4)_ GAZETTE. | / MEYERS, EDITOR. /OBJI PALMER, ASSISTANT. FRIDAY • : : APRIL 15, 1884. "—eg a** - ' t.UAV What TteJ Promised. THE TKIESM ° R Gov. CC*TI* PROMISED THE PEO- Lg THAT jr'rHET WOULD RE-ELECT HIM, THE WAR WOULD K* D 1" 30 DAYS AND THERE WOULD RE BO MORI PRATTA-NO. HOLD THKM TO THEIR PROMISES. Prisoners of State. On leaving Washington City some weeks ago In the cars for Baltimore, a gentleman with whom we happened to sit pointed out to us a few seats in front, four ladies, who, he inform ed us, were prisoners of state, They were all dressed iu deep mourning, and seemed very much depressed- One hud accompanying her, a little daughter seven or eight years old. We were informed by another gentleman in the ear who knew them, that their destination was Fort La fayette. We inquired what was tho cause of iheir arrest; and were informed that "they haq friends in tho Southern Confederacy." Thoy were under charge of an officer who, if we re member rightly, wore the shoulder straps of a Major. We do not know what offence they re ally did commit, but the thought struck us that this aduhuirtration are paying a great deal more attention to arresting peaceable citizens, wo men and children, than to the actual labor on hand, namely "crushing the rebellion." If any one had uttered the prophecy three rears ago, that the administration at Washing ton would send its armed servants to arrest and carry to the forts in New York and Boston harbors, men and women who had committed no overt act of treason by "levying war against the United States or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfortand that, too, without due process of law ; the men who now justify all these outrages would have called him a liar a thousand times, and entered into a thou sand highfalutin tirades to prove it- If we were an officer of any rank under this administration, and were sent to arrest and conduct to prison, without dHe process of law, either men or wo . men, we would at once resign our commission; even if we agreed in opinion with those who think this Union can be "re-constructed." If, four years ago, wo had read of similar i treatment to Polish Indies, by officers of tho ' Russian despot, how our blood would ha\ e boil ed with indignation—und with just indignation, i too. Our Abolition opponents have not forgot- S ten bow they felt for Passmore Williamson— j though arrested and imprisoned according to law—neither have they forgotten their indigna tion at the execution of old John Brown, who is now a saint in their church of high treason. Pat, perhaps, the day may come when they will be treated In the same manner as those they now rejoice to see illegally punished. There is noth ing astonishes us so much as the silence, (in re gard to these outrages,) of the very men who howled so fiercely, in 1856, for "free speech, free presses and free niggers." But let a negro 1* illegally arrested any where in the north, and how soon they are ready with their sympathy. We warn those who are now thoughtlessly act ing with these men, that they, too, may some day feel the force of their own teaching. "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance." Hon. A. H. Oof Froth. We publish, this week the remarks of Hon. A 11. Coffroth, in regard to having conscripts examined io their respective county town 3. The amendment offered by hitn on this subject has become part of tho new conscription law. Here after, instead of having to travel to Chambers burg to be examined the conscripts of this coun ty will be examined here. This will not only save the government thousands of dollars but the people who are drafted many thousands be sides. There has been no more useful measures o riginated in congress this session; and the peo ple should not forget the man who not only o riginated but snceccdcd in passing the measure. Hen. Coffroth will be thanked by many a poor fcllow, who would, otherwise, have had to walk all the way from Somerset and Bedford counties to Chambcrsburg, in order to stand an examin ation. Besides this measure will benefit thou sands of others throughout the entire north. SSrllatiog been absent for the last two weeks, vs