BF.IiFOt! t'.,c' 'TRAD E! 3n>3 acres near Stonerstown—within I. mile of th" Broad:- p Nailroad—about 100 acr-: ; cleared, with a two 'o:y dwe'fifig .'.ous^— bank be":—s*nb;e. ic,. theieon erected: al-o two u p|'l ore I; rls there of. of choice t nit. Th" so : l is a rich loam at •' ca pable of producing every \.;rictycf crops ot this climate. ALSO, Two lots of ground in Pnoadtnp City, with a new two story rough cast dwelling house thereon. \lsc, A house and lot of ground iu Clearvilie. A, Three tiacts of land in Southampton Township, formerly owned by V'm. 0-~, ailioiidr-g -anils of Ar nold Lash-ley. Ariemas iitun-t and othcis. A LSO, A grist mill iu the "Lurch Corner,-*' former! owned by Jacob lleatii—within about •> mi "s <>i Bedford, about 40 acies of land belonging to the same—dwelling hoti-e and out buildings thereon erected. A I.PO, IPO acres !>• ' -:nalify of pr-'i io—near the Mis socai river close o the county seat of H < rri en C o lowa. ALSO, Two one hundred and sixtry acre tracts, adjoining F.lkhoriie City, in the richest v ■ iicy oi th" west th" Pia'fc Vaili y—about g.) miles west of Omaha City, and close to the great nationd! ot government road leading west in Nebraska 'i'err-tory. Also, IGO acres, two miles above Omaha City, on the great be;;-! of the Mis-onri. This tract i-wei I t::n bered am. verv desirable. All of these lands were located after personal in -pi ction at ' c re, d ex a mi ration on th" ground, at.d can be vv I ;• I. ■ i.i'pori for future we: It!.. .\F "s >!:ov. : ng ;b .-precise loca tion. are it: rry ; nsses 10-- ALSO. Three desirable lots to Omaha Ci'v, Nebraska Ten itory., I ot of ground in Dacotab City, Nebraska Ter..lo ry. The above real es ; aie will be sold at such prices as to insure safe and profitable invr -trneriis. Notes or obligalions of any hind f ! :f are good will be taken in exchange—particularly g ■! b-t.. ■. HOtf*. Sept. 20, 15s r, 1 . O. F. SHANNON. F2p!l? fp V V BP F 1 .j fi ! u fi. I lj 2 ■ is #.'• The tindcr-igned having jtj-t returned from the city, invites the attention ot the public to her New and EI ega c t assortment of f.inry and staple I);' I .' Goods, such a-s MERINOS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, SACK FLANNELS, SHAWLS, CORSETS. SKELETON SKIRTS, LADIES' SHOES, FONNLTS, RIBBONS Calicoe®. .Muslins, Ho-iery, Gloves, a large tjnatitiiy ol TOYS and PERFUMERY; and a general variety of goods usually foi.: 1 in T. dies' Fancy Stoics. The undersigned returns thanks to hrr old friends and customers end solicits a re m we! of their pat ronage. T! RMS; - Cheap as any o r h v store of the kind in the country, Nov. |5 —3ms.] M. C. FETJTL'.LY. fin p' P r o oi) v ii It |j it 1 uouil o . H T $_R3. S. E. SIGA FCO3, lias just received from the city her ti-ua! I wgo "sto-fr of rich and hand some FALL A\D WIN TER GOODS: Such as Silks, Merino*, Persian Cloths Delane , Valencies and Morietitigue Silks, at 5G| cts. per yard. Also, a larg" tment of Shav Is, Cloak®, La dies' Coats and Mantillas; with a rich lot of Furs— Such as' apes, Mti<l and Cuffs together with a fa-bion ihi > lot of Black Si'k Velvet, Black ami fan cy Straw Bonnets, with Ribbons, Rushes, I'iu.mes, Flowers, &c. &c. A new style o( WOOLEN GOODS; Sleighing C p>, Sonfags, Wool Hoods, Scurfs, Gauntlets, Gloves, with Embroideries, Nets, Laces, Re. and all kinds ol Fanry Goods too * o 'rows to mention. Also, a Lrge stock of bleached and ui:bl*n"hed Muslins, at six, eight, ten and and a half cents per yard for c-li N. B. All persons indebted over .six mouth* are hereby notified to call and settle their accounts without further n tice, and by so doing save costs. S. E. SiGAFOOS. Bedford, Nov. 23, ISGI. DUBLIC SALE J OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! THE subscriber will oiler at public sole, on the premises, in Napier township, or: SjITCRD. / Y, FEB&UJRY IS/, Tic fo' owing valuable property: The "'■Venters Tract,"' belonging to the '.'state ol Thor.'a- Met le ry, dee'd., containing 137 Acres and 102. Perches, wi'h the usual allowance, htvmg thereon erected one Two Story 1.0- Dwelling Mouse, a Double Log Barn, a I tr. re is ;.|so a good orchard o, rnif ' ee< tkereon ; about 75 teres are cleare ! and und r s and 5 acres i good meadow ; adjoining land* of Her bert Otto, So oin Si tet. |) mi. | II ,s and oil • r.-. TERM wi i he tiiad" known r> > d.;v o HE.\RV TAYLOR V.x'r. Jan. 3, 1562. of i'hos. McCieary, dee'd. BEDFORD COUNT Y, S3. j"\ T a Court i f Quarter Sessions °l Mi.' Peace, iief! -,t 8.