The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, April 15, 1864, Image 3

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O.E X K ill A L JJerclwnls,
Hoops, S/tool's, Heading, Staves,
Quercitron i£ Tanners' Bark,
Treenails, <Jhr.
April 8, 1864— 3 m
Tavern Licenses.
The following persons have taken out petitions j
for the purpose if presenting them to the Court at j
May Sessions, 1861, for license to keep tavern : i
David Stucky, Raiusburg, Colerain township.
Christian Kversoie, St. Clair-ville, St. Clair tp. 1
Bernard O'Neal, Cheneysvitle, Southampton tp.
Joseph Poller, Buena Vista, Juniata township. M. Sleek, Pleasantv.lie, St. Clair township.'
Valentine Stecktnan, Bedford borough.
Thomas McKauliff, Huena Vista, Juniata township. :
John B. Black, Bloody Run torough.
Daniel F. Stone, Raipsburg, Colerain township.
'Charles A. McKtllip, North Point, Broad Top tp.
Joseph B.Sloner, Bloody Run borough.
J. Vai. Besserer, Stoners'own. Liberty township. |
Peter Amick, St. C airsville, St. Clair township. |
Jonathan Feightner, Palo Alto, Londonderry tp.
D. A. T. Black, Rayshill, East Providence tp.
James A. Haney, Centreviile, Cunubeilaud Valley, i
isaac Mengel, Bedford borough.
Win. W. Laney, Harrison township.
Benjamin Elliott, Stonerstown, Libelty township.
Catharine Eichelberger, Hopewell, Brotd Top tp. i
Diehl 6c Dibert, Bedford Bor .ugh.
John D.hew, Broad Top township.
Joshua Shoemaker, Bedford Borough.
Joseph Mortimore Snake Spring township.
Henry Fluck. Woodberry Aliddle.
William M.Pearson, Woodbeiry Middle.
Harry D-ullingei, Hopewell township.
Thomas C. Reighart, (Tuion township.
O. E. SHANNON. Clerk. I
April S, 1861.
Fist ol Cau*e
Put down for trial at .May Ttnu, !SGi. Ist
►Monday, '2d day.
1 Hetty Miller vs Sa nuH Smith
2 Joseph Bar! y vs Jackson Sruckey
3 D. C. McCormick " Anthony Bowaet
4 Simon Walter Joseph Hel.,ell
0 Daniel Walter • Abr'tn. Sills committee
6 Joseph Condon F. Hildebrand
7 John Winter " Gideon VVillia us
8 Bennet 4- Mors < Daniel ."Tiller
9 John Johnson " John Hows are
10 Wm. Fahner " Wm. Overaker
11 James M. R.ynolds " Adam tarn
12 Thomas B. Rating " Bedford Rail Road
O. R. SHANNON, Pr.uh'y. i
April S, 1861.
F.very thing is now lost in high p.ices ; but if you 1
wish to find them again at old prices, rah <U
MliS. E. V. MOWRY'S.
who has just returned from Philadelphia, with the
largest and best selection of MILLINER? GOODS
F-YJ*.R BROL'GHI JO BEDFORD, which sb will
sell as cheap or cheaper than old prices Her !r
consists of a general assortqieci of lashionab!*
Infant Hoods, Shake's, and a large assortment 01
Ladies' Mi.-ses and Childrens' HATS, tne very la
test styles and colors.
A beautiful assortment of PLAID RIBBONS, j
the latest style.
Flowers, Ruches, Ladies Dress Caps, Corsets, Bal- '
moral Skirts, Hoop Skats, Dress Trimmings, j
Head Nets, Zephyr, Shetland work, d-c.~
A large assortment of Grenadine Veils, of all
eoiors, also, Ladies Linen Collar, and Pocket Hand
C£?~Do not purchase elsewhere until you call and
examine the above stock of goods, £ you will cer
tainly find it to youi interest.
Bedford April 8, 1801.
IVlilion fk*r Divorce.
Susan Temple, by ht r j In the Court of Common !
next friend, Joshua j Picas of Bedford county, No.
Diehl, May Term, 1864, al'as i
vs j subpoena on libel for di- j
James Temple. j vorce.
Whereas, Susan Temple did prefer h-r petition to j
the Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Bedford
county, praying for the causes therein set forth that
she should be divorced from the bonds of matrimo
ny entered into witn James Temple. We therefore ;
command you as we have heretofore commanded I
yuur predecessor, that you, the said James Temple, .
setting aside all other business a"d excuses whatso
ever, to be and appear in your proper person before j
our Judges at Bedford, on the Ist Monday, (2d day) j
of May next, to ansvvei the petition or hbei of the
raid Susan Temple. And show cauae why the sud
Susan Temple, your wife, should not be divorced ;
from the bonds of matrimony, 6cc., agreeably to the J
act of Assembly in such ca.,e made and pioviued,
and hereof fail not. Witness the Hon. James Nil!,!
