mam"ix —~ ~ rir tt h " ~ir tr • CT SHRINER'S BALSAMIC fiOFGH SIRIP. For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Who&mng Cough, ] Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, < Pota anti Weakness of the Breast, Difficulty of Breathing, Sfc. rTHfS is no new remedy. It bas been used Save X for a number ot yeais in Mary Sand and j , parts of Pennsylvania, and has wherever i t known, acquired an unprecedented reputation for curing the various meases for which :t is recommended. , So apparent is its usefulness, and so remark able bas been its cures, that it is fast super- your ; 1 ceding every other remedy for those diseases. The afflicted can rely upon it doing as much for them, and in many tnor ®. *ban any other remedy now before the public. it is recommended "d prescribed in the practice of a hrge number of the moat intel - Chit- , iient and abf* physteiaos of Maryland, ft drm. is"nsed and considered an indispensable house hold remedy by a large portion of the first families of the State. it is sued by all classes of society, and the nfiiversal opinion is That it is sood. T7s t-is Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven that it is equalled by no other preparation. The price of the remedy is such as top ! ace syrup [ it within the reach of aH, the poor as well as the rich, and evci; j 'rscn should hare it. Every person should have it in the hou e. It is a true and faithful friend *o a!! who vat- is ie beal'h a 1 : I wish to srcure themselves a- C?:ast that mod terrible disease, consump tion. It will be found the most usetol as well as the cheapest fami'y medicine in the steel world, it has b-en n;.cd for the last four years with a success without a parallel. P:ice 10 cer.ts per bottle, or three bottles for SI.CO. Prepared by S. A. Foutz St Fro. i* ! For sale by H. C. Reamer and B. F. Harry Druggists, Bedford, Pa. December IS, 18C3—iy. timet. "SHRISER'S !SDM FERfllFim Q ifINCF- the mtrodnetlon of this beunßfui prep in - tion, it has been steadily advancing into public fa vor. Its astonish!.-g efficacy in evpeii ng wor-r.s i has won for it many friends vrker ~--r known, and these are speak tvg its praise to . others, so that->" Nit is fast being introduced TO £ every family in I the land. Theq qdemand for it j is im "•> DESTROY *. To make it still more wor N thv the prefer-' en c e already VV O RMS! £ shown it, the Proprietor putting it up in a much handsomer style than formerly. It is r.ow prepared with the greatest care of uniform strength, with plain directions, so thit any one can adminis- ; ter it. It is fntireJy Vegetable—Perfectly .Safe and Harmless. And has never been known to tail to expel worms, where "worms existed. The proprietors boldly as sert that it is superior to any other preparation in ! The world. CP-Ask for SHRIXER'S INDIAN VERMIFUGE, and take no other. Cf7"Priee -5 cents pe r bottle. ( by S. A. Foutz 3c Bro., and fos sale i at the Drug Stores of R®amer and Harry, Bedford, I Pa. Dec. IS, '63— ly ' j Fontz's )li\tHrc f THE TS a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of ! i Rbenrra'lsm, Pairfn? Nervous Affections, | Sprains, Burn*, Swellings and all diseases re- i best quiring an externallapplicafion on man. ~ On hordes it will never fail to cure Pole-j ®vil, Fistula, old running sores, or Sweeney, Lixi- if properly applied. For sprains, bruises, jiest scratches, crooked hoofs, chafes, saddle or collar sail- cuts or wounds, it is an infallible y< a remedy. Try it and be convinced of its effi cacy. R II E I .U A T I S 51 . Ma* Persons afflicted with this disease i o met-1 ter of how long st i dirg, can be piomp'iy i aci effectually cured by using this