-dt <rd, in ami ioV n ''' coun! y of Bed "H L on the <! iy ol November, A. D. ls !l, be.aie the .In -,g!'> of t.e see {' Upon the pet) i >,i ~i the older re iding in the vicii ity of I oydstown, in ea.d county, ting forth "that two public aid v , ■ iaul out tne paid town of Boyd-town, in th" .ear ■ '"'o, by li r ; . Alexander Boyd, toe proorn "or, and i ■ v .vat< owner; both beginning at pc> its •••!! th .• U dio. an ! Stoystown Turnpike Road, upon the South, and run ning therice North 37 degrees Ea-t *•> t. " old f ate Road on Die Noit.i. Til on ?ol th h ;■ ii ol feet r.d the other of b .tg* • of i both of the width of 1 > feet, the | ,t being ih>* al ley b-tvrei II lots No?. 1! in :12 ; an I the secon i the alley b'-twcen Nos. -if- and Hi, so numbered upon the original ana gener l plot oi plan of said ; vn of Boy dstou n ; al-o, three other -1.. ys, }>--g -..ting at points on the Turnpike ro 1 aforesaid on the South and running thence No. tb thirty deg < s La t to -a: old State road aloresaid. The one ol ti •• length of feet, next of the lei g'h cf feet, ai! of tin width of 1G le t. The same being the alleys between Nos. 23 and 23, and 15 and 17, and 7 an . 9, so num bered upon the original plot oi plan of said fo'.'n oi BoyiLtuvu:, also, three other alleys lai out as a fore saitl in said town, South of the. Turnpike road alore said, nil beginning at points on said Turnpike on th" North,and running tricncc Santo ti irtydegr rs'.V two hundred and twenty "-et to u twenty |Vet alley, the same being alleys between lots .Nos. S ' fid if), and 1G and 18, iind 2t fnd 20, a .d 31 and 51, so numbered upon the original pot or plan cf san! town of Eoydstown ; ado, the 20 feet alley on the Sui.ti ern side oi said town-piot, whicii said alley s have become useless, inconvenient, arri burdensome to the inhabitants of said town a- •! vein tv. Wherelore the Court do order ar.d direct that the parties in interest b" notified by pu > icntjon in trie county papers to appear at the nxr C .urf oi <2'iar- W be So ions to snow cnu-e why tne p.uyer of pe titioners should not be granted. BY THE COURT. S. 11. TATE, Clerk. December 29, 1861. F3\K I> E & J. V o A 'c r v ! v ' f i; 5 v P f 0 I A L- V# I i! v Ji ii t Si * I' 1 533 BKCJDWJY, ,YFJ r -'-\'ORK. \ o p-ron who contemplates purchasing a \ Machine lor family or minuta" r - P''-p should fail to send Tor one of or ' :.n. : n-, hie;- contains cjMs and full descriptions of .he evert' st".,es. -• ;-e< an 1 samples of work, al! ot which we se i d * mat' :c e. We claim to hd \ e the 3 .ST Zhisu M:\ZhVc-3 \U TH3 VCa D F.r either Fc nilv or r.lar.ufactnrins P.irpr.-s. Anii all w- a k a fair trial. P-adthe following: I ft! P U 11 T A N T F A C TA. FACT No. I.—This (13 npany bei daljr lice wed, their Mart;.-es aie protect"! egamst infringe meiils or hti ration. FACT No. 2.—'lhese Machines make the Jo !:- ,-titf 1 —alike o . both : u e o UttF li th in half 4ia "inch Thread aau lk as the chain or loop- "Teh ' uaifes. FACT AO. 3.—These Machines are h tier adapted than any other sewing machine-, in market to The frequent changes and a!rno?.t end ess v-.ri 'V o| sewing required in a family. They will sew fro no' e to twenty t .!•'. n # -scs of •< • s.-• i!-- <vitbo it >' jpping, ai d make every stitch perfect. They w.ll even sew iro . the hi ">t tfroze to l!o lieavir st r-oto, and even -tout, hai ; I ither. without changing the feed, needle, or t- no: , or making any adjustment of he<-hine w h.ifever Is not such a machine best aojpr-.d to i- mily n.-e? and if best adapt ed to family use, "jhy not for every variety of light sewing rqanul'-tc:ore ?I . work ?•' o heavv lor our Family Machine, we rec ommend our l arger si/.ts. Fa( T No. -f.—These Machines make th" iro-f e- Ia c tn sani of any sewing-machine in use—a fact of v. iv "teat impoitam e in sewing elastic good-, or goods of any kind, o: a bias. FACT No. s.—No Machine is mote durable or mo:e simple in its construction, or wore ea-i'y und-w-tool. The i ■ pat rticii of tli*s" Machine wheiever used will Jully demor.str teeichoi t:.r abov.e facts. FACT NO. G-—These Machines took the Highest /'.em-tun at the Frank!io Institute, Fliii-' pa:;;. ''ACT Nr. 7 These M;:-bines toil: the High'-rl }'.<-rr.iuin at the New Jersey State Fair. FACT No B.—These Machines took the Highest Medal at the American i; st'tute, in the City <">! New V) k, t'.ge" >r ".*t!h ' It.:. 1 ■ rreinrum for line Sewing-M..chine U -rk. FACT No. 9. —These M tchinP3 took both the II;j. • ~* Premium. ~t th" Mechanics .'a 1 FACT No. I t.