bedfw£GA|ctte.|;- gF . MEYERS, EDITOR. FA. I " : ..d all busi- j yjt/DAY s : ; FEBRUARY 24, V il,d j .ii, notes, military art! j iOts '.."i ant! St. Jo-| Railroad. Faimsand unimproved j t0 * SO aeies to suit purchasers. ! E"'ar 1 y opposite tiro "Alengel Hotel" and sy "jKjfc/. Reed h Srhell. iMpWil i, lSGi—ly M. A. POINTS, i ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, VA. Respectfully offers his professional services ;• the public. with J. W. l.ingenteHer, F.sq .onJoli- i ana street, two doors South oi tbe*'Mengei Heaae." 1 Bedford, Dec. 9, 1861. R, DTJBBOBHOWi ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. j Office one door South of tne "Mergel Hou .." Will attend p'orrptly to a ; l bu-.iness entrusted to his ; care in Bedford ana adjoining counties Having also been regul; riy licensed to prosecute | claims against tbeGovernment, pa; tteular attention ! will be given 'o the collection of Miiite.ry claims oi all k.iud3 ; pensions, back pay, bounty.beyuty mans, Hie. April 1, -SC4. KSPY M A LSI PT ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFOF D, PA. Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to his* care in Bedford and coun ties. Military claims, back pry, bounty, Uc., speedily collected. Office with Mann Sc Sprns- on Juliana street, two doers Sonth of the Mengei House. Jan. 22, *6 I f. M KIMMStX. 1. \V. i. iSJOENFCLTS'B I fri T 33!SLL & I.IKGP.KFKLf 2R, i ATTO'iYL'YS AT LAW, BEQFOKO, PA.' (yy—torn ed v partnership in the practice ot | the La v Offic o on Juliaiii street, two doors South of the "Mendel House." G. fJ. SPANG. ATTO.VSEV AT LAW. BEDFOSD, PA Wit; pioroptiy t*end to collections ami #!' busi ness entrusted to his cure in Bedford and ud-oiun, • cou. 'ICS. or 'uhan.' "iree dcit ar.pth of in. ' Mer.'il Ucase,'' pposite the residence of Mrs. Tate. >T I*> lSjl 10If .V P , r n ATTORNEY AT 1 AW. BEDFORD, PA., Rirp'.eef'tlly ttxrArt Ins sen r's fa "<* Fi'Y't. sec.nd noor North of the Mengei Hruse Bedford, Aig, 1, 1861. Jofl !¥ Fi*f.JU E ft , ATTOBNEV AT LAP/, I.ECTOBO, PA [£?'WiP y a'tend to a-! businrcs enirvr ted'r his fart. O'fice ouJuhanaa Street, (near ly opp-"s.te the Menge! Rouse.) Btd.cid, Aug.l, 1861. A. H. ForrepTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. S>*urt P,i. Will hereafter prac f 'ce regnlaily in :b several Courts of Bedford county. Business entrusted to bis rare will be faithfully attend'd to, December 1, 1S 61. F. C. DOYLE, r-'i. D., Tenders his professional s-ivt;es to tie c firms- of Bloody Hun and vicinity. Office ix-rcl -.r to ♦!. hotel cf John C. Blaci. fJu ? i'l SBS4. J L. MARB 01J TIG- M. D. Having perrnanniiiv located, revpectfullv tenders bis professional services to the ci'izecs of Bedford and v cinity. Office on West Pitt street, south side, nearly op ; poiite the Union Hotel. B-iifovd, F.biuaiv 12, 1564. F. M- MABBOTTRGt, M. Z\, SCHEI.LSBORG. PA, Tenders t.i professional services tr people of 1 th * *lac? and vicin -y. Olhce immediately rnio eite the store of John F.. Uoivin, in the roenr. ior merly occupied by J. liertry Scheli. July i, 186-1. DAVID DEFIBAB&H, G U N S M I T II , IJF.UFOUP, 1-A , Workshop same as forrre:!y cccupied by