I'. S. 7-30 LOAN. Pr of the Secretary o! the Treasury, >tl!*. baarii'f seven and three tenth# per cert, in •.e* f > P* r * !l4ij m, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. irate Notes ere issued tiniler date of Angus? lot h , a r l( J are payable three years from tbat time" 2 currency, 01 art- convertible at the option of the trider into U. B 5-20 Bis per cent. gold-bearing BONDS fr.ne bonds are now worth a premium of nine per -ect., including gold interest from. Nov . w.V:? it Bisk?* the actual profit on the 7-30 loan, at current rates, including interest, shout ten per cent, per acntttT":, besides its tzimption from. Stair and m m- U ftl taxation, which add* from one to lifer per etnt. r.jrr, according to the late levied on other property . ;be interest is parable mi ar.r.o lly by coupons afached t each note, which may b- cut off aid sold uf! . r bank cr banker. The .nterct amount* to Gne cent per Jut/ on o s">o note. TTO cent 3 41 4i Si 00 " 7'ct* 44 4i 44 $">00 44 •20 " 44 St " "SSOOO 44 Notes of al! the denominations named will be yrrmpt'y furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET assf offered by the Government, an I it is •onfi.icnt ;•? expected tbat its superior advati'sge? wi!i make it the SRSAT POPULAR LO7N OP THE P'GPLF. Less thans2oo,ooo,ooo remain upw' I, n'lirh •• !i probably be dipr?d of within th nex' rr ! or fO •ire. when the notes will undoubted!*/ commsnd a p-emium, as has uniformly beer, the cale mi riosirg ir.e subscription to other loans. In order tha* ci'.rer.a of every town tnd section f the country may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State i'snx?, and Pu- TS!* B,rkers throughout the country have gei.e:.i[- Iv agreed !o receive subsc; iytior.s at par. Suo en ters will r*!ect their own ag-nts, in be m they have cor fidence, and who onit are to be r-'-pon? b'e for the delivery of the notes tor wcicb they re rive srders. ,'AY COCKS, SRAATRATRRION AGBXT, Phihdt.'pkm. FrsciPTtc>s WILL BE RVCEIVF3 by the Fir-* Xst.onal Bank of Ho'lidayabiirg, ar.d First Nation al Btnk of Hunting l Jon. February 54 ??no OLD ETJGS MADE KW. * PAMi'HLKT directing bow to spee.liiy restore i"\ sight ar.d civ- up spectacle ■.. without aid , Coctor o: medicine. Sent by man. tree, cr r*i-*rpt sf :e cents. Adiires?, K. B. FOOTE. M. D., 1130 Broadway, New York. KrtrcarT 3, 18(55—6:r. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW h LITLE OF EVivAYTHiPIG to the hu man system, n tie an I (err ■!e ; i .re pauses , r i( j tr tl toeot of ; *he rr.-r i*ge custom* ot the world; how to marry weli cr,d a thousand thing? ctver rob I; ■ he. J befo-9 read t i:e r • vis- ' an., e- irg ed edition C -MeoteAi. COMVIOS sts'.K," a curious h„ok fc CUT.CU? people, nl l -lOO'i book lor every one. 4to p." S, ' olJ frustrations P.i'.e SI 50. Contents sent frte to uuy -ddre* 800. assv be hat a* the l:j"k * -i's, or *: 1 be *e;it by real!, poit paid, on receipt of (he pin**. Addiess i)e. F. B. FOOIE, D . Il3i) Broadway. New Yorit. Feb 3, ISfS -Cm. A Card for tlie S LUFERIDG. r** 4 'ALLOW two cr three h-ag-heat, nf 4 'BiS'i," O 4J 'oi.ic Bitter," *Srap rills,'' l4 Nervn'.is An ti.Lt* ," lye., Ac., ftc., and afrei yn*i are -ari- i-d *w th 'he r -lilt, and one fc> * of ('f.Lt ■ vtClt'P fiCCHXN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS—a. J he :sfored to health aid vigor i i-ss that 'lty davs Tbev are p ,re 1V ie'-'a • *, p **a#n' ! ' ta--. BrcKipt and Srluta.'J in their effects on TR br rketi aown and (battered couatitu!tori. Old e i voting can te then with advantage, fmp-i'ed r t so.d va Ut l States Oily by J. S R r I'l.Kii, NV 4-7 Broa'wdy, >*ew Y'- rt , C7- Afsnt for the United S'ate*. F. 5.—A tmx of '.if Pile, scure!y pack? '. wi'l b a.alied t-i any i^dreison rece.pi n* p-ice. wbicl ts ONE DOLLAR, postpaid ! —aioi ey t-fu; **e... t-y •be ig,nt if entice -attsfhtinn .s not giv,r:. Kufurgtistt iou Free I TO NE R VOU SSU FFE Rf: S. A GFNTLEMAN, cured of Nervous DebitPy, i-coinpet-ncy. Pr-jm.iture f'ecay, an.'