—These M ich.m s can do the thing gen"• ally, whenever pro. -v ly exhibit"-., cor. pet jtion with oil;.: iir-T-r! -r. Sewing Ma iur:. . But we l.av • spree lor i-!y <te • • * more—if is the most important Fact o; -li FA< I No. li.— i I warrant rwrg ftlarhine tee *>tll to better Markitir in mai - or -money refunded. Q?*Send for > Circular. AGENTS A'ANTED. Address, Fiakie & Lyon St-win-j-M chine Co. No. f> : n ili:; .u> A .v . w-. on;;. Aug. 3, 5 61. 1 yr. C 1 ;fTN " r*J S -ty j. si. ,"2 tJ? / 1 RE CD'S 3."CvV PALL \ND WINTER GOODS' To be sr.ld for cadi or produce only. P. A. HEED wishes to inform his .lien Is :,nd the public \'. it h. L.iitg'c" out t lj* cv-iek of hi-brother, J AFOB MEED, ami in'inn. <- receiving tronn Philadelphia, an eh'-gant New k;. of (inoi!- boujht at Panic i'r.ces, conis'ing of !>RV" i<, licof i ami ShofXtJliti ami Cans, (jrorr.. /< , Hi'hc-ire, Queensware, (fr. Al. o. .u:h have been :>. -i.-ft: at the Lowest Not Ou h Prices, a. I, will .old unprscedentedly lo .v for Cash or Coun'iy Pro duce. The undersigned determined to act upon ti; Prin ciple th .fa Nimble Sixpence is betr-r th :i a Si. Shilling." can adopt the iang'.tt-e o: rha P -t : "Come One, Come All, this ock, sha'.i .1 y, From its firm base ai soon as 1," Oct 25, - 6i- F. A. UTii ]). V ii V - la V vJi- < The very best hi and made! Xo smell !no mil '.- Nit c.xplo- ve, at ii.:;ti"y T s. Oi }" 7 ; r g i (J I* jno BF.AUTIFiri. LAMP.- i :o -plkndi.) LAMPS i different pat' fl r frorr. ">()•• ts up. Coai Oil :r'.es the bvt light knowi . i>oi ' sir in dsrkr-.ess Hi--' iong vv*i ! r nights. r ie.i j ..u can ' r. s> br . iari Lgh* for 1 cot. Har'!■ • i i.a- a corrp: !e stock ... -ad ' Itnr.b.v r- it. g-he- •'. v not be ..... i -•■.•! by at v one. K - T OIL i U;l M A CHINKS ! and Oil for Harness and Wagon- t : t s i;".i\vn. . her. Rye .nd Wn.v." (..... < t lb r'i y's Wi ' )nt CO lj-' ! O 'VP. . XK< NOTK P.— i t L"jr ntary • n the fstate of r *- rick Mar. y, late of Cu bet at 1 Valley lovvt , .ving . ' ■ sons i!i'- bted to said estate, a-' eby iat il ;-o ' ag st ' .-ear. w : i jn--s.-nt th >i p; pet y n.ent.iat ■.* lur 11. J. PR' XF.R, Dec. 27th] MS H.IN : f, , / ij:T OS T Di: T, v )1 Keep on! of debt 'l',-) tc a..f out of debt," coa.m- tice by pay:a ! Win. Bait':y vi hat yon owe him. To "keep out of debt," buy yoor Hardware, Iron, Nails, (La s. ():i, I'.iiit, o-., <Xc., from T irt cy ,r CASH. His prices r duced to the lowest mar gin, he having adopted the cash and produce svs- Iron, of nit, kinds very low, JVaifs > cry low, 'i j !:■'■<*. B'sf t ran', pars ,f fo >' Oil, jr e }.•*<>.?; ■- :n otil, "SOo- . or r if. C.L and set a cata'ogae ct the goods he W:n lltiitlpy t :Ue£ lbs method of j<■ tr •. • tbani.s to t lie pub! c for !I.• ir ; >: r•, ai. i • i:. ul ry "o those who pay promptly. All such will he itiv.ire.l when tiiev it. I i you wait good-c..ap !'*r cash. c ; I'. ' • Il you wart long t list c'l < Iti ivl.ere. All kinds of approved produce taken in ext. • ior good-. Li |sb i ? r ; it s j r> r-. - . II fiii 111 Kl£a IS ! K > 4if ? i. fe -t. v , fit Ui&ii . iu i r , WE the undersigned have uidl U"r;- -., . ,. s t* . (i --pouod (. licmicai Soap tr.r wt hinge! i! a. ' -•! • i fully recommend it to the far: .:;. ?, rl, as . rticle of tndispen-sbl* • ; !:'y. <•! -a: e th-e .■ with cop t! ird the i l.or a. i ti-i.e .. v o by use of the comroct: s. p. Mrs. Annie 0. Shock, Mi" Lo-'inda Mengei. " M. S. Hartley, • Flmtra Ov< % • ii-. .Mary K'-rcde. I. FAKQIM Ali is '- tft c. r f f Rights for 'no iloro.. .. n. i.> ■■:. -. •! avv' o mav wi-h to purcha-e ai_ ht <• wti i. [ h ei ough ol the -nap to give .t a r tr;- . 3 ■ ••/!"' give them a Family ".•■•'it :i if u -, oa.stra'" 'he far* t' t to- -<> c : r-- ' . . t c! o-ip rent pr pound. Five pounds v :!. put >ut I urge washing and by pnt'ing H-e c of.*!*-: * soak . the eveiiii.g, they cat: be put oat by <*i o'c'oca >-t ... morning, thus saving thr e fourths nf the do, ti ! a great deal of labor and =irkr:e s Manv iant.ii • gi-ve fro l 70 to 77<*ts. per w.-ek for v asuinv, who by this method can save from S2O to 30 per year. Don t fail to call. riOttFECTIO^'ARV AND GROCERY. ' THE undersigned f ceive-.l and keeps ' co-STRTNTLV CP hand the following articles: Col Tee, sma/, t r.oiasse, cheese, cracker?, car rar's, raisics, tigs alrr.oi.ds, tlib'fts, ccroa r-:• t aroui-d nuts, pecans, Err. walnuts, creatn •lesi variety, oranges. leMn, teteere m*d ei.-ar-.a'Mpict and pepper, spices of all kind. a j.