I'M. HiRTLEY S M \ ... - 1 J§F |I ' 1 ! * The Eureka Eay, Straw and Fodder Cutter and Crusher, Will safe to any la trcr viho h,s six beau 1 oi kor-?s to ke?p, at leas: sl-5d in on? •f-asoa. This mac bine ka-'been tmpioved >.:.ce list Ve-r. and is pronounced by the 'i.-mir.g public "The best Cutter ever invented." Having so'i more than 1' of tr.- r e culter* the past year, I Teapectfui'y beg >ave to refer *0 a few f tTitrj of Er--.. rd ecu: *y who have "h-m it use: Judge Burns. Daniel Walter, John Schnebley, Abraham i'ieig'r.ard, Samuel Boor, M. B. Mtiier, Swr.oii Xycuui, John Shank, Jacob Fetter, Jc.hr W. Roo-ver. C. K. Rea, Michael Schafsr, John S. Brumbaugh. John X- l'eeter, Henry Harshberg.'r, Her.ry Ci pper, Samuel-Griffita, Jacob Ycwst, Jacob Biddle, Job:: Halderbaum, Isaac Imter, Martin Hoc- PI, Adam Tibert. Wr. Gr:.:,ger, John lYhitelir.e, Frederick Schr.-b!ry, Adam Samel, J. Irvin Nch>, Henry Sttffler, George Bowse 1, William Rock, David Ka us, William Keyser and some 60 other farmers, ail of whom I am confident will spe k of th.s machine ir. the highest terms of praise. Or. account of the great scarcity of mechanics, the high price of materia", end the area! demand for these machines, 1 was unable t? secure enou_r to supply the demand last sason. Ar.i paving nc .v but -40 on hand, farmers desiring to secure cutters .MUST ORDER SOOX. ALSO— t still have ia store an elegant assortment of Hardware oi ail kinds, which I will close out at Tery tair prices. Farm Implements, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ALWAYS ON HAND. THE BEST Coal Oil and Stamps .IT THE LOWEST RJTES. CORN* SHELTERS, CIDER MILLS, CLOVER HELLERS, GRAIN DRILLS, MOWING it REAPING MACHINES, which I wtil sell dun ß sr the winter at much les; than they will be sold for next season. SAUSAGE MEAT CUTTERS, at old prices. BUTCHER KNIVES, MEAT SAWS, RENOLYESS of different kinds. SADDLERY, SHOE FINDINGS, MILL SAKS, it old tattt. IRON, NAILS, GLASS, Nr. Belrg desirous of e!o-.-g up icy- business, all debted to me will please settle at once—and per \ sons desiring any thing in my line, will find it ti then advantage to call, as I am determine i tocio.s out my present stock of goods at LOWER RATE: than goods can now be purchased tor elsewhere. ALWAYS 0:J HAND, The very ku*l Coal Cll made, CLEAR AND BRIG IT T, "Sr. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Thankful for the very liberal share of patror g which I base hereto ore receive . 1 - licit a continuance of the nat. \VM. HARTLEY. Bedford, November VS. 1*64. WISTAR'S BALSAM] OF wir.n chf.iimy. ONE OF TOE OLDEST AND RELIABLE RE MEDIES IN THE WORLD LOR Coughs, Velds, Whooping Covgh, Bronchitis, Eflailtif of Breathing. .I&tkrea, Hoarse ness, Sore Throat, Croup, end every if eel ion of THE THROAT," LUNGS, AND CHEST, IXCICDIXC EVEN V O \ S 1: N R T'l O T. ' WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. c ' s.