THE BEDFORD GAZETTE 16 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING BY 11. F. MEYERS. At the following terms, to wit: s.l 75 per annum, if paid strictly in advance. $2.00 if paid within 0 months ; $2.50 if not paid withiu 6 months. subscription taken tor less than six months lE7"No p:iper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publishei. It has been decided by the.United States Courts that the stoppige of a newspaper without the payment of arrearages, is prima, facie evidence of fraud and as a criminal offence. courts have decided that persons are ac countable for the subscription price of newspapers, if they take them from the post office, whether they subscribe for therp. or not. Business £arhs. JOSEPH W. TATE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to his care, in Bedford and adjoining counties. Cash advanced on judgments, notes, military and other claims. Has for sale Town lots in Tatesville, and St. Jo reph's, on Bedford Railroad Faimsand unimproved land, from one acre to 150 acres to suit purchasers. Office nearly opposite the "Mengei Hotel" and B.tik of Reed & Sctiell. April 1, 1*64 lv J R. DURBORROW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, VA. Office one door South of the "Mengei House." \Vi:l attend p omp'iy to a 1 business entrusted to his care in Bedford anu adjoining counties. Having aGo be-n regul rly licensed to prospcute claim- .fain t th • Government, particular attention wil! be given to the collection of Military claims ot all kinds ; pensions, back pay, bounty.bounty loans, &C. April 1, 1864. KSI'Y M A LSI P. ATTORNEY JiT LAW, BEDFOPD. PA. Wi'l fa'thfully and promptly atlpnd to all business I •rus to 1 is caie in Bedford and adjoining coun- Military claims, back pay, bounty, tic., ' s-peedily co leeted. Otfi' •- with .Mann & Spting. on Juliana street, two loors South of the Mengei House, dan. 22, '6l. ■ I .11 AKE RS , .ITTORMEY AT LAW, Be J for J, Pa. Will promptly attei d to all business entrusted to his care. Military claims speedily collected. Office on Juliana -treet, opposite the po>t-office. Bedford, September 11, 1863. F. M. Kixkell. I. W. LINGP.NKEI.TER KIMMELL & LIWGENFELTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA- lormed a partnership in the practice of the Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors South of the "Mengei House." G H. SPANG. ATTORNEY AT LAW. BEDFORD. PA. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. CCF"OtRce on luliana Street, three doors south of the .'Mengei House," opposite the residence o! ; Mrs. Tate. JOHN P . 813 O , ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Respectfully tenders his services to the Public. QST'Office second door North of the Mengei House Bedford, Atg, 1, 1861. JOII N P\LJH SR , ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. oy Will promptly attend to a'l business entrus ted to bis tare. Office on Julianna Street, inear !y opposite the Mengei House.) Bedford, Aug. 1, 1861. A. 11. fOFFROTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Somerset, Pa. Will hereafter practice regularly in the several Courts of Bedford county. Business entrusted to ; his care will be faithfully attended to. December 8, 1861. J. 1,. MARBOURC-. M. D. I Having permanently located, respectfully tenders i hi* professional services to the citizens of Bedford t .ind vicinity. CCf-Offire on Julianna street, opposite the B ink, one door noith of John Palmer's office. Bedford, February 12, 1861. S A >ll F. L KKT TE R MAN, BEDFORD, PA., ry7"Would hereby notify the citizens of Bedford county, that he has moved ro the Boiouvh of Bed foid, where he may at all times be found b- persons wishing to see him, unless absent upot. business pertaining to his office. Bedford, Aug. 1,1861. JACOB REED, SCBKT.L, REED AND SUIELL, BANKERS SC DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, BEDFORD, PFNN'A. bought and sold, collections made. rd money twmriptU rem.ttef*. Oe- osit, solicited. ST CHARLES HOTEL, ■'M F VVOQI IHinD STKEKT3 - j) if p, o a. F A p I T* T & , n . I , u ,DTW Proprietors HARRY SHIRLB . April j J. ALSIP & SON, Auctioneers & Commission Merchants, BEDFORD, PA.. Rh, nectfull V solicit consignments of l '° a,s an,i . Dr\ Good-, Gro. Clorbtng. ~nd all ktnda Met i.andise for AUCTION an' PIHVAIK Sale. , REFERENCES. PiubaoK BEDFORD, I Phil :> Ford Jt Co., Hon. Job Mann, Roy'*& Hough, Hon. W. T. Daugherty Am. . You i h Rro'., f>- t. Meyers. January l, ISC i —ti. AYALTNIAA & I ARELDAV (SrcocMoss TO MICHAEL WARTMAN 4- CO ) Tohatro snuff and MANUFACTORY. No 313 NORTH THIRD STREET, Second door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. WARTMAN. H. P. EXGF.L.M AN. ■ Maroli 2.7. I*6l. VOU .UE .19. NEtV SERIES. S e I c£ t Poetry. A PRAYER FOR PEACE. Give us peace in our time, O Lord, From the desolating sword, . Groin the devastating fire From the wicked man's desire 1 I ! Passionate, senseless, proud, i The teachers of the cjowd Disturb the sorrowful air, Crying "Strike ! and do not spare 1" The preachers of Thy word, Untrue to the trust conferred, Defile Thy tempi" gate With the blasphemies of hate. The eyes of our young men glow- As the wild war trumpets blow, And t heir hands deep .*i imson rtin With the b ood ot their brethren slain. ' 'At ore blood I" the old men u ge. As the tides of battle surge; " ' Pis street for our country to die,''' "More blood'." the women cry. And they go, the brave and strong, J or a right that oa.iy be wiong. To feed the greedy tomb With their beauty and their bloom ; To redden the rolling flood, To fatten the eaith with hood, And poison the air's pure breath With the charuel reek of death! From the mountains to The sea, Floats up, O Lord to Thee— To the footstool of Thy throne, The long, low, trembling moan— Of a childless multitude, 1 ender, and lair, and good ; Of mothers sad, forlorn, Who weep foi their ea r ly born And for widows forlorn as they hose hope, whose prop, whose stay Lie low in the shallow prave Ol the unfo. gotten brave. i Give is peace, O Lord, in our time, from ail this wrong and crime; F iom all this sonow and shame— Peace ! peace ! in Thy holy name! i For the sake or the peiDhing realm i That cur p ssior.s overwhelm, I ' for the sake of the outiaged laws, And ol Liberty's sacred cause I Stay, stay tby lifted band On our decimated land! Hold back the avengi 'g rod! Peace ! peace ! O Lord, our God ! : ( : nns-jegsuttuuii udrneu inio rracticeT" * Tin* following, taken from Ihe Binghamp ton (X. Y.) Times, a Republican paper shows I I t hit fearful state ot affairs tiiat is springing up j over the country, the natural results of the . teachings of Abolitionism and its twin associate . ! miscegenation. This Republican sheet is com pelled to pruteff against it; j "We shrink li-oin putting on paper the sto ries which na h tis as to the prevalence among ; young white ladies of a preference for colored ' men, pure blacks having the piecedeuc • in all cases w here there i- room for choice. We will ! only say thai there will very soon be hardly a ! fami'v in the city belongitig to the Republican 1 persuasion which will not be glorying in the possession of a negro son-in-law; and what is 1 most horrible about the matter is, that a fund ' League has been formed for the transportation ! from tlie South of colored beaux and belles, j with the truly fiendish design of guarding a gninst the j> .ssibiiity of an exhaustion of the supply. j "It may reall}- l>e imagined that it is with great reluctance that we --peak out our minds : lin tin- matter. But we lntve no hesitation in saving that if we had at the outset conceived it possible that hostility to slavery would ever have led to wholesale intermarriage with negroes of alt marriageable R-publicans and their sis ters, that party should never have received any , countenance or support from this journal. We owe it to ourselves and posterity to say that tiie jodious matrimonial arramr -ments of many j of those whose opinions on certain great quest ions of public policy we have- hitherto shared, have taken us wholly by surprise, i " The question of Co rse which naturally suggests it-clf to every right-rain !-! w lite man and woman is, where is this thing to end I , Whitliv-r are we tending? What is to be done Ito stop tins inu-t .1 testable mowra nt ? For it is as plain ;ts a pikestaff that if it continues,, th -c will be soon no whites left in this once I great and prosperous country. We shall all be mulatto*.-*, and be afflicted with all the peculi arities, both mental and physical, of that un happy race. The signs of this great and ter rible change already begin to make themselves j manifest in our streets; for the most careless j ool'° rv ' ei " vv ' io walks down Broadway'can hard 'v fail to observe the appearance of a vast nam* i ' faces or 'be well-known brownish tinge, r * t! t tin*- ' once I' ocoine general, and then 1 farewell, a long Indwell, to all our whiteness i" j; WEST VIRGINIA- —One L. ir. -lu lge at uist has indicated his opinion that the creation of the new State of We,t Virginia by Cor.gress • was an nnwarranted and unconstitutional act. j . --a I'nited States Circut Court, now in ses ! " .x- - -'iville. Judge Catron presiding, an : sion at Xfic. ,| av j a? t read a declaration attorney on lues. themselves to I wherein certain parties u „ Virginia, and be citizens of the state ot He. -n e s-oe ' certain other parties, citizens of 1 en- Judge Catron interrupted the reading of declaration and directed the attorney to s.iike | out the word '-West," so as to have the nam© the State of Virginia: he added us his reason 1 ! for so ordering, that he knew no such State as 1 i "West Virginia." i Thad. Stevens admitted the unconstitulional j ity of the act in Congress —and yet, although . ho htid sworn to support the Constitution, voted for it. Judge Catron "knows no such State," and if Abolitionism went out of power, to-nior ' row, no such State v.-o-jjd be known in Congress. BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY MNING, JUNE 3, 1864. Governor Seymour and the Suppressed Newspapers. 1 he following is the letter ot (Jov. Seymour, of New York, addressed to the District Attor n -y Hall: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) ALBANY. May 23, 1864. J 2" A. Oakey ItulL, District Attorney of t/u County of New York — Sir: I am advised that oil t IIC 1 Htli instant the office of the Journal ol Commerce and that of the New York World were entered by armed men, the property of the owners seized, and the premises held by force for several days. It is charged that these acts of violence were done without due legal process and without the sanction of State or National i laws. If this be true the offenders must be punished. In the month of July last, when New York was a scene ol violence, I gave warning that "the laws of the State must be enforced, its peace and order maintained, and the property of its citizens protected at every hazard." The laws were enforced at a fearful cost of blood ; and life. i Ihe declaration I ihen made was not intend* | ed merely for that occasion, or against any class ot men. It is of an enduring character, to be asserted at all times and against all conditions ot citizens, without favor or distinction. Un less all are made to bow to the law, it will be respected by none. Unless all are made secure ui their rights ol person and property, none can be protected. If the owners of the above named journals have violated Slate or naiional laws, they must be'proceeded against and pun ished by those laws. Any action against them outside o! legal procedures is criminal. At this time ot civil war and disorder the majesty of the law must be upheld, or society will sink in to anarchy. Our soldiers in the field will bat tle in vain for constitutional liberty if persons or property, or opinions are trampled upon at borne. We must not give up home-freedom, and thus disgrace the American character, while our citizens in the army are pouring out their i blood to maintain the national honor. They j must not find when tiiey come back that their persona, and fireside-rights have been despoiled. In addition to the general obligation to enforce t.ic laws ot the land, there are local reasons way they must be upheld in the city of New ; l ork. If they are not, its commerce and great ness will he broken down. If this great centre of wealth, bu- in v; and enterprise is thrown in- IZ/i&'ifi&htt'UL'pyt&YVfc&t:" v lia iSl'a.v—c .V-W York the heart of our country f Why are its i pulsations felt at the extremities of our land! Not through its positions alone, but be> au-e of the world-wide belief that property is safe with in its limits from waste by mobs and from po- \ liatioa by government. The laborers in the! workshop, the nunc, and in the field, on this j continent and in every other part of the globe, I s.-nd to its merchants, for sale or exchange, the ' products of their foil. These merchants are j made the trustees of the wealth of' millions liv- j ing in every land, because it is believed that in ( their hands properly is safe, under the shield of I laws administered upon principle an 1 according ! to known usages. This great confidence has grown up ia the e >urse of many years by vir tue of a painstaking, honest performance of duty by t:ibusiness m>n of your city. In this they have h n aided by the enforcement of laws based upon the s<>!.-miiiy-recordi\l pledge that "the riglit of the people to be secure in their persons, hou.-e-. papers and effects against un resonable search s and seizures shall not be violated, and that no one shall be deprived of liberty or property without due process of law." For more than eighty years have we, as a people, been building up tiii- universal faith in the sanctity of our juri-prudenve. it is this which carries < rr com... rce upon every ocean, and brings back to our merchants the wealth of every cliui -. It is now charged that, in ut ter disregard of the sensitiveness of that faith, at a moment when the national credit is under going a fearful trial, the organs of commerce are miz. d an 1 held. i:i violation of constitution al pledges: that thi- act was done in a public mart of your great city, and was thus forced upon th • notice of the commercial agents of tiie world, a id iliey were shown in an offensive way that property is seized by military force and ar bitrary orders. These things are more hurtful to ihe national honor and strength than thelo-- of battles. The world will confound such a<-ts with the principles of our government, and the folly and crimes of officials wil! be looked upon as the natnial results of the spirit of our insti tutions-. Our State and local authorities must repel this ruinous inference. if the merchants of New York are not will ing to have t H-ir harbor sealed up and their commerce pai alyzed, they must unite in this demand for the security of persons and proper ty. If this is not don -, the world will with draw from their keeping its treasures and its commerce. History has taught all that official violation of law in time of civil war and disor der goes before acta of spoliation, an i other measures which destroy the safeguards of com merce. I call upon you to look info the facts connec ted with the seizure of the Journal of Commerce and of the New York World. If these acts wire illegal the offenders must be punished. In making your inquiries and in prosecuting the parties implicated, you will call upon the sher iff' of the county and the Leads of the police j jj'tinent for any needful force or assistance. The failure K ,ve this by any official under my control will be decalfd a sufficient cause for > removal. Verv respectful!v, vC urp ' HORATIo SEYMOUR. srAt a Woman's Rights Convention, in New York, a resolution was reported that if justice was not done to the ladies, they would stop the population of the country. Freedom of Thoug and Opinion. [ GEN. FRANK P. BLAIR. j We gave some days ago an extract from Gen. rank lh Blair's speech in Congress, delivered i dy a day or two before he resigned his seat, - pi was restored to his rank in the array by the I •evident, in which he arraigned the Hon. Sal jn P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury, for ;
  • f lation to the Secretary, or he would not have d -appointed him to a high command in the ar e v- Gen. Blair evidently has no misgivings on 2 is subject, for in bis recent visit to St. Louis s continues his denunciations of the "Red Re s iblicaus of the French revolutionary stamp," 1 he calls the Radicals of his own party, lie e jpeated substantially in his St. Louis spe cell bat he said in Congress. He said: k "I think the day of retribution very near for t ; .*se people, if they get po~war and sway in I is country we should see some highly perfum > ! young gentleman, with a boquet in his hand, . ',[ forward in Congress and play the Robes ] ! i re, demanding the erection of the guillotine, j on which all men shall be executed who do .! jt agree with him in opinion. They arc of the , t.l Republican revolutionary stamp. [Cries of .(good!" and cheers.] They are men like the ; j l Directory—like the despots, Danton, Robes . j jerre, Marat, who cared not to face the enemies . ! France, but ensanguined the streets of Paris | Ttib the blood of its best citizens. [Cheer*.] hCongress, 1 have heard tliem -utter the same -miments which came from the secessionists of la South. have hoard Thad. Stevens say that the South ! ltd vindicated its independence by the force of aras, and was in effect a foreign nation; and I hum- that Mr. Chase was in favor of a separa t ot and letting the South go in peace, and cut ; tnq our countfy in twain. I know their objeet : is to annihilate the Southern States and reduce then to territories; and then by Congressional legislation, suvh as they hope for, they will en j fraichise the negro and disfranchise the white j me* of that country. [Voices, "never, never !"] | Will, that is their design, that is what they are se-.kitig to do,and they will use the negro just as the slaveholder u (. rfm J j efit of white people. [Cheers.] lam opposed i to clothing them with the privileges of suffrage. [A voice: "i.ict thorn fight."] [Laughter and i cheers.] I have no objection to their fighting if they will fight on our side. * * * * * I But I say the doctrine >f these radicals is the | doctrine of extermination, a horrible and atro cious doctrine, unworthy t-j be tolerated bj, any i people professing to be civilized people, with feel i ings of humanity in their bosoms. The idea of ' exterminating 8,000,000 ot white people of our ; own race and blood; of disfranchising that large 1 class of people, and carrying on against them a ! war of extermination, is horrible. If they have nothing to expect from u*, no forgiveness, they 1 will tight to the last. But there is no forgive j ness for a rebel with the radicals, unless he will j lay down Lis arms ar.! the radicals; then J he is better than any fellow who has fought for the L'nion from the beginning. [Laughter.] And these are the only people they will forgive. Those who will join their ranks they seem dis posed to take to their bosoms, and allow them • the benefit of the Amnesty Proclamation. Gen. (Jantt, of Arkansas, a gentleman wh ? rniouncvd the Confederacy after that State had been captured, availed himself of the amnesty proclamation, and 1 understand has joined the radicals, and lias been accepted by them. But, gentlemen, this is a serious matter —matter wor thy of all consideration —how are you to termi nate this war?— How are these men to be sub dued, if . yea.*.*, showing that they were r constructed as long ago, perhaps, as the time of Hookers advance in that direction." [ if we had spie. or other s turces of informa- L tion, we might have learned all this long ago. lint it i-> said we had not even correct maps of I the localities, and our officers were all deceived and disappointed in regard to them A dispatch to the New York Ee-ntna Pi,si I ",\UUiy liiousanu 01 man uuwp-. no,. sent to General Grant. His total losses up to j the present time are not far trorn thirty-five f thousand. Possibly they may reach forty thous * and, but General Grant has to-day almost as . large an army as he began the campaign with. lie lias nit ten thousand less soldiers than he had ,! when lie crossed the Rapidan. ••It is exceedingly regretted by many of our i' government officials that the government did not t . : call for six months' men instead of three, and p two hundred thousand instead of one hundred t ,thousand." P The correspondent of the New York Comrner ,, cinl Advertiser, says: "Although it was announced in the War Bul- I letin addressed to General Di.v. a week ago , to-day, that Lee's army was routed, and that . Grant was in hot pursuit, the two hosts were i yesterday morning grimly hieing eacli other in , battle array, on either side of.Spottsvlvaria Court house. It also appears that Hancock's j success was to some extent balanced by the re sistance offered to Hurnside ou the enemy's oth er i'aiik. and that Lee is fighting with more des- I p rate energy than ever." y i The Washington correspondent of the Post 0 :llso sa >" s: '•(den. Grant has never countenanced the an noinicenvnt of 'yrat ric' ieicd in the newspapers; on the eountrary he has continually said that still . harder lighting was to come, and that the rebel r army has not yet been beaten. He also said to an s eager and enthusiastic friend who was inquiring s in reference to the prospect of capturing Ricli- P inoiul. aud especially in respect to the time when e the rebel capital might be expected to fall into . our hands : *1 shall be quite ready to compro mise on the Ith of July!'" 1 EXIT BANKS. P Every account that reaches us front the trans- I rnissis-ippi region makes the failure of Banks . to appear in a still worse light. It fact, the most complete and humiliating disaster of the r whole war. The troops appear to have been ;1 bandied without any system or presence of mind, P and were it not for the bravery and skill of Generals Franklin and A. J. Smith the bulk of' the army would have been made prisoners of } war. At last accounts it is said that a demand u had licon made by the enemy upon Gen. Banks c to surrender his whole force; and if he has had no better luck than he had at first, it would not be surprising if this should occur. P The steamer which arrived yesterday comes freighted with gloomy accounts from the lied , river region. Banks, it is said, has b>en cut , j off* from the Missississippi and is retreating over >. land through the Teehe country. If he is, we , may expect to hear that Napoleon's retreat from Moscow will le repeated noon a small scale.— The country swarms with enemies, and if half our troops get back to New Orleans they will J be lueky. The result of this ill-starred expe dition is that we have lost heavily of gunboat 3, transports, trains, provisions, fully a million of s ! greenbacks, and have allowed all the country I, south of Little Rock and west of the Mississis y sippi to fall again into the hands of the rebel is forces. One half of our army should have e been able to conquer any force the rebels could d bring together in that region ; and yet with such I- singular want of skill was everything managed i- | that we fought the enemy at every point with e | iuferiov force, and made up for the rebel pauci e i tv in nunilier by the want of generalship an the I'uion side. .V. )' }\'or/d. Ratrs of Sanitising. One Square, three weeks or leca. ft 25 One Square, earh additional insertion let# than three month# 30 3 MONTHS. 6 MONTHS. 1 TEAR One square- . ... $3 50 ?4 75 SBOO Two squares .7 00 700 10 f,f| Three squares 650 9nO 15 00 £ Column 12 do 20 10 35 00 One Column 20 00 35 00 65 00 Administrators' and Executors' notices $ - 50, Au -1 uitors' notices $1.50, if under 10 line*. *,2.00 if more than a square and less than 20 lines. Kstrays, $1.25, if but one head is advertised, 25 cents lor every additional head. The spree occupied by ten lines if this size ot type countsone square. All fractions ola square under five lineswill be measured as a halt square and all over five lines as a lull squaie. All legal ■ advertisements wil Ibe charged to the person band ■ ing them in. VOL. 7, NO 44 Geii. McClellan Defended by a Republican. A few weeks ago tlie New York Tribune con tained the following slander upon Gen. McClel • lan: "If there be one sincerely loyal man who still clings toGen. McClellan, we ask him to answer this question: If Gen. McClellan is a true man, why is every traitor his noisy champion?" To which the editor of the Newport (Vt .) yews, a Republican paper, replies thus: "it galls us to the quick to see a man who j has been as instrumental as Gen. McClellan has to organize a military force to suppress rebellion, i defamed, traduced, and treated with such ex ; treme enmity by men who have done so little to fight traitors as the editor of the New York Tribune. We do not question Mr. Greeley's loy alty, or Lis zeal to save his country from over throw —and we say the same of Gen. McClel lan. l'.ut we do contend that Gen. McClellan | has shut the mouths of one hundred traitors. | where Mr. Greeley has not so much as heard the report of a single mu s ket discharged at the I enemy. We say this, not because we intend to ! rebuke Mr. Greeley—though he richly deserves it —or because we desire to laud Gen. McClel- I lan, hut we have been a soldier under hirn, and, ' like thousands of others have contracted a sol dier's love for him, which will cling to us to the last. Should we deny this, even in our present I capacity as a journalist, we should blame no man if he treated us as scornfully as he would a deserter. We therefore say to Mr. Greeley S that there is one sincerely "loyal man" who is not afraid or ashamed to answer this question. Gen. McClellan is a true man, because good and true soldiers of the United States army