BULL'S SPECIFIC PILLS—WSRRAJ SPECIFIC PILLS are the original and only genuine Specific Pill. They are adapted tor male and female, old or young, and the only reliable rem edy for effecting a permanent and speedy cure in all cases o' Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, with B l! its train of evils, such as Uretnr.l and Vaginal Discharges, Gleet, the Whites, Nightly or Involun tary F.missions, Incontinence, Genital Debility and Irntibility, Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Pow er, Nervous Dehiiity, Ike., Ike., all ol which arise principally fiom Sexual Excesses or Sell-Abuse, or some constitutional derangement and inc ipaci tates the sufferer from fulfill.ng the duties of mar ried life. In all sexual iiisea-.es, as Gonorrhea, Gleet, and Strictures, and in Disease- of th Blad der and Kidneys, they act as a charm ! Relief is ex perienced by taking a single box. Sold by all the principal druggists. Price They w ill be sent by mail, securelv sealed, and 1 confidentially, on receipt of the money, by J. BRYAN. M. D., No. 76 C -dar street. New York, 1 Consulting Pbvsici-n lor the treatment of Seminal, Urinary, Sexual, an ' Nervous Diseases, who will send, free to all, the following valu.b'.e work, in sealed envelope: THE FirrifcTH THOUSAND—Da. BELL'S TREA TISE on S-lf-.Abuse, Premature Decay, Impotence and Loss of Power, Sexual Diseases, Seminal Weak ness, Nightly Emissions, G-mitai D-bil ry, Sec., See., a pamphlet of 64 pages, containing impo tant ad vice to the afflicted, arid which should be re d by every sufferer, as the means of cure in the seveiest stages is plainly set forth. Two stamps required to pay postage. December 4, IS63—ivsc IMPORTANT TO LADIES—Da HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS nave nrvi vei tailed in removing difficulties arising from oh,.ruction, o* stoppage of nati-ie, or in restoring the sy m to peilect healtn when siif ering fioa: bpinal Affection Prol-ip-us Uteri, the Whites, or other weakness o f the Uter.ne O-g^ns. l *lh" Pill- i perfectly ha ii.'.ess on the constitution, : may '■ ae.ei ih- mo-t deh rate fen.alt with-j oiH '.au-n,; dl r- he .ariie 'itn thev set like a eh "'i bv s!r ■ .<• £ i* vigtirati"g and restoring t'>* , sir to . a tf rot. ition, nil by Lr-nging oi. he roi,;h!y j. rot with regularity, no rn.itter fr jin wt a: causes 'h< oiistruction may „ri-e. They should, However. NOT he ta/er. Mtri, % .he firsi three or four (uoriths oi pregnancy, though sate at anv other time, a- miscarriage v ould be the result, i'ach box contains 60 Pilis. Price jit. DR. HAUVSV's TSEATISE o.i Diseases jf Females, Pregnancy, Mi-carriage, Birrer-ne.-s, Sterility, _;p. production, arid Ab'ies of Nature, and emp ari-sliv the La'lies' Private V -dicai Auvie r , a pamphlet of 64q).-ges, sent free to-my address. Six cents re qui,eti to pay postage. i l,e Pills and book will be sent by nail when de ei i securely s-a erf. at d prep.id, by J. BRYAN. M. D., Geneiat Agent, No. 76 Cedai St., New Yoik. ijy o'd by all the principal druggists. December 4 1863—iysc. A Gf NTLFM AN, cured of Nervous Debility, In cy. Prert btur. D-cav and Youthful Error. ' oy - - - ■* to b-n. fi other-, will be hap py to fu: s. to nil who need if, (tree of charge), tne recipe and duections for ti-akii g the simple rem edy us. d in his case. Those wi-hing to profit bv bis experience, ar.d po-ttai a valuable remedy, wi I receive the sam*., by leturn mail, (carefully sealed) by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 60 Nassau street, New York. May 20—3 m. A Most Excellent Medicine. J. F. CARPENTER'S RHEUMATIC FLUID.