. Yontnfui Er co", actuated by a desire to b-nefit o - h"ri, will be happy to furni-h to ;-ll who med it, (freeof enarge) tne recipe and directions for riiaking the stir.pie reccsJy us-'d in h. -a-e Si.S reis -v,,h ig to ; roll hj' the advertisers baJ evpeil, .. , and po--es au e RD .i valuable can do *> by hirr* at enea at bis place ot business. ToeiY-eipsa . full ir.foriid Jrustee for tn- sa'eot !be re .l es'j.e of Joh.s .\let7.- jir, late of Juniata township, Bedford eou ity, •- i4-ed. witi se'i at public outcry up ■ ' •fvrtl'iy % the IS/A day of Jf rch, I, "vina desciioed property, to wi!: ■*' . "Co I.'r t '' L.\Nf) situate in Jor.i ta 'owri 'l, , 4 , adioinmsr lands of John Trcd smp B dlotd ccun.y, J Shoemav-r cn the well, OU the north. A.CXW- , (r) aartn east. F.ller .Showman >/' ''*• ' .' ',. Y .nn the east, Emaow-i Palmer on th* * oj r ' . aid Ms) and Johi. Es'f an (be south, * ' 4t r Biliebrant on the *•!, cod'aining 4u 4 a4 'S fl it perches, about 1"3 --ere. cleared and un.inf with a (wa atoiy and a halt P.KICE OiVi'.LL,. •-* ii'-LSF, Trai. bcuae. a iit go Bank >Utn, a et hie . *6~ien? fur stabling 40 horses, acid otbec ess*-bu ..I •ne. (hereon erected. 3be above ds-senbeii prop erty being a itie location for a hotel am' betng stt natrd within two milee and a half of the line of the proposed Sou'hein RaiiroAd- Ssie to commence >.t an- o'ejtick of said A*y- JOHN ALSIP, Ad.B r. Pebro-.ry 24" At ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of adaiifliatration oo 'he estate of Alex asder Warsing, late of Hopew.tl townabip. d.c'd., bavmg been granted to the subeCnber, residing in Hopewell, all persons indebted to said estate .re therefore notified to make payment immediately, am. fho-e having claims will prestnt tfiem proper.) .'.lit FUR SC'tiement. JOHN MAJOR, A'im'r. #>braary 1?, i*3- fit Orphans' Court Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. , v f virtue of en orJr of the Orphans' Court of* • Bedford county, the subscriber administrator of the r-tate of Jacob bhuss, laie of Smke Spring tewn- ! ship, deceased, wiii sell at public saleon the ptetn- 1 i isos, on I : St fur day, ihtt 18/,'t day of Tlarch. n-ir'. ! , alt :Lar valu&b'e T'itt of Land, of which Jacob Shuss died seized, containing 2!0 acres more or ■ ie, 7C acrit cf which aie cleared and in i high I state of cultivation, ten a res of which ure n>ead- I tw, and the fca'ai ee well tinr.iainmg an abuur'.-nce cf p u ns and ; other rare seh-.-tiou*. There i. a,so, on the s.ime ■ a never-faiiing spring of excellent wa'er. This highly n sjtru KDJY. MARCH IS IS Ia ! that A c.ltictbSt tx*ct ol ! of ia h! • h VVriiam • Blackburn died seized, containing l v ', acre-, n-M ■ j measure, about 10 acies ~f wbitb i- good rn-cdow, | , rue balance bting Well timbered. Fbe improve. I , rneri's Kte a large LOG AOfAE, DOUBLE LOG BAB A', , ; Tenant House ar.d other necessary buildi gs. i OitCHAIH) of CHOICE FRUIT riIEES. '.m l , farm adjoins In ds of F i vi<| Linaei fV Iter Robert! B i.'kbuii,, l iici.as P. Siudebakcr, Naif'au Carson ' i ~ 11 d. other', tw, mile-inn t 4 t of Brh, I sbur*, and con j -i tto tni :S, ci.urc!, end scnoois. 1 ;r>,,—one 'utri. of ti. purchae-/ n>oney at tti confinnalion o! j the toe fcalai.ee m two equal annual payments • vvitb i. terest. Sale to oommei ce .t !0 o'clock of sail day. XD.MUNU S. BLACKBURN, 1 "ustee Jor Id* Sale of the lesl esta!? of ! 5V illioiti N. Blackburn, dec' i. i Fc! ruarv 17. 1685—Ji Public staic Cf Va'aabie Riai EeUtt. JCALY ALStP, Auctioneer. The under?: .-.e l wi j ..ff-r at public eai-, at Rri Ig- i port, on SA I UiiDA V, 31 UL H It, lSio, the fol-j ic win 2 vi,iia!i|p t f. of lard: 1. A Tt :ct of rxcelßnf Coat LauJ.niluolfrt in boi.rharrp o*i township. Somei-rf county, : -'j . ing lands of ' r a. Fecottg and Andrew i.rnnck, •r, ,• trail g abc 926 ae, warrant- fin the , am-- ■ iOl Rebecca ltei?o. I here is or, r. :• tmct a .ein or coal 4j i-t in Chickntss. It aho wei! firnbrred. 2. A Trod oj Cooi and f iT,ir Land, si'uited i'i l.ondondrt>-? o? rs'-.Sp, Bedford c >'ir r y, • adjoining !iu!s of John vVil .im, sr.. ffomeisetj county I ire and Idi -vote. 4. A tract of Void and Timber Laid, in London-terry town hip, Bedford county, adjoin i mg laadsol And'wr Boxcard, Abraham K- rat' iiens : a* I ( hera, reattniag 65 anes -;r.l 87 perches, wrra,Te.) i.i th- name of Cor elius Deere. : ( ■'). t ite i r.ti.vide'l one bt" fof Iht Acres o! Timber L.nd. in Ailegfceoy towntbip, 6u'.e:spt ' | con ii, b. jo. jog |a.. >? JanuSeiger, Jac. a'l ioa* '■ '■ to an, John Aisip aid i>i:iers. 1 he above neecribeJ ia.u's we located in the We!