J J $l5O Per Month. CLE GIANT SEWING MACHINE j want an Agent in each county, to so ar their new Sls ATachine, with gauge, Suew-driver and extra needles. We will pay a lib eral salary and expenses, or give large commission. For particulars, terms, &c., enclose a btamp, and ad dreis T. S. PAGE, Toledo, 0., i Gen'l Agent lor the U. Slate* February 1 9 , Ibu t—-3m. SHfXLBA RKS. rvW""""" cos. WANTED. 100 CORK. TANNERS' BASS." f^NER. „ j c „, A B nd Timothy seed wanted Plover seed, Flax seed FARQUHAR'S. at . , ,i i.jnJsol Country Produce taken at A ny andl CHEAP CORNER. r- nnd buy y°" r Clothing at t *° m CORNER, Juliana st. Money saved by Buying BOOTS SHOES_at Best CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and SATIN ETTS at ' CHEAP CORNER. Come and get a good HAT or C^ P R^UHAR , S Some Beautiful PLAID SHAWLS, vrryjcheap/jat Nov. 27, 19G4. FARQLHARS. Just Received A full Supply of Groceries. J. M. SHOEMAKER S. August 14 the 1863 ' STATES UNION*'KOTEL, 606 & 608 Market St., Philadelphia. CHAS: M. ALLMOND, Manac.kh rpHIS Hotel is located in the very centre oi busi- I 'nets', and is in close proximity to all the respec tive places of amusement, which makes it pa rt '?- nlarly desirable to persons visiting I biladelphia on business or pleasure, ar.d the managei hopes by close personal attention to the wants oi his guests to make it a comfortable home for such as may Sa vor the Hotel with their patronage. Th* terms hare nut leen advanced, Ivt situ remain a* the old figure of $1.50 per day. January 15, 1801—3 m TO CONSUMPTIVES. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable pie script ion for the curs of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Throat and Lung affections, (free oi charge) by sending their address to Rev. E. A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Jan.22—Ot Kings Co-, New York. WASHING-TON HOTEL, BEDFORD,PA. 3. S. Diehl and William Dibert woti'd respectfully announce to their friends in Bedford county, and the public generally,! that they have leaded for a term of years, this large ar.d convenient brick hotel, at the corner ofjPitt and Julianna streets, Bedford, ; Pa., xnown as the "WASHINGTON HOI EL, 'and late ly Kept by Mrs. S. Filler. This house is being thoroughly re-fitted and re furnished, and is now open for the reception of guests. Visitors to the "BEDFORD SPRINGS" and persons attending Court, will find this house a pleasant and quiet temporary home. Every attenti. n will be paid to the accommodation and comfort ot guests, 'f he table will at all times be supplied with the best the marsets afford. Charges will be moderate. Extensive stabling is attached to this Holel, end a careful and competent hoatler will be in attendance. Special attention will be paid to tion of the farming community. Coaches leave this house oaily (Sunday excepted) at ojo CIOCK, A. n., auu C U ciock, r. m., iu con nect with the trains going East from Mount Dallas and Bloody Run. A coach will also leave tii-weeK ly (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) for Somerset. The traveling-public will find Undecidedly to ( then advantage to stop with them. Bedford, Jan. 22, ISo4—tf. §iwaii and 2ftnttaer Goods, JUST ARRIVED AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. CHEAP STORE, NOW OPENING. Si* customers and the public generally arc in vited to call and examine for themselves. HIS GOODS ARE OFjTHE BEST QUALITY, AND tifiEdP AS THE CHEAPEST' LOOK TO VOIR OWN INTEREST B Y EXAMINING MY STOCK. A LARGE LOT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, AND VERY CHEAP, fettn a part of my new stock. SPRING & SUMMER WEAR, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Ladies' Dress Goods, G SL O U E ii IE.S, QUEENS WARE. AC.. &C Ail to jae bad at the store of J M Sboenudter. Bedford. Feb '2O. IBC4 NEW GOODS AT THE Nrwß # r i |feu O. K. &W. OSTEit, 1 | Successors to A. B. Cass, have just received a i beautiful stoci: of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. New styles Leather Prints, much admired. Beautiful Madder Prints, new Spring styles. Nrat Striped and Fancy Shirting