The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 03, 1865, Image 2

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FRIDAY •• : I MARCH 8, 1863.
Bedford Borough Democratic Ticket.
Pursuant to previous notice, the Democrats
ef Bedford borough, met in the Court House,
on .Saturday evening, Feb. 2.7 th, and placed in
nomination the following ticket, to be support
ed by the party, at the election to be held on
Justices of the Peace,
TI Nicodemcs, John H. Rcsm
.Samc sr. J. McCausun.
Josiah M. Gephart.
Judge of Election,
John A. Mowr.r.
Hiram Leniz.
School Directors,
Job Mann, 0. E. Shannon
Town Clerk,
AI.'GCSTCS Carves.
Chief Burgess,
Valentine Steckmax
Assistant Burgess,
J, H. Hvtton, Richard 11. Sill.
A W. Mower, John Boos
High Constable,
Democrats of Bedford township will
meet in Bedford, on Saturday next, March 4th,
for the purpose of nominating a ticket to be
voted for at the coming Spring election. A
full turn out is requested.
The Failure of the Peace Conference.
In an article published in our last issue, we
showed that, according to the account of the
proceedings of the late Peace Conference,
given by Messrs. Lincoln ar.d Seward, the
Southern Pence Commissioners uid not demand
separation or a recognition of their independ
ence. They did not even introduce that sub
ject, but, as Mr. Seward tells us, they seemed
chiefly to favor "a mutual direction of the ef
forts of the got ernment as well as those of the
■insurgents, to some extraneous policy, or scheme,
for a season, during which passions might be
•xpecied to subside end the armies be reduced,
and trade and intercourse between the people
of both sections be resumed.*' This would
hove been tantamount to a restoration of the
Union, For, whilst trade ar.d intercourse were
being freely carried on between the people of
the North, and those of the South, there could
have been no resistance In the execution of the
federal laws, the confiscation act, of course,
becoming a dead letter. But, Lincoln and Sew
ard preferred slaughter and devastation to this
method of rest - ring the Union, and the Peace
Conference was a failure. Now let us suppose
that George B. McClellan, as President of the
United States, had met Alexander H. Stephens,
in a conference of this kind. What reply
would the Hero of Antietam have nirde to the
propositions of Mr. Stephens fur re-union-
Ho would have said, "The Union u the only
condition oj Peace. We ask no mors'' No
twaddle about the negro—no bloated pride of
political opinion—no boastful reference to "ro
sition* Assumed by the Executive*'—but sira-
pie submission to the Constitution niul the laws
of the land, would have been th f * terms which
be would have, in return, proposed to Mr.
Stephens. The latter would, then, have repli
ed (for Gen. Grant tells us that he was convin
ced that Mr. Stephens and his co-commission
ers were sincere in their desire to restore the
Union) "Very well. We will gradually dis
band our armies, as you will also disband yours.
Our people shall trade with each other and as
sociate together, and v.e will act in concert in
some great humane and glorious purpose, and
finally, when pas ions thai! have cooled and
prejudice softened, we will be in ore firmly uni
ted than ever before." And thus, under a
Democratic administration, theeffusion> f blood
would havobeen stayed, the brand of devasta
tion quenched, and Peace, Union and Prosper
ity restoied to this suffering Heeding and ra
ined nation
wirais of our borough did themselves credit on
Saturday night last, by nominating a ticket
oompoeed of men entitled to the confidence and
support of tho people. The nominees for Jus
tice of the Pence, are both excellent nomina
tions. Esq Nicodemus :s considered, by men
of all parties, as one of tho most competent
justices ever elected in Bedford. lie is very
attentive to bis duties, seldom away from his
office, has a thorough practical knowledge of
law and is proverbial for the correctness of his
decisions. Mr. John 11. Rush, the other nom
inee for lustice, is well known to the people of
th* borough, as a man of sound, safe judgment,
and at a most worthy and valuable ci'iien
rbo sterling honesty of Mr. Hush, and his sound
•etaracu aense views eminently fit Lim fcr the i
petition fpr which be is a candidate. We have
not the space to refer, individually, to all the ;
cihe nominees, but commend them to the sup- i
pert tf the voters of the borough, as gentlemen j
rwliy aoiit'ed tc Ureir suffrages
The Dralt.