-,",, o . cream o* 'artar. sulphur, brimston , i C ;„ • unci k"jr pnn-der, ?l "t, caps and lead, gtuin and gin'scythes, whetting tools, v ! "ih. and - ' oarn r- :ig". extract logwood, coppoiu?, rr. inu 0 vider, cii, pclibh ar-'i Mason's tlac n :>., 1 svi-pcpß.g, dusting stove, shoe scrubbing, i brushes. clrlhes, bair, tooth and fed) 'jru.-ue--, it ! and infant blushes, cair oiis arid periu.nery, purses i and fort monaic pock-el and rr err.orendum i books, bonnet and 1;• nil gam combs, "r,-... eg" (and fine combs, bracelets andbeada, peos, peo holders, pesiioius, scissors, kn 1 le-sbarpcri-rs, umbrella-, suspenders, spool cotton and Hess, 1 clocks, small looking glasses, violins, violin j strings, toy watches, watch chains, curry combs, ! • car:!-, horse brushes, shoe thread, peg? and spsra- j hies, uohnsorr? Arabian Linin er-', I'.ock and Lit- ! ; tie's'V. aite Oil, Merchant's celebrated Gorging! Oil, for man or beast, and many other articles n; ; a similar nature. The patronage ot the public j is respect lui' > solicited. A. L. PEFIBAUGH. Jii.le !1 , IV. | 7 ITED STATUS I\IAIL LI VK ' iy BETA-!' ;> HA*MBERSfiUR<-, BEDrORL" fc LA 1 ROBE, j Ou and rf-r Mondiy, Aug F'-b, ! c Ol, c .• | Ics leave Bedford for Chambersbn •1 y, (bun- j j days excepteo) a: : A. M., and arrive at Cham-I bersburg, at 7 P. M.. 7 I | >/-■. V a,ne lrV! ' !li! '-- R" '' ! .' .. '. turning, leave 0 G j 1 {>.••, sburg, at 7 A. M.. dally. (Sundays • rrepted) ! ' aud arrive at Bedf. rd 7P. M., same evenilfg. i ! pave Br ii ford lor Latr"be, Mordrv, Wednesday i ! and Friday, at 7 A. M , making close connection J i v i'h ir.aii train : - ittsbnrgh and the West. f Returning, leave Latrobe, Tuesday, Thareda' • ,-nii SaMirday, on tiiecrriw! <•' the (tain lro.ll I'.tf? i ! b . .h. at 2 *')o and arrive in Bedford same evening, j ii „r i ii N Oh bit R SJ. 1 From. Bedford to Chambersburg, $3 50. From ; | BVlo-'d to Latrobe, S-'l . r d. ; >: g. passengers for Somerset and Johnstown,! , core •. Stoj stown with J. A. C r.. > & Lir>• ot : ! 'I.I ' . Ae j. RhKSIPEa i Aug. 21, "31 Contru tor. j ■ ' '' . (i :{{ Y '• 1. A "f P. 1. S • - r is I, con? 1 part of cib- - ' " 'A- • a: il gut. ■ . • • ■ Co: n *•.<■'. 'i, ■ py ti.u- ■?. < ese, ('• in i Bit.11: ■ * . I-'" ' ' - t 1 iorsc, Snor, ,,f ' u .J. i■, . sON *L TlO ' . O- T Bueb 1 in an i iat'.cy :< "•*< <■ <■ •• 1 ■■ i A V.i tl ,1".'"" - K t.. . ; j Clear. Nvt . or. : >a Nu ". j 'i'f ; i ; •_ f: O- Co ;gr ?s Plug-, Sc. eer l":uit'' -m.'Nu* i. • > ! and !L idv i v :.•■ r.bu, Sv-akiu . .ct - | article, Cut a. ; Dry, &c., Cl'l A US. Operas. Sixe, Half Sjkl i- •• o-t are ' '- : i giv' b. n Cc !. • i iinis of ecu: trv pn (!"ce * ' •• '• , ! e-L market prim ii. i o ' *' • i J. i. i' R> I •L' 11. . ; -jc i SSOLU no;\ or PA in - r. "-t ... ; \j , • • -I y. ■ r,. io t ( ■' (•i •• : 'u! villi. ; It"*]'!' ' \ i M I r. In i ' - 11 - ' been -c-lvr:! i y :: •I'nr: I . . * ! ' .1— 1 ' r t .Ii • I , V. .! O i is an : 1;cr;■: ti) m • . ! G! LET A KD I OCR, < . V . A .MM April 1 J, 1 ' • 1 1 • N. lE I l.r 111 it., w ;i [ P c. • -• : 1.-v C W. A hcom a : i i.t < ' ?1; i .v t ' Mi . 's i ' vac' •■ ry v s ado a. d -ppairetE Importer' md Lr.aler? in ak ft V* v .. uM' . 7 . SfC M J'- . i-. £ f'ml /'rs ur*' c;. r i, NO. jM . Ii ! ! i.i IT, P'l 11 z~o"A £ ~ Pc:i : j " ' -n-J - -/"• r * 1 , TP' ' •■- -** T ♦ •• -•> JL J im i JU '.'.Si.! V. X* . . . .. J mj.J :I;;V;;G ct ' . .. . ■ -.M ti:i • f-ill, ut v. ar prices, Ag, . s'k . o! I. iit tree?, cm si t:rig of all fiit 1 choicest vn: ■ :i s Apple?, P.- . I .If'. -i' 'I ■:?, I II if ii ... : ' t , i ■ .' ' ar' :a" it I*i e' ti\' n. i. IW o •• v i• . Rap!i- ins, ii '-.tii. .? P r v's o;ui. .■, ho - . ; e- .Mi i! >v. C'hei • y Fin r "' ' . 'it cberri.>, ' < :?. " i-i'-v.i ri : . ot . ; s' i.:nn . ( l.O: v.- - V , : on -.i r.oor<, \k ,! '. ASP vi \c'cc EVE OR.i'i \ iNE-f v • ...IV'R L f: *y \ i i ■ t:' Perpetual Bioorring, M! coin s .nd - na■ I j My -:..•/• if i? remarkably thrifty ar.d will be s-M, lor cash, n.uci; iow r tl :•: tr. •• ii ig - -J. bug a-, V. o : til I .g t: >i . r v V ,. t d's , tl.tnh/ injur- tnem very much Ly a •1 * a *• ?*••'• 's r;> •?.- I 'rr Tlediord founty -oil an ' ■•!'-r* ■ i>. ~, . ( .. on". 11.** ■ rounll. Ail pin. iptly a'! II led to auu trees v m las di 'ccted !y .. ' or 1, r ... _ fc i| ll . ..i.i. ...rt. udrti'C.- a tew ~:. p 5 to i i !. V"H, ; Oct. I, IS'il. B b... ; p a . ;i) il S A L so, ( ' f " E\ ,f J r . i 1 '• ' '* c . iii i I 'to ..1 !. I o d •• .1 p i-. <■ ,Mi . • " of -v'.r r • V "• '• ' e nt- - . .s a i- n oi f : n}. lign i-t . ?' wli. at g.o.vir g county in tf r fet to. Adoie? , F. C. ?. " M •. i? 1' for I, Fa. i f; . r \ ! ' Lp 'ini'.