*rA~ ! u t tit' * •' ctlti- rrttt"iv b~ ~onee. and *0 yop tbar it •• exmytetere, tilt ii it to err ent it* viri'tr*. It* sp'C.l- for is, atJ ii : vt',*rz sr-jf.rin- oil t't i u', t-.j./ j k*r* ly it* us* i-VM rrttorrd to ptistru* T> 'or m/i J hr-ii'k, IE.- .- p.-ettnt a tnjti of teidtxc* irt pro-:: ' of our at.. Ttinrr. rial CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. * THE FER. Jacob SPCHLER Well kr.oivn ■ v.uch resjwcteo acnonc the G >rxan POPE: • ?c." ir.'.-v.mshe. ?h% foFoaringstaie f oiest for the V: f.'oi the aSt : cte- ■ ;s. R a.. F-'l'.'L 15-"'D- DearS'r. liar ? C '-AIIZE.! I my WM-'.y impor tant 5, R- s from KE S? of \OOR Vl.ujh ]>RRINRT tion— ■!" -;r't tisti.i'.r of A' ii Ck'.rry —it • IT? PI-,ASUIE to MWIRMIM it TO THE piitilic. Some EI tit years a-T " •- my D--ibtet SEEMED to be : ! A D'CLIRE an-! little hsr->S of her recovery were en- 1 *- R-AI-EJ. I ihi ■: PRI C'TRED A bet-!-* yo-R EXC !<*nt BA TC ; BEFOR? SHE H-.C. TAK"N t*-* *.v ! ! OR : toe EOIVTR : . of ta? BOTTLE ? -• ERA- S trea* improve . reci:' in feea' b- I f-a*e, in oiv ia l"-i ta : R : - F R , R .... -• ot your 0 . F ia;-- cine, A : •L'J -..i\ - B?, STR. fited T y it. JACOB SECHLER. fre-~- J -.?E Satii-', F.-q , I'f* >•' r*l cf the .tfrr/TT V on' Bit ;; C, .Momdoxn, S- is Jet : !/- j '-Having us.! Da. WISTAU'S Balkan or UTu> ■ CHSF.KY about :. • I having lea'ired ;$ bsn-ncial TEMIT* to my family, it affords N T . GRE.? R ASSRE i recair.- r. i : *it to the > ub:I a-: a vaiitubls reraedy in cases of vr-ak hrtr?, ' 5 CJ . r-.s Sec., a r, i a remedy whieb I eo: -ider to be * -.-sre'v ifi ice t, a:: 1 may be takei. w.tb perfect sa ' "be the c.MSt d -Tcate :b ra tr,. Friol fit*. JF"i E. S:f"i. n HistinruU't? I L* tr in f'f. I have on s-Vrs! occasions o-ET f'v. W;STAR* BALSAM or Wtr.b CHEERT tor severe col-';, a: 1 al srays with decided HEDEBT. I krom- of NO prepiry- T ... thui is ir.ore elacucions or M.-.re deservt :* of ■ get •'ra! nse. The HAS been used with EXCELLENT ef- ICR BV J. B. ELLIOTT, MR.CHALT. Hall's K .. .v.*. Wlstar ! s Balsam of Wild Cli Try. Ncne genuine UNLESS signed BU ' or, TR.E wrapper. For ?a!3 by J. P. DINSAIOitF. NA. 4"'l , X v.N W York, i J. W. FOWLRM.V CO., Proprietors, Bostou. AND by all DTU:GI.-'.!. BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE. FORYY YEARS' EXPERIGNCE Has fa'.'v E--..')ii-'. D *• • *<;P-ri rt'v of REDDING S RUSSIA SALVE, Over all other heak.ig r:>p tons. IT CORE- a ! I: *ODS of S X. CI 1 -S. B " A,L D 5, BURNS, BOILS PLCERN SALT RH'-T M, KR ' YSJPELAS, SrTIES, PILES, CORNS, SORE LIPS. SORE EYES. Ac.. RE OVING THE PAIN AT ONCE. AND REDUCING THE MOST ANGKY LOOKING DWELLINGS AND INFLA LALION AC IK BY MAGIC. ONLY ID CENTS A BOX. FOR SALE BY J. P. DINS MORE, NO. 191 BROADWAY, N *-Yor*. ' J. W. T'OWLE ft CO., No. LSTTE-I O .'.-S:., EUJTNN. And by all D:iggist?. Mav 6, ISST—EOWLV ' CLOTHIjs G Iff SCHELLSBURG. Having lately purchased an exce'lEO: AX.-ORI - met it of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. EOR.SI.STTNS of Over Coats, Dress Cant*. Busi nes < Coats, - . Pint*. Ihts y Co •, I■*"(-.