Prints. Beautiful Delaines—Fancy and Solid Colors. Aiobair Dtcss Goods. Neat Plaids and in all desirable solid colore. i Poplins, Cashmere .Merino ar.d Shepherd's Plaids, | French Ginghams, Cheap and Handsome. Beautiful Lancaster GINGHAMS, new styles. Balmoral ar.d Skeleton SKIRTS, at prices to suit. Ladies Head-dresses and Net*, very handsome. Whße Ballardvale Flannels, to please the Ladies. Ted, Grey, Striped and Plaid Shirting Flannels. Canton Flannels, bleached and unbleached, to keep toarm. GOOD GOODS AT SMALL PROFITS BLEACIIId MUSLINS , Wiliiamsville, Watertwist. Enterprise and other leading makes. UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. Atlantic, (Ella, Pepperell, Pocassitf and other'. Apron Checks, Table Diaper, Bed Tickings, Cot tonades, Denims and Shirting Stripes. CLOTHS AND FANCY CASSIMEItES, at small profits. SATINETTS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, all colors and very cheap. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, at old prices. Hats and Caps, every style and color, at low prices. Boots ami Shoes, for men and boys, very cheap. Ladies, Misses and Children?' Balmoral BOOTS AND SHOES, good and cheap, call and see them, they will speak lor themselves. CHOICE RIO AND LAGUATRA COFFEE, Prepared Malt and Essence of Coffee. Extra Imperi i!, Young Hyson and Sduchong TEA. SUGAR —A choice assortment. Extra Coverings and other SYRUP, Prime N. Orleans and other Baking Molasses. Chocolate, Rice, Pepper, Allspice, Cloves, Cinna mon, Mace, Nutmegs, Cayenne Pepper, Camphor, Sweet and Castor Oils. Taylor's Ciystal Wa?hba!l, Brown Wind sor, Palm Oil, London Honey and other Toilet Soaps. Amulet, Honey Dew, Pure Yellow Bank, Vine Sap Fine Cut CHEWING TOBACCO. Also, best quality Natural Leaf and Congress TOBACCO. Brooms, Wooden Pails and Fancy Reticule Baskets. Mackerel and Herring; Dairy and G. A. Salt. Together with 1001 other articles, all of which were bought at nett rash prices and which we will sell on the same terms, at a small advance on prime cost. Motto —"Small profits and large sales." [LF"Terms—CASH, except by special agreement. Produce bobght. Jan. 15, '6l. BEDFORD HOTEL. The undersigned having taken charge of the Bed ford Hotel, foimeily kept by Col. John Hafer, an nounces to the public that he will be able to affoid the best accommodations, both to the traveling pub lic and home custom. The house will be improved and re-fitted, and the Bar will always be well sup plied with choice liquors. His table will be sup plied with the choicest edibles of the season, and he will spare no pains to make >t suitable for all. His stable is one of the best in Bedford, and a good hostler will always be in attendance. KT'Boarders taken by the week, month or year. Terms reasonable. The public are respectfully in vited to give him a call. JOSHCJA J. SHOEMAKER. laonan- IS. THE GRRAT MfUR OF Human Misery. Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price 6 Cls. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment & Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or SperVnatorrhcea in duced by Se'f-Abuse : Involuntary Emissions', Im potency, Nervous Debility, ar.d Impediments ,to Marriage generally: Consumption, Epilepsy ai.d Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, —By ROB J. CULVF.RWELL, JJ. D., Author ot the Green 8001, &£C. „ The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own expenetice that the awful cousequences of Self-abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer no matter what his condition may be may cure him self cheaply privately,and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envolope, to any address, on the receipt of six cents or two postage stamps, by addressing the publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINF.. & CO. 127 Bowery, New Y'ork Post Office Box, 4590. ONE TWO HORSE WAGON, ANDI)NE SPRING WAGON FOR SALE, At FARQUHAR'S Cheap Corner. Bedford, Januaiy 2U, is 64. L A I* I E S > At Ciamcr's you will find a large assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, suitable foi fall and winter. Nov. 