PROSPECTUS FOR 1864, OF THE Kffetwjli Jest We are desirioua of returning our acknowl edgments to its numerous patrons; wo present IN AN ENTIRE NEW DRESS.' Dor in j ths past year it has largely increased its sircalatioßr notwithstanding the effort* to curtail if. The present year brings with it, not tha Suppression of the Rebellion, As our Administration so frequently promised nor baVa tboae in power given any EVIDENCE OF THEIR ABILITY OR DESIRE TO CRUSH IT. In its Political Character, As lieretoforo llto Post will vemnin an Independent Democratic Journal, Devoted to the preservation of the Constitution and the restoration of the Union; It will confine itself to the discussion of public questions, and have no connection whatever with schemes of a rtutsottAi. on FACTIONAL CHARACTO. It will bo nobody*3 organ, but tho faithful exponent of Sound Conservative Sentiments. Wc expect to be ablo to moot the expectations of cur friends in the discussion of the questions which wtil be involved in the approaching Presidential Campaign. TERMS: DAILY EDITION, Per year *B,OO month 70 week 10 To agents per hundred copies 2,00 SATURDAY MORNING POST. At tho low rate of One Dollar and Fifty Cents per annum. Five copies S>MO Ten copies I>3o Twenty copies, and orra to getter up 1,20 Thirty copies " " " 1,10 Forty copies " " " 1,00 ELECTION. The Stockholder* of the Bedford and Stoystown | Turnpike Road Company will hold an election for live managers, at the house of James Frazer, in ; Schelisborg, o.i Ihe first Monday in March next, between the hows of one end three o'clock, P. M. A. E. BCHLLL, Sec'ry. February 12, 1861. STRAY HEIFER. Taken up trespassing npon the premises of the subscriber residing in Cnmbetland Valley, sometime in September last, a two year old heifer, blue sides, white back and belly, no car maiks. The owner is desired to prove property, pay charges and tuko her •Way, or the will be disposed of according to law. JOHN C. MOKUAKT. February 12, 1864.* S7S TO slsoPer Mouth. fPHE LITTLE GIANT SEWING MACHINE 1 Company want an Agent in each county, to so licit otders for their new sls Machine, with gauge, screw-driver and extra needles. We will pay a lib •ral salary and expenses, or give large commission. For particulars, terms, fee., enclose a stamp, and ad dress T. $. PAGE, Toledo, 0., Gen'l Agent for the U. States. February 19, 1861—3 m. SS2ELLSIAR2£S. Forty 6 nshelsprima Shellbarks for sale at ATov.2o. e CRAMER & COS. WANTED, 100 CORDS TANNERS' BARK, at Farquhar's CHEAP CORNER. Clover seed, Flax seed and Timethy seed wanted at FARQUHAR'S. Any and all kinds of Country Produce taken at FARQUHAR'S CHEAP CORNER. Came sod buy your Clothing at CHEAP CORNER, Juliana it. Money raved by buying BOOTS and SHOF.S at CHEAP CORNER. Beet CLOTHS, CASSIMF.RFS and SATINETTS at CHEAP CORNER. Coma and get a good 11 AT or CAP st FARQUHAR'S. Some Beautiful PLAID SHAWLS, very cheap, at * Nov. 27, 1864. FARQUHAR'S. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of administration having been gran ted to the Undersigned, on the cslato of Charles Isensroitb, late of Bloody Ran, dee'd, all persons owing said estate will tnake immediate payment; and those having claims will present them prop erly authenticated for settlement. JACOB WAGNER. January 22, 1864.—0t. . BRIDGE SALE Thn Commissioners will sell, on Tubsday, March Btb, 1864, to the lowest and best bidder, a bridge to bn built across tha Rjyetown Branch of the Juniata, near George Rondos' mill, in Liberty township. Plan and specifications will be exhibited on day of sab. By order oi the Commissioners. JOHN G. FISHER, Clerk. February 12, 1864. Public Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The subscribers, executors of thn laat will of Frederick Berkheimer, dee'd., will sell at public salt, en the premises, on FRIDAY, March 4, 1864, the following described tract or parcel of land, viz: Fifty-tevtn Acm an d 58 Perches ■at measure, situate in St. Clair township, Bedford