The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, July 15, 1864, Image 2

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FRIDAY : i JULY 10, 18C4.
What They Promised.
MICIIAEI. WKBTZ, of Union township.
JIIIIAM DAVIS, of St. Clair township.
DAVID EVANS, of Monroe township.
A Word to our Patrons.
The immense increase in the cost of publish
ing a newspaper, compels us to do two unpleas
ant things, viz: to call upon our patrons, who
are indebted to us, for money, and to make a
slight increase in the subscription price of our
paper. We hope that our friends will at once
come forward and settle, their accounts. We
pay 25 cents per pound for printing paper—the
price was formerly 8 and 9 cents. Ink and
other materials rate in proportion. Hence we
must have money and a sufficient amount of it
to justify us in continuing the business. For
this reason we call upon those in arrears to
PAY UP, and for this reason, from and after
the first of August next, our subscription price
will be $2.00 per annum, if paid iu advance,
$2.50 if paid within the year and $3.00 if not
paid within the year.
Friendship for the Soldiers.
The abolition party profess to be the spe
cial and peculiar friends of the soldier. It
is hardly necessary to say that this profes
sion on the part of the abolitionists, is a
mere electioneering trick, resorted to because
the feelings of the soldiers never were and
never can be thoroughly enlisted in fa
vor of the negroism of that party, except
by some such jugglery as that performed
by Gov. Curtin and his friends during the
gubernatorial campaign of last autumn. We
presume the cry will now be raised, "vote
for Abraham Lincoln the soldiers' friend I"
It wgs a "irood enough Dorenn" for Purlin
last tall, why should it not answer as well
for Lincoln, now? There is but one reason
why it will do Abraham but litiie good, to
wit: The soldiers know, by this time, who
are their friends, as well as who are their
enemies. They know that if it had not been
for Abraham Lincoln and the abolition par
ty, there would have been no war, and they
would not have been called upon to suffer
and perish on southern soil. They know
that if the abolition Senator Chandler and
others of that ilk, had not declared that
"without a little blood-letting, this Union
is not worth a rush,"' this terrible civil war
could have been averted. They know that
the abolition party has prolonged the war bv
adopting measures which ope.aled to unite
the people of the states in revolt and which
cause them to redst the Federal authority
to the bitter en . r l aey know that Lincoln
and his cabinet have refused to receive Al
exander 11. Stephens, as eace commission
er from the so-called "Confederate States,"
though is a well known fact that Mr. Ste
phens joined the secession movement with
great reluctance, and that he was always
one of the most prominent leaders of the
Union party in the South, and that, there
fore, there was great hope, through his pow
erful mediation, of the restoration of honor
able peace. In short, they know that the
abolition party has driven them like cattle
to the slaughter, has deceived them as to
the time of their service, has defrauded them
as to rations, clothing and pay, and re
garded them as but the "hewers of wood
and drawers of water ' for the mountebanks
and demagogues who hold the reins of pow
er at Washington. But on the other uand,
they know that the democrats are the friends
of the soldier. They know that the Dem
ocrats were opposed to the making of the
war, and that they still think some efforts
should be made to bring about a peaceful
settlement of our national troubles, and thus
enable the weary and toil-worn soldier to re
turn to his home and family. They know
that when contractors defraud them, Dem
ocrats ferret out and expose the frauds.—
They know that the Democrats in Congress
and the State Legislatures originated and
advocated, whilst the abolitionists condemn
ed and opposed the raising of soldiers" wa
ges. Knowing these things, they will sup
port the candidates of the Democratic par
ty, that is, provided the military satraps of
the Administration will permit them.
• ,1"
Democratic State Committee.