- , i."fburg Coal Region, cele r; red tor it? Wfulih in ' i oun- ral . J'tiroieiim fc-a recently hr disco/ered !at V- le.sbtrrg, only five miles fn rr ti:sre iii.o,, and -t is cc fi.fe.rt:y b> iwe j exists upon ibese treris. ba'e to comm re at HI i-"-- : cck cf aui fdiy, when terms w,!i be m-uiie known i y iAVIF.o (' hF.'i BRF, JACOB C. DEVORE, JOHN C. VJtRROY, Fx'rs. of Come!. PS Devore, dee'd. I February 17. JS6S. Tho SiUiTip Islands Oil Company., SLTL-S'FIMIZ SI?2.0O. Dea c4opznoiit F"ti:ad 1.000. < * 1120,000 SLares, Pir va.lu.9 SfLGO gaca ! , . No curtiCca'es o'" stork *i fc 4 to ta *.ir i ' pma'ors un!:: 2!,300 shues shall h.:vc be n r-:M for i tu> benefi* of ill the stockholder -, in the fir'her | Jeveior-'i i.t of the Company's property. V, M. HART LET, Pres'i., Bedford, Pa. ' H, n S. !,. RI -RKI t,, h Trcasu'er, Hon. T. P. btivv' x, M.C., California. 3 W. |. >U.K'.v S r S y i .'Je-rersb*.: g, Pa , { -• Hor S>M- sr. IAVIS, Bedford, Pa. K % j J- M. Sit rn.ici.Ks, da jo G VV. RVFP, do j " • The property of fb : company is all owned n- fee , j s.mp'e and is all paid for; ao.d con-,?!* of the foi io'wiug tracts: t ;!, fh t valuable I .land known as th? ••L.o'.vc - j Slump Creek Island," couiu'iiing C acres aiul 33 e percliP-; -itu.ifen in 'he Allegheny river, at the l ' mout": of the Clarion live-. O.i this is'aml a .!*-r --e i rick "as er ctei! in tbe spring of lbol. an I ul the vv.ir breaking | ' o"A the parties eo! I < if ami es!ist?d. 2'. iHe '-t'l per S'u np Creek Is and," s,t'iate;? above the Lower Island, containing ' I acre? and 20 p iches, four vcre? ot wmcb are own ; ed b, tb i? Company, on which arp cmcted house, j ; s'abie, Vc. i Neither of these Islands is liable to ove'Sow. and both at? well proleeted by stories a*rd trees ag :rist washing. By reference to-the map of Pennsylva nia. it will be observed ihai the Clarion ii/--r emp lie? into the Allegheny at a point due (South from) Oii Cfek, and as oil is found et Fr-epor*, on this f lin. further South, we have v-Pf) reason ob :• : that the e isf.ods .ire n the very ee .de a: the g'eat " I Oi' b -it of Pennsylvania. Besides il this they he i bio'ji the Cos! Mess res. j The Company a'-o own- cue acre an I sixty-one ' p- rcne? o' la.i , abo •* ' j -nile? above the Upru-r ' f-:a- *. at the -uouto nf Ritch-y Run, near the 'o vn ! of Emlcf ton, V'erar.go county, Fa., upon wntrh is * | the ce ebraled Fox and Widel well, with new en ' gtnes, derrick, buildings, Btc., ike., and the well e ;Ts bor-d to : -- depth of -izO feet. Thu well was 1 tube-l art 3.55 feet, and to a few r.ou.a pumping yiwld ' j ed about one barrel or oil; but the proprietors d?- * : termined to Sink it deeper, aed the company will. as soon as possibl*, sink lb s well it necessary, to * 4 ;he depth of 1000 teet or more. The "Stump ll --* ar.d Ctrinpany" owe rhe wnonr. of this well, fixtures I s.r : ignd, pad the eDtvriapneit Pud" *ill be am - ~j y sutil."ient s, Pimples. Blotches, T-'istnles, Ulcers, :!■ >ree. sod a.l Zliseuses ct' tu blcin. 7 fi K ifr.ili •, /•-•" H>!. i.ug'.ttnt. { ; iv lut) m> vr.ii •.*. 1 ihe public, when t add j piv ' -|'| . -1 'l UVi. .1 ]'■.! lileh i ' ■ 'I 'll.:.! Virtue* '■ Ol'yr.sr gaasri lilt liy .. u.uht.ap' l L: 4 . had an a ft.'.-• . . ticni in !..-r ea. . ey- ■■ art! 5.,-ir for years, ] Sri en irr wrrc uwM to em. •.'••to •?-•• ' . I'irt. .7 T' t :-."'nr%iefmrti ! uftf of Dmnivriilc. (Jape Jftip Or., x..f. 44 My daughter bus suffered for i yc r past with a seeof :i'.which —•? vv t-n -one. Notiilnrf sfto. . .1 • r-v rvl'-T I we Tried your 9SP.SAI*AIiII.!.A. lit i: .1 ewe. .ranifti ly . urn Ih-r " from ' hTries /'. Clone. /■'■/., of the ffape, Jfur' ••• Co., tifinvfttsdnr.ri of emiktllctt }toper* in A f >Ai ■. X. ii - • , , I s. serai y~:rr? a ?-f tro. M •.ome lot mar In my ts.-c. sairh liiiw eonstratly srorsctmtu it dtsftgsreii r. > ilur •or . i.e. amp an mtol-T-iuli- ai li tion. t tried slip t limr * nan . rn: unrivr liie Idoteiies. and eon t , 1 nn* '* :;:v in , :u • t; -? any body'*, and I *ti -vit'i ■ r n v ?