John Border, nereased. fkiilvs and o'ner guns made to or der. in tht best s yleainl on reasonable terms. Soe c:a! attention will be given to the repvirinn of 1 re arrr.g. July I. 1864 ly. S A M IEL Kr. T r F .T 31 \ V , BEDFORD, PA., hereby notify rhe ci"zens of Bedford eocrity, that ■ v has moved ro the Boiough of Be-j. foid, vvaere he rr.av at alii'mes be foood by persons wishing to see him, unl" ,! absent upon business pcrtainmg to ills office Bedford, Aug. 1,1561. J. ALS!P & SON, Auctioneers & Commission filercbaiits, BEDFORD, PA.) RespectfuVty solicit coosigiiKents of Bo~ts aud Shoes, Dry Goods, (Goceries, Clothmg, and ail km- s of Meichaii'tlse fov AUCTION and PRIVATE Sale. REFERFNCES. PKtwtsr.r*!f; BKBFor.n, Philip Ford ti Co., P?on. Job Mann, PoyJ s Hougti, Hen. W. T. Daugherty Arrror Young St Bros., B. K, Meyers. January 2, IS6l—tt. A HEW At iheap Corner. J. B FA RQL'll AR has bought out one of 'he best s'nres in the County, and is able aovv to offer TEN' THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF GOODS TO THE PUBLIC, j sji bought before the last great use in prices, ; and will be sc!d cheap for Ca-h. CtF*Don't ,uil to call ut Farqubar'* before you ! purchase. J. B. FAKQIUAI.. | Eeptrmber ?, tSCI. j JaCC- Rvk-T). J J. Schsll, I REED A\D SfiiELL, BANIvJ"Eb DEALERS !X EXCHANGE, i P.ED: CRD, PKNN'A. l">ugbt told, collect.ons made j ard , promptly rexitted. EjimUed. LADIES' DH>-83 GOODS. rier:nt = , Thibet ( lot is, French ell Wool ' F"ri), Wool Delaines. Porpl'iis, Mohairs, Ccfcure, Aioacas—..!! fasbi-.nable co'.crs -ch np -.c 0-jC. 2, 1861. ( R'.MEU Ik GO'S. ADA! > NJSTP. ATO IV S NOTICE. Litters of :uLmr.Atii'*.iu on Etc est.Ee ot Ra V'l !!• of Coleraia lowrsi i,j, dec'J. j having Uceti vn. iidlo t'.ie fcubscribyr by tu : Register of Be-Jf.-. ioounty, ni! persuns indebted j io suiJ estate, ttre requested to make imtnod- j iato pav.jent and those having claim* will pre- • at them vluly authc'nt'ealcJ for ssetlicr/ient. JACO3 KEGG, adaiii-isiraUir. Bedford, -'au. 20, 18G5. EX ECUTOR S N OT!( E!~ " Letters testaiT.eritasy on the estcte o! Ev.rn ■ Swartzvrelder, late ol Monroe township, dee d., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, in a- j ty way whatever, are hereby notified to mat.* im- i mediate payment and rhose r.aving claims, will pre- j •ent them without delay, properly authenticated for , •attiem-nt. EM vX UEi. SWARTZWELDF.R, J Feb. H 1865. 6t. # Executor. ; cw. a ii - Ii i in; I € a } The Eureka Hay, Straw and Fodder ~ Cutter and Crusher, I j | Will save to any fa me: who h'-s sic head at horsea j to keep, at least sl'o in one season. T'.'s machine hoi been mpsoved last y>r, ( and is p.onoonead h> ths farming ruciic "Toe best j < i Cutter ever invented." i 1 i Having sold more than 100 of the* calters the ! ' past year, 1 respectfully beg leave to refw to a few ! 1 ' firmer* cf Bedford county who have them in use: i i Judjt Burns, Dunit! Walter, ; Jcho Fct ebley, Abranam Peighard, ; Samuel Boor, M. b. Miller, , i ■ Simon P.'ycum, Jck" Shank, • Jiicc better, John W. HoviVsr, 1 C. &. P.