Esq., President of our said Court at Bedford, the t
2Ut day of March, A. D 1864.
O. E. SHANNON, Proth'y.
Bedford, April t, 1864.
White & Moore's Celebrated Malt Coffee.
Contai-sizig a portion of the best Ja\a coffee.—
The uealthirst and cheapest Substitute for Coffee
in the world. Price 20 cents per lb.
Liberal deductions to Dealers. A fr°sh Supp'y |
as! received and for Sale at the bargain Store of t
March, IS, 1564. C. R. &W. Oh PER. j
Pa., Diseases of the Nervous System, Spermator- i
ihrea or Seminal Weakness, Impotence, an! othei 1
affections of the Sexual Organs, Physical Debil'ty ■
and Premature Decay—pew and reliable treatment, ,
t"i reports of tLe Howard Assodiaiion, Jcflt by mail j
)n sealM lpttei envelopes, free of charge, AJ.' lrc ss > I
Dr. T. SKILL IN HOUGH ION, Howe n- Assocu rioa,
No. 2 Soutn Ninth Stieet, rhiUdelphia, Pd.
March 6, 1863—1y ' j
Notice i.s hereby- given that Tesfamen- i
Jiiry have been granted by the Register of Bed- i .
ford county to tlie snbscriher on the estate of* j
George Sligcr, late of Cumberland Valicy tp., j .
dee'd., and all persons indebted to said estate}]
are requested to make immediate payment audi
those having claims thereon are notified to pre- i <
xcr.t th..ui Uuij auth:nlieated for settlement. ; I
W Till', ExecuU>r. j i
April 8, 1564 •
In the matter the Recount ot J. W. Ling-j 1
ecfalter, Esq., administrator ot tlie Lt-iate ci j ;
Mary Gordon, deceased, the subscriber, r.ppo.n- j
ted to fettle the exceptions to said account and .
to report a distribuiion o: the funds in thai
hntids of tlio administrator will attend for that:
purpose at bis oliiee, in Bcdtord on L riday the 1
of A.pri! next, when and where all persons l
interested may attend if they think proper.
JOHN MOWER, Auditor.
April 8, 1861.
Notice is hereby given that the Account of;
1 Lute as Oldham, one of the assignees of George j
Aoyder. of Union township, ha a been exhibited ■
and filed in the Common I'leas of Bedford Coun
ty, at the Frotlionotary's office, and C at the
•atue will l>e allowed by the Court 011 Tuesday,!
the 3d day 01 May next, unless cause be showe-l j
why it should not tie allowed.
O. E. SHANNON, Proth'y.
Au.-jl 8. 18C4.
Usf of ttelaiiers,
' J1 list of venders of Foreign and Domestic
Merchandise in the county of Bedfvrd,for
j the year 1864-, as appraised and classified by
I the appraiser of Mercantile Tales.
Bedford Borough. Class cts
.Mrs. V. B. Tate, store It 7 00
! M. & G- Rem und " ] 4 7 qq
Geo W. Oster & Co. 44 14 ? OG
A. H. Cramer & Co. 44 13 10 00
; N. Lyons & Sons 44 14 7 00
i Peter A. Keed 44 14 7 00
1 Miss M. Fetterly 44 14 7 00
jS-& W. Shuck 44 14 700
! Ho do Fancy store i-i 700
, Robert Fyan store 14 7 00
j J. M. Shoemaker 14 14 7 00
j .Mrs. Stewart 44 1 4 7 00
Isaac Lippcl 44 14, 7 00
Wm. Hartley Hardware 14 700
! Geo Blymire & Sua 44 14 7 00
Dr. 15. F. Harry Drugs 14 7 00
11. C. Reamer 4 * 14 7 00
A. L. Deli ha ugh Con. & Grocery 14 7 00
James B Farquhar store I-l> 7 00
; John Alsip vt Son 44 14 7 00
E. M. Fisher 44 14 700 j
John G. Minnich Eating House 14 7 00 i
Jacob 15'.dinger Confectionery 14 7 00
Reed & Schell Bankers 14 10 00
Hupp, Shannon & Cu. Bankers 10 00
Mrs. E. V. Mowry Jfore 14 7 00
; David Broad Eating House 14 10 00
> Joshua Shoemaker Ten Pins 7 50
j Wm. McMullen & Co. Store 14 7 00
Aliss Urilla Smith Fancy Store 14 700
Bedford Township.
' Josian liitchey Distillery If) 00
! Bedford Mineral Springs Ten Pins 7 50
j " " 44 Billiards 750
\V m. Wolf Confectionery 500
Broad Top Township. j
; Eichelb< r_er Cc Lowery Store 14. 7 00
John Poster Eating Ilonse 10 00 !