"VVe have no desire to dictate to the Dem
ocratic Committee, bitt we inu3t say
that we cannot approve of the "masterly
inactivity'' which seems to characterize that
important organ of the party. We do not
mean that the chairman should issue long
winded addiesses, or that he should already
begin the speech-making campaign; but we
do think that much could be done now,
which, if left undone a month longer, it will
l>e impossible to do at all. Some general
plan of organization should be devised by
the committee and immediately put into
practice. Now, too, is the time to circulate
political documents. The enemy understand
this to perfection and they have been en
gaged, for months, in sending out abolition
speeches ami pamphlets. Besides they are
now reviving their secret "loyal leagues
throughout the state, and it is highly impor
tant that the baleful influence exerted by
these:devilish agencies, should be counter
acted. With these humble and imperfect
suggestions, we leave the subject with the
I'. S. Since ther above was put in type, we
have learned that the chairman of the commit
tee has issued a call for a meeting of that body,
at llarrisburg, on the 10th inst. This is as it
should be.
e-We refer our readers to the report,
| published on our hrst page, of the corm.iit
| tee appointed by the Douse of Representa
tives, last winter, to investigate the condi-
I tjon of Camp Curtin. It will be seen, by
that report, that Gov. Curtin turned the
camp over to the Federal administration in
1861, just as ie has since turned the state
over to the same power, and that Mr. Lin
coin succeeded about as well in keeping
Camp Curtin in good condition as he does
in protecting the state against invasion.—
The improvement in the camp wa s forced
upon the authorities by the investigation in
stituted in pursuance of a resolution offer
ed in the House by the editor of this paper.
Thus the soldiers can see who are their
friends and who interest themselves for their
comfort and welfare.
people desire a "change" in the ad
ministration of the government. The abolition
leaders will do their utmost to prevent this from
being accomplished. Look out for the small
beer abolition wire-pullers ! They will be around
with Lincoln's corruption fund.
igyThe Fremont men are styled by the Cin
cinnati Commercial, "long-haired radicals." The
Lincolnites, therefore, must be the kinky haired
j adicals.
ernment should ever be permitted to gain a foot
hold on American soil, has been abandoned by
(he present administration, and a member of
the bated House of Hapsburg, has been made
emperor of Mexico, right under Abe Lincoln's
eg-The pet measure of ex-secretary Chase,
the Gold Hill, has been repealed. Gold went
up to nearly 3,00 under its operation.
X. B. Searight has been nomina
ted for rc-election by the Democrats of Fayette
county. Col. Searight is ft clever gentleman
and sound Democrat.
$3-Congress has repealed the Fugitive Slave
Law. "Loyal" masters hereafter will have no
more right to reclaim then* property, when trans
ported to the North by nigger-stealers, than
those in rebellion. The abolitionists are deter
mined to have the North over-rnn with blacks.
tEJ-Arlington and the old residence of George
Washington, have been turned into a negro
camp, in which the "contraband" blacks are
supported at the expense of the white men of
the North.
<s3*The Constitutional Convention of Mary
land has passed an amendment to the constitu
tion ot that state, abolishing slavery. Iu con
verAitb.ri recently with a numbo. of prominent
Marylanders, we 'earned that the people of *hat
state, if Vd jwed a fir vote, will repudiate the
amendment by at least 25,000 majority.
lETConscientious and nonest men hiiherto in
opposition to the Detnocratic party, must make
the "change" in the administration of the gov
ernment, if such a "change'" is to be effected.
They can do it if thev will. But in order to
do so, they must be able to resist tha pressure
of money and abolition falsehoods.
syThe abolition w'ate convention appointed
Simon Cameron chaii -tan of their State com
mittee. Is th's corrupt old political hack to be
perm'-ted to buy Abe Lincoln through in Penn
sylvania ? 5L.,11 Pennsylvania bear the dis
grrc'f I stigma ofhaving been ; ought up f ur the
Presidency ?
®rßtmem!<er that it Was an abolition con
gress which passed the conscription bill, with
the "coinmutation ciac e" in it, and also that
it was an abolition congress which, alter every
poor man had paid his last dollar to save his
neck from the Virginia butcher-shop, repealed
that "commutation clause," so as to get the poor
man's body at last.
correspondent wants to know why we
dont "pitch into" tho shoulder-strapped preach
er who announced, in the M. E. Church, a
short time ago, the new gospel that "no man
can be e Christian who is not an abolitionist."
Simply because we want the M. E. congrega
tion to get a 6urfeit of the cnt-ihroat doctrines
promulgated by the "war-preachers" of the day
SrNow fcrth<ntffle to subscribe for and cir
culate Democratic papers. The "Campaign
Age" is an excellent publication, and should be
in the hands of every reading and thinking man
in Get up clubs for it.
fcyDecidedlv rich —the fact that the Lincoln
abolitionists are running a candidate for Vice
President who, by act of Congress, cannot him
self vote for President and is not a citizen of the
United States!
