iVF' / i. iiw L i i mmm.ru ■—' ■ . yMIN'Ism VTORS NOTICE. rfeisigceb residing in Juniata Towashi .(Countyj having received Letters of Admi Jn upon the estate of Frederick HiUigas, ia Township. iSec'd. , hereby notifie* a Iperso odebted to too estate to eorne ltirwurd and ma payment. And ai! persons having claims asair he estate are requested ro present the. same pre •riy autncutictteti for Sttlpro^nt. MICHAEL HILLLGAS, FKEDERiCE H! LLIGA3, March 25, 1864. Administrator _______________________ • 3 BEAUTIFUL SUN UMBRff* ! Just opened at . May 2W, IS6#. by notified that B have fiiec tbeir ***■VEhce of Bedford cooety. All p*rsona preee-ten to the Orpf: in*' tae following county, on Tuesday, tfee 3d accounts in t*" at the Court House, tn Bedford, and that f&r, : C° account of tohn B. Fluke, mir.istrator of the at* of Jaeol Fluke, of Hopewell townsbtp, dee'd, Tne account ct Joseph Barnhart, administrator of the estate of Naomi Smith, late of Southampton township, deceased. Tii tinai account of O. C. Snannon. administ-a tor with the will annexed, of Samuel Caru, late of Bedford borough, deceased. The account of Nicholas Koons and Geo. Srooaae, jr., administrators of the estate of John Wesley Hartzel!, late of Snake Spr.ng township, dee'd. The account of Frederick G. Price, administra tor of the estate of Wm. H. Strong, late of Cois rain township, deceased. Tne account c John Cessna, Esq., administrator of the estate of Wm. Keefie, iete of Badford town snip, deceased. Tne account of Wm. P. Smith, administrator of Jacob Fisfael, late of Hopewell township, deceased. The account ol Wm. P. Diehl, executor of tee last will end testament of Jacob Stoudenour, late of vloleram township, deceased. The account of Henry p. Diehl, executor of toe .ant will and testament of Solomon Dieh!, Sate of Cole rain township, d*cebs-d. The partial account of H. Nieodemns. Esq., ad ministrator of the estate of Samuel H. Tate, late o r Bedford borough, deceased. *1 fie account of Samuel Reighart, guaidian of Samuel Koons and Maty Ann Koowr.. children of fle'ry Kooi.s, deceased. The account of James Carnell, executor of the last will and testament of Daniel Wesmer, late of Monroe tow nship, deceased. The final account of Thomas Fisher, administra tor of the estate of Catharine Siiger, late of Cum berland Valley township deceased. Tne account of Joni: Cessna, Esq., adminis'ra tor of the esta'e of C.ar.sse Troutmar., 'late Ben nett) of Southampton township, deceased. Tne final account of Joni, Cessna. F.n., guardian of Robert A. Gibson. James M. Gibson, Mary Eliza Gibson, Josepn C. Gibson, Sarah Eilen Gihsnu and Marguiet b. Gibion. The administration account of Samuel Walter and William W. Phillips, exerutois of the last will, Ac., of Jacoo Walter, deceased. The account'of Samuel S. Fluck, administrator of the estate of Hannan Fluck, late of Hopewell icwnship, deceased. The account u! O. E. Shannon, guardian of jack son and Sarah Milis, minor chiiuien of John Mills, tale of Monroe township, deceased. , Tbe account of Jouc V.'aycie, guardian of Sarah Mii.er. , I ne account of F. D. Beegie, executor of the last will and testament of Junana Beegle, of Colerain township, deceased. H The gnat account ui Benjamin House!, acting ex ecutor of tbe last will of Frederick Rock, late of Napier (now Juniata) township, deceased The account of J. W. Cusmac, executor of the lest wiy, 4-c., of Margaret Crisrnan, late of St. Clair town&hip, deceased. 0. E. SHANNON, Register. Register'* offi'e, Bedlosri, April 6, 1664. J a vein Liceues. The following persons have taken out petitions j for the purpose .f presenting then: to the Court at ; .May Sessions, 166-L for license to keep tavern : j David Stucky. Rainsburg. Colerain township. Christian Eversole, St. Ciairsville, St. Clair tp. i Bernard O'Neal, Cheneysviile, Southampton tp. Joseph Foiler, Lueua Vista, Juniata township. Samue M. Sieek, Pieasantv.i.e, St. Clair township, j Valentine Steckman, Bedford borough. Thouiaj McE&utiff, Buena \ istu, Juniata township. John B. Black, Bloody Run loiough. Dante! F. S oi.e, Rainstourg, Coieram township