The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, November 04, 1864, Image 2

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    ■ 11 1 nij i JJ i i m l ..HUPIM 'I* 11 *•. ■-
a. F. MEYERS, eOITOR. J*--. ! ?
' Btta ' -Tl ■jl"' l *'■■■ . 1 T '"V"
Whal They Promised.
ROBERT L. JOHNSON, of" Cambria,
RICHARD VAUX, of Philadelphia.
A Wm. Leoeblin, 13 Paul Leidy,
9 Z. R- Helmbolil, jl4 Robert Sweinford,
8 K'wtniP. DUDII. 15 John Ahl,
4 T. McCu.'tongb, : '6 George A. Smith,
f Edward T% Hess, 'l7 Tbaddeus Bans#,
6 Pbil.'p S. Gerhard, 18 H. Montgomery,
• Georce P. Lepler, 19 John M. lrv ; *,
• Michael Seltier, '2O J. >l. Thompson,
• Patrick McAvoy, ! ,2l Rasselas Brown,
10 T. H. Walker, i 22 James P. Barr,
i 1 O. S. Ditnmiek, 23 Wm. J. Koonu,
99 A. £. Dunn'ig, |,24 W. Montgomery.
"To Whom it may Concern."
Abraham Lincoln, of March 4th, 1861, and Abra
ham Lincoln, of Joiy 18th, 1864, cat the loLowinj
-tgures •
Lincln't Inaugural, , f.ineoln la tfii Rchtl Cam
March 4 1864. !*r.ttonrrj, July 18, 1854
I declare that 1 have no Any pioposition whict
purpose, DIRECTLY OR IN- embraces the restoratioi
DIRECTLY, to interfere of peace, the integrity o
with slavery in the Statesjttae whole Union, and U
where it exists. 1 believe ABANDONMENT OF SLAVES'
1 have NO LAWFUL RIGHT ami come- by and with A
TO DO so. and have NO IN-jauthority that can conirc
WLINATION To DO so * *Jhe armies now at wa
The RIGHT of each State with the United States
to order and control its!will be received and cor
wn domestic institutions sidered by the Execu'iv
according to its own judg-Government ot the In
ment EXCLUSIVELY, IS Es- ( t<d States, and will b
SISTUL to the balance of.met by liberal terms o
fdver on which the per-jsubstantial and collateri
irr i and ENDURANCE of points; and the bearer c
pnd* -a! f.tbiic de bearers thereof shall hav
ABRA*- conduct both ways,
We nombe' <* t
, r( - •^•dav'-on^etn
-*• FRIEND -_A:- '
IIally! Rally S
Oncw More Unto the Breach f
Democratic meetings will be held at
ING, November sth, at 7 o'clock.
township, on same evening at 7
ram township, on 6atne evening, (Saturday) at
7 o'clock.
A Grand Torch-light Procession
will take place in Bedford, on Monday even
ing next. The Democrats of the neighboring
township# are invited to be present. Come one
and all and participate in the last grand at
tack upon the enemy's works. In view of
this announcement, the usual Democratic Club
meeting will not lie bald on Saturday evening
Rally round the flag, boys, Rally once again,
Shouting for "Little Mac" and Freedom !
Look at Yon r Tic kets!
B® sure that you have the pure McC'.ellan
Electoral Ticket. Be careful from whom you
take tickets. The Lincoln!teg will, doubtless,
try to foist spurious tickets upon the unsuspect
ing. Examine your ticket before you vote it.
Look Out for Tricks !
Some of Lincoln's otScials and Curtin's
-Jerks are in this county, busily engaged in
trjing to persuade people to vote for Abraham.
Iliey muke their living ofl the pickings that
fall from Abe's table. Of course they are in
favor of his re-election. Be on your gunrd
again#: their tricks.
Now, To Your Post!
mtw to his poet! Fall into line!
Forward to the charge ! Let there be no strag
gling, no lagging, no skulking March up to
the polls and vote like men. The hero of A -
sietatß is our Seader. The glorious McClellan
is ©or standard-bear-r. Who would not tight
its hie cause? Who would not rally under his
flag j; Now, forward, JU<T. and brethren, for
Mcdelkin and liberty.
Stop and Think!
If you vote for Lincoln, you may sign the
death-warrant of either yourself, sua or b ro!h .
i For. if l,e is elected, you will be drafted
and driren to she slaughter pens of Virginia.
A Petty Act.