> nptom? of the dircauo that I l:uov." of t, i j j ..-ri. tie aJili, aud without a tiouM owe it to your j. js*p*ixi- Goner.J Debility— !?nriiy the Blood. /V a dr. ii'in S .'.ri;t. /a •/.-/<>.'! St.. A --/ >'-.)/*. 44 Ob Avkr. ! aetddm M to rrawve Frnptimut and ■ r , r :■! rj' J'-T hvli'i' ;>cr?i rPrjojr ,;tPof your S ' RSAI'S ; HIV A,a i I luftJiMaas cured rut i.ira. ii of MafiawOnt I i with it. M> ailerati- • - p_- -es? em on a the .\ ye ive rupplie tt> the prolcswou as v. •• I - * pcopte '' I rout . I JchtoU F'f., i'enl.tziuiv. Ohio. •' 7 -i t'-e ! 't .r I t'n.' . How hrv-ipeia? on *r.y ri.-'ii ?rn , " .r. i wilirb tin-, ("tr d ;.i. -■ pi-t -fcr... J i in-a i.e.: ! 'i r. h, an.i look hotrdrod# or ddlUrt v i-*i of ::: -'. Tii" nicer? v rt* hi !-id lll.'it tier r - la become ■ i-i' ie, and the dodtnra -i.vido.l liut mv unit ia i-.i : ted I ' "_-.fi ' r S :,ti-t. Too* t~ r li-iu -ntn. of ; o 1'i1.1.? louMinr I tt; y hai ei.r.i . !tm now i?" .v ii in i -"'111.': any i ii. !? .tig in a • 'ihiip 1 !atv, my Oifc i kr.n nto every !,.. ! ■ ro. 1 .ie"'l ■:y ~. id .• '. - the wonder o; r;7' '* I Fewtine. Hro'-'t Jtfnro. r r of .\~ntm .c. . 1 li., ! yov.r • fi.)' 1:1 my sttiuly, for g.:ji-:r.,l '. '*>•. r-e.-l .'--r .- '" .*•.'.. -J, v i-->. very F. • eids! resnfta,and feci mntdnct in (ssunafiif is 1 > .IIP vlfiie-pii."' • at. A2titer, 7"a "fire, Hco, 3a * Rheum, ilaaa, Sbro Eyes. ' From Harvey Sitkltr, t ,y., the abh editor ef the 'fun's t " Oar only r! ,t ; iree ye 1• oi r.ro. wis at i I- 1 i --a ■- '•'!• 'tlivviai-Miy nprca-l ' i. r-i );•? '.tr' ' icturl'.v l- iivivi hi-ryc? idr soma 7:.'! | hy : 1 :d: .! l.i.r r- of sdv- .t'l.i l ' -■ .id,, n:. ut i.v .j.}. 't-iet. 1' or I. ft •' r. ' ■ .11 1 !• : hi? ii;p: -. I ?t Well th? IB JIP dhuUhi t- r? , 1!. tl. ; lii it-ig rv. I (ornin* v .ar.'l wi i•! . nr-"?l i-.is • ?r e. 11.--,.. tr' i '• it'.v m. iv all' •. .oi.l lair ir.y ottier d'he wlioe neighborhood i I'.-dirti 11 Hi., tit, --h. -i r.i-c' .'* Syphilid and Morcurm! D toasc r it ■■■ .1 St, i.rfs'. I it. Mi rf. j "1 i.r.-i ypt.r s' :-.?AI-Miii ..A a more effectual remedy *i. i- oVu-ir/' mptoms of a?.. 1 ior syphilitic <; - ijnyotwrwfMMM, ybpfiiofcL'sioa an tn . Ce'e ■ i t,.> yon for-oru of Ivit i .i-i vium we iir.e," /'; a '. J to ■ It, .if. it., mi '■.ii'.ieiif pi -ittit in ,nf l.ttn i-e . -I." -? . ifi.o ■ ■' /..' ..toomrtnUtr iy ,i?,-r Sir: i have round vonr ?\t:?A rvliil.i > av, cx il -nl reuit-.iy for St/piiihr, both of th" P yam] b ■ slurp type. m. i dwmi m Mwae eaaea i i • ■- too ol>-!,i,iatv •> yield i oilier r, ...ecie?, Ido ' t: i kiH".-what iv • en nr. ploy with more certainty of sue | pck, ivlii-rc , • -: I .U'. util eTS mj'.urert." ilr. i'hat.S. li. n tor to, 'r• U3 i.i. \nn excellent nitera li\ ■in diiM-rf i>C f: .is...*. J* ,ny n. rs r' lrre-ndarily, I.etteo'ili ;•?, i t- rnal ft' rstioti. and 10-al ttekility. arta r * ,roni t", ?•• ..'.oca si?, ha-c y. d toil..an! t'lPvc itic I, w 11: 'do not, wucn its i Sai is prop? rly aided by to trrafment " A 'r/'if, nr'tdiht j 'n aii'-o 'V puoiiraiion of her name, writ** .* '• My iirasrhtcr end mvsclf have been cured of a very t ?■• i':iaii.ii lu-'orrha*' f long Mantling, by two bottles , c) your ■i.tiis.vi'.viiTi.L.s." Bfceumatiem, Gr.ut, Liver ComplfJct, Eyapopsia, Hon; t Dircar-C, Neuralgia, l i*ii'..', pr *-. -'d "'.y St '.tin i:.- lh -sy stem, arc rcTsidry uuroU j by :lii? r-xl . SAIUSAI'AUILI.A. A Y d R' S I (CATHARTIC PITrliS pee?" ■-s *o ihi'.nv r.<.rr.ir"y'C.s o"C" thr: nthcr purgfl ; t;v* i :.i the r.-rrk"!, nr.:! their superior virtue? nre ! eo '.or 'ly known. Hint we neori not ecn, _TIU that they i d.-pcutLd on to (Iu all iliat li.cy have ever ' j CO" I'rcn-.rtd by -T. C- AT EE, L- D., a Co., Ixytreli, •' Kaes., aiui &oid by | 3. F. Karry, Bedford, J. F. Col'.'in, Scnelisburg, 1 J. M. Barndallar, Bioo'ly Run ; I-. Putt, Stonera , town ; G. B. Arni'k, St. ClairsviUe; D. Stoner. 1 j Woodberry ; R. Ralston, Water Street; and dealers | everywhere. July 1, 1864. T7EY/ OARPEThVO. i A iarge fii| I'V r,i L!"*T 0.. d r ! ! V- OOL Hapctinq. ; Also—Floor Oii Ciolbs, all vmitlis, , Dc<-2 !(}(?