Ike draft for this county, (with the exeep- '
tion of Bedford borough, which, at this wri
ting, has not been drawn) came off last week, j
Vi e have found it impossible to get a lht of the
victims. Our politics don't suit the tastes of
the gentlemen who have control of the draft j
news telegraphed to this place, and we must be i
content to wait till we can copy it front some j
loyal newspaper. We have learned, however, j
that the names of two dead men (they died }
nearly one year ago) are among those drawn j
for Bedford township. Of course two living
men will have to be drafted to fill their places.
We are told that the names of these two dead
men were handed, among others, properly au
thenticated, to the Board of Enrollment, when
sitting here for the purpose of revising the rolls.
We would advise every drafted man to re
port promptly to the Board of Enrollment.
If you skulk about the country, you will after
wards be arrested and whilst your chances for
exemption are lessened, you r.reoniy the instru
ment ot putting money into the pockets of spies
and informers. Should you skedaddle, your
j brother, friend, or neighbor will be required in
[ your place. It is a hard thing, to be sure, to
obev the summons which calls vou from wife
and child, or father and mother; but, we have
seen enough of the operations of the consorip
-1 tion. to convince us that the best plan is to re- j
A Nst T Issue.
Gov. Curtin has manfully endeavored, on
several occasions, to induce the Administration
at Washington, to do justice to Pennsylvania,
in the matter of the draft. He has but partially
succeeded; yet, if Mr. Lincoln were satisfied
that a majority of the people of Pennsylvania
sustain the Governor, i.e would not daretoper
mit his underlings to slight the demands of our
State Executive. Gov. Curtin has recently de
manded the removal of Capt. Dodge, who is kept ;
right under his nose, by Secretary Stanton, for !
the purpose of annoying him, and-whose arbi- j
trary decisions have caused so much dissatisfac- '
tion throughout the State. Capt. Dodge is
still retained in office by the War Department.
Gov. Curtin also says that the state has filled
her quota under the last call and that she owes
no deficiency. In these positions, the Democra
cy and many honest Republicans sustain Gov.
Curtin. If, at the spring elections, the Lin-|
coln-Stanton-Fry Draft party should be sue- •
cessful, Gov. Curtin will be weakened in his j
efforts to protect the people. But, on the other j
hand, should the Democrats and supporters of ,
Gov. Curtin be successful, it will so strengthen
the hands of the Governor as to enable Lira I
completely to maintain the rights and the dig- :
nity of the Commonwealth. Will the people j
of Pennsylvania, for once, see to their own j
interests ?
St. Clair Tp. Democratic Ticket.
D emocrats of St. Clair township have!
nominated a most excellent ticket for township
officers. We hope that the sturdy yeomanry
of that district, will sec to it that this ticket is
triumphantly elected. Mad not an undue pro
portion of the Democratic citizens of St. Clair
been drafted, thus preventing them from cast- j
ing their votes, the Democratic ma jority in this '
township would at least be fifty. But there 1
seems to have been a special effort to tii ipate ! -
by the draft, the DeraocruWc ascendency in St-
Clair. Through partial enrollments, and spies
and informers who pointed out Democratic con
, scripts to the officers of the conscription and
permitted abolition conscripts to remain at
I home in quiet, the draft has been made io op- t
; c ru; :• .cjuiiou-lv to ti.cD, cracy. But there;
: are plenty of honest Republicans, who, like !
| Gov. Curtin, cannot swallow the monstrosities 1
of Lincoln and Staniorf* who will step forward i
and take the place of the Democratic abscn
| tee?. The foul play which has been shown by j
our political opponents should only serve to in
spire Democrats to labor with greater detertni
| nation to successful. Let every man roll up ;
| his sleeves and go to work. Let every Demo
| cratic and conservative voter turn out to the
; election. The following is the Democratic
| ticket, to be voted for in St. Clair tp., on
Justice of the Peace —Jacob W. Sleek.