Ten i'ins 7 50
Given $- Maguire Store 14 7 00
Johns & Co. 44 14 7 00 i
Dunn &. Lawren-e 44 14 7 ()() [
Vandevcnder & Baker 44 14 700 i
Richard Langdon 44 14 7 00 |
Alfred Evans Confectionery 5 00'
R. 1? Wigdon ' 7 00!
| John Dell Liquors 25 00]
Store 14 7 00
Comberland Valley Township.
Daniel Ander-mn S'ore 14 7 00
! Henry Miller distillery 15 00;
Cu/er tin Tow nahi p,
A. C. James Store 14 7 00 '
Jacob Reed & Co. 44 1 4 7 00
Harrison Twnihip.
Valentine B. Wertz Store 11 7 00
Geo. R. Bailey Store 14 7 00
Juniata Towmhip
George Gai ill Store 14 7 00 j
Lewis N. Fyan 44 14 7 00
William Kvscr 44 14 7 00
liiiiig is & Co. 44 14 7 00
Joseph Foller 44 14 700 j
J\ a pier Town ship.
i G. W. Blackburn 44 14 7 00
| Samuel Hefiiier 44 14 700 J
.Mid-lie Woodberry Township
j Andrew Baker Store 14 7 00
Geo. li. Barndollar 44 14 7 00
A. S. Beck ha: tier 44 14 7 0q
J. W. Ricketson 44 14 7 00 !
South Woodberry Township.
D. F. Buck Store 14 7 00
I Daniel M. Bare 44 14 7 00 ,
Samuel Oster 44 14 7 00 ;
i George Kauftman 44 14 7 00 !
1 Robert Ralston " 14 7 00
East Providence Township.
D. A. T. Black Store 14 7 00 .
John Nyenra & Sons 44 14 7 00
John Lauderbaugh " 14 7 00
81-oly Run borough.
J. AI. Barndohar A Son Store 14 ? 00
J. 15. Williams * 4 14 7 00
William States & Co. 44 14 7 00
Thomas Kiehey " 14 7 00 :
Baughman }c Co. 44 14 7 00 ;
! Eli Ramsey Drugs 14 7 00 :
! Mrs. Pbebc, Akcrs Store 14 7 00
Charles Blake Eating House 10 00 ;
Abraham Sparks 44 44 10 00 ,
| Mrs. J. A. Mann Store 14 700 j
West Providence Township.
: John Gilbaugb Store 14 7 00 !
Southampton Township,
Hugh Wilson Store 14 7 00 j
George Hiinea 44 14 7 00 j
Snake Spring Township.
William Lysinger Confectionery 14 7 00
Liberty Township.
j Catharine Fockier & Son Store 14 700
; Lewis Putt 44 14 7 00
1 Fluck & Wharton 44 14 700 j
|U. Elliott 44 14 700 '
Londonderry Township.
f .Jacob Evans Store 14 7 00
3.\vil Evans 44 14 7 00
j Cuirus M. Devoro 44 14 7 00 .
Monroe Township.
\ James K. O'Neal Stora It 700 i
Daniel I 'letcl er 44 14 7 00 j
As* M- Williflifis 44 7 00|
Srhellsburg Borough.
John Smith Jlardware 14 700
John S. Schell w <
Black & Dor.> " J JJ i
Jacob \V Miller & 11 5 4 ' OO I
n aVxr-T " 14 7 00:
Duncan M A tckcr J4 700 |
lohnr Coivm u ?Q0 ,
E. Berkstresser & Son
St. Clair Township. , 5 n .. !
John Hughes dlatillerr 7 qo' !
GD. Trout Store u ™ j
Siuton Herehman 44 I* 1 . . 1
I'. - H
Mi* A. C. Smith • 44 U 7°°
Nathan Wright 4i 7 !
G. 15- Amick *' I* 700 |
Isaiah Blackburn ' 4 7 00 ;
Horn & Brother 44 1 00 ;
Enos Corle Distillery ®0 j
Mrs. Charlotte Sleek, eating house 10 00
Mrs. Rachel Naugle *, " 10 00
Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be
hold at the Court "House on the 7th of May,
Mercantile Appraiser.
April 8, ISG4.
Have just opened a very large slock 01"
Fail and Vtialei* Goods.
Tuveis arc r-speetlully invited to call and tea them, j
October 30, 13C3. _ ]
A Fresrh invoice of this excellent coffee, just re
ce'iVed and ior Sale at the New bargain Store of
G. R. & W. OSTER.
■MD (Tp
Hon. Wilson ?l'€andless.
Judge of the United States Circuit Court, President.
1 Corner Penn and St. Clair Sti., Pitlsbu-a, Paul.
Tha Largest, Cheapest and Best.