** CRAMER ac CO'o. Turnpike Election. An election for five Mar.egers of the Chamber*' 1 burs? end Bedford Tun.pi he Road Company, to seive for the en.uing year, Will be held at the public home of S. b. Hayes, in McConneilgburf, on Monday, the 6th day of March, at 1 o'clock, P. M. T. B. KENNEDY, Pres't. i Feb 17, JSCS. KXECU TOiiS~N OTICE. Letter l ; testamentary on the estate oi" Joseph flewi f, iate of Napier townsh.p, deceased, having , been granted to the snbocribers, nil persons indebt- I eil to said fstate are hereby notified to make imme diate payment, and those having c aims against the | fcu.ne wil' prised them properly authenticated lor settlement. * THO\IAb McCOY, JAMES ALLISON, | February 10, ISCs—6t* Executors. EXEUUTORS VOTIVE. Letters tes'arneutary on the estate of Michael Fetter, late of Bedford township, decease.), having i been granted to the stf -enber, all peisons indebted to said estate a e hereby notified to make i ate pay merit, an I those having claims against th® same will present them prope.lv authenticated for : settlement, J. YV. lOM LIN SON, i February 10. 1865—6t Executor. A Hill) TO ISt'lLlD*. A Clergyman, while residing in South America a* a miss unary, discovered a s.fe and simple rem j edy for the cure of Ntrvuu' YWakness, Fa:ly Decay, j Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and tne whole train of disorders brought on t.y baneful ! and vicious habits, Great numbers have been ai- I ready cured by this noire remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, 1 will I send the rec pe for preparing and using this medi i cuie, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, j FKKE OF CHARGE. P ca-e e.ic ose a post-paid envelope, addres-cd to : yrur; elf. Address, JOSEPH T. IN MA If, Station D, Bible House, t February 10, IS6s—!v New Y'ork. The HopewetS Oii Gompany. No'ice is hereby given tba' the books o. subscrip tion to the siock o! The Hopewell Oil Company wi I be closed on the 25th day of Febiuary next, j Agents aie requested to make report ol ail sales jinit t .Lately after said day. By ordei' of the Boaid : of Director^. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, ITeasU.-er. February 3, 'b6s. EXECUTORS! NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of John Sni- j der, ate of ,i. ke Spring township, deceased, nave j be n granted by the Register of Bedford county to . Jacob Snider, of South VVoodberry township, and j j Samuel Sni hr and Jacob Stuckey, of Middle Wood- ! ; be.ry touvr '-Lip, all persons having claim s oi 8 . IF.CN IN T3E "OLOOD- It i well known 'o the medical ptofessior- that U '.'N is ' he Vita! Principle m Life Element oi the blood. This is derived chiefly frtim tne food we ' eat , but it the food is rot properly digested, or if, from any can'' whatever, the n-ce- aiy quantity ol iron i . not taken into the circulation, of becomes , reduced, the whole system Millets. The bad blood j will irrifat- 1 the heart, will clog up 'he lungs, will stupefy the brain, evil ob?t:nct 'he liver, and w'!t 1 ff .1 its disease producing eh mi'-nts to all pats of j the system, and every one will sffL-r in whatever | org'ti may he predisposed to tiisease. The great value of Iron as a Mcslk-Ssie i* we'i known an I acknowledged by *ll medical men. The difficulty ha* b>—r. to nh'a.n --uc! i preparst'nn of It as will enter The cir -ii'a'i.-ni an I assiriti'ate at once with the blond. Tf:. point, sat? Dr. Hayes, i Via sac bluett s Slate Ch-rriist, ha* been a'taired in 'he Peruvian Syrup, by combination in away be i fore u ,known. THE PEiiuVIAK SYRUP I i,a i ROTFt'TED so uti.w of the PROTOXIDE OF HON. A NEW DiSCOVFRY" IN ,MEi.IdNE, thai *r the cut *'■> disease by upjl vinsj the ! bloo.'with it&W la' Vrmcipie or L'fs iS.tr men *—l <- oti. THE PERUVIAN* SYRUP .Curst Dyspepsia. Liver (.\vnp'a rt, Ttropce, FVer and Atu., Lo-s of Energy, Low Spirit:. THE PERUVI \\ SYRUP • Infoies itrcng'h, vigor, and nr life into the *ya teir, ..lid bu'ids up an " Iron Corxtiiution. ' i THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Chronic P arrOr ~ Scrofula. B-.ins. Set"-, y, Lo=s of Constitutional Vigor, THE Pi Til VIA X SiKUP 1 Cures Neivou Alieciiona, Ff male Complaint*, surd all diseases of itie Kidnevs and Bladder. 