— Petsonr Tufiermg from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Diptneria, Burn;, Arc., will find this a most excellent remedy. It comes to us recommended by *ome of the b*st men io the State—and in this community Try a bottle and ee for ) ourselt. For -ale at f. L Drfi "bough's, Bedford. April 29, ISS4 —1 y. SwALI>3W two or three hogsheads of "Buch'i," "Tonic fitters," "Saisaparilln." .'Nervous An tidotes," Ike., Src., and alter vo are m ti-ifi.nl with t:.e remit, then try one box of OLD DO'.'TOR EU CHANT'S V.KGI.ISr SPECIFIC PILLS-and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are purely vegetaole pleasant to take prompt and -salutary kn their effects on the broken-down and shattered constitution. Old and young can tane Them with advantage. TmporteJ and sold in the United State- only by J AS. S. BUTLER, General Agent, Station D, Bible House, New Y'ork. P. S. A box sent to any address on receipt ol price—which is On* Dollar—pott fr**. Murch 25, IBG4. —om USE NO OTHER! BUCHAN'S SPECIFIC PILLS are the only Reliable Remedy lor all Diseases of the Seminal, Urinary and Nervous Systems. Try ona box, and be cured. ONE DOLLAR A BOX. One box will perfe-.t a cure, or money refunded.— sent by mail on receipt of pi ice. JAS. S. BUTLER. Station D, Bible House, New Y'ork, March 215, 1864—3 m Genera! Agent. J\o Y'OU WISH TO BE CURED f J DR- BUCHAN'S nglish Specific Pills cure in less than 30 days the worst cases of Nervousness, lmpotency, Prem ature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity and all Utinarv, Sexual, and Nervous Affections, no matter trom what cause p.oduc'd. Price, One Doliar per box. Sent; post-paid; by mail, on receipt of an order. Address. JAS. S. BUTLER, General Agent, Station D, Bible House, New Y'ork. March 25, 18G4. —3tu GOING! GONE! The undersigned having taken out license at an •octiorjfcer, respectfully inform* the public that he is prepared to cry sales and will attend to all calls be may receive in that line of business. WILLIAM BONNELL. Londonderry tp., June 17—tf. O YES! O YES! The undersigned having taken out auetioneer'a license for Bedford oouuty, offers hi* services to tba public. JOHN DELL. Six Mile Run, June 17. PRATT & SMEDLEY RAKE- Tiir: FATfIFR OF TilE FIELD We can give the te-timony ot over 3.000 of our '"be- t la. reels, that thi rake is superior to any other in use. tbrcac-e it is pertectly adapted to rake both , rain end greet, uad so simple and easy that any boy can use it. It baa taken the first ptemiuro at twenty-aevan eg tubitiona, and has Dover failed to give satisfaction. U tba toelh ate Dot steel the purchase! will have j b money tetunded. QSn'be Rak can ba had at the botala of Isaac Meogvl and Joshua J. hhoemaket, Bedford, afl at tfca atom of W. fctaiM k Co., Bloody Boa. FoA p-kfticuUrs ed drags G. W. BRANDT hi CO , Colombli, PJ., or HLIDLER, Agent, Cbsinbarsbtj.g. AUDITOR'S NOTICE The undersigned Auditor, appointed to make dis- Ttib'itioo ot the funds in thena.-idsof Thomas Fisb •T, adminiatrator of the estate 6f Catharine Sliger, late of Cucnberiand Valley township, dec'd, hereby gives notice tba: ht will attend to lb* duties of b. isppo. fitment, ot Moiniay, Oht- JI th of July next, at fai. office ui Bodf j.d whet, .ud whre allp-rtiea in teresteti uray attend if tbey bbfak proper. Jl. Al. HLSIP, June 17, IW4—#t Auditor. c P o A R E N H E C FARQUHAK'S R REPUTATION FOR SELLING CHEAP STILL MAINTAINED. We are now receiving at "Cheap Corner" a very large stock of Spring and .Summer Fashionable For eign and Domestic Dry Goods, of every variety and style. ' To the Ladies. Call and Examine our Stock of CALICOES, BALMORALS, DELAINES, HO(K' SKIRTS, ALPACAS, RIBBONS, CUFFS & COLLARS SHAWLS, HEADNETS, HATS, COMBS, VEILS, TRIMMINGS, HGMERY. Gentlemen, Come and see our dissortment of COTTON ADES, COATS, SA I'JNETTS, PANTS, OA Sal MERES, VESTS, JEANS, BOOTS, CLOTHS, GAITERS, LINENS, SHIRTS, MUSLINS, NECKTIES, DRILLS, SUSPENDERS. groceries, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, and Spie ot every Kind. TOBACCO AM) CIGARS. Congress, Flounders, Old Virginia, John Anderson Natural Leaf, and all kinds of Suiokiug lobacco ai.d Cigars. Having adopted the "Cash System," we are de termined to sell at veiy -mall profit, and the publie. wno have so kindiy patronized us, are respectfully