Countable —John 11. Miller.
Assessor —John 11. Bowser.
Judge —Adam Oster.
Inspector —Jesse Willis.
f Jacob Walter,
School Directors> — % Isaac B. Mock,
( Je?se Conner
f, ( Joseph Reiranger,
Sopt rinses— ?, , ' '
J John \V iscgarvcr
,'lulilor —B. R. Henderson.
fcrWe have been requested to state that a
good teacher of a Grammar or High School,
can obtain employment by coming to Bedford.
The school known as the "Bedford Classical
Institute," is at present without a teacher.
RIVERS OP BLOOD.—The circulation in the
system is not unlike the flow of rivers to the
sea, which move smoothly until they are clog
ged or obstructed. But when drift wood or al
luvial deposit darns them up, then comes the
tearing devastation that follows the obstruction
of a force which cannot be stayed. So the
blood circulates insensibly through the system
until it becomes clogged by disease; then burst
out the ulcers, sores and disorders which fol
low that condition- Take Ayer's Sarsapariila
and purify your blood, to save yourself from
the floods, freshets and deluges which sweep
unnumbered multitudes out upon that shoreless
sea which swallows all mankind — LantutUr j
(Pa ) Register.
£3*Go:ug—the snow and conscripts.
fSrComing—Spring, mud and wild ducks.
tt3~New York Police Gazette —branch office
in Bedford, on Juliana street.
poetry — 11 Ik of grease, I love
thee wellr —No allusion to the Isle of stumps.
C3-Why is a laundress like a iailor 1 Because
she irons men's wristbands.
erWhy is a piano-stool like a four quart
measure ? Because it holds a gal-on .'
o*Capt. Beall, of the Southern Confedera
cy, has been executed in New York, as a spy.
sl~John W. Forney and the rebel General
Fry or, who is on parole, are hobnobbing to
gether at Washington.
UirAn exchange says that the nurselings of
the Administration sit teat-a-teut. llow naugh
ty *
eirln what respect are ladies like soldiers ?
They generally have their faces powdered when
in an engagement.
CapTbe next Government loan will be six
hundred millions of dollars! "Neber you be
frightened ! It's only for the darkey, come to
join and fight for Abraham !"
CTTGOI ! still rates at 200 premium. The
state of the currency, after all, does not seem
to depend on federal successes.
UarNecessity knows no law. Neither do our
rulers who believe in the "law of necessity,"
rather than in the Constitution they have sworn
io support.
SSrNevcr wink at a friend's faults or at his
sister. In both cases you may be hood*winked.
&y*An exchange asks, What is beauty with
out soap? We don't know, but should think
it more than "skin deep."
C3*The town elections in New York State,
have gone strongly Democratic. Many towns
that never before elected Democratic officers,
have chosen the Democratic candidates.
Car The quota of Bloom township, Columbia
County, under the call for 500,000 men, was
56 men. Now, its deficiency under that call,
is 98 ! Singular sort of arithmetic they have
in the War Department, eh ?
0"How truthful the language of tire poet :
"A thousand years scarce serve to form a State,
An hour may lay it in the dust. And when
Can man its shattered splendors renovate,
Recall its virtues back, and vanquish time
and fate V
CiTDemocrats, don't forget to attend the lo
cal Sections on Friday, 17th of March. Let
every man turn out. A full attendance will
give you the victory e.very where.
C2"Wien Forney, editor of the Harris burg Tel
fgraph, calls Gen. Fryer "a traitor and a cow
ard." Does Wien think so because his Uncle
John -v£3 too intimate with Fryorat Washing
fcrThe llarrigbnr Tekst~a c h c y c try
are trying to convince the people that Mr. Lin
coln is censurable for not accepting the terms
offered by the Southern Peace Commissioners,
"the recognition of Ike Confederacy:'' Lincoln
and Seward brand you as a liar, Mr. Telegraph!