respect and honor him as an officer and a soldier—a i man who is ready to sacrifice his life to save the Government of a people who will revere his name long after his traducers are dead and for gotten. We make these remarks as an indepen • dent journalist—and though we never expect to support Gun. McClellan in any political contest, i we will never abuse hirn because he has been so unfortunate as to have bad men for his '-noisy champions." If there is any truth in history, ■ the same sort.of clique attempted to swarm a rouud our Washington. We have no kind of an idea what kind of men Mr. Greeley seeks ; for his companions, hut of one thing we are certain, soldiers will never make much noise ; where he is, and he will never cut much of a figure where soldiers are- It is possible that an i article like this may offend some of our readers, ' | and perhaps some may decide to forsake us. If it The. man \yho'holdlv > son. -ays no of every soldier who has been 3 , under his command. We accordingly assert it - mildly, yet decidedly. If we are to have such men as Horace Greeley to put down this rebell ion. and tie the hands of such men as General 1 McClellan and his soldier friends, the sooner we stop lighting the better for us." INTERESTING INCIDENT. I : I A correspondent with the Army of the Poto mac gives (he following incident that actually - occurred: Amidst all the horrors of war many inci dents occur amusing in themselves, and which ' sometimes, under the most trying circumstan -1 ccs. are provocative of mirth, and form subjects for camp stories months after. I have seen sol ■ diet s chase hares and pick blackberries when a 1 shower of leaden messengers of death was fall ing thick and fast around them and many oth .er cool and foolish things. But the following, which actually took place at Mine Run, sur " j passes anything I remember to have seen or ; heard: On one of those bitter cold mornings, while the armies of Meade and Lee were sta ring at each other across the little rivulet known " as M ittc Run, when moments appeared to he hours and hours days, so near at hand seemed ' the deadly strife, a solitary sheep leisurely walk ' ed along the run on "the rebel side.—A rebel ' . vidette fired and killed tin sheep, and, dropping ? j bis gun, advanced to remove the prize- In an instant he was covered by a gun in the hands 1 of a Union vidette, who said: "Divide is the ! word, or you are a dead Johnny." This prop osition was assented to and there between the skirmish lines, Mr. Rebel skinned tlie sheep, took one half and moved back with it to his i post, when his challenger, in turn dropping his gun crossed the run, got the other half of the 5 j sheep and again resumed the duties of his post i j ainid the cheers of his comrades, who expected 3 j to help huii to eat it. Of the hundreds of has -1 tile men arrayed against each other on either • bank of that run, not one dared to violate the j : truce agreed upon bv these two soldiers. (\ 1 W ANT TO CHANGE THEIR NAME. —The aboli -5 I tion republican party, after deluging the coun -5 j try in blood, destroying the most sacred rights 1 | of American citizens, setting at naught the j Constitution and the sacred teaching of the no ; i hie founders of tiie American Union, denouncing 1 j everybody but who agree with them po t j litieally and religiously as disunionists and trai . j tors; after attempting to elevate the negro to e 1 the level with ihe whites by amalgamation of i ! the races, and committing all manner of ont - i rages upon the innocent, loyal and unoffeuding f j citizens for political purposes only, now seek to 1 shirk the responsibility and the disgrace which - posterity wilt certainly heap upon them, and lest I, an outraged and injured people, a bankrupt and if ruined country, be testimony of their guilt, by y changing their name. The whole abolition re-. publican press and party is now styled "Uncoa ;l ditional Union i'arty," a name just about as e appropriate as to name a jackass a sheep, and J ail this after trying for years to destroy the U h nion they now claim to be so much in love with. ] O, consistency ! thou art a jewel. They can-. Ii not chauge their name nor shirk the responsi bility; the country will not lose sight of them, t> nor suffer tbein to tear n name theyso nnjustlv ! deserve,— Burry Pvne> i\