[Dr*Owen Lovejov, Joshua R. Giddings and
Andrew 11. Reeder, threeofthe most prominent
politicians in the abolition party, havedied with
in the last six months.
®3-John P. Ilale. one of the ablest men in
j the ranks of abolitionism, has been laid on the
j shelf by his party. He has been a Senator from
; New Hampshire, for many years, but, during
• the last year, has told some unpleasant "tales
' out of school," and when a candidate, recently,
; for re-election, was, for this reason, defeated.
rj-We are informed that Hon. John Hick
man, formerly M. C. from the Chester district,
is determinedly opposed to the re-election cf A
braham Lincoln. Mr. Hickman was formerly
rfrne of Forney's demigods. Why does'nt "the
1 President's dog" bark at Hickman?
| Car Col. Bowman, the officer who recently
i had charge of the Military Academy at West
Point, has been removed by the President for
' permitting Gen. McC'lellan to deliver a patriot
jic address at that place on the occasion of the
dedication of the Battle Monument. What
petty spitefulness to be exhibited by the Presi
| dent of the United States 1
£r~The U. S. gunboat Kearsnge recently
sunk the rebel privateer Alabama, after an hour's
fight, in the British channel. Scmmes, the com
mander of the privateer, and many of the crew
escaped to France.
fcj-Wby is Abe Lincoln like a city "swell?"'
Do you give it up? Because lie cares nothing
about the country!
"Answer a fool according to his folly;"
but when he is a blackguard as well as a fool,
answer him not nt all, even if he does wear gold
; spectacles.
fc2-ln 1861 the abolitionists told us that there
i should be no jxirty aslong as the war lasts. Now
they are. the only party that have candidates in
the field for the presidency, and have themselves
divided into two parties, one for Fremont, the
! other for Lincoln. There should lie no party
now, all should go in for a "change."
CT-Troubled —Alexander Kinkyhend MoClure.
about the people of Bedford ' - ounty. If the
hero of "Rutherford's lane" had never entertain
ed rebels in arms, at his own house, he might
talk about other people's fidelity to the govern
i O'The editor of this paper has been repre
sented, for years past, by the abolition politi
cians of this place, as every thing that is bad
and vile—as . kind of political Gorgon whom
it was a great Christian virtue to watch and
j aroo.t ♦." ——
; they formerly duped in this way, have learned
to know us better, and many of them now ap
proach us ami even speak to its, without the
least fear of being eontamirnted.
£3TPrentice, of the Louisville J-ir.-nah says
he sustained the President when the latter op
posed the measures which he (the President)
now supports, and, being called an apostate by
some abolition papers, thesaid Prentice wants to
know whether it is apostasy in him not toaposta
i tize when the President apostatized.
CyStanton began his administration by say
ing that his chief reliance was in prayer. He
. has since changed bis base He is now princi
j pally raying upon tying.
i KtGOV. Curtin ctfl'a f?r 12,000 militia for 100
| days to guard Washington : and uyt to guard
lor protect Pennsylvania. Who are Id protect
Pennsylvania, if tho people are taken from her
■to gua-! the President and his abolition ..crew ?
C3"Prcsident Lincoln is so very uniform in
i otlicc, that he is trying to '.niform every body
j else.
e-y Among the visitorsr.t the "Mengel House,"
.we find Rev. A. I\ Geissenhainer, of North
ampi n, Dr. Hoik.. J . f Baltimore, and Messrs.
Campbell, Caine. Pohlig and • thers- '1 ticv are
1 ,! "e clever, sociable and into!' acnt gentlemer,
and will sojourn here for a short time and nt
; lend the Bedford Springs for tho improvement
( of their health. Wo hope their ill health may
Ibe exchanged for a better, but their political
; opinions remain unchanged. Long insv they
j C3TM-, ?!. Only and his family. consisting
lof - children, will give a concert at the. Court
; House som.i evening of next week. The music
ili be both vocal and instrumental. We are
i informed that these children are musical prodi
i gies an l we advice all our lnenus to go and hear j
| them.
i T< r ' .. should provide themselves with a '
i which they will find a sure remedy for Dysen
j -ery, caused from change of climate, water, etc ,
, and the most pleasant and the safest article that
I can be used.