- a, Michael Achefer, i , Jciin S. 3iittnbaugb, John M Pe-tcr, Hnry Hurshberger, Henty C ; per, Lemuel Giiffitk, Jacob Yont, j laci b Biddle, John Heluerbaam, , Isaac, Martin Hoover, jAd Dibcrt, Wm. Grieineer, j John Whitellue, Frederick Schnebley, ! A 'am Same!, J. Irvir. Not!', i Henry ctiider, CJtorge bowsei, | '.Viit am Hock, LUv-d Xar-is, Wi!' xir. Ec-yser and some 60 pther lanuers, all o> ! ~ • iho.n ' sm ccr.f.hent will speak of th.e in the hi",be3t terms of praise. t . On account of the great scarcity of mechanies, ; . the high vrice of material, an! 'he great . for there muchices, I was unable to secure enoiua to supply the demand last reason. Ar.u ha - in: ' o'.v , . i ' hut 40 on hand, farmers desiring to secure cut : : , I .MtST ORDKK SCON. ,! —ALSO— I 1 still have in store an elegant assortment of : ' J • K:<£*d warc oi' a7,1 U ind which J will close out at very fair prices. Far m fniiiScments, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION*, ALWAYS O.V HAND. THE LEST ■ OSS Sxamps AT THE LOWEST RATES. CORN SHELLF.RS, ! CIDER MILLS, CLOVER HELLERS, , . GRAIN DRILLS, MOWING & REAPING MACHINES, which I will veil during the winter at much less I ' than thc-y will be sold for next season. ! i SAUSAGE .MEAT CUTTERS, at old price*. j BUTCHER KN'IVFS, MEAT SAWS, REVOLVERS of different kinds, j SADDLERY, SHOE FINDINGS, I MILL RAWS, at old rat"S. I( JRO-V, NAILS, GLASS, Sen. j i ( i Being dfgirous of closing tip my business, all in- ( 1 . ' debted to rre will please setGe at—ard per- i <• i j sons desiring any thing ir. my line, wiii find it to I | their advai.tege to call, as I tm determined o cloue | ou*. my present stock o f goods ut LOWER RAPES I .... | thar. goods caa now be purchased fur elsewhere. ALWAYS ON HAND, The very best Corti Oi! made, CLEAR AND BRIGHT, j J CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Thankful for the very liberal share of patronage | : bi which I have heretofore received, I respectfully so- ( g , ! ni licit a eontinutaea of the same. i ?c i cl WM. HARTLEY- ; a F ' Eedfcrd, Nov amber 18,186 i. J riISBL 4 LECTURE <£S3r T 0 vo u *, G 51 e s . Just published in a sealnf envelop*• Vrice Ihx Ctf. A LECTURK on the Nature, t'reatinent andrad-l ca! cure of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, nvoluntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and imped- j ments to Mariiage generally. Nervousness, Con-' njmplion, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical | ncapacitv, resulting from Self-Abuse, Sic. By ROB SR'C J. CCLVKRWKLL, M. D., Author ol the "Green 300k," lx, Whooping Co>v.*h, Branch DjjicuH y of Breathing, Anthma, I lon r se res?, Sore Thro it, Croup, nn-l ece r y uffecUon of THE THROAT: LI7NGS, AND CHEST, I.NCM'DIS'S £VSN V O IV S U 72 P T i <> V - WISTAR" 4 BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, fto g.-nrrrl pal C,r. it" of Our remedy brrorr.t, and so por'Ja: '* it rcr.yn-here, J'.ct it in nnttecessuty tn , riro •• ' v irtitf, Jit icor/ ■ ■.' for it. rod find U. '• tn rin the aidant './ ro'nntn) y *lin • r | the v. i y : \r /. tor g suffering and ""'trd disca > hive. hy its tftt !'