Mixture. ®si- There i 3 nothing ia the world so sure and so good to take away hard corns, and cure Beast Frost Bites as this preparation. Try it ar.d j satisfy yourselves. Price 25 and 30 cents new per bottle. Prepared by S. A. FOCTZ, Westminster, Md. j in css UTTcr sale at the Drugstores of Reamer j and Harry, Bedford, Pa. December 18,.1863, — ly FOCTZ'S CELEBRATED HORSE AND CATTLE P 0 W D E R S. THESE Powders have proved, after atria: | ] of several years, to be superior to any .preparation ei the kind in use. The chief I •■uperiority of these arises from the ,facr. that they are composed of medicines f rhat ua e Laxative, Tonic and Puriiving ,proper.;-• T ie laxative ejects crudities ; tiooc the -tomach and intestines , the tonic ' SS i : ve-> to tb- system of the Horse, , a ~i •.e fying medicia-* contained in ~t. i .• clear--e ti.e btcod, afl : / the rour.di- ~ for a vigorc and I o I thy circulation, z , , p .o ,;,e ,-.r' •. em •• 'ves the wir.-d, sfieng th- ( •j - : -.e pp t 'e and gives the horse a fine, ;:noo"h and g'.osay ski"—thus improvng the (, vigor and spirit ot this noble -animal. These powders sre not intended, as most •powders are, to bloat the an mai, so as to i give him the affpeaian'e ot being fat when not really so— but, to remove the disease i and promote nis haU'. i These powder* w:ll strengthen the itom acb and ir.tes'mes, cleanse tnem from offen- ; .sive matter, and bring them to a heaithy tate. They are a sure prevention of Lang Fever, and a certain remedy for all diseases inctaent to the Horse, a* Glanders, Yellow Water. Distempers, Founder, Heaves, Siav- i ■ erirg. Coughs, Feveis. Loss of Appetite and Vital Energy, 3tc. — These Powders, if used two or three times a week, through the win (ter and spring, your h--r*e will never ge* the U® Fever, Colic or Bolts. A few doses of k-- "■■3 these powders will remove the worst cougl, -n A\.J horse. ,V>'e owner* of horse* TO 12 : d a few of he*-> powder*every year, "hey might save fne i; ves of many valuable horses. " I MILCH COWS. The p:-.;-ertes powder possesses in in creasing the quantity of rr iU in cows, gives tit an importance and vaine which should place'tin tie hands of every person keep ;og a cow. In fattening cattle, it gives !b-*m, an appetite, loosens their h fe, and make* them 'ihrive much taster. _ HOGS. 3! HI diseases of swine, a* coughs, uiceis SSCtin the lungs and liver, fkc., by putting fromj a paper to a paper of these powders in §£a barret of swill, the above diseases can be ~ leured or entirely prevented. By using these '3; ipowiiers the hog cholera can be prevented. : Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, Westminster, Md. 1 • a!e at the Drug Stores of Reamer and H "ty. de-'-toid. Pa Dsn. F8 —ly " " r 1 1 ,1 11 ■■■' ■ m STORE —NEW FOODS. Mrs. Sam'L H. Tats h* opened oat, at her residence on Julitna Street, opposite the Meßgef House, a full assortment of MILLMERI MD FMCY GOODS, from the we" known firm of Wood & Ca-ey, Chest nut street- Philadelphia, whieh will be renewed by F.xpre ß * weekly. Her friends ami the public gene rally are respectfully invited to give her a call and form their own judgment. May 13. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Diseases of the Nefvous System, Spermator rhea or Seminal Weakness, Impotence, and other affections of the Sexual Organs, Physical Debility and Premature Decay—new and reliable treatment, in reports of the Howard Association, sent tiy mail in sealed lettei envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKTLLIN HOTTCR TON. Howard Assoctatio*. No. '2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. March 6, 1863 —1y BOCKS: BOOKS:: I hereby request all persons who have any oi my books, to return the same immediately. W. P. SCHF.LL. Bedford, May 13—'it \USTED. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS of Chestnut Oik Bark. S. BC. W. SHOCK. May 13— 6t." FO 11 SALE OK T 11 ./ n/; / A Farm in Bedford township, owned by John H Rash, about tour rr.iies from Beilford. containing ISO acre-... about SO acres cleared, with log house, jog barn and other out-buiidir-gs therein erected ; j also, an appie orchard thereon. ALSA)—A *ract of land containing fifteen acres, about ?even acre* cleared with a stcry an 1 a ball iog house and log stable thereon erected, adjoining ; anih of Joseph B ickey, Joan A. Imgrund and oth ers. situate in Juniata township. The cleared land is tr. good ordei, and the balance weH timbered, all capable o. easy irrprovemert and cultivation. ALSO-—A tract of land in Harmon's Bottom, Ju niata 'ownsblp, with log house, barn, Htc., tcsreon i erected, containing 70 acre* and allowance. P.nt ' of fhi- "r-.ct i* cleared a 1 un-|er fence and in a good state of cultivat.or. —near to a school house, mill, &c. a-: ->ini % lands of Scott, Low, Hughes and oth ers. arid late .- purchased from Wii am Hurley.t ALSO—A tract of land in Union township, con taining 223 ac-es, 72 acres cleared, with a farm bouse, tenant bouse, double iog burn and new -Saw ; Mill thereon erected. A Go. an apple orchard there. ( on—known as the "Snyder'' or "Konns"' property -60 acres of land—it) cleared and under fence ' with a log house thpreon erected, adjoining George Trantman, George May and other*, pert 1 / in .Tani ' ntta and partly in Londonderry Townships, lately owned by Andrew Wolford. ALSO—I 66 acre* near Sto terstown- with-.i i j rr-ile of Bread Top Railroad—about 100 acre* clear- j ed, vvi'h a 'wo story dwelling house—new bank i ; barn, stable. Inc.. thereon erected ; also, two apple orchards' thereon, of choice fruit. The soil 1* a I rich loam, an car-able of producing every variety ; ot crops of this climate. ALrtO—l6o ac-es best quality of prairie—near i the Missouri river, c!o>e to the county seat ot Harrison county. lowa. ALSO—Two 160 acre tracts, adjoining Eikhorne j city, in the richest valley of the west - the Platte Vaiiey—about "20 miles west of Omaha city, and ; 1 close to the great national or government road iead j ing west in Nebraska Territory. ALSO—I6O acres, two miles above Omaha city, jon the great bend of the Missouri. This tract is well T imbered and very desirable. All of these j lands were located after a personal inspection and ! careful examination of the ground, and ran be wpII relied upon for future wealth. Maps showing the ! precis® location are in my possession. ALSO—Three desirable lots in Oaiahi City, Ne- : • braska Territory. | ALSO—A lot of ground in the cify of Dacotah, ! Nebraska Territory. The above real estate will be sold at such prices ) as to insure safe and profitable investments. I Notes e: oblig-itions of any kind, that are good, will be taken in exchange—particularly good bank I to'ej. Mai S, 1563. O. E. SHANNON. A Joint Resolution | Proposing certain Amendments la the Consti tution. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of B'preicn t.stive.s of the Commonwealtk of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the following amend ! ments t-® proposed to the Constitution of the Com monwealth, in with the provisions of j the tenih article thereof: There sha 1 be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated as-sec- j tion four, as follow* : "Sfction t. Whenever any cf the qualified elec- ' j tor* ot this Commonwealth shall be in anv actual j military service, under a requisition from the Pres- ! : ident of the United States, or by the authority of ! this Commonwealth, such elector* miy exercise Che j right of suffrage in ail elections by the citizens, nn- | j ler such regulations as are, or shall b>, prescribed i jby law, a fatly as if they were present at tbe ; r I j usual place of elec'ion." csctios 2. There shall be two additional sections i to the eteventb article of the Constitution, to be j I designated e* sections eight and nine, as follows -. i "Section S. No bill shall be passed by the Logis- | •' lature. containing more than on® subject, which ! *ha!l be clearly expressed in the title, except ap : propriation bills." j "Section 9. No bill shall be passed by the L®g- j j is'.ature granting any powers, or privileges, in anv : , c,is®, where the authority to grant such powers 01 - ■ privilege*, has been, or may hereafter be, conferred ! ! upon the couits ot this Commonwealth. HF.N RY C. JOHNSON, i Spender of the Home of Representative*. j JOHN H. PENNY, \ Speai-r of the Senate. | Office or the Secretary of the Co*mo>wealth. j Ihrrif -g, April 23, 1861. j p nyys TL VA NIA , ss I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a foil, i true and correct copy ot the original Joint - fL. S.j Resolution of the General Assembly, enti tled "A Joint Resolution proposing certain 1 Amendments to he Constitution.-" as the same remains on file in this office. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my ! hand nd caused the seal of the Secretary's office to be affixed, the day and year above written. ELI SLIFF.R, Secretary of the. Commonwealth. The above Resolution having been agreed to by a : mai ority of the members of each House, at two suc | cessive sessions of the General Assembly of this i Commonwealth, the proposed amendment* will be I submitted to the p®opi®, for their adoption o- rejec tion. on the first Tcesrat of Acsfst, in the year ' of our Lord one thousand eight nundred and sixty j four, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth j articl" of the Constitu'.on, and the act, entitled "An Act prescribing the time and manner of snb mitting to the prop)®, for their approval and ratifi cation or reiection, the proposed amendments to the Constitution," approved the twenty-third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. ELI SLIFER, Secret-.ry of the Commonwealth. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Ir. pursuance of an order 01 th® Orphans' Court of Bedi'ord county, there wiU be sold at public outcry, • on the premise*, on FRIDAY, the 10th day of June next, the following valuable Real Est it®, viz : A LOT OF GROUND, situate in the Borough of Bedroid, on West Pitt St., fronting 60 feet on said street, and extending back by an alley 240 feet to an alley, adjoining'lot of Tboraa- Marwine, with a LOG HOUSE and BLACKSMITH SHOP thereon erected, being the property of the heirs of John Claar, Jr., dee'd., and to be sold by the andersigned 1 as trustee. Terms made known on day of sale. | F. D. SEF.GLE, Trustee. ' May 13, 1864. | | j xjj D 2. RABWAY'S PILIS. .vHK THE REST PTHGATIVK PUIS. AIL. *IE KT H'ROAT;V*E rrr.TA AOX THE iiiST PCKUATTVE It LL3._ j7o srctAtnxc. ::O CEIRIXG. SO TEXESSrCS. XO PTLE3. XO FALSE CALLS TO TITE WATER CLOSET. 2TIR A BRISK A2TD THOROUGH EYACUATJCH FROM THE BOWELS 13 ALWAYS SAGUS-ED. Kefir T' ®cor<:re-.I Principles ia Poi'g.itires. Dr. Rut.-- -v*s P'iO .~r • t!ic be * IV.ratiTr PHI* in The wwW.rr tth ■ :;'?V .- *ab ■ - L-t:i;ite for Cxfrmei or Wrcury ever DG-.:-JVARTD they are composed of VEGETABLE EXT.U- T* FROAI ROOTS, HELLS. Pi.AN'TS. <•.' S£Et>B. FLOWERS, I.AL'.KS, FUCITS AND WEEDS, PRE PARED ;X VACUO. OAC ir-iie nf the-extr:. ; of TA 1 medicinal proper - I ' . T'R . WH\ -•* _-■ :ater curative pnirer i . r .