They say that the Southern Commissioners never
once mentioned recognition.
iKTAn exchange which evidently hasn't the
fear oi toe pre ustick be tore its eyes, has the
following retire : To make a young lady six
feet deep in happiness—give her two canary
birds, one poodle-dog, twenty vard3 of silk,
a .rinoline skirt, an rose-buds,
the promise of a new bonnet and a squeeze of
the hand. If he doesn't melt, it is because
she can't!
Official Deport of Gen. Schofield.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.—General Schofield
makes the following report of the capture oL
Fort Anderson:—
ROE, Feb. 23.—T0 Lieut.-Gen. U. S. GRANT,
CITY POINT. \ A. —General:—l have the honor
to report the success of our operations against
Fort Anderson and the adjacent works on both
sides of Cape Fear River.
Y esterday, while the guns maintained a heavy
j tire upon Fort Anderson, I pressed the enemy
on both sides of the river, and sent a force, un
der Gen. Cox, about sixteen miles around a
swamp, to turn the enemy's right. This force
made its way along a narrow defile between two
swamps, and completely turned the enemy's
As soon as this movement became known to
the enemy he abandoned his works and retreat
ed towards Wilmington. We captured ten guns
uninjured, and a considerable amount of am
munition. We have about 750 prisoners. 'Mic
loss in killed and wounded is small on either
side. The troops are pursuing the enemy, and
the gun-boats are mov>tig up the river. Fort
i Anderson and its collateral works are very
strong and rendered almost inaccessible by
swamps. A small force could have held them
until their supplies were exhausted.
My information is that, the Rebels have a lice
of defense beyond Torn Creek, where they pro
pose to make a stand. If so, it can probably
bo only a short time,
I am, General, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
(Signed) J. M. SCHOFIELD,
Major-Gencral Commanding.
Despatch from Admiral Porter.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.—The Navy Depart
ment has received the following;
Cape Fear River, N. C., Feb. 22, 1865.
via FORTRESS MONROE, Feb. 24.—9 A. M.
To Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy.
SIR: I have the honor to inform you that
Wilmington is in possession of onr troops.
(Signed.) DAVID D. PORTER.
Rear Adthirai.
Wilmington in Possession of the Feder
al Troops.
To Major General Dix, New York :
Dispatches just received announce that W il
mington, North Carolina, is in possession of
our troops.
(Signed) E. M. STANTON,
Secretary of the War.
Interesting Questions & Answers-relative
to the 7.30 U. S. Loan.
MR. JAY COOKE, of Philadelphia, who for so
long a time had the management of the popular
500 million 5.20 Loan, has just been appointed
to dispose of THE ONLY POPULAR liOAS now of
fered for sale hv the. Government, viz.: the
In entering upon his duties he desires to an
swer phrinly the large number of questions dai
ly and itourly propounded to him. so that his
fellow-countrymen may all understand what this
"Seven-Thiity Loan" is—what are its peculiar
merits, —how they can subscribe fur or obtain
the notes, &e.
Ist Qae iton. Why is this Loan called the
"Seven-Thirty" Loan ?
Answer. It bears Interest, in currency, at the
rate of Seven Dollars and thirty cents, each year,
on every hundred dollars; making the interest
as follows:
One cent per day on each $ 50 note.
Two cents " " 100 "
Ten " " " 500 "
Twenty " " l,0i)0 "
Otic dollar " " 5,000 "
2d Question. When and how can they be
obtained ?
Answer. They arc f< r sale, at par, and ac
crued interest, by all Sub-Treasuries. Nati
and other Hunks, and all Hankers and Brokers.
3d Question. When is the interest payable
and how can it be collected ?
Answer. The Coupons or Interest Tickets
are due 15th of February and 15th of Au
gust in each year, and can be cut off from the
note, and will be cashed by any Sub-Treasur
er, !"• >S- Depository, National or other Hank
or Hanker. Question. When must the Government
pay off these 7.305?