; S8l Pays for a Ju!l Commercial Course.
extra charges for Manufacturers, Steam
boat, Railroad and Book-Keeping. Ministers'
Sons at half piice. StuJenls enter and review at
any time.
| This Institution is conducted by experienced teach
. ers and practical accountants, who prepare young
I men for active business at the least expense anil
i shortest notice, for the most lucrative and responsi
' ole situations. Diplomas granted for merit only.
Hence the universal preference for graduates of this
; College, by business men.
Prof. A. CowteV, the best Penman of the Union,
who holds the largest number of Ist Pkkxiums. and
I over all competitors, teaches Rapid Business Wri
CistocLAßS containing full information sent^ frf.e
on application to the Principals.
Pittsburg, Pa.
EF~Attend where the Sons and Clerk, of Bankers
. and Business' Men graduate.
November 6, 1563.
Treasurer's Sale
Agreeably to the provisions of an Act of Assem
bly, directing the mode of selling unseated lands for
taxes and lor other purposes, passed the ihth day of
March, ISI-5, und the supplements thereto passed
the 13th day of March, IS 17, and the 25th of March
i 1831. The Treasurer of tne connty of Bedford here
by gives notice to all persons concerned therein,
j that unless the county, state, school and road taxes
due on the following tracts of unseated lands, situ- 1
ate in Bedford county, are not paid before the day
of sale, the whole, or such parts of each tract as
wili pay the taxes, and the costs chargeable there
on, will he sold at 'he Court House, in the borough 1
of Bedford, on the seco r h"? Monday of June, next, 1
(13th day) for the arrearages of taxes due, and the
cost accrued thereon; and said sale will be contin
ued from day to day until all are disposed of,
J. 8. FARQI'HAR, Treasurer.
Acres. Warrantees or owners. Taxes. \
lledford Township.
300 Solomon Diehl $2 -14
230 Maria Diehl 1 87
05 Thomas J. Bonnett 1 72
Broad Top Townshiy,
150 James Entriken 1 53
75 William Gray 2 46 !
•140 33 per. James Patton 22 05 '
440 130 " 7 44 ;
175 131 " " 3 93 i
58 44 ** < 1 30 |
S4 136 Samuel Kerr P 00 |
422 Earnet Mowing 6 98 J
406 J )h;i Stone 7 68 !
465 i Isaac Kerr 7 68 i
440 John Razor 92 !
476 F. Mowing, Jr. 78 j
63 Jacob Myers 9 44 ;
396 James Razor 1 20
75 John Devereaux 16 30 1
403 John Bellman 28 70 !
30 L. J. Watson 6 75 j
339 Co. IS 62 ;
289 Foster & Schell 8 68 j
14 James Figard 1 28
405 Jacob Strine 10 44 |
60 William Figard 6 00 ,
100 Dunlap & Evans 16 00 !
Christum Burnett 3 72 !
Josiah Bacon 8 80
83 John Cessna, Esq. 1 23 !
25 " • 76 ;
52 " 76 j
HO Junes Patton 3 40 '
393 Patton 4t Easton 10 89
25 John King's heirs i 10 I
30 John Cessna, Esq., 90
160 John Devereaux 7 50
9 Evans W. A. & Srilfith 1 SO
15 Entiiken & Wilson 3 86 '
13 Entriken & Patterson 5 35 ;
26 Jonathan Edwards 4 is j
49 James Entriken 6 24 |
15 4 ' " 3 37 j
49 Fluke & Dunlap 5 68 ;
21 John Forde 36 j
HO Hopewell Iron & Coal Co. 11 73!
438 44 " 12 36 i
168 " •' 5 01 1
8 " 44 60 I
100 • 3 00 |
30 Huntingdon If B. T. R. R.Co. 99 j
7.5 " " 13 50 i
239 44 '• 28 27 j
30 John Hinisb 241
16 Kes.ter Whitney 3 20 I
CI Peter Kessier 4 25 i
19 4 - 1 89 !
170 AUx. King Ik Co. 43 96
100 William Lovealt i 3 05 i
135 John McCanles IS 57 j
50 Rev. P. Phelps 5 26 '
119 James Pattou 3 03'
165 41 2 46 j
8 William Rogers 1 20
267 Joseph Richeson hi Shrieves 25 02
63 James Richeson 6c Sbrieves 3 73
175 P. A. Wilson it McCanles 35 3i
289 P. A. Wilson & Co., 51 24
11 Warsing & Evans 18
333 John N. Lane's (heirs) 30 66
338 • 63 26 '
200 '• 47 00
404 < " 19 00
440 1. • 19 09
400 •• 44 2 2 6 0
125 *' " 5 1 0
100 " 22 #0
108 " 23 37
210 ' ■< 8 80
402 William Bunn 17 24
168 A'i.liam Lane 45 24
Colerain Towns flip.
3724 Mary Kegg 1 08 j
414 Michael Roof 2 48 1
410 Agnes Roof 1 20j
400 Jacob Whetstone 1 20 ;
340J Jacob Wyand 1 00 j
til Andrew Kihock 64
80 Joseph (r Emanuel Diehl 84
427 Arthur Blown 1 28
50 Philip Diehl 48
Cumberland Valley Township.