The cwt.xhcn of the Abolition dituts, i
fused to kixl ot.o of tfcecj to he used by the.
aokhvrs in too burial of the gaiiant Lieut, nant 1
<*ump 3bains oc suck *etty meanness.
"™To the Polls!
freemen of Bedford countyl The hour t
-8 yome 1 The day of your redemption Uat
ind ! Four years of blood and sorrow have
OTer your heads. Four years of un- j j
dd wretchedness and misery have traced tlieir
ioomy history upon the record of your lives.,
iod in his goodness has permitted you to ~.?o ;
today set ufiart by the fundamental law of
tie land, for your riddance from the terrible j
rdeal through which you are passing. If you |
vail yourselves of this glorious privilege, it j
rill prove such a day of deliverance. On the
>tber hand, if you fail to do so, it will be bjt
i day for the confirmation of the s'avery un- ;
ier which you are groaning Men of all par- j
:ies, next Tuesday will bj for you a day ot joy, (
sr one of 'neffable wee and sorrow! Ou that ■
Jay yo'j will vote for a change of the present
uo'happy condition of public affairs, or you will
vote for more high prices, more drafts, mora
blood-shed, more widows and orphans, and for
final and irrevocable Disunion. You will cast ;
your vote for the Christian patriot, George B.
McC'ollan, or yon will place your own life and
the lives of your" neighbors and friends in the
wanton hands of the man who called for a
ribald song amid the moaus of the wourded
and tha groans of the dying on the field of An
tietaai. The duty to decide between these can
didates for the Presidency, is the most aolamn
ar.d sacred you cm possibly discharge as citi
zens. Upon your decision rests the fate of this
great nation. Upon your judgment depend tha
lives and liberties of the present generation.—
Upon your vote, in all probability, hangs the
destiny of a son, a brother, or a near and dar
friend. . Can you go to t'e polls and devote to
a bloody and fruitless death, the blooming boy,
whore life you bold so dear; or can you vote
tuo irning and desolation into tha household ot
| the daughter you cherish as the apple of your
! evef You will roost certain!/ do this, by giv
' ing your voice in favor of a continuance of the
j present condition of public affairs. The issue
is before you. It is clear and well defined.—
• May the God of Truth, Justice aud Mercy,
guide you in your decision!
A Great Outrage!
The N. York Soldiers to be Disfraachised
The War Department has .arrested a numbe
of the Democratic commissioners sent from Nev
York to collect the votes of the soldiers fror
tbat state, and refused others passes. Ballot
containing McClellan votes have been seize
j and are now in the possession of the President"
i OFFICERS, sent hoqie his hull- ♦
. the proxy h.iu on opening it found
)f£ gam, !In order t0 C, ' Tr - V °
j cuin, bribed one ot l ' ,e a ß ents c " '
j exs by the nam S^ York
hiifcse.'f and say that he was enga£l 10 P erju, ] e 1 1!
tuting McClellan for Lincoln bnllotß. j
pare thorn a pretext to close the McClellan a-' 1
genciee, ecizs McClellan ballots and put Lincoln S
tickets in their a tend. Thus the Abolitionists J
are striving to perpetuate their power. What L
a spectacle! Ts e popular indignation at this !"
last Lincoln outrage is said to be overwhelming f"
in New York. i'_
Not Out of the Woods.
The Abolitionists "eroyved before they were
out ot the woods." Tbey ha>*e claimed the
defeat or Gen. Colfroth,
the Democratic candidates for thf Legislature. ! J -
The latest official reports elect Ger v
while the Judicial and Legislst've districts are! 0 '
still undetermined, with the chances in Kivor
the Democratic candidates, when the leal votes?- '
shall be counted. Wait and see.
The Flag Stealers! !
On the night of the 1*!, election, a large'
and beautiful flag (the old Stars and Stripes.U
was cut down and slo'en by some Abolition'
vagabonds, who were prowling about the streets *
ZZTrr\ ItWaß between i t "
the Bedford Hotel and Jacob Reed's store and J -
belonged to Hon. Job Mann. Judge Daugherty \
and Mrs. \ irginia Tate. The Chairman of the
euaocrauc County Committee, offers fifty dol
lars reward to any person who will recover and
restore the flag and give such information
w*U iead to the conviction of the thieves. Such is
tire character of the met) in this town, who
advocate the erection of Lincoln. Let their
names go down to posterity with the exocratioa
they deserve.