Answer. They are due in two years and a
half from the 15th of Feb. 18 5 ; viz. : on the
loth of August, ltfu7.
s t!i Question. Must 1 receive back my money
so soon as 18(57 ?
Answer. Ao/ not unless you yourself prefer
to do so—tiie Law gives you the right to demand
from the Government, at that time, either
your money or an equal amount at par, of the
famous and popular 5,20 Gold Peanug 6 per
cent. Loan.
6 1'n Question. How much do you consider
this privilege of conversion, into 5.20 Loan to
be worth?
Answer. 5.20s bearing Gold interest from
Ist of November, are to-day worth 9 per cent,
premium. If t Ley are worth no mure at the
end of the two years and a half, when you
have a right to them, than they now are, this
premium added to the interest you recieve, will
give you at least 10 per cent, per annum for
your money—but the opinion is that they will
be worth mere than 9 per cent, preiu um at
that time.
7 th Question. What other advantage is there
Ui investing tn the 7.50 Loan 7
Answer. It cannot he taxed by States,
Counties, cr Cities, and this adds-from one
to three per cent, per annum to the net income
of the holder, according to the rate of taxa
tion in various localities. All bonds and
stocks, except those of the United States, and
all mortgages, &0., are taxed, not only by
the Government, but by States, Counties and
B th Question. How does t'no Government raise
the money to pay the interest, and is it safe and
Answer. The Government collects, by taxes,
internal revenue, and duties on imports, fully
three hundred millions each year. This is neat
ly three times as much as is needed to pay the
interest on all the debt, and as soon as the war
is ended, the amount not needed to pay the in
terest will he used in paying off the debt,—
Our Government has twice paid of all its debt,
and can easily do so again. The interest is
sure to be paid promptly, and the debt itself
is the very safest investment in the world. It
13-as sale as a mortgage on a good farm, and
pays a better interest. It is, in fact, a First
Mortgage um all lands, all incomes, ail railroad
and canal bonds, and bank or otber stocks,
mortgages, Ac.
Nothing can be safer, for we are all bound
for it, and all that we have is firtnly held for
the payment of principal and interest. How
foolish those people are, who keep their gold
and greenbacks idle and locked up, or purchase
mortgages or railroad stocks and bonds, which
pay only 5 or C per cent, interest, when these
Seven-Thirties pay (counting the premium on
Five-Twenties,) over ten percent., and are so
much safer and surer.
oth Question. How many Seven-Thirties ore
there, and how much remains unsold !
Answer. There are only about three hundre 1
and twenty-five millions authorized bylaw, and
■n'y about one hundred and ninety millions re
main unsold.
10 th Question. How long will it take yon to
sell tlie balance?
Answer. There are about 800 National
Hanks all engaged in selling them ; also a large
number of the old banks, and at lea t three
thousand private bankers and brokers, and
special agents will be engaged in all parts of
the country in disposing of them to the people.
11 th Question. How long will it take to sell
the whole ?
Jlnswtr. In less than three months they will
bo all sold, and will no doubt then sell at a
premium, as was the case with the old Seven-
Thirties, the first Twenty-Year Loan, and the
The above questions and answers, it is be
lieved, will give full information to all. If not,
the Genera! Subscription Agent, or any of the
Banks or Bankers employed to sell the Loan,
will be glad to answer all questions, and to
furnish the Seven-Thirties in ein; 11 or large sums
(as the notes are issued in denominations of
SSO. SIOO, SSOO, SI,OOO ar;d ss,ou' .) and to
render it easy for all to subscribe—'.bus fulfill
ing the instructions of Mr FESSENOEN, who
earnestly desires that the peojrle of the whole
land, (as well as the capitalists,) shall have
every opportunity afforded them of obtaining
a portion of this most desirable investment.
Major General Hancock's
The Birney Brigade.
Full BouuticH and sso tommi*-
So Star of our I'l jg Shall m r ho l*
"Bally round the Flag Boys," anil k'iDp
step to the Music of the Union.