230 James Ewing 2 76
50 James Heyden 28
397| John Sample 4 76
Hopewell Township.
200 John Corby 1 20
413 John Kerr 7 12 j
350 James Howard 88 1
404 Richard Moan 1 32
420 John Cheney I 32 '
404 Joseph Moan 1 50 j
Samuel Moan 3 36
•124 P5 per. Alexander Moan 348
200J John Mclinay 81
192 Timothy Moan 1 38
200 54 peiV Israel Moan 1 30
186 50 yj. chariah Moan 1 1°
212 20 John Boyd 61
216 80 Isabella Davis J®
220J William Piper
238 John Hardin
231 Ignatius Hardin 64
134 125 per James Wilson 64
127 40 David Piper 40
425 George F. Alberti 64
213 Joseph Lancaster
402 57 Stephen Moan 1 5°
900 - ■ ■ Montgomery 3 36
28 George Wishart \
25 Milhken & Bonedict
41 James James Patton 22
5 Aaron Rinard 22
, 402 Francis Johnston 1 32
: 143 William Lane 54
| 36-5 Daniel Montgomery 1 36
; 304 Alex nder Johnson 9S
! 368 George Hinish 1 32
j 286 William Foster 1 06
' 75 Robert Montgomery 96
j 9CO Carr 3 36
| _ 80 Swartz 30
Juniata Township.
I 30 Nicholas Ktiouff 19
Londonderry Township.
j 29 James Sbaw 1 34
i 440 Sarah Wright CO
Liberty Township.
) 200 Mary Gordon 6 14
i 200 .lames Goidan 6 44
j 400 Thomas Jones 6 60
[ 165 Edward Langly 7 OS
. 200 Jacob Millet 2 98
i 200 Elizabeth Miller 2 S8
j 200 Mary Piper 2 98
i 20C Amelia Piper 2 98
; 400 Edward Sione ll S8
132 John Tomm 6 60
374 Hannah Alberti 5 .6
44S Maria Alberti 10 33
52 James Entriken 88
50 James Entriken 2 46
403 Alexander Montgomery 1 32
200 John Kerr 2 98
200 Samuel Kerr 2 98
200 Francis Moans 1 66
'SO Stephen Kerr 1 ,90 !
200 Milliken 8c Benedict 1 06
; 40 Heeler 8c Bowser 34
5 George Thompson 8
J lot LukeKeenev 56
8 lota Gen. William H. Irvine I 33
1 lot G. D. Trout 24
200 John Stone 4 39
200 Bernard Mowen 2 32
102 John Mcilnay 84
132 David Piper 1 f, B
200 Maria Alberti 2 oc
107 Bartlebaugh 2 35
32 Thomas 8c John King Z.
70 Wm. P. Schell 2 .1
14 Schell 8c Paugherty 47
40 A. B. Cerrett 1
1 lot Henry Stonerook 24
1 lot DEniel Stoner 24
1 lot Daniei Baer 24
1 lot Samuel Yingling 04
1 lot Jacob Biddle 24
1 lot Ephraim Smiltzer 24
1 lot James Dunn 1 23
1 lot Terry Kinney 1 g j
2 lot Goffrey's betrs 1 73
I lot Samuel Carmsck 34
1 lot Daniel Baer 34 i
1 lot Mis. Lawrence 34 j
1 lot Ann Scott 34 !
I Jot S. J. Africa 34 j
Monroe Township.
233$ Frederick Collibarger 72
JYafier Township.
100 George Davidson 00 j
200 Abner Rogers 60
East Piovidenee T wnship.
1219 Samuel Tate's heirs 44
900 ~
800 ... *7
224J " 28
402 46 per Hezekiab Logan 1 20
402 1 lit per Charles Logan 120
400 75 per John Cavan 120
400 Thomas Cavan 1 20
P. Cltngermau 40
Ezekiel Cook j 02
40° William Long 1 80
400 William Cavan 1 60
Joseph Spars's heir* 10
431 40 per John Crosby j 64
West Providdence Township.
40 David holler 28
St. Clair Township.
390J John Linn 1 20
James May 1 20
411 William Snively 1 20
Southampton Township.