— .il ■ ■ • i?< ig ' 1 * " v " ve.l , '1 • (i- • " ' 1 ' *' "• • - -CUc- • . •) n til .1-3 . i. < -I. .CM h h.- j... r-v r|,.. .1 o. x- a. I M ■, MM (), 1 |W: J t . . - v . ' ' D'. : iAl sTRA'i'OL' - ' V, ; __ -i ' o •. J- -i. . ■iiii i ■ ng r. ' e-' R> •! - • ■ - 'I- I- ;• . ... * J.. 'j Ri.:..; J •d. .pi-.,-. cl to ; -I tea ■ ii' by .Ot . fir-(l *■ > -II !L 1 . 1;t n Art. ■ , .I l| Tl oh viug x .iiurii t . • ■ -a. f . ut; . i i , 3. . ■ the.o pro-erly authenticated for settlement. JOHN W. (JitEsMAN. ( Jan. 3, 1562. Ct. Atim'r. HOTEL.— I BEDFORD, PA. THE mb'-'criber respectimly unncunces to the pub! c, he ha? . . " I the above named Hotel, :at the c!d nd veil A ..ow n Globe building, former y | owred and - copied by Mr John Young, and re j C-M f!y iu the occupancy of Jonathan Llorton. dee'd., I where hi will b • I. ppy to see friends, and the j travel lag gene rail v. persons attending Co: ;t are respectfully invited fo give him a cail.— j He pledge? himself that he will do all in his pow ; er to render his guests comfortable. ILt Table will be supplied with .h? choicest del | icacie? "he nrnr/et will afford. 'i'ne Bed Rooms will contain clean ?.nd corn'ort::- ble lKidd ng. The Fkt v-ill be supplied with choice lipuor. 'I he Str.ble will be attended by a raretul ar.d at tentive hostler. Boarders t .Aen by the day, weed- month and i year. JOSEPII ALSIP. Bedfoid. Nov. 30, ISCO. ; n EDFCRB FOU NBR T. I 1> 'i'fiE sid -ciibers having purchased the Bedford | For - vof Messrs. VAashabaugb and would J most respectfully announce to the citizens of Bed | lord and adjoining count: us that th-v ar- prepared to | make ar.d furnish al' kinds off!ACTINGS for ; GRIST AND SA'V-MTLJ. I ', THRESHING MA CHINES, PLOUGHS, APPLE MILLS, COOK ING, TEN PLATE,'AND COAI. I STOVES, SLED AND sleigh sol"?, *va?h kettle? of diflerei.t sizes wagon j boxes o! al! .•, farmeis' belis, (a =nperior arr, I cle), n\ iii door?, and every thing usually made in a ; country Foundry. i K7=" PLOUGH " WOODCOCK, STALER |and EILE-",I;-. PLOUGHS.—AIso, anew PLUG 1 PLOUGH, to which we call the e-pecial at' ntion jof out fanners—a superior article to the old Plug ! Plough, with two kinds of points, shares and laml | -i.les to suit all ploughs in general use inthi? coun ' '}'• Turning and fittuig of iron patterns mad? to I order, and r.ii !:i r d? ot repairing done at the short | est notice and at tow prices. All our own work ! ma.ic ot I lie very best material, and warranted to ■ give satisfaction. I'Ltni>ers hiid uther would do well 10 j call and examine our work before p else j where, a? we are determined to meet 'he finer i gencies o. the innes, we will Sell i etc for (' jSil, or count.r if rru'ut. . : Pig and bar iroi . r.ors' and lumber, la:, nin ex c ia.ige for work, j ieb 23.'00-1 hUiiM Scr JORD.V . 1 I LOOLV 'U ITS )U\ T !)T:V •i > ;Nj;TAC HIN :UO P. HE ri ; i's now prepared U 1 h-• E• urulrv it i ..•if! Ru- ,to fill a'! orders fer Casting : vn ydc- •* '>r /' ' ' y ,\i nu- . A: MI EM PLOUGH : END all 4 in-- fiM n our I 1 * .at may he uec.R 'in tl. 1 ? or ad j ■ " *. ai ' ; • -. '. . M' ML i" I. 1 lie' ii'-.-t'lOl ■ i .. , in The Si;iir. .. . i co. M or ..I: ' .. I . -Of. . '.I <'• ! 'iH.'i'i ' . ! . ,M UAN i l D • g:' ■ ?at* f.ic :i ■ a:.' l'■ i: ', sh<i. o - .iit I • d ? 11) : . ,1 :, 4 .SrttiUG'.i ':> C OUT HI .ike ; r tin store : ' ■ e, ] T-i Urovi ie ; ce '/,• N \ cui. K >oi " • id , w • !. gl'f ■ .'licc.rl i: 4 ' e • : r - j! :i M- ■ mi. 'o In iuy ' lis. .' Ui ' I 4 I- g 1:1 d a:. l : tib-T. - • . e cast a 1 work cm: judge nu 1 ' . >. I i 1) IL 50l V v H.C. REAMER Jn.iANN ' Stp.fft, Porr>. 1 ~ IJ'HO -~Z'i A '_ ar. ' re- -V !;• t.i : a' • r in Di e. s, / j : tt,•: .<) ! P.Em , V■■ V-h t. e \V. - w ire ~. .J.;- !: :• '• : id iv i - .■'!•, Ui • nch ai ! t ; >• ; ■ . d : r V.iliety rtl inn :: i\t ti. t me. ■'do , i-'e?, liar IV jMr f' V .t 1 tw . U '.le r i■.i •i - Ir. ;• .< I'd! brow, to a i-t >.o , *,aE. i. >. : ..■.. :■ . ■ To !.' * LPoi tiror na ii.?, >. „ar •, he. H IV- ar-d will p'■ 'antlv ou hand, a supply ( • . Inid iv/ von 4 v - f the mo:' niciie ri and b- t• t' "•* o. r< :! . i :''i I ! op.. ■ - . . i■ . : P-. i * i.'g . ~.1 ' ok. >g i'l.-j :ceo. . .'ii'iics i.: v. ill kc pafi.i! . upply constantly T .'le? in Poo;, &c., foiin'" ing of G ograpbical. -. . ' . . : . • ' ' i i ct;e.i with a g • .1 van ,4 ' of j tin J.i I lai.e , '' " v I ap. otc, f'r I, ami 'Yiappii;.' Paper, , Pen -■ ' "i v ■ w .i f quii'.