The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 17, 1865, Image 3
"*** CAZLAY'S i'ACI FIC MONTHLY. Now is 7 cur Tne t0 inscribe far our New Fa- E „ Vostßi-* which we cheerfully ccmoiead t i is :jb Ezesisior of all tho MtiNTULY MAGAZINES. flmployinj ami pay nig more for Literary taiert than any other Magazine ia the country, We flatter oo SELRES tiat no departauDt of the 1 5 acifi' Mostu i¥' uill suffer neglect from ine want of able and well kt<pwn LITERARY contribu roas, representing ome of the principal ahining lights of the Literary world. We shall ir.a'ue such additional eMi - ; rupents as circumstauees may deraan J. Your , ■ attention is called to our ILLUSTRATIONS, vrhych a* K produced, without regard to expense, by 1 •i, eliStySui. corps ot artiste—at wh .se head a tar. is liaiuliTLr and McLbnan, unequalled as Designers : • end EngrAVorS. We call the atten'iori of the Public ; to the profusion of first tla-a illustrations ot t'. • va ried, novel and picturesque scenery autl loutl views GOLDEN STATES ASb TERRITORIES Ot* Til 3 PAC !I- €. view and re .ding rralter, af fording the most reliable and eorop:, i -<" us tnedi uai in existence for full reformation .n regard to Califorifla, Oregon, Nevaca an I td"ir cm t.._ j, and auriferous Territories. 'ia* ir-fortration we g ; ve in regaid to the Phctfic crate*, alone, . •>. tb to. Use su use sip: lor: price of our Magazti •• foe twal"c numbers, u year's subscription, wren neetiv bo a a nffoiding two splendid volumes, suitable for DKAWIITG-ROOM, LIBKAEV. ox rts . COTJKTIJSQ-HOUSE, aid coding fett FIVE, COLLARS, w.ich t -ear #t> cotca can not De purchased for any price. Our EDITORIAL DRAWER will abound with selections ol Wit, Original Stories, Stomic Sketches, and light Literal .re, culled from a well-garnered storehouse of fun, fact and incident, affording interesting light reading matter i>-the Parlor and the Firc-siJe. :s: COMIC iLLCST3ATIONS. This Department of the Mcntaly, tb- trrt irediate supervision of McLgxan, the cc ; 'brat'd Cansic Dehneutor, will be found always rica in W;t, SJerninant, and apprcp.iate Design. FASHION P I- A T £ 3 . made fpeciai arrang-m-nts with Mtr >. DsMoansr. 4~3 Bio-idway, New York, for contribu tions to our Fo.hion Department, we call the aG- • iion cf the Ladies to'.no ame, and commend our Monthly to th.i notice, as containing more lufor jiiatioii ia jegatd to Dress ai d the Toils:, th n any otter Magazine published. 4 ———:s: SUBSCP.ISC NOW! is the tiaie to subscribe, and hive yon* ■. *. umj complete for 1865. We will furnish back : :,i --t>efs in *u'.u Uo not auoscrio- in tin • mr c~.j jjl. aary or February numhei but '.a t>- sure a., i get the® withofp delay, send in y r eub'rr t-a.- ty. Our sunset>;ition pace is FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR, PtyaUe in advance, upon the rect-ipi of Which ixr r eceipt, tor the same, will ba sent in return PRLMM9: As ai: additional inducement to subscribe early, we t-bail distribute eq:ong ottr s hsci.-i) rs a iarge list cf valuable Premiums, eiying upon an cxtraoi-- dmary large sub-crip Don iit to compensate us !'>r our liberality. These premiums will consist of val uable Souvenirs of the golden wealth bf the Pacific fcta:s, tn ! will be as follows : any pardon sending us One Hundred Pry ing Jub,crip:iors. wo will sen.l them -?d. , a Twenty and a Ten Dollar Go! Pier-?, Ca;ilorru.> coinage, and an extra copy of ti. Pai ivic Mo.vrbt., iter a year ,/ne. c any person sanding us Fifty p ay g Sub •rjiibers, vre will send, im'ttdiiuly , a Ten and i Five D 011,'.: Gold P .-he, and a- evtra c py of tht P.rrxric Monthly f._r ay t ar, Zy~To any person Secdir.g u. Twenty-five Payir.g subscriber.-, we will send, imm> liv'/v, a Five Dol lar and a 'i'rvo-nnd half Do ! u Gold Piece, an i an extra copy of tho Paqafic Monthly for * year,/>. To any person sending u:i Pen Pay ngsubrc,-!- oers-, We will send, imm fiutrh, uTf Dollar IP-! I and an extra copy ot tno Packic Monthly for a jeer, free. ~-/Ato any person sendi.,? us Five Paying ,b --suriptions, we will send an extra copy of ?ne i tf ic Monthly lor a year. /FEE. Jj"We aie, also, having made, a large quantity ef and K.EKPS\Jvk> or sm ile .subscribers, who send dir-ct to tie Olfice. Pres, nts and bouverhr-i consist ; Ladier' Breast-Pins, Ear-Ri.ifc. Fing' f-Ring.-, S;eev-Biit toae, ete.j ar.d G •ntlemen's Breast-Pin", Rii gs, Sleeve-Butto- , Studs, .Settings for Cane- HgivJt. etc., made ,fro:n CalilorJiia arid Nevada Gold and Mlver bearitt<; Quartz and Ore—Crysializeu Quart.'. Jewelry, (comma,.iy k".w:- is California Diamond Jewelry.) The (roltl and Silver be„riii Qjar'z and Ore from which these Souvenirs are made, i made from the celebrated Gould tfc Uchbv Ophir tuincs of Nevada, and will be valoahis at tuemeniei, as well as beautiful in appearance 4Cd design. EVERY REGULAR SUnSCRIBER. a.