301 George Breathed 88
1 ; '0 Paul Ward 1 3J
557 Patrick Ward 1 08
351 Joseph Ward 1 04
553 Johnathan Ward 1 04
435 Henry Whetstona 1 31
Union Township
400 John Swaggart 3 01
•tOO Leonard Swaggart 3 64 I
266 Alexander Gardner 2 38
116 William Smith 1 04
-13 Samuel Burket 44
116 John Shoe 88
50 Frederick Snyder 44
4001 Peter Cornice or Cornell 364
400$ John Dolton 1 08
2<4 Jeremiah Jackson 2 82
130 Jacob Swaggart 1 48
406 Hugh Doyle 3 68
406 James Duulop 3 68
440 William Pearson 3 %
380 Lbenezcr Branhara 3 96
412 Philip Gordon 3 70
120 Conrad linler 80
200 Christly Dowser 2 30
100 George Laib 88
100 Jacob Burket 88
150 Peter Shoenberger 1 32
123 John Still 3 64
200 Michael Shinier 2 90
60 Michael Shaefer 1 22
50 Couples (Brush M't) 80
433 Hugh Porter 1 00
339 Griffith Ecaus 3 90
403j| Philip Suae 3 04
439 John Martin 3 96
330 Wilson Hunt 3 96
363$ Alexander Scott 3 94
12. Dr. P. Shoenberger 3 16
124 " " 3 68
20 24
90 ' 1 48
150 William Laugham 2 46
40 Peter Shinier 40
Woodberry South
135 Peter Shoenliergcr 3 60
216 Isabel Davis 24
54 100 John S. Hctrick 28
fVoodbtrry middle.
10 Henryf Burgerl 1 66
6 Isaac Burgert 1 08
15 " " 1 52
22 Kensinger's heirs 1 50
27 Jacob Hoover 1 52
60 " " 2 26
62 John McFadden 3 76
20 r redcrick Nichodemus 1 50
16 George Nrcbodeinns 1 32
50 John Nichodemus 1 4-6
50 John Stoncrook 1 24
18 Samuel Shrive I 66
14 Charles Tyi-er's heirs 4 50
15 Jacob Zook 75
15 " " 75
40 Benner's heirs 2 28
40 Stonerook 1 "98
403 William Montgomery 6 60
150 Robert Montgomery 2 46
13 Jacob Furny 90
20 Rbinhart Keploeic t 46
6 Patton & Madara I 08
13 J obn Teeter 90
12 Samuel Teeter 82
14 14 G. H. Spang J 28
15 Jacob Smith 1 08
19 John Z. Smith 1 24
17 George Smith 1 14
20 Archibald McFaddeu 1 24
14 Henry Stoncrook 1 24
60 John Tresh 1 14
Treasurer's office, )
Bedford. Aprill. J864. f
itooflaitd's German ft iff er 5,
The Great Strengthening Tonic,
j These Bitters have Performed more Cures!
Than any other article in the market.
He defy any one to contradict this assertion,
'lo any one that will produce a Certificate publish
ed by us, that is not GENUINE.
Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the
Kidneys, and Diseases arising from
u disordered Stomach.
Observe the following Symptoms:
Rebutting from Disorders of the Digestive
Or sans:
Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the j
Head, Acidity ot the Stomach, Nausea, Heart- |
bum, Disgust tor Food, Fulness or Weight
in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sink
ing or Fluttering at the Pi* ot the
Stomach, Swimming ol the
Head, Hurried and Dilli
cult Breathing, Flut
tering at the
Heart, Choking or Suf
fecating Sensations when
in a Ijieg Posture,
Dirtiness of Vis
ion, Dots or Webs be
fore the sight, Fevei and
Dull Pain in the Head, Defi
ciency of Perspiration, Yellowness
.< the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side,
Back, Chest, Limbs, Ike., Sudden Flushes
of Heat, Burning in the Fle-h, Constant Imag
inings of Evil, and great V ess ion of Spints. j
£lni> Can't fllakc Dnmkarba,
In the World.
IV\ V w
From the Rev. Levi G, Beck. Pa§tor of the Bap
tist Church, Pemherton, N. J., formerly of the NOl !h !
Baptist Church, Philadelphia.
I have known Hoofland's German Bitters favora
bly for a number 01 years. 1 have used them in my
own family, and have been so pleased with their ef- |
fects that 1 was induced to recommend them to ma
ny others, and know that they have operated in a j
strikingly beneficial manner. I take pleasure in I
thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the I
attention of those afflicted with the diseases lor I
which they are recommended, to these Bitters, kno-v- j
ing from experience that my recommendation will 1
be sustained, ido this more cheerfully as Hoof- i
land's Bitters is inteuded to benefit the afflicted,
and is "not a rum drink." Yours truly,
From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the
Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, and Chris
tian Chronicle, Philadelphia.
Although not disposed to favor nr !>-.
ent Medicines in general, through distrust of their
ingredients and effects, 1 yet know of' no sufficient I
reasons whj a roan may not testify to the benefits !
he believes himself to have received from any sim- !
pie preparation, in the hope that he may tuus con- j
tribute to the benefit of others.
I do this the mere readily in regard to Hoofland's
German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of
this city, because I was pr judiced against them for 1
many years, under the impression that they were I
chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my
friend, Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removel of
this prejudice by pioper tests, and for encourage
ment to try them, when suflering from great and
long continued debility. The use of three bottles ;
of these bitters at the beginning of the present year, j
was followed by evident relief and restoration to a 1
degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not '
felt for six months before, and had almost despaired
of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend
for directing me to the use of them.