}* S. F* cy r i at/ Shi> ! *. Under Shi-is, D- ttc trs, Hour. . JWck-'itt, S jspen it I>" >/c?k 1 A Gloves, JJoYQ NOTIONS IN \ ' NIF.TY. We invtieour friends a., ', all who desire to nurchaee to pire US a cai! at our NVv ( I 'hi _ Store in Seiivilsbunr, where as we are . . BOSAAEM o tbe M 0 P •**•" Sy<:cra. we flatter ourselves we can render SATI-'tetion by •: -in-X justice to every one- We thank oar laariy east: "TIERS for their J-.-UR - RE. and herewii I so licit A CODTIOBTMCE of THE MLU KIAHUAG. G. BERKSTIiESSEH -N SON" S-.h -'l.'.erx. Sept. ! MS -4. A Most Excellent Medicine. J. F. CASTREYT-£."> KAR eerie F s"3er: z fro-n R - : - ■>' - T , N?ara G a, P P': .-.a, Barre, fee., will fir ; tf-IS A -r.EST ex - H T REM !y. S jt 118|| tn 1 rcco'r.:;-."!. bv SOME of the BEST as en in t. • State — AND '. - catruurity U." - bottle a-D sf -' for Jourse'.-. For = H- a* *.L D bauga's, Be. lord. A p." 29, ISSI !y. | J I'YF.RS -1 Of MERCHANT,:*# are RESPECT- .My N.ftrts-Y t taat ■WE HAVE Bnlucetl price- on all goc to c ■ :rep,l.- I wi:s the lireal . ccline LIAST I TERMS—CISH or F >2 :: A. B. CRAMER A CO. Badforl,October '4. iffit. : R\ R.. ... f \ l AAIERRAGEJ IS SE '.in- Ike | Erie Pl.Bp— certui: Y the i A, OF: 7 pur.p weii aiip'.E,.. to " N\ this climate. SI \ J \ Ptrsor.s ia need of a good M PUMP will DO well to give X me a call. ! J ■ ~F from A.', nrts of r\ * rct.lv v, ;H B- at:-; ed lo with promptness. . Abiir.rs-v; W;:. C. SNITFLY, : L' SRB-> fhurg. AEJ. I, 1864-—3AK \ ♦ ? R: * ? - I , r-t, I tr* JP Y-IUUHJWS, N^DOII A Ti D LOT -IT PJItV-TTE S. LE. THE W-'-ers •-? ef •!{?' :Lv -Z IWTJ?* ta whirl. • a' PRE* .T RTIK. >. W.:A {..■ IF -f ere.- cii- . TOERE R- ppon it a soj w* 1, sp '■ £ h-ss" 'i -tab . T_? M-?j cor ra.ewfasr !-# c; -xc Meet iv: 5- "lee pr- ut leva' -i frtMK'S CE-.E, CIG'.T BILMIETFREIK Ees.st i. : * ERASE reac_ab: ?. £ E.'.r.; EM X Rlc.rf-1-IRG. N r .: :■ - . : * O YES! 0 YES: VTE - - -R •• -. <,AT asctiaceei TMC-'.SE for BECTOFD CON-.5V. OSE.S his - rvtcesto the public. ' JOHN DELL. S:x Mile R is. Jar.*- Tr. FOR SAL. 12 OR T R J O E ! A Farm in Bedford township, owned by' John H Rusa, about lour nr.des irov bedlord. containing ISO acreg, about SO acres cleared, with log hous®, log barn and other out-baildings thereon erected ; .'so, en ar.pie orchard thereon. ALSO—A 'met o: land containing fifteen acre*, about seven acres cierre:! with a >"ioiy and • bait log house and log stable the,-eon erected, adjoining tend, of Joseph Brie key, John A. imgruud at oth ers, situate in Joouta township. T ■ , 'sated lan : is ic good crier, and the balance wet] timbered, all capable of ea:y im prove tn-nt and colt -.-srion. ALSO—A tract of Uci in H.r - 's - . Jq. r.a'a owrship, with log house, barn, ec.. :tie •on erected, eon: lnipg 70 acre* and *liowau--e. P.tit oi this tract •< el-ared o4 eitder fence 1 i a goo ; ,ate of rsif ivaTiot;—near to *ci. o! m .'. Ac., .• tt, L >w. li • • t.: oth ers. at late!'.' purchase! from W.Uiasn Hart-y. LSO— A i'-~' of let i in Union tov. n. r--. ■ taicir.2 C 25 acres. '1 acres Cleared, w.'t a latm I;.;;•. 