HKIJ.'S SMCWIC /ILLS—Wahranted IN AIM ; ffasM.' Can be relied on! Never fail to cure I Do not nauseate! Are speedy in action! No change of diet rep';red! Do not interfere with business pur •uits! tan be used without detect.on ! Lpwjrd of 300 cures the past monih—some of the n very se vere Cases. Over one hundred physicians have used them in their practice, and all speak well of their efficacy, and approve of their compaction, which is entirely vegetable, and harmless on the system . Hundteda of certificates can be shown. Hem. * Si-EOtrit Pit.t.s are the original an i only genuine Specific IMt. 'I hey are adapted for male sr. 1 fetnale. old or ycurg, and the or'.y reliable rem edy for iir.-tftwg a pernor cut an.! speedy cure 1 r ail I eases o Spermato: ties,. Srmnal aknesa, with a!! its train of evils, such is Itrethr l ami Vaginal Discharges, Clef, the Whites, Nigbth or involun tary Emissions. Incoatine e, Genital Debility and Irritability, impotence, Weakness or Los-, ot Pow er, Nervous Debility. &c.. &e.. all ot which arise principally from Sexual Excesses or Self-Abuse, or some constitution!.! derangement, and iuc.ipaci tates tbe suffrer from fulfilling the duties of mar ried life. In ail sexual diseases, us Gonorrhea. Gleet, and Strictures, and in Diseases of the Blad der at.;, Kidneys, they act as a charm ! Relief is ex perienced by taking a single box. Sold by all the principal druggists. Price sl. They will be srnt by trail,!v sealed, and confidentially on receint of the money, by J. BRYAN, M. D., No "3 C'dar street. New York, Cmi'uP'rg Physician tor the treatment of Seminal, : Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who will j send, Iree to all, tae following va!u b'.e work, in sealed envelope : Tut Fiftieth Thousand —Dn. BF.LI. S TISE on Self-Abuse, Premature Decay, Impotence j and Loss of Power, texual i>iea-es, Seminal Weak- ■ itj-ss, Nightly Emissions, Genital Debit it y, \c., Sec., , u pamphlet of 01 pages, containing itnpo tant ad vice to the afflicted, arid which should be re .d every sutferer, an ihe means of cure in tbe severest stages is plainly set forth. Iwo stamps required to pay postage. December 4, ISB3 lysc Ixror.TANr To Lames —Da Hakvc v* Fbuale ; Pills have never yet failed in removing difficulties : arising from obs'i uction, oi stoppage ot natuie, or l tn restoring the sy-tem to ( .eifect health when sut- j eriug fiom Spinal Affections, Pro! ipsus Uteri, the A'hites, or other weakness of the Uterine Organs, "i he Pills ate perfectly harmless on the constitute.,, and may be taken by the mo-t delicate femalr v th- ; out causing distress —the same they act I.K-a j charm bv strengthening, u.v igoratii g and res'onng [ the system to a healthy condition, and by bringing , on he trontbly period with regularity, no matter from what causes the obstruction may arise. 1 hey should, however. NOT be taken during the first three or four months of pregnancy, though sale a* any other time, as miscarriage would be the result. ■ Each box contains GO Pills. Price sl. Dr. Hakvf.y's 1 heatise on Diseases oi Females, Pregnancy, Mi-rarrtage, Barrenness, Steriii'y", Re production, and Abuses of N ttitre, and emp alicelly the Ladies' Private Medical Advise", a pamphlet of 04 pages, sen! free to any address. Six cents re quired to pay postage. The Pills end bock will b° sent by mail when de sired, securely scaled, and prepiid, by J. BRYAN, M. D., Ger e'a! Agent, No. 76 Cedar st., New