1 TIIE PERUVIAN SYRUP Is a SPECIFIC for all di.eases criginati' * in a BAD S I ATE OF THE BLO D, or aiconrpariied by De bility Cr a haw Stat* Cf the cyi cm. | P'mphlets rcr'aining ccrl f cater of cures and commendations froo seme ot the mosi etnnirt phy -1 siclai s, c!E"gynten, and others, wilt BR sent SRKE to any addre-s. 1 We select a few of the names to show the char j acter of the testimonials. JOHN E. WILLIAMS. F.SQ.. ' President of ihe Merropolitan Bank, New York, j Kv. ABEL STEVENS, Late Editor Chr.'tian Advocate unci Journal. R-v. CKUR if, F'iiiot New Y'ork Chronicle. Rev. John Pierpont, Lewis Johnson, M. n ., ■ Rev. Warren Burion, Roswell Kinney, M. D., • Rev. Arthur P. Fuller. S K. Kendall, M. D., R' v. Guidon Rob.as, YV*. R. Chi-holm, M. JJ., . K-v. Sylvanu- Cobb, fraaeir Dana, M. P., i Rev. T. Siarr King, Jeremiah Sto.oe, M. f., Rev. Eyhraim Nu'e, Jr., J AnfonioSauches, M.D., Rev. foseph h. f lit ch, Abraham VYenVsi, M. D. Rev. Henry Dpi am, A. A. Hayes, Al. D., Rev. P. C. Headley, J. R. Chi.ton, M. D , 1 Eev. Joiiii YV. Olmstead, H. E. Kinney, M. D. Prrpared by N. L. CLARK i RUSSIA SALVE ', I Cures Salt Kheuni. Piles, Erysipelas. WEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Ringworm, Corns, ftc., fkc. • .A"o Family should be without it. ONLY 25 cents a box. FOR SAUK BY • J. P. DTNSMORE. No. 491 Broadwar, New York. ;• S. YV. FOYVLF. iiCO., No. Itlt St., SortOll And by aH 1 r-cgi-t* an.' Cour.try Storeke{>srf, i May ld| i.St-4 —eqwfy. t GAZLAY'S v :j PACIFIC MONTH LY-. - No v i your time to subscribe r ot our New Pa ■ age: J AJcx V. LY, hi'' we cheer fully commend to i the Exceisior of all the MONTHLY MAGAZINES. Employing and paying more for Literary talent' than any other 4gn'ne iu the coon'ry, wj fli'ter , out SELVES tti.t no deoartm r.T of TOO PACIFIC MONTH LY will suffer neglect from the want ot tbl and j well ki:owu LITERARY CONTEIBU TORS, representing some of the principtl shining lights of ' tlie Lltei iry rvorid. YVe shall oafc.* *uch additional engagements a- circumstance* may demand. Your I -.Tieciul attcuiiuii is railed to our T ' ! ILLUSTRATIONS, which are pro ljced, v/ithoiit r gard to expense, by !an effu-.eol torpf o! artis"-—at whose head stands i BRIUMTI.Y ai d McLKNAN, inequ lied as Dc igners ! and Engraver*, We call the attention of the Pubito to tue pro us.o iol tir.st c i v s * ii.nsltai ion -ct ;'.e . li d, novel and jiictuiesque scenery and local views j of he GOLDEN STA TES I TERRiTORiES OV THE ACIf i C * ! With descrip'ive and reading r-atter. ar i fording the must reliable and con, pre tier, si ve n edi ! uni iu existence u>r full ir.iormnt;on tii regard to California, Oregon, arid i:t ir contigucu . r,d aun/erou* tei liiorie*. The inhvirar,on w eive in reg-id to tb<- Par .lie alone, i. worth t*r times the suhsrripti u price cf our Magazine. 'J he j 1 weiver.'.irrib-ii, •. yea, A subsc+iplioii; when n-at.y i bound, affoidu £ two kplciifi'd volumes, tu,iabie fo. ' the | DKAWING-UDOM LIBRARY, OR TKK COUHTIKa-HOUSf, i and costing bvt FIVE #OLLAKS, which in years : to come can not be purchased lor any price. Ojt EDITORIAL DRAWER : will abound with selection* of Wi', Ofi.'j fitnric-. • Comic Sk t. bet, and iigot i. 'eiature, culled Irotn a i weil-garnered storiiioase ■! tun, lact *"u itic'Uct i atl-trd.og interest.ng iigbt reading nutter for the j | Pailcr an I tne i ire- de. ! COMIC ILLLSTRATSONS. ! This Dp r'went ot tb* Monthly, onthe rn : R EUIDT" s.p-jiision oi ,cLr. ,AN, T E crEbrat U ' Comic Delineator, v. ill be found always l ink in W it, | Merriment, and apprcpiintc D r.ign. FASHION PLATES. Having mi.!.' special awangement* with Mtr*. ' DKMORESX, 473 Bto-: iway. New Y'uik, tor contribii j tint s to our FD "ion Deparfiner.t, we call ?he atten i 'ion of the Ladi-.a to the same, and comtner.d cur ! Monthly to tn- it notice, as roi.taming more intar t maii. u iu regain "o D. ss and the Tvilf, thuii any ' o.h. r Magazine published. SUS SCRIBE NOW! Now is the ri.n- !n rubrcribe, and have vnnr vol- J urne comjilete for ISo-5. YVe will furnish ba. x nurn i to *ch as do riot subscribe in ime for the Jan- I inry or F.