20. C. A . H ICHO K , DENTIST. Will attend punctually and carefully to ali opera tions entrusted to his care. NATI RAI. 1 KETH filled, regulated, polished, &c., .n the best manner,and AKTUTCIAI. TEETH inse r ted .rom one to an entire sett. Office in the Bank Building, on Juliana street, Bedford. CASH 1 ERMS will fee strictly adhered to. In addition to recent improvements in the mount ing of AETiFiciAr. TEETH on Gold and Silver Plate, I am now using, a3 a base for Artificial work,anew and beautiful article, (Vulcanite or Vulcanized In dia Rubber) stronger, closer fitting, more comfort able and more natural than either Gold or Silver and 20 per cent, cheaper than silver. Call and see ' „ „ C. N. HICKOK. Bedford, January 16, 1863. Locust Plus, Bark, i highest mice will be paid in CASH for LOGUST PINS, BARK, &c., at Mount Dallas Station, one mile west ol Bloody : Hun, on the Pike, by I A. G. ALLEN, iebrnary 15—2 in WJIMMTTcoT 10 Jt ale sad p Srsrprs AND TEA DEALERS, X. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. November 13, lSS3—.iy BR, BABWAY'S PILLS, /.RE THE REST PURGATTVE RILLS. ARE THE HK.-T PUKLATIVE PILLS. AKS THE BEST ITKGATIVE rm&. t NO ETRATSFSA. NO GRIPING.. NO TENESMUS. NO PI LEA. 20 FALSH CALLS TO THS WATER CLOSET. BUT A BAISK A3TD THOROUGH EVACUATION FROM THE EOWELS IS ALWAYS SECURED. Newly Discovered Principles in Purgatives. 7>R. .TAD way's FjiU arc tho best Purgativo Pills LU the world. AND the only Vegetable Substitute for Calomel** Mercury ever discovered. They are composed of VEGETABLE EXTit ACTS PROM ROOTS, EEltliS, PLANTS, GUMS, SEEDS, FLOWERS, BARKS, FRUITS AND WEEDS, PRE PARED IN VACUO. Or. A grain of the extract of tho medicinal proper - UM ofßod way's Pills, possess a greater curative power over DISEASE than a thousand of the crude and inert materials that enter into all other piila in uso. These Puis AM ciim> MN ied of tho active medicinal proper- TICS of tho ltoots, Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Gums , Ac. of which tboy are comixised. One dose will prove their superiority TO all other pills. They PURGE, CLEANSE, PURIFY, HEAL, SOOTHE, CALM, STRENGTHEN, INVIGORATE, And REGULATE TOE SYSTEM/ Their CJreat Combinations.*. Tfccy are Apcrteat, Tonic, Laxative, Allorahve, itinr- C'JUR, Counter Irritant, Sudorillc. "* AS EVACUANTS, ■Tin.;,- are more certain and thorough tlian the Drastic Piiis of Aloes, or Croton or Harlem Oil, or Elaterlum ; and more soothing and liealing than Senna, or Eheu- BARB, or Taraarinris, or Castor Oil. IN SUDDEN ATTACKS OF Inflammation of the Bowels or Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Pancreas or Kidneys, Bilious Cholic or Bilious Fever, JWYNIPELAS or Congestive Fever, Small Pox, Measles, or WORLET Fever, SIX TO EIGHT OF DR. RADWAY'S REGU LATING PILLS WILL PURGE THE PRIMA RY CAUSE OF THESE FROM THE SYSTEM IN SIX HOURS. Oao dose of Dr. KaJway'A Pills will cleanse the latcs t.nai canal, and purge frcm the bowels all oflendiog and retained humors, AS thoroughly as lobolia or the be .1 approved emetic wi'L cleanse the stomach, with out producing inflammation, irritation, weakness, STRAINING, r other unpleasant symptoms. There arc no other purgative piiis in tho world that Will SECURE this desi deratum. mmm THAN CAI/IMFL OR BLCB PILL. JIKTTW! THAN' CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL;? BEN Kit THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL AS ALTERATIVES, Thry exercise a more pow rful Influence over tho llvef and' IT' ecretiocs than calomel, mercury, blue pUI, HENCE their importanco In cases of Liver Complaints and Spleen Difficulties, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bilious at tache, Headache, Ac. In the treatment of Fevers, either Bilious, Yellow, Typhoid, and other reducing Fevers, they aro superior to quinine. Their influence extends over the en tiro system, controlling, strengthening, and BRACING up the relaxed and wasting energies, and regu lating all the secretions to tho nctural performance of their duties, cleansing and purifying the blood, and purging from the system all diseased deposits ana im pure humors. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. ONE TO SIX BOXER WILT, CURE Costiveness, J Jaundice, Rush of Blood Constipation, iCongst've Fe- tothellead, Congestion, j ver, Obstructions, Heart Disease, I Sleepiness, Dropsy, Disease of Kid-lGen 1 Debility, Acute Erysipe ney K Bladder . 1 DI mncsß of S't las, Disease of Li- 1 Fits, i Headache, ver, : Down's of Spir-|Bad Breath, Biliousness, ' its, ilnflamation of Typhus Fever, Quinacy, !the Intestines, Ship Fever, Dyspepsia, i Apoplexy, Malignant Fe- Measles, Enlargement ver, Melancholy, ]of the Spleen, IJOPS of Appe- Hysterics, jScurvy, titc, Ameriorrhwta, J Whooping Indigestion, Fainting, I Cough, Inflammation, Dizziness, Worms, Palpitations, Retention of jßad Dreanu, Scarlet Fever, j Urine, i Pleurißy. Bilious Fever, | i I AM CURED. " I ha- A taken six doses of Railway's Fills, of thr A* rills each, in E X days ; tboy cured MO of Constipation, indigestion, and Dyspepsia. I have taken B—— tb'S, A rs', and many other pills for years, and could only obtain temporary roiier. If I stopped the use of these pills for A week my oiJ complaint would appear, fix doses of Railway's Fills cured me. SIEPHEN BENNETT, U. S. C. R" "I have siifl'cre 1 with Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaint for seven years — have used all sorts of pills— ti.oy would give INO temporary comfort, but was com pelled to take them ail the time. I have used one box of Dr. Ra lway'S Pills ;I am cured. I have nut taken A particle of medicine in six months. C. M. CHILD?, Roxbury, MASS. RILT?, STRAINING AND TENESMUS, PILES, STRAINING ANTL TENESMUS, Arc the remits of Inflammation or irritation of the on sous membrane of tho bowels, Induced by drastio pills— thre imperfect pills, lnstrul of being dissolved BV the chile, are carried to the lower bowels, and in duce a periß'aitic movement or evacuation by their Irritation hence the ttraining, cramps, wrenching pains, pile* ar.il tenesmus, and the frequent false calls l the vnter closet, (hat patients undergo who take these imperfect pills. if you would avoid these annoyances, whenever a purgative medicine is required, take a dose of BAD WAY? REGULATING FFLLA THEY WILL PURGE THOROUGHLY AND LEAVE the BOWELS REGULAR. R*Ron R.frrtcd with I'ILEF, roav rely on a positive euro by their use. WATER WITH GUM. COATED vrrrn GUM. COATED WITH OCX IV. R*4 way's PLUS are elegantly Orated with Gum, M • free fr .rn LASTS or smell, can bo taken at all times MID on AH I caaiißig. . No danger will rosult from colda. if EXPOSED t< wet or damp WEATHER after taking these PFFIS. SIX OF RADWAY'S FILLS Save SERERID N vigorous evacuation. In severs CAVES TF'ufl.njiu.lL, -II of the Bowels, Paralysis, 6tc., after Cmt 'U (ii. Harlem Chi, injections and other mcana ooa>- p'eviy I .NOD. A dosa of Kadway'J IMIA will rcmovo all 08-truclioic, A;I L secure a free pisaage. Directions tor uE ER-' inside R* H box. I'ricc per bux,26COTO. Sold BY I.'rnggi-.ts, Medicine Dealers, and More.keepcrs. N IS— Every Agent has BER-JI lurnißhcd with fresh AND N-W MA LE I'iik: As each bur U ENCLOSED WTM A • WL LUGRSTED Isibcl . take none others. RAIIWAY Sold I)T Druggists. Oct. Oth 1803 -LY SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTiONFERS AND (Sommissioti filerttyants, Jayne's Marble Juildinir, 616 Cfie-fnut St., Jayne St. PHILADELPHIA. JNO. E. GILLETTE. B SCOTT, JR. Apr. 17, 1863— 1y. TrirMLEEB"&(Ja Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS AND INDIA RUBBER SHOES,' NO 133 NORTH THIRD STREET OrrOSITE CHEKR.Y ST., PHILADELPHIA. Apr. 17. 1863— 1y. EefH>s*ias£t iliolicc. Storekeepeis and all other persons ore hereby "pe- • ria'ly warued and cautioned against aeMine good? on roy credit, or in any way trusting on my account I my wife or other tnembers of my family, as I will not pay any debts which they m ty contract, having supplied them abundantly with the means of livihg. April 1, 1 c 34. CHARLES SMITH. 