The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 10, 1865, Image 2

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FRIDAY : I : : MARCH 10, 1865.
Bedford'. Borough Democratic Ticket.
Pursuant to previous notice, the Democrats
of Bedford borough, met in the Court House,
on Saturday evening, Feb. 25th, and placed in
Domination the following ticket, to be support
ed by the party, at the election to be held on
Justices of the Peace,
H NicoDEsirs, JOHN H. iirsu
Judge of Election,
School Directors,
Town Clerk,
Chief Burgess,
Assistant Burgess,
High Constable.
After the nomination of the ticket, the fol
lowing resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That the question whether the office
of Wood Measurer shall be continued, is here
by submitted to the voters of the borough, at
the ensuing election, and the Democratic can
didates for Burgess, Assistant Burgess and
Couneilmen, are hereby pledged to govern their
action in regard to this matter according to the
decision of the majority of said voters.
Murder Justified.
The reader of the Abolition prints must
have marked the stealthy efforts of those who
write for them, to excite mob violence and to
apologize for crimes committed by thoir parti
sans No matter how flagrant the outrage up
on the rights of the citizen, be it highway rob
bery, arson, or even murder, these incarnate
devils are ready, with a hundred excuses, to
screen the guilty scoundrels from the penalties
of the law. An instance of this kind has re
cently been exhibited in our own county. As
our readers are aware, MR. F. C. Mocfc, of
St. Clair tp., was shot, in cold blood, by a par
ty of soldiers, whilst on his way home from
the election in October last. There is not a
decent white man in the county, whose indig
nation was not aroused by the perpetration of
ibis foulest of murders and whose very soul
did not torn with loathing from the heartless
cruelty which, unprovoked and unjustified in
the smallest degree, devoted to a horrible butch
ery, the life of an upright and respected citizen
Nevertheless, the Jacobin organ in this place
ia filled with apologies for this infamous deed,
acd abounds in prevarication and falsehood,
in order to cover up thedamning atrocity of the
outrage. In last week's issue of that sheet, there
upper red an article written by a pedantic pettifog
ger, who, after the most persistent importunity
cn the [ art of the putative editor, undertook the
task of writing up the righteousness of the
military proceedings which led to the murder
of Mr. Mock. The sweatings of this scribbler's
trains amount to so little that they are hardly
worth a passing notice. But, he evidently
thinks that hs has givcu us "the words with
the bark on." (Isn't that what his ponderous
Latin quotation signifies— "Qui fu:nt in Itiera,
h&rtt in cortieef IVell the "bark" shall be
knocked off his words and in naked ugliness he
shall stand before the world.
1 "The draft wan pronounced uneoiieiitu
by the Democratic lenders, says our
pettifogger, and thus, he argues, drafted men
were induced not to report, which rendered uec
cstary the presence of armed men near the polls,
on the day of the election, for the purpose of
arresting these "deserters" who might come out
to vote. Now, this very hypocritic changeling,
who reasons in this stylp, is the man who talk
ed most of the unconstitutionality of the Con
ocripiionLavv, when it was passed by Congress.
Nay, he went so far as to say in a public
speech, in Bedford township, in the Spring of
1839, that, rather than Pennsytoanii should
ass lit in the further prosecution of the war,
hi would hove the Stale withdraw from the
Union and set up [or itself. Hence, If anti
war teachings produced tha statu of things
which ocw.w.Uitcd the presence of the military
la Jliiß county, ibis newly dodged abolitiocitt
Aftd Lie lull shore In giving the lessons. Doubt
less be would etdl be engaged in inculcating his
v.itj of 1869, bud uot the Democracy of
Bedford county repudiated bim and his Seces
sion doctrines and had there not appeared un
to his eyes tha enrapturing vision of a snug
sf-ay mastership in the nrroy
t. Tha presence of the soldiers at, or near
the polls, proved of no account in the way of
arresting deserters It only prevented several ; ,*y A * long og men smell of whiskey and to-
pen, who bad as geed a legal right! baeco. the women have a right to defend them
tt vfrte. &i any yearly turc-ceat in the laud selves with mask..
from casting their bullols al the election. Ihe
persona who had the soldiers sent to the elec
tion-places, knew that the drafted men would
come out to vote, if they were not deterred by
demonstrations for their arrest, and, therefore,
tbev resolved to deter them. In this purpose
they succeeded, but not a single deserter wa3
arrc sled. Besides, it wa9 not a matter of ne
cessity that these drafted men should be arrest
ed on election-day. The day previous, or the
day after, would have answered the purpose
just as well. No, no ! The sending of troops
to the polls, was a "partizan trick/' intended
to overawe not only tbc conscripts, but also
the citizens opposed to the Administration, j
Frederick Mock was no deserter. Why did
the "little soldier" level his musket at Mock,
before the latter raised his gun? Why did the
Sergeant order Mock's arrest? Ah! the sol
diers knew what was their mission at the St.