-y. Dim j ■ h.aui •••'•,. i '.i e , \'ote< and R. •*i l 4 . i. •; • ou . :.... ! ar.d - iti-iactmn guar <■ wit.. Ie: ir.l bo'' 4 pricv and . aliry. R , II •: IPT I'RI - ' 4 •!oily AND accn j rat. • ... pounded at all hours of the day or nigbt. .72 I? C" JLt ..... Oij Xo , L¥ - JG'.L: A STR.CT, BEDFORD,PA. '! EE subscriber ! iv;ng reiiovatenl r,-i o. II • ?he'S , this old i ?ti. .ilishcd lioiiff, i? now prepared to re c. ive guests. He invites fii friend? and tli-> travel ing public to give Im.i a rail. 11 av,ng miv lorni ! ttirc, new beds, am! every? .:ng necessary to lernjei i i.. .i Iy ch e: to 11 -.- * in want ot a ten.p.,iarv ho i, ' •t! .iter? din.-df that those \t o stay with him, 'v !! fiuii ii"mselve-, at ♦b? right place. : lie is f'l': 4 ;n tpa -'d to rece' .'e visitors to th • .. , ui. i all Laving bus.,.. e s with tr.e co ut? or 4 ! A 'i'| le stabling; cat r. house is attached to (th Hot I. Boarders wi.i be receivtd or. favor?' ' terms ISA AG Ml: NUj'L, JR. I RevJfoH, A rii 20, 1S JO. ' V (.i iu :T, HJT' U, CT? - <:u r -vocn .\y n sriiFtrT.-. P 1 T r S I! u >i G JL r A It 1 iRY SJiiRLS PucFntF.rou. | Vnl 1 "s: is.;]. , .. C i f ...v~ :tI : !' E. * 1 .1 J !' • I sLi '."Mr" (;*■> (Jio estate Oi i rrn' .is j 1 ?vor-\ Jaie of Londonde ry tv*vnship, 1 "s :J. >g h - ig a ited fo the subscrib"-i s, j• ' • ■: -o *1 ? •!.:* are her-'iy noti u ■ ah ini'i 'duif ' ;nym >A, and tii)? having Ici • ■ •£" f ti" ante, will p eser t them prop irly .lithenU'-Med foi -■ 'tt: • mud JAM MA C. I) EVOKE, JAG'OIJ ■' PI VC'RE, .. i. N C. VIUKR Y. Dec . i —'it.' rut ■>>••!. ' i)i\" jT . i f". NO rii'-E. Lit •. :>i z linn.. 4 .itio: o' the estate of mitti, '..ic o; S■• !■ : ••. to., .. t dec,ii. hnv n i" I t.i" so'' -riber, nF : son? iu let •• ! i. su d ystMe re 4 qn—.t> Ito msa inttinr I ate • 1 i o-t -on., having cia'ins against said ! pieseut ihem prur-rly authenticated for settlement. NATHAN liO' FO", Dee. 27, ISGI.—6t. Administrator. pia 3 O Ro n T KS* PI ANO FORTES. PIANO FORTES. PIANO FORTES. RED OCT ION" REDUCED. The Best Piuno Forte?. at the greatest redac tion. ever made in price for ca?b. IMPROVE THE PRESENT OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE, AND BUY THE BEST, FOR THE CASH AMOUNT OF MONEY, Vcu never again will got S3 large a discount for vour cash. LIGHTS PRADBrRVS* PATENT INSULATED FULL I RON Fit \ NEW SCALE, OR AND, AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES. THE INSULATED FRAME pi the on ginai tone c.ft I ■> in?U UT nr ii „1 i i ■■ :y. - J-. .1- jing it for all time against that 1 o-t ';<eg.-*ali'e R(quality oS tone inv t;.r.,!y bum-l in all c r Iron Piano Fortes, i? g'e.ttfy stiengt !••*[,* the case, and thus keep- tin* Ih.nio i-oite much longer in t me. It give, the instrument i much fu|!-i . richer, and sweeter tone. It adapts ti.e Piano toal climate and to ?L change; of a'mo?,/i<-i e. ted in nF'f- pects it i? |-ione::nceo ly 0:11 b • ' "aiii>:e-' he greatest improvement of the age in Piano Forte construct ion ; pr hieing an it;< triFneot icl.nnwl edged to bo sup-rior to a!! others IT a ! in tki ei.tir try or Europ*. .? / tiff testf.voahit.i from .sow off!:' uo>f <r.. incut Pi":i • -is ./.'/ic'-tn in the UOl /•/, 11t I' runt f'> i.! Silf'l ■ tot - if y Oj our ..V tr Srt'f }' if "'it Jitt'il"/. / Pi,ioo i J> I, s. <•1 have examined the Piar.o Fottes •; & Bradbury' w. ( -ion I ..j-.v ■ot ■ run: iry or win e. • I.O'A i !.i, ... \SI,N In cle 1■ .<• s, ric ■, . . ; . .>r t.c . en- , . - • 1 -u R. ... 1 ■■■!.: ! '.v 1 :'.-i , : y 1 | uj, ■ ih*ir • ■■■■'' "H \. wo.J,: Ml .1 .v • ; e, i .oh. •-.••• -- , n.r: " 'n a, and in de.ic <) < : v >.• • r . ■ it: i i ' bertii: i!•• I :i.c • t i 1• -u . ■.• v,. • 1.1 4 5 J V l . i LLIA .Y -ON. • ' ' have never p'-: ;•••< if i:> r;< 1 a: I ii-av ,- tone Square Piano I' '• \ R l'Hril NAPOLEON.' '*! - a s tonished 1, ' de!ighte-i with the N .••• nde !n>: i'rnir.' !' :no Fo. ?e. rn -deby y>u. Ti;.*r? mn t he a splc:. !. 1 i'uture tor Lighte iNc Biudktwy P :no i ♦'GEO. r. R.00r." '■l haw never \ ayed uj; n m -1 strii'iieiF. ' GEO. .'. ' RJ"TO ,V. ' ■I rnnsj 'r them to t 'y, richnes.-, , ..rid .(; .:I.?y .' tore, •? .v. i m. ; j; g-•<•,.' ' 1 •••' e i. ,ch, e|.nil, ii not ;> i.or, to 1.1 y Pia. j* 1 in tint cot: try 01 Lumpe KARL •> i E -.' • 'i ::■ •• -tr.tton of hot! cij -.crl to d rro-f-rn co:r: "MAf !!("!' I H." ••It ail-- rii p • re !d •' my lestitnnnv o! the ii . : I v. !.■■ spe.i K.i, ; .• i L he-1 term, :<j ••• • (:■-. •■>!• *:.