Charles A. McJLlllip, Nor'h Point, Broad Top ip. Joseph B. Stoier. bloody Run tiorougr:. J. \ ai. Besseier, Stoners own. Liuer'y township Peter Amick, St. Cia rsv ille, St. Ciair township. Jonathan Feigntner, Palo Alto, Londonderry tp. D. A. T. Biack, Rayshili, East Providence tp. James A- Hauy, Centreville, Cumbeiland Valley, iaaac Merge!, Bedford borough. Wm. W. Laney, Ha:n-on township. Benjamin Elliott, Stoi.erstovrn, Libe.ty township. ' Catharine Eichelberger, Hopewell, Broad Top tp. B>ebi 6c Dihert, Bedford Bor mgh. John Drhew, Broad Top township. Joshua Shoemaker, Bedlord Borough. Joseph .Mortiinore Snake Spring township. Henry F tick, Woodberry Middle. William M. Pearson, Wcodbetry .Middls. Harry D.'alhngei, Hopewell township. J bomas C. Reighart, Cnion township. George Stockey, Napier township. Aaron W. Reed, South Woodberry township. Jacob Kasitr, feaxton. Liberty township. Gacrge W. Figaic, Fairplay, Broad Top township. A. i. Sntvtly, Scheiithurg hoaoogh. 0. E. SHANNON, Clerk. April 6, 18f.4. liikt of taiisfi I'ut down for triul ut .May Term, ISC4, Ijf .Monday, 2d day. ! Hetty Milier va Samue] Smith 2 Joseph Barley vs Jackson Stuckey 3 J). C. McCormick " Anthony Bowser 4 S.riion Waiter *' Joseph Helsell 3 Daniel Waiter •• Ahr'tn. Stlls eommitte* 6 Josepn Gondun " F. Hildebrand ? John Winter Gideon Williams f Beimet 4- Mors " Daniel AJiller V John Johnson '* John Bowsare iC Wm. Fanner 44 Wm. Overaker .1 Junes M. Pi.'yr.olds " Adam Cam JV Thomas ■£■ Katicg " Bedford Rait Road 0. E. SHANNON, Protb v. A pti 6, 1664. Pel it ion for Divorce. ?han Temple, i>y ber f In the Court of Common usx! friend, Joshua | Pieae of Bedford county, No. Diehl, >92. May Term, 1664, alias * ! subpaua on iibsl for di- James Trmp'.a. J voree. Wbersar, Sussr Temp e did prefer her petition to •-be Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Bedford rounty, praying for tbe causes therein set forth tbat j sue should be divorced from the bond* of tnatrimo-i uy entered into with James Temple. We therefore command you as we have heretofore commanded yOBt jwedecessor, lhat you, the said James Temp'e, setting aside all c*!>er business at d exenset whatso ever, to be "srrd appeer in your proper person before our Judges ut Bedford, on tbe Ist Monday, (2d dav) of May next, to answer tbe petition or jibe; of tae (-aid Susan Temple. Ar.d show cause wnytne ai d **u#ar. Temple, your wife, saoulc not be divorced from tbe bonds of matrimony, Ac., agreeably to tbe set of Assembly in aueb case made and piovided, and hereof fail not. Witness the Hon. James Nil!,' Esq., President of our said Court at Becford, tbe Stlst day of March, A. D. 1654. O. £. SHANNON, Protb'y. Bedford, April i, 1684. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Disease* of the Nervous System, Spermator- ; rhms or Seminal Weakness, Irr.potenee, and other j affections of tbe Sexual Organs, Physical Debility | nd Premature Decay—re w and reliable treatment, in reports of *he Howard Association, sent by mail in sealed lettei envelopes, free of charge. Address, Pi. J. SKJLUN HOFGH FOR. Howabd A.ssociaTi am, No. 2 South Ninth Strest, Philadelphia. Ps. Match 6. 1663—1y j j _ -^r- FO H ' £4D E ! on r T ,-??T township, owned by John H ike M.JT miies from bed lord, containmg nst i .. i 80 acres cleared, with log house, op- t and* other out-building* thereon erected : apple orchard thereon. inLSO—A tract of land in Harmon's Bottom, Ju- j b nista 'ownship, with log house, barn, 4tc., thereon erected, containing "30 acres and allowance. Part pi ttiii tract i.- cleared and under fence and in a good state of cultivation—near to b school house, mill, ; fcic., adjoining'lands of Scott, Low. Hughes and otb ' er&. and lately purchased from William Hurley. I ALSO—A tract of land in Uniou township, con i taining 225 acres, 72 acres cleared, with ajiarm house, tenant bouse, double log barn and new Saw MiH thereon erected. Also, an appie orchard Theie. or—known as the *fenyder" or '-Kooca" pioperty -60 acres ol .and—lo cleared and under fence with a log thereon erected, adjoining George Ti out man, George May and others, partly in Juni ' atta and partly in Londonderry Townships, iateiy , owned by Andrew Welford. ALSO—IGC acres near Sto icrstown. within 4 miie of Broad Top Railroad—about 100 acres clear ed, with a two story dwelling house—new bank barn, stabie. kc., thereon erected ; also, two apple orchards thereon, of choice fruit. The soil is a rich loam. ar. i capable of producing every variety j ot crops of this citmate. ALSO—I6O acres best quality of prairie—near ' the Missouri river, close to the county seat o! Harrison county, lowa, i ALSO—Two 160 acr tracts, adjoining Eikhorr.e | city, in the richest valley ol the west - the Platte Valley—about 20 miles west of Omaha city, and | close to the great national or government roac lead ing west in Nebraska Territory, i ALSO—I6O acres, two tmle above Omaha city, |on the great bend of the Missouri. This tract is well tionbeied and very desirable. A!! of these • lands were located after a personal inspection and j careful examination of the ground, and can be weli relied upon for future wealth. Maps showing the precise jocaiion are in my possession. 4 ALSO—Three desnabie lots in Omaha City, sie j braska Territory. ALSO—A lot of ground in the city of Darotah, j Nebraska Territory. The tibove real estate will be soid c.t such prices , * to insure safe and profitable investments. Notes •: obligations of any kind, that are goc- i. j w:'d be tuken in exchange—particularly good bark l sotes. ALSO.—The real estate of JohnC. Riffle, Sitoat in Harmon's Bottom, Bedford county, containing j 223 acres. 150 of which are cleared—lying or. t! waters of the Kaystown Branch of the Juniata- The improvements are a go, d larm house, ia r ge hank barn a ;d a number out buildings , also a iarge g-ist mill in good running order w it> 2 run of Ftencb burrs and 2 mountain choppers ; also a two storied ' stone bouse (millers house.) This is a very desir able property—the land is ir, a high Mate of culti va'.oi aim adopted to the raising of wheat. Tne above real estate will be soid at such prices as to insure sale and profitable investments. Notes o: thi.gallons of any that are goon wiL be taken in exchange—particularly good bank notes. Maj 6,1363. O. E. SHANNON. And Mill They Come. j MORE NEW GOODS.NJust received at SpL J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. FLOOR OIL CLOTES, Twenty p.eces—ali widths, lor sale at Act 20. CRAMER S. CD'S. Bedford Rail Road!! FALL fi: WINTER ARRANGEMENT —— FARQL'HAR'S TRAIN HAS ARRIVED with a serv large and well selected stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DR Y G 0 01) S TO S £77* THE SEASOA*. LABIDS. come and examine our stock of DRESS GOODS AND FANCY ARTICLES- Some beautiful Baimor'.ls, Woollen Hoods and Head Dresses. Latest style ol SHAWLS, good Croat. | Ciutb, VERY CHEAP. OVER 500 PIIJRS OF BOOTS A: SHOES. ; Consisting of Ladies' and Misses, Mens' and Bovs' i Sties and Boots of every style and vanety, anc as low ir. pnee as can be had in town. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Mea's Wear , CLOTHS, CASSLWERES, SATIXETTS, JEAJCS. AA'D READY MADE CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS No better place to buy ar. OVER COAT. HATS AND CAPS in abundance. Coffee, Sug.r, Teas, Symps, Molasses, Tobacco, Cigars, and a great variety of notions. 'J3T Remember "Cheap Corner lor Cheap Goods.'' EXAMINE OUR STOCK FIRST J B. FARQUHAR, dear Corner, Juliana S:., Ilrdford. December 11, 1663. COOK'S SUGAR EVAPORATOR. Over 4.000 in n&e. Will manufacture Sugar m 30 minutes, equal to ; the best New Orleans, Evaporates, deficates and finishes at one operation, is simple and easily man aged. The only Sugar matter in use five years with , out a rival. We will guarantee the Cane more profitable than any other crop. For particulars ic ■ quire of J. H.'Schell, Sehellsborg. where pure seed can be bad, or of Geo. Blymyer B^df or£ < p a . Pamphlets furnished free e t either of the above : places. Samples of the Syrup and Sugar may be seer at i th.s office. BLYMYER, BATE? 4-DAY, Feb. 26, 1861—2 m. Mansfield, Ohio. BICUVRD LEO. MANUFACTURER OF CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS AC., BEDFORD, PA. Tie undersigred being engaged in the Cabinet ma sing business, witl make to order and keep on hand every thing in his line of manufactu-e. BE REAL'S, DRESSLYG STAADS, PAR LOR AA'D EXTEASIOA' TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WASH STAA'DS. SrC., SrC. will be lomisbed at all prices and to suit every taste, COFrINS will also be made to order. HF"Proinpt attention pakl to all orders for work. cr-sfeor cd West Pitt Street, nearly opposite the residence .f George Shuck. . , RICHARD LEO. i JMlj 10, 156#,—tl MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. THE G2.EAT AXXELOAE EEHEET J) ADWAY3 READY RELIEF. THE GREAT EXTERNAL AND IN TERNAL IiEiIEDX. BUI'S THE MOST EaITHJG htOWQ PAIS IS a FEW KJNTTIS, AND RAPIDLY CTRfi* THE PATTOfT. ' RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Proves I(E superiority tr> SLL msr LVLK ATJO.V 1# to relieve the sufferer of P UN, no matter from vixi carnai it may or.j'iu.it- woore it tea) be J: !c toe Head, Face, or Throat ; If lu tin Back. Spino, or Shoulder ; . If as the Arms. Breast, or Side ; •; If in tho Join Li. Limbs or Slu-sciee • If in the Nerves .Teeth . or lia ; IV in any oluer pari of the body. its spp'.icalixj to tha pari or purw w,.ert- the jua. ux:st= w:i : uSurd ,mmL nit relief IR SEIZED WRM T-AIK L the Stomach, Bowels, or Kidneys ; is the Bladder, Spleen, or Liver ; S In the Teeth, Ears, or Tnraet; In the Bran, or Ke-veus System ; One teaspoon!. of BAI'WAVfI READY ':rr TT to e wuieg„j. of vaier wilt. li e few intuit tea, ra ctore the patient ti ease and comfort. If Laac. Cripple.:, or lied-riidac ; IfPaieiei. Scji ieh. or hunscd , If Brutse-i. Wounded. or Cat: IfStrsine". Injured, or Disabled ; If Son Strove, or seized wtits FHa ■ If Waak in the Sputa or Back ; AADVAYS READY RELIEF rtouid be apji.' • to lie; pa-t or ptrt; afflicted. It to etantiy relieves the patient from pain, and quickiy beats. ■ootbi.at.d atrngtiien* tot-'ifdWed irts. la a. ue.f of Biles of K. loss, Ee r, ;ii>. Shags "f IY-. imtin'is Insects, toe apio -M or . : RAIHflY's KAIHf RET.tET to lite wean.. w:li jmcveiii laOtsamaXitm and otortifieuion FEYER ASD AGUE. r*""n e*p-d t the Maiaru of Ague, or if sentad wnt Quite and I ever, et! fmd a p live Aatin .te and Cure .b had ways Ready Jieasf. iait two teCKpomHifal ef the Beady Beßef, in a wine Lasr o* wafer, -.cc or, petting ent of bed in the morning, anc bowwar gm pate* to r. nutria you wlil escape. when sfTzrD wrm CHOLEIik or Iharrhaia, ■ Riot f m Dyseniery, Oram! " tnd Nations; Btlioia, Che.: :, or Cast.'- dearie*., Typi. "J or niftCT Fevara ; Ir.fijeraa;, o ~-i. . nr toaia ; iafUmnialKai o< iU" S>-meh if Bowels RAD WAYS READY RELIEF SHOULD BE TAKES DCRKSKAIXY. One door wih run. the iiam . ll* ixniliooed nee WE., is a fc* hours, cure she pi Lent. HOW IT CtßSfl. The secondary Indication of RADWAYT 5 READY RS. LILT te to core the patient of the disease or mviady that occasion* hit pais . tbi- it aooorapUtbe* rap'diy and radically. St ti eyft is the p*:.cn* tracaf/rtnod from pain, miserv, weaknew, and decrepttaue, to the dehghL fui enjrirmecl of health and siiangtl . that patentr fra (jnetidv ascribe its taiismac r. twer to she anpernato rai toCuence of eociiaatmect RHECHATBM, I.RIFBAHO, (.ORT, SECT. UR.U. TOOTH ACHE. CROI"*. ]N?T.UENX, SOKE TH AT QCINZr, I'IPTHEBIA. il-.A rT*N KB, BRONCHI TI?. FTIF; JOINT' EN ABUE!• TESIION- I EiD ACHE, (Sich or Kervmia.) A-STHiIA. or LABI. BHESntitNG. It ts truly marvoiieus how qtiich RADWAV'f READT FJCiJEF curou the sufera-s of then* maiadies TL* pmir. cnpp.-ed. nr.. pai..- tnckoß iiueinaatic iiaa nos K wan day before a change lai: •- piacc, but hi a few BiiuuMS narivat ease and tointcrt. CUBOVIC RHEUttATESI CTBEDi T vrvii Iy Tears of M.erpicit *ir. Sydney llyeia, Evq.. if fiat-ana. Cub.;. the one respondeat t liie London T.m- si.nered v t.i Aetna aad Chnmlc Khetimaiisni for twcuty &re yEtrr.. and fur • waoty years be HadDoteejrr ':■! on; whole T; r! 1V calm reet He npphe.l EADTAVj liEADY REXJEF—if rm Bed Ateiy gave inm ea.re and secured him tt- Brat calm and undisturbed sieep during the twuv.y years Ti* aoutttiued use of tho lILAIJY HELIEF cured 'bun, PREVENTION BKITTR TH/.S fTRE. THERE 15 tK> OCCASION F')i. SICKNESS. When TOO first fee! pm: then take a tvisptmsfia ef the READY RIXI'F.iL water .or apply is los parta where you fee: the ALL TF AUG 1 ANT IEHSASIS firstglvf wrjuing uf t',iir and If tne! reut iy before thry l>rc>r.iL- saeureiy uuiencoed srfUan ths systett wiii oe reutiiiy evp-i ed FicN- of" b sxm HeaAache faro* in the Ltmliii—m the Stomach, B -w --eis. and Kidneys—Qnd Cli.ii, and Ho! Husher ' ua ed Tongue, burning Sr.m, Kausro. Shivering, XmUneaa. Lose oi Appetite, itestieesnee* CiddinaM. tc., Be., .trw premonitory symptoms of Malignant Diseases. Oa dose of tij. KfcAliV IU3JSF is sufficient to breae up and expai dawsam: ochon, and rtaturo two :Uunt w braiU. tOUIIESS, KYOTT' HOttller shonld carry with bini & fftspfrir at MmAmmy* l&aAj iUiwf. It Pjpp]* tl psacv of iJi iLer rueiliciiicv m- u lwera#e. a leaflpoonfu! of tbe heifrif. to k w of wttr. in a i.:ccr, pi or stimulant thai: UraaUy, %ut# y , or biitcfi ercEKias ror.vEKTiD rs tub halve RBGT Eqcutt Mauf t, SSerp'tC. T. IjjtC, writer Bed way's Ituiuly l.ube! saved toe reg.uiettt from uealh while quart ere.: at T; bee J'a?id. " C'.when workmg ti (be Kw.impi. "r.ict.Bg fonilkaliam. Every mail seiae'i with Typ.ei.i! end i.i:.-r fevers, Fever and Agolharr)n. liy KbeuuntkHn wait 'lirod by the use of be iwseij Lebcf. c .vrnoN. In all easw auk for Ihuiw-ty's Heaflv ttebef. Tube IHI other See u, at the Mguuture of iiadwsr A Co. m "r. *.:.*■ nutside if t *ii h 'ltlr Every Kgeni is supplied with a new and fresh stock. Price 24 rents per bottle, tkud t>y ItQiis, Merchants and count,) ■arokaapMa, KADWAY A on t Fi Muiuta. Lata., New York. Sold bv Dnisrcists. Oct. '.'ill 163 Iv Important Notice. Sioreke'-pers and al! other (tenons are hereby tpe- ! cia'ly "A'arnetl arid cautioned mmrts; selDng cootis or rvy credit, or in any nay trusting on any ttccwi t j my wife or other members oi n.y family, its 1 will i not pay ar.y (iebis whirh they may eontrart, having ; supoiied them abundantly with the means of living. ! AptM I,lß—. __ CHARLKS SMITH. I PUBLIC BALE OF VJJLUJRLE ESTATE. • In purauanre of an older of the Orphans' Court of Bedford comity, ] wii expose to public sale, or. the ' premies, in the borough of Bedford, on S .turdny, Ihe 3'J/ k day of April, inuf the loTiowtng real estate, late the property of Dr. ' William \Na';on, deceased, vig : \ Lot of f*round. uluate ;b 'be borough of Bediord, on the corner of ; Pitt and Richard fc'iee.g, being 80 fee! in front, on Pitt etrve'. end 2fo on Richard street, composed of I one wnole ,ot and one third o! a lot. This property is *gteerue(j one of the best busi- | ness iocations in the borough, and will be sold alto- i getber or divided into smaller lots to suit purchasersj i subject to the lease of the tenants ii, possession. ALSO—At the same time and place, about 1200 arreß of valuable timber and farm lands, in lots of j between one and two hundred acres, situate in Sho vel n \E .ey, and on Ibe west side of Dur.n eg's Mountain, cbout three miles south of Bedford. ALSO—A valuable tract of land, known as the 1 Farmer survey," adjoining isnds belonging lo the Bedford Springs property, containing 140 acres IT* ore or less, of which a large portion is meadow ground and part thereof cleared and under fence. Plots oi the above lands can be seen al rny office lor ten days before day of sale. TERMS— One-tbird of purchase money to remain in hands of purchaser dunng lifetime of widow anc ! inteieet to be paid her annually—or--ih;rd of the residue to lie paid on the conhrmation of sale, and balance ic two equal annua! payments vritbout in- A. KING, Trustee. April l : 18 Bargain |f#r#, G. K. A W. OSTES, Successors to A. B. CARK, have just received e beautiful sioct of STAPLE AM) FANCY PRY GOODS. New styles Leather Prints, much admired. Beautiful Madder Prints, new Spring styles. Neat Striped and Fancy Shirting Prints. Beautiful Delaines—Fancy and Sohtl CUIOTB iWobair D ess Goods. Neat Plaids and in all desirable solid colors. Poplins, Cashmere Merino ar.d Shepherd'* Plaids, 1 French Ginghams, Cheap and Handsome. BcautifuLLancaster GINGHAMS, new s'yles. j Balmoral ?§ Skeleton SKIRTS, at prices to suit. j Ladies Head-dresses and Nets, very liand nmr. White Ba'lardvale Flannels, to please the Ladies. fed, Grey, Striped and Plaid Shitting Flannels. Canton Flannels, bleached and unbleached, to keep warm. | GOOD GOODS AT SMALL PROFITS BLEACHED MUSLINS. ! Williamsvilie, Watertwist, Enterprioe and otner leading makes. UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, Atlantic, CE'la, Pepperell, Pocassitr arid other?. ' Apron Checks, Table Diaper, Bed Tickings, Cot tonades, Denims and Shirting Stripes. CLOTUS AND T-ANCY CASSIMERES, at small profits. SATINETTS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, all colors and very cheap. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, at old prices, hats and Caps, every styl" and co or, at low prices. Boots and Shoes, 'or men anil boys, very chap. Ladies, Misses and Children*' Balmoral BOOTS AND SHOES, : good and cheap, call and se them, they will speuk IOT tbenr elves. CHOICE KJO AND LAG V AYR A COFFEE, ' Prepared Malt and Essence of Coffee. Extra Imperii!, Young Hyson and Souchong TEV SUGAR —A choice assortment. F.xtra Lovering* and n'ner STREP. Prime N- Orleans and otner Baking >loiis*es. ! Cuoco.'ate, Kice. pepper, Aiispice, Clo'. es. Cinna mon, Mace, Nutmegs, Cayenne Pepper, Camphor. Sweet and r astor Oil*. Taylor s ( sy-tai Waehball. Brown Winri ' nor, 1 aim Oil, London Honey and other 1 oile- Scape Amulet, Honey Dew. Pure Yellow Bank, Vine Sap Fine Cut CHEWING TOBACCO. ] Al-o, best quality Natural Leaf and Congress TOBACCO Brooms, Wooden PaiL and Fancy Reticule Baskets. Mackerel arid Herring; Da.ry and G. A. Together with 1001 other a'! of which were bought at nett cash prices and which we will sell on the s me iermi. at a small advance on prime j cost. Motto —"Smell profits arid large sa'es." H^Terms— CASH, except by special agreement i Produce bought. Jan. 15. '64. BEDFORD HOTEL. * The undersigned having taken rbarge of the Bed ford JHo'el, former y Sep' by Cri. John Hafer. an nounces to "he public that he will be able to afford the best accommodations, both to the raveling ptib ! lie and home custcm. The house will be improved end re-fitted and the Bar will alw. ys t>c well sup plied with choice iiqiitr T s. His tubie wi! ue sup j plied with the choice*! edibles of the season, and ' be will spare no pains to make it suitable for aU- His stable is one of the be>t in Bedford, anc e good j hostler will s ways be in attendance. ; Term* reasonable. Tae pualic are respectfully in [ vited to give bur e rail. JOSHFA 3. SHOEMAKER. , Bedford, Jaruary 15, 1864. • THE GREAT €AI*E. OF Unman Misery. i Just Published ti aSt a ltd Envolop*. Prree 6 Cu. | A Lecture rd the Nature, Treatment & Radical Cure ol Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhaia in , duced by Se.f-Abuae Involunta-v Emissions, Im- j I potency, Nervous Debility, arid impediments to ; Marriage generally : Consumption, Epilepsy ai.d j Fits : Mental and Physical Incapacity, 4-c.—By ROB ! J. CULL F.RW ELL, 31. D., Author ot the Urten , Boole, h-C . The voriri-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly pr ves from hts own expe-ience j that the awful consequences of Self-abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without I dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, j J rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at i once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer ; no ma'ter what his condition may be mar cure b;m --; self cheaply privately,and radically. This lecture j will prove a boon to thousands and thousand <• bent under seal, in a plain envoiope, to any address, , on the rvceipt of six cents or two postage stamps, : bv addressing the .publishers. ( HAS. J. C. KLINF. A CO. 127 Bowery, New York Post Office Box, 4590. ' | ONE TWO HORSE WAGON, AND ONE SPRING WAGON FOB SALE, At FARQFHAR'S Cheap Corner. Bedford, January 29, 1964. L 1 IM b M I At Cramer's you will find a large assortment of j LADIES' DRESS GOODS, \ suitable fioi tali and winter. Nov. 20. ( . X . Hit K O K, DENTIST. Will attend punctually and carefully to v'l opera tions entrusted to his rare. NATIRAI. TEETH filled, regtiiated. polished, Ac., ' in the be.