Clair polls! Frederick Mock was an opponent
of the Administration and they had been taught
by Abolition demagogues, that, being such, he
was a traitor to his country. Hence, their con
duct toward him. Hence his arrest and hence
his most foul and cruel murder. Tiie blood of
poor Mock rests upon the hands of the vile
tricksters, who, for partizan purposes, had bod
ies of armed men stationed at and near the polls
on the second Tuesday of last October.
8. As to the charge of Judge King, we re
iterate what we said in regard to it. in a for
mer article, confident that we have net mis
represented it one jot or tittle. The petty fling
at the Judge's noble vindication of the freedom
of the ballot-box, contained in the article to
which we refer, is worthy of the chagrined pet
tifogger whose views of the law the Judge had
the presumption not to sustain. How badly
the Judge must feel to be told by this refulgent
light of the law, that the portion of his charge
which related to the presence of soldiers at the
polls, waa a "mere dictum" and "exceedingly
unprofessional and objectionable!'*
In conclusion, we would say that so far
as the murder of Mr- Mock is concerned, we
harbor no feeling of revenge, nor have we re
ferred to it, at any time, for the purpose of bi
asing the minds of the people upon the subject-
It is the peace and good order of society which
we derire to be maintained and the majesty of
1 the outraged law vindicated, through the tri
al and punishment of the inurderera of Freder
ick C. Mock. Who the guilty parties are, we
have not said. T hat remains for a jury of
their countrymen to decide. Hut whoever
they are, we insist upon it that they shall not
go unpunished and the man who tries to
screen them, or to excuse their crime, is no bet
ter than they, and ought to swing with them
from the same gallows.
What Men are Arrested For.
Mr. Joseph C. Miller, of Harrison township,
this county, was recently arrested upon the
following charges:
1. In that the said Miller declared that "Abe
Lincoln was a fool and had no sense '
2. In that the said Miller wished that "iight
ninf might strike the cabinet and knock them
i n to along with Horace Greely."
3. In that the said Miller is a sympathiser
i with the South and had declared that he would
! rather fight for Jo!! iJavis than Abe Lincoln.
; 4. In "that the said Miller had "spoken dis
respectfully of the Administration."
These grave charges were net sustained a
| gainst Mr. Miller and he was discharged. We
' give publicity to this matter, merely to show
1 by what uncertain tenure we hold our liberties.
I The idea of arresting a man because he has de
; dared that the President hasn't good sense and
for "speaking disrespectfully of the Adminis
tration," is decidedly refreshing. We hear ev
erv now and then, of citizens being arrested by
: the military and released upon examination.
! This is in direct violation of the Conscription
' law. That law provides that whenever a cit
* izen shall have been arrested for an offence a
gainet the laws of the United States, he shall
; be immediately handed over to the h. S. Cour.s
for trial. The officer who restrains a citizen of
his liberty, contrary to law, is liable to prose
cution anil to a suit for damages. It is about
i time that the laws were observed in this coun
try, and if they are to be trampled under foot
much longer, we will see what virtue there is
\in the civil courts. If a citizen be charged
with a violation of the law, let liirn be tried
according to law. If found guilty, let him be
' punished according to law and if innocent, ac
: quitted according to law. Shall this be the
1 rule in the future, or must citizens be driven
; to seek a remedy in prosecutions for false im
; prisonment and suits for damages' We shall
our readers to the advertisement of our friend J.
Henry Scbell, K-q., of Schellsburg, in this is
sue, by which it will be seen that he has for
sale a quantity of Sorgho seed and also Cook s
Evaporator and Cane Mills, for the manufac
ture of 6ugar and molasses from Sorgho. This
plant is weii adapted to the soil of Bedford
county and its culture haa been experimented
upon in the neighborhood of Schellsburg and
in Morrison's Cove, with great suceess. We
have no doubt that it will soon become one of
the staples of our county From 150 to 300
gallons of syrup can be produced to the acre
This eyrup sells for $1 50 per gallon. Our
family have used it and have found it equal to
the best New Orleans syrup. When properly
manufactured, it is excellent for baking purpos
es. We would advise farmers to eow several
seres in Sorgho and purchase a Cane Mill and
Evaporator. There can be no failure in its re
turning a handsome profit.
ftirßland —the air (as we write) and the
smiles of candidates.
ayßrigiit—moonlight nights and the pros
pects of the Hopewell Oil Company.
eyDead—George Darste, formerly Canal
S3"* Why ought wood chucks make good sau
sage I Because they are ground hog* !