invited to tail and examine our stock J. B. FARQUHAR. Juliana Street, Bedford, June 17, 18(34. WISTARS BALSAM OF WiliD CIIHKKY. ONE OF HIE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD 1 OR Coughs, Folds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Djfculty of Biealhtng, Jisthma, Hoarse iiess, Sore lliroi', Croup, and every affection of THE THROAT, .LUNGS. AND CHEST, INCLUDING EVRX I H \ S l II | i H \ . WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY Sx, g'terat has the. nxe of thir remedy become* and ' SO popular >n it everywhere, that it is unnecessary to recount its virtues. Its works speak for it y and find utterance in the abunda ul and vofuutury testimony of the. many who from long suffering and settled disease it tve cy its use been restored to pi istine vigor and health. We can present a mass of evidence in proof ■. of our assertions, that CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. The Rev. Jacob Sechler. Well known and much respected among the German population in thiscountry, makes the fot'owing state- ■ meni ior the ben fit of the afflicted. HANOVKR, I a., Feb. 16, 1559. | Dear Sirs : —Having realized in my family impor- ; tarn in n-fi'N lion the use of your va uab'e prepara- ] tloo- iViti ar , f lij'.am of Will Cktrry —it affords ' me pleasuie to lecomm lid it to the public, isome ! ei-h- years ago one ot my daughter seemed to be in \ decline and little hopes of her tecovery were en tertained. 1 then p. .cured a bottle oi yo tr excel- ! lent Balsam, and before she had tak-n the wnoie of the contents of the bottle tuere was a great improve ment in her heal h. I have, in env individual case, made frequent use ot your valuable medicine, and have always been benefited by it. JACOB SECHLER. From Jesse Smith, Esq ~ President of the Jljn is Count if Bunk, Morristown, Xew Jersey. ••Having used DR. WISTAR'S EALSAM or WILD CHKRKY toi about fifteen years, and having realized its beneficial results in my family, it affords me great pleasure in recommending it to the public as a valuable remedy in cases of weak lungs, cold*, coughs he., ai d a remedy which 1 consider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate in hea'tb. From Hon.. John E. Smith, u Distinguished Lotryer in Westminster, Md. I have on several occasions used DR. VVISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHEBBT lor severe colds, and al ways with decided buefit. 1 know of no prepara tion that is more eiiicacions or more deserving of general use. The Balsam h* alto been used with xcellent ef fect by J. B. ELLIOTT, Meichaot, Hall's Cross Roads, Md. Wistar's Balaam of Wild Cherry. None genuine unless tigned . 4JI Bioadwiy, New York. J. VV. FOWLER CO., Proprietors, boiton. And by all Druggists. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE. FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE Has fully established the superiority of REDDIN'U'S RUSSIA SALVE, Over all other b'a'ing preparations. It cure* all kinds of SDR.E4, CUTS. SCALDS, BURNS, POILS, f'LCERS, SALT RHEUM. ER YSIPEL \S, STIE6, PILE>. CORNS. SORE LIPS, SORF. EYES, A--., RE OVINiTHE PAIN AT ON'CK. AND REDUCING T RiC M 1 >T A NG- Y LOOKING SWF.LLINGS AND INFLAMATION AS IF BV MAGIC. ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX FOR SALE BY J. P DINSMORE, NO. 491 Broadway, New.York. J. W. FOWLE ft CO., No. 18 Tremont-st., Boston. And by all Druggist*. May 6, 186J— eowly Photographic Pictures. Tbe scbsciiber has just returned from Philadel phia, where be has puiriia>ed a large and select stock cf FHOT'GkArtt FRAMES, computing GILT, EBOXY, ROSEWOOD, UXIOX, AXD CARD FRAMES, of difierent styles sad varieties, frees SO Cl*, up to Five Dollars, each. ALSO—A new assortment of ffcoU>*raph Albums, of all stvles, fcclurog from 12 to 200 pictures, at prices varying from 75 cent* to $20.00, Suitable for the PoFkei or the Parlor, Photographs, Ambroses, Melainotjpes, &c., taken cs low as 25 cents each. C7" Pictures