The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 24, 1865, Image 1

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X* th* following iertrs, to Wit:
$? OS per ern.-.n, it' paid strictly io e.'Yaree.
i,v.50 if paid wia.i.. 0 mantes ; s*>.oo if r.ot ps.iii
within 6 aioaths.
Cf?"Nosubscription taken for Ds? than six munthr:
£p"No p.per di*tontim;ed unt.l a" air? rager are urUss at tfce option of "he publisher. It has
beer, decided by me United, ti.ates Conf's tlia' the
stoppage cf a ncwspap r without .tie payment o<
arrearages, is prima facie evidence t<2 .faud and it
a criminal oSence.
roar's nave decided t'uat persons ar- ac
countable for tbe subscription price of aew,pape--s,
it they take them from the post office, whether ihey
subscribe for them, or not.
•Federal and Confederate Versions
of the Proceedings.
Separation NOT Demanded by tbe Sontb.
Gen. Grant thinks tne Southern Co. unh
gumers re.:re :'neersh; .7 ■ 'rous "to
restore I'sace v\J Union
Lincoln's Negro Pniicy iuo Great Obstacle
t j Pes,ce
T> i'd Ha*irakis t>a IT ;t>; >.f h -w.! :w a:
•r. ran..'♦**ly your re role :i an the BUs inef.,
r;fig 'a i* : •i;G • Ln to .. cojih-r
--c.;Cu f .if if..l in 'iainpinn il-.'-ai.?, i ..;r.e
f'lt tor to Mr.tK iUs.. on the d.i - ■. t!,< hi i i
ga.a F.... ..-is V. ' ai:J wriM-n n
a- lylicw : M AUw v the be?, or, fc\ I' ik'.ur,
f.... p . our I:in S 'iili anil lcturu.
•'iyegeraber £Btli, 13u4. * A. Li>;tvt.x.
at the titiK 1 vvr,- ir f_-.u. J liini Vr.
. so-iglit the c-rrd .'is a r.u ii- .f geiiim.
a.' J, Vi gn.ia, but In- ,va- given no an
;-.< speak cr act tor le go-< ? n. a tt
was r in-'omit-1 of .uiyib.c.g ito vvou! i si) <.i-s.
or. : - .n account orotic:: is? Altai-war L
Mr IV.. ..ii-' :uc that he had been to liicb
mop i, a. .fi seen fir. Toilers.?".
r - jMr at the same iur.„ Lit wilu uu: a
Diattu err.: idler a? i . -vs t-,
I'U. -mos-o, Jaa. it, Ik
To F. P. iku -. 2V; q :
Sir —I bwe deea ~)it pi >pwr, ami pn h
d'sirabic to , t,, giv■ yju in this f r?;
Snlstance of the remarks .: tie bv .nr. to ae
i". ited l.y you to i'resident ' . .
i.. :• no disposition tu rind in torms,
and aa. e*i : .iiug now. su? lie eiofnie, to eat r in
to negoti 'i ms tor ...a rostM"uiior-of j.I
am ready tose.jd.i coiumissi in rvheneve: I navy
reuse at" aupptcp it v. ill i>< n-oti vei, or t-' ro-
Ctivv a cricaitssi >?i it the Friteil Si -t-s tl.iv
errtutent, taal! clioos -to sen ! on'; ~i;'. r
v. i ''stosding the r-jcwiion of our firmer efo. rs,
I i, if you *out i promise that a nontmU
6ioa> r. miiiistei or oilier agent wiiuhl be r -
crived, appoint or.e imm diateiy, ami renuv t1..
efT> r t to enter info a e riforenc ', with a view to
esscur* to the two oouatiiss. Your-, die., i
(Sijwd) jSOTHM DAVI*. j
Afiierv. .i' Ms and with the \ iew jt sloju-..'
U-' sliowrt t Me n i
to ilr. I3in.:*, a ' 't'. r ..s .-Viows, to wit."
am J.,n. is, ldt.s. !
Tj F. P. H t;r, j:
,S..—r.ur Ii::ve . sla t**n ma Mr • • - ' i
fr to yon of the If h irsf , vjn rrny say *o j
Um ha? I have n>. .• tantie o 1 '"-!! ■ • eo> v. rt i
•• -i. i'TJIi y : v ' f \ • *
tic e. nui'j. mini j- 'i' > r-ow r -1 tli „ i
n-tiroa. mi&mty, may ioidmuidy sod m
w i'r tli" t ;'\v ot -jeace to o-:r • i. a
Cooa". \uorr, A : J., LtHOOU.
4 i ci'\. ."'is ?.lr. ■ >" itou l r lie: .
tb iriz 1 ?ne > .ak ut entry on : >
ray"! npy of t!c Wtcr last a' ov. r
ted, wii. li entry is is io 1 s :
i: nicry r 13' '
To-day ?i[f. ] • ;.ir Us a? * r tnr ■
ir t., he dclivotei to ?f. id.iv; fhv ■ : '
winch ta? v.ithin is am ; *., an !! it it with I !
ihai it ti f ot of dditreru gif Mr Iu : > •
|f • or twice in Mr iilaVs pp~-; • at '
c.-FT'i;i which he (.Ir. f•!>.•■ if'." ' ••'* '
tbe purl about eur <t* c. u; „■ • ' ]
to the patl' 1' Mr L> >. I a.erf i t' •> •
countries, t > which Mr. Dot is r plied th *. • :
to uiidcstood it. A- I.iS'," ■
AHuWturd t!ih Serrct, y t t >\,. edit
any haul- the following t-tid- ied by
Uiui, u it apjiears:
War Ivrpar'fticr.f, :
[ln Cipher.! )
Thfifollowing telegram *• :•••■ r ccivc l at Wash
iujtfon, January i fit it, !buo:
From II?h>1 Quarters Army of the -Tumor,
4.3d I'- M-, January h'O, i " .1- Hon. hi via
M. Titan. '>;•ry of Wat.* The following
•despatch, just renmed C-uoi *?..j bion. Parke,
who refers i' to m ? for iia artii.ti, I refer to
.ecu, in Lieut. General C > oni's uhsetice
E U. C. Oho,
Mat. Ot:;. Commando ?.
Ha. Q:t*. AIOIY OK r:n: . oro.UAC, J
4 t'. hi . Jan. 29, lodv>.