Shouid be usea in all cases where pain is expe
rienced. All diseases give due warning of their
approach, hy pain, and if the Relief is used
w hen pain is felt, the disease will be broken up,
Diptberia, Imiuenza Cold, Fevers of all kinds
I can be prevented by the use of the Ready Re
lief. If seized with Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Lumbago, pain or weakness in the back, strains,
sprains, cramps, spasms, and all other pains,
are. immediately relieved by Radway's Ready
Relief. In sudden attacks of croup, diplheria,
influenza, the. Ready Relief is a quick and pos
itive cure. In these diseases delays are danger
ous. If the Relief is used a cure will bo per
fected. Price 35 cts, per bottle. Sold by all
BEDFORD SPKT- GS. —Visitors to the Springs
are now rapidly coming. Tho season promises
to be a good one and full of life ami gaiety. —
The invasion of alaryland and the threatened
raid into Pennsylvania, will, of course, prevent
some persons from coming here, that otherwise
would have coir.e. Last year, there were but
few boarders at the SprTngs prior to the 15th
of July, but after that date, the eneon was one
of the best we ever knew. The Springs are
now under the sole control of Col. E. L. Ander
son, which is a sufficient guaranty of comfort,
convenience and attention to visitors.
DR. F. C. DOTLK. —We should, ere this, have
referred to the card of this successful young
practitioner, who, for a numlier of years, has
been located in the borough of Bloody Jlun. —
Dr. Doyle has already acquired a large practice,
and deservedly so, being a man of extensive
scientific attainments and a gentleman in every
respect. We can heartily recommend him to
the people of the section in which he is located.
CLI BONO? —We are told by the abolition
malcontents that the county commissioners should
have offered a bounty in order io prevent a draft.
This would Imvcoost the county both money
and men. And aftu taxing thepeople to the tune
of 8120,000, and sending 700 men out of 'lie
county, would we have been exempt from draft •-
Surely, Abe Lincoln's forth-coming call for 500,-
000 would involve us again, just as deeply as
before, and we would be compelled to repeat
the same nauseous No, no! We must
put out of power the men who originated, adop
ted and are now engaged in ti.. merciless exec.:-
tion of the conscription. That is 'he way, md
the only way, to get rid of the draf;.
GRADUATED. —O OR young friend, MR. M. A.
POINTS, of Red ford tp., gradu .led recentl y at
Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. He was a
warded a high honor, standing among the best
scholars in his class. It affords i,3 pleasure to
be able to recor-l this renewed evidence of
the bright promise for Mr. Points' future.
GRAPES. —The cultivation of the grape, is
becoming one of the favorite employments of
many of our farmers. This is as it should be.
Many abrupt and rugged hills in our own im
mediate neighborhood that fcighl ho rendered
fruitful and beautiful by the planting of the
vine. We commend the examples set by our
friends, Col. Haferand Mr. Samuel Amos The
grapery of the latter, we are told, will yield,
this year, some fifty bushels of fruit.
ADMIRAL WILKES —The renowned naval of
ficer, Admiral Wilkes, ho captured the Con
federate commissioners, Mason and Slidell, is at
present staying at Bedford Springs. He is
accompanied by his family.
DROWNED. —On Saturday last a smell daugh
ter of Mr. John T. Ake, near St. CI urville, while
playing near the mill race, accide. tly fell in and
-Was drowned. Iho body was discovered in a
71, 0rt time alter she was missing but not in time
to save life.
DENTISTRY. —J. N. Bowser, resident dentist
of Woodberry, will spend the second Monday,
Tuesday r.'.i Wednesday, of each month, at
Ilopcwell, the remaining three days of the week
at Bloody Run, attending to the duties of bis
:pr f< aon. A (nil other times he can be found
in his office nt Woodberrv, excepting the last
Monday and Tuesday of each month, which he
1 will spend at Martinsburg, Blair county. Per
! 6ons desiring operations should call early, as time
is limited. All operations warranted.