'n?rt i ."•••ise, t c.r'e log i TT , ' r-w toiw M thereoc erected. Also, an apple, rcbacl fisne. ,or known a* the ••Sr.r^}e^ , ' or "Kooas" prop-rty -60 acre* of '.and—i ! > devl a:-* ni-r terce wi'b a log hou-e tbereo erect,-.-.. a;jurist? G?arg- Tvou'snaii. Gee-rse Aay a' t oth-.r-. p-tr' T :n Jum itfa at d partly in Ls; -don terry T©wcsbipZ lately owned by Andrew Woitord. ALSO 1 •■> acies • -T So tfi: within * ' mile c: Broad Frrtr Rii'rosd — ; ssboat 100 acres clear- j e.t. with a two s:.)?y cwti:-.;-'. : w ba: i ' b '■ . srabte. Ac.. tl-*reor. erected: afsa. two a;v rich loa u, an . c... ;b:e o. pro I.ici::*' every variety oi .-• ;•? '' • - ■■'• ■ •* ■* \* . SiO't " - V*T, c • '.*• * e t'J th -? ~''l' - V ' o? u xrz'i*<- 9 i Ci>. 'y, la 4. AL - 0 — •••"*> 160 ac: •? *racts, a-jc- ;ag V., or . —.b■ .' * v. 's- ■ ( ha citv. etc-c io >h. reat national or governroa-r s-ad :t?jr west is• rs- - it. y. on the ben.l p. th- Mi"-.-.; ■ Ti. * -ra -' well tiiiibet-"'l and very d -:r . Ai of "-.Mr ia: ds were seated jitter a p.-rsrnal iS'sfctiosi : . cerefnt fMßlilM'' OU > toe ... > •. ... precise 1.-rcat . re .n m- n. ALS ' —Tbr-e tes.iabic lots is Of|bl City, .N>:- ALSO A nf groan ' in 'he citv of tfac rati. N . - i Terr • y T. - - r .be-." t - :rh prices i* • si.* c- - pr ah • .eves'• Note;-, it ci-' e mp Of tr.y k. !. that are Ma: S, i - • U. r- ' dAXNOJi, /r*r r ~ ? -r-r-r. . i' A . , - j* gr I*- af-r T gL'sc %.-j r .?•< ■ '• ■ r 1 r EA3 c:: ha:: j A.VD CONSTANTLY KCCTS Ti. i: L L L U to P 1-. J or ALUKTXDS OF GOODS. WHICH HE WILL SCLL CHEAP FOR CASH OR COUNTRY' PRODUCE Uo.lf.tr.) J - 8. iH.'.i RICIMRD LI O. MA N U F ACTURER 0 V GABIBiET-WiRE, CHAISS, uC., B : CFOR3, PA. T e nr.der -g : be j red the Cabine f makii.g r . . t.-ss, "A to ©r.-er ar-d it'? or, hxod every tr.irg ;n his at ma&u. sciure. iU FA'S, DRESSLW ST.: \ DS. PAR LOR A.VD EXTEASIO.V T.' : ;LES, CHAIRS, JSKDSTEADS, IVASH SJ.'jX ./5. of ~ iVC. sv i be farn the t at ptic •*, art •> t every ta-'e. ("OFFiNb '■ i-o Ire made 'i c; r. CT"Froaipt att-*..t:r>n pa 1 to ail orders for wcr-f. Eyhiop or. West Put btreet, nearly opposite ih residence of George Shuck. RIChARD LEO. July 10, 1863.—-tf UNION II 0 T r L . WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA V. STECKM AX, Propr *tot. T; s exce.iefiS hotel :s : . a- pr-pred *o accc-n --modate th® public io the b= cnacner a: J on the tri-is' liberal terms. A spl* - "id Lr. ita* Sr* ius :s attached to th--s .. it l. [May 9, 1562 HOTEL. BEDFORD, PA. S. S. Diehl an! VilHlSi D: bert swhl a- .r.nce to th*ir frier : s in Bedfard coat *a * - p... ■- gee era Ry. that thty hive ;-•< fo: a '••r-rs of jeers, this large and convenient brick hotel, at t. - co • e of Pitt gg-..-! 'i . Be'fir . Pi., s'-w •- - V s . i ' N viT ON HJI j-L, 1 ur.d tat-f --iy v-yt by Mrs. S. Fil sr. ; ; i -. -g :n-:z'i'v r® ' -1 and re : farm*bed,■ •! b now open tot fbe recept ofg'ia-t*. V.. - - tsthe-Br.D?'RD SPRUiG-S" as •: - - ' atte: disg Coorr, wj.l fiat: tais hou*e a pleasat-t e I "lb® tnh'e wi'l at ; time* h® *•;;•'■ * W'.' t e best the mar:-. '- s I rd. C ir j® - wvii •- J- F.xt* i s:v - ; U afjcu*d u- . IF 1, s i a eare'-il sod cc!