Io Major G".n' a! KO. C. 0.4, lleaJq iurtcs
At ay of th; Juir.ce:
Tl fi'h vi . * det puirf is f>rwcrdeil • > vn
,y> 4 ( 1
for yrar action. S .u' I have no knov wige
cf Geti. ( .eant's litit l;:,u any Lm-Jcr-rtMndirig
of tl. hind, i refer tea .iiaiCr v 1 ou, ..s ihc
mtiking ofliccr preseu' ir. . two -.r.nies.
JOnS (t P.At.'KK,
Maj- fjers. Orom aiding.
tV'*n Head Quart*' s Kififll Atioy Clorps,
Jan. i 9— .Ms} Get. .T. G. ?'arke.
•ii>. Qrs. Ar.Mf CK Tin.
/ ' var.uer Ti. Steven", It. M. '! .Io 'cr • id
J. i viaitiphcli desire to tw my hues, in ac
cordance with rn on ; r-t& v ing< n iuci to ex
Ist wi-h Lieut Ten. Grant, on their way t-.
a.- peace comrui-sioiiers. Sh" : ,
'.hi. r.d ri'ttcdt Tiiey desire an • ;!y :.uswu
lu cyaw thr imuieiliatt iy, anil would ii' l
to reach Coy Point to-nijit, if they cm:. I
they cannot do tliis, tiiey would like to corn
tU.ouih at 10 A. 111., to-morrow.
0. B. Wvsos,
Mttj. Gee Com. Ctli Corps.
Ke*pectfully referred to the President tor suci
Tavmcticns aa he intv bo pleased to givo.
Secretary of vVa-.
8.30 P. &1 .'Jan. -9. >B''s.
It app*rf that' about the time tC i.hvn;
the fere;oirr i. W> : end. t.l 'V I V
mry of 0/: dwpatcaed Oert. QrJ as fo.ijwa
*1 "it ?
V&Pju'(?<s!£ 60.
IV At: D..I'T , VYAniiNr.iON CITY, J
Jan. 20, 1805, 10 1. M. <
To Maj. Gee. Ord:
This Department has no knowledge of any
understanding by Gen. Crunt to allow any per
3on to conic within his lines ns couimi^ioncr. ll
jo! any sort. Yon will, therefore, allow no one
< . io come into ycim lines wider such character cr
i profession until you -eceive the Presilent'* in
- j sti uc'ion-, J" whom your telvuran w;!l he e !; t
j for his directions. EDWIN .V. : : ta cton.
JSe -retary of r ar.
j Seni in cipher 2 A 5':.. d ! )ih.
j V >er ..if'- by my <li vt-lior.s, t!ic S era: ar_\
; ! >' v Y.;r telegrapi-ed Gen. Ord as follows, to
lo A. VI., Jaa. 3(i, 1830.
To 1 f.'jov i, .' , f ti jf i. Hi<.. ''qu ir!: '"s
. j An: ft of t.'ie Jc .ao.:
iiy d'n eti • :'v i'r .li'P'yujr.,
■ , dif ir.Aiin th" ti- v- srei :'..*inen. Mess: V .•>-
f>!ivi . H'lmer and km:* a ntoss ■ •<.
wdi f* tieepatched i> ihc:n ;• rjeai :x
:?.-e) now are. w ihout ,i.a cr.- -;r.- j.v.
j.,,, ,-• -i y
tVvretary uf V.'; v
A . ' . T . * on red aril pof into Shr i aridi
•J ' 11. is T Eckel t the folio.ving in
js' i ot. ti.: - ;;i i ui'. ■"":
E vEctTivf MANSION*. )
vVtish;i,-:on, Jan. SO, 1805. 1
| To Majnr 7- T. rxk -t:
i Sir—- ot wiii proceed tvYh lii" d icumeiits
j pii<Cvu hi ycur han'is ami on r. ;t *!iiri.j G ,i {.Vrtl
• :•! d'-iitvi* i ..ii the letter .'<ldte.-r.d to I I s, : >v
jti - Secretary cf iVar. 1 Iwt* nr Get. 'J 'ks
a , priH'vro .ir interview with AI. -- -s. •
. !1 ik ftr and < .. o iieli, or any of i hem
I del*.v M* To him •. them, p .per oa wnicn
, )■•<• rirn ! 'cr is written Ivo'e on the eonv
, vlii' h ' i ~etthe time of d iv rv ml! i<
Win in i ivvi • ' li iv their r ii: WTJ
. tin? v.iug a rests ittabh* time for it, tetl w
it :t contiii.-.s iii.:r deeisioti io eonie torou i
without • 11"11 • • ■■;>*;■'ni,i.. will he your *.v:-.ri nit
to aik ( (Jr.'i [i:iS3 t'a.o ;r, ugh a. ti:-
recf i •" the '•■t.c* ot tine Secrcfar*- of to
hitn. It by fh ir : nswer tl:.*y <' : > coinr.
prone • c:'i r ttna', do mil Imvc them yno- j
CI throogii. Ami tt.L !> iwj your : [■. An duty !
reiut n and rcnori to nun Y?n:\ truly,
A. LiVCr.N.
To Y/K.'-J V'X ti. Stephens, J. .i.
bet! and 11 .M. T. Hunter:
1 i Tenth men—l a-.a instructed lv !r P-- , [
j of tl..* Lnifcd St I't.s to place this t-ej- r ii> -on
j. with the informntioii tint i you pasr
no ' .""J - 0.,":;t., rv Ji r „. s j. evil!
t utrjer !."•*'( you do so lor pc .
a:. "iif'i'Mial .*•."• •' :ot Set *
I tor, copy cf wtiich ou !'o reverse side ot
! mis sheet, and that if :*. - f'" <*>■
: . ov!. under-tfo.J: 'jr, aiiti sooi.tif,- i..- 1 ivr-'Mt-f,
! I wiii procufc the Cofi'timij-i e? Gcn< ?•• - *'''
• paisj ti ilu.'Ck the iiocaant! to fwfwm Hoo* t
< c. Una a sin a.:•" arv orec .u 'ma Y- ti
.en: pradt-i:!, tt v.T.iek place ,o *.vil! lie 1
. . ; d : .iujii hj s"ni p:-'--on or p: "-oti. tor
.. ■ -j ;f iiilt rniai en .; re.m<: and
hil uX" tl:-*.? yo'i -i.iil I:?'*v*C iii-i * { lg gom- •
an t .mu ea.u reiur.: in iH • . *..•.
i H.-JS ik Ecu I.'*.