POCKET PICKED. —Mr. 11. W. tisbcr, of this
j place, was robbed of a pocket-book containing
$l5O. at 'be railroad office. Eleventh and Mar
ket streets, Philadelphia, DR Friday night last.
i LETTER FROM THE .I.5TH.—The following letter
' should have appeared in our last, but was crowd
led out. It -s from one of the .arcst boys in
the noble 55th.
MR. EDlTOß: —Having a few idle moments I
• will improve them by dropping a few lines to
I you, which you will please publish for the in
formation oi all whom it may concern.
We are in the front, as usual. The boys arc
!in good spirits, alt that are left of them There
was heavy lighting on our left, last night; thc
rcsult of it I know not. Our i ..iinent is pret
ty nearly "played out.'' We lost 9,5 men in six
ninutcs in tho charge on the works in front of
I Petersburg. IV: Mso lost very heavily in the
j charge at Cold Harbor and at Deary's Bluil.
r regiment has participated in eleven battles
since tint sixth ot May, uesnks Soverai severe
-kifinishes. We have yet one captain and tyvo
lieutenants in the regiment. Yon have lied :
partial ! ' of (! • kiih d, wounded and missing
of our company, (!• 7 but for the information
of all the friends and relatives of the boys, I
will gi"e you n full list of t':e casualties.
Kilirdy oo'j r."i Uenry Got wait, Sim'l Kcu
nedjr, Espy Die!', Matthew Miller, Henry Stai
!y. Wounded, Capt. S. i. Aietzger, Lt. \Y. G.
Moore, Lt. J. 11. Barn hart, Serg't J. B. Amos.
Jerome T eon*, d, O. G. Yickroy, W. Spidio,
W. Arnold, Fiivatc H. H. Arnold, G Bene
. ham,* J. Benetham,* F. Bets, .7. Kane, J.
Diehl,* Vm. Dorsey, D. Dibtvt, A. Gardner,
(). 8. Knox, II G. Lyberger, H. C. Lashley,
J. 17. McEuespy, K. J. Semler, F. Smith, J.
Smith, I. Smith, Jesse Smith, S. Stickler,* H.
Squint,* L. Sleckman,* J. White, D. Waters.
J/is.-bi_</, Sergeant W. A. Boor, J. Bennett, D.
Betchtel, A. Bennussia, W. F. Lininger, Win.
Nottingham, W. S. Near, D. Frcsser, A. Sum
merville, N Sleek, J. Thompson. Dted, J. Fid
dler, J. Harback, F. Murphy, G- McVickcr, J.
liuby, E. Riley Deserted Substitutes, J. Boyle,
J. Hogan, Wm. Holt, L. Ingoldsby, E. John
ston, M. Kenyon, F. Lewis, R. Mickey, W.
Smith, J. Shine, J. Thompson. Discharged, T).
Snowbergcr, H. Crouse, J. Risling, G. YV, Bux
ton, J. Hogan, Wm. Bowman, J. B. Peck, A.
C. Mower, J. Gordon, J. Norton, J. Kf r J, W.
Hartley, A. Bessie, P. Riley.
The wounded marked with a star are in the
hands of the enemy. lam sorry to say that
several of the wounded hav# sjuco djeil. There
are a great many of the men sick, not being '
able to stand the marching. We Lave been un
der fire for as much as 12 days in succession, i
For the last 50 days we have had but 4 (lays'
rest. We arc still driving the rebels slowly.—
Every thing is progressing favorably.
I wiii now have to close as the skirmishers
are firing more briskly, nnd it is likely that wc
will have a battle in less than an hour.
body but Lincoln for President. Yours respect- j
fully, W. i
♦ <a-
The Rebels attack Washington.
Fight Unfavorable.