-;p.'t. r t Vosfter will be in artcndaisce. ,!•. ■ • ,*.r 'a ' •;■> r-1 I to tt accom* Co,'fi-s i a*® i! f. -•-* -.- 'Sr day eree :at orient, A. M., ao<; 2 (Fclocjt, ?. M - eoo ..- u P.® y K A .vat.'. •e ' --S --e *v iTw lay, Tt.cr-'' v.- • S or : *y) * -S. -.e'*-t. 0 Tb? tr v-1 • i r - v. i : * ie-iiy to their ■ .iuvij.'ege to *t.-r- * ith rh--as. Bco:to Jan.. 22, IS ' 1 —tf. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, FHJI. A ri ELPfllA, Ta , Direuscj of : ; ,e Nervous System, &c. rmertcr r. st Oi S."to il Vt'fji-rM, It; '-.tee, a' i rt:.-r a-.: ' . r.* v -\ . I P-D;'.*y Pre-r.aturr F-e-ay—r--.v - ' ' O* treatment, :a r r-.-ir's of the H-vucard Aioeii-.ioa, sent by teai! ,ia sewed t®tvr uv* o'--#. fre* of A Jdre**, s. J. il. LIN HOUGHTON. Hi '"ass Association Nr. '2 *rth N.".*L Street, I'hLaitiphia, Fa- July !£', i— Iy. CALL. AT r "i v v tr c"*"tp v* "i il' \* It 1 :v: tuL Jr. .j i v.:to. Z1 !.>. I*I. :i. ;Ai ~ i ■rt ... r . CLO. KSf M x . J ."*T. v.: DZ t ST£I.S, SILiTTLS, DH... ■ • ■ •' * 1 ISi'S. Un 1 r .JX CY tZ, US. ch will be s.M e.-yyer !.. > ca:t lv te >e. t ; v'L we- U .•' P •- -s ® : ' : * £ e-.v --e-s always >n huud s: P at I ,v " l tbo -N..\v Stuu:-," Nerib 1.4t e eewner l* lito IVvUotM, Supt U>, \ S . 1 k Unquestionably the bat sustained work of the kind in the World." HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE- Critical v.atites of the Pfft. It ir the foremo.t Msgazine >f tbeduy. The fire side never had a more iteligh'fol co npanion. nor'he r>:L>3': a more entrp:*iajt fnenJ, than iiarp^r's Mis i'i.;e —Mth --li-t f'.-o* *, Aaltim' re.h The roo-t popular Mont_ly in the world. — Near Yorh Olirc'r. VV'r must r®fer in terms >.f et.-'uey fo the high ttpe jr. ! varied esc# •••• of Ha- *—' jour.-lit wiih a irmry circ if#U'-a of ®bvot i7't,i.'ou e j-,.A —a ho-.e pag- s cr- Ic fonrjd son eoi jrhu.ct : ' .-"t ear gti.sra! r- ■ .irig o the iv. V, sjicah oi th : s work as it evi.ten. Eof lbs A "eric* pi-o;>Ls , th- p-->p j'*rity it he- ;..retl is n.e-- itei. F.ach BUtnbercoata ti * toiiy U| pije# of reai i; i rcolf -r, afp'op a'.- >* .. u-'r t:® ' Th gx>. iv> ; cut*; and .' coroa. i.es in \'t-M ' .•* rucy acoi "a. v at.d the irote pfctlvsopbical t;.i .-'-tip, bv. lei k\ h tuC he*t feature* o fee '. .y j oi.st. if i-l -e? e'. | power in the dissemination o: a of pare 'i*®ra- j ' tore. —TK.' asEu'.* GuiUi :j Amricir. i.t-,.r.u tir. /.* ■ i'jfi . I !:e vo!o".m b vifid crosfitnte oi themselves a - bra r ef nai-ret' :B*ou- reading sue i airt- be; foje.f i*. The -..roe con.pl?s .u itny o': *r p .b 1 a: tha' uss coa u< ! -r c.ir < —B-.-Jo* C.j . sr3sc;lir;'jDss. i b i) 3 . The pablis'r.ers have y. rfevte i a system cf BBai'- •p b. whiefa they cau "y th * Ma ; ■:- tn Wi-tsur fw-t v '•) r--v.h --. '.. i -;" , eiio i:C# s . . :.e i - )i t' .. cat; rr.- T -jre'lgeo H p - M' "r - t* - I re-. - , i V r, WhsCsJ nival be ; I d .1 l;.e . sr't j ■ 1 Hi a • .. y®ir. -- , A" i', .v , • ' ' •> i A Ben * • Set. ■ oar • iprif * i' -. •. Voit'iis. * ■ #t ri ' ■ i pc •*. 'reii ; .t a' -r . ■' ■ • • , for S3 -r v. -:®. •> ry■■ v *. i-- .r tl. }-•-'{ ii, S-) f. Floth --jses. hind:i j, T* i-* "s, ! ■ . T>. ~J pitd. Ato-iss ' HARpUFi A f-ROi i.A --r. A i • ?• I (TV ..... ' '•7 e i- :/. u.'i-/ / **t€C€iifu! Fa.'A it if V ->er . i //.. Vuion." i.-p- . be •• A . . .J. C... 2 "The Mouti. [S'*v*rars* at our gnu ; y— co .- Pcptf—Hiii'tE ■ ' •-' ' * r.ght. '.a its .-;•* .i II - OI v.'.i-.Zi-' f ION. " —A*, i . • . -1-. !? r . :■ ■ 1- ~n. O.U "u'ur- r. s'-- . ;.. rrsrir ' •. •. ;! pa -ucrs a.e ien.td io cutf.' —.me ln.i £r -- i ; tCv-.-.-y eve r b- i." —v. T-. - ••if is at or.ee a !c# 2 p - '- 'ic*i euJ historical ar.;. ■ is: of the i\.'~ — > i. r nt. -i ht test of it> . .. .... Aib.f.."— v ! titer. SUDSC; I-TIONS, I *. C- * T err 's! sr - v•* r- 1--A-& a :T '"- d : or M t.'w be sup l.i : -raTis or ev.ry -j of i c A tr 71 i " ; 'rah, In 01, tf Xtf-i.-tu' <-'J ;Ot iUt Col ;S f .- ' i ! Back run.hers can b® supplied *t iry time. The Hl reloDes ef Ujiy-r't I Yrt£ltf. in nf.r cloth b..'i i 2, Will be se. Th, e.vpte**. free of ex perse. :>: S • each. A totnp -t* s-' t. coff-prt-m® Eight Volurritf ;. set f oa receipt of casa a: in oi $1 09 jt-.-r vol., fteigh- >; <-xpr. <- - .- re;,-, er. Aidress HAR) iG. F .Oi ; i >, rrn.-iif* $7H*Tt. .\tm- Sew inter Qceds, AT r nt qii(ip\c i tn r ' -: v U . i. sJiu-Uiii t . L.VijJth • ■ PTTI? A ' p QT( \TZ V A.JL JLJ-^zL j. *-" i. wiAA -- • LOW OPENING. Hi* 1 ti.;- ' 'rn'ly rt-o •:.- Vl'. ItU■ Hi tiTi.l CT'. II'.V '. .TT" l.i'-...* - V - - in ir* try, " > RE i.F iHA i.A'T Qi ALIT i", AND LAI CAP AS A,ii. ! .1 iAi'uSi w B wr ii_a to-* "to TO YOl!! OWN INTEREST ' Zi i K CA.'ZIX r .r i Aj U- A. A LA RUE LOI Of READY-MADE CLOTHING, r I Boots and Shoes* OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, AND VERY CHEAP. term a part ot' my i. -w -to.nk. HEIIS" MT3T2H WDN2I, 0-F E. Alt DEi AIPIIOX* Szadies 5 I^rcss* tiiLOcSKiilS, QUI: ENS VV ARE.&C .AC {f AU I#' w i vi iu ti;* 1 *. .'-rv J. M. to. xnito.cr i ILxiioiixL N. v ff"\ ISC i. NEW GOODS. i c The undersigned hive just opened a large and gen- , era! assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS- 1 Embiaeiag manv varieties oi fabric*. new and beautiful- [ p Having on hard a large stock purchased previon*' t to the late advance, we are enabled to offer many ! a n A I! G A f X S THA'I CANNOT BE FOCND ELSEWHERE. | O.ir frir- Is. customers, acd public geaer-Hy. are ; , r*s • u. : v r.vited to coll ar.4 exrmiss our stock , n: -i es before nur--ba-rng, we er- djH'ru 'tsf To - ■. i at SHORT PROFITS, thereby ensuring large | *.!>' i TERM'® —Cass, Paobccc, or Fr rr. Mojsths 'red t ! to *r-5- W: o wilt pi. u- promptly. charged on alt •.err, <■-.'* alter doe. j A. B. CRAMER -V CO. , December 2, JS6t. XUMDZES" &BZ>BB GCCBS. French Merinos, Thibe* Clc'to, French a'i Wool i R*P, V©• i Por-p'if.-, M->b.iir. Coou.;,} Alp*-::' ii. = l;O.'.io!e co- - c:;.' r. '! Dec-a. IS O->v V--'fj" ! > Ct :• \Ofir * ■ ' V. ""' ?"■ f *f. ' l: " j has i . as - -• 33 ; " - •• , ••• - 5 .-or *h* '=: • • - " to. or '.it; he j -re.. • -• fa'en. „'. \ , ! •it £ . ; i . • • N -r'> *' •.7 "s ,?• K\.Y£? >. F. .L" . *'L ■ t.l K 1117 !' '"."■O-Ari:- s*r. • to: t LO*. K*> RAI.JtiO 1 U.L littOP -CSi'S. V. Oii : .N HO E, I - - K"TI ** NO! i >*<. irz. 67* A R p-ttens fcyvwss* acto-'of# standing. wi'l f : - ■ * , for vie it-e to p-y U ■ * . L'ST x=cesve CASH E- N tor 4. IS i. 11 • _ • tree of the Bej. I . ford fc:a*triy i>... t,y Col. John Baler, *i-| p* 1 . to.< to an :t- " i the Bar ■->•' . wysbe w . { r " - ■ ■ - -re- J ; ; ,C - . e . v. -pa rM. r: to rreke ;t tnt table for ail. ! Hi- - :s • '! '• b t . T . eg.0.1 [ . T-~~- "re's b* . T - i'b! ai r ir,-! ! "A J. SHORMASt R. Br forl. Jaaa ry 15. JBJ I. : t ~ l*Z- i"L HOU3S, Jcl:.; ;a rrirtr. Pi. T' - ••• b i- ;■ iv- ti ir/.-.r® r - a J j-nitetj feu Pnaan bo:n int 'ii- ic coint ion of trav ! r- a:.d to-.;dets, as Wr'! si •'T.. P : ic.r.i co to - Lisp .c --■ rpose cf rmtieg the Redrord Spaga. wili . •* f' i; i" y Jo-a'- A e . r-.. •at S'ah. -z is a'tache ' "o tb-r H.>:••'. w •. ctter I. by a rit- Also a ia:e aad coaVeoicat carri-^e iSAA.C ilENiir-L, Proprietor. A rnl, " 1=54. U SlStffilfJT ti)., tit t t t V s ;|rfttr> qjt " p h* nn* PV 5 > vi :* v- -r . -e ; - 4- -.J V V V V V AND TEA BULSP3, .N. £. CN . 'V. -/ . f .?r C i Strut*. PKiEA .PHiA. NV.-t t 13. .-L -iy La' :Ir i" L Su N u A!! -RF. L L 4 - 'astcp • a- CRAMER'S. •Jav 29, I - it. PR'-'P *. !;ED T v.\ H'TPEC A F:- 1 --'*. ir-voice of this r*''!r!c S-. jost re- • c<*v r- * acvt ;or j dl t c - 'a' l/i r £ .. st r of Nr. ii. iC . OvSiielt ' 1 TV ■: ]A7 4V #*A N i i_- f . -JLV- j jlj jJ w Nll I- .iolisnl', Dez.'eri . BOOTS, SL'IES, BBS SANS, SM> mm A RUBBER SHC^S NO i; i NOiiTli TIIiRD > i REET Orr*>- Tt CHfitt'tY -T.. PHILADELPHIA. . lieto^rapbie Fie?a vvs. The -Bbscruet t ;s ;nt retorc.d frum . p.-.a, '.r:, re te u a,• t..--a- d a ]rj;e a- I s-lect ci f PHOI CtiRArH FRAMES, caavp.isii j . GILT, EE OA V, ROSEWOOD, L'.VJO.Y, A AD CARD FRAMES. of . dertnt s'y -s ar.d rii;rlirs, frcm "29 et*i. np t:> l ive fiyii ;rs, each. ALSO—A dc assortrneat of pi Al'snc s, j i-f e'i it-' s. - r frxr I*2 t-v -■ -0 r- "'res, at pt ■- * 3 ,r; from 75 cents to $29 -!. AUDITORS NOTICE. The nnders.g-ed aoli'or, ap;>t'.rref by tte Or r-ar-* CVtirt to make di-!rtb;,t ; .,a of it* fund in - b>- *- of .ho C. K Pie. a, - ,n<*rtor or" the i e*taie <•: Jacob R tile, late or Js-,.a*a fowii-bip. De i eeael. to the Q'-r. -s of b: apr-.intßaeaf .; f ■*: i ?i.*e in S-'ord, make dap ta* ta <>f •• -in fin • '*• 'a- "st* Par .el FteVher, i ef t**e ' - C r -s.•'• :.er. "- ;f ?•;. • --s'sip. ' deeAT v* e"-v tot'* 'i' -of h.- -i-p-.'-• i *:■* •: ■ -ug i *vr*. jo W -b s-fiv, "*. • 4th -s- Ho- ii,, 4*c.. very cueap. i/tcesibrr 2, ISffl. CLOTHING: A . 7 via* sort meat of READY MADE CLOTHING v< T received at CRAMER ac LO s. December *2, xS6t. C • •IIfCK 1) ii , /tcSSbv ( " : w- __ v . DTJTTITT. \\ -.