- ■ l ihu i i 1.1 . f FFCE crude and inert MIITERA.. THAT :IF. >• inio A", other pills in Ue. These I .SARC uipivui list of act.'.E MCDAAMII proper < ■ - f TAN IIC.AS, \ icht, plan!-. Flowers. (lams, Jtc. of I THEY .1 ■•< m;M- !. Or. J CASE Will PTUVV thetr , ;SM-!.R>IY T at! otherpUn. They PURGE, CLEANSE, PURIFY. HEAL, SOOTHE. CALM. STRENGTHEN, INVIGORATE, ANT REGULATE THE SYSTEM. TSicir Great Cousbiaations. T.I-y AR ■ Aperient, T-CIIC, Laxative, Alterative, Stim utat, Counter I. ritsni, Sudor:3c. AS EVAOUANTS, They ire mor" corf n and thorou.'h than the Dlri'tie PULs • Atoes, or Crotnn nr Hu lem Oil, or Ekiterium ; 1.-.d nic.C -"Oddr;*- and IIC-diug than Seuaa., or itheu barh, OR TI aarmaa, or Ov-tor OTC IN SUDDEN ATTACKS OF liilainrr—t .a of t. • B-.w sis or -tomach, Liver, Spleen, 1 U.C.-EIS er K. lueys, BL'I A Oh- .ho or Elfons Fever. 1 . y ,TE ia "R COEG'-SLIVE Fever, Small pox, Measles, or SIX I > .NOLIT OF I F. PADWAV3 RZGU LATf.V : RIIXS WIL . PUI Sir! THE PRIMA RY CAUSE or T: T L- ; FROM THE SYSTEM IX SIX HOURS. (."• ••: - . Sr. ' PULA will cleanse THE lates t.Nl.l CSIIII, AND pur, from the BOWEL- AIT oiTemisng ANA RETAINED h'.iin'V-, C" tho." '-D !: d' N- 1" 'v;..a THE V-t V R-.C I EINOTIC vvi I etrnnse t.;E -T nnaefa. WAII i .AT .ice;.- : i! M ;I.U on. rn: .la U, W. 4 ,E-v, • 1 K A i X IN !r , r- CAHER mipl .1.-atit gymptomni TUevs are no r.iher J JMR pi. U .n tlie worid thaiwi 1 SECIIRE this CI.-r.itnrn OK TFd THAX CiLGMJI. OS CLt'E POJ. : ,-r NUS • <>R BUT PILL i i". MAY r.tU" rbe r.-!a.vil mt waiWnm tMifiw,mm n-jju ...tmd . II the srr. tion. t > the n.imral pi-rfonaanea of ihrir di.ti* rleansir.s ai d pnriiyiog tlw and pint - fctja the sy-tem all cisvasod deposits and ink > pore humors. BR. PTADWAY'S PILLS. ONE TO SIX P.OXES WILL CURE ! Cost!vrnesß, Usauiuiice, ; Rush of 8100 l Constipation, .I.'ongst've FE- to the H-UNI, 1 ('<>HU;>tion, J ver, Obatnictic-AA, Heart Disettfe. Sleepiness, Dropsy. DiMhisoef Kill- Gen 1 Debilitr. Acute Erysipe j nev k B'..wider Dimness of St! Ins, OF Li- Fits, ILE-NIACHE, vcr, Tjrwa'sot Spir- Bail Breath, I Biliousness. its, Irillamation of ; Typhus Fever. Quinscy, The Intestines, Sltip IVver, Dyspepsia. Apoplexy, MaUpramc Fe- Measles, j Enlargement ver. j Melancholy, Jof the Spleen, LOS of App'- Hysterithi, SLURRY, tit;:, ; Aroenorrhn-a, WHOOPING Indigestion, . F.iintin pills INCH, M -- X U.IY 1 ; THRY C-ircd me I f CotnUipMlna . Indtfrcsti' li. stvt !>-, r.-i.i. I have taken B tti'a. A r', and many oihvr pdia for years, and eooht HALF EFV in ternfior E-y r".'lef If I -tunred Hie use rf • TBE-E pills r. V A week my old. conapluiat ivooid appear. S.T ITUAES ' R.dwav S I IDI cured me. FiErHflN BF.NN'CTT. V. S. C. S." "I av suffered with Pyspcpaia and Uw C rn j pha t : -• n svs—have used all sorts of pills— t; f si -il-t - me temporary comfirt, but was com j fel • :i- tlietn a.I toe time. I have used r-aebnx j It. Il.irfv.aj IULs ; I am-r-ire !. I Lave c.I taken 1 a jartie'e nt iiMheoie -ix mrratlis. C. M. CHB.DS, Soxbary, Mass. i riixx FTPArr.ix ; ANT. TFTEPSITS, ML: -.ST'rMI.VI AN TKNHIOICS, A-" 'lie re-nits ..I' Inflatßßiatimi- r irritathm of the mtt j nous iamb me of the tvivr , induced by drastic : —l| - rf. rt. | 1 -teid of I— ME tissoived Pythei! E t 10 1 E LOVER IviA-eis. and :A --LI.I: • a !>■-, : .dv. Nrt IT EVACUATION L-Y their I let•: n —I-■ '■' fit; •: 1- ;. CV - .-rf. v —telling | ; )'■ 1 r :e I;A > f.-cjvc" false eaiU : to the J. r ;.'1...1M, , U ,-J lolit tiltt tkftt 1 im&eefik, i yillj, I I- YET re ' ■ - R -R, U-BP-JAVET a I p; 1 ;DIVE :nr N- Rl'' is R-U" ;VL. I .