BEosiand Fay.
The neS pay of a Veteran Vuioa'eer m
Hancock's Corps i.s, viz :
Far one year, Government Bounty.. .. .$ 40 r >
Ciiy of Philadelphi;' 400
Mon'y pay from C IS. Gov't. §l6 per man. 102
Clothing account yearly 42
Ward Bounty (,n r; gc) 25
City relief fur families of vols., SO p- r mo. 72
Total $1,131
The net pay of a Veteran V .iuntcer for t.vo
years in Hancock's Corps is, viz:
Government Bounty. ..i 8
City of I'hiladelphiii Bounty 450
Monthly Pay fa n L S. Govern :u tit, sl6 per
tnoiilh 384
Clothing account, §l2 per year 84
Ward Bounty (average) 2"
City relief fur family §0 per month.. .. 144 i
J ' . 1
Total Si .587
The net pay of a Veteran Volunteer for three |
years in Hancock's Corps B, viz:
Government Bounty ..., . i GOO j
City of Philadelphia 500 j
Monthly pay from I . S. Gov 3it> pern. >. f/6 i
Clothing account, §l2 per year 120 J
Ward Bounty (average). 25 :
Ciiy relief Or families, $6 per month. . 2i6 :
Organization to ralss the Brigade. 1
The Committee who have charge ot the or- :
gauization of the Biiga'n are ;
o. w DAVIS,
sE I'll B STI'IT.
Chief of DtkeOre of Philadelphia.
Cas'utr oj First J\ utiv/uil if ank.
raised under the direction of ihe Corporations
of l'h'.laa •!; Liu. Ft m thi-e Corporations the
Comniittee will consist of —
Tie? President of Pennsylvania R. R. Co.
President ot ike Schuylkill A'avigalion Co.
Fnsident of Ihe Reading K. R. Co.
President of tJit iJt!iwire Mu'wit Insure Co.
President '*f fieui ~\niion*d Perth of Phtlet
The SECOND REGIMENT will he raised
under the direction of the Manufacturers, Mer
chants and Brokers of Philadelphia. The
Committee .will consist of—
Cli AS. L. BO HIE.
Of C L. 4" H Eorie.
Of .Its ij Cooke tV Co.
The THIRD REGIMENT will be raised
under direction of the Corn Exchange. The
Committee appointed are— -
President of the Corn Exchange.
Come and join us, whether yon live in Maine
or Michigan, New J..<:>vr, Delaware, lowa, or
any other loyal State. All who know the gal
lant Hancock, and all who ever served under
the brave Birney, need n<i inducement to join
us after they have made op their minds to re
turn to the? front. Besides tlsi-, make yourselves
recruiting officers, are! talk, the matter over with
the "boys." Bring all you can with you, and
you shall be put in the same company, and we
will have a brigade without jealousies or strife.
Think tLis, and don't take much time to de
cide. We want to put the thing through before
the lirtt of May.
will be appointed by General Hancock. N
one nee • apply to any one but him. The Com
mittees cannot take the time to i ■ I ti;
such questions, or to answer Ij.t.-rs We
want to get the soldiers and attend to tl.Gr
comforts. i
Chie fof Detectu c Police. Mayor's Ojfiei Phila
From the great mass of official correspondence
we select the following, as exhibiting the man
ner in which the Veteran Recruits have been
received and provided for. Circulars, giving
full particulars, may be had at THIS OFFICE, or
at recruiting stations, (about to be organized,)
in different sections of the country;
WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 16, 1835.
Benjamin Franklin, Esq , Chief of Detective Po
lice, Philadelphia :
Sly DEAK .mk : Your detachment of • r..;,-
for the Ist Corps arrived y ..:ertUy
without exception, Hau been mustered lato
the service of tiie United fctaic I u :a very j
much obliged to you for the ex :ion you have j
used toward fil ing up my corps, and 1 trust i
the success yea have thus far tie; with may be ■
aa earnest tor greater success in the future. I
I am, very respectful. •, your obedient ser- ;
vant, W. S. HANCOCK, >
Major Gen. U. S. Jinny, Commanding Corps.
