Business Carts. JOSEPH W. TATE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD J£ Will promptly attend to collections ' oini ness entrusted to his care, in Bedford J counties. notes, military and Cash advanced on judgment* ' other claims. ' . in Jatesviile, and St. Jo- Has for sale ' Bal ,, oai j Farms and unimproved reph's, on e y aCTf to too acres to suit purchasers, land, t he "Alengel Hotel" and °®? need & Schell. B %prd I,ISCI— ly J. R. DURBOHROW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, FA. Office cne door South of the "Mengel House." Will attend promptly to a'l business en'rusted to his care in Bedford ana adjoining counties. Having also been regularly licensed to prosecute claims against the Government, particular attention will be given to the collection of Military claims of all kinds°; pensions, back pay, bounty .bounty 'oans, fc c , Apt'l 1, 1864. ESi'V M VLSI?, ATTORNEY JT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining coun ties. Military claims, back pay, bounty, &c., speedily collected. Office with Mann & Spang, on Juliana street, two doors South of the Meogel House. Jan. 22, 'CI. I . H AKK HS , ATTORNEY A'Z>L IW, Bedford, Pa. Will promptlj attend to all business entrusted to his care. Military claims speedily collected. O*"office on Julianna street, opposite the Bank, one door noith of John Palmer's office. Bedford, September 11, 1863. P. M. KIMMELLT * L W ;I.T G T!!.n I ' T " HIMMSLL & LIKGEWFELTiR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA. formed a partnership in the practice of the Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors bouth of the"Mengel House." G E. SPAKG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA Will nromptly attend to coiLctions an all busi ness entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining C on luhana Street, three do-ms south of the "Mangel House," opposite the residence of Mrs. Tate. „ May l V JOHN P REFO. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, TA., Respectfully tenders his services to the Public. tr7"office second door North of the Menge. House. Bedford, At g, 1, 1861. J0 H A PALMER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. rrp-\Vill promptly attend to all business entrus ted to his tare. Office on Juhanna Street, (near ly opposite the Mengel House.) Bedford, Aug.l, 1861. 1. I!. FOFFROTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Somerset, Fa. Will hereafter practice regularly in the severs. Courts of Bedford county. Business entrusteu to his care will be faithfully attended to. December 6, 1861. F.C.DOYLE, M. D., Tenders his professional services to the citizens o I Bloodv Run and vicinity. Office next door to ne hotel of John C. Bla.k. [J une 10, 1864 j7L. MAKBOURG-- M. D. Having permanently located, respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Office on West Pitt street, south side, nearly op posite the Union Hotel. O-.liV.d, lMiuai 13, ICO4. F. M MARBOURG, M. B , SCHELLSBURG, PA, Tenders his professional services to the people of that place and vicinity. Office immediately oppo site the store of John E. Colvrn, in the room for merly occupied by J. Henry Schell. July 1, 1864. DAVID DEFIB A.UGH, G U N S M 1 T II , BEDFORD, PA., Workshop same as formerly occupied by John Border, deceased. Rides and o'her guns made to or der, in the best style and on reasonable terms. Spe cial attention will be given to the repairing of fire arms. July 1,1864—iy. 8A MTF L KETTBRMIR, BEDFORD, PA., fU7*Would hereby notify the citizens of dedford county, that he has moved ro the F-orough of Bed ford, where he may at all times be fonnd by person, wishing to see him, unless absent upon business pertaining to his office. Bedford, Aug. 1,1861. JACOB RREO, J.J. SCHELL, REED AAD SCHELL, BANKERS k DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, BEDFORD, PKNN'A. tL7"DRAFTS bought and sold, collections made and money promptly remitted. Deposits solicited. J. ALSIP & SON, Auctioneers & Commission Merchants, BEDFORD, PA., Respectfully solicit consignments of Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, Clcthine, and all kinds of Merchandise for V r 'TION and PRIVATE Sale. REFERENCES. PAITABELPHIA. BF.OTORD, Phiiip Ford & Co., Hon. Job Mann, Boyd & Hough, Hon. W. T. Daugherty Armor Young & Bros., B. F. Meyers. January 1861—tt. SCOTT St STEWART, AUCTIONEERS AND (Hommt9sion fllcnljants Jayne's Marhle Building, 616 Chestnut St., epillar i. . eve y where, that i' is unnecessary to recount its virtues. Its works speak for it, and find 1 utterance in the abundant and voluntary t ' many of \ the many srho from long suffering and settled disease \ h iby its use been restored to pi istine vigor and I health. We can present a mass of evidence in proof of our assertions, that CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. The Per Jacob Sechler Well known and much respecteu among the German population in this country, makes the fol'ewingstate ment for the benefttof the afflicted. HANOVER, Fa., Feb. 16, 18'9. Dear Sirs : —Having realized in my family impor tant benefits from the use of your valuable prepara tion— Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry —it tSords me pleasure to commend i* to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a dec! and little hopes of her recovery were en tertained. 1 then , rocured a bottle of yoe.r excel lent Balsam, and before sne had taken the w..01e of the contents of the bottle there wa-i a great improve ment in her heal'h. 1 have in my individual case, made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have always been benefited by it. JACOB SECHLRR. ! from Jesse Smith, Esq , PTtsid'nt of the AL rris County Bank, Morristown, ..Yew Jersey. •Having u ed DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD! CHEEK* lbrnnout fifteen years, arid having realized I its beneficial results :n my family, it affords me • great pleasure in recommending it to the public as j a valuable remedy in cases of weak lungs, colda, j coughs, ore., ai.d a remedy which 1 consider to be ] entirely innocent, and may be taken with perfect ! safe'y by the most delicate in health, i from Hon. John E. Smith, a Distinguished Lawyer in Westmintter, Mi. 1 have or. severai occasions used DR. WISTAR'S • Balsam OP WILD CHEER* for severe colds, and al ways with decided benefit. 1 know of no prepara tion that is more efficacions or more deserving of general use. ... ~ . - The Balsam has also been used with t xcellent ef fect by J. B. ELLIOTT, Merchant, Hall's Cross i Roads, Md. Wiskar'fc Balsam of Wild Cherry None genuine unless signed 'L. BUITS," on tr.e j ! wrapper. For Sala by J. P. DINSMORE, No. -101 Bioadwiy, New York, j I J. W. FOWLEiV CO., Proprietors, Boston. j And by all Druggists. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALV2. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE ! ! Has fully established the superiority of REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE, Over all other healing preparations. It cures all kinds of SORES, CUTS. SCALDS, , BURNS, BOILS, ULCERS, SALT RHEUM, ER-; YSIPELAS, STIES, PILES, CORNS, SORE LIPS, . SORE EYES, 4-c., RE MOVING THE PAIN AT : ONCE, AND REDUCING TH£ MOST ANGRY LOOKING SWELLINGS AND INFLAMATION | AS IF BY MAGIC. ©NLY 25 CENTS A BOX, FOR SALE BY ; J. P. DINSMORE, NO. 491 Broadway, New-Ycrk. ■ J. W. r'OWLE & CO., No. 18 Tremont-et., Boston, j And by all Druggist*. May 6, 1864—eowly : : ' J ,'v ; -1 Xp> BP V'.-s- X-U-J' - 'j. , ! ' RA L ••••' & o-o ' on 53,5i8-Wringers Sold in 1853! Any woman who will persist in the back-break ir.g, wrist-straining and clothes-destioying process of tw 1 ST ino clothes dry, w hen a " Universal Clothes d i Wringer " can be bad for a few dollars, which wi:l - i save twice its price per year, in clothes alone, is - ; either extravagant and fot.d of hard work, or "pen si ny wise and pound foolish." The value of a good COG WHEEL CLOTHES WRINGER, L only known to those who have used them. This machine bus not it equal. v lt wiii wring bed clothes as well as the smallest article of clothing, ii can', get out of order. It is almost everlasting, and it death to cold dinners and black looks o' wash dayss Just call at Hartley's Machine and Hardware stora and get one. Use it two or three times and if it don't please all about the house, bring it back, no questions will be-asked and no charge made, July 22, 1664. * 10,000 ifcs. of WOOL Wanted, at J. M. Shoemaker's Store, for which tbs"highes; market price will be paid in Cash cr Stase Goods. June 10, 1564. s jdUYERS Of Merchandise are respectfully i a formed that we have , Reduced prices on all goods, to correspond with the firea! decline ! j TERMS—Cash or Produce. A. B. CRAMER & CO. Bedford, October 14, 1854. I | PUMPS!!! e. TflNs lam engaged ir selling the it fj?\ Erie Pump—certainly the L ££*>•■ v only pump well adapted to ''.gffi \\ climate. st ■ v Persons in need of a good >'>, pnmp will do well to give | ipi ' me ac£ 1. , i w f- -??*> CS?"Orders from all parts of the eonnty will be attend ed to with promptness. tils ADDRKSS: ' JG WM. C. SNIVELY, Schellsburg. ■ Wk Aug. 1, 1864.—3 m Pension and Bounty ClaiiiisT U. H. AKERS has received all the forms and in structions for procuring Jjoldiers' Pension andßoun- , ty money. He Lo h.w a partner in Washington Cttv to prosecute the claim? speedily. Bedford, Nov. 2?, 1853—tf dnTonTi o t e l . WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA. V. BTECKM AN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom modate the public in the best manner and on tha most liberal terms. A splendid LIVERY STABLE i 3 attached to this hotel- [May 9. l Mhr the prefer ence WORMS! shown it, the , Proprietor is japutting it up in ' a much handsomer style than formerly. It is now ; prepared with the greatest care of uniform strength, | with plain directions, so that any one can adminis ! ter it. It is entire!* Vegetable—Perfectly Safe and Harmless. And has never been known to fail to expel worms, i where worms existed. The proprietors boldly as ; sert that it is superior to any other preparation in the wo; Id. for SHRINER'S INDIAN VERMIFUGE, j and take no other. KTTriee 25 cents per bottle. •.•Prepared by S. A. Foutz St Bro., and for sale S at the Drug Stores of Reamer and Harry, Bedford, ! Pa. Dec. IS,'63—iy I os? tz's M ixt a rCf TilF. "ISa safe and reliable remedy for the cure of I Rheumatism, Painful Nervous Affections, Sprains, Burns, Swellings and alt diseases re ! pest quiiing an externa! application on man. On horses it will never fail to cure Po!e , evil, Fistula, old running sores, or Sweeney, Lixi- if properly applied. For sprains, bruises, memt scratches, crooked hoofs, chafes, saddle or collar gall, cnts or wounds, it is an infallible | pou remedy. Try it and be convinced of it 3 effi cacy. It SI E I iW A T I S JB . MAN Persons afflicted vith this disease no mat ter of how long standing, ran be promptly and effectually cured by using this Mixture. AND There is nothing in the world so sure ar.d so good to take uway hard corns, and cure i Beast Frost Bites as 'his propaia'ioa. Try it and satisfy yourselves. Price 25 end 50 cents j sow per bottle. Prepared by S A. FOUTZ, Westminster, Md. I IN rss CF*For sale at the Drug Ptores of Reamer and Harry, Bedford, Pa. December IS, 1663, — ly F OUTZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. TfIF.BE Powders have proved, after a trial[ of several years, to be superior to any preparation of the kind in ue. The chief superiority of these Powders arises from th fact that they are composed of medicines rhat have Laxative, Tonic and Purifying prcperries- The laxative ejects crudities j from the stomach and intestines , the tonic EE g.ves strength to the system of th® Horse, and the purifying medicines contained in g them cieanse the blood, and lay the lounda- ft J tion for a vigorou- and healthy circulation.! "Z> The u=e of them improves the wind, si length-1 ft eiw the appetite ard gives I'to horse a fine,' • smooth anil glossy skin—thus improving the appearance, vigor and spirit of this nobie animal. These powder's are not intended, se m, 18G4. c p o A IS E M II E IC FARQUIIA R'S R REPUTATION FOR SELLING CHEAP STILL MAINTAINED. We are now receiving at "Cheap Corner" a very icrge stock of Spring and Summer Fashionable For eign and Domestic Dry Goods, of every variety and style. To tho Ladies. Call and Examine our Stock of CALICOES, BALMORALS, DELAINES, HOOP SKIRTS, ALPACAS, RIBBONS, CUFFS & COLLARS SHAWLS, HEAPNETS, HATS, COMBS, VEILS, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY. Gentlemen, Comj- and see our Assortment of COTTON ADES, COATS, SATIN ETTS, PANTS, CABSIMEREB, VESTS JEANS, BOOT#, CL°THS, GAITERS, LINENS, SHIRTS, MUSLINS, NECKTIES, DRILLS, SUSPENDERS. groceries. Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, and Spices of every kind. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Congress, Flounders, Old Virginia, John Anderson, Natural Leaf, and all kinds of Smoking Tobacco and Cigars. Having adopted the "Cash System," we are de termined to sell at very smail profit, and the pitbiic, who have so kindly patronized us, are re-pectfuily invited to call and examine our stock J. B. FARQUHAR. Juliana Street, Bedford, June 17, 1664, RECIIAHD LEO. MA iV UFACI'UREH OF CABINET-WAREy CHAIRS, &Cs, BEDFORD, PA. The undersigned being engaged in the €abinet makii.g business, will make to order and keep ou hand every thing in his line of manufacture. BUREAUS, DRESSING STANDS, PAR LOR AND EXTENSION TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS,, AC., AC. wit! bo furnished at ail prices, and to suK avoty taste. COFFINS will also be made to order. C7"Prompt attention paid to all orders for worts. oT7~Shop on West Pitt Street, nearly opposite tbs residence of George Shuck. RICHARD LEO- July 10, 1863.—tf Wool Wanted. Highest price in cash paid for WOOL. May 57. A, B. CRAMER& CO. Cone and Settle-. 1 desire - nd most have all account'; on my bocks settled either by note or cash within 00 days, word to the wise is sufficient." J. B. FAKQUHAR, Cheap Corner, J ifiiana Street Bedford, July 8, 1864. Goods, JUST ARRIVED AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'S CHEAP STORK, NOW OPENING. His customers and the public generally arc in vited to call and examine for themselves. ISIS GOODS ARE OF THE BEnT QUALITY, AVD ! • I I I CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST LOOK TO VOIR OWN INTEREST BY LXAMLYLYG MY STOCK. A LARGE LOT OF I READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hoot# and Shoes, OF EXCELLEJYT QUALITY, AND VERY CHEAP k>nn a part of my new stock. SPRING a SUMMZR WEAR, OF EVERY DESCPIPTIO.Y, Ladies' Dress Goods, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, &C., &C All to be had at the store of J. M. Shoemaker. Bedford, June 17, 1864. ~ WAMRIGBT & a, IB kal? aa I r svoc pv 5 AND TEA DEALERS, A. E. Corner Second FIND Arch Street-, PHILADELPHIA. November 13, IS63— ly BEAUTIFUL SUN UMBRELLAS Jnst opened at CRAMER'S. May 29,1503. OSBORNE'S PREPARED JAVA COFFEE. A Fresh invoice of this excel! Nt coffee, just re ceived and for Sale at the New bargain Store of G. U. & V . OSTEIN C. D. M'CLEKS NlO, Wholesale, Dealers in BOOTS, SHOc3, BROGAH3, Arn INDIA RUBBER SHOES, NO 153 NORTH THIRD STREET OPPOSITE CIIEaRV ST., PHILADELPHIA. Apr. 17, 1868—ly. S'icmres. The subscriber has jtist returned from Philadel phia, where h< has parrha=ed a large ind select stock of PHOTCGRAPH FRAMES, comprising GILT, EEOJVY, ROSEWOOD, UMIOM, AMD CARD FRAMES, of different styles and varieties, from ; 20 Cl. ii> ao Five dollars, each. ALSO—A new assortment of Fholograpli Albums, of all styles, holding from 12 to 209 pictures, at prices vaiying from 75 cent* to ?M.OO, Suitable for ike Pcck't or the Parlor. j Photographs, Ambrotypes, &c., taken as low 2-5 cer>t? each. of e-eryhiniiand description copied to suit the a.outn size v >r life si/.e, on the most rea sonable terms, and in the most durable manner. • Instruction* in the art given on moderate terms. Skylight Gallery opposite the Washington Hotel. T. R. GETTY 6. Bedford, June 10, ISC i. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. Pa , Diseases of the Nervous System, Spermator rhea or Seminal Weakness, Impotence, and other attentions of the Sxua! Organs, Physical D-bility and Premature Decay—new and reliable treatment, in reports of the Howard Association, sent by mail m sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Addres-., Jr.J.SKIT,LIN HOUGHTON, HOWARD ASSOCIATION No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa Jtriy 29, 18154 ly. CALL AT TOE NEW STORE. MRS. SAM'L. 11. TATE has received a handsome assortment of CLOAKS, MAMTELS, and DUSTERS, — the latest style. A large assortment of SHAWLS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, and FAA R CY GOODS, which will be sold cheaper than can be bought eitciiiliere. Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, and Flow ers always on hand. Don't fvroe? the "NEW STORE," N- rth Eaut corner of the Diamond. ' Bedford, KEPT. 16, 1861 NOTICE. The notes nd papers of Jacob Broadstone, bars been left in my bands for collection, persons know, ing themselves indebted to the said Broadstone Wli | call and settle the same, otherwise they wiH be col lected according to law. CHARLES FAXON. J. p. Sjxton, October 7, IPC I 2m.' V. ft. HICKOK, DENTIST. Will attend punctually and carefully to Mops;* lions entrusted tc his care. NATUBAT, TBRTH filled, regulated, polished, hi-. in tne best manner s and AKTITCIAL TKBTU lusotieii from one to a:: eutire sett. Office in the Bank Building, on Juliar.ft street Bedford. CASH TERMS will be strictly adhered to. in :.ddiion to recent improvements in the mount, ing of ARTIFICIAL TEETU on Gold and Silver Plate ! am now using, as a base for Artificial work, a n' Caps, Wh.Ue Skirts, Fancy Finn reel SkiOs. Under Shirts, Draw ers, Roundabouts, Meek-tin- Suspenders, Buckskin Gloves, AMD NOTIONS IN VARIETY. Wc invite our friends adtNtß who desire iu j;urcii:;-."e lo give us a call at our SV,v Clotliiag Store in SehelD. -nrg, where as are doing bue' istratioa have been granted to tbe undersign i c ! on the Estate ot Charles Kocns, late ol Bedford township, dee'd. Ail persons indebted to the Estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims, can present them duly authes ticated for settlement. ADRIEL KOQNS, Administrator. Bedtoul, Sept. 30, 1864.—• WARTfiIV Sc E\ELTIi.\ T , (SUCCESSORS TO MICHAEL WART MAN tf CO.) 'toiiartd and ISeijaij MANUFACTORY, No. 31S NORTH THIR STREET, Second door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. r. \v. wartman. H. P. ENGF.LMAN. Aiarcli '2o, 156.4 FALI, x o € li FALL NOW IN STORE 1864. 1864. F, have just received a handsome NEW FALL GOODS, Embracing Piints, Delaines, Mohairs, Alpacas Bombazines, Plaid, Striped and Plain and ( ambries, Collars and Sleeve* in Sets, Hoop Sk.rts, best Makes ind Lateji St; !es, Cingham®, Table, Diapers, Tickings, Canton Flannels, Clc'hs, Cas-i --meres, Satinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Ready Mal Coats and Vests. Hosiery and Gloves, Scarf and Neck Ties, Linen and Paper Shirt Goilars and Fronts, Hat Evesy Style, Color and Quality. Boots and Shoe- in Great Variety. Made to Order, Call and See tkesn they Speak for themselves. Groceries, Prime Rio coffee, Extra fine young Hyaon, Impe rial and Bolong Teas, Prepared and Essence of Cof fee. Syrup, Rice, Chocalate, Spices, Chewing Tobacco aad Segais of Choiee Brands, QUEGNmiiE, Salt, Mackerel, sc., Together with a great variety of other good*, to which we call the eatly atten tion of buyers. TER 4S CASS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPE CIFIED. PSDVCXD, £>p!embe( lov -SJI -t£. Q. E. S W. OST^R.