York, bv all the principal drugg.s'.s. December t, IS63 —ly>c. C. 3 . ni € K O K DENTIST. Will'attend punctun ly and carefully to il opera tion* entrusted to his care. NATVRAI, TESTK filled, regulated, polished, &C., n the best manner, and AKTI(TC;AI, T>:ETU ir.SE'ted from one to an entire sett. Office in the Bank Building, on Juliana street, Bedford. CASH TERMS will be strictly adhered to. In addition to recent improvements in the mount ing of A(!Tiyi<-t' f"*" 0 - , ' ) ""U auei riate, i arn now using, as a base tor Artificial work,anew ard beaut ifuA art icle, (Vulcanite or Vulcanized In dia Rubbei) stronger, closer fitting, more coir.fort able and more natural than either Gold or Silver, and 2o per cent, che per than silver. Call and see C. N. HICKOK. Bedford, January 16. 1563. G. 1). M'CLKES & CO. Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANS* AM) INDIA 71UE3ER SHOES NO 133 NORTH THJRD STREET OIPOSITE CtIEERY T., PHILADELPHIA. Apr. 17. ISCe—!y. I'lioiogra Pictures. The -übsciiber has just returned from Philadel phia, where he has puichased a large and select stock of PHOTCGRAPH FRAMES, comprising GILT , EBO.YY, ROSEWOOD, LMIO.Y, AJYD CARD FRAMES, of diflerent styles and varieties, frcm 30 Ct*. up So Five each. ALSO—A neve assortment of Hietegropfc Albums, of a!! styles, holding from l'i. to 200 pictures, at vai-ying from 75 cent= to $"20.00, Suitable for the P ekef or the Parlor. I'IJOM graphs, Ambrofypes Melainotypts, &e., t-ker e tow 525 cents each. C7-Pxtu ,s of every kind and description copied So suit the album r:re or life size, on the most rsa- 1 sellable terms, and in the most durable manner, ii truciious in the art given on moderate terms. Ski light Gallery opposite the Washington Hotel. T. R. GETTY9. Radfoid, June 10 180-1. - HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, Pa , Direases of the Nervous System, Spermator rhea or Seminal Weakness, Impotence, and other affections of the Sexual Organs, Physical Debility •mi Premature Decay—new and reliable treatment, in reports of the Howard Association, sent by mail in sealedjetter e ve:ops, fre a of charge. Address, ' : >r. J. SKILLIN HOCGHTON, HOWABD ASSOCIATION No. a South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. July 20, 1864 Iy. CALL AT THE N: \\STORE. MRS. SAM L. H. TATE has received a handsome uflftortment of GLOJSKS, MJJVTELB, and DVSTEIiS, the latest style. A large assortment of SHAWLS, DRESS TRIMMIXGS, and FAM CY GOODS, which will be sold cheapo* than eon be bought eLsewbovv Bonoete, Hats, Ribbon* and Flow are always on hand. • Don't target the •'NEW STOKE," North East •ornt r of the Diamond. Bedford, Sept. 16, 1 <#o4 TC~CONPFWrPT 17 6otiii'))td* sufferer* will reeeivpa valuable pro seriptton for tfte cureofConruinpf ion, Asthrr d Srrn abitia, and all Tb*oat and Lung Affections. (free of charge,) by SENDING Oir adcfre*<* TO Rev. EDW ARD A. WILSON, Wiitiafßuburg, JLeof Co., N. Ifork Notice of inquisition. VI - HP.ftf.AS, Lewis FuHghi, lather and i.e.r at \ \ law of Christian Estrigl.t deceased, wh hid by deed and re!, asa become the owner of the s: ares ot six of the heir 3ot David Kelly lute of Liberty township, dec'd., to wit : John, Julian, wife of Dante! Grace, since dee'd., Elizabeth, wife ot .'ames Bowser; Catharine, wile of Bart lebau >!. ; Suran ai d\\ ..liam, presented his r>. tit.or. to the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, forth iha' ''.e said David Kelly, dec'd., intestate, 