* i-btnve, to the Pacirtc Monthly, vsi!) o > entitle ; t. on.t*f these articles >r every subscription stin.!- Tjr opjToSile iheir names on our t ;oks. SPECIMEN COPIES OF THE FACIFIC MONTHLY ir.t, :st, upo,-, tfce receipt of Fifty Ceqp, ci'i'r vicy or postage stampi. CAUTION. X?"Wi:'e vour N im, Post-Office, County ane *l*t, tos?uer'e you Want the Pacific Monthly seel, P'Ain and distinc. L Il'gisrer at! letv era containing mouey; or, whei eonvci-tAft, Mad I's' Jstpr*ea. If your Post-OtiicG is a Money-Order ctfice, ob tsin u tqoney-oriler fo.r your remittance. Send none but Unitea' StatiW Treasury Notes, o< ar.onvy enhahle in Hew York. A), iettais asking infr.wmatio> ote -> to receivt l> Ton, contain st..cnp, to prt-pav answer. Address all ccrrresnondence, PUBLISHERS PACIFia MOHTHLY. si modrtv sthk?:Tf NEW YQRA WHOLES A LL' AGENTS: C'OM-ATvy, Si BA (JESt K joj r ratidisou, Calif or n\t 'trusj 'i7, 1363—1 T. Turnnike Election. , The annual election of the Stockholders of the . Bedford and Stoystown Turnpike Road Company, • for five Managers, to serve one year, will be held J at the house of A. J.Snively, in SchelLburg, on Monday, the Cth day of March, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'cleck P. M. A. F.. SCHEI.L, Sec yf i Scbellsburg, February 17, 1865. Turnpike Election. i As eleetian fcr live Managers of tire Charnbers burg and Beiifoid Turnpike Road Company to serve j for tae encuing year, wiil be held at the public hotis? ; of S. 5. Hayes, in McConnellsburg, on Monday, the ; Cm day of March, at 1 o'clock, P. M. T. B. KENNEDY, Pres't. ! Feb. 17, 13C5. NEW CARPETING. A larr;e supply of LIST iaid all WOOLCaptdbsg. i Also—Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, at j Dk.S,IM4. CUMEB fc CO9. I firntflfe EKfU'Bfcif'ffeS , z) vW V 4-' i V I OF KEIirOIID COUNTY, j For the year ending January 2d, 1563. JANES 3 FABQTTIAR, 3SQ , Trt !'-jrer o/ B-A ford Count a, in account wit a said County, from the 4-th nay of Jur.u iry. ISB-:, if the 2d day of January, ih63. TRAASUFLEFT, £R. To balance on LirM r.t !at gpttlemeut *J,£ll 72 To c si: received from collectors. Joseph Evans. Broad Top township, 1559, 23 68 Lev: Carpeotcr, Londonderry • 16 52 Simon Stuckey, Celeretn ISCC 91 37 K. D. 8.-relay . Bedford borongk IS6I 235 38 Frederick Hiidri randt, Juniata tp. " s7 -.9 Wi'liaui Bcncell, Londonderry ' 42 03 John Aldstadt, St. Clair 86 97 ■ azel'ah Baraman, Southampton 01 .- t •'•.vlo'j-ii Hoover, Woodbetrv'M. " '>7 5 • hi - ma, M., BeJford bor. 1562 193 69 V. ;!;air. Phillips, Bedford tp. •> jq so liUtiiun Hyde, Harrisou >■ 17933 Casper t-tioup, Juniata •< 129 21 j Yvijli :.a Cook, Londonderry, an .g 30 ; Bvttz r f nitcber, Monroe " 35 73 John W.ivde, Napier " 110 51 ; D. A. T, BU. fs. Providence E itt o? 44 i Jonn f easier, St. Clu:r <• 40 | 'Francis Beard, Uuian ♦ 134 52 J. E. Duibdrrov., '.Voodberry M. " 115 43 Henry Nicodeinus, Bedford bor. 1563 46'J 16 Jacob Fc.trr, Bedford towr.sbip 500 00 Peter Ewalt, Schellsburg bor. • 128 52 Satiiitl Bei er, Bloody Run bor. " 70 0 Lewis N. Fvan, Juniata tp. " 350 00 Thomas -h j r. Cumberland Valley 55C 4j Nicholas Kcotts, Snalre Spring ** 433 76 j Herbert Shoemaker, Coleraic " s<jß IS ! D. A T, Black, Providence F.ast " 93 33 ( Jacob "Carpenter, Londonderry i; 2i. 53; GeoTge Beegle, Daio.i " sto 00 ! Jam': K. Ray, 1 'cotwell " 42t 52 j John C. 1- igart, Broad Top • 4*i 80 Aura, i.eed, Woodberry 2. " I'JO-'Ki Jo! n Mors, Souti ainpton " 105 "3 Jciin W., -1. Clair • 706 0i Pelfi V\ i'i ',, Napier " 597 2\ -V if rod Entnken. L.berty " 22 8S Ba'tzer Fletciitr, Monroe " lvO 00 Vtiptam i!. Pearson, V/oodberry M. " . Rf7 9! It. H. AkerS; BcQiLrd borough 1864 322 ; John k. Figaid, Broad Top " 213 11 Samuel Bendmr, Bloody Kur. tor. " 3S 08 Wm. Ma-on, Ctimb'd Valley tp. " 100 L') ftrlert s.iocnj = ker, Coiera;a " 2xo 'Vm. Gcsutii, Hop-well " 150 C- George Gaidß', Juniata, " 2CO On Benjamin Vaiemirn, Londohderry " 200 00 Wn.. r-'jekey, Monroe " 153 00 William Ciisman. Napier " '2OO 00 Jo,epn . is. r, Ptovidni.e W. " 200 00 P. y Barton, Proviuence E. " 125 00 Samu'l Eeckley, St. Clair " 100 00 -ci-ibai : Perd w, Southampton " 250 00 Gf.arp" Smouse, SnaKfc Spriug, " 102 00 w .mi:/'. id aion " 4 ' AV Samuel CT."r.ap, Wood berry S. 356 00 Sol. Barley, Woodberry 21. " 5J5 CO John Echert, Liberty " 286 00 I cn J.T' assessed soldiers 43 SO Fn ill jFC?-sna, Commonw alth eases 74 43 John Cessi : q., ur.-rjfail lands redeemed 53 52 On nu'.e 01 Mowr r Tate 8 70 Go note of S. Peek 49 5S John '■ T her, E'q.,or. sr.le of stoves 45 78 C r. f :ss;uii"r; sale of on-ca'.ed lands- 61 72 on unseated lands 524 37 Whole amount received $13,736 75 R TREASURER, CR tjv enioi'i t p.i:d Grand and Petit Jurors SI.