3, 1805 —6:11
fiiofiicv Su|iiisi< ot:
*V II KKI AH, id iif, S. L tilrt, a Jlepr|**W
1 . v , iuti ol t'ie :;ity 01 Lancaster, Pe
pi' wpTl.'io.; to the 'irp-id,.,' ♦
' tv ol P 'Haul, -tale of Pe.-iiisyi*!..,
• it* i-ii . ; F-.hru a-Sda . - •
tb- ..1 J :• ■■ ■, ■ led iiites!
lit:! v.'.t . :vu J.I i: < 3 ! Ji,i cay
.j Isti/j'iitJ-tljdtthocarti'jiiiilere,
t.lioi, ai.J Vuinall iii ot rtl • r-al e-ta
ui e u- toliow's : Alice T. l'a> i
Gi v<>, Cidi'k County Kf .tucky ; vVi.iia 1, ..
ot Jivice, i'.s.rli G Kentucky; Jan
I. w, of Pine Grove, Giaric County Kei.ijr
: lis.-il 1 Ritchie. Alexander ri. Ritchie,
Rfbecra ! . Ritchie, [. miuor wiiove guard n
Ja" ■ 1 t : . i.-i-u Jot tVw.cii.-ater Clara ('o
tucky; end Polly Ritchie, ot Mdysviiie, D.-
Cv'c'y M.ssoutt ; [the id Alice T. Pay lor,
li-iiri N I. and Jafn-s b. Lane, being en,,..
William N. ane who w s a biothei ot
tat •; a: d Mac'isoi; T. Ritchie, Aiexu..d-i i
and Keh CA t . Ritchie, chilhieii ol
U 'chie, dee'd., who was a .laugh'erol *
■ Lit,'-, a-. Po : Ri cbie tie w.ii'owo! VV n
:e, a so:, of d d Cia . =a N. Ritchie, dec'u V
■ I'■ j■ , r.ce p.- inoneia inteslate, led* I.
>V.j-:ant T. Ritchie and sterling P. Ritcli.e, . - . c
w uoiii are sttice dec'u., intestate, unmarried.
; without issue:] GcO'ge W. Webb and Eritvii
Webb of Catrr.i, Wmte County lilioois; Wuio.
b> L. Webb, of 'he City o,' Philadelphia ; "*
Webb of t' i-mi, Illinois : and treorge- \V, V
f e wbo-e giiarutan 1= Henry L. Leirjc
0 .id r.dy of Lancaster,j ['be said George W. \,
hilv .1 b. Webb od W'Mioughby L. Webb, b
. Los of '.-art- a C. Webb, dee'd., who Was as
ni -aid iniestate, and susan vV, : bb and George
Web• ,1 ne younge!, being chrdren oi John L. W
wijowasasotl ol su,J 'lailtla C. W ba:J .11
Ai.ii Rtrtiedv arid Kt-becca riutiler, of Ctiar e*.'
| Jtifei3oll -Coonty Virginia; [children of Wiiiou
by .V . L ne. dec'il., who v, a a brother of .,!
testate :] l-a (}!. t crier, o. Char.est.,w,,, J-t- r ,
County Virginia; and Mary P. Martin, oi dou
: fterliug, .'io.i go nery County Ke.itu *y ; [cii
01 tiaiah A: • Carter, decV,., vvh . was a sisirr ,
■l. ■:] Cj.-v /, . Nici. oi Cbailestos
J Gr.siii County Virginia; [a. cbi.d of Ge ug ,
LuM','j., who was at; other ot ii.teilat.
Ji kn A. Lace, Jamei B. Lane and Liltort K. Ln,
F( ox Who* guardian i- Richard a. Jenkins,
■i: < ! Pi-Uaueipl.-d,] and H ruetß. Lar.
0; the City ci Lancaster, aforesaid, [toe said H j
ri, t if. Lane b -tiiig a tin.a ot EiltoitT. Lane, use'e.
who was a brother of lotcstate, an ! John N.