of every kind and description copied to eui* the album size or life ize, on the most rea sonable terms, and in the most durable mc ner. li.stim ins it. tbe art given on moderate terms. Skylight Gallery opposite the Washmg'on Hotel. T. R. UETTYS. Bedford, June 10, 1364. SHERIFF'S SALE. | By virtue of the within Fi. F. to me directed, ! there will be ioid at public sale at the Court House, in the borough of Bedford, on S ■tur le'*, the 16th day of July, 1564, at 10 o'clock, A. M., all the right, title and inteiest of Jeremiah Smith, in the follow ing tract of land situate in Southampton township, j Bedlord county, Pa., containing eighty-five acre*, more or let*, about fifty acres cleared, adjoining lands of Joseph Smith, Lewis M iller, John Cevn der and others, with a log house, barn, Sec., thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Jeremiah Smith. ALOO—The following lot of ground situate iu the vil'age ol Stoners'own, Bedford county, fronting about 110 feet on Main street and extending back about -00 feet to an alley, adjoining lot of Hoover's heirs on the east, and by an alley on the west, hav ing theieon erected a two atory fiame house, 55 by 35 feet, a frame stable and log wa>h house. ALSO—A vacant lot of ground in said village, fronting en Mair. street 55 feet and extending back 200 feet to an aliey, adjcining lot of Joseph Ciiss man'a hei.s, on the west, and an alley on the east. Seized and taken in execution aa the pioperty of George Tricker. JOHN ALDSTADT, Sheriff. Bedford, June 17, 188-1. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned will -ell at public sale, on Mon day, 41 b of July next, the following described val uable real estate, situate in Londonderry Town-hip, Bedford county, containing 151 ACRES, more oi les, 75 ol which are cleared and un- er fence, with a good TWO SIOKY LOG HOUSE and LOG BARN thereon erec'ed, and also having thereon a goot ap ple orchard, being the property of the late Charles Johnson, dec'd. I errns will be made known on day of salt, w oen due attendance will be given by WILLIAM BONN ELL, Adm'r. of Cha's Johnson, dec'd. Londonderry tp., June 17. ilotice of Inquisition. By virtue of a writ of partition or valuation is sued out ol the Orphans' Court of Bedford county and to me di ected, as S .erifl of said county, 1 will hold sn inquest upon the j-a! estate of John Metz grr. late of Juniata townsh'p, dec'd., who died t-,. teslate, on the piemiseg, on Friday, the 2Jd day of July i ext, said real estate consisting of one tract of landsituate in Juniata township, Bedford county, containing 330 acres, more or less, with a brick and log house, bank barn and stable the; eon erected, and about 160 acres c ea:ed. That the children and heirs and all persons interested therein ie notified to attend if they think proper, at the iime and place befoie mentioned. That ihe toilowing named per sons aie the heirs named in said writ, viz : Ist. Arneiia Metzger, widow, 2d. Sarah, wife of Jacob Coriey, 3d, Mary, wife of John AI sip, 4th, Ellen, wife of Win. Showman, sth, Dsniel Mrtzger, 6th, "-'sria, wile of John Kerr, 7th, Sophia, wife of Emanuel Palmer, who died leaving issue six chil urer, viz: Lavinia Palmer, John Palmer, Eiinira Palm-r Geoige Palmer, Susan Palmer and Henriet ta Palmer, who have lor th-ir guardians John P. Reed and Daniel Melzger, Esq'i.., Louisa, wife of Washington Holler, and 9tb, Susan Melzger, a mi nor, of whom John P. Reed, Esq.. is guardian. JOHN ALDSTADT, Sheriff. Bedford, June 17. 