-175 19 Asses,">rs m .king tiieiirual anti other e=- ses,'r.entc 53(. . j ' fix per - sof spring elictioif 82 ' August election 1 80 1 October election 401 3S Nove~ f-w elect *>n J' J J 00 Jor m Frig: :ner, Commission*! 9 00 P. •J. 3hoem,'Ter " 119 50 ■ ADUiew Crisman " 123(10 George Foa ies " 13100 Mi eh. .el Wrtz " 46 00 Jaiiii G. "izi.vr Clerk to Co*naiissioners IbO 00 - IT. H. Alters V.tto.-uey to " '5 00 ' Joshua Mower, attending and ippaiiing Court housii 56 03 " Levi Agnew, Coort crier 57 00 1 " " clean ijg Court House 43 00 •' : Mary Morris, cleaning, ; .4 scrubbing ofiices in FJourt House 30 00 Wood iurriisiiad Court House and Jail 44 93 - Coal " " " " 23 29 Holding inquests 92 07 ' John B- Cz*ti'x, holding inquest 10 S7 * 't iail and bridgs views 117 00 Ctarle .Merv.ii:>., ">r itesasjtnitor.cut ' wood a d attending Cour' House ' Siinon P. Harbaugh. binding dockets 9 00 " John r ;Dtailt, costs in Commanwsa'lii -j ,a.r * 1,200 46 i Jonn Mrtior " '** 2 67 - • G. H. Spang " " "3 95 a jJ. A. Mender,ea '' " CO 21 5 i 3coi. Wigfit id " " 56 59 8 j M, Richey " " 11 16 1 Wm, \l. Hall " " 10 00 "> ' Jeien.iah .Sha.v " 22 36 e i Constables returns 296 24 '; Coostablas'attending jories 15 00 j John G. Fisher, attending bridge sales, copying assessments, holding appeals, furnis.-iing i iar.k boots for Commis sioners' offic, Ike., 150 53 J. R. Durborrotv, printing 112 1? B. F. .Meyeis 507 20 Devid Over 177 70 John .Mor ? a->! Jam"s k". Kav, money y • overpaid ci duplicates 13 12 j William Oster, attending election 2 9(1 ; f. .M Shoemaker, covers tar -'uplicates 3 2 ! (Lorge Biaekburn, but'ding bridge in U Liberty township 1,350 0( [ : Constable'; arresting prisoners 6 13 i Nicholas Sleek and Marl: Hounare, re „ I ward and arresting horse thief 52 2( j Wrn. Hartley, goods furnished for Court j House 7J , Geo. Blyiryer k Son " " 83 35 )r | John Aldstadt, taking John Miller to ■ Western Penitentiary 119 Of e John Aldstadt, keeping prisoners 559 67 r Sam. t're„'i-;i, ov. tor Coort House 129 5< ; John Border, hobbling prisoners J 9' I Henry Mower, paperiug Frothonotsry'* nlfire ' 9 9! John Aldstadt, Led far use of Jii 27 £' j Talesmen, 48 D 1 Jorhua Mower tti other*, tipstaves *S 7. 1 Het..—,'i?einn ittd, painting Piotbonoiar)'• of rj 5 41 | Die. ' orrph Br ''- '"also , r-edicai at ' for.,hoc- to K A K 'n' r 11 0i T 4 ' r k. rvii ai, ,ca' for Coramiasivners' I c*- - • Yv. 10 2, 1 .-ot Court House 81 CI ; C.ufl q Hugus, Ho-es . t bank IJ. P. earqahi- rsvepue a. 9ji note 1 et-ctor, sjre., 4 g ! T. C Garrett, himbe j J. McCleary, ackaew Jaedf >1 —.y———— 1 John Cock, building bridge 225 00 . * Martin Hoover, work dons on bridge at Stonerstowr, 75 00 1 Fj L. Hutter, LlanYstnd bocks foi Com , 1 missior.eiV office 67 90 5 ; O. H. bhanion, dockets for Protbonsta- office 138 9! J. B. Noble, eiror in check of Ree4 13 26 L. Is - -Fyan, brilditig bridge 35 00 Frei®.h t on stoves from railroad V 23 i ReetU> Sake it for revenue sUrap t 9 50 Georgii A oades cn bridge 50 00 - : Expenses M" sale of dnsealed lands 35 26 ■ i W. s. Haw 1 ,ar stationery 56 44 Misceiianeou s checks 90 88 John Sill inter c & "hta 120 00 John firi-re iute. "v* s T on note 132 00 John Brice 's not ' paid 5,000 00 Fox and wiid cat *ca!ps 216 34 Treasurer's sa'arr 300 00 Stationery 19 99 UiiPurrant funds . 7 00 Treasmer fcr auditing p ccllecting old accounts 20 00 i Attorney's fees on satno 18 00 j Auditors and clerk 75 00 $16,506 23 Ch rgo* $i 8,736 75 Credits .10 ',506 23 Balance in Treasury $2,"- '3O 62 Statement of Mo.. Dve and owing to JJidforu canty. Jacob Nice..emus, Woodbony M. IS 54 VI.GB 53 John A. o,boiti, Broad Top lbl 7 Lemuel Evans, " lSjk' 67 John C. .\loi/,irt, Cutrh.'u Ya'ley " 26 Jacob A. Nicodemus. Woodberry Al. " George Roades, Liberty 1833 50 lii Jj ob S. P.iutibaiigh, Woodberry S. " 32 A Oram Croyie. Union 1860 2~ " '"J Jacob 8. Bruoil-'M igb, Woodberry S. " i's 86 it. D. Ra.clay, Bedfoid borough 1461 26 2l John Aldstadt, St. Ciair " 16 .0 9 Tkmnus M. Lynch, Bedford bor. 1862 in !> i Wm. Pbiliiys, Bedford tp. " 4-3 33 . P. Hiirdinait, Cumberland Valley " 32 50 1 J. it. Lorborro'v, V.oodberry M. " 238 17 S ttmwi Working, Woodkotry 8. " l ,\s 92 \ J IH. 'Nieodetct s, Bedford bor. 1863 502 77 j j Ju.oh Fetter, I'sJiojd tp. " 1,003 72 j ] D iviu Sparks, Providence W. " ISO 14 I 3 i Hczeiiiuh May, Harrison " 367 55} JL. N. Fyan, Juniata " 85 421 1 I D.A. 1. Biac.c, I E. " 270 C 8 j I I .1 .cob Carpenter, Londonderry " 13! OK ! j George Ih-egie, ' . ,ca • 206 03 ! Aar . Rued, V.'oouberry S. " 1,099 37 I q .1. W. Ciisman, St. Clair " 43 7t j Ba'.rzer Fletcher, Monroe " 328 82 i CT. H. Akers, Bedford b*r. 1881 670 GO ! Henry Beegle, Bedford tp. " 1,821 8J " John C. Figart, Bro?d i'op " 9)2 og , , Samuel Bender, Bioody Run br. " 214 44 ' W'ni. Mason, Cumberland Valley " 813 33 ; Herbert Shoemaker, Cclersia " 723 45 I Wm. Goneeh, Hopewell " 313- 07 ! 