-b nary number. But to be ire an.l get ; their without deiav, send in ycur subatriplion* car ! ly. Our subscription p.ice is FIV.F DOLLARS A YEAR, I Payable in advance* upon the reorjpr of which our j iec-ip", tor the sar.-m, a ill at sent tn return,., FHi-HiiiMSlsioLS! As an additional unrucment to subscribe "ar'y, : we jhol! fistrinuJe among c.r s l)*crib-rs a large , J h*t or v.lvsble P emiu. s, ely.og n; on an extraur ; linary large fubtcrip'.ion }it to camp nsat< r.a'tot ' attr iib-Tality. Tbrse piemiums will consist of val ; iißOle vio-iveriir* •"! the gol ..>0 weaitb of the Pacific 1 I Stst s. in-.! wi'. At follows.:— CT7* ho Hi j ji ron *-•: I'ns us o. ; c riur, Ircd Pay. ! ill" k'.bse;: •- • s, v.-e will s-n • ;fj- ■> t'j Ukrj- ttely, .'A t'weniy Hioi a' 3en Do ar 4i ' ! Pice.-, (Jaiironii.. | 1 co. 1.3:, . 'A" ex.Tu copy of tea PACIFIC MONTHLY [ i lor a year, free. j j CUT fc .1, , i—son ser org its Ftffv raying Sub- • i *enber. v.'e ■ :.j v id, iw.'iiriiiati v, a T t and a , . i Five i o l,r Go d and *n '-sisa copy cf the : I PACIFIC MU.VULY for a . r. free. I ti 'i ii any pet - *>n ss: d > u I' i"Jy-;iv Paying i <" tTi! 1 f/.iK u ~' r '<], i Five Dol- j iar uiid a f v.rj- n ' half i'y .aj Goiu J'.ece, iii.d r.r. j > rctr cony of she PACIFIC) MOKTRIT for* yeist, free. , Q3TT > ar.r perso . ei ding us T. > P-y *u .-uoscr;- > b-'TS, we will se.. 1, m a-di.itfly, cl reeD.; InrGold t Piece, a.id an E/ 'ri copy O the PACIFIC MONIULY | , for a yoai ,f-tr. Xk l'o a'-y person st. 'ing us five Peying sub 1 scrip'miis, '•'■ e vi ill send nn extra copy ot the PACIF- j JC VOFTHBY for a year. free. CJ'W eie, also, having made, a iar;e quantity ; ) of v-ilua 1 . le.PRLcI'N l > and KF.KPSAKFn for bin- 1 j gin -üb'ciin*.rs, who send direct ,o the Oilcc. j i fue Presents an J Souvenirs coosi*t of Ladies': ; Br.-feSt-l'i:-*, Eai -Ki'"*, Fa ger-Ring*. Sleeve-Hut- ; . Ton*, c)".; and Gentletoea's BrMst-Pin* , Finger* j .! Rings, Sleeve-Buttons, S'uJ'. Settings lor Cane-1 j Heeds, ,'c.. nw leiioie Caiiroinia and NcV.: Ja Gold ! j and Silver birring Quartz and Ore—Crys'aiized j . i Q lartz Jewelrv, (commonly known us California ; i Diamond Jewelry.) Th - GM and b-iver bearing ' | Quartz atui Or'' frrvr. which* these Souvenirs are j | made, is mud* from the celebrated Qr TRIM & CURRY I i and Oj.hir mm'-' of No; via, and wi: be valtiiblu j as mementos, ns w*l' a* beautifi l in appearance . aor! d-stgn. J VK'.Y RF.GL LA K S'' r'SCKIiJFS, ] A" ABOVE , to the PACIFIC MONTHLY, will TIE entitiert j to oi.ei.f the?" aitifies lor every subscription stand- j U'g opposite their nanus on our looks. SPECLMEJY COPIES OF THE PACIFIC MONTHLY ' j *ent, pos'age pie-pud, upon the receipt of Fifty ' I Cent.*, in cuir-ncy or postage s'.a np*. CAUTION. r fT?*\V;ite your N :me, Post-Oflice, County at. (? State, to Where you want tise PACIFIC MONTHBT sen!, plain ai d distinct. Register ail let'ers containing money; or, when convenient, ser:d by Express. If your Post-Otfice i* a Money-Order office, ob tain a tooney-ofder for your remittance. Send none but United States Treasury Note*, or money bankable in New York. Ali letteis asking infnrn atibn, etc., to receive ' a"te!;tion, nju-t comein astamp, to prepay answer. AUdres* all correspondence, £>. Ni. eUZLiY CO., PUBLISHERS PACIFiO 34 LIBERTY STRELT. N.W YORK. VVHOLESALE AGENTS: i AMEPICAN N3WS COMPANY, 11 Sliect. Now York. WHITE &. BAUER, S"I F-K.PSCO, California. j JsUary i7, 1865 ly, Y . _ aa'.v.'ih'iai-' :' * Ai Halts of fttoertising. PM e ' 5 ' [ HI? Uno new „ onths . e months. I )''• j £ for a number of > t take, and n-ver does ifij'irv. Bj' ov-ingtoi's purifying qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its ifT-*rts are tru ly wonderful, sootbmg, calming, .u.d n'hying child t he most violent coughs, strength* ! emng and iiivigoratiug the who'* system, j earning and soothing the nerves; aiding ami i facilitating expectoration, and h*al.r:g the *** i j DISEASED LCNUS, thus strlk 'igat the root of diseare, and dri ving it Irom me svstem. CKOtJP. ii* of This disease is an. ounceJ by (iifflcu'ty of breathing, shii I whistling or whezo g, hack ing cough and threatened -uTjcatian. .Vc. Ft mostly occurs in young cbi hcru Ko child croup need die of crcup if this Syrup is properly used and used in time. Mothers having cieupv children should v.atch tte first show of the ai-r.i- e, and a!v , y.