CvrThe London Punch says that the oldest
) lunatic on record, is—Time out of mind!
C*-W. c. Rives, member of the Con feder
ate Congress, has resigued his scat, on aecoun t
of ill health.
£3-A friend who was melancholy about the
1 approaching draft, on being reminded that he
would "soon get the blues on," rejoined that he
had them on already !
Car To the Abolition candidates at the Spring
elections, greeting : Are you for Curtiri and a
: gainst the present draft, or for Lincoln and'in
favor of the draft! Where are you, gentle-:
; men?
i s3*Rev. W r m. Conrad, an eminent minister
in the Ger. Ref. Church, died at Berlin, Som
erset county, a few days ago. lie was one of
: the finest linguists and scientific scholars in the i
SS-The very fact that the Abolitionists went
, to the trouble to have a law passed enabling
them to get the army vote, shows how impor
tant they consider the Spring elections. Let
not the Democrats be caught napping.
£S"HOW can any man who, last fall, told
• the people that there would not be any more
: drafts, if Lincoln were re-elected, look a voter
I in the face and ask him to vote the Abolition
j ticket ?
t&jThe Abolitionists of this borough, at
their nominating meeting, a few nights ago, a
dopied the following resolution : '• Resolved,
\ That our (their) water-works are in a disgrace
ful condition," &c. Bad enough ! Call on
j the apothecary!
you ever know a son who, alter fat
tening upon his father's bounty, turned upon
the old man and tried to kick him out of house
and home? If you did, then you know the char
acter of some men in this town, whom the
Democratic party kept from starving, by elect
ing them to office and giving theui nice little
. appointments.
you despise a fellow who is un
grateful ? U'e do. Our "gorge rises" at sight
|of him. IV e always imagine we car\ see him
; picking the pennies off" his dead mother's eyes.
| "Ingratitude! Thou marble-hearted liend!" 'I he
i poet could have studied thee, to advaatage, in
I this neck o' the woods.
Upon the petition of a majority of the
tax-payers of the Borough, the Burgess
Council have laid a tax of SI,OOO, to com
' plete the Borough fund for the raising of twen
!ty volunteers. The new term of Father Abra
i ham opens promisingly.
A large flowing well has been struck at
the mouth of Deer Creek, by ono of the Clari
on river oil companies of which Hon. W, P.
.Sehell is President. The price of Clarion riv
er stocks has gone up considerably, in conse
! quence.
$3" Said Henry Clay in 1850: " I want to
! see no sacked cities—no smoking hamlets —no
; conquered armies—no desolated plains—no
streams of American blood shed by American
arms." Shoddy thinks Clay must have been
S a fool!
Esq , editor of the Bellefonte Watchman , one
of the oldest Democratic papers in the State,
; was arrested and sent to prison somewhere, on
! some sort of charges, preferred by somebody,
! somehow, and it s said he is to be tried by
j some kind of military tribunal. This is an
! other violation of the conscription law. In
the name of this gagged and manacled prison
er, as a fellow Democratic editor, we demand
that he be handed over to the U. S. Courts for
j trial as the law provides. We know Mr.
| Meek well, and though a very young man,
J we know him to be a fearless and uncompro
: mising friend of the Right, and his imprisou
! ment will only render his work in the cause of
| Truth the more effective. " The blood of the
; martyrs is the seed of the church ! "
| THE SPRING ELECTIONS.—Do you approvo of
' the murder of F. C- Mock, who was shot down
; in cold blood, on his way home from the elec
! tion, on the night of the second 'Tuesday of
; October last 1 Your fuglemen here are apolo
; gizing for it. What say the Abolition candi
dates in St. Clair township to this foul murder,
j committed on account of the teachings and
i through the machinations of their party leaders?
Us reported, oa the authority of some deserters
who arrived within Gen. Grant's lines, a few
days ago, that Gen. Sheridan had captured ( ion.
| Early and eighteen hundred prisoners, >i Char
lottesville, Va. This report is said to have been
confirmed, but not having seen the. confirma
tion, we cunnot vouch for the correctness of
the report. It will do, however, to rejoice o
ver, for a few days.
Important to Everybody.