M-A. r o.'.j \. D. Ck
! City Print, V I* eh l'- ?5
.VY-.IINC.T.J:;. Jan. 18, 1 Sdk.
' 7 f. P. j 1 '"", I'i.i'j :
Mif —Y • .-iv 1- nl.own me M l *. Dt' is* iel
" ~ ... : 1 ■ a- aufly ie-.* . :rn r.i *.v
'• siia!) Cv*u; uo r o : t \e any n_ert w
!ha v .r ary oii.oi Y'Y . : 'i persvu ;iuw .c.-i-'ii g;
j hi.;, with tl \ 'nv o ' -• <• iuu nc .re to ti.c jWo
'„U of our we codiQt u ntry. ioan. f:,
A Li ..civ
Afterward-, Ltii tKtbre M"j->r E- kert '-ad dr.!
~-r ..1 the - iliu''U:'( t'e-patch o"j recc.veu
♦rum G?n. G *ant;
O: K'iCK P. 8. V;t.TYM.i 3 rT.FGKAriI, | '
i The follow ti.T tcieui "m received at Washing
ton, Jan. 31, 1895, 1: jo Guy Point, \ a., i 0.30 '
| A.M.;
t .Tjiiuar: o!, 1865. j
' To ft is ExcJieurif .lbra nm Lincc-lo P.teul'nt
; of the [ nilf tSt t
*;•(., i n.ovtt •: c-i-x : ni?ati >n was receive*l
here last evening :
PKT; r.sut HG, Va., Jan. 39, 1865.
1 To Li'.i't. Grit. V. S Grata, commanding the
j Jinnies < f the Vni'tti *!ctf":
.j- We tlesirc t'. pass .no lotes tin': r safe
! <■ tndtiCt, and to prOCWd In imfclon to hold
1 -x cutd. ren-jc with upen thv
' j -.'C ' (!: c.<iu..i', v .tr, and wit' •-i-w of
■ !.;-i i'.i.imu up' "'* i *;t terms it nrmy b **" .*.-
i "BtC'i ii • iuti '*i:cc c! 'lis couise indtc it-.d 1
s \ him io his Ivtk.J to s ? * of Jan.; r
j 18' 5. of whirl, JVC p.". . uiC Vol. ve ft -py,
! Jifioi we vish to i*yu in peso i' . n
| v.'ni- at. to < cf r ' il?> y&u o ; uJm sai jc.t.
, Very res|.eeliuir va.irs,
nb YtNt'l-K 11. STI-l'ltEN-8,
J A. Co'l'Br.l.L,
l\ li M T I!t.N'Tra.
- . I have sent iirn.'tn,"*.- to receive three Ten
! ii, :, 'ti and ex-K'.-t to i' -he.a at my
0 • tcrs ti h e+eabg -wai'inv; JWt fn*truetions.
.. ; Lieut. Gen. Omi. Armies of ti c IJ. S.
, T!iis raes'age, it will be perceived, tranvf r
[f! red Gen. Ord's agency in the matter ft Gen.
io : Grant. I resolved, however, to send s!a*or
Eekert forward with this roc-sage, and accord
ingly telegraphed Gen. Grant us follows!
:'u 1865. — Lieut. Gen. Grunt, City Point , Vt.* A
message is coining to you on the business con
tained in your despatch. Detain tbe gentle
i nten in comfortable quarters until he uriives,
i and then jo t upon the incss tgti! • brings ! t
,nr ;i5 uisH 'Uinle, '■ having N •:' '. ade up to ,
n- tluotfgi. Gen. ' t'! a h'incs, :.n-t w.v ii G*"'
3, tiiinen were soppoaed ij be 'ueyot-J oi.r i > ?.
| [B:>nt in cipher at 1.30, P. M.J
W hen Major Eekert departed ;:e bore witJ
j him a letter of the Secretary of V.'ar to Gen
• Grant, as follows, to wit :
WAR RT.viENT, Washington, Jan. 30,
j 1865.— •Lieut. Gen. Grant, ouuaanding y-e.:
! GENERAJ.—Hie president tk-sires that you will
■ plea-e procure for the hearer. Maim* Thomas
• T. Eekert, an interview with Stephens.
Hunter and Campbell, and if, on his return ti
}'"■!. he requests it, pass thetn through t>ur linef
tu hoiti-'.ss HonriK) by sueli route and undct
Siiel: m si'-My precaution as you may deem pru
dent, giving them protection and "omfo: Übi '•
qn u t:vhi!c titer e,-ar.d (ha* yon kt nine oi
Oil ■ have any - op m yo r rrovenacnts or
pun *-. Uy order o f " t.'ic Pve-iderit.
E. M. STANTON, Secretary i f War.
."•"ijip.'sii g k-c prop r point to ho. then rear li
ed, I ih-f.finiehi.-il tit Secretn'ry of State, wit'-
the following it sir iciioo, Mojo:-Eekert, now
ever, going r.hea 1 ct hun :
Rxts;airc .Vli\sM.N, W •-•hi.tgt n, Jan. ?!
'B'.. - Hi''.. . . If. of
of >o wii: p- ot'eed to r .ir* . loiirve, I*. -re
to meet n i i'do: ir.aih* confer w.di Messrs.
• Stephens, Hunfeev imt Camp'. ,-;it on the "ojihs
of my loiter to F. l\ Ilkir, .lan. 18, 18 a
eopv i 1 wiii a yon have \on wi'l make known
to u.e.'n tma ;.,roe things iri<iispe:if:ible, to
' wit :
lYvst. 'J'iie restoration ot the national au
thority throughout all the States.
be-.-on-i—-N-> <,.•(••- i.. !>y the TLiP'-utive of
ti o Utiilt: I inies I, i' i tla very 'jt,es?;.m from
!! e po.-i ion as.-umcd thereon in the la.eannua!
:n -gr to G-.;iig —oii: : in prccetJingumu.fs.