• "n r:\tortd. to yistine vigor znti . KtJ'h ITV rt> a riot" of evidence tn prt.f of uiir atse ' ■*. i/irt CANNOT BF DIS RECITED. The IV*. J.ififtb SrcMfr, Welj known 'ed t .. -h re.,, e -rd a.; on Iff German P'.,. -i .tun in this cc-iti i, . mawr tv f.ii'cwo. tstat •- utcnt for the benefit of f'ne ted. HAticvt z, > a., Feb. iG. is so. D*cr Shi: —Having re.Jued M. my family impi.r-. tant benefit fro n use <>; , > u r vtiush < pre.-va tion Wiitar ■■■ me pteasnie to recorr. :>rn ' . o tn" public. Some ■ eight yen:- tgoan* of my daughters seemed to be n a decline and little hop-; of h ; T ecove-y were er- , tertatred. 1 tha f< erred a hct'ie of yivr excet leut 8.. :.•, t :S 1" ' had talt w'wi of | *' r ® n-■ill tits of the ' it!'-' there wa a great improve- ! merit in h-r hcal'h. 1 rave, in ti:V lndiviuual case, | made fr-quent use cl your vjiuable t eJicine, and j have always 1.-'va benefited by t. JACOB SFCELFR. ! f r oTK Jesse Sw'th, Esq , Prtsi'l n! of the. JioTStt County Bunk, Morrttioum, f.'rw Jeriii g. *l!avin" De. 'V.-STAR'S BAI.*W OF V/h.o C;> V- v 'or h' lo "* fil' 6 "" years, and having realized ; i - >sußs i" rrtv family, it fjords me t'S be-te'tcial f> ,l *- - , .. great ideasure m .-cO~.n e,.1..ig ,r to he -W* m a valuable remedy it. ca ; — I- n . ro ,1 . CfcU-hs ice., ar-l a remedy which I r to ut entirely innocent, and mar !>" '>**"> w,tt; P r ' er! safety 'or 'he most dalica'e in hen fr '. Frost Hon. John E. Smith, a JHs?'..guisfud Loicyer in Weslntin&te', I have on several ocrsstcßS n-ed Dr.. VVn'TR s BshssM OF VVu.d CHER RV for severe colds, bud al ways wilb decided benefit. 1 know oi no p.epwra tion the' is more elfiiacions or moie dpserving o.' general u" The Bii-a'ti hvs siso been used with t x.-!ieiit ef- i fee? by J. B. ELLIOTT,, Hall's Cmi< ] Reads, Md.'s 3r-lsam of Wild Cherry. None genuine unless signed "L. BL 1 18, on the t wrapper. For Sdle by J. P. D!Nh vIORF. No. <9l BioadWsy, New York. , J. VY. R'OWLE \ CO.. Pioprietora, Boston. And by all Diuggisr -. TvEDDiNG'S jRUSSIA SALVJJ. FORTY YEARS' FXPERIENCE H*; fully established the si>p"ri..rity of fiSDDIN(t'S P.OSiIA SALVfi, Over all other'healing preparations. It rures e'l kinds of SORES, ( iJF> SCAT. DS, BURNS, BOILS, ULCERS, SALT HHEUM, ER isIPELAs.stTES. rLJ>. CORNS, SORE i IBS. feCRF. FYFS, A" , UK (JViN'tJ iHE FAIV AT j ONCE. AND liFOD't. tNO i HE MOST ANGRY LOOKING SVVF.Lf.tNGS AND IN FLAM ATION A"- ! F I'Y M ACIC. ON'IfY 25 CENTS A BOX, FOR SALE BY J P. DINS MORE, NO. 491 Broadway, Near-York. J. W. 1-OiVLF. N CO., No. IS Tremont-St., 80-.tou. And by all Druggie*.r. Ma* 6, 1861—eox ly C LOTULS G IX SC HELLS BP lie. Pn-'uiir lately uurcattsetl an excellent aisort o r i uf FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, co'isii-li:."- of Over Con!?, Dress Coils, 3usi-\ iiesv i onls, fitovies, Vtsts, Pmils, Hals &■ Caps, White Shirts, Fancy Flan nel Sifts, Uinler Shirts, Draw ers, hound about?, j\"eck-fi(t y Suspender?, Buckskin Glove. >, Jl.Vi) NOTIONS IN VARIETY. We inttieour fnoails n,.rl all who desire to ' to give us a ea!i at our Iviw l iotliing ■ Store in where as we arc doing i business or: flic '■' One Pn:\" System, we flatter, ourselves we can render rath-faction hj du'.:.g j justice to every one. We thank our many i customers for their patronage, and herewith so-1 licit a continuance c i the .same kindness. G. MCRKSTHESSEK. -N SON. I Si h.ellsburg, Sept. IU, lSc-4 "piijjipsm f 1 Irm engaged ii s.'ll'tig 'he \ jF Fu® Pump— certainty the L ' iifC" e only pu '.r> well adapted to \ this climate. AN Petsor.s in need of a joo-i * i\\ pump Will do well to give j;j§ N ..,..I. f—y&i iy7"o.