1564. Tw. HIS' FifiT HOUSE HAKE. This rake combines giea'.r improvements, and more etiective capabilities, than any ever before of fered to the agriculturist. As the teeth are elevated and depressed by the foot of the driver, his hands are left free to guide his team with precision, and keep it under perfect control. As each rake-tooth is capable of an inde pendent vertical movement, the rake will operate perfectly over the mo-I uneven surf,ice with a uni lorm pressure, and will, consequently, RAKE MOWN GRASS PERFECTLY CLEAN. As the teeth of the rake have two movements, stony ground will not obstruct its movement, nor in jure tre several teeth, anil it will rake wiiaout injury iu the heaviest grass. As ihe teeth form their own springs, the cumber some, cosily, and conip'ex springs, heretofore used, are entirely dispensed with, a'id in rase of breakage any Farmer ran at ease replace the broken tooth. As the lake-teeth are lifted automatically by mechanism, controlled by the loot of the driver, be is --n.ibied to operate the machine with very little fatigue and without using his hands at all. As the driver h.s bo'h hands with which to manag" his team, lie can Si ART TURN, oi go FORWARD wills precision ari J at ihe proper inoinril; and. us the movement of the teeth ate > ontrolied by his loot, he can, at the ptoper moment, elevate them to ilis chaige the.- load, and instantly drop them at the ex act moment and place to commence raking without loss of time. This rake is solidly constructed of durable mate rials. and is so simple na direct in its operation that any boy who can manage a horse in harness, can, with this RAKE, do perfect work. Pfy All peisons wanting a good Rake will please give me a call in due time, as I will hfve a great many to make this season. * # * For further information as to license, gale, or use of tins Paten!, uiidiess DANIEL W. AMOS, Bedioid, Btdford Co., Pi. Bedfoid, June 3, 186-t—2,u. St HENSHEY, BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS, AND DEALERS IN FRUITS, TOYS JiMD FJJYCY GOODS, North Vain Street, West Side, CtiKMusria, Pa. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTEND ED TO. VJ~TE&MS CJSU.^i May 30. l&tH—ly. Wool Wanted* Highest price in cash paid for WOOL. Alay37. A. B. CRAMER fit CO. (J} ' ■> Hon. Wilson M'Candless, Judge of the United States Circuit Court, President, j Corner Penn and St. Clair Sts., Pittsburg, Perm. J The Largest, Cheapest and Best s3s Pays jar a Jull Cummerciat Course. CLF"SO extra charges for Manufac'urers, Steam boat, Railroad and Bank Book-Keeping. Ministers' Sons at Half piice. Students enter and review at any time. This institution is conducted by experienced teach ers and practical accountants, who prepare young i men for active business at the lea-t expense and i shortest notice, for the most lucrative and responsi- | ble situations. DICLOMAS granted for merit only, J Hence the universal preference for graduates of this \ College, by business men. Paor. A. COWLEY, the best Penman of the Union, ! who holds the largest number of IST PREMIUMS, and : over all competitors, teaches Rapid Business Wri- j ting. CIRCULARS containing full information sent FREE ! on appiication to the Principals. JENKINS & SMITH, \ Pittsburg, Pa. t where the Sons and Clerks of Bankers I and Business Men graduaie. November 6, 1563. 10,000 lbs. of WOOL Wanted, at J. M. Shoemaker's Store, for which the highest market price will be paid in Cash or Store Goods. June 10, 1564. FOR I DTSEKTEEY —AVD— Diarrlicea. i DIXON'S AROMATIC BLACKBERRY QARMINATIVE Is the only safe and sure cure. It con tains no opium or deleterious drugs, no min eral or other injurious compounds common to remedies generally sold for this class of disease. It is so efficacious that Physicians very generally use it in their practice in all chronic and dangerous cases. EST Use no Cholera mixtures or doubt ful compositions, (many of which under mine and ruin the constitution,) when you can obtain an unfailing remedy as simple and safe as Blackberries themselves. Ask for DIXON'S BLACKBERRY CARMINA TIVE, and see that the proprietor's name is j written on the outside wrapper of each bot tle. Prepared only by Sole Proprietor, CINCINNA TI. For sale by all respectable druggists. Price, (old style. 