1 PUBIiIC SALE 1 OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of , Bedford county, I will expose to public pale, on the ( premises, in the borough of Bedford, on , Saturday, the 30 th day of April , itlil., tl.e following real estate, late the property of Dr. William Watson, deceased, viz: A 1.0 l of Gi'out]i itiiate in the borough of Bedlord, on the corner of Pitt nnd Richard streets, being 80 feet in front, on | Pitt street, and 2t9 on Richard street, composed of one whole lot and one third of a lot. This property is esteemed one of the best busi ness locations in the borough, and will be sold alto gether or divided into smaller lots to suit purchasers, subject to the lease of the tenants ir. possession. ALSO—Ac the same time and place, about 1200 acres of valuable timber and farm lands, in lots of between one and two hundred acres, situate in Sho vel's Valley, and on the west side of Dunning's Mountain, abnut three miles south of Bedford. ALSO—A valuable tract, of land, known as the "Farmpr Survey," adjoining lands belonging to the Bedford Springs property, containing lift seres more or less, of which a large portion is meadow ground and p.irt thereof cleared and under fence. Plots of the above lands can be seen at my office for ten days before day of sale. TERMS—One-third of purchase money to remain in hands of purchaser during lifetime of widow ant interest to be paid h°r annually—one-third of the residue to be paid on the confirmation of sale, and balance in two equal annua! payments without in terest. A. KIXTJ, Trustee. April I, 18(51—4t ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. The undersigned residing in Juniata Township, Bedford County, having received Letters of Admin istiation upon the estate of Frederick Hiiligas, late of said Township, dee'd., hereby notifies aljpersons indebted to the estate to come forward and make payment. And all persons having claims against Ihe estate are requested to present the same prop erly authenticated for Settlement. MICHAEL HILLIGAS, FREDERICK HILLIGAS, March 26, 1861. Administrators. Public Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Jlv virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the undersigned will sell at public Sale, on the premises, in Stonerstown, Liberty Township, on Saturday, the lCth day of April next; ONE HOUSE Aj\D LOT. fronting 50 feot on Main Sfrect and extending back 150 feet to an alley, with a one story log house and wagon maker shop thereon erected, adjoining lots of D. S. Berkstresser on the East, and Rachel Long on the VVest, and to bo sold for cash. ,T. E. LONG, Adin r. March 18, 186 i.* BEAUTIFUL SUN UMBRELLAS Just opened at " CRAMER'S. May 29, IS6B. Keturah Bridenthal by "j In the Court of Common her next friend Henry | Pleas of Bedford county, j Bridenthal. }.No. 116, February Term, vs. j 1864. Alias subpusna on i Harrison Bridenthal. J Libel for Divorce. And now to wit, February 8, 1864, on return of ! said alias subpoena, "defendant not found in my j bailiwick," the Court direct the Sheriff <>f Bedford | county to cause notice to be published in the two , newspapers published within said county, for four I weeks successively prior to the first day of next ! term of said Court, requiring said parly to appear on 1 the said day to answer to the said complaint. O. E. SHANNON, l'ruth'y. ■ To Harrison Bridenthal, defendant: i In pursuance of the above order of Cm rt, you j are hereby notified arid required to be and appear in \ your proper person, before th nex' Court cl Com i mon Pleas to be held at Bedford, or the first Mon i day, the second dayof May, one thousand eight hun : dred and sixty-tour, and show cause if any you have I why the said Keturah Bridenthal; your wife, should j not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony. March IS. '6l. JO US ALDSTADT, Sh'ff. J Keturah P.ndenthal by j In the Court of Common j her next friend Henry [ Pieas of Bedford county, I Bridenthal. 116, February Term, vs. j 1564. Aliat subpmna on ! Harrison Briden'kH. J Libel foi Divorce. ! And now tc wit. Feb. Bth 1864, on return of said alias subpoena, "defendant not four.d in my baili wick" the C'lirt direct the Bberiti of Bedford coun ty to cause notice to be published in the two news papers, published within said county, for four weeks successively, prior to the first day of the next te.