WASHINGTON, Feb 13, 1b65
Benj. Franklin, Chief of Police, Corner of Fifth \
ami CheetnuL, Philadelphia :
Substitutes fur enrolled men do not receive
| the Government Bounty. Principals are fcX
j empted from draft. Representative recruits re.
jc< jvc tire Government bounty. VDm .
' j substitute*, and rcpre? utafive recruit* rai li v ,
in Philadelphia are credited to that city in cooil
ii;g drafts Pay commences trout day the en
listment is perlec - 'J. L Iter by mail
W. H. HANCOCK, Maj Gen.
It is to be expressly understood that V,:te r .
aos, tidier of the INFANTRY SERVICE
be credited to tin: City, Town, County or Town
.-hip where they reside.
Tlic following affidavit will exhibit at once
the admirable demeanor of the recruits when
they arrived at Washington, and how they were
i mustered in.
WASHINGTON, I) C , Feb. 19, 1805.
j I hereby certify that as a Notary Public I
was required to be present at Camp Stonemun
yesterday, the Bth, on tie occasion of muster,
ioy in nt '23 men, recruited by BENI. FR VNif.
LIN, E>q , Ciiief of Detectives ot Philadelphia.
That they were till sworn in am! uniformed in
my presence, and they • ckimwledged that they
had been pui I all of tite bounties promised tlt.-m
> "I (uriln:r state, that all of tlia above rn'tj
! expressed as satisfied with the con
i duct of Mr. Franklin. I farther -ay, of ray
j own knowledge, thai efforts were rnado by p-r
--; 'lis about tlie Baltimore depot in Washington
j to induce the men to violate engagements
with -Mr. Franklin, bat to no effect. I say
is for the credit of the men, whose names are
■ given above " See Circular.
A. G. LAWRENCE. Notary Public.
Ail Ve' -'rariS who desire to have th •!? infer
, ("sis looked after without being sw'n Hci ay
-ha:,.e"s are directed to the Recruiting A<p j
; cy, I Off Soot Is SIX i H S nee:. "Berry's" wl - d
Rifle 1- t > be seen daily wtsi •! tte Vefcraa
!is eo'iflc ito keep at the expiratiVn <u .is' f j
I of service, which discharges sixteen i . :r
I,x,dwrr"';?w-' ,n f !
j Will oe promp .. ans red ■ ng
BENJ 1 i.A " K = I
I Chief Detective Departm:,.t Fuitce PI . 0 "
I Piatt.
| N. B.—No Loafers, b.iutifr Juu* 1 : rs ; orC
: lul sion Men need apply, as no dealing v>bi bt>
ali.iwt .'t v. i.h them,
j C3"RI member, that eath veteran will besnp
, piie 1 witii a p tent-bieeeli loading rifie, that
, cast be fired of! 13 times per tssinute.
-71 iRBIEO
- AMM EU.~N.-ar St7
"'•> -o, by J;tci > Walter, Esq., Mr. W. H.
Y.UH, : M-s Mary Jmie n't cf St.
Clair townsiap.
( A Clergyman, while residing tr. South Amerist
a missioriary, discovered a sifv d' J simple rein
ety lor The r ure of Nervous Weakness, Katly Decay,
D:s-a-es of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and
the whole train of disorders brougnt on by ban-fu!
a. C vtciuus habits, (ireat numbers have been al
ready cured by this noble remedy. Prompted bv a
desire to beo-fit the alSicted and unfortunate, 1 will
send the rec p* lor p ej.aiing and using this medi
cine, in a led eiiveiope, to any one who needs it,
r . a-e enc ore a post-pßd envelope, ad tres ed ta
your-elf. Audre>s, JtIiKPH l". ifCVIW,
Station D, Bible HNYSA,
February 10, 1855—1y N'-w York.
\ PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore
\ sight and give up spectacles, without aid of
doctor or medicine, by mail, fr< •>, on r-sseipt
iof !0 cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE. M. D.,
) H3e Broadway, New York.