35 cts.) 25c., 5Cc. and sl, per Bottle. DEM AS, BARNES & CO., Wholesale Agents, New York. iTlni Specific restores you to former health ani without it ytu ss* the tfieets of disease. Dr. LIDLIJI'S SPECJFIC. ThUli great Si sovereign Iteinedy (composed of EXTRACTS from lnd ian Hoolt and Herb*.) for all diseases of ths Urinary and Sexnnl Organs, snch as Incontinence of Ihe Urine, Inflamma tion of Ihe Bladder, Inflammation of the Kidneys, Stone In the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, and Is unrivaled by anything yet dis covered for curing the vv hltcs tn wo men: Whn used according to directions this Remedy hu ue'.ther txslc uor until, andite ue cannot be de tected L'V anv one. Thie remedy it perfect and re quires uo iujectioM, which sre calculated lo destroy ud deaden the diseased organs, hut removes the poi son from the eytear, creating buoyancy and health. ft is no quack .Medicine, but is the embodied ex perience of 'he Physician most successful in curing all diseases of thie class. KaS~ Let none despair iw this remedy effects ths svost astonishing euree, when all others fail. Pries only il.'O per box, or 6 boxes for 85.00. Sent bt mail to any address on receipt of the pries. for sale by ail liruggiete. See that my eignatnrs la around each box. Sols- Proprietor, Cincinnati. DEM AS, BARNES (t CO , Wholesale: Agents, New York. Juoe 3, 1564. -\olice of Inquisition. Bv viitue of • writ of partition and valuation ii eued out of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, ami to me as Sheriff of said county directed, 1 will hold an inque.t upon the real estate of Frederick Claar, late of Union rownstsfp, deceased, (who die J intestate), on the premises, tin Friday, the 15th day of July next, said real estafts- i unfitting of one tract of land situate iu Uaion township, Bedlord county, containing 200 acres, moi.i or less, with two log bouses, log baiu and tog stabile rheteon erected, and about 150 acres cleared. That tbo children and heirs and alt persons interested therein are notified to attend it they think proper, at the time and place before mentioned. That the toilowing turned per sons are the heir* named in said writ, viz: Ist, Jacob Claar, sbaie o aned by Baitbolomew Dively, 3d. Simon Claar, deceased, leaving issue g children, Frederick, deceased, leaving one child, Etsiuda, of whom Christ. Btiggle is guardian, Ma ria, wife of Mover, Rebacca, Susan, Cathaiine, wife of Henry Feather, Jacob, Aaron ana Samuel j 3d, Matthias, share owned by B. Dively j 4th, Peggy, wife of Peter lrkes, now deceased, issue, to wit • Jacob C. Icket, Nancy, wife of Claycomb, and Eliz abeth, who died leaving one chilu, Walter Berkbt- Itnerj sth, Nancy, wife of Michael Walter, leaving issue, to wit: Julian, Stiab, Simon, Joseph, Elizabeth, Micbaei and Catharine; 6th, Sarah, wife i of Jacob Lingenfelter, residing in Illinois; 7th, Barbara, wife of George Lingenfelter. share beld by John Claar; Bth, Henry Claar; 2th, Daniel Claar; s 10th, Rachel, wife of Bartholomew Dively; 11th, j Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Bently, share held by B. Dively; 12th Joseph Claar ; I3th, John W. Claar. JOHN ALDSTADT, Sheriff. J Bedford, Juoe 17, 1864. WM HARTLEY'S FARMERS' COLUMN j To Me Faimers of Bedford aid adjoining Counties: 1 offer the best selection of "Farm Machinery in the world." Having a practical knowledge ol farming, and being acquainted with the best tnd j latest improvements, 1 am confident that my selec i (ions will give satisfaction, at any rate I am willing TO TAKE THF. RESPONSIBILITY and WAR i RANT ail machines to work and be as represented. ' Besides I furnish many machines delivered at the prire at which they are retailed at the place of man*- ' ! faeture. "The Farmer Mower" IS MADE OF IRQJS AND STEEL. I Weighs but 570 lbs., cuts feet swatb. Has a flexible binge cutter bar, two driving wheels. No > weight on borses necks. Each horsa has but 100 ! lbs. to pull in cutting IT IS THF CHEAPEST AND BEST MACHINE I NOW OFFERED TO THE PEOPLE. i| , ( j Is warranted in full —and challenges the world. ! ! 