' . v.!—:Li cef.satltHi of hosiiiitiea short of an
end oi t! vn* and the liisbafsdii.:! tf all the
f-ircvi !•< if- to the govermntnt: Yt n wiii ic.-
form lii-.nn :!iat pi-,nosi!:f-t;s <4 ih-irs n,,(
>t-eo 'M-friit i id: the above v. ill be coo.-i (ci etl
■■ i cpuo a .-1 : ot . noere !.; c; a.'isv.
win itvur all they irmy choose < > a.ty an I
'•epurt it ne. You will not as >: t, ,|.,f. ;
irtitely c-o.nminniato an*, thing. Ytiuiv,
A lilN' V'l N. ■
the day of i's date the following tel grom
was tent to G. e. Gr t .. .-
'V Mi D .I'at IV. NT, \V.s r'UNntrov, D C,
T'.l, !, jS . Lieut, Ctt'j Coin!, ;
i ' ijft ug vvhicli is tranpinng change, j
hinder or delay your military inu'-'-im-nts oi
pi trie. A Lincoi.n*. j
[Sen' in ci.ohc-r at 9-3-.), A. ,M ]
Aii-iv.-. S :iie {.iliowipg <leSji:ch was re- j
cmvi-.i inn" Gen. Grant:
On-.Ci* 1 . STAVI>. MM.II AH r TBLLTKAP:!, f
. tV .Y ! i -P.'kV? r .s• .v ai.o.'lKgA ..TiiA.€,ll ~•* j
Feb. I, 186.1:
Pm-.t Guy Ih-r.vr, Feb. I. ISG I, 12:3(7,
yf ;/? *'r i-tJl'ncy. fi. Lmcoin, President,
V. St'des : Your despatch received. There:
.-•ill e j,,. aruiiatict. in cousetpumcc of tcc pres !
n- oi'.Mr. Sti ; !a'. ".: others within our line?, i
T'i. K . >ps tc >cp' in rfadines io move at tl. j
shortest notice •< ao>~: ui *uouUi j • -'j 5 •
G. S. G*ANT, vcut. Genentl. j
Te -„' Mi j E<-!- ' timt the Sm" rc?ttr y ol
ite woliM IKS ' ' '.-.I- MeiifoC, f .. i .0 po
t'vm in com:- umcatiou ti fol.j •: ." t aid ■
was sunt :
WAR 'a.:.i r.r> A T \Va HI • Tn D fk, K '
*, 1* T. T b'ck'tt, t"•? G it. ' >ont, |
CUti Point , I a : Call at Fort'-. " M- rrt"- *;.!
pa. v <>ur-- if tinder dirciiion <;1 Mr. bev.-arct, |
whom yet* will find t'.cic-
A. LlNi'Oi.N' ■
On the morning of tho C ! instant, ti" fol
It.whig te!'*r-.o>s were r "v.. ' ran r.sp i
• : v.-P, -m flic Secret*!"* of State and *J j.r
]•* i ;tit- Mon!.'*... V . , FIT.. 1, I >5.
1 r . . - • • 'J.
"lie l j resnlcnt c- ''' Oivtc. •'/' 1
1 arrived at en o'clock this evening —ltich
| roon i party not here. I retna:n he:.-.
CITY Foivr, V. , Feb. I, iß**s.
! //-'is Pjr<:i'ir.C;> .1 LiWOin, PrcS.Jc/it of {.' ( '•?*
j ted FLitest
! I li.ive the honor to report :he delivery of
1 your count.ur.ication and. my l< tier at 4.13 tins
af. *n ).-•!!, to ieh T recLtvt .1 a reply at QP.
M., i it;t sail- - Victory
At SF. J] t!;e following note, addrcSs. dto
Gen. (urant. was received :
CITY Po'NT, Va, IYb. 1, 1865.
To Lieut. Gen Grant:
S:u —We dc-sire to go to Washington ci'y
to confer imurinidly v. i'h tim I revioeni per.-on-
J *' i:i reference t<* mailers montionc.i in his
• i u t"Ml U Mr. lihtir of the lMth of January ult.
Without any personal com on aig qims
tion in ~.r let <r, *ve have the pormtiwm-a to
do r from 'ho authorities in k'ehnioiid.
.! Very rtspectfidij*. yours,
At.ex IT. STFA'Hnxs,
11. M. T. HI NTEK,
j J. A. Cr.Mt'UKi.r..
At 9-S(* I* M —•! have notified :h ni thai
the*,* cool i n< t proceed, n.rther unless ihey com
' [.iiol vrh i it i"is expressed in my letl.-r
I The point ol n-c;.;big designated in tl.o aliovt
; note ought i ! ir. my opinion, to he insistcc
j upon. I:h i.k lYrl Monroe would be accept
- elf . II: ii.g complied with my instructions
i will retun: :o Watbingtwi to-morrow, unle;
edit ordered.
T.ios. T. ECKF.KT. Major, etc.
On rending t! ii despatch of Major Eekert
- I war about to recall him and tne Secretary o
State, when the to-lowing telegram front Gen
r era! Grant to the Secretary of War was shown
- xe:
, [lu cipher ] )
i- ! The following tel >gram was received at Wash
- inert on 4 3a A. M-, February 2, 1865, f ror
, City l'oir.t, Va.:
r ' Fi.RRT-JRT 1, iSGfi, 10 50 P. M.
!■; Hon. Echdn M. Sta to", Sccrrlu/ ff of War:
p;.,- >v i[(.if ;ii > i"t< i > between Major Ec':
"ri, r.f.-lr hi- vvritien instruct ions, rr.d ivh
bLpI CDs and party has ended, I will f i+tc coo
Preedoic of Thought and QpitJon.
fidcntialiy, but not officially, to become a mat
h tt-r or ix ord. that I a:u convinced, upon on
i. ver.-atio with * lessrs. Stephens and Hunter
that thci • intentions are good and their d siri
). j sincere 5o restore peae? and Union. I l:av<
.- : not f'e't myself r.t liberty to express any view:
11 ; of my own or t.i accouid fur my reticence,
is j This;,as placed me in an awkward position
=. i which J could have avoided by nut seeing then
0 iu the first instance. I now fear their peine
's i back without any expression from any in an
ir , tliority wui f t ;tve ah. 'i infin >-;e ;at the :< c
i-1 time I rt cognize, the tWJicaUits indie w.y u
-• I ret ivii.g thee infert: ni v<-ajtiiissioners at th:-
•< ■ '*••,.•, a.l do nut kiiu.v what to rccomiUt i.d.