~ keep this retnecy at hand, if (hi* For coughs alter measles this svrup is rr.o-t exc'ilen'. Experience has proven thit it is equal'-ed ty no other preparation. 1 he price oi the remedy is iuch s, to place cyrup | it Within the reaci of all, th" poor as Weil a* ih rich, ai.d every jierson should have it. Every person should have it in the house. It is a Hue and faithiui friend to ah who vi- * ue Health and wish to secure themselves a gainst that most terrible disease, causnmp tion. It wilt be 'ootid the rro-t useful as well , as the cheapest family medicine in the ward. ur*t 1c has beer, used for the iast four years with a success without a parallel. Frite dO c'.s. p; r i>o:tle, or three bottles for SI.OO. Pr>p red oy S. A. Foutz v Bra. fa For i.e by 11. C Reamer and B. F. Harry Druggists, Bedford, Pa. December 23, itsO t—ly. tint*. sumta's ttT*iA\ v:a^iFfSK. ; jINCE the introduction of t 1 is beautiful prepsra j tion, it .ias been slta i!y aJv.incing i. :o public fi j vt-r. Its astonishii g eilicaey in vxpel'iug worm* I has won for i* many friends vrlterevtr kuo.cn, end I these aie *pe-k ii-g i:> praise to j others, so that > hi: is f.st b-.-ig | introduced into * TO £ every family ia li e lend. Tie .J demand for it i* tiecoiiiing im'j DEfii ROT i,tuesse. Toinake it s'lii more * worthy the pref erence already ' WORMS! r shown ,r, ' the Pa-vßiF.Tort i pulling it up in a much ban ' o-ner style thsn formerly. Jt is no w prep et quiring rn external application on man. On iuirs, sj; w ill r cver f^ ; i to cure Poir evii, Ei-tiila,' rpl running -ores, or Sw Etst* il properly applied. For sprain*, bruises, :. Nt Scratch? ■ crooted hm chafe-", saddl=s or coiiar gail, cuts cr wounds, it is an infallible ' Fca remedy. Try it and be convinced of its effi-I RU Hr "? ATI S M , '.an Pei>oi s afflicted with this . iseas? i,o raa!- ter c" how !0..g stami'iig, can b? prnrip* , y ai d -tiectiid'ly cured by using ttii* Mixture. : and 1 er? i, n-.thn gin th world so sure and i so goo.l to take away barf corn., on.l cure 3sa j Jwcines contained in them cleanse the blood, and cy ; the foundation for r. vigorous and healthy 33 recirculation. The use of ti.em improves tha ■ wind, strengthens the app?ti* and gives tha horse a fine, smooth and giocsy rkin—thus itn j proving the appearance, vigoi and spirit of j lhis noble auiniai. These powders are not intended, as most I powders are, to bloat the anirr \l, so as to give | him the appearance oi being fat v*:,-n not re i ally o—but, to remove the disease, and pro i mote bis general health. These pe .v.lers wil strengiben the stom ' ach and i testir.ei, cleanse them from offen sive mciter, acid bring them to a fceal'hy I sia'e. They Bre a sure pievention of Lung , Fever, and a certain remedy for all disposes j incident to the Horse, as Glanders, Yellow t Water, Distempers, Foundei, Heaves, Slav. i eririg, (loughs, Fevers, Less ot Appetite, and' j Vital Energy, Jzc.—These Pow'ders, if used two or three times a week, througa the win*, j _ fer and spring, your horse will never get the —. ; Xy Lung Fever, Couc or Botts. A few doses of j th p se powders will remove the worst cough. on ui.y hor*e. A'ero owners of horses to , feed a few of th 'sc powders eve. y year, they EJ2 K ai.gut save tae lives of many valuable horae.C ™ MILCH COWS. !Th* p." ~. rlies this powder possesses in in creasing the quantity of milk in cows, gives it sn importance and vMue which ehould place it iu h-r hands of every person keep* j ing a cow. In fattening cat; le.it gives then* an appetite, loosens their hide, and makea . { theofi thrive much faster. ~ j B- HOGS. I O In all ciaeascs of s-wir.e, as coogfcs, ufceu j in the lungs and liver, Ac., by putting fro® M j • half a paper to a paper of these powders in 1 a barrel ol swi!!, the above diseases can b cured or entirely prevented. By using these • powders the hog cholera can be prevented. Prepared by g. A. FOUTZ, Westminster, Md. C7~For sale at the Drug Stores of Reamer *ni ilnrty, Bedford, Pa, .Dec. 23—1 jr