-ders from all parts ■ of the county will he attend-j eft® ed to with pro.r.ptuess. f. ADDRESS: R >S YV:,J. C. SNIVELY, [ Jtag Scheilsburg. iNxe.; Aug. 1, 18v4.—3ni EXECUTORS NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the last will and testa-) Bent of Jacob Snowberger, late of Middle Wood- j >erry township, dee'd., having been granted to the ! iuDscriber, residing in said township, notice is j lertby given to all persons indebted to said estate t o make payment immediately, and those baring i ilaims will present them, without delay, properly ! mthenticated for iettleoicfit. •eb, 3—6t.' JOHN B. REPLOGLE. Executor. I in, ■■"■■■ - _ ■in ■ ■'< FO K SA!, F, oit " i TRADE! A Farm in Bedford td' v iiship, owned by ' hn H j Rush, about four miles from Bedford, containing ISO acres, about SO acres cleared, with leg house, ; log batn and other oul-buildings thereon erected ; j also, an apple orchard thereon. • | ALSO—A 'tact of land containing fifteen acres, about seven acres cleared with a story an ! a hall j log house and log stable thereon eiecled. aujoining ; lands of Joseph Brir.key, John A. [rrgrur.d and oth- ) crs, situate in Juniata township. The cleared land i is in good ordei, and the balance well timbered, all j capable of easy improvement arid cultivation. ALSO—A tract of land in Harmon's Bottom, Ju- j ni? ! a 'owuship, witb log house, barn, etc., then on j | erected, containing 70 acres and allowance. P itj lof this tract cleared and un-'er fence and in a gmd j i state of cultivation—r.ear to n school house, mill, ! | fkc., acioinitig lamls ol Scot!, Low, fiugb'-s and ota i ers, and Rtcly purchased frot' VV.l.iaro Hurley. J ALSO —A t:act of land in Union Township, con i raining "225 acres, 7*2 acres cicar-d, with a firm ' fcous- , tenant house, double log burn ar.d new 5u .v ! Mill thereon e.ccted. Also, an apple < rc'nard theie. i OG —known as the "Snvder"' or "Koons" pr-'perty ! SO acres of land—lo cleared and u itler fence wi'fc n leg thereon erected, a.ij un George ; I, (.eorge May eri'i other-, partly in Jti:.i-j i at?, and partly in Londonderry Townships, lately i oivred by Andrew tVoiford. ALSO—l'i6 acics near Sto ers'own J mile of Broad 'loo Railroad—abour too a. re etl, with r> two story dwelling house—new ban!; barn, stable. S.c., the r eor. erected ; a!s >. two a|-p!e ; orch tids thereon, of choice fioit. The so.l is a j rich loan, an 1 cap- hie of producing every variety ! ot crops of this climal". i ALwO— 101 l acres bsr quaiity of prairie—r.ear ! the Mis.r.uri river, cio-e to the countj seat tl ; i Harrison county, Imva. I ALSO—Two 16il a-., 'ra.-ts, adjoining Elkhornc j ! city, in the richest v.iiiy of tL-* th® i latt" j •V J-y—about 20 nr.ile:; west .0a city, cut j i close 10 th.- great',a ionr! or g rven.uiei.i roa I "cad- 1 ' io;. r west in Nabra k . '!'