• a 0 EOF R.TDW. Y'S I I-F ;• LA I' :>'ii PI: ART ! THEY WILL IT RGE THOROUGHLY AND I .RAVE TUB BOWELS REGGLA* - R U 1 aiflii-IE-i •:•- PILES, riav re'.R ca A poeiilvo I cur • I'V r 1. e, 1 tO.YfiT WITH (il'S. ro TRNN IYTTTT cry. F'OATKI) WITH HQ! P'. R ■ Iwiy'l R ; are;.' GIATCD with (lure, } 0: : AI TD >-r I. t, can 1> ■ taker, st all tin* - . AN A I tx. '.<> AU-'G f" 1.1 |> U" , FANDRNTE. Ac., alter I ,• T".I •/II,IUri--M 1/IL ,N,'IC-.. n- A:ut..tiwr muatw cura : P■' L A - ' I--f i..ulw I_. '< PilU will remnve all h lr-:'": an ( "c 1e a p.. i pr. lhrecfioos for . •) arc . .-•.a-li HX. P. ce ,T box, LAC*ot<. FWID . 1 R-- C-. At*" 1 CINE IVUL. -4. SML -N;r" K- E'S-R-. N p. — Fvery A..-lit hat 1 11 iuru shed with /REST ; IN W RIKULE Pi ,i. Ah LAV is I-OCII.-E with a -1-': ILU'TA* As GO-, S7 Haidvo, New York. SoUl by Drni*rfist. ; Oct. Oth 1 M',:;. —IY RRIIARO.ITiO. M A N UPACTTJRER O,F CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, SIC., BiDFORD, PA. The under-igneii being engaged in tae Cibinet maktr.g Business, will make to order and keep on hand every thing in his line of manufacture. BUREAUS, DRESSLYG STANDS, PAR LOR A.YD EXTEJSSIOJY TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WASH STAJYDS, 6>-C., IYC. will be furnished at all prices, anl to suit every l taste. COFFINS will also be made to order. [C7"Prompt attention paid to all orders for work. . CF"Sbop on VV'est Pitt Street, nearly opposite ths , residence of George Shnclt, RICHARD 1.F.0. : , T n!y 11, ISiVL—f! Oeclfbrd Rail Road!! FALL L WINTER ARRANGEMENT- I t I FARQUHAR'S TRAiN* HAS ARRIVED | ! | ; with a very large and well selected stock of j FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC | DRY GOODS ' TO SLTf THE SEAS OA'. LADIES, come and examine our stock of DRESS GOODS AND FANCY ARTICLES- Some beautiful Balrnoruls, Woollen Hoods ar.d Head Dresses. Latest style ot SHAWLS, good Cloak j Cloth, VERY CHEAP. OVF.a 500 PAIRS OP BOOTS A SHOES, I Consisting of Ladfes' and Misses, Mens' and Boys Shoes and Boots of every style and variety, and as low in price as can be had in town. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF j j CLOTHS, CASStMERES, SATI.VETTS, JEA.YS. A.YD READY MADE CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS No better place to buy an 0' ER COA 1 . HATS AND CAPS in abundance. Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Syinp-, Molasses, Tobacco, Cigars, and a great variety of notions. 25"Retr.ember "Cheap Corner (or Cheap Goods."' EXAMINE OUR STOCK FIRST. J B. FARQfJHAR. C-'-rap Corner, Julian,l St., Bedford. December 11, iS6b. White k Moore's Celebrated Malt Coffee. Containing a portion of the best Java coffee.— ! The healthiest and cheapest Substitute for Co.dee jin the world. Price 20 cents per lb. Liberal deductions to Dealers. A fresh Supply ; us; received and for Sale at th* bargain Store of ! March, IS, 1864. G. R. & W. OS TEH. BEDFORD HOTEL. • The undersigned having * iken charge of the Bed i ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col. John Hater, an -1 nources to the public that he will be able to afford the best accommodation®, both to the traveling pub ] lie and borne custom. The house will be improved : and re-fitted, and the Bar will always be well sup plied with choice liquors. His Table Will be sup i plied with the choicest edibles of the season, and |he will spare no pains to make it suitable for ail. His stable is one of the best in Bedford, and a good hostler will always be in bv the week, month or year. Terms reasonable. The public are respectfully in -1 vited to give him a call. JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. Bedford, Janutry 