1 av ii g s. widow, Caibarine, surviving, him, an ! is ue ii ne chtldieft, six of who... .a named above ; and in addition, Sarah, wife of John Grace; Martha, wife of Win. Nltller ; now dec'd,, leaving no usue ; and Mary, vvite of Sarnuol Me arv ; and seized in his demesne as o! tee,-of, and in a certain tia.t ot 1 ind,situate in suui townsb'p of Libe.ty, coritain nag otig ..undreii acres, more or less, seventy-five acres cleared, and unJer f-nce, having thereon erected a nouse and barn, and app'e orchard, ; djom ing lands of the Hopewell Company, and John .vie Ciain ; and praying the Court for an itiqu-st to make partition ot said premises, to arid amo. g the heirs, dc-i which .aid inquest, or .. rtt of puitition was awarded according to the prayer ol the peti tioner. j NOTICE IS THEREFORE GIVEN, that in pur ' suanc" of a wilt _I pailition, or valuation, to me ! directed. I will proceed to hold an inquisition on ; the premises >0 Saturday, the ?'2nd dy of Octo ber, A. D. 1664; when -<>u h of Bloody Run, con taining 200 arr' .°, more or less, with a good PLAAK HOUSE, LOG BAilM t A jYEW SAiV MILL, and other out-buildings thereon erected, about 100 ecr-s clear d and under ieiice, 30 acic-a ol which is m-aduw, the balance ol ii * land is well timbered. There is as rHi 1 orchard in r ot), a good spin.a of w a lei, w a ii a neb ct Civer Creek imining tnio' the pr m.<* far to commence at 10 o'clock ol said nay, when the tris will u- made known. HENRY uiii.TiTO.NE, Adm'r. October 7, 1964. PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTV- There will be sold at public sale, at the residence of the su 'sctiher, in C'olerain township, on Ttl L'RSDA Y, NOV EM BER 3, 1801, the following described prop°ity, to wit; Three head of work horses, two colts, four bead of milch cows, fourteen head of young cattle, thi.ry head of sheep, one four hoi wagon, one two i.oise wagon, one buggy, horse g ars, ploughs, hair'-ws, thresh ing machine, one windmill, wheat, rye and corn by the bushel, hay, fodder, and a variety of other arti cles too numerous to mention. Sale, to con mence at 10 o'clock. A. M., of said day. when due attend ance and a reasonable credit wi i be? giv.-,, by WILLIAM INGARD. October 7, 1861.' TO 01 K CUSTOMERS- The unsettled state of the roaiket, and the r-' c sh prices charged us for all the goods w buy n w, compel us, in common with other business men, to require CASH SALES. Herealter, until, matters get iu'c c , .e healthy condition, we must sell EXCLUSIVELY FOR ("ASH. In leturn I(.r this favor from our customers, ve promise them onniMj ..t t.\ c very lowest ('ASH RAI'ES. We are closing our books, our customers wild please call and settle, all accounts are ready for set tlement, and we are determined to close tnetn. We remain, truly, your friends, G. BLYMYHR it SON. October 7, 1864 St. AUDITOR'S NOTICE j HE under-igned. appo-r.ted to make distribution | 1 under the will of Jobo Shreeves, oec'd., of the | balance in the hands of his Executor, S. L. Rus ■ sell, E-q., will attend for that pt, po;* at Ins oilice, jin Bedford, on Wednesday the 2d dav of Novetn | ber next, at 10 o'clock, o:' has been its cures, that it is last uper- year ceding every other remedy lor those diseases. The afflicted ran teiy upon it doing as much for them, and 111 many cas 1 more than 1 r.j other remedy row before the pub!!?. It i, recommended aod prescribed in the practice e! a lirge number >f the most inte! • * ligent