•.. t- j. . AlriO —l6O actt•• o roiles llove Omni: .ctv , i on the great her. • >;' li.e vii-: •>" , *! r. e | will timbeie • . vety . it. Al. f £"•■• j •iifds were lec i alt ~j,■. on a I imp ••!. r j i careful exarnu.u, ot of ti 'g. , u ,i t f>. ; vr.-!i > relied u, n;i ir.i fut ire we..'?h ~"ne-v shi ■ rag tnc | ' precise location re u r-y poi v tor.. ! il -•>— l' ue.ii-'l' .•' in O.r.ih i Uifv, Na 1 j bra ska Territory ! ALSO— Xit of grot: '. ir. the cify of f> itan. ' Nebraska Terriicry" 1 j1 * e.bov. e.ltafe ' .11 CC.' -t . Ifh pi : e"S j ! 13 io M -JTu st,, r e ar : proliub e ujisi; n-nf,. J Notes *i v. ig -of arj ki that are pood, J ! wii! be take fcXc,, igt —p- *c-■ i^r;y j. .J.i oji, • I "o'es. S Ma, B,'-"3. O. E. SHANNON, t&rz, /as, ' Cj £ ftp.Alg -Kp . ■ x... *je. 5 IIA3 CN HAND ] AX!) CONSTANTLY K£Et'3 ! ! 1 A FULL STJPPLT OF ALL KIX'JS OF GOODS. ; ;| WIITCII HE WILE SELL UIE.iP FOR ! | CASH OR OOUNTRY PRODuCE | Bedford, Jan. 8, 18G4. KICHtiBD LEO. MA XU F A C TU SE R OF CHAIRS, kC., QPDFORO, FA. I The or.dersigr.e-t 1"" 3 in the Cabinet- I ' rt.ak:,.r busings, w.II ' o order ami keep uo ' baud thing in hit li.N aiauofacture. 1 : BUREAUS, Dti ''SSL V<7 STAADS, PAR- ; LOR A.YD EXIEASIO -V TABLES, j i CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, D ASII STA.VDS, c'C., S; A. j wilt be furni-thed at ai! piice.-, sr..' lo' su.'t every ; ta'ie. COFFINS wii i-i-o be mauo to o !er. ETTro-upt attention pi id to . !i oiders for w Tk. ; or. V','es< Pi.l r feet, neatly opnoS j.RE OF THE BEsT QUALITY, AND CHEAI' AS TJIE CHEAPEST •' liOOK TO YOUR OWN INTEREST BY EXAMLYIXG MY STOCK. A LARGE LOT OF READY-MA DE CLOTIiI> 0, Rml* andffltoe*, 0 F i\ XCE L L E~'< "F Qb . 'jMi > 1, t\r r\ \r s• ; >\" i r I T," 1 \ o ; YiN U \ i itl v. lii j A l . i-.-nn a pa.t oi my new stock. KEia* MiriTER WEAR, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION [Ladies' Stress C.KOods. ■ l G ROCS RIES, QUEENSIVARE, &C., &C. All : o be had at the star*? of J. M. Shoemaker. Kr-lfVrd, N'JV. 25, 1854. j ? :.*% !•?.$• §*l CtII J'€M Toe -i.e-c. iL> -r tins ;ist return"*! from FuiUdei- Ipi is, he h j. iieha- a I •.*• *e S8! select i s'l.i K of PKOTL GRAt'H FR A V ?S, comprising j GILT, EBOJYY, ROSEWOOD, VATd.Y, AMD CARD FRAMES, of d.f'ergni styles and varieties, from 20 i'Js. i ivv t;uh. AI.SO—A new assortment of Photo■•ph A1 br,s;fi, I of al! styles, hoi-ling 1.-om t,> 200 pictures, at pries varying liom 73 cer.l-. tu $20.00, Suitable for f/ie P< or the Pat lor. ; Photographs, Ambroivpes Mmir;oi}pfs, Sc., dLfll :* tow 2 7 eepts each, i fxcrv- cti " r S of everv ki.'d sr.J df. ■!.•■■■ ... rop nil :*? •ti J a0 una s-j*.- or lite u. on il.e trait lea* | son.iMe term*, -.nd in .'be uios* ' l-isSritr. ior.s it. 'he *r? giren . modern ■t. rms. b>'.t oa.ierv uppOi-ie the W. .b • r;tc?, Hotl. I i. it. CiEl ia. , j B-d!o:d, Jane 10. ISI-5. j BEDFORD HOTEL. j Tb" imlff"'; ! having taken charge of *hc Rrd -1 for*) Hotel, to rrerly kept by C<■;. John Safer, an : . ounces t*. the public ls* h *vil| '.a able to aff*>td 'he *.'*' :!-.*r;>r ; iTit.<.'rions, both tot e Ira-eling p'lb I ar i hetri c ru.tocn. T,,a ho>.re will be -mp-ovci' ! ' r .t fi*./ ''"J, ar >1 the Ear v;ii ?!