T| I a a sorry thai, liu.vevcr. Mr. Lincoln c-ir.not
j have an u-ti rvi-nv with the tw named in this
j ucspaif II- tali three now within our lines
' Th'ir ! Her to mo was. all that the President's
instin.'i.>ri>< confengbtted to feeure tlroir safe
• c !;:• if had use ! the .-am; language to
• Major iv-lu rt.
U. 3 (J;: AXT. Li.-'itcnnn? GeiterrJ.
r j ri.i,d,it'll of (Tetii-i'j! Gmnt Goingwl ray
• j-'v-'ios . arid accordingly I ndegrepfe d and
. ti.-. - tary ot Stat • n .-[icciivcly us follows;
?! WAR Divi'ARTMENT, /
ij WAEHINOTOX,'D C., 11 a. 2, 1365. j
1 JjeaUrnnt, G 'end G in', (Jit;/ Pot.ti, Va.:
' j f'at to the gentlemen tiast I will meet them
'j. e ~ .i'y at Fu.-ir.-A 51 i roe n.-> soon as I can
; [g; lucre. A. LINCOLN.
! [Sutit f*ipi, ,T r.t 3A. M ]
i Washington, D C.. Feb. 2, 186.". j
!; ITin Ilk; 11. Sc'curd, Torlms Monro-'. Va.:
Ii hier-l by a despatch from G. n. Grnnh I
| iu yen -it Fortress Mo&roe as soon as I can
■■con:-. A luVCiiin*.
Ik'inre Starting, the following despat -ii was
h-ewii jo", ij• : • -•evc.-b
--t1 i*; .: I-viTci > STATIC UIIUTAST )
TEl.i.h VX*;I, Wak Di:r,virr;.;:.*:s'. (
t' ; {'..flow-it •_ ! -Iccrnia wits rcceivct at W. -!i
--; iogtou, I'clv 2. 18t>5 : lion. \Vn. 11. Seward.
Secv. - .in O. Siute. Foiii'css Monroe, ie.-u.' to
Hue. K M St!ito!. l-'evrefarv f War,
i gton. ]). C i The gt nticnien here have ac
cent.-' iia: 'iror-os-*-! terms, 1 wsil Itcvo for
aioimro, :i 9.-jt) A. oi
!'. S. GRANT, Lieu*. Gcn'l.
* <': i l!:<* right of the 2d, 1 : .mdicd IT troptou
Koad-. the Secretary of Slate a:i-l Maj r
! ikkc" c:: a steimier < If t!-" shore, an.-J learned
\of thciri i tth ■ Richmond gcrttlr-i.i. n were <>n
j another .stenmcr also rofliorod of; tho shore, i
- i.i the rc:.d.j, and that tl.-. S.acrc'.aiy of State
\ b. 1 nut yd -ecu or coii.uiu::. at-'-i -viti :hc:n.
j T ..... .. i NI.-i■ .r Erk-i t hud literxlly
I t l '.c. nr.-1 tiro?, tae ..nswot- oi the i-.,c.amoßa
' g'*tro6-n him, obb-h in ls.s d to tni ;
jot the Ist, he cliuracP rives n? not v-* 1 islactory.
I'h-t JUtSTwr is *.' f : : i?w:- "or-:;: _ ,
CITY POINT, Va.. Feb. 1, IJUY ;
I Tib il l - T J&M.-t, .;■ c,r.l A. H. C-;
*f*joK -Tcur note, de'.tverc! by ytwrsclf j
| [jjs lay, ' con hh tcd. For reply we j
j :..u to say tlrot we were fv.-ni- iro-i with :i u-; /
• of the letter of President J.incc-hi tu Frsnoia
li\ 11;. dr. of tbe l?th <>f, u't., an-cl tr
• ' \. .ik'ii ' * • * mm! 4t> Vb U. li uO. Olll*
; .1*o conv-iti'. I ii R < ttr ti vv • h
•( fvi 1 .ViPhi a ri T':' : - .
1 iGkS-roNn. Jan. 28 1805-,
I |a cmformity with the >''' Uv i>£ '
[ coin, o? which the foregoing is a iopy, ' ,: -'
io proceed .u *;■ shington city for informal cm.*
(ti - --. witi; '.Kit upon the invol* 'd ill
the exist:tg v\ v., and for the pt.rp- -. • f sc< u
j ribo peace tu th: (wo countries. With gfieat
! respect, y our obed.eut
j The -ub -!nul'.al v 1 i-ct io be -.. jta'.iicd by the
j " ,r. conference is io v.sccria.. ".in v.diat
j ten .- ti.-; existing way can lie termtnato.l Lon
joi On- iuMi uction- :• -ot 'mp*■ •' r-"-
j -unci intcrv row between Pivsident Lin-" in au<l
I oursilv.s at VVa bin.'ton, but with this cvp...-
■ i. . i i; vvi. are ready *o meet any perf.ou or por
' that Piv>iii-".:t may appOi t, at
f| ?qc! place as he may designate. Our cam St
- j desire i.- that n lufet and honorable peace may
. s be agreed upop, and we are prepared n> receive
! or to submit prepositions Which may possibly
>' lead to the attainment of that eni.
i Very -.espectfully. ycnr,
It M T. ll' NTEI;,
• i JOHN A. C -■. T:-n:-i.i„
- i A no;."* of those gentlemen, subsequently ml
si dressed tu Gen. Grant, has already hem given
. ! in Mjur Eckert's despatch of 'lie Ist ir.-t.
■- : I here saw, for the first time, the M
> . lowing not-., .idtirc-scvi b-y 'lie un-umoml gentle
; men to Major Jy-kert:
C: i j POINT, Va., Feb. 2. 18S5.