omitted to notice that Mr. B. F. McNiel, formerly of Philadelphia, has taken control of the Bedford Ihqverer. He has changed the ty pographical arrangements of the office, and his paper is now printed on new type We wish him auooeas in every w\>y except politically, of •ourae- Mr Durbearaw, his predecessor, has opened a law office in this place, and intends practising in the several courts of this county •apllun. A. 11. Coffroth, our representative, in Congress begs us to inform bis friends in Bed ford County, (those who have written to him re cently,) that he was unable to attend to th-ir re-! quests, because of sickness in his family while at Philadelphia. The severe illness of Mrs. Coffroth prevented his presence in Washington for more than a week. She has now nearly re covered, and all his friends will receive prompt itteution i Flag Presentation. A flag presentation will take place at St Ciairsville, on Saturday, the 23d of April. " ,9t - The flag will be presented by the Di - j cine in six months. ('. M. Ciii!.rr-, Boxbury, Mass." j Dr. Bad way's Pills always cure, no strain- j ing, tenesmus, false calls to t! "iter closet. ' follow their use—they purge tY . and cure • rapidly. -IIAKRIEO ROBISON—DANAKER —On Thursday, j 7th iust., by the Rev. S. F. Sample, Mr. James Robison, of Southampton township, to Miss ■ Mary A. Danaker, of Harrison township. I HORN—-OTTO.—At the residence of the bride's father in Colcrniu township, by tie Rev- A. E. Taylor, on tlie 7th of April inst.. Mr. Joseph H. Horn of Sciiellsburg, to Miss Char lotte Otto. -SIiEII TAY LOR.—In Bedford on the 4-th inst., : Mrs. Margaret Taylor wife of Matthew P. 'Fay- j lor, formerly of Harrison township Bedford co., ! aged about 33 years. GILSON.—On the 6th inst., of pneumonia, ' at his residence near Bedford, Mr. Alexander j Gilson, aged 68 years, 2 months and 4 days. Ihe deceased was a native of Westmoreland county, but resided in this county for manv years. In Bedford township, particularly, was ! he extensively and faromh ;. known. He was very plain uml unassuming in his manners, and | the natural goodness of his heart seemed to be j one of his principal characteristics. During the j last few months ot his life he seemed to be in ; the enjoyment of good health, but was unu-u- ! ally attentive to the public means of grace, and | by his death he was transferred from worship. : in the Church militant to glory in tlio Church j triumphant. O'NEAL.—In Monroe township, on the 24th ! of March, after an illncs of five days. Philip O'Neal, aged 31 years, 4 months and 20 days. The deceased was respected by all who knew him. He was honest and upright in all his dealings, and leaves many friends to mourn his loss, among them a wife and two children. HOOVER.—At the Regimental hospital, at Beaufort, S. C., of measles, on the 30th ult., Nathaniel Ileover, son of Henry and Margaret Hoover, of St. Clair township, in this count v. The deceased was a member of Company "H," 55 ill P V. RILEY.—In Juniata township, on the 6th inst., Mrs. Mary A. Riley, consort of John | Riley, jr., aged 33 years, 11 month and 23 days RILE\. —On the 7th inst., John Scott, son i of John & Mary A. Riley, aged 12 years 7m. j 15 days. I GALBKAITH.—In Buena Vista, on the Bth I inst-, Miss Lottie Galbraith aged 17 years sm. : 6 days. j DENAR.—On tho 11th inst in Juniata to. ( Adam Denar, aged 40 years +:n- & 8 yiys. KADCLIFF.—On the 24th of Feb. ult, in Harrison township, Miss Rachel L. Rudcliff aged , 21 years and 15 days. THE MENCEL HOUSE, JULIANA STRERT, BEDFORD, PA. subscriber respectfully beg, leave to inform j the travelling public that bejhas recently enlarged, | improved aud refitted his house, both for ths ic cornmodation of travelers aud boarders, as well as ! country customers. Persons coming to this place | tor th° purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs, will find this bouse pleasantly located. Ample and convenient Stabiing it attached to ! this Hotel, which will always be attended by a care | ml hoitler. Also a sale and convenient carri-ge house. All are invited to give him a call. ISAAC MENGEL, Proprietor. April, 15, ISUi. ADM f MSTR 4 TOR'S NoFCc7 Letter* of administration on ths estate o ' Jose, Brinkey, late of Junuta township, d-.'ias -i, ha : ing been granted to tb-i subscriber, ali persons in ,' debted to said estate are requested to m >-ke j iate piymeiit. and those having claim, against the same will present ihem du'v authenticated for set : tiem-nt. LEWIS M. STATLER, j April 15, IS'3l.