To the people of East and West
Providence, Hopewe.'i, Broad Top
and Liberty.
Owing 4o the fact that it is impossible to hold
meetings in every district, prior to ihe Presi
dential election, your townships being among
the number which we found it impowible to
reach, on behalf of the chairmen of the Dem
ocratic. county committee, we urge upon you
to gather your forced anc j consolidate your m, ks
for the contest next Tuesday. You did nobly
o: the last election. We re-pec tend! oaor yon
for it. But you cor do still better for Little
Mac. In the first place nee that every Demo
crat attends the election. In the aeoond place,
call on your Republican neighbors and appeal
to th. ir good sense, their humane feeling* !tIV J
their principle*, in favor of n
from the present bloody and ruinous public pol.
icy. Let every man among you be a oominit
:se to attend to the*.- things, every Democrat to |
hii post acd all will "u wall-
Very Important!
Alabama Will Coice Back,
If "we elect our Little Mac!
3ut No Peace as long as Lincoln
Light is Breaking!
The following preamble and resolutions are
low before the Alabama Legislature. fhey
show that the Southern people willing to
re! j**u to the Union, if McOlella* is elected;
and, on the other bend, that if Lp - in is elect
ed, the war must go cn. The y -.od
resolutions are as follows:
Wm mtvi, Abraham Lincoln, as President j
o f the United States, and Com m a ndr-i u -Cine ?
of the Army and Navy thereof, and the friends
and supporters of his nduiiuiatration, have de
clared that negotiations for peace innuthe en
tertained except on a Ixisis of a "cstcrntion of
the Union in its territorial mteg inc. the ab
olition of slavery, unl that th; existing war
must be prosecuted until the men ot these Con
federate Stf tes are compelled to submit to ti ye
terms, or are subjugated, and if necesw y to -
core this end, exterminated, their inuds con' •-
catcd, and their women and rnildreu driven
forth as wanderers ou the face of
WHEREAS, L'hc re-election of Abraham Lin
coln to the office of President of the United
States is auvoca'ed by many, Si oot ai' of his
supporters upon these grounds, and that th re
is no other way to terminate the war, in-ist
ing that there is no disposition ou the part of
the poopie of these States to enter-iato negoti
ations for peace except on the district admis
sion of the separate independence of -hesc Stale*
as a basis ; and
WHEREAS, At a recent convention held in
the city ot Chicago, a numerous and powerful
party lias declared its willingness, if successful,
to stop fighting and open negotiations with us
on the ot the Federal Constitution ar it
is, and the restoration of the Union under it.
• Now, therefore,
fi> ti litsolied by 'he Senate and House of Hep-
I resentatuvs of 'Jit State of Alabama, in Gener
al Assembly convened, That we ..maerely dv&ire
peace. If the aforesaid party is successful wt
are willing and ready to open negotiations foi
peace on the basis indicated in the plat for n a
i dopled by said convention —our sister .Status o
! this confederacy being willing there:o.
I Grand Rally!
I The Democracy in Council!
Union and St. Glair in the Field I
A very large and enthusiastic meeting of th
' | Democratic and Conservative people of S
I Chur and Union townships, was held at S
1 ' Clairsville, on Saturday last. GEO. BECIi
1 LEY was appointed President; John Gritfit!
t - „ - vurwiW
[ ! Moth and I)* td T. Ake, Vice-Presidents ; an
1 Sain"!, Cristoan and George Moore, Secrets
"! rit-s The meeting was addressed by Joh
" l I'uluier and B F. Meyers, Esqr's.
s- *jrxa t ''r rra it2%l _
IH., jS a r afe and reliable remedy lor th° t
1 Rheumatism, Painful Nervous Artec
Sprains, Burns, Swellings and all di--eas
titer quiiing an external application on man
On nofs - it ccii! never la:! to cure
evil. Fistula, old running sores, or Sw
List- il propedy applied. For sprains, bi
*r.KY scratches, crooked hoot's, chafes.- sa-1
collar call, rut., or wounds, i; is an inh
COR icmedj <ry .i .nd be convinced of it
£? II E V 13 \ T 5 s rf
Man Persons aiiliciej with this disea-- nc
ter of how 10. .g bt tiding, can be pio
WR'' dually cured by using this Mi;
shi> There it p.othir. in the vr M so s.n
s.v go-id to take away hard corns, am
fccAST Frost Bttes a-, this pr. |.aja'"n. Try
satisfy yourselves, ''rice 23 and 50
sow per bottle. Prepared by
ik u:>k iCFor sale at the Drug Stores of Ri
u.;d Hal ry, Ceoiotd, Pa.