-m, of next rourt, requiring the saidparty to ap pear on the said day to answer the saidj complaint. O. E. SHANNON, Brotli'y. j Notice is hereby given that the undersigned I Commissioner appointed as per the forgoing Certifi cate, will attpnd to th? duties of his said appoint ment, on Fridr the fifteenth day of April next at one o'clock P. M. at his office in the Borough of Bed ford. Where and when all persons interested may at tend. E. M. ALSIP, Commissioner. ■ARMAX YOUNG, PAVIh YOUNG, H. C. MOORE. inisiis im 8110. & to., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS JN EMBROIDERIES, LACF.S, White Goods. Hosiery, Mitts, Gloves, Trimmings Ac., No. 429 Market Street, 418 Commerce street. PHILADELPHIA. March 6, ISG3.—ly Can Siguier 8 2cu. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, $ T O V U 8, AND TINWAR E. We are just receiving a fresh supply of every thing belonging to our trade. We have HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, in great variety. House builders furnished with goods at very reason able prices. We keep the best assortment of COAL OIL LAMPS, SHADES, & c . and the best COAL OIL IN TOWN. Please call and gee us before puichasing else where. GEO. BLYMYF.R & SON. Bedford, Feb. 26,1564—tf. FO R S A 1.15 OH T R c# D E ! A Farm in Bedford township, nn"l by John H Rush, about Jour utiles from Bedlord. roiiTitining ISO acres, about SO acres cleared, with lon bouse, log barn and other nut-buildings thereon erected ; also, an apple orchard thereon. ALSO—A tract of land in Harmon's Rottom, Ju niata 'e-wnshlp, with leg house, barn, be'., thereoo erected, containing 70 acre - and allowance. Put of this tract is cleared and under fence and in a good State of cultivation—near to r school bouse, null, &c., adjoining lands of Scott, Low-, Hughes and oth ers, and lately purchased from William Hurley. ALSO—A tract of land id Union town® ! iq*, con taining 225 screr, 72 scree cleared, with ;tarrr> house, tenant bouse, doable log barn and new £a*.v 51 ill 'hereon erected. A ho, an apple orchard there, or—known as the "Snyder" or * Koons" property -60 acres ot land—lo cleared a .;d under fence with a log house thereon erected, adjoinrnr George Tioutmar., George May and ruber*, partly in Jnni atta and partly in Londonderry Townships, lately owned hy Andrew Wolford. ALSO —! C 6 acres near Sto lerstown - within & mile of r road Top Railroad—about tOO acres clear ed, v.-ih a two s'ory dwelling house—new bank barn, stable. &c., th-reon erected; also, two apple orchards thereon, of choice fruit. The soil is a rich loam, an capable of producing every variety ol crops of this climate. ALSO—I6O acres best quality of prairie—near the Missouri river, clo-e to the county seat of Harrison county, Towa. A LSO—Two K.O acre traets, adjoining Elkhorne city, in the richest valley of the west the I'latte Valley—about 20 miles west of Omaha city, and close to the great national or government road lead ing west in Nebraska Teiritorv. ALSO—I6O acres, two miles above Omaha ci'y, ■ on the great bend of the Missouri. This tract is well timbered and very desirable". AH of these lands were located after n p ®sonal inspection and careful examination of the ground, and :an be well j relied upon for future wealth. Maps showing the j precise location are in my possession. ALSO—Three desirable lots in Ornahr City, Ne- ' braska Territory. ALSO—A lot of ground in the city of DacotaL, 1 Nebraska Territory. The above real estate will be sold at such prices ! is to insure sarfe and profitable investments. Notes ei obligations of any kind, that are good, j will be taken in exchange—particularly good bank sotes. ALSO.