J. NEWTON BROWN, Philad'a.
From the Rev. Jos. H. Kennard, Pastor of the 10th
Baptist Church.
Dr. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—l have been frequently
requested to connect mv name with commendations
of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the
practice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in
ail cases declined; but with a clear proof in various j
instances, and particularly in my family, of the use- '
fulness ot Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, I depart j
for once from my usual course, to express my full I
conviction that, for general debility of the system '
and especially for Liver Complaint, it is a safe and
valuable preparation. In some cases it may fail ;
but usually, 1 doubt not, it will be very beneficial
to those who suffer from the above cause.
Yours, very respectfully, J. H. KENNARD.
Eighth below Coates st., Phil'a.
From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of the Baptii
Church, tiermahtowu, Penn.
Dr. C. M. Jackson : —Dear Sir: —Personal experi
ence enables rre to say that I regard the German
Bitters prepared by you as a most excellent rredi
j cine, lu cases ol severe cold and general debility
1 have been greatly benefited by the use of the Bit
! ters, and doubt not tbey will produce similar effects
! on others. Yours truly, WARREN RANDOLPH,, Pa.
From Rev. J. H. Tuiner, Pastor of Hedding M. E. i
Church, Philadelphia.
Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir:—Having used your Ger. j
man Bitters in my family frequently, I am prepared j
to say that it has been of great serricp.
Yours respectfully, J. H. TURNER,
No. 786 N. Nineteenth Street
From the Rev. J. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the
Columbus (N. J .) and Milestown (Pa.) Baptist
New Roche lie, N. T. ]
Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Deal Sir:—l feel it a pleas
-1 ure thus, of my own accord, to ivear testimony to
the excellence of the German Bitter- Some jsais
since being much afflicted with Dyspepsia, I nsed
them with very beneficial results. J. M. LYONS.
I From Rev. J. S. Herman, of the German Reformed
Church, Kutztown, Berks co., Pa.
Dr. C. M. Jacksor. :—Respected Sir :—1 have been
troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and
have never used any medicine that did me as much
; good aa Hooffind'a Bitters. Yours, with re-peer,
Large Size (holding nearly double quantity,)
$1 00 per bottle—half doz. $5 00
j Small size—7s cts. per bottle—half doz. $4 00
| See that the signature of "C. M. JACKSON" is
1 on the WRAPPER of each bottle.
Should your nearest druggist not have the article
| do not be put off by any of the intoxicating prcpa-
I rations that may be offered in its place, but send to
us ant! we will forward, securely packed, by express.
Successors to C. At. Jackson if Co.
For sale by Druggists and Dealers in every town 1
an the United States. Jan. )5. 1
I /u' Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whijoping
Isthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood,
Pain and Weakness of the Breast,
Difficulty of Breathing, Hfc.
r | HIS is oo new remedy, It has been used Str+t
[ tor a number of years in Maryland and
parte of Pennsylvania, and has. wherever
known, acquired an unprecedented reputation
for curing the various diseases for which it is
So apparent is its usefulness, and so remark
able has been its cures, that it is fast super- r iar
ceding every other remedy for those diseases.
The afflicted can rely upon it doing as mach
for them, and in many cases more than any
other remedy now before the public.
it is recommended and prescribed in the
practice ot a large number of the most intel- Ckit
ligent and able physicians of Maryland. It rfre*>
is used and considered an indispensable house
hold remedy by a la-ge portion of the first
families of the State.
It is used by all classes of society, and the
universal opinion is that it is good. This
Syrup is purely Vegetable Compound. It is Pi a
pleasant to fake, and never does injury. But
owing to its purifying qualities, must do good
under any circumstances. Its effects are tru
ly wonderful, soothing, calming, and allaying dk*td
the most violent coughs, purifying, strength
ening and invigorating the whole system,
calming and soothing the nerves; aiding and
facilitating exp"ctoiation, and healing the need
Thus striking at the toot of disease, and dri
ving it from the system.
CROUP. die *
l'his disease is announced by difficulty of
breathing, shrill whistling or wheezing, hack
ing cough and threatened suffocation, Ire. It
mostly occurs in young children. No child ereug
need die of croup if this Syrup is properly
used and iwed in time. Mothers having eroupy
children snouid watch the first show of the
disease, and always keep this remedy at band, if ihie
For after measles this Syrup is most
excellent. Experience has proven lhat it is
equalled by no other preparation.
The pr ; ce of the remedy is such as to p'ace eyn.p
it within the reach of ail, the poor as well as
the tied, and every person should have it.
Every person should have it in the houso.