December 18. .&G3, — ly
Fi IIT Z' >S
'| HF.Sr. Powders have proved, after a tri
j o; several years, to be superior to ar
preparation of the kind in use. The chii
superiority of these Fow.ters arises from tt
fact that they are to iiposed- of medicun
that have Laxative, ionic and Purifyir
properties The iaxa'iva ejects crudilif
-he sfom-irli and destines , the tor
gives strength to the system ot the Hors
end the purifying medicines roe- ■
y them cleanse h'"- '
G-reat Torchlight
An Imrriense Qutpourfng J
One f the most magnificat displays tvo
witnessed, was made by the Democracy of Fti!
adolphia, on Katorday night fast, in the shrcp
of a toreh-light procession in honor of the Dew
| ocratie victory in Pennsylvania. A letter froa
i Hon. V\ . ] Scliell, infoitns us that there wen
' 50,000 persons in the procession, nnd that j
| '°° k four } " ure for il <0 V*** given point
| Pennsylvania will give McClellan 30,000 ma
' jority. Lit Bedford County do ber share it
the jrr:at work*
The '
c. hate .-Hten no f or 80nJC tinJCt j ro ,„
the Ohio election. The last we , (W) was to
the e yt that the Abolition ticket had 2 i ,000
majority, with ten Democratic bounties to hear
from, which would probably redone the rod
ityto 10.000. j., Ast _ ycar Vallandigiiam "
■ :'Mi 101,000, showing a gain of 01,000.
VV< ' ave cd of carrying even Ohio, as
wed -e Indiana for McClellaii.
Dawson Denniaonl
It turns out that Hon. John L Dawson and
Charles Dtnnison, the former of the Fay.
ctte nnd the other of the Luzerne district, aro
>oth no-elected to Congress. The t hid lord I,r
quirer will please alter its tables of Congress
men accordingly
An Attempt at Fraud! j
The Tricksters Partly Foiled! J
We showed in our last issue, tint Lincoln's '
igcnts were striving hard to commit frauds in.
he return of votes from the array. The re
urn judges of this county, met on Friday last,
'or the purpose of counting the soldiers' vote, ,
md they found among the returns from the
irmy, one which exbibitf.the singular discrep
ancy of giving the names of out 48 voters, j
whilst it set down the number of votes polled
for Congress at 85 ! ai the same time giving
thu Abolition candidate a majority of 29.
It was urged thnt the voters who bad given
the remaining S9 votes, were from Fulton j
county and for this reason they should he coun- j
ted A large majority of the return judges
could not see !n>w they could count the votes j
of citizens of Fultou county, inasmuch as the
law sptv'ully restricted them to the counting of;
votes cast by citizens of Bedford
Therefore, they declined to count them. A- j
noiher return was a mixture of votes from five
different counties, nil footed pp togeric-r. and
showing a majority ot 14 for the Abolition
candidates. This return showed 42 votes poll
ed for Bedford County, whilst the list of voters
contained the names of but thirty citizens of
Bedford county. This was also rejected by a
majority of the return judges There were at
least fifty fraudulent votes counted, all in favor
of the Abolition ticket, owing to the fact that
the return judges could no, go behind the cer-
I titied returns. But one Republican signed the
certificate of the lootings of the votes. The
i other seven refused to sign. In order that this
fair minded and upright man may We respected
for his honorable course, we give tiis name:
Thomas N. Young, Esq. of Hopewell tp. We
are not done yet with these fraudulent returns,
as our oppon> ot3 will discover in due s-jason.
• vrusra
[For ttie Gazette.)
A Statement in Rega.d i.o the Bedforc
County Soldier's Vote,
At the Headquarters cf Capt. NVishart, Vi.
: thirty fix votes were certified as p. iied by Bed
| ford county men, yet for Congress ihere wen
'jij'y two, and for Judge there wercjifty four oi
j the tally list. At Bar ack- No 1, i> ,C.