-t manner,: nd AttT;"rciAi. TEETH inserted from one to an entire sett. Office in the Bank Building, on Juliana street, Bedford. CASH TERMS will be strictly adhered to. In addi'ion to recent improvements in the mount nig of ARTIFICIAL TEKTH on Gold and Silver Plate, ' I am now using, as a base for Artificial work, a new and betmtiiu 1 article, (Vulcanite or Vulcanized In dia Rubuer) stronger, closer fitting, more comfort- ' able and more natural than either Gold or Silver, and 20 per cent, cheaper than silver. Cai 1 and see C. N. HICK.OK. Bedford, January 16, 1863. Locust Plus Kark, price win lie paid in CASH for LOGUST PI VS. BARK, at Mount Dallas Station, one mile wot of Bloody Run. on the Pike, bv j' „ A G. ALLEN. February 15—2 m \UIMS SIGHT & CO., j HI hOl rsa 1 s Grot g r s AND TEA DEALERS, A . E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. November 13, lfi£3—ly i $75 *lO #lsoPer Month. r\*HX LITTLE GIANT SEWING .MACHINE I CostMW want an Agent in each county. Jo so licit oidere for their nn* sls Mhcnine, Will gauge, screw-driver and extra needies. Wi will pey a lib eral eatery and expenses, or give large c otr. m" s -son. (For particulars, terms, Re.. enclose a stamp, and ad dress T. 5. PAGE, Toledo. O-, Gep'l Agent for tl.e L'- Stales. Februa-y 1?, 5864—3n:- SUEL Lit ARKS. Fusty Bushels prime SheF.barks for sale at ,Nov. *2O CRAMER -N COS. \Y A N T E L), 100 CORDS TANNERS' BARK, at TVqui . 1 CHE.vr CORNER. j I Clover seed, Fiux seed and Timothy .e wantcr. 1 |at r ARQUII AK'S. j Anv end all kinds of Country Produce taker: at FARQUHAfI'S CHEAP CORNER. Gome and buy vcurC otb eu a r " CHEAP CORNER, Juliana st. Money f#ed by tmving BOOTS and SHOES at CHEAP CORNER Rest CLOTHS, CA9SIMERES and SATINETTS 5 at CHEAP CORNER. Come arid get a good HAT or CAP a' FARQOHAR'S. i Some Beautiful PLAID SHAWLS, verv cheap."at Nov. 27, 1864. FARQCHAR'S. i Jut Received A fuV Hupji'v of Grocer*;- J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. i August 14 tlie 16(53 TO CONSUMPTIVES Consump' v • suC r--is * i ; i u*ce.i vs ia-" pre yeriprion to- the cur" of Coosunptiou A- unit. Broncbiti*, and si! Throat unu Lung aflection®, \ (free ot cnerg- ;bv bending th-ir addo to Rev. E. A. WILSON, Wifiiamsburgh, Jan 22—8t Ktngs Co-, New "lurk. WASHIZC3-TON KOTLL, BEDFORD. PA. S. S. I' hi and W harr Dtberr von d respec'tu, v announce to tbeir friends m Bedford county, ano 'be pub:tc g*h*r by, tout tuey have iea-e(. lo: a term of years,, this, large end convenient brick bote., at lb'-came; of Pitt and Juitur i - tr" Bedford. Pa., Kiiowr. a> the '• WASHINGTON HOTEL."and late ly sept oy £ Filler. *J'f,i houae is being tbnrougniy re-fitted an tamsbrd. at:, r -v. .•! mi t>.-• r< r-p:i„, gut- V.kitors u> 'he •■E'.DPt)FID SPRING.*-'" and persons attending Court, wi I tin it trus rsot-e a pir-a-ar,* and quie' temporary home. Every attention wa : be pant to me arroi u corniorl o' i -jests. *1 rr IrtL-r vi id a! ; ' time- lie supp led VTit: he lie®' ' f,r marhctb afford. (It Will be moderate . Extensive stablim; H Bttach-c to this Hole!, and a ca etui ..in! competent bos' -- will be in attendance. Spei-1.-.i attention will be paid to the accommoda lion ot the la meg community. Coaches ieave "ins house uc, v (Sunday except" at Tti. o ,'iocK. A. M., and 2 o'cioci.. P. M-, to con nect with the trams going Eat liom Mount DalUs and Bioody Run. A coach wi! also ieave tii-wevs '.y (1 uegiiay, Thursday arid £ tuniatr) tor (Somervt. Trie traveling public will find it necidediy totfier advar.iage to stop v. :"h them. Bedford, Jan. 22, 1861—if. Sjirituj aui Summer Eo~iK, JUST ARRIVED AT J. M, SHOEMAKER'S CHEAP STORE, NOW OPENING. Hfir caietomepf :md tbe public cenmilly arc in vited to call and examine for tbemtselvea. j HIS GOODS ARE OF THE DE . J INDIA RD3BLJR SHCESP NO 133 NORTH THIRD STREET orr: ITE rtinr ST.. PHILADELPHIA. Apr. IT, 