1 ; Alexander Sboetnakcr, Harrison " 359 81 1 I G'ecrgrt Gar l '!!, J'u.iata " 437 41 ! I Beuj. Va!, Londonderry " 234 23 J Was. btuckey, Monro: " 476 66 I q Vm., Napier " i 773 07 Joseph Fieher, W do 19t 14f • Peter Al. Carton, Providence E. do 319 25 t t.-srsu*-! Beckley, Sr. C.'air co 1,006 92 ! 1 lArchibald Petoevv, SautliaiDpton do 234 81 j, ?e rge Smeuse, Snake Spring do 510 t>3 I i K 1. Rock, Sehlisborg bor. do 172 83 i ; G**rg Becg'e, Union do 621 S7 • ; Ciisman, Woodberry S. do 1,075 9'- 1 ! Vrl?y, Woodberry Al. do 1,145 24 I I John -cbart l l.ibejty do 96 79 j i T <ti. §19,033 23 I I Lay" Pu-'af the above is subject to exotierajions I ' and corn mis., on _, an j ~,po n a || sums due over fif- ' j teen months,nterest will t>a charged. Sh.4iciuo-)t cf Moneys ! j * Due and twd by Hedjord County. j To Joan Sill 52.000 00 j 1 ; fh-'-r . rov : ' The r."*acii r n Sltl.iect I ' to 'tie orti<-r of tae i.0n... ;il ■> 0 nan 32 B'> uty Fuiid. |' TREASURER, CR. ' i I'a BEiu:.rt 1 c ".vol fivli collectors, as follows . I Nicfenla* Kftcs, Snake.Spring 1533 570 07, Thomas Visher, Conbeiianrt Valley 92 40 : I Ssui-iei B'.nfier, Bioquy Run bon 31 09 1 Wm. "'. Pfiirsoti, 'Aoodbcfry M 15t 72 L.N. Fyan, Juniata 431 36 . ALred Entnken. Liberty TO 55 ; ■ j Peter Ewalt. Scheilsburg bor. 55 52 1 ; H Nicoaernus, Bedford hoi. 69 75 j 1 Herbert aiujamaaer, C'olerain 30 00 !; ! Btlizer Fletcher, Monroe 900 0t) jt ! ! John C. Figard, Broaii Top 296 63 it Jacob Carp-oter, Loadcoderry 53 61 1 John W. Crixa<i, Ft. Ciair 75 00 ji ' ! P-ter Winegardner, Napier 217 28 1 1 i Hezekiah May, Harrison CO 00 I ' D. A. V. BUck, Providence E. 3to 00 j ' ! l.cofc p-etter, Bedford township Cf>3 33 | ' j t'.r ury Beegle, do 1861 680 00 : ' John C. Figard, Broad Top 400 00 | •' j Sarnuel Bender, Bioody Run b&r. 4-f 00 i ' j Wm. Ma'-on, Cuinberl tt.d Valiey 310 00 ' ] ' Herbert Shoemaker, Colerain 180 00 j I ' Wm. Gorsuch, Hopewell 290 00 I Alexander Sho-m <ker. Harrison 150 00 j | George G.irdill, iuniata 270 00' •tei .iann Valentine, Londonderry 230 00 i William Stuckey, Alouroe 267 00 1 Will tarn, Napier 404 00 Joseph Fi*ner, Provnleucc A r . 150 00 J \ P. M. Barton. Providence E. 190 00 j Samuel Beckley, St. Clair 375 00 J \ Ar JiSald Perdevv, Southampton 200 00 ' 1 (Jecige Smouse. S ike Spring 253 00 Wrr,. J. Rock, Srhellsbnrg borough 73 00 t ■l George Beegle, Union 180 00 batrn.'el C'risman, Woodbe-ry S 585 00 ' Soi. Barley, Woodberry Al, 740 00 T John Lcaurt, Liberty 100 00 ♦ $8,433 31 7 ' ' TREASURER, CR. L Sy whole amount paid eut es per Com rj luissioners'drafts $5.493 10 f 'liea-nrer's commission 84 83 u Auditori and clerk 40 00 6 . $8,617 93 Credits $8,617 93 Charges 8,i33 31 3al. due Tfeasurer Farquhar $lB4 62 r i Moneys oicc I £> tdford county cn Bounty Fund 0 ft or/1 collectors, as folio vs : j Balizer Fletcher .Monroe 1563 78 82 2 1 David Sparks Providence W. 52 14 I 0 Hezekiah May Harvison 375 55 j 5 D. A. i. Biacx Providence E. 9S 44 ( T . H. A kers Bedford 0 Henry Bcglc Bedford township 161 58 2 Jobr C. ripar! Broad Top 112 92 Samuel Bender Bloody Run borough 59 S4 :0 William Mason Cumberland Valley 152 3V Herbert Shoemaker Colerain 293 24 15 William Gorsuch Hopewell 34 85 ;9 Alevar.der Shoemaker Harrison 30 29 George Gardill Juniata 49 28 10 j Benjamin Valentine Londonderry 40 36 ,7 j William Stuckey Monroe 49 40 iO ' Joseph Fisher Providence W. , 48 16 ►0 i Peter M. Barton Providence P.. * 47 60 j Srr. "! B'ckley St. Clair l"7 07 12 j Arcaiba'i ?rd *w SouThamntoa 68 59 ■1) ' George Smonse Snake Sp ina 39 43 !G ! William J. Ruck Sche'lsburg hot. 16 52 !5 Geoig" Beegle U.nca j23 26 Samuel Cnmsn Woodborry 5. j3O 43 15 Scl. Barley Wocniberry M. T2 ! Joan Kchart Liberty 9I )0 j $2,813 S2 (5 : Y.ZTTYQMI CoUsiy, se: .0 j '■> ladersigned Anditrrs of Bedford county, do ' hereby certify, that in pursuance of the Act of As -50 mbly in caa's made an ! provided, they met it , at 'he Cjur'. House, in the borough of Bedford, znd yj did audit and adjust the accounts of James ti. Far i it v - - > -it -t-- uaammmcxme^f ' ar, Esq., Tie&curer of said county, for tb year j !, as contained in the toregsitig stateents arid i I iwe hae examined the foregoing accounts of jeys due to and owed by Bedford county, and > t we have found the same to bs correct. s'itnebS cur bauds this 4th di-y of January, 1 SCO• JOHN H. BARTON, i DANIEL BARLKT, 1 ) DA Tin EVANS, f *KT —F.. F. R'IRE, Cleric. Auditors. ! jori of the Auditors of Bedford county to ; he Auditor General, January ith, IS6T. JAMBS