' there were certified to me forty six. and to tin
! Secretary ot State, forty eight voter from Bed
ford county, polled. Ou tne ally li-i, iiowev
'er, the vole for Congress via* uy'ity-iwen.—
I The poll books contained " list of % .> r.- ror
j Fulton, Franklin, Adi .tis, Ca. .bria, and xTtt
; ringdon as well as Bedford. The tickets t
ifftwWtJSr- Wh a'JBSS&CYSrft
I ; 'he Judges about tlie discrepancy; and as
| the -Secretary ot the Commonwealth, and rt
! quested the Secretary to send the tickets i
they had been sent to him in a mistake, so tha
; we might 6ce if possible how the voto stood be
f"re J came to certify. Jos. K JJurborrow
re ofri-! was present when I wrote both of flies
ionsjters, and knows what I wrote ; for I rea
s re-em to him. The Secretary received my let"' for a J* Wasliabangh, in a letter to m
■ j j business, acknowledged its receipt, and sta
'..-sP 'hat no Congressional, Judge or Assembl
' *'e hud been returned to them by the Fultoi
poll-book. I never heard from the Sec
iary as to whether he had the tickets or hai
d, or if he had them, why they were not sen
matj ra ®" I am 'he legal custodian of those tick
:ptl and should have had them. They ma'
ur ,' j ve be€n separately, as separate bal
i'or the different counties, which wouh
an f >e explained the whole thing. A oertifiei
cntipy u ' 'he poll-book from Fulton was pre
n,ed to me to :nfiu< nee ray certificate to th<
, turn Judges. What business had I with ;
imef. ,lto " Count y return, or a return from Cam
iia, Adams or any other county ? I am Pro
onotary of Bedford county. The returi
llges to whom I was certifying were of Bed
jrd county, and it was the vote only of B-1
rd county that I could certify. The return!
L, me were either frauds or blunders. I coult
>t be expected to cover UD eiifier by inv oer
icat.v Ihe 11th section of tii" law, requiret
e Judg.,.B to "string the vote for etch county,
ion a separate thread," &c.
1 be 1 1 a section reads as follows :—"Aftei
e exrmination of the ticket- shall be coup}*
d, the ii ruber of votes jor tueh person, in thr
\tnty jtoll-books as aforesaid, shall he enuioer-
M, under the inspection of theJuJges, and
down us hereinafter provided in the form
i the poll-book."
;. lbth section is as fnifcro -"A return
jin writing:, shall bo made in each poll-beak,
f setting forth in words at length, the whole
! ..umber of ballots cast Jc* each offL>s (except
• niloto rejected) the name of each person voted
| 'dr.- <"fl tin wether of rotes tjiren to each ;:rwn,
j/er each drffatnt office., which return fib ail b
! certified ;,s correct," &■:.
■ The 18th section ;s ro follows :—"lt shall
be tne duty ot the Frothoaotary of the coun
ty, to w' vaittuch return shall be made, to deliv
er, to die return Judges of tha mine county, ct
cc/.y, certified under his hand and seal, of' the
return of votes, so transmitted to him by the
Judges of the election, 3? afoersaid, or as o3i
ci illy -certified by the Secretary of the Gou
men wealth, as aforesaid, to said Prothonotary."
As a procauriOD againsi. miscarriage by mail
or otherwise, tee law requires a poll-boofc ta
is; sent to the Secretary of the Common wealth
u.jd one to tho Prof lion ota ry. If the Secreta
ry gets tiny that 're Frcthonotsrv does not, no
dferlitiM tho.u. This was done. The Secreta
ry had rewired jevci that i had not, and I
had received fourteen that the Sec tary hud
not. j hey were all carefully certified. It
WIH nnder the iaw (the points bearing upon
the question which I nave quoted) u t.bsurd-
Ky to as'- me to certify to the Judges of 3ed
'ord county a vote of Fulton county, h was
greater nonsense to ask me to certify the vote
polled, and not certify tho number polled for
:-.tch person, as I was bound "to 'do by the law.
How could the fifty-four votes at one poll, or
the eighty-seven at the other, be separated, or
livided between Cambria, Adams. Fulton,
[lanlingdon and Bedford eon .-.tit. But, if
eparatcd, liow many wasGvii. Knot, z to irnvc
tad how many Oca CoflFroth ' sutd fi with 1
le Judges. TMrty-revfftP "Aes poi'od in |
uitori were certified to m: Sec: -tary,
,r Barracks No. 1 Dc >u* m rum gh? > •
•ven, would Jtsva fifty, • l<?j t- '*t> cause
rj® some place u*e ing . € tort}. j-.
ji* this county. Hho w cniitDd to fcbeso
urtr-eigbt; how ittK} t c*cf f,
.irulrDte; how many 'o otteb <"Jt o. c the thir*
• -Severn If any living who can explain how {
heat votes for enoh (jei'Joa ini IkMfOrd county, j
vas to o? counted, au.l cer- ied, 1 wdl gi\e ■ I(
sim credit for powers of combination thai are
ft?t Common to the tot -—>** nnd will at ,
mec in knowledge my certified: an error— f
v 'Ah . <•> no; nudvrtai.i the subject a
x aly to say that i Lave dixfr.t- ehised the hot- j
tiers, and h. t I have vvroi. Oca. K >a'r ; j
uid Judge lvmg. 1 have Jour no *Uoh t nag. j ,
If they liv.e liven injur- J, tt hi. • T-cen by tii* ,
prrurs or "f Mi- •• own -biuri fi .vr, ±,
or those who should have
a!i the faci-itieS It ey could to affix* a' x proper
conclusion. The tact Is, ihct, judging from j
the balance of the Bedford v vote, a* '
Barracks No. 1, Gen CuflVoib .<al <- unuoii'y
of ten or twelve, which are ,'oW to him by isy \
erttficatc. O. E- SI!AVNO v \
The "Gsocl Times"' Premise 1- Lincoln ;
ani the Wide a e- I
We are having "good tun s." Every day
ad Is three millions ci dollars o) taxation oa j
the people, and every 101 l of dibt is a mort
gage on the property <i the pjopie.
&jr- Ve are having the good times in paying j
O-nate Tuxes!
tiTvourity Tuxes!
C.S" ] ownship Taxes!
BSrCity lax.:.-}
Or* Bounty Taxes-!
f-ylnternal Kevsuoe Taxes!
£T I ax on Coffee !
ar'i ax on ringer 1
49Tax on Tea !
Cirl ax ou Calico!
t&-Tux on muslin!
and in tact we a*o taxed on
ami indeed if theie is a luxury in taxation we
| have "GOOD I'LvlEi IN" payi g Truces I
! Car We are having "good times" in buying
BUT St amps for Dicds,
tor Stamps for Mortgages,
j gyStttmps .'or Notes,
fcJT.Stsnips for DneLi'li,
dps fur EiiU ot Lading,
C2TStamps for Receipts,
ea*"tamps foi Checks,
G& Stamps for Certificates,
i ©frit a rope on Documents,
Stamp?, on Taper ,
; and in fact nothing is bin-hog in law, onload u
. Lincoik stump OI some kind is attached.
< tjjr-We are Laving "good limes,*' ain't tve
with - or
BET Ragged Currency,
CCarGreenbacks, large and small,
CT Oiack and ink,
instead of lhe Good O'd fashioned DEMO
arc having •,o I ti u-s" in-i':ed wltl
a country involved in a civil car, which ha
j plun ( .-d Iter into u debt wii't U will giind u
J down with ctern-T and everlasting tiin -il >n.
Vt e are having "good times" when tie ri !
man cart invest his money in g .vernrn f rati
have his in;tr< a p.tid in golti, while na i rtnr-r.
mechanic, kho. iig men &c the prope > -
'ed to pay gold interest onoutaxui bnndv. Fi; t .
times for the rich—under Arte Lincoln's b : s-t
Administration—the happy eShct of Wide-A
! wakeism.
I ©"We are having "good times" paying tL.
salaries of
03" 100,000 NEW
created, brought into being tv Litv-ola. Thev
swarm in every county, in every n -iyhnorhood
thick as autumn leaves—and oh! tm-y are so
} honest—so incorruptible ' —so patriotic I—it is
i delightful for the people to pay taxes ie .support
■ them.
?-VVc are having "good times" in pa-, ing
I SIOOO for the privilege of staying at home.