1863—Jj. I M. PUMPS!!! r p 1 atf. engaged „ inning .he f J A.. r.rie Dump-certainly the only pump well adapted tv S* tbu cliicale. \ Persons in need ®f e good \ pump will do we;! tc ge N me a call. u7~ortiere: from mil of tbc* coo 'v wi'J h> ttend ed to with promptneu, A lis cess: I WM. C.jaiVELr, ~_k ''weflahurg. • i*l-. A eg. l. ise2 3m *' - l HAS ON HAND AND COASTANTLY KEEPS A FULL SUPPLY OF .ILL KINDS OF GOODS. WHICH HE WILL SELL CHEAP FOB CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE Bedford, Jan. 8, ] 8(-4 i t rrible Di*"*o**9re*-feecrt-f* (ar the Ifiliion. A tros 1 valuable bitti wonderful publication. A wti'v it- 40J: and -i(J oiored engravings. f)r Hi X ! f.R'B A ADR MEG M, an original and pop. uiar tre-tise or; Mar. and Woman, tfreig Pnyeioiogv. Fnnrtioris, and b-sua! ditcrder*oi every kind, with Nevcr-Ffcibng Remedies for tbeir vpeedy core! Tbe practice of DR. HFNTF.R lias ioi g been, and !:|i is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of nu meious persons, he has tieen miiuced to extend bis ;T,< Ctca 'isefulhens through the medium of his •" It i a volume that should t>e ir< the harms of • ve,y iamij-, ir the land, as a preventive of ae cr-i vices, or at a guide for the alleviation o; one ■ : he mo ' awful and destructive scourges evpr v. - mankind. On" copy, securely e-veiopec. y he forwarded Bee ot postage U any part of toe .' > ited Sta'e, for S6 rent- in P. (). stamps, or three cptr-c to sl. Address, post paH, DR. HUNTER No. 3 I>vi-:or> Sf-ert. New York. June 5, 1803—Jyw NEW establishment: SADDLE B IDLES AND HARNESS! Ihe undersigned would re-p" tf ;!tf inform the <• :Z'ft- of Bloody Ron and vicinity, that he tiae ■ open-fi out p. n" • shop lor the manufacture of bad,..--. Brunei,. H irness n. everything ustia'ly it the sacii iery lui- n' business. His uorfc wil, he v arrantet: as goo,, a- the b-sr an* 4 as cb-ap as the clv-' ttest. Kavmg be-n rrrp'oyil, for som" time, some of ' h" b"St mai ufactorie- in i'rtrburg. he fic"f.re hinis!t tha* tie is at-ie to give entire lit fraction oa: who rriav become bis customers • e public are invited to give him a call. Shop next door lo tbe store of Captaic Wm. Staten. W. L. LRNTZ. Bloody Run, June 12, 1863. Pension and Bounty Claims. r. H. AKERB has received E il tbe forms and m h'ructions ior procuring Soldiers ' Pen-,on and Botfti " money He E'-O hit a partner in WukinftK t itv to prosecute me claims speedily. Bedford, Nov. 27, !863—1{ ■ UK ION HOTEL. WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, FA. 5 . STLUKMAN, Proprietor. T: s excellent hotei ie now prepared TO accstn moua e the public in the hes' manner and on the most libera! terms. A splendid LIVEBY STAUL* I attarben ro this hotei. f May S. ISG2. \< w Firm. The nn erstgned havirg psi-chf-eu A. B. Care's en".re hock ot god-. wi con.inu- the bust cess at r he otd stind, where they wiij constaniiy keep a generti si-rtmei.* oi gooe® araptevi to the wente ; the people. They also expe.-t to rce:ve E gen "i I assortment of XEw GOODS io y few day*, when their assortment wii) be complete ,n every department. G. R. h: W. OSTER. December 25, IS63—if CASSIMEHES. Fifty Piercs new Fail Caseimeres for sate et N-'". 20. CRAMER CQ'S. Celt. ißlaKsey S 2sn. s s <& 7? V DEALERS IN HARDWARE, HOtSE riR.MSHING GOODS, STOVES, AND TINWARE. We are just receiving a fresh supply of every ihitig belonging to our trade. We nave HARDWARE AND HOUSE PUR.MSHIVG GOODS, in great variety Boose builders famished with goods at verv reasor - able prices. We keep the brat assortment of COAL OIL LAMPS. SHADE?. £.*■ and the best COAL OIL IN TOWN. P ease ea;- see as before purchasing e **- waere- * GEO. BLYMYER lk SO a; C TOVUFC, X. C. KCWXS. iEMIR fUOF, SBi\ 5i fO., r.TUErrr" era netASsras- r* EMBROIDC f! I , L- A C K S , White Good®. Hos.erj", Mitts, Gloves, Trim icings ibc.. No. *9 Market Stecf. 4Tf f'oTttmerce street. PHILADELPKTA. Mar.b 6. 1863.—3y SCOTT 8c STEWART, AUCTIONEERS Comniissio!! ftlfrdjontfi, Jaynem Marble Bniitfmg. 616 CAesfovf St., A* 616 Jnyne St. PHILADELPHIA. JNO E. GILLETTE. B. SCOTT. JR Apr 17, 1663 —I y.