The Commissioners of Internal Revenue have
decided that on and after the Ist of February,
1865, persons executing receipts for the deliv
ery of any property must affix a two eent stamp
to such receipts and cancel the same, otherwise
they will be ptosecuted for the penalty of $22,
incurred under section 150 of the act of June
30, 1863. Receipts for the delivery of coal,
wood, &e . wiil. it appears, require a stamp
The Wheel of Misfortune !
At Least so We are Informed !
Tickets to the Inauguration Ball !
" Never Mind, the War Will Soon
be Over !"
We give below a list of the persons drafted
in this county. We are sorry that our advice
given to the people in November last, was un
heeded. Had an effort been made, at that
time, volunteers might have been obtained at
S3OO bounty, in sufficient numbers to have
exempted our county from draft. But, through
the false representations of political tricksters,
who assured the people that there would be no
more drafts, action was delayed until it was
too late. All that can be done now, : for
those who are drafted to report. If they do
not, they will eventually be arrested, whilst
other men will be drafted in their stead.
Samuel Boyer, Joseph Stickler, A. E. Di
bort. Wm. Moorehead, Jona. Dibert, William
Thompson, Adam Dibert. D. L. Defibaugh,
John Hammon, Abram Reighard, John Me
loy, Andrew Amick, E. W. Kirby, Samuel
Walter, Thomas Amick, Adam Koontz, Wm.
Simpson. Jacob Young, Thornton Ruby. Noali
Diehl, Josiah Richey, Samuel Walker, Geo
Mann, Alex. Itnler, Geo. IRitzel, Daniel Fio
rv, Jas. Ileltzel, John Bush, I D. Earnest,
Josiah Mock, Phi!. Earnest, John Strominger,
Silas McPherson, Flenrv Stifter, John Wilson,
col'd- Samuel Zeigler, Wm. Sellers. Evan
Koontz, John Q. Koontz, Andrew Melone.—
Geo. VY. Figard, Thomas Fulton, David L,
Whited, IVin. Smith, Chas. A. Mclvilhp,
Phineas Green, James Morton, James Ross,
Daniel Abker, David S. Banks. John Hainey.
Daniel Smouse, Oliver M. Stuart, David Wil
lianjs, Harrison Meek, John C. Figard, A. A.
Ammerman, Joseph Zimmerman, George
White, Arnold Houpt, Alex. Kverhart, Philip
Wise, John Eiehelberger, Win. C- Dubs,
James Evans, Samuel Winters, Lewis Wright,
Daniel Morgan, William Springier, Stephen
Wright, Henry Miller, Joseph E Foster. John
Shook, William James, Morgan A. Hunter,
Thomas Johns, Jas. Green, Jacob Barn t,
Benj. F. Edwards, William Harriet John B.
Cut. trier, Sam. H. Anderson, Isaac Jacks m,
James Findley, Jacob Daugherty, John Mc-
Intyre, Thomas D, Sleeth, Alexander Rankin,
George Richardson, William Piucher, Alfred
Evans, William A. Park, John Long, David
H. Bare, Edward H. George, Benjamin Whi
ted, Peter Bowman James T. Tusner, Morgan
/Fright, D. P. James.—6o.
James J. Barndollar, Joshua Luctis, John
G'. Clarkson, S. li. Bottomfield, Jacob Wagon
er, John Shook, Frederick Felton, John Her
ring, Christian Wagoner, Rev. J. B Polsgrove,
Robert Steckman, IV. C. Ott, Samuel 1> Tate,
Martin D. Barndollar, Samuel D. Williams,
Simon H. Leader.—l 6.
Geo. McLellan, Adam Little, Geo. Diehl,
Francis Diehl, John A. Hershizer, John Beck
ley, Henry P. Diehl, Joseph Cessna, Josiah
Ott, William Diehl, John H Cessna, John W.
Pensyl, Josiah Ressler, Henry Harkleroad,
Fred Friend, Henry Dibert, Eli Corle, Reuben
Smith, Josiah Miller, Thompson Shafer, F.
William, Adam Harkleroad.—22.
Stage Hoon, John Keller, John Kerr, Hen
ry Corley, Francis Frantz, Benj. Frazor, Geo.
Foust, John Burgess, William Br< vn, Michael
Corley, Fred Hillegas, William Palmer, Lewis
Turner, Jacob H. Hillegas, Jonathan Cable,
John A. Burnet, John Jmgrund, John Shippy,
James Tipton, Andrew Diehl, John H. Fra
zc-r, Isaac Fisher.—22.