<•" <:(■<• i,'. your N- vv Sr. i • Pat nt i •h ;! !' ,\' "fee Vf IVI T ' 'il*pv ••<!,! your .in i . i hots, >• i "ci' z ii 11 i'i-' iti in' 1.1 i -up- i -11. .• ! Mil- . ifiicic !!. ■ etui : tut* •• pen cl 1 . i;o i oil", iu any w.tii which | am acquainted. "J"UFO j:i> i.LI) •' "i'av ;s fXan mod yon, f c.ile I t <i (•' i. •• •m i i 'i. <! • p! i". !• oi c ii! in i:•:. V' irin- oi tot. , I i.i' i .. tic touch, at I in || • ~ ; . r II; -|?| I. I ■(•,' },(, I • cl II) i il l:.' j|;s' • l|. II" !i : 'Ac i.,11-1 - IV, 111 .ill •II ~i lire, Ui- !, II • Sl' Ii 1 it:• C '.up i ' v. 11 h 111'- It, ati.J We e,..| t'!o t Cl i 1: :! y 1 'OOiUJ• iI'I •! I•: lit !• o!.' (• • |j t J| •iii' public '■< ; ; riiADi ' M. <•! tiCft r.tlll it Jlbf'! '* |f| J/jv .1." I. V |. stj.ri.jf_y .ii ... iu (.1 tii'- p if; ill Pianos vv h . h J have ii' cent!) seen made by your firm. In t' , . i ity ui l ui , they ce;t,nii!)* excel , ••I f'.r p c'! :' v rich, tune, that i II i .i . • ,ti , •<•< ..mi, cr.t • ti.e v uii'i . •'i f ing ari ' b'ctil'iiju II if. I hace rat *!y rrio, ' qua'. 'C. IJASSIXI," Vl'l*. p!' a -lire j !V" rnv tr -!;m.ny In tin' •vi cl n| )i ;*i I' . in gen*ral, ii'-'l e-perm - •' to th* '-''ii :i i ' • Hit.nlmi, 1,1 "ti. J.i t'V i' • "ivcirfiT wh< ,i i .'ard a - the run t iinpnr '■' ■' V't rr.tde ;.i ih tie. mi'.h •in c oi (it t-c', ,i, . trutr fit *■!.( •'! ; :?{%"•• i'." "i •"* !••;: ■ ••• i'f ''t ; i j •hi • op.n iou ot ',(111. \\v a ■ 111. !'| I'l.Mf !,i I Vu o 'ua i'j iiiji 'i lie i i,i i} ' i • , tn lit' .ii f iii -• | i .\cvv oik, I' cy c ,t : •:! y n i.-t , , t f ' '' ' ' Jl'ii'V, ii ft :l I ll'hllc .• of 'l* -• I!i vc 1- ' 111 "I, • ■ • iy| ; In school ~ ruin,; the P loti i ycir ,to notice t'." '! i 1 1'; : y ill ) ••'it 'i. f I ii" i"i, t■ , ,\' 111 | i;li'( Ts • - vt - ..'h i iiiirt'.nif .I . 'KO. I!, ('fin I '•'J he h' -h repttfntiofi whtrh they have obtained lor 111 e11 ~• <• hi] . .mi tone ]>!♦•-; rjt touch and pow ' J* I: a Ve gi veil t hern 11," ; il"'■c• iv■ i ' 1,,>. < ail o "r in ii.'.'.ictiirc., ,n the I'ntiJic : u'> n( Jfew York, iii which over one hundred are now m (hiily use, some twelve oj tifi e> r; whicli tre in tie,.art men t? vv here | have had the pi •ue m t Irh iria, and where I have us> ! thcin tor ti.e j ,t hvc >' -fs- MAKf cs roi.n; k\."' '•''"llia ;! n= ed vvf yoet steady piog't-s, -n j.,,- proving rli ■ c•• 111 • y <.| ,uiii I'. ;t ■•, J ran no* ret'r.tio forn -Hy.i'jj I ) you, ;fr#*r po*:w* Joui* -ny 'ir k. ,>'.vll dac Oi (tit':", th • t the ,%*e A !e vv * lio.i t i m--, Which | •vp c- | ~'iik th" h '-t Ih i:,.) 1 •v ci s aW . 1 s, y this an. , hi. v fig parcba-ed ove two hutidred ot your Piano Fortea. "K. 1.. Our Square Pianos range i> price from 5250 tos • I On. ('■!. I.'l P; r.ti.a tt it ii ii i. c,O li.ivvaid . All 11.- r.aitos are w Aiau.vTr.n, vitho tt limit, ax • I / ii: . I lor a circular, which contain covtp' !r price -t ci 1 ,'i +r, /, ■' 'oil*, r.nd hundreds oi reference* to ; r-o:. iu cvety section oi the com.try wl oliuve pi.lcii ist'd our P; nog. Address LKiii i K u HR A nniJRVS, No. 4"dl iiHOOME ft 11! F.T, A i \v' York. May 10th "(11 . Iv. Z'iOW/A U D Ax&iU KA i i i:n\iy..LV":\. A BrufrtAenf Jn.stifn'iov rxt,-kit's//fit hy 9prrift' I-ln ll.)V-:!l*vt, I'll' thr Ttrhrfot thr Sici' and 'i', vc,,', fiJJl'Ct' ./ v*it h l- irnliiit nn,l Clt r;.)i i c J) i .if,:., ,irt *• p rt -lli/ lor dm Curt: of Pi mate? of the Sr.r. ml f rgan v. M tiic-al Ativice given gratis, by the Acting f urgeori. '• liital !e Repot ; on fp rindtorrhrra, ;nd o'lier .• ■ Jtßoilh 3 tvxuai Oigatf, an! on the N-vv Ren'ocies e'cplovctl in ttie Di-p-usarv, sent • n ssaled letter envelop 's, fr'-o oi charge. Two or three Stamp- for postage acceptabie. Address, I>i. DR. .1. Slvll.i.lN HOUGHTON', Howard Associa tion, No. U S. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. May 31st, 'Ol JJ Lbuu a uc:._> t' ■ Ks ' ■ ■ • .. • ; - T.-- INVAHIA! V 4 |*?> " - * ■' " '4 ' I J4COB ur.F.D, c. W. HUPP, J.J scnnu 4IM:N. UVV? AND SCHKLL, BANKKRS & DEALKR3 IX F.XCUAXGF:, FKDFORP, PI.NX"A. bousrlit and sold, collection? ma i / ar. I monry promptly remitted. Deposes solicited. RF.FF.I' F.N FES. HON. Joe .MANN, Bedford, PU. ;4 JOHN* CRSSNA, CI JOHN MOWER, " " R. For. WARD, Somerset, •< PUNN, RAIGFEL & CO., Phil •< .1. WATT 6V CO., Pittsbur •' J. W. CURLKV, SI. CO., " ?■ -lsaa & stt vv\o\— HAVE formed a Partnership in HIP Practice of the Law. () A n< a1 iv '-} po-ite the (inzelte. Office, \vher- crie , r the rnav at all fim*s be found. Bedford, A"L'. I, 1559. JRONX P REED- TTO v ,w CAW, nr:oronr>, FA. /,%'SjtvrlJi'Htj (eni!crs his services to thz Public. ■f Oiiice second door .North of the M c ri -•' House. Bedford, A u<r. 1, 1839. :OH\ PALMER, fj JITiVRXKY AT LAW, N::!