—ot Adorr. ADMIXISTR Y TORS' NOTICE. J Letters ol Administration uno.i the lis-ate of I Mortimore late of Soak- Spring Township i der'd having been issued by the Register of Bed j ford county to John Mortimore, residing in East j Piovi ince township and Joseph P. Mortimore resi ! ding i" Snake Spring township, ihey give notice to j ail persons indebted to the estate ;o nia ke payment • -mined.ately, and all persons having claims against J the same a!"** requested to present the same properly i authe&wfated lor seu .'""lent* JOHN MORTIMORE, JOSrlTi? p - MORTIMORE, April 10, 186-I.—6t Adm'rs. List of Grnnd Jurors dravin jor Alay Term, li/ Monday, 2nd Day , 1864, Peter F. Lehman, Foreman; Henry McDonald, Asa Williams, Nicholas Hysung, Wm. Whetstone, Wm. Brollier, Abner Griffith, Henry Felton, Jacob S. Brown. Sam'l Fishack, Jas. Madara, Isaac D. Earnest J. C. Figarr, haac Conner, Jacob Evans, • "• Morgart, Jacob Pennell, Joseph Sleightei | Williams Bowles, David Shafer, George Se.ily John | Hershiser, David Evans, David Steel. I Liti of Petit Jurors drawn forAf-.y Term lit Monday, 2nd Day , 1864. i Thomas Sleek of Sam'l. Henry Shaffer, Samuel j Dubbs, Michael Holderbauai, Maiiin Brumbaugh, | ohn iManspeaker, Isaac Devore, Thom is f.lullenix, j A. J. S iively, John W. Beeier, Is e! Davis, David ! koans, Henry Pencyl, David Miller, P. G. Morgart, j ahn Diltz, George T tter, Henry Ickes, Amos Old j ban , W. M. Akers, Barnet Weimer, Isaac Bow.n, ! lobias Snider, William Layton, John I. Noble, A. j J-Morgart. Thomas Hughes, Thomas Spicer,George I Blyrr.ire, Nathan Crieman, John .May, Mahlon Smith, )ir^ n Corley, Jr. Asa Howsai , John Mortimore. Wm. Robison, John Gephan Jr. Mic! ?1 Wisel. Drawn and certified at the Commissioner's Office Fetrnary 9, 1864. JOHN G. FISHER. April 15, 18v4. cierb. BEDFORD ENGLISH SCHOOL. The seventh session of this school will com mence Monday, April 4, 1864, and continue i I weeks, Instruction will be given in all the branches pertaining to a good English Educa tion. Pupils from a distance should apply at once. Terms:—ln the higher c.asses $3. 00, iu the lower, $4. 00 & $3. 00. H. W. FISHER, Principal 1 Bedford, March IS 1864. Something new in Philadelphia* COOPER'S rHOTOORAPHIC A N't) ART GAL LERY, NO. i 33 CHESTNUT SI RLAT, Opposite U. S. ''•ltA" I'. GALI.F.RT, RECEPTION AND OPERATING ROOMS ALL ON Fiftei' FLOOR. AUs-jif . r. : Pi. lv orj Ferto ypvt. • •1 : y;ie" a;.., Uicn , i.c-j ? ■ suit the turieo. Pic' nret. Finished la Water Colors, Oii, lulu \ k and Pastil. Hoipets and other animals, Equipag-s, Cou. ty Seats, Ruins,/'.odels of Machinery, fitc., for Pa tent ing accurately photographed. P. K. Cooper de-ires to cali the attention of per rons vi'it'ng Philadelphia to his new Ground Floor Gulleiy, where he has introduced newly-patented cameras, capable ol taking, in a few seconds, one hundred Photographs, Horn the small stamp or au tographic, to the Imperial and Lite Size. Alter inny 'experiments he has succeeded in placing his skylight at an improved angle, diffusing the l.ght in equal proportions, and producing that soft giadation of tone which cannot be given by thd ' side and skylights generally used, and which is of so much importance to the beauty of a picture, ft ; is made of French glass, and is the largest in PLil ! drlphia. Mr. Cooper Las been engaged more than twenty j yemis in the study end practice of the Fine Arts.—: j His long experience a* a Miniature and Portrait : Painter ra sufficient guarantee for the perfection of the pictures made t his esf-blishmeiit. The art of idealizing is well understood; none i but the most skilful artists are employed in the ro i specttve departments. All Pictures wai ranted j—the Ivory types will not j change in any climate, ar,d will stand the test 01 ; acida—P i, ticular attention is paid to giving gi :ee - j ful and ea-y positions. ! Daguerreotypes and all other binds of pictures co;~ | ied, from sm ill med-llion to life size, and finished ; in colors or Indian ink, to look equal to pic tut?