B. FARQUHAR, ESQ., , "hsurer of Bedford county, in account with the ) ornmonwealth of Pennsylvania. , TREASURER, DR. I Tmount received from collectors $7,610 73 j oo unseated land* 335 93 J $7,946 66 TREASURER, CR. ) & mount paid State Treasurer, as per ) ceipts examined and filed , $5,530 69 ) Gificate of deposit from Reed it Scbell 2,336 51 . Insurers commission 79 16 $7,916 66 Tavern Licenses, Dr. Tiggregate amount assessed for 1861 S7BO 00 Cr. Byrnount paid State Treasurer, pei leceipt.s uated April 3th .i July 6th $650 75 Caficate of deposit 2S 25 Ejeration of John Drbeiv 15 00 Tisnrers commission on #mt assd 36 00 —— $730 00 Eating Houses Dr. To gregata amount for ISG4 SIOO 00 Cr. Excretion of John Harris f )0 00 Treurers commission 1 50 Aaiut paid State Treasurer S5 50 Si"UO 00 J)icfit/eries, Dr. 1 Ta igregatt amount assessed for JSB f SOO 00 Cr. ; 'y >a?urers commission on S4O $3 00 j\ tr.t paid State Treasurer 37 00 S6O Ou Banks, Br. To a j" re S a?e amount -* <3r JS6I S2O 00 p., -r r - trers eommiss.&u' on $-0 $1 00 p.."'; , .. Treasurer 'VJ 00 1 *' u • S2O 0u Co. "C'.onnries, Dr. To Mgfegat, oDt tor 1384 515 00 Bv Trtsorera to Clrn ' : '*ion on sll .7a Paid Site Treaan. " tr J 7~Z sls 00 Ten if;j Alleys an t/ Billiards, Dr. To agfegate amoun.t .' or - * ( * By Trtisururs coirmisvo r ' D * yj Paid date Treasurer 28 *° f -— I.tquoi Dealers, Dr. To aggregate amount for JSh'l 57a Cr. By Th'surers commission oa' ?25 $1 25 Paid btate Treasurer 23 75 $25 CO Mir can file License, P T • -o aggregate amount for 1664 $696 CO Cr. Ly exoneration s2l Treasurers commission on $673 33 B.'F. Meyers publishing retailers li censes 12 CO U. F. jifeNeil do do 12 06' Paid State Treasurer 617 25- — SG9 d There is now outstanding in the hands of collectors tor 1861 ai.d previous years aiid due the State $6,565 bP- \ Bedford County, ss .* 1 he undersigned Auditors ©f said county, do cer tity that in pursuance of the Acts of Assembly in audit and adjust the accounts between James B. 1 aiquhar, Esq., Treasurer of said county ..arid the Commonwealth ofoPennsyivania, as csutcined in the Lregoing .tatetr.erits. Witney tU r han Is this 4tb fay of January, 1865. JOHN H. BARTON, DANIEL BARLEY, DAVID EVANS, a;.est—E- F.Kerr, Clerk. Auditors. ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Bet: rs of administration on the estate of Alex tnder V\ arsing, Jate of Hopewell township, dec'tf., t>en Qrantfd to th<* subscriber,-rus - in tlopewei!, all parsons indebted to said estate ire tiiereiore notified io make payment immediately. ; and those having claims wiii present them properly i authenticated for settlement. JOHN MAJOR, Adm'r. Februajry 17, 1865—6t Orphans' Court *a!e OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. j 3) virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court cf; Bedioic county, rfap subscriber wiii sell a, public j •ale ot the premises, in Napier township, on SATURDAY, .MARCH 18, 1865. all tint valuable tract of land o; which William N. Taeki'irn died seized, containing 180 acres aert ! measure, about 10 acres < f which is good meadow, I the iilance being well timbered. The improve j mentsare a large ! LCD HOUSE, DOUBLE LOG BARJT, ' i J mat House and other necessary buildings. Also, jan OK HARD of CHOICE FRUII' TREES. This I tot- 0 ft Jjornß lands of David Lingenfelter. Robert . o.acJurri, i ho ma 3 P. Stuuebaker, Nathan Carson | am! two miles north of Schelisburg, and con | venmt to mills, church ana schools. Terms—one | the purchase money at the eontirrriaCioc of I ihe sie, the in two equal annual payments j with.nterest. Sale To commence ut 10 o'clock ot i said ay. EDMUND S. BLACKBURN, Trustee for tr.e sale of the tea! esiato et j „ William N. Blackbura, dee'd. Ifvruary 17, IS6s—it Sale Of Valuable Kea! Estate.; JO If,\ ALSJP, Auctioneer. i Te undersigned will offer at pubi c sale, at Bridg-' i portjon SATURDAY, M \RCH !1, ISCd, the f O J. j lotvig valuable tracts of" iand; : A Tract of excellent Coal Land, situated ! in Si'bampton township, Somerset county, adjoin-> ingjands ot Dr. S. Fechtig and Andrew F.mnck.! j confining about 225 acre®, warranted in the natr a i j0: eucrcs lle'so. 'ihere is on this tiact a vein of i cosil feet in thickness. It is also weil timbered.! A Tract of Coat end timber Lend, eifjted in Londonderry township, Bedford county, adjhing lands of John VVilbeim, sr., Somerset J cc.ty line and lands of John VVilhelm, jr., contain- acres, warranted in the name ot Jas. Shaw, j . A Trad of Coal and Timber Land, . slate t in Londondeiry township, Bedford county, acining the first named tract, containing SI acres, 1 anv.-arrar.ted in the name of Cornelius Devoie. 