1 have already sold nearly one hundred of these j Moweis, and can get but a few more. J Price $l2O 00, delivered in Bedlord—Farmers must; i order soon to secure machines. Willougbby's Gum Spring j 1 (iiOin dftriils, | also on hand and lor sale at Carlisle prices. These drills aie now "MASTER OF THE FIELD," Sow Outs, Barley, Wheat, Rye, 5c , .Measure the Ground, and brtak no Seed. Thousands already in use and everybody pleased. Send in your orders soon, as I have but 50 ofj th^m. 30 Green Castle Grain C 'adles now on band. The last of these celebrated Cradles i j that can be got, as the makers intend moving west, j I i The Eureka Corn Stalk Cutter and Crusher and Hay & Straw Cutter. : Having sold more than 100 of these Cutters the I | past winter, in this and adjoining counties, they ; i need BO praise. Ask your r.eigbboia who have them. ' _ | Keystone Cider Mi&ls, Portable Farm .VI ills, ; which will grind all kinds of grain by horse power. | APPLC PAPERS, SCYTHES & S.NEDS, GRINDSTONES, &.c., &c- I i i Hardware of ali kinds. NAILS, IRON, PAINT, OIL, &c., Stc. My atock of Hardware was bought at old price*, in great part, and 1 oflur much of K AS LOW AS EVER. t MY STOCK IS COMPLETE, and I will always to please t&oae who may fam* am wUh fbcix patrnaage. Terms in all aatm CHISEL, unlet* Uheruiit ag rend. CUTarntern waotisg Maehiaee, ot any kind,, ftmst remembwr that goods ol all kinds are constant ly &da>.D-:ing, id the sooner their order* are given ' thu better for them, as Farm Machinery wfll aoon j a.'vajice IU proportion TE the rite of material, la ' i bor, fite. WM. HARTLEY > May 20, 1854. I) Y ST E L S I At AND DISEASES RRSULTIYG FROM DISORDER OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE OBG AN S ARK CURED LY fiaaflaruTs Berr.au Sifters, ■9 . t ' The Creat Strengthening Tonic. These Bitters hare Performed more Cures I HAVE AND DO GIVr BETTER SATISFACTION HAVE MORE TESTIMONY) HAVE MORE RESPECTABLE PEOPLE TO VOUCH FOR THF.M ) Than any other article in the m a; k et- We defy any one to contradict this a*, er / i9n AND WILL PAY slooo To auy one that will produce a Certificate publish ed by us, that is not gencixc. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a disordered Stomach. Observe the following Symptoms: Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Or fins: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness of Biood to the Head, Acidity ot the Stomach, Nausea, Heart bum, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pi* of the Stomach, Swimming ot the Heed, Hurried and Diffi cult Breathing, Flut tering at the Heart, Choking or Suf focating Sensations when in a lying Posture, Dimne-s of Vis ion, Dots or Webs be fore the sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eves, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imag inings of Evil, and gteat Depression of Spirit#. REMEMBER, THAT THIS BITTERS IS NOT ALCOHOLIC, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, Anil (Can't fllake Drunlcarbs, BUT IS THE BEST TONIC In the World. "CREAD WHo"sAYS~SO.££ From the Rev. Levi G. Beck. Pastor of the Bap tist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphia. 1 have known Hoofland's German Bitters favora bly for a number 01 years. 1 have used them in my own family, and have been so pleased with their ef fects that I was induced To recommend them to ma ny others, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I take pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recommended, to these Bitters, know ing from experience that my recommendation will be sustained. Ido this more cheerfully as Hoof land's Bitters is intended to benefit the afflicted, and is "not a l urn drink." Yours truly, LEVI G. BECK. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of tha Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, and Chris tian Chronicle, Philadelphia. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pat j ent Medicines in general, through distrust of their , ingredients and effects, 1 yet know of no sufficient i reasons why a man may r.ot testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any siia -1 pie preparation, in the hope that he may tnus con ! tribute to the benefit of others. I do this the mere readily in regard to Hoofland's German Bitters, prepaid by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of tbis city, because I wis pr judiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an i.iooholic mixture. lam indebted" to my friend, Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by pioper teste, and for encourage ment to try them, when suffering from greet and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these bit'ersat the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degr-e of bodily and mental vigor which I h*d not felt tor six months before, and badalmoit despaired jof regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend ! for directing me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN, Philad'a. | From the Rev. Jos. H. Kennard, Pastor of the 10th Baptist Church. I Dr. Jackson Dea' Sir:—l have been frequently ! requested to connect mv name with commendatione , of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the t practice as out of my appropriate sphere, ! have in I all cases declined ; but with a clear proof in various | instances, and particularly in my family, ot the use- I fulness ot Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, I depart : for once from my usual course, to express my full ■ conviction that, for general debility of the system I and especially for Liver Complaint, it is a safe and ! valuable preparation. In some cases it may fail ; ; but usually, 1 doubt not, it will be very beneficial j to those who sutler from the above cause, j Yours, very respectfully, J. H. KENNARD. Eighth below Coates t„ Phil'a. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pa.-tor of the Baptia Church, Germanfowu, Penn. Dr. C. M, Jackson Dear Sir Personal experi ence enables me to say ttat I regard the fiermaa Bitters srepared by you as a most exce|!ei t r-ed - cine. In cases ot severe cold and general cebility I have been greatly benefited by the use of tbe Bit ters. and doubt not (hey will produce similar eflecta on others. Yours truly, WARREN RANDOLPH, Germantown, Pa. From Rev. J. H. Turner, Pastor of Heddiag M. £. Church, Philadelphia. Dr. Jackson Dear Su i—Having used your Ger. man Bitters in my family frequently,' I am prepared lo ray that it has been of great service. Yours respectfully, J. H. TURNER. No. 726 N. Nineteenth Btreei Frotr. the Rev. J. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Columbus (N. J.) and Milestown (Pa.) Baptist Churcbf s. f New Kochelle, N. I. J Dr. C. M. Jackson -Dear Sir s—i fee! it a pleae ore tbus, of my own accord, to bear testimony to | tbe excellence of the German Bitters. Some yea/a j since being much afflicted with Dyspepsia. ! used | them with very beueficiai reaulla. J. M. LYONS. From Rev. J. fi. Herman, of tbe German Reformed Church, Kutztown, Berks co. t Pa. Dr. C, M. Jacksor.——Reflected Sirl have bee* troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and have oever used say medicine that did me as much good ta UoaCaod't Bitter*. Yours, with respect, J. S. HERMAN. PRICES. Largs Size (holding nearly double qaantfty,) Si 00 per boule—half dnz. S3 00 Small size—79 eta. per bottle—half dot. 94 00 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITSt | Bee that tbe signature of C. M. JACKSON" (a oo the WRAPPER, of each bottle. ! Should your nearest druggist not have the article i do riot be put off by sny of the intoxicating prepa -1 rations that may be cfiered in its p' ce, but se: 1 tu ua and we will forward, secuiely packed,by ex pre.*. PaiMCiFAt, Officii and Manufactory, J No. 63! ARCH STREET, PHIUSSUIU. JONES & EVANS, Successors to Q. M. J nelson 4- Co. PROPRIETORS. For t*l by Druggist* nod Dealers in erary tawc ' i* tha United States. Jj