—The real estate of JohnC. .liille, Sitnat in Harmon's Bottom, Bedfo.d county, containing 223 acres, 150 of which are cleared—lying on fflw" waters of the Raystowii Branch of the Juniata The improvements ate a go, d /arm house, htrge j bink barn aida number oat buildings , also a large , |g' ist mil! in good running order with 2 run of French 1 burrs and 2 mountain choppers ; also a two storied stone bouee (millers bouse.) This is a very desil- j able property—the land is in a high state of cuiti vation and adopted to the raising of wheat. Tfe above real estate will he sold at such prices as to in-ure safe :nd profitable investments. Notes oi obligations of any kind that are good will be taken in exchange—particularly good bank notes. Maj 8, 13G3. O. E.SHANNON. Aim! SHIS Tiicv Come. MORE. NEW GOODS, Just jeceived at Sept. 18. J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. Twenty pieces—al! width®, for sale at JVov. 20. CRAMER & C'O'S. !Bedford Rail Road!! FALL & WINTER ARRANGEMENT* FARQUHAR'S TRAIN HA? ARRIVED with a verv large arm well selected stock ot FOREIGN -ATT£S DOMESTIC ni? v (\ ivn n 17 JLI L \.f vJ V> U O TO SUIT THE SEASOX. | LADIES, com-: ar.d examine our stock of j DRESS LOOTS AND FANCY ARTICLES* Some beautiful Balmorals, V.'ooi'en Hoods r.sd Head Dre®s-es. Latest style ci SHAWLS, good Cloak- Cloth, VERY CHEAP. O TER 50© Sr.:* 11.£& QV W : fIR ''T-r* 64 fil'B'U'O Jl. & Con r :sting of L;- 'ins" and M Men-' on.J Boys' Shoes and Boots of every e'*. V* and variety, av s as low in price as cast be hid in to*vn. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF fwrv /safari F*, rri' r zsr- n&r. yA"'. W y- *; r 9?r %'W WM CLO THS, CASS [MERES, SA iIX E ITS, JEAAS. AXD READY M-s.DE CLOTHING 07 ALL KINDS No better place to buy an 05 I-B COAI. HATS AND CAPS in abundant' . CofLe, S ig'ir, Teas, Svmps, Molasses, Tobacco, CigarE, and a great variety of notioos. "Cheap Corner tor Cheap Goods." EXAMINE OUR STOCK FIRST J. D. FARQUHAR. C'rap Corner, Juliana St., Bedford. December 11, 1863. COOK'S jgUGAK EVAFORAfGS. Over 4,000 in Will manufacture Sugar in 30 minutes, equal to the best New Orleans, Evaporates, deficates and' finishes at one operation, is simple and easily man age!. The only Sugar maker in use five years with out a rival. We will guarantee the Cane more profitable than any other crop. For particulars in quire of J. H. Schell, Schellsburg, where pore seed can be bad, or of Geo. Blymyer & Son, Bedford Pa. Pamphlets tarnished free at either of the above places. Samples of the Syrup and Sugar may be seen at this office. BLYMYER, BATES ir DAY, Feb. 26, IS6l—2m. Mansfield, Ohio. RiCKARD ~liKr MA N UFACTURER O F CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, &C„ BSDFORD, PA. The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet making business, will make to order and keep on hand every thing in his line of manufacture. BUREAUS, DRESSING STAADS, PAR LOR AXD EXTEJSSIGN TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS. &c., sc. will be furnished at all prices, and to suit every taste. COFFINS will also be made to order. EP'Protr.pt attention paid to all orders for work. K?~Shop on "Vest Pitt Street, neatly opposite the residence of George Shuck. I KIChAKD tEO. July 10. 1563 tf REBELLION AGAINST HIGH I'RICES! Eevolufcioo in Bsdford! E. E FISHER an! "LITTLE JOHN C.," have tustflp-ned a i.vc FA JVC Y AXD DRY GOODS STORE, at the stand formerly occupied by Samuel Brown, immediately opposite the Washington Hotel, where they constantly keep on hand a very large assort ment of MUSLINS, CALICOES, GINGHAMS, ML, and pay especial attention to the sale of NF.RDLBWORK, LADIES' COLLARS, GUFFS AND UNO EH SLEEVES, LINEN AND SILK POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES' HOSE. MITTS AND GLOVES, GEN TLEMEN'S HOSE, WHITE GOODS, SPOOL THREAD, LADIES' HEAD DRESSES AND VEILS, FANCY SOAPS. HOOP SKIRTS, JEWELRY, SHIRT FRONTS, bC , ML, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH. The public are respectfully invited to call ami sec our stock before buying elsewhere. F.. M. FISHER b L. J. C. Bedford, May 8, 1863. ,p, PUMPS!" r* i ; ■ |r' -J;% I am engaged ir. selling the fr §-jk\ Erie Pump— certainly the i 'if. V. only pump well adapted to _ X NX this climate. •-.. 'L L Persons in need of a good £ V- j V pump will do well to give - "g'.j \ me a call. •tFF"Orders from all parte of the county will he attend ed to with promptness. f* i -1 Addrkss: Vy.M. C. SNIVELY, ! • Schellsburg. - Aug. I, 1502.