Ja-: a B. Lane, and Elin it B. Lane, being chiidiec
: f jitrni 3 , . Lane. wr,o died ir,'estate, who was a
:i ■- '..'aid i Ihoft P. Lar;-.: ;} tisat the s-rtd Joan N.
Lane, tried, s z d in his demesne, as of fae, (inter
.1 ;u) :t. ■ pec s, or tracts of land, situate ta
a '"d County, in Broad Top Township, as
i Ahe ot:e ther of adjoining the John Cheving
fun xra<' f , Wijiiaui Leiie, ,oac Grove, Vrich. i
•• 'Vti'. :.'i. ittl o uers, coßtuiniag lour
.. ! c tniiij'-oiie acres, ai:d one huuared and
.. ty f, iches, and allowance of laud, surveyeu 0
v. :r ,' tof 11th April, A. D 17s*5; grantea to
u Ct.-'Viiigfon, and patented by the Common
wealth, by pa en: ol ltjrh of June, 1833 { to Rich
ard U. vV nod and Lewis 1". Watson, who by Deed
of 1 1 ienture, o. the sth lay ol July, A. U. lboj;
itr-i. m co vi y. t to Joan N-Lane, hi heirs
SB • ..e- g;l* j'otl'V. r
1. An ;n : to; ainin? four hundred ana
(vvo acies ari t tnree 4 a ill -r i, and alio Wance, waich
the Commit.:wealth ot Pen;i*,iv nia, by warrant
d.iteU ii,' '2511 day oi reb.o../, A. i). 18W6; giont
ed to VV.I .t n liuti 1 !, and tue same Ricturd
IJ.Nv.wJ, ..••: his wile, and Lewis P. A .ton, and
w.fe, b; i'eed 0! luiei.tuie, of the sth .'ay of
.k!y A.i). ISrJ, granted and conveyed to John A.
Lane, to ice,
b. Acother thereof containing one hundred and
e, 2 ; 'C acres, at.u tnire l'ouiits, and allowance, of
k:,.:, w h.e . the to ..u.01: .'.calth o: lvama,
by ; aient dated Oc >b r SStb', A. D. ISJS ; grant
' 1 a J ' -vra in Johu i'oti, ar.d the same which
K. or,; L). . his Wile, and Lewis f. Wat
sou. a , , .1.0 wife, by Deed of Indenture, ot the h;h
da. of iaiy. A. L>. ibs3 j granted and conveyed to
John N Lau-', his h-.-i 5 and a-signs in fee.
4. Alio: m ; thereof, containing tw o hui tired and
twenty-uve aci. s a . 01. e forth, and of
land, which the CtHpnteaettltfc isl Ptf.usylvui.ta,
y |.atv;; 1' t t as- 14 1 day of December, A. li.
*' • : -.(iveysd Clio Leonard >ay.e,
' ••• 4ue . utcn R I Wood. a.. l -ii. wife,
i: -• 5 i ' . ,0.. mid r.| s vvik by Deed of In
ne 0.. jot J.i, .-v. ;J. lss'ij ; grant
jo. v, unto John N. L-.r.t. m ew* ud
■* '> I'JreV J. j.
5 . no;i.e. th-reof, coatuiniPg two amid et.ifid
t n acres or-., allowance 01 land, to. Com
i.-.-nwealth oi rm .syivania. by patent da . he
libthh.yol Oeiooer, \. t). l*aj, a 1 von
• a;.lo Jon . :,o . a..d :ht s-- ... w.-.ico R. _ard
D w.. .d, a, i or, . . ard L.WJ- r. vVatson, and
* ' . ,jy ot Indenture of toe 5n ui July,
I. 1 ... ,g. anted Sf.' convrycd unto ijo.. N.
Lam . his lit ir and a signs forever fee.
ti. .vi.oliitr t.act adjoining land ot Wm. T.
I)Mghi-i ty, coutauii.ig Mr-hundred and sixty
v. .ml tuny perches, and aiiowa .ee ol laud,
being the Sam ■, trie undivided moiety or calt pr;
vvi.l' 1 1'. 1, bamuel I't a-anls, and bis wife, by Deed
ol inden'ure of 'he 13:h day o{ September, A. D.
••..I, and conveyed John N. Lane,
his iic.r* iu.-h assigns torever in tee ; mil the other
: .j... 11 vtu—d moiety ur hall pait, whereof Lewis T.
Watson, and ats w nc, and Jerman Jaeco, and his
wtte, by Deed cf Indenture of the 15th da . 0 f a. p-
A.U. 15531 gr inted an.i convey dto Joba
;N. Line, h.s and a -3. jns iorvever, in fee.
i 7. Ai.o.'ier hereot, adjoining lands 01 Hopewell
i r ail and Biitzcr Swans, con'aiuing one hundred
; and .-ixiy actea, and aiaety-stx perches, and almv
ance oi .and, which, the Common wealth of Peon
syl.'diiia by warrant dried tue 9:i day of June, A.
' -4d ! granted to John McCain ; and which ths
tai.i Joi.a .dcLain an.i bis wife, by Deed of Inden
i ture dated tae 3dta day of March, A. D. 1854 ,
grafted and conveyed to J. f*'. Lane forev-r. in fee. 0: ihj Juniata nvec.] riopewell Company,
vvilMm Lowry's improvement, and othars, con
taining thr-'e hundred and forty-two acres, and one
hundred and -ix perches, and allowance cf lar. i,
be.rie the sarne tract it land which was origin illy
survey.*d on a warrant fcr for hundred acres to
Daniel Kerr, dated 21st day of March, A. D. 17M ;
returned as containing thre*. hundred an I iixty-fi'.'°
; acics ar..l allowance, and a. cc.a'.L.l m the a i.i of-
See of Pennsylvania, 0:1 the 2Jr.l day o" Dewm*
b: r, -v. LL 1ti.30, and f,. which a patent dated >o
■lib dry ot October, A. D. 1855. was issued by tbo
.Commonwealth to John tsav ge, his betrg mi -
furever, and vhi.ih John Savage and his wile,
. y Deed ot Incietiture of the 17th day if November,
A* ®-.J555; granted end conveyed to John N. Lace,
j Li heirs 'net assigns forever, in fee.
9. Ihe "ther thereof, e'joining land? of John
Zook and Jacob Myers, containing eleven acr#?,
an 1 sixteen pe-rhcs. and allowance of lard, whiah
j 'he Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by patent ds
ted the 22nd dav of December, A. D. 1853 , ersst
!sd and conveyed to Thomas M. Long, anl which
, the siu.l rbom is .*!. Long, and his wife, by Deed
!of Indenture fated the Uth dry -t April, A. D.
i 185t, gri ited a.i I conveyed to John N. Lane, his
heir, an 1 ass gns firaver, in fee. And praying tb*
1 0 I'wirrJ an inq j.-st to malts prrtitio.t -f 'S>
premises aforesaid, t • and i n >sg tm beirs t,-.d
g I representatives of he said , into-l -t-., w•v. i
•'<fioqbrst wis, upon tnitim of 3. L. .
q., a w-racd aeco. iing to the prayer of to p
NO I'iCF. t 'b -refOfs glvea :o ill p-r.-r-r, • it' r
ested, that tf. . U r.ts of a"rt •• f j srt r; > r
vain, ion To ms direct** 1, 1\ 'l iro.* -' to id a
i .w* 11a'ton f t-pre •! ., ,1 >l,l.- '. -. • 3G
. usy ■_ vp il D. toJSI wban and where they
can it. lif t:i*?v see proper.
1 Fueairr's Oxficb, { JOHN ALDB! ADT,
Msrcn 24, ISo.J- -4t. ]