I Th.unu ' F. E L rt, jf. jor anil A. I). C :
j MAJOR —In reply to your verbal statement
that VOIR- instructions did not allow you to nl
it j ter conditions upon which a passport coo! 1 be
i-1 given to * is, we say t,.at we arc v tiling tu pro
r. ' eecd iu Fortress ?.luiu-oc, and there to have ur
e ' informal conference with any person or pet sum
d that i'resident Lincoln may appoint, on tbe ba
t-1 sis of his letter to F. I'- Link of the 18th o
January*,, or upon any other terms o
-'s ! renditions that lie may hereafter propose, no
' inconsistent with the essential principles c< sel
i government and popular rigl.ts, upon v. uic.
t. : our Gonstitutiona arc founded. It is our ear
if wish <u ascertain, after a free interciiaug
*.-! of i-Las and information, upon what principle
n an 1 te; HIS. if any, a just and honorable peac
can lie established without the further Gfosioi
of blood, and to contribute our utmost etTort
to accomplish such a result vvc think i- bettc
to add that in accepting your passports, w
i - arc not to lie understood as committingourselvc
m to northing but to earn* to this informal con
fcrcn.-e the views and feelings above cxprcsscJ
V'crv rcopsctfully, yours. &c.,
Ai.en 11. STEPHENS,
i.. .f. A. CwrRW-i.,
g t I?. M i. • llls.-HV.Yt.
a . v 0 te—The al-ore coitrßiinkatluu was dcin
I- ' ereu to me :*t Fortress Monroe at 4..'50 I'. M.,
l-. February 2, In* Lieutenant Col. Dabcock, oi
r, i Gem Grant's stuff". TITOS. T. LCKEKT,
re j Major and A. I>. C
a ! On (lie morning of Feb. J, the three gentle
's | men, M essrs. Stephens, Hunter and Campbell
came aboard of ur steamer and iiad nn inter
i, i view with the Secretary of State and tnyse'f of
n . •.*•>*■>! d-ration. Mo qucitu/O of pre
g liinrear"es to the iseeth.T vw- then and tlx rr
i- ta. Ie * uic-i.ii...*! d. No other person w.ia pro#-
e i- 't. F | "-p ■ • were ev or proiuce.h
n and it wa i.i rtdvaneb r*fre i that tfec confer*
•'t >ri was ! at rj.ibi out r.rrf kerb. : merely
. v> t u).' jxaxa *„ a wholes •t.-nce cf the instrne
t ; tinr-s t;> the *•" \"<e."v of ;-,;<itchtrn.i tiefofeiv
a cited was st-iha me] hie; Isd upoxi, and nothing
; was said He.., ihemvub; while by i:*'
s other pari;,* it not sai l that in ;nj eveat
e or on any cot. *<>r; they or-r v.*:tM cor..-. -o
0 to ivonmp, an ! ye t * >ey eqtrJiv .routed to dt
. clnre tiiat lb- would not consent. '• ;y
• . liic.! to'i.ei;, „ j that fjues
;• t'.on and the ado >jor of rorr.e uiher etu;*6 |
.1 first, which a- some of then: seemed to argue, j
; might or might not Fad I > rem ion, hot whH: '
ursc* •*<> thought would r mount to an iruJ; '!•
iiiie ; •'( i,'ax *it. Tneconference nded v. 'h- !
out result. |
1 The for*at'dng, "on'.!;11*17 r.a is helirrei! ad
x the ir.'b; aounhx. is respect f'ulU* ■*'•-
~'f i <
ira I (*;.]. Adka:iam Lixcorjf. i
Executive Mansion, "a., 10, 1 Sbo.
Wa tUN'iTOti, Feb. 10, 1i
The f !!<>- . ; ::<*• >•/!<? in dosed in the me-;';;:
i Bent to the Se*> it i
t'resiiV/.': Trie Seerctnr, of State, to |
wii /.)! v*c' n i'.T.'cd a r so'niion of tii.*. Senate *
t!:" c ,! . in {., !*i :,ii. .• 1 i • • a Pre* id-.;•>♦ of ihe
. I nitcd St .* i : I•> o|..;;i:'n ::<■> i.:c 11 a* l - .
bh.i '*•?b th'i p::hlic interest, t, f:* T nl-'o !'-*e
Senate fry inf-wriftlion at bis |">?.s. >ion cm.- \
. r-ixi-y-r r i ■;,"- i .>r c.'in.r ..uic.t.' ms
•vitli ■ Tt.xia rebels "aid to h occuri. 1 midur
Ksemtive sen.vicn, iaeludin-r cotninunt' :Ln3
with the r x<.l Jetf.-raar. 0,.v h-;J any cor.e
spotnlenco raht'iog ihc.roto. httc lite hounr to re
port '.hat ti: * St rite may | rojwlv be i'cft:iTs; ?
to a to-total :nt-f*.ae of *hs President Lewi-*# i
upon the suti*? -t of the resolution and tratts
i.iit'.ctl to !c *i' us-* rids Jay.
App.-nJial io t:3 report i- n copy of an in- !
stre.':.•! v.i'.iott bus ' v:i arMw?e<s to C:i.-nTcs
t Franrts Ad..:ns Ks.j.. Favoy >r iin v*v
ni minister I'ict.ip:i.:iai*y of tho t'r.J:.'
: ites nf *• •• '.an, ;!*.. i w!.i :l; n ti ? nu!,* <•. : re- ;
' pniJ-.>nc.. j found tills IXpat t.nteot i>>uchi::g ■
tfa. 11. :"u.-.. -,r |
Denartuicnt of Stat *, V-.Thinytcm, ~ ,3
i lS65 '
(M Sn*v;il Mr A<! m: )
1): • .*.u*. c-.Nr, oi SaATI, {
Vv.-.MtN -r o V,-,. h. ,:ji i !