February 3, 1865—6 m.
A LI i TLK OF EVF.iiYTHINtI relating to the hn
rri, ii system, u ale and jerrtale ; fee r . -ses md tr; at
-1 me>.t of tiisi-sses; the marriage cust<jms ot the
i; how to marry well and a fhou-and things
n-vrr published before read the re cis j d and er.larg
f i ed.. ton cf ''MEDICAL COMMON BSRISE." a cuncui
be .; for curious penpir", and a too.i bock for every
or- .u 0 pages, IdO illustrations. Price $! 50.
t ontevts tabie sent free to any address. Books
! ir.iy be had a' the book stores, or w ; !J be sent by
i mail, post paid, on receipt of the price. Addiess
Dk. E. B. FOOI E, M. I).,
lI3J Bxoad'.vaj', New Ycrk.
Feb. 3, IS6s—6m.
A Card for the Suffering.
CWALLOW two or three hogsheads of "Bucbu,"
i. " I onic B.itter," "S<rsaparilla," ''Nervous An
tldotes,' 4-c., fkc., he.., and after son are sattsfi-d
with 'he result, and one box of OLD DOCTOR
restored to health and vigor in less than thirty
days. They are purely vegetable, pleasa. tto take,
' prompt and Salutary in their effects or thp broken
| down and shattered constitution. Old and young
' can take them with advantage. Imported and sold
in the United States Ott.y by J. S. BUTLER,
No. 427 Broadway, New York.
ZF~ Agent for the United States.
F. S.—A box of tf e Pibs, securely packed, will
: be mailed t<- any address on receipt of price, which
i- ONE DOLLAR, postpaid ! nrot.ev r-funded by
1 the Agent it entire satisfaction is not given.
laformafso t
' \ LF\TI.EMAN, cued 0 N on- '■ ,
li.-ro't p-'tfc. p.. T.a'ure t'-cay. aniJ Y-.-. 'nf. Er
ror, fi-n'.' ' t ■ .i- ii to benefit ntf r , tvid be
t i| py to lormsh to ail who need it, (fratof charge)
i r ■!■■■: ■' :■ r:o . for rtatrtaf • a
re m.-ed tn hi" cm Sufferers wishing topr,.at
. by >h. a iv-; riser fca . exp-ri ice, ai sir K>.- -:;e>
j t"."t vaiii.F' • !• n-oy. can do no by ,u:r. ,;n; . :-r
| at . n e at his place o> business. T .■ R cipe a .d full
inlorma'tioi:—of vital lrnpsrtai.c *:; 1 be coee*-
I fui.y s-*nt by return mail.
No. 60 Nassau Street, Now York-
P. S— Nervous 6uflerers cf both sexes wiJt.fijd
this information invaluable.
December 2, IS6l—3m
Letters of edministration on the estate of Fleer/
Johnson, late of Southampton township, deceased,
having been granted to the subscriber residing 11
said township, by the R-gistrr of Bedford cou->
he notifies all pTsons indebted to'-.
' *V — ' ..... a . Jl. fa get. 3
t >1"! . rrqii- -.ted :o preso. : .r.*. ;.j pr-'J
eriy fc-.theritiratf ' :cr e-t'temei.t.
March 3, 18- 5 6t
Letters te lj.neu'.ary 00 tne esiite of Johft Sni
der, idie of ncaka bpig towriehip, deceased, h*Vf
I been granted by tee Register of beuibxd cou.iiy to
1 Jacob buider, of couth Wood berry township, a'-O
- Oan.uci b-.tder and j'accb Stuckey, of Middle Wood
i betry township, all persons Having claims or <W
' Teat us against sattl estate are Oot.fted 10 nrtke know*
the biaaja to said executors without delay, acd u. indebted to Sa.d estate axe uofltled to C&lake
iixttuediate paytnest.
tA -! Ui.L btN. iR,
Febtaery l", 1865—tf* Exutr*