Frederick Berkheimer, Cyrus Way, Wil
liam Whitaker, J Hclsinger, Amos Whitaker,
William Blackburn, Henry F. Smith, Gideon
Rogers, Eliakim Blackburn, Robert M. Smith,
Michael Deane, Isaac Hotncr, Andrew Dull,
John M. Blackburn, Levi O. Weisel, John S.
Holsinger, Peter Mock, Isaac C. Miller, John
H. Miller, (of M.) Joseph O. Kouser, George
Mingling, William Kirk, Valentine Henry, W.
Aldstadt, John M'Creary, Jacob Shriner, Peter
S. Miller, Jacob Thomas, William Renniger,
William Yarned, George Sleek, Geo. Black
burn, John Claycomb, Daniel Spicher, Chris
tian Holsinger. William H. Earnest, Eli Rog
ers. Elwood Miller, Peter Nunamaker, Frank
lin Mic.kel, Abner Sleek, David A. le.kes,
Emanuel Moorehead, Israel Davis, Geo. Cala
than, Harrison Blackburn, Isaac Smith, Ja
cob Growden, Abner Griffith, T. S. Holsinger,
Cyrus Penrose, Amos Burkhitner, Enoch Black
burn, Henry McDonald, Samuel Burger, Jo
seph Brown, Jesse Willis, Mahlon Penrose,
Adam Samels, Frederick Oster, Geo. W.
Barefoot, Geo. Yarnel, Michael Stoinbaugh,
Enos Corle, Josiah King, Andrew Shawler,
Joseph Smith, 11. Griilitb, (of Jos.) Jesse W.
Sleek, William B. L'ristnan, William Cuppet,
James Clossen, Henry Ilonestine, Wm. Jones.
Nathaniel liams, Bernard liauos, J. Whit
stone, Anthony Clingerman, George Gordon,
Henry P. Stuckcy, J. 11. W. Drake, John F.
Collins, .James V. Rice, John Fetter, James
Elder, Jcs.-e W. AL.&e, Geo. Sipcs, Daniel
liams, Zachariah Mower, Israel M. Bennett,
Aker Bennett, Lennox Ash, Abraham Ben
nett, Jeremiah Bennett, Michael liams, Henry
Martin, William Northcraft, George Smith,
Bartley Miller, Solomon Wilkinson, A. Mau
ger, (of J.) Geo. lines, John Ruby, Westley
Perdew, Daniel Fetter, James Morse, Peter
Reaninger, Geo. W. Taylor, Wm. 11. Buxton,
Joseph Richey, Michael Rowland, Abe! John
son, Westley Collins, Jesse Perdew, Joshua
Browning, John llop, Isaac Collins, John Car
son, Robert Ash, Samuel Barnes, John A.
Potts, Henry liams, John Moor, Henry Ruby,
Jasper Ash, Westley Wigfield, Philip Riobey,
Alfred Northcraft, James Northcraft, Alfred
Lewis Sell, Michael Sollenger, Joseph Boy
r-r, Thus. Dooly, Jacob Baker, David Sell,
Henry Erersole. jj. Teeter, (of John.) John C.
Hawbecker, John Jordon, William B. Noblej \
J. T. Hetriek, Isaac Boice, David Kiee, Geo. |
Latshaw, J. Ewalt, Adain Stayer, J P. Snow- ,
berger, R. L Replogle, I). H. Miller, W itliam .
Harcleroad, A. Kreiger, John E'u4y. J L j
Snyder, Martin .Vliiler, H. H. Miller, J. B-■
Furry, John Biddle, Jac. S. Bittle, D. H.j
Burger, Adam Kohman, Abe Mowry, Alex:
Nfone, J S. Alaloy, John Miller, Sol. VV'eyant,
J ilin S. Rush, Geo. M Boyer, Jas. Deatrieh.
David W. Diltz, Andrew Shoenfelt, C Hinkle,
David Evcrsole, I) B. Kochenderfer, David
Teeter, Conrad Imler. Levi Reploglo. Phil-
Croft, William Hissofay, E. D. Ralston, D.
P. Eversole, James Lyons, (col) Hiram Way,
J H. Graham, William Snowberger, Andrew
Turner, David Koons, J R. Bechtel, A. Ever
sole, John I. Noble, D. L. Replogle, C. Snow
G- Sowers, Dan'i. Mel-el, J. Cauftman, All
an) Pessler, h red Curie. Henry Bark. William
Carrel, M. Burket, (of Sam'l j J din James. M
Walter, (of Jos.) John Beagle, Mo-es Cri-s
--man, William Reighard, Grundy Ake, James
Burket Adam Croyle, T. H. Croyle. Ghuuocy
Croyle, Geo. W. Taylor, Lewis Claar, J G.