and able physician- of .Maryland. ' .ire. is u ed and considered an indispensable house* I hold remedy by a la go portion of the first .fa ro-l under any circumstances. Its efiects are tru ly wonderful, soothing, calming, and aiiayirvg child j the most violent coughs, purifying, strength ening and invigorating the who*.? system, calming and soothing tht nerves; aidir-g and facilitating expectoration, and healing the need J DISEASED L'NGS, i t,us stiiking at me loot ol* disease, and dri ving it lrom UlO system. CROUP. dit of | l'his disease is announced by difficulty of breathing, shrill whistling or wheezing, tuck ing cough and threatened suffocation. 4*e. It uostly occurs in young children. No child crony i need die of croup if this Syrup is properly used and u>> d in tin e. Mothers naving croupy children should watch the first -how of 'he disease, and always- keep this remedy at hand, if this ; For coughs after measles this Sy tup's most excellent. F.xperiert - na= proven that it is equalled by no other preparation. The price of the remedy 1- such as to place syrup ! it wiliiii the reach of all, the poor as web as the rich, and ev,iy person should have it. Kvery 5 -rson should hve it in the house. It is a true and faithful friend to all who vat- jh ue health and wish to -ecuie themselves u grmst that most tembie disease, consump tion* It will be lound the mrst usetul as well as the cheapest family medicine in the use I v.ortd. It has been used lor the last four years with a Mieces- without a parallel. flic -10 certs per bottle, or three bottler fo. $1 • Prepared bv S. A. Fou'z fk Bio. ?r, Ki-i by H. C. Reamer and B. F. Harry Drugg Bedford, Pa. Decernb- 1 It?, lbtid — ly. time. MlHi.lStt'S l\DH\ VfcIIMIFIGC. ! <' I INCF. the lritioduction of this beautiful prep ra tion, it has been steadily advancing into pubic fa vor. Us astonishing fßcacy in expelling worms has wo), for it many friends wherever known, and j the-e are spetK .•. ing its praise to others, so thai > sit is fast being i introduced i :toN TO J*every family in ; ihe land. The*, for it, is becoming imN DESTROY E mense. Tomake it sti I more tvorN £*thv tbe prefer-' en c e VV ORM S! shown it, the I'BoeßitTOß n>, putting, it up in ' a much handsomer style than lorrr.crly. It is now j prepared with the greatest care of uniform strength, ; with plaiu directions, so th it any one can adminis ter it. II is fctirrly Ve?ftab!f —Tcrfectly Safe ami Harmless. And has never been known to tail to exoel worms, 1 where worms existed. Tho proprietors boldly as •r-rt that it is superior to any other preparation in ! the iso,Jd. ■ E7~AskforSHR!NF.R'S INDIAN VERMIFUGE, and take no ether. 2H rents per bottle. *, 'Prepared bv S. A. Foutz 4c Rrn , and foi sale ! at the Drugstores of K- amer antf Harry, Bi.iiorJ, Pa. Ue:. 18, "GT — 1 > I'dSS i ftlix t PJa'Cj THE i' S a -utn end reliable remedy for the cure of I Kktamtjus), Paiiiful Nervous Affections, * Sprain-, Bannr, Swellings and all diseases re- DtifX' quuii_ .: i exter ai application oi, man. On horses it will never tail to cure Pole evil, Fistula, old running sores, or Sweeney, I Lis:- if properly applied. For sprains, brtiies, I *r:*T scratches, crooked hoofs, chafes, saddle or ; collar tall, cuta or wounds, i; i s an iri'allibte ' t k temeily . Try :i and be convinced of its ctfi cacv.' i nt: r ?b item :?r . Mas Persons a til i tied with this disea-" no mat- ; ier of bow long st tiding, can be promptly and eti.dually cured by using this .Mixture, i ad There is nothing iri the w- Id so sure and so good to "take away hard corns, and cure buast Frost Bites as this pr. paia'iuti. Try it and saiisfy yourselves. Price 25 ar,d 50 rents ' *aw per bottle. Prepared by I S. A. FOUTZ, Westminster, Md. tK usk LCFor sale at the Drug Stores oi Reamer I and ll.ury, Beufoid, Pa. December 18, ISGH, —ly F OIITZ'S CELEBRATED HOUSE AND CATTLE I'O W i) K J{ S. 