\* iys be '.veil s;.p --! with choice liquorr. 11■ ~ table will he sup plied with the cfcoicert fdihlcs r,f the aesssn, and i !•<• w i'l cpa.e *-*> P~ n<7 10 <•' ike it suitab'e for ail. I 111 .table :s one of the be-t in Bedford, and a good I bosrl-r will always he in iiteadtme. t,ken bv the wees, month or year, i Tot us retwMwbie. Th 1 axe r-spec'fuiiy in -1 •■ilea to „we h.:n a ?kII JOSHUA • SHOEMAKFR. i Bedford, Jauuiry 15, iSy i THE MENCEL HG'JSE, JU'.iav* STtECT. Bnnroßn, Ta. The ? ibsuriber respeclfiilly b-s* i av" to ioforn? the tr?v-l, z pubCc that he has recently enlarged.; imprrvd a r d refitted his house, both t'r 'be *c cnm*nod.iMon cf traveler- a i-t boarders, as vv, it as country customers Pers>rs ceii„-._ to ' bis p' lfr for the perpo*e of vi-'itirs • M •'.; ! S{hi..*s. vvil ! tirid this hei'e pleasantly located. Ample aa.i reaver,;, t St.*b:ing ;a atfaehe-l to thi® H*t"l, \vt 'i™ i'l .•* ,iy. b > atter.n •!by * care !'nl fi.. tier. Also a -att- aid convenient carri ye hnuse. All are invited to cive h'tri n cell. ISAAC Iii vGi-L, Preprlt-dor. April, 15, ISGI. BEAUTIFUL SUN U.MHRELL\S Jnsi opened at CRAMER'S. May 2d, tSv3. NOTICE. All nnsettb d accounts upon our Ro">h*s roust be cie. Mi • ct-h or note, J unary 2, lfe6s. This i. , the oulv notice \vc =t;si. give A. 1?, CRAMER & CO. December 30, !BCI. H >vv to Save Your Money. o;n>i; •' h .< beo I r irebmeeH and re opened by th • sen "i.b-r. unlet j trie inansgerdeot of an exp.-nenccd Supeiintr-ndett ■ and Maeh nics and Workmen. STEAM E.YGLVES, BO'LERS. MINING MACHINERY, RAIL-ROAD AND MINK CARS, FURNACES, Si'OYES, ORATES, PLOUGHS, MILL IRON'S, AND AG RIC I. ITU DAL IMPi EM EATS, Will be manufactured to crJer. A STOCK OF "Bcfi!i s ugg Sieve 3," of var.ous si;- ; the h st pattern for S'uve "n 'he j country lor in.i: .iog Cumb- (am! Cod; .. ill b: I nt >u band, aid void on ia.crubie er:ns to the luce. . ! One ?.FiV loar-iiorse Tower Ecgise^ ' ' Eo.icr anu F : >::ure3, for sale. i CT?T.ih pa-d for old J:on end Metal on delivery . at the Fouiu'ry. G3?"Ofder-- bmirited, and ;ii wod* '.vsrrantpd. WAI. ,V. McKAl'i. Cumberland, Dee. '2, Ibfi-l—3m tS" IHS, SHAWLS, HOODS, &c, Ac. j CLOTHS, CASS/MERES, SATLYETTS, and a very variety of READY MADE CLOTHING. ; Over Coat?, Over Ccats, Cver Co its! : Lome Gentlemen,and examine oui 9tocl: of UothCg. BOOTS A ND SHOES, HOOTS AND S'ICF.3, for Ladies and Gdatlemou, Boys a■ d Gills. Groceries, Queensware, Tobacco, | and ail articles usually 10ur..-; ir. a first claes stora. j A ear.- s-nceretysr.-ateful to a ®ene'ou - h!ie r # ! 'heir p.itro"*g. t > J - r '- FA I*QI 7 U t yX ; Bedford, Dec. 16, 1861. ** F A 6J I ? J A r Cramer & Co's you wiil fi.-.d C r Ui he Shu . Clea ,-s Hoods, very ;' c,ttkn l'irernber 2, ISbt. cheap. CLOTH r NG . \?S;t^T 9t RC MADECLOTHI^ ' Decembers, 1864. CRAMER &CO S. J r , T0 C ,t)WSUWPTIVES. . Consumptive . script inn for tr tiflerers -vul receive a vabuDle n- I ehit's, and p" cureof Consumption, Aslbuoa, Bron char e) b- '' Throat ar.d Lung Affections, (lr id ° ' ysenaing their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, WiiliauDsburg, Kmgs £., N. Vvt