£io luxes f.m being a Former 1
i and
cyThese are good tim-s whin
must givo up
Sons-—wives givo
up hus bands—-St
ttr-H give up b'otii. s—i
Children give tip parous,
and in. g"-e op t. ir hotnes
whenev r AimJi'im Lincoln sees fti in put Ids
Wheel c F alt. in morion, put through the
li the ptsple demre ilie con'.injunra of f.cch
times—if they iike t-l.i.nps, liceiiva&ea, and i-x o! a similar character —tat them vote
ur Lincoln, It they want to change such
times, lei :aem vute the Democratic Ticket,
and work to elect . w cor.Ki_'.,vN and LE.NDi.EroN
''l_o made a few desultory remarks," sai<!
the schoolmaster. Mrs. Partington stopped
Suddenly ia the bustle sue w:* naakin-* aioimt!
tuc - -'mo for leu, and gaed over her specs
;.:u-gi.tfuii vat him Leaning on a plate edge
\vi.-c, as it to enforce views by the support
it ive Le.r, "I suppose it war beeuyse tie was
weak," said she, "but Ayor's f ills will cure
h.m. I never knew 'em to fail. They are
very soiitary in suc.t cases." ''Really, tcadam,"
replied he, "I enrnot gncss your meaning.''
"You "aid dysentery," said she, laying down
the plate and pnttiry a spoon in the preserves.
"I said desultory," sold he smiling, quite a dif
ferent thing. '"No matter, ' snij she, looking
tj) i:i limo to box Ike*s sars, w was pi tlirsg
Taper tlown the chimney of the kerosene him>.
Tin *'".!- arcgisrd for both, I dan say, fo:
hey "nro iUiAfti ail Ae d uew at bvi i -
topic. "
. Soldiers 1 Orntaraa,
Til® nrrangenintii lor tb® cducli< r &r<-2
a:btertirK* of llw destitute orphan® ' f the
Idier® and sail'*!* of the State, under f. 5 act
luting o the aobjoei. being now auffieitnUy
iiupleted to enable the caiumtWt apj j. •..■
r tne purpo-ie to receive uppßcatiuos, |io!'e
given that biunk forma of p:
OR, With the neecafcir- inrtrucii.iia, have b©er.
.posited with the chairman </I thfl eo-aiait
re, lroui whom the relation* of friends o, th
iplians can obtain them. , ,
When the aj.piietuioc and statement ia each
use tkcaid be properly filed and awo *
nd certified by the Board of Common Jj. Cil
breUors of. 'he ■listriet in which the tip:<r.
..■•.a.:.-, it : ■■> >• returned to the perse :
'hum i ws received, or Jo some other nr cra
ters oi the county anponntwidinp awnthi'tee,
ty whom it wbl t fsfe nrdfed to the Strt bu-
Ia a abort time after tue receipt -f the ap
■'ieation. by the Supar'niU'Uli t.i, if it be U. cue
una, and the orphan u>- erditlfoi to the be.
tf the auf, an order fj the ndu.;- ua h
coper r-hool wiii b? m: by mail kt *he moih
r. or otter ;r<p';-"ig relative or Uetad, vi
io-ref M r.' Ins, rtn'
Ji i-i the stdiawU sHocled. f.r
-ijcwe orpheiyt will lis r-'tdjf. ** tb*h jroea ; ti^n
C.iMR/ -n- i'tmir
will -hei.Mo;" take Hof nc-t;f*ar f (rpn ?.r.j 1 , ,
them re'i iv lor ul m on by tlr. Is' •
veuibcr at ibe Luert.
'Hie State will pro*k'e clothing, boarding
washing, mending, iiw-truotica book® &•. Ft
tho orphans wliile in the schools piovi-kd
them, but the relative or friend* ere e .."A
to n<i ihem tbjtuer, without cost to ti .■ •
and ;>■ to send with them, in as gbot'
as possible, such clothing as the;, n •
have, to be worn tiil others can be iced u.r
Ihe following pr-.0u9 have been np> - d
b\ Hon. .loos. H. Burrows. Hupo-tnten i< nt jf
soldiers' orphans, f Pcniisy Ivania. a
icc to v lioiii all applications from this coin.';
for admission into the schools provi ted b.
State oiu-t be mad®: Joh.i W. Lingenfr
eliairman; J. K. Durborr. v, Mrs. hhrn i&l
Shuck, Mrs. Adam Qurn. ani Mist,
■ Grant's Campaign Against Ricbmsiii Vir
luaiip endsd.
1 . a/e of Tonnes-see to Assemble I
Be 'irt'gard invading Teacfss§,
Ix>L'i4ViLi.K, October SO.
;*-,e Journal iea :■* that parti"!? from Chatta-
nuogr. pnort that Shc"oiar. has evacuated At
i lama, and i' proceeding northward to repel
j .laud's attack m his re;.r.
CAIRO, Oct. 29.