'J HF.SE Powders have proved, after a trial 1 of several years, to be superior to any preparation of the kind in use. The chief euperiority of these Powders arises from tbe fact that they are co mposed* of medicines ihal have Laxative, Tonic and Purifying properties- The laxa'ive ejects crudities f-.w.i. he -tomach and intestines, the tone ~ gives strength to the system of tbe Horse, and the purifying medicines contained in them cleanse the bloo.l, and lay the tounda- 33 tirn for a vigorous and healthy circulation, t/2 The use of them improves the wind, ens the appetite at.d gives the horse a fine, • smooth and glossy skin—thus improving the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble animal. These powders are not intended, as most powders aie, to bloat the animal, so as to give him the appearsnce ol beirg fa' V' I not really so—but, to remove th disease and promote his-genern| health. These powders will strengthen rhe stom ach and intestines, cleanse Them from offen sive matter, and bring them to a healthy state. They are a sure prevention of Lung Fever, ai d a ceitain remedy for all diseases incident to tbe Horse, as Gianoers, Yellow Water, Distempers, Founder, Heaves, Slav ering, Coughs, Fevers. Loss of Appetite and Vital Energy, &c.—These. Powders, if used two or hree times a week, ftirough the win- spring, your horse w ( || never get the Lur.g 1 ever. Cone or Botts. A few does of •*- these powders will remove the worst cough, """S 2 t.. horse. ,V -e owners of horses to H2 ■P feed a lew o<" these powders every year, they p; might save toe live- o! many valuable horses. MILCH COWS. The p. .perties tbm powder possesses in in creasing the quantity of milk in eows, gives it an importance and value which should place it in he bands of every person keep ing a cow. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them .brivs muen taster. j-ii HO as. In all diseases of swine. a° coughs, uleeis rc in the lungs and liver, &c.. hy potting from half a paper to a paper of these powders in v; a barrel ot swill, tfca above diseases can be, 33 ;cured or entirely prevented. By using these; £ jpowders the hog cholera can be prevented. So Prepared by S. A. FOOTZ, Westminster, Md. QG"For sale at the Drugstores of Reamer! and Harry, Bedford, Pa. Dec. lb— ly AVI.STAR'S BALSAM OF W(LI>C!BEIS' V. ONE OF THE OLDEST NI) MOST RF.Lf ABLK RIiMKDIES IN THE A'OKLD OR Coughs, i'ohis , Whoopi g ''nugh, Bronchi/is, Dj'iculil f of / lrt:if/lVi.r, .Isfhnt l, HinS.- n e, 5, Sore. T/trct*, Croup, un ■! every affection of THE THROAT, LUNGS, AND CHEST, INCUJM.V; EVES C O "% * 1* i? I> R '■ \ . wis PAR'S BALS AM OF WILD IF RET. So g'lif rri hUS the i'.t of : 1 n W Kill so wp't/ar rt i: r■ > y U'he --. ih■, .i it n-rr. r'/ to recount til virtuei. It word; p> >sL 1' r it. •• ' Jim/ 1 11 I'iiirr in the abntf nt and vo' left nony o] the many who from to _f st'jf. rin. Una settled deteae h or by it* lire, hern restored iu f,< islilie'vigor and health. We curl present a laa-t of < i':deuce in