> F O o, pEN \' A V- pruTif.tly -tt en Ito all HD-in E=S pntriiste !to O.l*- ON 111II.T'IIIA .Street, (nearly opp >- :te !;,• House, [aprii 19 "60 ] J E. MGJRR, ATI'OILVEY JIT LAW. F , T FOR !) , VE:<N 'A. ' 'I • T.E, J1 IINVA W 'T:O:rr, sime AS OCCUPIED L v WILLIAM M. HALL, T: -J. [April 19,'61 1 | OHN BORDER *. GI NOFT!:, REPFORD, TA. • at the east end of the town, one door Wr t 1 the residence of Major AM C UNS ot mv own manufacture warranted, J.'IV 'J ] , ? F'A f - (■">••< ' •> I <R . i . .4 ii.; : v.a. : i < t .' ' .irr.rv s.' Rvnvon. W { LD hep !> V t'.otif'p, the ntiz j ny ot Bnd h d count v, that he has moved to th • Borm-M) •>f L-'M -rd, wL -re !>e may at all tirrws he found ! y person- v. i>' to S.>E him, tinle 3 •u-s-nt upon httsiii f <Tta:.;' ) r to hi? office*. A iff, 1 fjo <.-tf. T. . CS. Si . C J VL ATT R::NRVS A' ' I I'..', RRFIRORU, PA. THR uretersigne.! have ASE; iafed themselves in *W F'L:,. til.-N O! ;?: N L IW, ai <! will attm d pro njitly '• '• •••> •UIF...s cnt: Ito T!I 11 care I,< Bed to 'IT AND AD oieins; counties. P " * Ciace ON .TO : M.I AFREET, three DOORS south <•) TLI" ''MCNGEL House," opposite tiie residence ot ■ ■ Tate. ' .'OB MANN UP 1, IS.'.A. G. [l. SPANG. ( V/' "• V *" * '!<• / ' M*i> i / i. i r.: V ? n ATTORNCV AT MV, AV I) LAM) Rf.'nvnvon. u! tut i with prompt nttx to nil' but in ft a cott w in! to !t> r tre. • •ii.!. fractici I ■< BRDIOROANO KniiTOV Conmjißi, ( I'lcy '.hre* d'.)or> **• or! h of lt? '•! t-i * * Oiiic-. m f *1 f II f. M V '1 P <<! ' * R Y JJR-RR;:TF F.R. Y t. '()!••• h ':i ]'! >1 i( (>t If ' :tiz '.| !, (1 rj rd and \ii inii v. Oi'iif.f and r> .i Ii- irv on PiH ''root, in tip duii <)_' lor .n't iy occupied by Dr. ./obit I 101 l < Aiij. I. IM.Vj. | > r. r in:v*n:it J y ?:• RNO'F PI.'LLV IN-/? Ipavp to tender Hm Pro/pwiona! Service to the ' -T O I I'., T'LDI,I,ID V •II; 11 • . - O.lir.- i i Juliiuma Strvt, at Ihe Dr avi I) '!. .•••;<)!*'. An/. I, IS A. TS U. (ORR::OT!F, 1 1 O AY . J :IAT 7.AV7, S O ,M EJI3ET, r> A . , U',.; I p.* 'C • N|Y IN •...! C'llfl (l| ('•• ''! < ,11 ily, , (MFIFMLC I (•• Hl' • ■■■•■ • m ,11 IN? i I r ' j :ll;,Y „ r T-N fd IN. P I •• ILL? r 0, L T '' '. £? !■ !) F O M) II OTJ; L— AM' CrrXEft 11. ST.W.;; n: The subscriber ?••;•■i • i: %• b':i le#ve r i - ' '••• that • HAS |< .<E ! F*,• |; ,f || ,• .J, I :!' - fc< t, •I'• Ii • Willi I !><• tippy to 111 1 "M in-i:i(., ritnl iln. piil.;i • general, y. I' ' II ILL 1 1 • I I ||> 'll I •• FFI IF| y pr if - R ,4,| 4 ' ■> V. if IF Will do. 'III( JI ■ • PB-DG • I) I VC.L J| ~ | ' <I ' ■ R ' I - !, ■ I I! FT F■> IV I !..• en-ploy. ! ♦<> R'N- I I <"• orfahle II who give LII'O I rill. I ><N U >- '* W I"* IT. If) <1 Rll■ • I I ■'•• ! |ip ( .1;.') lior/L* lull RII R I'; N I ;I I (I .F.-iftv- -erv„l,t WIL be engaged. ''l-R-MI -v - I IN/ •!:!• I. II I'! we|J ni .HO-.- iiffi-I I! RIG ( ll. ut, M.ITH* 11 ;I v •-111 rI JJ cO'tunne ' • ''* ' v. AIR FN FC{PI |y invited to lijp) <T I .II 11 ! ,'I ;OR TH"in-E|ve<, ' •' i I'Ts t.t .ri) ii ii" Wi-'li, motifb, or yea co :I!I <• TERRRI. . 7".\ i ;•!>• a-.1 rotnfrrfaSilp atafMinj i a?{ '• Jin-'!, which wiilalway. b<* attended by t oari . n hostler. AI so, a salt; and convenient cir • J.E ho*l M*. AM. Tin; STACKS STOP AT THIS 110TKL. JOH\ If \ FKK, ■''!?. 1, ISCO. Piopriefor t 7 BFFOA'^S7, BEDFOLVD, FA. M!IS. S. PIU ItR WOULD resjipctfully annnitncc to RCR I TENDS jri BETLI'IUD County, and 'O the p.ildic. •Z'TICALLV, THAT RHO his LEADED, for a term of years, the LA U" .MI! convenient liriek hotel, AT the corner of pit! ..TNL .'iiliana -F -ET, Bedford, L\l.. known as 0 ; - JIXO PON HOUSK," and lately KEPT by I This hou-e is being: tho"oti_'h!y re :;'T•-♦! AIL. teftirnished, and is now open foi the ie. e"ption ot nests. Visitors to the ♦•BKDFOKI) SI'KLACS" and persons attending Cotrt, will find this house A pleasant and comlo:table tempoiary home. —.! very attention will be paid to the com!Ort and accommodation of guests. Tie tab! will at all tirri.'i he supplied with the best the markets atfoid. 1 hatges moderate. I'.xtensive stabling is attack ed to this hotel, and a careful and competent host!- i !l be in aifen dance. Special attention it.ll h ",ud totheaccom mode.Tion ot 'HE TARMING comri .111 v. March 30th. IS6O. ROCK POWDER— .Inst receiveaad salefordby March 29. A. L- DKKIBAUCH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers