PRESS ;-.i T-uVL RLSCTION JEt rv - WHEREAS, i. .nd b/.n Ac, o. %££ k WjjSL I PYt> ctlo , lS wit hid -A" Act to reprint- the G'fjo.ned upon me togiv tbfa Commonwealn" h t^ j> JOHN fWr 1 rT d States, or of this State, or any city or corporated district, whether a commis sioned officer or otheiwise, a subordinate officer or eirent who is or shall be employed under the legisla ture, executive or judiciary department of this State, or of any city, or ot any incorporated district, and also, that pvery member of Congress and of rbe St.ite Legislature, and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners of any mco.porated dis trict, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the ticne, the office or appoiot-n at of Judge, In spector, or Clerk of any election of this Common weslth, and that no Inspector, Judge or other offi cer of such election shall toe eiigitle to be then vo te df<*r. And the -aid act of assembly er.tiiled "an ac' re lating to elections of this Common wealth,-' phased July 2, , S!9. further provides as follows, viz: "Thai the Inspector and Judges shall meet at the respective pi ces appointed for holding the flection in the district at which they respectively belong, befoTe S o'clock in the mming ot I UF.SDAY OF NOVf'.MBKR, and each said Inspector shall cppoint one clerit, who ?bai! b- a qua'itled voter of such dij Trict. "In esse the person who shall have received the highest number of votes for Inspector shall net at tend on the day of any election, then the person who shalljhave received the second highest number of votes forjudge at the next piece mig ejection shall act as Inspector in his place Ad in case the per son wno has received tue second h'ghest number of votes for Inspector shah not attend, the person elect ed Judge thallappoln' an Inspector in h:? place; anil it any vacancy still continue in he. hoird for th* spac ot oc* '-our alter the time fixed by law for •h opening -of the "lection the qualified voters of - •r J or dc-'rtct for which such officer -1 cted, present at the election, abal! -i--> ->-o of 'heir number 'o fi'l such vacancy. ■ be the duty of the several Asevsoire -11,1 'o attend at the place of holding every r . t, sp>-> m| or township election during the ire uch election is kept open, for the pnr- I s <>i giving information to the Inspectors and Judge, when c lied on, in relation to the right of any prson assessed by them to vote at such etec t:o' , and on such other matters in relation to the as sessment of voters, as the said Inspectors or eilher f them -hall from time to time require, ".No per-on shall he pei mitied to vote at any elec tion as aforesaid, than a white citizen of the age of tvrcnty.ioe or more, who shall have resided in this State at least one year, and in the election district where he oif-rs to vo'e, t-n days immediately pre ceding such election, and within two years paid a Sta'e or County tax which shail have been assessed ot least ten deys before the election Bat a citizen of the Cnite ! S'ate- who has previously beer, a quai ified voter o! this Stete and removed therefrom 3n( j returned and who shall have -esideii in theelprfinn district am! p ltd taxes, aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after residing in this State six months, p. \idftl. That the white freemen, citizens of f< ;( (t States, between *he agenf t. enty-one and l*o years who have resided in the "lection district ten rays as aforesaid shall be entitled to vote, al though they shall not have paid tax. "No person shall be permitted to vote who** name i* not contained in the li--t of taxable inhabitants furnished by the Comir.ipsionrr. unless: Fir-t he produce a receipt of payment, within two year's of btate or Co'ioty tax assessed agreeably to the Con stitution. and give -tifactory evidence on his own oath or affirmation of aro"h"i that he has paid such a far, or >n failure to produce a receipt shall make cath to the payment thereof; or second, if ! : e rliim a right to vote by being an elector bet we n th" -'• of twenty-one and twrrfy-two years shail depose on oath or affirmation, that he ha resided in the State at least cne year before h „ application and make such proof of residence in the district as is required by this net. and that h" does verity beiiev from tbc account given hirn that he is of ih a--■ a ~- foresaid, and given such other evidence ns i 3 reouir * it everywhere, toot it it unnecessary to recount its virtues. Its words j;vjf for it, and find utterance in the abundant and voluntary teslimouy of ; the many who from long suffering and settled disease have ly its use. been restored to piistine vigor and j health We can present a mass of evidence in proof : of our assertions. that CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. ——— The Rer Jacob Seohler. Well known and much respected among the German population in this couatry, make? the foi'owing state ment for the benefifof the afilcted. HANOVER, r a., Feb. 16, 1819 | Dear Sirs : —Having realized 111 my family impor j tant benefits trom the use of vour valuable prepara . Hon— Wis tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry —it affords :e pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some : agoone of mydaughteis seemed to be in tertained. 1 then procured a bottie ol your excel lent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improve ; rner.f in her heai'fc. T have, in my individual cast, ! made frequent use ot your valuable medicine, and have atways been benefited by it. JACOB SECHLFR. From Jesse Smith, Esq , President of the Jtfjrris County Bink, Morristoicn, JVeifl Jersey. •-Having used DR. WISTAX'S BALSAM OK WILD CHKRKY for about fifteen years, and having lealized its beneficial ipsults in my family, it ..fiords me great pleasure in recomuiendisg it to the public us a valuable remedy in cases of weak lungs, cold-, • coughs, htc., and a remedy which I ron-.ider to be entirely innocent, and may be t; .ten with perfect safety bv the most delicate in health. From Hon John E. Smith, n Distinguished Lawyer in Westminster, fit I I have on several occasions used DR. WISTAF'S BALSAM or WILD CHEEKY lor severe colds, and al ways with decided benefit. I know of no prepara -1 tion that is more efficacious or more deserving of general use. The Balsam his also beer, used with excellent ef fect by J. 8. ELLIOTT, Merchant, Hall's Cross Roads, Md. Wistar's Dalsam of Wiid Clifrry None genuine unless signed "1. BUTTS," on the wrapper. Fur Sale by J. P. DINSMORE, No. tat Bioadwiy, New York. J. W. FOWLER CO., Proprietors, Boston. And by all Druggists. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVB. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE lies fuily established the superiority of BEDDING'S RfiSSTA SALVE, Over all other h u a!ing preparations. It eure< all kinds of SORES, CUTS. SCALDS, BURNS, BOILS, ULCERS, SALT RHEUM. ER j YSJ PEL AS, STIES, PILE-. CORN-, SOKE UPS, SOKE EYES, Ac., P.E OVING THE PAIN AT ONCE, AND REDUCING THE MOST ANGRY : LOOKING SWELLINGS AND INFLAMATION 1 AS IF BY MAGIC. ONLY 2.1 CENTS A BOX, FOR SALF. BY : J. P. DINSMORE, NO. 491 Broadway, New-York. :J. \V. FOWLE Ik CO., No. 19 Tremont-a'., Boatou. And by all Druggist*. May 6, 1864—eowiy • 53,313 iWringjers Sold in 1863! Any woman who will persist iq the back-break mg, wrist-straining and clothes-destioymg process of rWisTIKO clothes dry, when a ''Universal Clothes Wringer" can be had for a few dollars, which will save twice its price per year, in clothes alone, is either extravagant and fond of hard work, or "pen ny wise a r .d pound foolish." The value of a g-^od COG T VIIEEL CLOTHBB WRINGER, i only known to thost who,have used them. This | machine has not its equal. It w: wring bed-clothea I u3 well RS the smallest article of clothing. It can'. ! out of order. It is almost everlasting, and it | death to told dinners and HatJi looks o' wa-h days* i Jual ca I at Hartley's Machine and Hardware tore and get one. Use it two or three times and if it don': pleas" all übout the bouse, bring it back, no questions will b? asked and no charge made. July 22, 1864. Z 10,000 lbs. of WOOL Wanted, ! at J. flf. Shcemakei's Store, for which the highest i market price will be pair, in Cb or cm Good*. 1 Jvnn 10, 1864. ' SHRINER'S BALSAMIC COUGH SNIP. For C ought, Colds, Ctoup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, Pain and Weakness of the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, frc. r f illS is no new remedy. It has been used Save 1 for a number ol yeais in Marylmd and parts of Pennsylvania, and 1 as. wlerever known, acquired an unprecedented reputation for r .ring the various diseases for whuh it is re-o:. mended. So appar"nt is its usefulness, and so rtmavk ab'e has been its cures, that it is rast super- your ceding every other remedy for those diseases. The afflicted can rely upon it doing as much for them, and in many cas°s more thaa any other remedy now beiore the public. It is recommended and prescribed in the practice of a large number of the mostrntel-' ligerit and able physicians of Maryland. It drsn. is used and considered an indispensable house hold remedy by a large portion of the"TVrst families cf the State. It is use ! by all classes of rice of The remedy is such as to p'ace it within the reach of a!!, the noor as Well as the rich, and every person should have it. Kvery person should l „ave it in the hou*e. It is a true and ft'.i'nful friend to a!! who vai- it •:e health and wish to secure themselves a geinst that most terrible disease, consump tion. It will be found the most useiu! as Well as the cheapest family medicine in the uit I world. It has been used for the last four years with a success without a parallel. P'ice 40 cents per bottle, or three bottles for SI.OO. Prepared by S. A. Foutz & Hio. r For -ale by H. C. Reamer and B. F. Harry Drugg ; sts, Bedford, Pa. December 18, 1863—1y. tin*. SUBISER'S INDIAN VEBMIFCGE. Q . \ INCE the introduction ol this beautiful prep 1 ra tion, it has been steadily advancing into public 11- vor. Its astonishing efficacy in expelling worms has won for it many friends wherever known, and theie are speak u:g its praise to others, so thatv Sit is fast being introduced TO J* every family in the land. The., demand for it is becoming im S DESTROY S mense. I'omake it sti l mo r e vvor i i.iy the prefer ence aiready , WORMS! £ shown it, the PROPRIETOR iU putting it up in a much handsomer style than formerly. It is now prepared with the greatest care of uniform strength, with plain directions, so that any one can admins ter it. II is entirely Vegetable—-Perfectly Safe li-.-1... And has never been known to fail to expel worms, where worms exi ted. The proprietors bo! My oj seit that it is superior to any o'iier preparation in the world. K7"Ask for SHRINF.R's INDIAN VERMIFUGE, and take no o.ber. oyprice 25 cents per bottle. •.'Prepared Tv S. A. Foutz Ist bro., and for sale at the Drug Stores of Reamer and Harry, Bedford, Pa. Dec. 18, '63—ly 'route's 31i\tui'i> THE T S a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of I Rheumatism, Painful N rvoua Affect-ens, Sprui is, Bums, Swellings and all diseases re- Bisr qu.iiri an external'application on ria;;. On horses it will never fail to cure Pole evil, Fistula, old running sore-, or Sweeney, if properly applied. For sprains, bruises, scratches, crooked hoofs, chafes, saddle or collar gall, cuts or wounds, it is an iii>al!ib.'e v.B remedy. Try it and be convinced of its effi ii 31 i: I VI .4 T I S If . .MAN Persons afflicted with this disease no mat ter of how long st anding, can be piomptly and effectually cured by using this Mixture, .to There is nothing in the world so sure and o good to take away hard corns, and cure BEAST Frost Bites as this prepaia'ion. Try it and satisfy yourselves. Price 25 and 50 cents now per bottle. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, Westminster. Md. ! rsa sale at the Drugstores of Reamer Rnd Harry, Bedfotd, I'a. December 18, 1803, —!y F OIJ TZ' S ' CELEBRATED HORSE AND CATTLE I'OW JJKII S. r l HF.BE Powders have proved, after a trial; 1 of several years, to be superior to any preparation of the kind in use. The chief superiority of these Powders arises from the fact that they are composed, of medicines mat have Laxative, Tonic and Purifying; propenios- The laxative eject* crudities from the stomach and intestines , the tonic Hd gives strength to the system of th- Horse, _ O and the purifying medicines contained in ~ them cleanse the blood, and lay the founds- 55 ton for a vigorous and healthy circulation. V The use of them improves the wind, ariength- ens the appetite and give 3 the horse a fine,. • smooth and glossy skin—thus improving the; appearance, vigor and spirit of this uoblc ! animal. ! These powders are not intended, as most; powders are, to bloat the animal, so as toj give him the appearance of being fat when; not really so—but, to remove the disease and promote his general health. These powders will strengthen (he stom-i ach and intestines, cleanse them from often-' sive matter, and bring them to a healthy state. They are a sure prevention of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy for all diseases incident to the Hone, as Glanders, Yellow Water, Distempers, Founder,-Heaves, Slav ering, Coughs, Fevers, Loss of Appetite and Vital Energy, Jtc.—These Powders, if used two or three times a week, through the win ter and spring, your horse will never get the , 5- Long Fever, Coiic or Botts. A few doses of powders will remove the worst cough, on any horse. V>.-e owners of horses to ~ i— feed a few of these powders every year, they p; might save tne lives of many valuable horses, i * MILCH COWS. The pi qierties this powder possesses to In creasing the quantity of milk in cows, gives it an importance and value which should) place it in he hands of every person keep-! ing a'cow. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them thrive much taster. K j K O G S . Ctf In all diseases of swine, an coughs, ulcers the lungs and liver, fcrc., by putting from half a papr to a paper of these p wders in &s|a barrel of swill, the above diseases can bej 25 ,cured or entirely prevented. By using these! powders the hog cholera, can be prevented. Prepared by S. A FOUTZ, West--iitster, Md. j CH?-For sale at the Drugstore- of Reamer' , and BttfSord, P% list. IS—ly. SALE OH TRADE! A Farm in Bedford township, ov red by John II Rush, about tour miles from Bedford, containing ISO acres, about 80 acres cleared, With log house, log barn and other out-buildings theieon ejected ; also, an apple orchard thereon. ALSO—A ♦met of land containing fifteen acres, aboot seven teres cleared with a story and a half log house and log stable thereon es-cted, adjoining lands of Joseph Brirlcey, John A. lncgrund and oth ers, situate in Juniata township. The cleared land is in good ordet, and the balance well timbered, at! capable of easy improvement and cultivation. ALSO—A tract of land in Harmon's Bottom, Ju niata 'ownsbip, with log house, bar- , &e., thereoo erected, containing 70 acres and allowance. P.ut of this tract is cleared and under fence and in a good state of cultivation—near to c school bouse, mill, Jtc., adjoining land 3 of Scott, Low, Hughes "id oth ers, and lately purchased from William Hum y. ALSO—A tract of land in Union township, con taining 223 acres, 72 acres cleared, viir. a !ar;n house, tenant house, double log bim and new Saw I Mill theiepn erected. Also, an i.pple orcu-ird tbit. j on—known as the "Snyder" or "ROODS" prop< rty ! 60 acres of land—lo cleared and under fenc" with a log house thereon erected., adjoint*}, George Tioirman, George May and others, partly in Juui atta and partly in Londonderry Townships, lately owned by Andrew Wolford. ALSO—I 66 ucTes near Sto lers.owo- witi. njj mile of Broad fop Railroad—about 100 acres c!ear -1 ed, with a two story dwelling bouse—new bank j barn, stable. Ac., thereon erected ; also, two apple | orchards thereon, of choice (ruit. The scl is a rich loam, an I capable of producing every variety ; of crops of this climate. ALSO —I6O acTes best quality of prairie—near the Missouri river, close to the county seat ot Harrison county, lowa. ALSO—Two 160 acre tracts, adjoining F.ikhorne city, in the richest valley of the west the Piatto Va'ley—about 20 rriles west of Omaha city, and ■ close to th< great national or government road lead | ing west in Nebraska Territory. } ALSO—ICO acres, two miles above Omaha city, ion tbe great bend of the Missouri. This tract is ! well timbered and very desirable. All of the* < j iands were located after a persona! inspection ami ! careful examination of tbe ground, and can be wtll relied upon for future wealth. Maps showing the | precise location are in my possession. ! ALSO—Three desirable lots in Omaha City, Ne j braska Territory. ALSO— A lot of ground In the city of Daeotah, ' Nebraska Territory The above read estate will be sold >'t such prices is to insure safe and profitable inve-itments. Noter ei obligations of any kind, that are. good, will be taken in exchange—particularly good bank i totes. I Ma} 8, 1363. 0. E. SHANNON. O YES! O YES! The undersigned having taken out auctioneer's license for Bedford county, cflers his services to the public. JOHN DELL. Six Mile Run, June 17. IF. A. RIBD, HAS ON HAND AND CONSTANTLY KEEPS ! A FULL SUPPLY J or jc/.A *j>m or* I j vTHICH lift WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE j Bedford, Jan. B, ISG-i • | C P o A ii E \ IS E € FAKQUHAIi'S Pi i KMPI'TATIOX FOR SELLING CHEAT STILL MAINTAINED We are now receiving at "Cheap Corner" a ve-y ( large stock of Spring and Summer Fashionable For j etgn and Domestic Dry Coeds, of every variety and i style. . To the Ladies. Call and Examine our Stock of CALICOES, BALMORALS, DELAINES, HOOP SKIRTS, , ALPACAS, RIBBONS, CUFFS A COLLARS SHAWLS. J HKADNETS, HATS, COMBS, VEILS, TRIMMINGS, HGMF.RY. Gentlemen, iComt and see our .'lssorlment of COTTONADES, COATS, SAi'INETTS, PANTS, C A SSI MERES, VESTS JEANS, BOOTS, CLOTHS, GAITERS, LINENS, SHIRTS, MUSLINS, NECKTIES, DRILLS, SUSPENDERS. G2IO€E R i E S . Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, and Spiers of every kind. TOBACCO AND CIGARS- Congress, Flounders, Old Virginia, John Anderson, Natural Leaf, and all kinds of Smoking Tobacco and Cigars. Having adopted the "Cash System," we are de termined to sell at very small profit, and thp pnbhe, who have so kindly patro.iized us, are respectfully invited to oall and examine our stock J. B. FARQUHAR. Juliana Street, Bedford, June 17, 1864. gL PUMPS!!! |W jfpk I am engaged ii selling the p ; ir*\ Erne Pump- certainly the i if v> only pump well adaptor! to j JCh&, \\ this elimate. Persons in need of a good j pump will do well to give : |jt'vJßj i aneaal|. C£F*Orders from all parts B- -Ml of the county will be attend ed to with promptness. • jfcas! adxsss! U WM. C. SNIVELY, r JMI Schellsburg. Aug. 1, 1864. —3m Pemiioi and Bounty Claims. ] U. 11. AKERS hs.s received all the forms ar. l in stru.ctions for proctirin-r Soldiers' Pension ind Boun ty money. He a'-so has a partner in Wash.rtgtoo ' City to prosecute the claims speedily. Bedford, Nov. 27, 1563—tf I WASHINGTON HOTEL, ' BEDFORO, FA. S. S. Diebl and Wii.imm DiHft vrou'd respectfully announce to tb-ir friends in Bedfort county, and the puolic generally, that they hive '*->-d for a tern? of yearn, this and cor.v*n>ent brick he'e. hi the co oer of Pitt and Julisnna ?• •eets, Bcdlor. . Ve., Known as *he "WASSISOTOIf HOTiJL,"n:i late ly Kept by >lr.. S. Filler. This house is being thoroughly re-fi"t*c! and re- I furniahed, and is now open for the reception o! gue-t*. ; Visitors to the "BEDFORD SPRI\G.S" and persons attending Court, .rii, find tbie house a pleasant and qoict tetniio'ary home. Every a'ten'ion will be paid to the accommodation trffh "-urr.tort o' guests. *1 he table will at all times be supplied with the 1 best the rr.arKets afford. Charges will he moderate , F.xtersive stabling is attached to this HoM, and a j carei-.i! and competent hostler will be in attendance. Special attention •will he pid to the accommoda tion ol the farming community. Coaches leave this bouse naily (Sunday *xceptedj , at 6$ o clock, A. V!.. and 2 O'CIOCK. P. M., to rou- | t:ect with the trains going Ritffism Mount Dallas j an J Bloody Run A coacb will eUoleave Mi-wees- i iy Thursday and 3-itarday) for Somerset, j The traveling p b' c will find it decidedly to tbetr j advantage to stop wTh <"em. Bedford, Jan. 22, IS64—'f. BEDFORD HOTEL. The ander:go-d having taken charge of the Bed- i ford Hotel, foimerly kept by Col. John Hater, an nounces to the public hat he will be able to a flora ! the best accommodation?, both fo the tra el.i g pub lic and home rustorr. The bouse wilt be in-proved ar i re-fitted. and the Bar will alsv.ys be well sp i plied with c.inice liquors. His table wiii be sup i plied with the choicest edibles i f the -• ti'nn, anr* . he will spate ro pains to make it - uitabie for all. | Piu stable ;s one oi the bet tn Bedford, at.ii a good r. s?ler wiil always be in attendance, i taken by the week, 'month or year, i Terms re sonahle. The public are respectfully in -1 viied fo give inm a call. JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. Bedford, January 15. 1864. j THE MENGEL HOUSE, JULIANA STREET, BTUMRO, Pa. i The subscriber res; c"ully beg* leave to trifn'-m i the travelling public that he ha- recently enlarged, 1 improved and refitted his house, both for the ue ' cummodation of travelers and boarders. a* wll l? I ruur.'ry customers. Person? corrrng to this piece • lor the purpose of vi iting the Bedford Springs. w ,|[ | find this houre pleas mtly located. : Ample and convenient Stabling is a 'acted to ; this Hotel, wt ich will always be attended, bra , fnl hostler. Also a sa-'e and convenient A T ri ge ' house. All 6re invited to give him a rail. ISAAC -lENttEL, ffrcpsUtor. April, 15, ISSJ. U N I 0 N HOTEL. WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA. V. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom modate the public in the best manner and on to* I most liberal terms. A splendid LIVERY STABLE is attached to this hotel. [May 9, 1868. | and Socur., j JUST ARRIVED AT * | J. M. SHOEM AKER'S I CHEAP STORE, i NOW OPE.VnB. I 1 I j I i His cuatviUfcil a r -1 the pußfic generally mv n.- riled to cflil un'i vxaininc for themaelvw. HIS GOODS * | ARK OF THE QUALITY, AND CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! LOOK TO YOUR OWN INTEREST ( BY EXAMINING MY STOCK. A LARGE LOT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hoots and Shoes, OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, AND V DRY CHEAT, ! form a part of my new stock. SPRING h SUMMER W2AR, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I Ladies' Dress Goods, I | GROCERIES, QUEF.XSWARE, .V'., &C. I All to bo haeJ %t ffca shere of J. NJ. Shoemaker. j Bedford, June 17, IS'64. WAmttRIfiHT&C4,~! SHtftotesatp syat e r s j AND ' TEA DEALERS, A. E Corner Second and Arch j PHILADELPHIA. ! November 13, 1863—1y BEAUTIFUL SUN UMBRELLAS ~ j , Jnt opened at CRAMER g. | May 29, 1563. !O:BORNE'S PBCTAMDMVA COFFEE . A Fresh invoice of this exee'lent co -p. j L st ra- I ceived and lor gale at. the Ne v bargain Stare at G. It. 4\Y OSTFM*. ! RICHARD LEO. MANUFACTURER OF C**! WET-WARE, CHAIRS, FCC. BEDFORD, PA. The undersigned ie'.ng engaged in rhe C*ki N , makr-.g nasii.ess, will make to Older ai d keep.' hand every thing in bis itne of maimfactui*. 1 BUREAUS, DRESSING STANDS, fj R LOR AND EXTEXSJON TABLES CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, H'ASjf. ' STANDS, 4-C., itC, will be /iirrr.i.bcd at all prices, and to suit tft taste. I.OFFINS will also be made to order. opt a trillion to all orders ; C r w or [T7"Shop on West Pitt Street, uearly X residence of George Shack. " • RichARD leq July 10, 1863— tf Wool W anted. Higbe-t price in casb paid for WOOL. Mey 27. A. B. CRAMER* CO. Eonic and Settle. 1 >: re erd mu-t bare ail account? on my settled either by cote jr cash w.tain 00 davj, word to the wise la suffic!n'." J B. FAKQTTHAR, Cheap Corner, Juiiar.a Stf... Beiford, it>!y 8, 1864. NOT FtE. The -otee and paper* of Jacob : ; roadstoße, t,,, been left in my hands for collection. pr s s-js. ilf tb- • •clc-s lr t 0 ffci j Broads'*.. e ; ra'i uri. settle th • sa.iie, otheVivis-. they w; , iiec&u lected according to -aw " •CHSRLES FAXON... F. Saxton, October 7, 1864—2 m. W ART.W.IV & L i\ ( (SUCOESSOAS TO MICHAEL WARTMAN 4-CO. fobitcce |ff Bitl g -jar MANUFACTORY, No 313 NORTH THIRD STRKhT, Second doer below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. 1. W. W , RTMAN H. P. F.NGELMLV, jj ..-c'i ISvi C . S . EE I T* II O K J&P. '-V grL&T MNNy&fc NTT V DEWTIST. Will atterd pnnrtua'ly and catefuliy o afiofttt tionr f litn. to r ,: .s rare. NATI-E*l. 'l it I H tiiled, regnlated. polished, Jtc., nt , t" -t maimer,-ir.d AKri*rciAL TEETH insertd frorr, one to an entire s*tt. Otii'-e in the Bank Building, on Juiiaaa street, Bedford. CASH I'ERMS will be strictly adhered to. In addi r ion to recent improvements tn the n.ocnt. mg of ARTIFICIAL TEKTH on Gold and Stiver Piatt, i am now as a b>e for Artificial work,ei.;w and boa i'' r u ; art ic'e. (Vulranite or ViilcsinixeJ h dia Rubh-.'t) stronger, cioser fitting, moie comtott. • Wi. ..i ; -. i- - C-.IJ and £J per cent, cheaper thai. >ilver. Call and eei C. N. HICKOK. Bedford, January 16, 1563. C. I). M'CLEES &CO7 Wholesale Dealers \n SOOTS, SHOES, 3ROGANS* .\M> INDIA RUB3DP. RHOEP NO 133 NORTH THIRD STRUET OPPC-SITE CHERRY ST., PHLLADELT'KIA. Apr. 17. lSSll—ly. PhoJographic P.'ict ores. The übcrioer has just returned from Pi.-.iadel pf .a, -viiere be his purchased a and s!t! stock of PHOTCGRAFH FRAMES, ccnprAiitg j EILT, EBONY, ROSEWOOD, UNIOF, AND CARD FRAMES, of different styles and varieties, trcra liO C.'t* tip to Five ITp?Jrs ; ♦ ach ALSO—A new assortment of l-holcgraph Albans, f ait styles, heidinu from 12 to 200 p;cire, pn ts va'ying from 75 cents to 82'"L00, Suitable fcr the Packet or the Parlor. PfaoNigraphs, Ambrotypes, JlelaiLotypes, U, taken as low as 25 cents each. I of every kind and de-criptior j to suit the a S'z- or hie i/.e, cn the most rea | *cnalile terms, and in the most durable manner. > instructions in the art given on moderate terirj. Sky-light Gaileri opposite the Washington Hc'.e, 1. R. GET! VS. Hedford, June 10. 1864. HO .YARD ASSOCIATION, FHILADFI F'"Ai Fa , Diseases o( th* NTVO IS Syttin, '.ri' :■ t.cea or Se.riinal, Impotence, id n't f f Übc ions of the sexual Organs Physical D-ui'uT an-. Premature Decay—new acd reliable ttrit : m reports of the Hcward Astuciai ion s*. ut by fi'.i iu sealed letter enve'ope*. f"'*" ol charge 3 ..lilrcir> ! 'r. J.SKILLIN HOUGHTON', HOWARD ASNOCUT** No. 2 8011 th Ninth Sheet, Philadelphia, Pa. July S4\ 1861—ly, CATI AT TEE NEW STORE. I MRS SAM'L. H TATE Ins r/c-ir*> banileon.w ussortment of 1 CLOAKS, MA.\ TELS, and DD&TEES*- vh lutefit styk A l;iroe Rusortment of SBAIVIA,DRESS TRIMMIVfS,*nt CY GOODS, which will b sold cheaper can iw l* : elgßwhrfre. B ;nnc. Hatis, IXiLboc-N erg always on if ami. Don'T FORGET TH" -NFAV SRPYV.L * KoPWARII A. WJLSON, VY King* Co., N- l'™- A Sfeiv At Chenp C2 j saer, J. E FA RIPUH AR oas on* er.e ef the, b"" 6'ores in the County, and is able now to offn TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF GOODS TO THE PiJbLIC, all boU'rhl be foil the taut great rise in prfc* and will be. Fold cheap for Ca'n. ttjTPin'i fail <0 call fct Fatquher'a befc rl "' purcfia v. ). X 5, FAKQUHAB J Sept;??her 8. f'fqi.