**-• f puneti. i v ard carefolif To a": -pert * • . ' .* • .fed 'o fc'srare. N.ij! ilThtk - , regu. .'ed. p-oiisbed, tie., n ' b- t * • n't * : AariTciat. TEETH ir rrtsd fro - '■! ? - f.re . -f. Dir. - in t J Ea: k Badding, on Julia:.a s'reet, CASH TERMS will be strictly adhered to. In a' : to ree'rit irrp.ov-*rr.en : s r- *i -*vt •• 2 Asr F CTAL Ti-tiu T tj.- "I S r-r I r. a* a b>- f" **er*,it** ..■ : : sin get, closer cu p. aa 'e c *■:*- : rr re p3. Ccr-iTf." ve .-f-rer-r w.*l '-c w r** ■' 1 ' rr#- -ei ' ! : ' - r -.: I" :■-••*' o A" *> y it ! . J'fvra-* i - L-'- z Jff-clia. x. r*-: t bv <=-• "• * rt, •*.* a ' - - - K-v -V A. AiL- N V. (It • *l-011 i. K i- < .. !•- i • C'- . CJ T H .. - • : L-h . . * •-% 4 r , - It"" rr-n -. . * " ' '-1 : -i-1 i *• * 4 P— t C Nit; -i pG J 53,313 Wringers Sold in 1863! •try nrsr : who will j-r*ist in fh* bscs-br-ak ire. ri*f--?!a:r,ing and clofbes-d'**'" —i -- .-.-s i -Tl*. C •*. 'ry, her a• C. ' ' IP- _- "* c.*r ue f. t for a i-*.v fV :t-. * ■' ■ #a*. " 1-1 c- p't y*n. in c' -he- J : either -jri.ii.i.'T-: i food of ' -*H vo t, 'r "p* t y i fo" ' -h Th > v;-, a- <*•' a ; 'Ovi ! * CCJ6? ir&VFL CfRVTBES WKtTt&ER. m- y ... sth is ttoae v*i > Iwe u-- : Ikes. Tm iti -hi-rots:* t;-i- It vci.i sa.— r.g b z-r z'-ti S We, IOS fbe srii lllrt! artic'v of clot hi' p. i' i t tit r i' * i r-r - *;. - :" to rt ar, 1 i i:i te f. ' v i-t. ay*' J.f, i ■" it- j". Mach.r.e -' • s Haria :e *tctt i r i .*. L it !3: ",r>f t .i. : ■Jo: *t (■ *.> ail about the hou bring it - xck, xa qje-:,: ; s will fie asiitd and no ca.; = e mai=- Ju.y -2, 2S6i. Orpbnnf ! Court Mlf OF REAL ESTATE. Bv virtu* of en order of the Orphaft?' Coi't c ' ¥■*• r•. courtV, If- ar-ierssgr-e t a-Jas:.**. -**a*3*of -• - a T e ~j H- ry Muwrjr. d-*c"'-. v -tpeb* -e -ne, on ta- eni— -, c SATURDAY ■ -•' ii-r I - it, a" i > ""i*io :a, A. M. .vi.f stay, the real estate M Wiirh s: I ifef-a-- 5 **'. u itv A Lfir O" GROUND, s i- 1= ■ II irso; towc-b p, Bedford county, o rj.:. nga st . c. * t ■ ' S*r ■■•*: * iva':-- . .• ** - • :'• tt iii :e, G.-.ir Si 'h and t i . Mann's a ; s. AI-3—ONE LOT OF GPOCND. s ' 1 - . * . .*.; - •!>, C-e-*n 'g - x ae-e i •"C <"* ? > a r • r cud,.**.'l-30, with a LOG OL'fE "' '* '* erected, adjo. 4 U* sof Dan.el Hot. .1 -.n A. Poor-... rir-'i:; ' "t lot-, suitable for homes for persons of lueaiis. Terms CA-K. FREDERICK MOWRT, A: - Novea:ber3. lift. WAUV4 m 1 E\GLLHI\' (SvcceiMis TO MICHAEL vA'ARTMAN SCO- Totatro Suuff an;' 'sty.3t MANUFACTORY, No. 313 NORTH THIRD STREET, i Secoad ooor below Wood. , . PHILADELPHIA. '• v . WARTY!AN. H. p. EXGF.LNA.f- M irvb lbJ4. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE- Le'fer- of a-im>u iitraiioc as the e-ra'e of Jot**- than Smin, fate oi Monroe towns..ip, dec**s#d. hav rg beer gnr **•! to ~t* sabaenbe:. a -o*' irtdebttd to -sr; est.,te are no* t*l 'J smapto.ate pey-necr, a--d those 5r;;;a ; a:-i * gaiost tee lia*,w::! Pr-sent them duly a - • Cited tor *elt:iTeer. JKREMfAH FAUGHMAN. Adrn'r. Nov cat tor 25, IS-S4—6:*