Slonaker, James Weyant, Joseph Dull, John;
Claar, Andrew Moreheud, -Geo. Sarrers, J. M |
Walter, Dan'l. Claar, Benj. Slick, Franei- j
Beard, Joseph S. Riddle, T. C. Cameron, J '
Claycomb, (of John.) Geo. Kinsley, Andrew!
Allison, Martin Walter, M. Feather, Joseph;
Feather, John Krelt, William Claycomb, Ja
cob Shafer, Joseph H. Griffith, H-nry Featli- j
er, Samuel Walter. Geo Krell, Sam'l- Cr>.vie, j
Josiah Griffith, Harrison Feather, Yal Bow- j
ser, John Hartle, Thus. Claar, John Gochcn- '
hour, A. Ake! Isaac Feather, Sam'l. Shafer, j
Eman'l. Benton, Jer. Clark, Jacob Walter.
Jas. Wright, Sam'l. Weyant, (of John ) Sam'l.
Wyant, Isaac Corle. —-62.
Simon Koons, Jos. Snowh-'rger, Abraham
Ritcbev, W. Forney. David D-ffabatigh. Henry |
Recti, Peter Koontz of H, Mi diael Wierbam, '
D. Hershliergcr. A. Whetstone, J. Sliuss, Jacob
Gardner, Wilson Lysinger, G. Smouse, Mathew
Mortimer, Jos. Diesbrow, J. Ruler, J. Lingefel
ter, Jas. Gowens col'd, H. Shank, J. Shuss, J.
H. Shafer of A—22.
Sam'l Ilendrixon, W.J. Hunt, J. K. Boor,
1 Tobias Hour, Jan. Edmunson. col'd, Emanuel
Wertz, Edward Hinev, David Hunt, Thomas
Fisher, col'd. D miel R. Anderson, Josiah 1.).
l?jor, W. SpiTt, J Giilum, Thos H k. Peter
Deremer, J"S. ll>mrning, Jos. IV. Boor, Win.
AHrni Morgurt, Wilson Catos, C> nst- Fot
ten. E'.ms Wink, H. Rite hey, Gideon Rite.u-y.
Michael Blankly. J. C Rhora, A T Poor, H.
Lavton, P. Penny) A. Richey, J. Roush, Oliver
I McDaniel—l4. '
Sam'l E Miller, Isaac Devore, Michael C.
Miller, Fe\i Miller, W. Ream, Elijah Miller,
Isaac Clark, Joseph Sifert, Aaron Young, col'd,
Josiah May, George W Horn, John P. Smith,
John G. Smith. Jonathan hyde. Jacob C. De
'■ vore, Da\id Miller, Martin V. B. Knoulf, D.
Jacob N. Bruadstone, Louis liatrrl, P:us
Little, John Bingham, Thomas Kay, Abraham
Shollv, John livers, William Ott, Geo. White
hill, Samuel St el, Wi'.iiam Hirwooi, Thos.
A. Piper, Joseph Hinish, Jacob Burger, John
i Stor.o, Wm. A. Grove, David S. Fiuck, Sam'l
! Clapper.—lß.
11. Sevits, Samuel Fluck, Jacob Oaks. John
MeClain, John Black, Jonathan L. Hoover,
Geo. Fluek, F. O- Alleman, John Kelley, W.
Mcllugh, W. Vanstine, Franklin Stoler, Thos.
Cypher, W. Hohinan, John Harry, John lvert
-1 singer. Uriah Berkstrasser, Jacob Bridenstine,
J. Hoover, Chits McGee, Jacob Harrold, Sarn'l
Grabill, Abraham Kensinger, J. H Herbert,
Harry Speese. Sam'l Ember, J Smelser, Tobias
Snyder, Jacob Roads, Sam'l Etcher, Fletcher
McCahan, Mark II Harris, W, M'Cabe, T.
VV. White, Jacob Syster, W. Firhcr.—36.
Samuel Glitz, Winson Raloy, Philip Devore.
| Solomon Smith, Henry Miller, Samuel Wager
man, David V. Evans, William J Carpenter,
Calius M Devore, Martin L. Miller.—l 6.
j Edward Flinn, David S. Hatiiy, Sam'l Bass
! ler, Jacob S. Brown, James Howard, .Martin
: Warel am, Jno S. Longenecker, W. Justice,
| Benj. Ober, Dan'l Kensinger, Abraham Kirk,
| Isaac P. Hoover, Patrick 11. Davis, Conrad
| Nicodemus, Sam'l Priar, John RoitF, T. Juhn-
J ston, Jarnes Clay, Isaac Reiff, Thos Watson,
Jus. Miller, Alex. Sell, Edward Lewis, John
' Dunlap, Joseph Shirk, John S. Wolf, Hezekiah
| Kink, James Sttowden, John King, Jackson
Stuckey, David D Snowberger, Sam'l S. Carper,
Jacob Kauffruan, J Dick, Jno. Garber, Joseph
Bassler, Christian L. Holsinger, VV. Cashman,
Nicholas R Barley, Dan'l S. Stager. P. Fouse,
Anthony Noll, David D. Brumbaugh, Christ.