- j taken irom life. j This Gallery possesses rare facilities f, r taki: Equestnan Pictures from life, in the rear building : where from one to fifty horses can be photographed ! at a time* ! N. S.—To Photographers, (Vorisfa and othara.— i Just issued.— i% Every body can be an Artist —A niW | work on PHOTOGRAPH COLORING, IVORYTYPING EN AMELLING, IVORY MINIATURE PAINTING, i &c., —Complete instructions given for making Ivo ; rytypes with some valuable receipts, never before pull isbed useful to ail phrtographs, for oneof whicti ! a large sum has been offered. By following the directions contained in this book, even those perso s with no previous knowledge of j Painting cannot fail to color photographs in a beau | tiful and effective style. Price one ropy- with model of coloring $5.00 . without model $3.00, or five copies for $12.00. By j remi'ting $lO one eapy, with Box of Paints Paletts i Brushes, and prepirations complete will be furnish ed free ol charge Will be published shortly A VALUABLE WORK ON DRAWING. with progressive Illustrations ol the Human Face and Figure.. Also, A HAND-BOOK ON POSI HONS with Illustrations. Designed for the use of Pho tographers and Artists. Mr. Cooper continues to receive Ladies and Gen | tlernen into his Classes for instruction in Drawing, and Photograph, Jvorytype, Indian Ink ar-d Pastil Painting, and a beautiful process for Enameling Pic , tures. i Citcu.ars containing list of prices of pictuies and | further information :esp=>ctir.g the Books and Terms I of Instruction may be had by enclosing Post Office Address and a Sramp to P. F. COOPER 1.333 f hestnnt Street, Philadelphia. REFERENCE Caleb Cops Presiden* Academy of Fine Arts. Pr T. B. Wilson Ornithologist and Entomologist. Rev. Tho.= . Miles Martin. P. E. Church. Hon. \ ic'or A. Saitori, Consul of Leghorn. Robert G. Clarkson of Firm of Jay Cook & Co. New York Rev, W. A. .Maybm, Rect.St. Alban's Church. Boston J. E. Tilton 4- Co. Henry Howland, Esq., iong Branch N. J. Baltimore, Mons. Amedee Sauvan, French canto!. April 15, 1864. i; Register's ilotfce. I All p rsons intt es.ed are hereby* notified that . the toiiowirg nameil accountants have tiled their J a ceo nl3 in tne Register "s Office of Bedford county, | ard that 'he same will be to lh* Orpn na' ! Court in and for .- a ' ' coi>nty, on Tuesday, the 3d ; day of M,y next, at ti.. C :*r. H i-. i - i> s;nr. . ! for en:Tirm it inn .* iue a! fin; ,ra. *n n. . ji.r.t jf ot;. B. Fluke, j Esq., adthinlatfator of the es.at° of Jacob Fluke, I 'ate of Hope-.vep t ■ w-s :p, < "<]. 1 e account *1 Joseph Barnnar", minis, rt or jof tne estate of Naomi Smitn, late Southampton j township, deceiscf. Tb* final account of O. E. Shannon ad minis t a j tor with the will annexed, of Samuel Cam, late of ! Bedford borough, deceased. i'J'iie account of Nicholas Koons and Geo. Strauss jr., administrators of the estate of John Wesley | Hattzell, late iM Snake Spring township, dee'd. The account of Frederick G. Price, administra tor of the estate of Wm. H. Strong, late of Cole rain town-bin deceased. The acco . tol John Cessna, Esq., administrator of tne o tarah Mills, minor children of John Mills, | late of Monroe township, deceased. I The account of John Wayds, guardian of Sarah ! Mil.er. 1 he account of F. D. F>epgle, executor of the last will and tesUra-nt of Juliana Beegle, of Coleraig j township, deceased. The final account of Benjamin House!, acting ecutor of the last will of Frederick Rock, late ol er ( now J uf, ' at a) township, deceased i he account of J. W. Cnsmaci, execntor of the I last will, 4-c., of Margaret Crisman, late of St. j Clair township, deceased. I O. E. SHANNON, Register. Register's office, Bedford, April 8, ISO 4. WAKTTIA.\ & EAKELn r^ (SeUCEssoßs TO MICHAEL WARTMAN 4- CO.) ffibacra and |e^tr MANUFACTOKY. No. 513 NORTH THIRD STREET, Second door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. I J. W. WARTMAN. I|. P. KNGCLMAJV. I Mftrcli 25, 1864