A Despatch received here from Philadelphia,
on dnesday morning, says that there has
been reliable news received from Washington
I ihat some 15,000 or 20,000 Confederates, who
were encamped at Silver Spring, commenced
■skirmishing on Tuesday ntorning before day:
land at 11.60 o'clock A. M. were preparing so
assault the works out seventeenth street. Heavy
firing was afterwards heard in the direction of
Washington and it is supposed that the assault
was made. The result is not yet known; urgent
appeals have been sent for men in companies or
regiments. The C pbal is in iminent peril,
j LATER —JuIy 13, 11 o'clock, A. M. The
Rebels have surrounded Washington and all
i communication is cut. The fight supposed to
have tn' n place y. iterclay is iunored to haw
1 resuitc- unfavorably to us.
I. _ •
From The Aye, July 11.
The War.
To adopt phrase ot Edwin M. Stanton—
"All the railroads leading cut of" Caltiinore
and W shington "are destroyed, and seme- oT
| them badiv." Communication with the North,
except by water, is cut off". TV Confederates,
j at last accounts, were in force five miles from
Baltimore. They overrun the entire niighbor
j hood. \ large body of the enemy is but five
i miles not ihwest of Washington and the cL ' is
in imminent danger. Notwithstanding the tel
egraphic report that ample means have been
: prepared for safety, we may at any moment hear
! of the fall of Washington,
j On Sunday morning the Confederates ap
proached Baltimore and # Washington in various
| columns. Due force was at Riesterstown sev
enteen miles north west of Baltimore. It was
unopposed. Another force was at Marriotts
j ville, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, fif
teen miles west of Baltimore. Gen. Wallace,
with the remnants of his army, was retreating
before it. Another force was at Darrtestown,
twenty miles northwest of Washington. A 4th
column marched down the Potomac, seizing the
fords and receiving constant accessions from
I Virginia.
During Sun lay the last two columns advanced
. steadily towards Washington. A very small
j Federal force was in front of them. The cat
tle ; nd horses they seized were at once sent to
; the south 1 ink of the Potomac. They efitered
Koekvdle and captured it. This is fourteen
miles from Washington. Their scouts and pick
| eis patrolled the country far in advance. Two
! were captured in Tennallytuwn, three or four
; miles from Washington. Some were seen in
j the neighborhood of the Baltimore and Wash
. ington Railroad. Trains on that road were run
with great caution, but up to twelve o'clock
yesterday, the road had not been reached. There
was great excitement hi Washington. Trocps
were sent to the forts north west of the citv.
j The Department clerks were ordered to prepare
for action. The defences of Washington run
j fnun the Potomac across the country north of
i the city, to and beyond Bhoh-nstburg. There
, are some detached forts outside of this line,
j chiefly to protect the Baltimore Railroad, hut
> from a point ten miles from Washington almost
to tin* Relay House the railroad is without de
fense. A' Annapolis Junction the ground
scarcely admits oi defensive works.
Whilst the advai.Ce w£? being made upon
Washington, the Confederals oil 'he Baltimore
aud Ohio Railroad followed Gen. >V mice's re
treat. During Sunday, his few troops w t ;c en
camped at Ellieott's Mills, eleven miles from
| Baltimore. The. enemy advanced from Mar
, riot. ille. On Sunday evening Wallace put
' his troops on a train and came into die city.
, A fvesh force of Federal soldiers was posted at
the Relay Ilouse, and another held the turnpike
j running to Ellieott's Mills. 'I hey were eneamp
jco just out of town. Ellieott's Mills was a
i baudoned, but at twelve o'ch h yesterday. when
' authentic information ceased, h was not known
1 whether the Confederates had entered the place.
From Ellieott's Mills wt . to M'artinsburg, a
| distance ot seventy-five miles, the ( l>altimore and
l Ohio Railroad is in Confederate possession. Of
; the state of affairs at Martinsburg ucthing defi-
I nite is known. There has been no confirmation
[of the report of its capture by Hunter. As
j the various Confederate columns advance east
; ward, they abandon the country p; viou.dy held
iin \Y"stern Maryland. H igerstown has been
; ivacuated, and Gen. Couch holds it. The Con- j
| federal rear guard is probably it Frederick
j iuid Harper's Ferry. The fords and iros-hng j
t piar at Point of Rocks on the Potomac, and
j below, are the most convenient mean ot access
to Virginia. Tl ey are on the direct road to j
j Leesuurg jtndMar aas, both of which are held '
by the Confederates. The fords above Point
of Rocks arc not used. !
j On Sunday the northern column of thoCon
i federates sat Refsterstown. It was a lar< e
i oi.e and moved rapidly. At ten in the morning
; it roncl eil the Northern Central Railroad at
! GockeysviUc, eight miles east of Keistcrstown.
i Fho wires were cut an I communication between
j Baltimore and Ilarrishurg ceased. Near this
■ place the railroad crosses (ho Gunpowder Riv
er on a Bri Ige about two hundred feet lung.