McEnally, David 11. Byers, J Lancy, Daniel
Byers, John T. Keagy, Benj. F. Longenecker,
James Mcluegor, Jacob S. Bassler, Jos. Long,
Harry Mock, Peter L. Keagy, Dan'l Baker,
Michael Gentner, Francis Spieer, Sam'l Byers,
James Robinson, Samuel B. Kokanour, Wm.
Gates, Abraham Newcomer, William Elder,
Samuel Bechtel, John Freeland, Samuel S.
Longenecker, Joseph Smith, D. S. K. Brum
baugh— 68.
i John Bu6surd, MichaelCrothern, G.Vanstine,
j Edward Means, .Tas. Kenard, VV, Layton. K.
I L. Miller, Cornelius Rice, Abial Akers. James
j Ward, Jonathan Rice, J Bishop, M. Heavncr,
Pitilio Swatweldcr. Jure Clark, Jacob Mills,
Lerue Weimer, David Bishop, Josiah Koona,
H. Mortamore, Philip Barkman, J. W. Nycum,
VV. Robins, Jacob Furney, Moses Shaw, Jacob
Smith, Henry M.trkle, J hn Boor, Harrison
Bequeath, VVm. Roberson, Jr. Joseph Ecksline,
t Jere Shaw, J. W.Nycuin, Wilson Nycum, Mi
chael Fletcher, J. Fletcher, D. Markie, Thad
deus 800r.—38.
Adam Stickler, Solomon Millar, Jaeob W
Miller, Michael S. Darr, ZJaniel B. Home, Geo.
G. Burns, Jacob Bowers, Enos Blackburn, J.
Mench, J. A. Rock, Silvester Souser, James
Wilson, John H. Border, John M. Hiner, H.
Ellenberger, Josiah A. Border, John Dollard,
Michael Miller, John G. Feight, John B. Mil
ler, William McDaniel, Samuel Home, Wm.
Winegardnor, Nathan Crisman, Jao. Harman,
Gabriel Hull. Gyrus Penrose* Harri-.m Davis ,
Geo Slack, VVm. Malianv, Frank Marburg,
J. Otto, \V. Itehninger, l'et r Seller, J re E.
Blackburn, K W lterksiresser, C- I'Vichter,
A L >n<r. A. Sc ell, N. H. Skslea, 4. Gulp,
Francis Pooriuaa —14.
John Betwilei, Jons Pittman, John Ro*ebaugh,
Joseph Clarke, Henry Ritrhpy, Joseph Dasher,
Sam'l. Zimmerman, Andrew HuZtrJ, John S. Mor
ns. J. W. Eishelman, John Ly singer, John ,f. Di
bert, Abu Htfushfrian, James A. Hortn, William Simon tfuzard, Kph. Wilkina, Sarn 1. Pitt
Arrested. —About ten o'clock A. M. on
the 2<l instnt, a '-pretty little sergeant" with
two men, fully armed and equipped, entered
ilie office and arrested the Editor, whom they
kept in custody in town until four o'clock I*.
M , when bo was sent under guard to Harris
burg. What bis fate will be, of course, no
one knows. Gray Mkkk i u brave enough, how
ever, to submit without cringing to whatever
the niimon* of despotism can inflict. The
cause of the arrest no one knows, although it
is generally supposed to have been instigated
by a certain Captain A. B Snyder, a long, lean,
lank, slab-sided animal inhabiting this Borough,
who i* entirely too brave to work for a liveli
hood. and decidedly too cowardly to expose
himself to danger by going to the front. A
communication in the Watchman of a recent
date exposed some of the villany of this same
Captain Snvder, therefore the present outrage
—lkileJonte Watchman.
KfTlie proposition to strike out the word
' while" in the qualifications requisite to become
members of the .Miss .uri Legislature, has been
defeated in the Constitutional Convention of
that State, by a vote of twenty yeas to twenty
eight nays. A proposition to permit colored
persons to vote was also lost bv twelve ayes to
thirty-two nays.