Tim ' 'ampin- Bulletin of the 27th sars it
: an • "lingV ac'ive. Tncv have esc
•''' ... > read an 1 telegraphic comu>iin:c&-
I ti->n . ei w ci'.n'.L arm Jackson, nnd sro coc
i rioting -v -v p.; ison able to bear arms, in
liiJiit. ■.'•! in ... and scr.'ing agent? to every
jp:rf of VV.-rt fenn'-'Nc ot'teido line® for
i p. I >.k of aii kiuas, good-, money, ani
; t vei • thing ihat can b. <>f service to tiietn.
1 lie re I ruv. rnor Ilar' is ha® been in con
■ c .il'ttivn with Forrest and other rebel
I " :, d i.nie-- 'be 'edurat autiiorities prevent it, a
i u • f the rebel legLhUure will be be'd at
. Oi-i-j in West Tennessee, so that it ma®
go alruadi they have peroiancutly secured
;.:t p<.tier:of the stato.
(Meeting of the Rebel Legislature-—Prep
; arations for Holding an Election.
j [From the Lutle Rock (Ark ) Democrat, Oct. IT.
'. Ie r''e! Lpg.>lat-ore of Arkansas met on
j v cj>toin!kr M. with t.'i'rtecn members present
, i the Senate .r.d forty in tne House. J. T.
; I "V sclnwn speaker of the House. (*ov.
l-Jftmngan's recommends the passage
ioia I.w alio a iisg soldiers to vote Noin should
j OC 1 e',d where but a smn'L part of tne people
: can vote. lie doubts whether a free election
i c -"\ ' e J'-dd in Unit portion of t!i> State oecte
: pied by the Federals.
j A. J'. Gat'land has been elected to the rebel
j Congre-s, over A,hurt Pike, to fill the vacancy
j eaus<'u by the death of C. Mitciicll. The Lit
• tie ivock IMviocnt reg:• N the i action cf Gsr'
ifinii, torincrly a iiionist, ar I noiv H very
, -trcng rebel. o\er Pike, a man of deeided ece>-
1 si on pr. .divides, as an evuJ.-ixv of a
! fondnes.i for he old Union.
Gen Grant'e es u[.aign g;.inst IficbmouJ Is
virtually clotcd. a Its who!® army rawed for
w-.ird itiSi wock to attack the rebels in front of
thvir works, but found not a single point un
guarded. Grant then withdrew bin ar av, with
the hop - thai Lee would atu ck bin. Bssuro
~:rd is .bant to iiivaio Uero ll® if. !q
i-rann's roar w :t;x a lnrg'-armv.
f-sr *.•! j' It tee Orcr %n'
ho-A- li'cr.' of Pr. B. F. Harry, ft. T'r
D. F. Harry is tbo gut.
AU D! TOR'S" 'WticK
Tbe 0r..-erif(B"l r make dlstrihation
under the v- II oi Fbas. MoymaD .lsr'd.,of oil
-t-tt tR i.ic an .< f bis Kxe utor, Jit. .M it'.njjb
Lso , w'H for tnt at in? oS.e of
lc** H.. John L ssiiE. itj Br r iforl, on Tfi-irt-iay the
:7h Jay of November, next, at 10 o'clock \f
at w-aicr ;;.Tie and pia:o |! intere*t<<j - j- rtreJ
if they *hink proper.
Nov, 1, 18W. t POINTS,
_ AudttVl.
LETI'KRS of Adtr'laiPtraMrMi n'boa t!ia
' state of Frederick Muck, len d,, Lwtofflk
Cl'i;r 'wp., B< ; ;•<! c untv, lie :ag l.eoo graft
ed to tfo'unc -r?!ghc 1 by the l-'gister of Bed
ford county, all pp;\-... j knowic.- t!ft*Mc!v<*
iniiobicd to ; anl t®tnij, ire .by re by rvquowtod
make immediate f ayysent.. sad ' these
drirr? will p-esect thcin : |;roncr:v autti-rndkß-•
.c-d fur PARH.aPA MOCKt
Oct. 28. lbO-f Ad:u:iiii:'rst|tr-
Notice h- hereby ihat hporder of tV
.■nut < t nf . ...; v f IVdlbrd County J.
Vv r .
■ nintii- ut P .-.. rU ti. licas il his account itl
l -us office and thv s.uuu will*!
to , cf'-yt :-r r>nii,;iattyu at No vender
* c- .vii--.NN,v.: # p lV ih'>
- *+* .-mfy. ■