The bridge WAS burned. The force was then
i divided. One body marched north towards
| Harrisburg; the other south towards Baltimore.
The railroad in this neighborhood c?bsscs many
| bridges. AH were burned the track torn
up. Until night came, tb two parties advanced
along the railroad, it as they march
eu. lesterduy morning at dawn they sent out
a -alrd party, which marched do wn the north
j b> Y' t: Gunpowder River towards the Phila
! dolphin and Baltimore Railroad. The two par
ties on the Northern Central Railroad continued
their destruction. Cockeysville is fifteen miles
from Baltimore. South along liie road the
Confederates marched until they reached Gov
rmstown, but five rail 3 from Baltimore. They
destroyed the rend ~nd burned the bridges all
the way. A party came a mile nearer town to
the residence of Governor Bradford, of Mary
land. 'l"hey burned it. This was probably
done in retaliation for the burning of the resi
dence of Governor Letcher, of Virginia, by
Gen. Hunter on his Lynchburg raid. The party
, march.: g along the railroad at noon yesterday,
hat! readied White Hull, twelve miles north ot'
Cockeysville. For "24 miles the Northern Cen
tral Kail road has Ikkmi torn up. Bridges have
; been burned, and ties- and rails destroyed. The
: destruction has been similar to that of the Dan
| sillo Railroad by Wilson and Kautz.
The expedition sent down the north bank of
; the Gunpowder marched about twelve miles to
the Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad. On
; Sunday fears lx-gan to be expressed for its safe
j ty. Yesterday morning three tugs, armed with
naval batteiies. and manned by seamen, were
sent from the Philadelphia Navy Y.v J to c*
through the canal from the Delas-r? to the
I Chesapeake. One was to sail up e, '• of '".i
three rivers, over which Mie Bdtbn tv U .iir.. ,d
has 1 ig piie bridges. Lute last night tli-.'V were
1 expected to reach their destinations. This pri>-
i tection was too late, however. At 12 ; vioek
yesterday in the midst of a despatch announcing
; t-*ar for the safety of the railroad,the telegraph
wires were cat." The lad communication with the
North was gone. The Confederates had reach
ed the railroad at Magnolia, a small viliago
'north of the Gunpowder, and 17 miles from
) Baltimore. One hundred men with a small brass
gun is the usual Federal garrison. It could be
quickly dispersed. The longest } .bridge on
the railroad—a nine and a quarter in length—
was at the mercy of the cnetnv.
As soon as the railroad was reached the track
was torn uj>. Partu s were sent north and south
around it. Federal gunboats v.ere at Havre
do Grace; in Busli river, north of Magnolia;
and one in Gunpowder river. The trains from
i niiadclphia received timely notice and were
turned hack. Thr sc from Baltimore were not
• Iwo of them rati into tha snare. In one w.s
Maj. Gen. Franklin returninr home from Pe
. tersb irg. He was captured The second t*-ain
Wits loaded by the ct.emy with com bust! hies,
: firo< and sent towards Gunpowder Bridge.—
; Guards and gunboats could not stop it. The
1>: idge was lirod and the immense structure burn
, ed. The enemy did not stop here. Other bod
j ies cut the rdiroad between Gunpowder River
' ami Baltii..ore. Tneir cavalry swarmed in ev
l cry direction. On all sides they approached th®
city. I- coin northeast to southeast it was threat
ened; houses burned; men shot. There scarce
ly seem?, from the lack of resistance, to be any
one to defend the town. At nine o'clock last
night the telegraph was reconstructed by a new
road, it ha- not yet been destroyed. Wash
ington is still in more danger than Baltimore.
Along the Potomac and from Kockville, iarge
bodies of the enemy arc approaching. Onscr
j enth street, which runs north, they are encamp
ed but five miles out. On the Potomac River
road they are but six mi'erf off. TtnallytoWn
has been abandoned by Federal troops and is
ton debatcable ground. In all attacks the ene
my have been victorious. Before this will see
the light, communication will probably be cut
-efween Washington and Baltimore. Who is
,to defend Washington we do n>t know. The
enemy are in overwhelming force; the people
seem terribly frightened; and we think there
are scarcely five thousand available troops in
the city. Grant's army, it seems, has not yet
I come. 'I hat it has been sent for few can doubt.
This morning dawns on a darker day than any
since the war began.
The Confederate privateer Florida has made
her appearance off the Capes of the Delawe-e.
Six vessel* w ere captured. Five of them were
burned and the sixty-three sailors taken from
them wore landed at the Delaware breakwater.
I hey arrived in Philadelphia last evening. The
commander of the Florida, they report, treated
them very well. His vessel is still in the neigh
; horhond of Delaware Bay. Before coming there
the Florida burned a vessel oti Fortress Monroe.
Taken up trespassing up>;, the premises of the
snhsciiber, at the Willow Grove, in Snake .Spring
township, on the 15th of June, a white and black
; spott- <i cow, supposed to be about 9 years old. The
owner is requested !o come, prove property, pav
charges and take ber awrav, or she will be sold ac*>
cordir.g to law. JOSEPH MOKTIMORE.
July 15, 1564.
Bedford Rail Road Company.
i A meeting ot tb* Stockholder? c " :r. ' **.ei!
Road C mpaov Will be held at the oft;*of P.•ro
pe yin P;dto"d Borough, or. Sani'd-v, ih- -f"-i av
' of July, instant, at nin> o c rr! A. o '•*>"
; for th r.w pos* cofiside "t * a • -it. ut-n rot
wb:eh has t>--i r ■ - fere; r'o t • • * : tr *<
! o: th* Huntingdon a d firjad lop do-i
j Roaii an ; Coal (Company and th* h- . • t .i . K. or
Company, for the cofison :ation of sau Companies.
! am! the merging oi th* coipor te righ's, po*rs*nd
privileges of the Bedford Rail Road Coi'pinv i to
j tbe Huntingdon and Rjoad Top Mountain R.u Road
I and Coal Company; at which meeting a vo.e by bal
lot person or I v proxy will b* taken for th* adop
-1 (ion or rejection of said agreement, according to
I the piovi-ior.s of tbe Act of A-s*-rnbly of May 16,
i ISO 1, i' n re'atioa to the consolidat.on of R-u R ad
' Companies. Fy order of the Roitrd nf Directors.
JOHN P. REED, Sec'y.
| v July 15, lb-H.
Has information n*ver befose pnbli h*d,
Sen! ,--{i in a sealed envelope for tfx cents.
Address Dr. STANFORD.
, , n °* No- 4.453 New York P. O.
! July 8, 1661—3 m
ki TJ'rf of ( 8 v mi,,; * Tr * Hon on ,he estate of Allen
- *k. late of Nrp ie , township, dee'd, having teen
j granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to
said estate *i;i make immediate payment,ami those
!du by "au^hent^cat d' for sc^^nt.*" 1
July 8, iS64-6f '' SLEEK Ad "' r<
Strayed from the farm of Zachariah Diehl, in Bed
township, on the 2Sth ult., 31 head of sheep,
a u J °T n ,aC,{ ' W# and one blaf fc
,h u the b ack with red keel, some having
Hillegas, "Colvm," and H. Hull" marked on
them with tar. A reward of fivedolLra will be paid
Tor any information whereby I mav get them again.
r , o ,*. . ANANIAS Atf.MAN,
July 8, 198'B*
J- W- DICKEKSON, Principal.
H. W- FISHER, Assistant Principal.
The County Nornoal School will begin in Bedford
on Monday, August Bth. Arrangements have been
made to offer the teachers of the county the best *
possible advantages. Boirding 52.25 per week
1 eachers will be charged a tuition fee barely enough
to del ray necessary expenses. Others wilf be charg
ed from $5.00 to s'>.oo, according > stud jet pursued.
June 2 1. 1