It is a true and faithful friend to all who val- it
ue health and wish to secure themselv a
gainst that most terrible disease, consump
tion. It will be found the most use In! as
well as tLe cheapest family medicine ra the use i
worid. it has been used for the last four
years with a success wit u a parallel.
Price 4'J cents p<_. bo.t .or three bottles
for SI.OO. Prepared by 8 Foutz & Bro. <*
For sale by H. C. Reamer and B. F. Harry
Druggists, Bedford, Pa.
December 18, 1863—1y. time.
OINCE the introduction of this beautiful prepara
tion, it has been steadily advancing into public fa
vor. Its astonishing efficacy in expelling worms *
has won for it many friends wherever known, and
these are speak n g j ts praise t0
others, so th?t£ Sit is fast being
introduced TO £ every family in
the land. The for it
is becoming DESTROY <• mense.Tomake
it still more worjh £ th ? r the prefer
ence already \y ORM S! £ shown it, the
PEOI'KIETOR putting it up in
a much handsomer style than tormerly. It is now.
prepared with the greatest care of uniform strength,
with plain directions, so that any one can adtnuus
ter it.
It is entirely Vegetable—Perfectly Safe
and Harmless.
And ha 3 never been known to (ail to expel worms,
where worms existed. The proprietors boldly as
sert that it is superior to any other preparation in
the woild.
and take no other.
,-rrepareu oy a. A. routz t Bro., and for sale
at the Drug Stores of Reamer and Hairy, Bedford,
Pa - Dec. IS, '63—ly
Foutz's Mixture,
THE "TS a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of
1 Rheumatism, Painful Nervous Affections,
Sprains, Burns, Swellings and all diseases re-
BEST quiring an externalfapplication on man.
On horses it will never fail to cure Pole
evil, Fistula, old running sores, or Sweeney,
LINI- if properly applied. For strains, bruises,
MK.NT scratches, crooked hoofs, chafes, saddle or
collar gall, cuts or wounds, it is an infallible
FOB remedy. Try it and be convinced of its effi
R II E I n AXIS n.
MAS Persons afflicted with this disease no mat
ter of how long standing, ran be promptly
and effectually cured by using this Mixture.
AK There is nothing in the world so sure and
so good to take away hard corns, and cure
BEAST Frost Bites as this prepaia'ion. Try it and
satisfy yourselves. Price 23 and 50 centa
NOW per bottle. Prepared by
Westminster, Md.
tx USE CE?"For sale at the Drug Stores of Reamer
and Harry, Bedford, Pa.
December 18, 1863, — ly
j'J HF.SE Powders have proved, after a trial
j I of several years, to be superior to any
preparation of the kind in use. The chief'
superiority of these Powders arises from the'
tact that they are composed of medicines
;ihat have Laxative, Tonic and Purifying;
properiies - The laxative ejects crudities!
from the stomach and intes.tines , the tonic ,
S gives strength to the system of the Horse, _
G and the purifying medicines contained in J2J
C them cleanse the blood, and lay the tounda- go
"jtion for a vigorous and healthy circulation. GO
.The use of tbera improves the wind, stlength- El
lens the appetite and gives the horse a fine, •
.smooth and glossy skin—thus improving the'
appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble !
; These powders are not intended, as most!
jpowders are, to bloat the animal, so as to!
Igive bim the appearance of being fat when)
| not really so—but, to remove the disease
iand promote his general health.
[ These powders will strengthen the stom
ach and intestines, cleanse them from often-'
'sive ma ,f er, and bring them to a I.ealtny
.state. They are a sire prevention of Lung
Fever, and a certain remedy for all diseases
) incident to the Hoi'e, as Glanders, Yellow'
Water, Distempers, Founder, Heaves, Slav-j
ering, Coughs, Fevers. Loss of Appetite end
Vital Energy, &c.—These Powders, if eaed,
two or three times a week, through the win
ter and spring, your horse wiil never get the O
if Lung Fever, Colic or Botte. A few doses of
these powders will remove the worst cough, 2
oh any horse. Were owner* of horses to
j feed a few of these powderc very year, they C®J
might save the lives of mr.ny valuable horses. • *
j The properties this powder possesses id in
t creasing the quantity of milk in cows, gives
tt an importance and value which should,
j piece it in the bands of every person keep
ing a cow. fn Queuing cattle, it gives them
en appetite, iccsen* their bide, snd make*}
them ihrive much faster.
as) HOGS.
Oj In all diseases of swine, as cough*, ulcers!
!in the lungs and liver, Ike., by putting from!
j a paper to a paper of these powders In!
Cja barrel of awilt, the .above diseases can be! G
cured or entirely prevented. By using these' ®
i 'powders the hog chclera can be prevented. 1 Z
Prepared by 8- A. FOUTZ, ' 1
Westminster, Md. >
CF°For sale at the Drugstores of Reamer'
and Harry, Bedford. Pa, Dec. i$ _ jy