proof of our at UP riions, that CANNOT BE Di> KF.DI i SD. The Bev Jacob^Sfchlrr. Well knoyvn and much respected among Dw tier man population in this country. make- tbe fot'owiugs'ate men# for the benefitof the afilicted. HAXUVKB, P. 1., Feb. K. IL.IFI. Dear Sirt ■ Having realized in my family impor tant brnr firs the use ol your valuable prepara ! Hon— lVistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry —it .fiord-. me pleasnie to recommend it to the public. Some ' eight years ago one of my daoghteis seemed to be in i i decline and little hopes if her ecovery weie en - tcrtained. I then procured -a bottle ot yo-r excel lent Balsam, and before she had tak-n the whol ■ of the contenu of the bottle there was a improve ; men? in her heal i:. I have, in my individuil case, ' made frequent use it your valuable medicine, and i have always been oen-'fited bv it. JACOB SECHLF.R. 1 From Jesse Smith, En] , PrrsieFni of the .1/ mi CountylJi. i'c, AJortistoivn, Act# Jersey. '•Having use I Dts. WISTAR'S- BAIVM or WH.D CiigkKY for about tit'ec; years, and having ip&hzed its beneficial t-suits in my family, it a thirds me great pleasure tn iec-> nmending it to the public a? a valuable remedy in ca->->? of weak lungs, colds, coughs, ar.d a rem V. FOWLE bf 0., No. IS Tremont-s?., Boston. And by at' Druggist®. May 6, IS6-I—eo'wly | 3;./•••• w. ;;;; c 4 | SSTr —h |S hi 3 53,3f8Wringers Soid in 5863! Any woman who will persist in the back-brej';;- ing, wris t-stia ning and clothes-destroy itig proce,s of rwisTiNti clothes orv, when a " U/.ivn■#•>' Co! e. 1 ,r tifgrer" can te had for a few dollars, w mI, will save twice its price p> r year, n. ch>rhe. alone. ii e'the r . ztrauttzr and fond of ban wok, '• ■•[in: r,y wist rt'd pmi'i foolish." Th. value of =• gcd t ' WHEEL CLo "'HIS IVrtfXGEu.. Is ■ ! y known to those who have used them. This ■■"lacr.e ha-not its equal, It w ill urine bed r:o h s as wed as Ihe smallest article of clothing. Lt.-ati'. grt out of order. It is almost everlasting, and tt | death to culU ,ii„rifr,i and H.i< .i tooi< o' wan day * • Jus-, call at Hartley's Machine and Hardware store I and get one. Use it two or three times and if it I don't please ail about the house, bring i! back, r.o | questions will be asked and no charge made. | July 22, !fc>64. KICHAKI) LKO. M A -N' U K A C TDREfi'OK CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, &C., BEDFORD, PA. J The undersigned being engaged in theCabinef maku.g ousiness, will make to order and keep on hand every thing in his line ot manufacture. BUREAUS, DRESS LYG SiAADS, P.I 11 ; LOR AA'D EXTEASIO.Y TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WASH STAXDS. SC., SC. will be furnished at a'.! prices, and to suit every ' taste. COFFINS will also be rtiude to older, j CGTrompt attention paid to ali orders for work. Hp-Shop on West Pitt Street, nearly opposite the , residence of George Shuck. RICHARD LEO. i July 10, lSb3.—tf 1.1 Jl it u it. £OO.OOO FEET OF ASSORTED L'J.M --j BER lor sale at Glen Savage Mills. I WANTED—Teams to haul lumber to Bed font, Ac. Fot particulars call at my residence or at liced A Scheh's Banking house, in Bedf riL THOMAS c. GARRF.TT. July 2'J, IS6l—3m. Wool Wa is ted* Highest price in cash paid for WOOL. ! May 27. A. B. URA.V.FU& CO. U AUTRA V A" K Vli tia JiTa7 | (Si ocEssoßs TO MICHAEL WARTMA.N A CO.) f aliacro fiwff and |egar MANUFACTORY, j K.i. .113 -NORTH THIRD STREET, Second door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. WARTMAN. H. P. ENGELMAJT ■ March 35, 1861 LETTER (JF ADVICE FOR LADIES- 1 KiVE ANATOMICAL ENORAVI Uas information . ver befoie published Sent free in a scaled envelope fot tfn ■" r.ti. Ad liess Dr. oTAM'OP.IV. Rux No. 4.C.12 N-*w VorP. O. July 8, ISO 2 3in F OK A b 2I OH T R/ B E : A in Bed tor • to#u-" >, ha net i.v John H Push, about torn mtjes trn i He.'.ur f. ccrtai'iinL. 0 acres, about Stt acr.*s .-hated, with ioe hi'"-'', bam and other out-build.figs thereon eiec.ed : •ilso, an apple orchard thereon. ALSO—A 'tact of land containing fifteen about seven' acres cleared with a story and a half i log house and log stable th-reun erected, adjoining . iands of Joseph Hrir.key, lu' nA. ! r, -t'rrul an t ot •- I ei, situate in Juntata township. T' cl-a jis :n good otiiei, and th, 'ell i ... •>. ~i, i capable of easy ■■ prov- inert at —■' a ALSO—A trsct ot lam' in ' -• tr-J,i j.n ata "ownship, vnb log t' • • r.-f on | erect- d, coot >d | state ot ecttivatios. :: ,r to i -cbooi bouse, null, ! tec., adjoining land* of S-.,rt 1., w, iJoihes and oih i era, anil 'alc?> p' d tin . VVt;!; - ••' 'i 1 -• t i.l-' of .1 Ml I .1.11: y!' JI. ! taiuing lift acres 72 acr-•. ,-i- w a • i house, tenant t"n •• :!suh ; - lug t-sin r 1 .i'--.v cm j M ill thereon en ot■ I. \ !■. c .un - .ore: eft '.i-n --or—known a- the --S- d> i ■ if • -uS ' to • .it CO aciev ot a nil—)' . >. ' d u-id.r t i. ' with a log i.'t'i <• ttu-i . ■•-. i. .r, - Tioii'mat:, tieorge v'.iy to'. --. p :* i v m .It:- t -1 itta and par'ly in LoiuU.r. Vry i'c - :.>t, ,j.,., lately j owned hy Andrew VVol'-irt'. AlSO—lO6 notes liter Sto .eri.'owr -wthtn I j mile ol Broad Top Ral'roi—about 101) acres tie r j ed. with a two story dwelling ' cuse— .-v hart'. [ barn, stable, he., tbeieor. erected ; also, two uppie ! orchards thereof, of choice fro:;. TS- c-1' i rich loam, at.', capable of producing eve; v v.ri •?-. o! crop- of this clima'e. ALSO—I6O acres !.ei qua :'v •>* u: a i the .Mis-our- river, ciO-e the r.uitv •a , Harrison county. j—'l wo '6O acre true a Ij.v .tug ' .h.; r . ; city, the nct.esi „i n- . w,e.-t tf>. P 1 c' . Va lei—about 20 miles we.-.! ot Omaha city, a . . close to th. great national or eoi en-merit ro id lead ing es' in N lirask i Tetri'ory. ALSO—I6O acres, two ft. it's above Omaha oil v. on the _re. t bet..! of tbc Missouii. I'ri s ~llc, is Well t! beieij at.d verv desirable. A Ii f r 'ie, .aim were located at'er : oer-oii.-i ine'.— iio. ete. _■ a.■ fui -'Xairiinutioii of the >,von 1, ao-i .- a wi re led upon for future w-alih Map. .ri.wus t.e precise location are in uv po-- ~|.,n. A Lbt • —Tbree desnab. - io's in Ouc . t'itv, A'. '] braska Teiiitory. AI.SO—A lot of ground in the cifv >f Dacuiat-. Nebiaska Territoty The '.hove 1 a) estate v> Irl ae so I : urh p.-.ce is to insure safe and profitable .nve*tmenr. Note cbiig Hon- ct wj s.u ' 'at i will be taken in exchange p "in: itcriy gocd ar' i :otc- Mat 8, 1563. O. L. SHANSON O YES! O YES! Ihe undersigned having tal en out iuc!sorN. 's licei v for B. tiford county, ctt'-rv h; services to th public. JOHN !)Ei.L. Six Mile Fun. Tune 1". ip> fr zi tSLi ju.. .jg ■ sjHAr.-. J3, \ r HAS ON AND CONSTANTLY LEEDS - A ~ T T T r Q- ry 73 1* * - - -F JU-. U U JT 1 I or ALL KI.YDS OF GOODS. | WHICH HE WILL SELF. CHEAP FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE Bed fort!, Jan. , 1801. € P O ill S'A. E N tl E C FA UQCIIAIDS R REPUTATION FOR SELLING CHEAP STILL JKAItfrAIMVD. W( are now receiving at "Cheep Corner"' a very lar?* siock ci' Spring ui d .Summer Fashionable F...| pu'o'ic grr.< r.iily. 'hat they have leas.,.! f ot a tr of y 't'r, thi Urge ai:d convenient brick hotp| it thr co l tier I Pitt ■ n<' 'uliainri street*. Bedford I' s' At! !h \VSHIN(TOX HOTEL "and liC' It K-pt by Mr-. S. Ftl'er. I. , i use i> . .is thoroughly re-fi'ted and r. fort-' it" ' it 'li; ow Kjien for't a of ue-t V o . 'he 4 BKOFORO SPRISGS" if in_ ontt, w. i find tfiu hoti.-. • b plea< ant nd roi. ' rnpo.iiiy home. Evgi'y after'ion w,U b( par: '•/' lie arcorrtr o l ition and ccnPort o- cuei;, 'i tt vole -vi'l at ail time.* be upp ted with 'sr ' ;i< rr.m.ief# afford. Chertjej wil be moderate K*te:iive stabling is attached to thi- Ho!e|, and 4 ca trtill and competent hostier will be in Special attention will be paid to ibr itccorouioda. fiop ol tbt fa'mi,",'- community. Coaches leave this bouse js'.'y f Sun da v excepted; at t!.o lock. A M., ami 1 o'ciocs, P. to cot,. (•Aft a i:h t|, 4 ra.-.> going F iit fro;:i M .ui t Dal|„ ■ii.At !! n jr. .homernt, Th tt v a j, 'il-a- tv'.il it itKi-!" Sly to tbetf • : VA:''a' ti > p with them. Pgdford Jan. 22 loGl -tf. BEDFORD HOj'TLTa The underign-d ht-.'ii i: Vk. i 1 1■ . ( .. the Bail. I'crd Ho'el, foiineily by 1'• ■>. .".m :„fer r. uources Ti the public rhi t be ■.i ' - ,e lo jf j;d the beat a.Tonrmodeiiiofi:. both . eltng pub lic a. nd home 'ti-torn. i tie bo a'- i- h. ... ie in ; ttrn-.laiKe f7"B- !<•■ t bythewefic, ojoiitb or year .'•-rm i< srotab'e 'i'he |-. jUic are respectfully in. •. it~U to g:/t tuirj a cell. JOeHUA J. bHO£.MAKER, oidfrrd. *4-1: ry \\ J8. 1 HE MEHQEL HOUSE, 'p-t-iAs-* Strut, JRex-rosu, I'., ii " 't ■ uly be 2 i j,. vp to inform v - 1 ; ha h' ( a fur 'he j { . ••• 'in-' ' ':■>!' o' tjiiv tel. am boatdr.-, as we|i U1 on:• c 1 y cr• turner' I'Wso".s contipw r. :bis place :. 1 • ifij-r ol vi-itiog lb- Betl.ord bpriogs, will in. tth i.'>a.e pleasantly toe- A nri.tle n! co...enieni Stub.itiK is ''t.cuej it, ih. Ho'i- 1 . v. ic'a w-i.i always be atlenJe by a care -1 ' ho-tier. Aisc a me arul convenient carruga Ai are invited to give Lint a call. IbA AC AMFNGiEI., Proprttar. A; til, tr, : 1. sKI0>:II 0 T E L . • •Vl'.S'l PUT ST., FEJFORD, PA. ■ . j'f.l'K 1 '.X, Proprietor. . t.. 'i!'- ; hc;ei 1. , nrepred to accam. :i" .t - if.e HiU.e 11 t.n. best manner and m the . libera! • r. Asp! -t.dtd ■'"Y Si ABt,* . .' "fa i#:Ln !in I. [May 9, l?M. !• ; viiirnvr Efoils y . it 5 i A^iUVilU AT ! .J. :>i .b'IO£MAKER'S k HEAP STORE, NOW OPENING. i 'lis ct;s. micrs and the public generally are in vited V) ct.l! and examine fur theataelres. Rm GOODS aRE Of THE HE>T QU ALITY, AND RICA? AS THE CHEAPEST! LOOK t;i voir o;vk intiv-kst BY EXJMLVIW MY STOCK. A LARGE LOT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, Mwite and Shoes, OF EXCELLENT QI\4LITY % v t' I t t ■ . 1 1.1 • . t* rat n 'A i ' i i'jli 1 CiiijAf , toiin a part <>f my new stock. SA'STiVG & SUJI2ISS. WEAR, - OF EE FRY DESCRIPTION', S AiniHeG' Kress Good is, 1: R O CRIES, Ql' F.E.N S W AK K, &(;. r &C All to ho invl at tlte store of ,J. M Sht'oataker. .le.nord, June 17, 1804. WAi.\H iSiiitiT 4 HO., ittlicOsale {yratrra AXD •' TEA DEALERS, .V. E. C*rji,r Secar*d ip.d Jrtk £ire*ls, FHILA; .ifa. Nev.-rubti 13, lfC3—lv HEWtIYUI >."> T. .IBRELL l.i > tib, lbiit. CSoOK S£ : s prtparfiHjaVa coffee A Fr-.b jf this rxcelUnt COCj.-, juft re c-i*iv,i .ti- .at tL > New hargiie StorsTeb.