10, 1864. C. N . IIICKOK, I & I DENTIST- Will attend ponetna'ly and carefully to all opera j tions entrusted to his care. NATI-BAL TEETH filled, regulated, polished, Ike., i in the best manner, and AKTITCIAL TEETH inserted } from one to an entire sett. ] Office in the Bank Building, on Juliana street, j Bedford. CASH TERMS wi.l be strictly adhered to. In addirion to recent improvements in the mount ! ing of ARTIFICIAL TEKTH on Gold and Silver Plate, i T am now using, as a oasp for Artificial work,an-w ; and beautiful article, (\ulcamte or Vulcanized In | dia Rubber) stronger, closer fitting, more comtort- I able and rrore natural than either Gold or Silver, and 20 ner cent, che-iper than silver. Call and -<"■* C. N. HICKOK. Bedford, January Ifl, 1863. Estate of Frederick' Maehtley. dee'd- Letters of adm ni-tration upon the esta'e of Fred erick Maeatley, late of St. Clair township, dee'd., having ben gi nted to the un .'-rsigr-'d by the Reg- ! ister of Bedford eoonfy. all persons knowing 'hem selves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims wi I present them properly authenticated for settle ment. THOMAS ALLISON, i May 6, IMMt" AdmT. BEAUTIFUL SDN UMBRELLAS ! Jnst opened at CRAMER'S. | May 29, 1563. NEW FIRM: Recent Arrival of New Goods!! Vc. A large assortment of Grenadine Veil", of ail colors, also, Ladies Linen Collars and Pocket Hand kerchiefs. CL7"Do not purchase elsewhere until you call and examine the ~joe stock of goods, as you will cer tainly find it to your Interest. Bedford. April S. 156 t. WAINWRIfiHT &f0.7~1 ill he irs alr Grocers AND " I TEA DEALERS, A. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, \ PHILADELPHIA. November 14, IC>4— }y - .v.- M PUMPS!!! t' I a® engaged i selling [he W J;>\ Frw Pump—certainly the t. *<• \ only pump well adapted to Ibis climate. ' Persons in need of a gooio and aiionnfy Claim*. U. H. AKERS has received all the forms and in structions for procuring Soldiers' Pension and Boun ty money. He a'Go his a partner in Washington C.'y to prosecute the claims speedily. Bedford, Nov. 27, ISB3—tf U N I 0 N HOTEL. WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA. 4'. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom modate the public in the best manner and on tt? ; most liberal terms. A splendid LIVEBY STABLE is attached to this hotel. [May 9, 1562. \ew Fires. The undesigned havirg purchased A. B. Cam's entire s'ocs of will continue the business at the old st ind, where they will constantly keep a genera! assortment ot goods adapted to the wants ; of the people. They also expect to receive a gen er 4 assortment o NEw GOODS ia a few davs. when their assortmert will be complete in everv departawnf. G. R. & W. OSTKR. j December 25, 1863—tf Bra. Blomnpr & Son. V - ® '9 i. U5 DEALERS IN HARDWIRE, iiOLSE FURNISHING GOODS, S T O V E S, AND TINWARE. IWe are just receiving a fresh supply of every thing belonging to our trade. We have HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, t in great variety. House builders furnished with goods at very reason able prices. We keep the best assortment of COAL OIL LAMPS, SHADES. &E. and the best it COAL OIL IN TOWN. Piease call and see us before purchasing else ■ i w iere. GEO. BLYMYER & SON ; Bedford, Feb. 26, IS64—tf. SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTIONEERS Commission iHcrtljants; Jayne's Marble Building, 616 Chestnvt St., Sr 616 Jayne St. PHILADELPHIA. JNO. E. GILLETTE:. B. SCOTT, JR Apr. 17, lSii:>—ly. C. I). M'CLEES &~O). ft kolesale Dealers m BOOTS, SHOES, BRQGANSi ASP INDIA RUBBER SHOES,' NO 133 NORTH THIRD STREET OPPOSITE CHERRY ST., PHILADELPHIA ; Apr. 17. 1863—1y. / v