i ?ji"—dt is ... trr.isni '■ . iatio- >• 1 p . • 'here
; . . i
pre *;.wu>;, .*. * ■ to*"*',: war is'- . * "st. *'*tu-;
{•,v\. j'i re ;"*'* who '. ;*'■ v-:'f t 1 *-
.n...nd of jieac. Tne adv.- ft* of j
•v -r, .r :*i* ; .*. '. ap-.r <n* .xoav.'. ecu r
nilv :" ; *i the-* '• rl"i e 1, t'*■.ugh the . tr *!•:-
p> : I•i or f.'" .r *. '
|S > peace agitators in time of •; ultii lately j
! ;/-.,* wUuoat ' the advaatacea wi'idbi
1 ;i-**t J livn th.u • *:., *t. The •
j ~,,r < ' ",v i 5;, *;r:,n •[ : ,ur .id ..a't-enci
re .ct * ••• •"' 7 " -.aaps or-1
.idmnK-univtt'iobVmfhv.r 'VrrvM*- ornefive^.j
Res itts Jne detaimioc w*;a.der ;!wy : ,! "e wise |
Gau ' .io'T-i-Hi * V o v.*;ts frcured hy on ivreg-1
utxir'iu 'ni :* *h ainkt* the .Ax. d ! !e go vera
.i nvent: Sope of the cffmte arbicl have been j
n. • to :>-*"e about n-.- witli a vie % *
! t- cut or.i* civil war, ere known : > xhu
- w ri.i, uo'taose-hey lihvo cr:'.'h.-yd I >x*■-jT nf *;
- well as domestic agents. Ob -*i' w ?a whom |
1 vou have to deal eonlide-.Uiaily are l.nown to {
: Vo'.Ts-df !t! uigl; t.'ey Ixave not po'tlitly Iran- i
Gtle x* c.ff"els have occv.rr 'J here v/hieh j
. ; . hi:'.wo , i : v , > tin! persjer uv!:;;d?y
in . . *m. and to tii'*- gv-vfrnmetit. 1a n r.jw ,
v, *r i forin..ti at accon it of an i
i affair of ti'* saae getieral character, which rc- j
ecntly ;.* ivvd ir-mlx attention here and which i
Joobdcss *. ill excit'* nqmry abroad. A few |
ago lihii**. Esq., of Muryland.!
obtained "* o" tii*. I'rcsnxeiit a simple leave io ;
n pa-s throtip ; i * if miliur li .o-s withcut detinttc •
views known to iic gtivcrnmcnt. Mr. Hlair j
- vi.-itc<! Fi hm "i i, and *). i his i Ham lie showd
- to the President a I'tter which Jv.fer-on Davis
wrote iliat Mr. IHair was at liberty to say to
President hinc-nn .*lr. Davi.- \i .ts itoiv, t.s
ixc always had Ixvti, wi'iiu,; to sen i cina:is
it sion-.-r ; if assured they would ho n cviv. I, < ** to
[- receive anv that should be sen;, that lie was
' n ,u ob-pose l toli 'd olwhKTsin m; m.t. IlewoiiM
f . ud fo.einissioners to confer with P. * Preside;!!,
n UL a vlew in tlxe restoration ot jH- aa between
w the two coitntn.s. if he could be :is.-uvcd tbey
i- wotil.l he receive I.
of, The Presid at, therefore, en the IBlh day >f
>r January nfidrcissed a note to ?Ir. Blair, in wi .;*h
u the President, after acknowledging that lie had
•If read the note of Mr. Davis, said that he was
■h and always slmuhJ be wilting to receive any a
r-j gent that Mi*. Davis, or any other inducntial
jo person now aciually resisting the authority ot
es the "ovcrnment, might send to confer informa!-
ee ly with me President with a view* to the res
in torution of peace to the people ot our common
ts j country
er ; Mr. Blair visited Richmond with this letter
re I and then agiin came back to Washington. On
es 1 the *29 th instant we were advised from the camp
ii- Jof Lieutenant General Giant that Alexander
J. • H. Stephens, R. M. T- Hunter and John A
j Campbell, were applying for leave io p.:;
through the tires to Washington, as peace c m
m'.T Tuners to coaler with toe Irc ideut. 1 uey
were scrtiih ■' by tie ji'euteiix'-nr General tc
iv- oitiro ux lws hcxkiquarrcrs to await thti*e ibe aj-
j Hatra cf slW^ n „ ~ '
I One fqusre, one insertion, • t
On# square, three insertion#, $1 •• i
One square, each additional iuserfioa 1
2 months. 6 months". t
One square, $t 50 £5 00 %
Two square#, 600 St 00 \<t
Tbwc equates, 800 12 00 20
Half co'vmn, IS 00 20 00 40 00
Oiie column, 30 CO 43 00 SO 00
A-'mirustrator# and I,jtctitors* net ess, $3 09.
Auditor** notice;, if onder 10 lines, $2 50. Sheriff's
SaUs, $1 75 per tract. Table work, double the
abuve rate3j figure work 25 per cent, additional.;
P.sirays, Cautions arid Notices to Trespassers, S3 00
for three inse: lions, if not above lb lines. Mar
riage notice*, 50 cents each, payable in advance.
Obituaries over five lines in length, and Resolution#
of Beneficial Associations, at half advertising rate#,
payable in advance. Announcements of death#,
gratis. Notices in editorial columns, 15 cents pef
line- tiy~No deductions to advertisers of Patent
Medicines, or Advertising Agents.
VOL. 8, NO. 30.
, j eision of the President. Major Eckert was
>i | sent down to meet the party from Richmond at
' (*en. Grant's headquarters. The Mnjor was
j directed .o deliver u> them a copy of the Prea
-; iuent s letter to Mr. Blair, witii a note to be ad
i dressed to thero and signed by the Major, in"
- which they were directly informed that they
f should be allowed to pars oar lines. They
■ would be understood as coming for an informal
■ ( conference open the basis of the aforenamed
- 1 letter of the 18ih of January to Mr. Blair.—
; If lisey Fwuld express their assent to tills eon
' di'Tn in writ:no then Msjr lick n was dirrc
; tc.i to give thcm safe COTI 'm. *to J<k>rJr<s3 Mon
- j roe, here a pee-on coming ,>m he President
■ w-nud meet ihem. If bmng thought probable,
r! £'• port of the com rsalioa with Lieu tea*.