—3 m W\ Mkr. Elll, HAS ON HAND AND CONSTANTLY KEEPS A FULL SUPPLY i ! OF ALL KJXDS OF GOODS. | WHICH HE WILL SELL CHEAP FOR j CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE j j Hedforil, Jan. 8, FAMILY DYE COLORS* ! Blarl, Magenta. Bad H'ue, M a . ... J.ipiit Blue, ift/ A \b\ Oi "ge, F.enrl, Bh'e, -r\ .'2l Find, Caret Ijrrrnn, . ! I u*' { P/npfr t Bar/.- Brazen \A I W Royal Porfde, high' Brown, Jf i Salmuu, Snvff Brown, Scarlet, ISglil Br ah. Violet. lor I)y in ir Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scan Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hat®. Feathers, K id Gloves, Children's Cio ' • ng, and -.11 kinds of Wearing Apparel. SAVING OF 80 PER 25 rts yen can color as many goods a-, would ot • p co ' five rime* that sum. Various shades can I*. mo't'jced iron th * same Dye. The process ii simp , and any one can use the Dye with perfect ■ usees®. Directions in English, Pfceivch and German, ic j side of each package. i For f'.ri "r information, in Dyeing and giving a perfect knowledge what colors are best adapted to dye over oth >•*, (with msny valuable recipes,) pur j cliase i'owe d- Bt-v :,s' Tr* itiso on Dyeing ardCol i oii"g. Sent bv mail on receipt of prir< ID cnfu. Manufactured by LOWE & STEVENS. 260 Broadway, Boston. Fir en.' jy Druggists and Dealers generally. September 25, ISG3—6in. rcri'ih!e Disci*>.%ures— -Soc#*clw fiti' flte Tli: i; 033. j A mo.®' valuable t.od wonderful publication. A ; wot , of 460 page®, and 30 tolored enaravings. Dr. ■ HBWTEBTS "VADK MF.CUM, an original and pop i 'k'ar trf 'ise on Mar. and Woman, their Physiology, ■ Functions, a; *! Sexual disorders of every km*!, with j Never-Failing Remedies for their speedy core. The I proctie of .DR* HUNTER has long been, and still • is unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of r.u --' m ou? per on®, he has been induced to extend hi® medical usefulness through the medium of hi® "V.\de .">! ret v.." It ;s a volume that should be in the hands of eveiy family in the land, as a preventive ol se er®* vices, or a? a guide for the alleviation of one ot 'he most awful and destiuctive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, seenre'y enveloped, will be forwarded fiee of postage to any part of the United States for 50 cents in P. O. stamp®*, - three copies for Sl* Address, po®t paid, DR. HUNTER. No. 3 Divi-ioTi Street, New York. June 5, 1863—lyw NE'V ESTABLISHMENT! SADDLE?, BRIDLES AND HARNESS! The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizen,® of Bloody Run and vicinity, that he has just opened out a ne ,v shop for th? manufacture of Saddles, Bridl?s, Harness and everything usually in the saddlery line of business. His work will be warranted as goo,, as the best and as cheap as the cheapest. Having been employed, for some time, in some of the best manufactories in I'ittsbnrg, he flatters himself that he is able to give entire sat isfaction to who may become his customers.- "" - -üblic are invil:-' 1 give htm a call. Shop .'exYdoor to the B w7 of Ca Ptain StuH^ Bloody Run, JiwTe 12, 1863. Tt'iiiiosi am! Homily I'laisu*. U. H. AKF.RS has received all the forms and in structions for ptpcflrirvg Soldiers' Pension and Boun ty money. He also has a partner in Washington City to prosecute the claims speedily. Bedford, Nov. 27, 1863—tf UNION H 0 T E L . WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA. 6'. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom modate the public m the best manner and on the most liberal terms. A splendid Livehy STABLB is attached to this hotel. [May 9, 1862. Mew Fltsu. The undersigned havirg purchased A. B. Cam's entire stoc;® of go"ds, will continue the business at the old stmd, where thsy will constantly keep a general assortment of goods adapt?d to the wants of the people. They also expect to receive a gen eral assortment of NEiv GOODS in a tew UN, when their as-oitunent will be complete ir ..." department. G. R. It W. 08T "* December 25, 1863 —tf cassimekes7~ > ittv Pieces new Fall Cas-imeres for sale at .Nov. 20. CRAMER & CO*S.