We have already s ■ 11c 1 that as late as Man
day last no Federal troops from Schofiidd's catr.p
had been able to march from Wilmington west
ward towards Georgetown. ti>e direct road to
Sherman's camp. Several attempts tia-i been
made, but all had been checked by the. Confed
erates. We now have advices as late as Wed
nesday last, front Layetteville, northwest of
Wilmington. This town stands upon the oth
er route to Sherman's camp. No Federal troops
had at that time advanced from Wilmington to
wards Llyettevtlie. in spite of reports from
Wilmington, therefore, we cannot see how Sher
man aad Schofiehl can have formed a junction.
Sherman is fast in the ma i between Columbia
ar.d Cheraw. Tie rivets are Swollen ; the
swamps impassable, an . he seems unable to in any direction, i'he Confederate steam
er Cliicharnaoga has been burned on the Cape
Fear river, above Wilmington, to prevent her
capture. Them are curious reports from Wil
mington and Washington that Sherman has
reached Fayetteville, and that gunboats have
been sent up the Cape Fear river to that town.
These reports are at least premature. We print
this morning an official gazette from IVishing
ton, and it says not a word on the su j ct.
There is no cessation inG-n Grant s prepar
ations for n gigantic expedition from Hatcher's
run, on the left of his line. He may be expect
ed to march an soon a-- the fresb.-t- "bb-idei ind
tlie roads are fit to bear artillery Such a move
ment has become necessary to relieve Sherman j
for no Federal troops from the east can get to
him, and the Confederate army in his front is
strengthening every day.
General Sheridan's advance south along the
Shenandoah valley began on Monday last.—-
General Hancock was placed in command of
Winchester during Sheridan' 3 absence. We
have no news direct from Sheridan, but Ger
: eral Grant telegraphs from City Point that de
i serter.- say Charlottesville was captured on
Thursday last, 1,800 prisoners, including Gen
eral Early, being taken. Whether this is true
or not cannot yet be decided.— Age.
mmemmmonammmmmmmmmm—■ 1 ———— i
DlEHL.—Departed this life, Feb. 25, 1855,
; m a well-grounded hope of a happy home in
j heaven, Rebecca Diehl, of Friend's Cove,
widow of Nicholas Diehl ar.d daughter of Mr.
| David Whetstone, aged 27 years, 2 months
j and 12 days.
M" 1 H F, undersigned is agent for the above named
J macnines, at manufactu'er's pricea. Pamph
; let* describing the use of machines, and the pro
| cesa of manuiacturing syrup and sugar from -orghe,
; can b had by applying to him by letter or other
| wise, or by catling at the '• Gazettt " office,
j The umler-ign. d ba> also on hand, and for sale, a
1 large lot of pure sorgho sed, which cm be ha I by
application to him, or at the store of P. A. Reed,
Bedford. He manulactured list season, seveial
i hundred gallons of sorgho syrup, which sells for
$1.50 per gallon. Fiood 130 to 300 gallons can BS
produced to the aero.
March 10, 1863. Scbsllsbcro, Peno'-
A Clergyman, while residing in Sooth America
as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple rent-
I edy for the care of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay,
| Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and.
I the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful
| and vicious habits. Great numbers have been al
> ready cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by
i desire to benefit the afflicted and nnfortnnat-, 1 will
I send the recipe for preparing and using this medi-
I cine, in a sealed ei.velcpe, to any one who needs It,
i Free or Chabse.
P ease ene ose a poet-paid envelope, addressed to
yourself. Address, JOSEPH T 'NM V,
Station D, S'.b:e arc.
February 10, 18?3—ly New York
i PAMPHLET -irectirg how to sp-edily restore
fl izht and give up spectacles, without aid of
doctor or medicine. Sent by-mail, free, on receipt
of 10 cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE, M. D.
il3O Broadway, .New Ycri-
Febroary 3, 1863—6rp.
A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING relating lotus hu
man system, male and female ; the causes and tree
meat of diseases} the marriage custom* of the
world j how to marry well and a thousand tbiogt
never published before read thej-evised and enlarge
ed edition of "Medioal Com mon Sz.n'm," a eorious
book for euriotis people, and a good book for every
one. 4l 0 pages, 100 illustrations. Price sl.#o
Contents table sent free to any address. Books
may be had at th" book stoies, or will be sent by
mail, post paid, ott receipt of tb price. Addievs
Pa. E. B. FOOTE, M. TV.
1 U*o Ffrwsid way, *f?\r York
Feb-. S , -Fr*