• J ant Genera! (>f ..-ir, -I r.t (he liichmotjd party
j woul! in the manner prescribed accept the con
j ditioas uienti -led, 1): Sccroii.ry of Slate was
■ charged by toe Pre.-' icm with the doty of rep
reseiiiiiig tins govcriiCien; in tLe expected in
• j il.*rra.".i conference. ' r hc Svcretarv arrived at.
j Fortress M inroo in the night of the f?t day of
j I'ehr. ;c y. Major Eekf-rt met him on the Morn
! ire'; of I ho 2,1 of February with the in forma
ts ; that tl.. persona who had come from Ivicb
• •.ly.ity., ;,■><) not acccpn d in w, i:ing-tl-e co.idiUor*
I vpoti whicn be wa . lowed to give tiitm Con
duct *. Form .-■< Monroe. The Ma]-r luu! giv-"
tii th'' fc.m:' in* inflation by telegraph to the
; President at;n. On rtv.iving itii?
mforuiat.c! the P • nt prepare 1 a tcl gram'
directing the fkcrora'-y to return to *Vashicg
j ton.
j The Secretary was nrrparl'r.g at the same tuo
■ m-nl, to so return, ithout waiting for inform?-''
tin in? ii-e Pre. jrht. ii f at ibis juncture
, I inr.icna:;. (Up ;n? Grant telegraphed to the
Snci "-1 aiy of 1> ar, a* v.* *! us t tj,.o Secretin v
i ' .'■•lnn toai. she [ - r,, iii I?i, uuoud had
tscwiwHwd :n! accepted iUe coaditi n thifo-"
: oil ' ;!■rough M ij< ,■ E \ert. and General
Grant-urgentiy ,i' is<l the t undent to cooler
i:i person with he Richmond party.
hsc circcmslatices the Secretary, by th Pres.
u. nl* . directions ronoUnod at Forirc-.73 Monroe.
fjie I r 1 ?nt hit;: there- on' the night
of the 2<! of Fehru try.
1 he Hichro'vul party was brought down the
•Tallica river in a 1 'nited Siaien steam transport,
iltirir.,' 'ho ciay. nod tlie tr;tr,, :i;.rt was anchored
U -mp'on Roads on 1: e i.aomir.g of the 3d.
'■ he Briwideyt, f.itendru !■■. the Secirferv, re
cti'. 0.1 Mewl? Stephens, Hunter arid Caaipbell
oi: li n-ii tin? I f itc.l Siates Ktenro Iranspoit Ili
v - Qur. iio iiatr.pton iioiak.
T-;n cu:ii.-!\-:T-:e '-an altogether informal
'111.: con v. "T "r read.
Xlie Ui.thtrond ;.sir ■' approtumed tWe di^-ussion
. •iiiior io;• an lat sto time did they make
v f.. y. .* ■ i demand* or lertder formal Mipsla
tlort.s r-r ahsoloto -v'osnh- it.:., cihcles# 'ljciog
tii- . jnftawn-c. wiiieh lasted four hoars, the
y vera' point; at buttvecii the goverr.ateaf
ill be in - rgrnts nvre d'-tmetltr r.i">cd nr.d
.ti .. ?d Ui'iiy. inteli; r at"; rant :a an n,.. : .-ftble
• -•* !. . W'u.t ti ■ irsurgenl party sectscu c: ;f
--lv ti fav- - was a postp inernen' <>. the ones-ion
of t'- juration up " whi/i the war was waged
..ii-i nt .iiiual direction of the c-Forts of die
' •vci.iu.enf as well ns those >i tire iusiirgerta
},- stone extraneous y ;i : ?y or scheino for 8a
---oti, dariur.-'ll p!'s : or.- might In; fxperted
I sn'rti.b and the nr.-r.iiui he reduced, and 'rador
r.u 1 ir.; •,-course Ijetwcen the people of b. o; sec
! lions be rcsntnetl.
!t war si.isrgt'p;ed by th°m tlini thrrngh such
: postponement ve might now lia 'e i nai lis:?
; > ace. v.'d-h 80WO. not very certain, prospect
' of ar. ultimate satisiaClc.-y ad, • , m.-nt . i po
litical i dial ion between th? ?r ■ ■ rr -ir mt ar.d the
i States, section or p cp!c n hv ei.g.igt . ' i con
flict wills it- The s-ggtsr•••-.. tliwUgU U -iiiw-r-_
: atc.y considered, was nevertheless ieg irded by.
i the ibe.-ident a? i-ne of ermi-'ic'e or race, r.ral
{Rnnoiinced that wc can rgrcc to no c*a-a
ri in c -asjici -:• n of liostl- fivs i xcept on the
jba i: of tl:? ilisb.-ii.donmcnt of the insurgent
's. s nnd the rc-tora'.iou if the nation?.! aa
;i.'crst\ thranghuat ail the. St. *e? i.t the I nion
d'.iteral'v, and in subordination to the propo
i i:ion which was tlius announced.
The anti slavery policy of tiic United Slates
i was re vie -ved in all i : ' bc-ftriogs, ;ii,<! tiio Urea*
' ident an •■oiv.i.Td that he must not be expected
: to dep.i"t from the positions lie had hereto lore
assumed in ids proclamation of emancipation
i and other documents, as these positions were
tvit mated in Ids anmr l message,
j U was tortlie;' declared hy the President that
: the complete resutrs-iion of the rational author
i; ■ everywhere was an indispensable condition
• i nt" any assent < n our part to whatever form of
1 peace he proposed. The PrcH.l-nt assar-'
■ i ci the otlior party that vhilc he must adhere to'
I , these positions, lie would uu prcparad so far as
,' t; iwei iva? lodged with flie P xecutiw, to f-xer-.
i i-'.se iibcrn'itt. Ft; power, liov. ever, is limitcif
• j by the Constitution, and vlien pence should ha
, tiiade Congress must necessarily acr in regard to
' appropriations of money and to iiio admission of
i r 'jirepentutivps from th n insurrtclionc.vy States."
i i Tiic Richmond party were- then informed that
; Congress, had on the 3ist utt., adopted, bv A
- i con ■titu'ionril majority-, a joint resolution sub-
II mitting to the several Stales the proposition to
f j abolish slavery throughout the Union, and that
- i there is every reason to expect that it will le
-; accepted by three-fourths of the Slates, so a#
i f to become a part of the national organic law.
The conference came to an end by mutual ac
r quiescence, without producing an agreement of
n views upon the several matters discussed,' or
p any of them. Nevertheless, it is perhaps of
r some importance that wa have been able to
• submit our opinions and views directly to prem
ie ir.ent insurgents and to hear them in answer, in
i- a courteous and not unfiieuclly manner- I Hm
y sir, ycur obedient servant,
o i TVm. 11. Kkwabd
i- 1 arFor Southern account, sec inside.