1 . A Tract, of CotU and Timber Land, I iftondonderry township, Bedford county, adjotn > inlands of And'w Buzzard, Abr&iiara Kerns' heirs I ai others, containing 65 acres and 87 perches, > wtanted in the narae of Cornelius Devore. ' . The Undivided one half of, IKB Acres ' oTimber Land, in Allegheny township, Somerset ' cn'y, aiijoining lands of JohnGeiger, Jacob Trout- J ni. Joan Alsip and others. i .'h o cbove liescribeil iai ds are located in the Wel liburg Coal R:g ; ca, celelrated for its wealth io ) iVtuH. 1 ciroleum has recently been discovered ". ®.V"'?rsburg, or.iy five .pith s from these lands, ' j .1 it is confidently br-Ueved exists upon these i tcts. idle to comts mce at 12 o'clock el said day, v ben tos will be made known bv > JAMES C. DEVORE, JACOB C. DEVORE, t JOHN C. ViCKEOI, i Ex'is. of Cornelius Devore, dse'd. - i February 17, 1865. 8 h R 1 w E R's BALSAMIC COiiCli SVHIF. For Cou<rfis t Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Fain and Weakness of the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, frc. .'T'liIS is no new remedy. It has been used Ruvs . T for a number of years in Maryland and parts of Pennsylvania, and ba9, wherevar known, acquired an unprecedented reputation for curing the various diseases for which it is recommended. ho apparent is its usefulness, and sp remark able has been its cures, that it is fast super- yotr ' ceding everv other remedy for those diseases. The-afflicted can rely upon it doing as much for them, and in many ca-cs more thazi any other remedy now before the public. It is recommended and prescribed in the practice of a large number of the most iotel- ligent and able physicians of Maryland. It drtn. is used arid considered an indispensable house hold remedy by a large portion of the first families of the State. 1 | It is used by all classes of society, and the universal opinion is that it is good. This Syrup it pure!}/ Vegetable Compound. It i JVe j pleasant to ta. e, and nev. r dees injury. But owing to its purifying qualities, oast do good under any circumstances. Its effects are tru ly v> ..nderful, soothing, calming, and allaying child !?be most violent coughs, purifying, strength ening and invigorating the wnole system, calming and scathing the nerves; aiuiugand { facilitating expec.oii ti- and heating the rJ . DISEASED LONGS, j 1 1 tbits sinking at ll— root ot disease, and dri | ring it from the system. ) | GROUP. die of j This diseare is anroor.ced by difiieiilty of b.-eatniug, shrill whistling or wneezrog, hack ing cough ar.d threateued suffocatian. Sic. It niostiy occurs in young children. No rh'ld croup 1 , need die of croup 11 this Syrup is properly ! u-oil and use ! tirtnue. Mothers having child.en ehould watch tee first show of the j ' disease, and always k ep this remedy at 'and. if this ; For cough 9 alter measles this syrup is most { | ~in iet.. Experience has p.oven that :• rs - j equi! e J by no other preparaiioc. - | The price of the cvirn-'y is nch as to p'aco syrup j jit within the reach of -!!, toe poor a vv-ii as i 1 the ricli, and every poison should have it. | Every person shrtu!! have it in the bous-v j |ltis a true and faithiul friend to alt who val- it m j ue health and wish to secure themselves mr. , I gaiast titat most terrible di. ease, coneutnp : tion. It will he tound the rr.ost useful as well las the ciicipe-t family medicine ui tue world, use I I lc has ueeu used for the Ut four years wita ; i a success without a parallel, j Price 40 c:?. pjr he-tie, nr three bottles for -jftJDO. Frepsreif by S. A. Ptati it Bro. tit L' I For by ii. C. 1! rmer a; dB. f. Harry j Druggists, Bedtord, Pa. 0 [ December 23, 1864—iy. time. ' - " | ! SHUISLE'S I!.DU% Y^RMIFL'GE' 9 j QISCIS the lutioducticn of th : s beautiful piepara tion, >1 has been steadily advancing into pub!.: fa- j f j vcr. Its astonisiii-.g eihea-.-y in expelling w. rmr I has won for it many friends wherever Know:, ur.d | • see a# speak i : praise to i s ot hers, so that 8 Lit is fast beisig i v t.v iced into > TO '/every fortify ta '! th>.' iNhd. l'he.v, for it is i Decerning n DESTROY , mense. To make >! it ati •' mcrreE worthy the pref j erence WORMS! £ shown ;t, the j PHeratax'of patting it up in j a much fceu d 3 t 7" ie ' thar ' formerly. It is now 1 prepned with the greatest care of uniform strength, I it a pl<in tions, t'o that try one can adnituis | tei if. ;; it is entire!) Vegetable—Perfectly Safe 1 A, tt< Harmless, \ ; And faa3 never been Tr.crwn to fa:! to expM worms, \\here worms existed- - fi® propiietors boldly as ihttl it IB superior .to .>r.y preparation in world. [C,TAsk for SHRINER'S IN DIA3? VERMIFUGE, ~\ke no oh-' „ o-3-p,i - 25 cents dlt bottle. *■* ■! • vTicreil ly 8. a. FoutA tc Bro., end tor fai nt tV d.'dg stores of Reamer una Harry, Bedford, Pa. Decemh er 33, 1864—1y. i F i>b' T2 ' 3 MISTU liG, THE TS a£' f® and re'iablo remedy vor the cure of | Rbeu'inatiem . Painful Nervous Atrscrion:, Sprains, !. U'ns, Swetlings and ail ifosea.-c? re ' VSI.IT qu.ring an ixternal application On On horses D will never fail to curv PD p evii, Fibtula, idd running sores, or Swetfne V, ! DIM- it properly applied. For r-prains, brui-ee, ; ••■KM scratches, crooh-'d hoof-, cba!■ eacl-He? or F collar gall, cut? or wounds, it i 3 a:i infaliitr'e ' for remedy. Try it an "i fie convinced of its eta- ! ! cacy. RHKC?! A TIB 51. v! .MAX Persons afflicted witir this disease no mat- V ter of how long standing', can be promptly and effectually cured by .ssir.g 1 us Mixture. 1 KNS Ti-ere is nothing in the world to sure and so good to take away bar f corn*, and cure i BEAST Frost Biter as this preparation. Try it and satisfy yourselves, Trio. 25 and 50 cents j NOW per bottie. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, Daltirr.'ore, Md. IIN vsa. 05?" For sale at tbe dreg Stores <\f Reamer ar.d Harry, Bedford, pa. [Dec. 23, 'Cl—ly FOUTZ'® ■ CELEBKATED HOESE AND CATTLE i POWDERS. ']'Hr v U Powders have proved after a t.ialof 1 several years, to be superior to any prep , craiion of the kind in use. The chief superi ority of theie powders arises from the fact that they are composed of medicines that have Laxative, Tonic and Puriiying prcpertits Tbe laxative ejects cruaitics from tbe stomach wottd iiittstins. the tonic give* strength 10 the_ <~sy tem of the Ho!-*, ar.d the purifying -oedt-'— %Ccir>es contrl' tl in tbem cleanse tbe biood. a::d i~) "'lay t'nt tounda'.icn for c vi®,itou and healthyu* The use of tam improves the wind, strengthens tbe appi tite and gives the horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus itn * proving the appearance, vigoi and spirit of this noble aainaaj. 'J'hti.-. pxw-Jsis are not intended, as most powders are, to bloat the animal, so as to give ' him the appearance 01 being fat when net re- J t aii/ so—but, to remove the diseasa ami pro- I mote his genera! health. ITbes; powders wilt strcr.grh*-i th® stom ach and intestines them from ofi'-n --• k sive matter, and bring theru to a faealtby f state. They area sure prevention of Lung | Fever, ar.d a certain remedy for ell diseases incident io the Horse, as Glanders, Ycilcw Water, Distempers, Founder, Heaves, Slav !. ering, Cocghs, Fevers, Loss of Appetite, ari l | Vital Energy, fee.—These I'owders, if used two or three times a week, through the v.-in {< te* and spring, your horse ..ill never get the •it Lung Fever, Coiic or Botts. A few doses of A* i ' t- these powders will reincve the worst cough, >-5 1 1—; on au/ horse. V.ere o-.vrers of horses to j i- teed a few of these powders every year, they ■ " £?3 might save tno lives of many valuable horses. [[ MILCH COWS. 1 The pr k j>rrtßs this powder possesses ih iii . j creasing the quantity of milk in cows, gives . [ it an importance and value which should j place it in the bands of eve r y person keep ! jr.g a cow. In fattening cattle, it gives tbem j an apperite, iccnrus their hide, and makes . foem thrive much tast-r. *— it - IT O G- fl . g ,! a Ir. alt disease of swine, t3 coughs, clcet* ff. j 55 ra he .onga and liver, &c.. by putting from t*s i w " half a paper to a paper of these powders in ' 1' a barrel of a will, t i_j above disease can be j t cured or entirely prevented. By using thess | powders the hog cholera cap Be prevented. 1 L Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ. VVestcitnitur, Md. | CS®"For sale at the Drugstores of Roaaer , i and Hasry, Bedford, PB. Dec. id— lj. ! The Stump Islands Oil Co;^ ny CAI 'iTAL SJrJO.OOO. ' Development Fund $21,000. 120,000 Share;- ' Ps"? Valug SI.OO each. 1 No certificate* of to be ised to the c,.r --: poratori until 2/,000 i f ha! J have b-i n sold for 1 the benefit of ail the etockbolder*, in !><? further ' development of t.'it Ceri V £ '■< property. W.M. HARTLEY Pree't., Bedford, Pa. Hon. S. L. Rrsstsu , '/>c*"y & Treasurer. | Hon. T. B. SHAXSOV. M. ' alifornia } W. D. ;vlcK;n#trv, .\ l Terc *rsi)t.rp, Pa , (- ! Hon. DAVIS, H'edfi; x 'r f \ J. M. SKOKVAKIX, I 0 G. W. Rev?, do )*'. | Ibe property of this comparTv is ell owned re fee R.mnle and '.sail paid for; and cons. Mr li <h? fol lowing tracts: . Ist. Th i valuable Maud known as i\* '-Lower. , Stump Cteek Island," containing 5 acr." 1 ' 83 ! perches; sit us ted'in the Allegheny xtverl. t? the i mouth of the Clarion river. On this Lelsrri ■ader-. ; rick w. erected in the spring of 1861. and m -' i gine placed on the ground, but the war bre&j&Og out the parties sold off and eaiDted. ! 2 d. The "Upper Stump Creek Is V.d," situated 'out a few rod 3 above the Lower Mend, containing j 4 acre? end 20 percbes, four acres or which are cwj ■ed by Company, on which are erected a house, : stable, Ac. Neither of these Isi. nJg ig liable to overflow. and j both are well protected by atones and trees agiins'- ' washing. By reference to,;be man <•'. Pennsylva j nia, it be observed tha't the Clarion river erap , tie. the Allegheny at a purnt dun South from > Oii Creek, and as is found at Fie?p,orC on tnia tin further South, we have every reason to believe 'hot thesedslaii are in the very centfeof the great |O. :J. it of ?enu>yivania. Bviiues alt this they lie {tur below the Coal Measures. The Company ai>o can or:<* scr° and eix'y-ons 1 percuss ct la..boat j ir .ics above ths Upper . Isbi.-. i, 6t tee r!C•' not R.tchey Kn, iu--r th A ;at Cmlentou, V r.ango county, fa., upon which it i the ce ebrated Toir arfd W'id<l wl:. with new en jgiuec, derrick, buildings, &c., ike., and the well j i-- bored to the depth of 120 r-er. Th -.veil mt , tubeu at r-rt feet, ar Jin a few* fames pumP 1 ng yield led about one barrel of o|; be l " the pr-mrietors ie ; to pi: k it deeper, and the company will, j „• sco- a? popti- !*, sink tins we!: if necessary, to j the depth ot' IliCO teet or mure. The "Stump Isl j and Company" owntbaWßOLsofthis well, fixtures } and land, and th? "De velopment fund" will b • a r,- i ply sufficient to complete this well, and sink others jint: " Islam'. 1 here :s besides, room fnougu oa i 1; Ritehev Run tract for several more well.', j The property owned by this Company i aUproc bote.,* Terr:tory. and persons acquainted -.vith j th? i.inds aiong t£ie A leg.-eny u;:d other oil rtreanti j will tear witness that we have more practical bor i itij surface than n-.any of the 300 acre rracte con-. la': . in odd '.oii to ? is. oti ! : will compare ! favorably with the la: :: majotity oi Companies ' whose capital sdock is fire times as great. | 1 •:? j.-.-vic .. u* an c.lici-'r.t "tip. riutendent have • been of.aicied, r.nd the Directors aie determined to pros- -ur? operations vigor os'y. Persons desirous j of securing a portion of tie: 21,050 shares of | c ust apply toon, to Hon. 5. L. Rrsscuu. Bedford, i , at v.* o.lice subserip iun oooks Lave been . op-n- v>. the sale ot stock u! il.tJO per shars. i B.dford, February to, ;Su". I ' J. • | EXECUTORS' rvoiiCE. Letters tc:.• iioentwy on the estate of Jo c cpt, | Hewitt, late of Napier township, deceased, having i uecTi grar ed to the subscribers, .1! persons indebt j ed to sa. ■ estate ar** hereby nci ified to. make imtEe i dute paymsot, ami -bo-e Lav ng cir.ims against the will present tbem properly authenticated for j settlem*:. THOMAS McCOV, JAMKS ALLISON, j February 10, 1U65—61* Executors. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters tesfamentaiy on the estate of Michael Letter, late ot Bedtord township, decease,', havir. 0 * been granted to the subscriber, ail persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to iralte immedi ate payment, ans those hiving c'aim3 against the same will present them propr)y authenticated for settlement. ' J. W. TO.MLINSON, . Febiuary 10, I5Q5— 6t ExecutoK -C. N. Btcr.ot, j. q Minriea, n., IBWUfI, BEDFORD, PA. | OEice in the Bank Building, Juliana St. j Ail operations, pertaining to Surgical or Mecban jttrl Dentistry. c&retui'y avu faithfully perfrrmed, I and warranted. j TEEMS— CASH. i Bedford, January 6, 1565. R2l 1A i* AL. ! I- C* FARQUHAK has removed his store to the j Colonnade irn rediately .ippositc the Nicholas Lyons j stand. An his former patrons and the public gen * erally. ttie invited To call and see biro. Janusry 6, 16C5. FLEMING jIOLLIDAV WITH PAUL GSAFF, Wm. H. WKIMEB, ISAAC WATKIX, fiiafi. SARPMOTOS. GRAFF, WATKiM & CO., Waolosala r-salsrs in HOOTS .IP SHOES, No. 426 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, j January 13, ISCs—ly. FELIX HEYMAN WITH | Arnold, & Alrdlinger. Importers, Jobbers, and Wholesale Deaiers ia | CLOTHING, tClotlis, Cassimsres, Vesting Tailors* Trim- St. | N05.333 Market S.rset, and 37Jftffb Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA. | i .FFERS jr-at inducements to Wholesale Dealer# j vj from the Country, in quantity, quality, style, prices and terms. Merchants, Tailors and Deaiers visiting Philadel phia, vvt ! firm ir to advantage to call and ex amine slork t>nd learn prires before purchasing el#e ! where. Doc &, ISo4—ly WM, W. PAUL. D.J. HOAR. H. L. HOOD. WITH WM. \y. PALL A fx>., WHOLESALE BOOT & SHOE WA REHOUSE, 623 Market St. Ac b'tt Corntneiea St. above Sixtk, P H 1 I. A D E I. P !i I A . December 16, IS3l—ly, WARTISAN &. AMELIAY, (Srr-Esoaa TO MI'CHAEL WARTMAN 4-CO.) Talacca. and |egair MANUFACTORY, !y>. 3ta NORTH TIIIRO STREET, ; v Sscood door below PHILAD £j^pHTA. ,J vr. WART MAN. a. V. Fri GEL MAN J