eoonty, adjoining laada of laane Berkheimer, Jenet Dobaon, John Cristesn's heirs and Rebecca Sleek. Ten or twelve acres are cleared, having tome good fruit trees thereon, the balance is well timbered, there It a never-failing spring of good water on the r*taw. Rale to commence at 10 o'clotk, A. M. when the tcima will be muds known. . . JACOB WALTER, „ , • _ JACOB BERKHIMF.R, . h. H, 1864, Ex're? Juvt Received A full Supply of Groceries. J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. August 11 the-1863 NEW GOODS AT THE IG. K. & W. OSTEK, Successors to A. B. CASK, hare just received a beautiful stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. New styles Leather Prints, much admired. Beautiful Madder Prints, new Spring styles. Neat Striped and Fancy Shirting Prints. Beautiful Delaines—Fancy and Solid Colors. Dlohair Dress Goods. Neat Plaids and in all desirable solid colors. Poplins, Cashmere Merino ar.d Shepherd's Plaids, French Ginghams, Cheap and Handsome. Beautiful Lancaster GINGHAMS, new styles. Balmoral and Skeleton SKIRTS, at prices to suit. Ladies Head-dresses and Nets, very handsome. White Ballardvale Flannels, to phase the Ladies. Ped, Grey, Striped and Plaid Shirting Flannels. Canton Flannels, bleached nnd unbleached, to keep warm. GOOD GOODS AT SMALL PROFITS LLC A CII til) MUSLINS, Williamsvllle, VVatertwist, Enterprise and other leading makes. UN7ILEACIILD MUSLINS, Atlantic, (Ella, Peppered, Pocassi't and others. Apron Checks, Table Diaper, Bed Tickings, Cot tonatles, Denims and Shirting Stripes. CLOTHS AND PANCY CASSIMEHES, at small profits. SATINETTS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, all colors and very cheap. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, at old-prices. Hats nndCaps, every style and color, nt low prices. Boots and Shoes, for men and boys, very cheap. Ladies, Misses and Children*' Balmoral EOOTS AND SHOES, good and cheap, call nnd see them, they will speak for themselves. CVOICE RIO AND LAGUAYTIA COFFEE, Prepared Malt 9nd Essence of Coffee. Extra Imperial, Young Hyson and Souchong TEA. SUGAR— A choice assortment. F.xtra Coverings and other SYRUP, Prime N. Orleans and other Baking Molasses. Chocolate, Kice, Pepper, Allspice, Cloves, Cinna mon, Mace, Nutmegs, Cayenne Pepper, Camphor, S.veet and Castor Oils. Taylor's Crystal Wa'hball, Brown Wind •or,Palin Oil, London Honey and other Toilet Soap*. Amulet) Honey Dew, Turo Yellow Bank, Vine Sap Fine Cut CHEWING TOBACCO. Also, best quality Natural Leaf and Congress TOBACCO. Brooms, Wooden Pails and Farcy Reticule Baskets. Mackerel and Herring; Dairy end G. A. Salt. Together with 1001 other articles, all of which were bought at nelt cash prices nnd which we will tell on 'be game terms, at a small advance on prime cost. Motto—"Small profits and large sales." KF*Terms—CASH, except by special agreement. ' Produce bought. Jan. 15, '64. BEDFORD HOTEL. The undersigned having taken charge of the Bed ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col. John Hater, an nounces "to the public that he will be ablo to afford the best acccmmrdation-., both to the traveling pub j lie and home custom. The house will be improved ' and re-fitted, and the Bar will always be well snp ! plied with choice liquois- His table will he sup ; plied with the choicest ediblf3 of the i-eason, and he will spare no pains to make it suitable for al 1 - His stable is one of tha best in Bedford, nnd a good hostler will always be IU attendance. KT-Bocrders taken by tbe week, month or year. Terms reasonable. Thn public are respectfully in vited to give him a call. JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. Bedford, Jaruary 15, 1564. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration having'been granted to the subscriber, resiling in Sou'h Woodberry town ship, on the estate of John B. Furry, late of Nrpier township, deceased, all petsons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the tame will present them properly authenticated for settlement. JACOB B. FURRY, January 29, 1864—6t Adm'r. ONE TWO HORSE IVAGON', AND ONE SPRING WAGON FOR SALE, At FARQUHAR'S Cheap Corner. Bedford, Januaty 29, 1864. I* A PIES, At Cremer's you will find a large assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, suitable for fall and winter. Nov. 20. Notice to (lie Ileirs of John Mcllnay, Dee'd. The heirs cf tha estate of John Mcllnay, late of Hopewell township, Bedford county, deceased, are hereby notified to call npon the undersigned, on or before the first day of April, 1804, and receive the portion due each heir from said estate, as 1 am now prepared to pay said heirs. JOSEPH McILNAY, Ex't. Feb. 5, 1964, of John Mcllnay, dee'd. SAPOWIFIEK, CONCENTRATED LEY FAMILY SOAP MAKER. WAR makes high prices; Sapomfi-'r helps to re duce thorn. It makes SOAP for FOUR cents a pound by using your kitchen grease. DS"CAUTION! AS spurious Lyes are offered also, be careful and only buy the PATENTED article put up in IRON cans, alt others being COUNTICFSITS. Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co.' PHILADELPHIA —No. 127 Wrtnnt Street. PITTSBURG —Pitt Street and Duquesne Way. November 27, 1863—3rn ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration having been grant ed to the subscriber by the 11-gistcr of Ucdford cOunty, upon the estato of John Longstrcath into of Hopewell township, dee'd; all persons having claims against paid estate arc requested to present tho same properly authenticated for settlement, and all indebted aro requested to make immediate) payment. C. VV. ASIICOM, January 22, 18G4. ' Adm'r. ~c7F7ii i c kok7 Will attend punctually and carefully to all opera I lions entrusted to his care. T NATURAL TBITH filled, regulated, polished, Ice., in tho best manner, and ARTtrrciAL TEETH inserted j from one to en entire sett.' Office in the Bank Building, on Juliana street, , Bedford. > CASH TERMS witl be strictly adhered to. In addition to recent improvements in the mount ing of ARTIFICIAL TEETH on Gold end Silver Plate, lam now using, as a base for Artificial work,a new and beautiful article, (Vulcante or Vulcanized In dia Rubber) itropger, closer fitting, more comfort able and more natural than either Cold or Silver, nnd 30 per cent, cheaper than silver. Cal, and see C. N. UiCKOK. Bedford, January 16, 1863. Hartley's Column. The great Eureka Hay, Straw and Fodder Cutter and Crusher, can now be obtained from Wm. Hart ley, agent for Bedford and adjoining counties. This cutter now stands UNEQI.-AM-KD. Three sizes art made, aeid the latgest size will cut and crush as fast us three men can teed i. Hay is scarce and will be high in price. Sensible farmers will save their hay ami feed cut corn fodder to both horses and cattle. Try one of these cutters, I'airrers, and you will not regret it. All machines warranted. Hartley is also agent for tbe celebrated c 'Kcy-Slose Cider-mill." Which is tbe DKST AND EASIEST RUNNING MILL now made. , Hardware in all its variety can be had at tbe Mammoth Store 0 F Hartley \ at low rates, as the greater part of hisimmense stock was purchased at tbe OLD PRICES Hartleyjs sole agent in Bedford county, for the tale ot tbe celebrated CHAMBERSHURG COOK STOVE, which is the heaviest and host planned Cook Stove ever sold IA this county, as all must admit wbe ex amine it—call and see it. HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE AND IRON COOKING UTENSILS, POTS, WAF FLE IRONS, SKILLETS, GRID DLES, GRIDIRONS, &.C., IN GREAT QUANTITY. Iron and JYails, By the pound or ton. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, BUILDING MATERIAL, LOCKS, HINGES, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS & OILS. BRUSHES, of all kimls, at OLD PRICES. PLANES, CHISELS, BRACES AND BITS. WOODEN WARE SPAIN'S ATMOSPHERIC CHURNS, Wash Boirds, Buckets, Brooms, Basketa, Shoems- I i Iters' and Saddlers' Tools and Finding! ef all kinda. MOROCCO AND CALF SKINS. Carriage Springs, Axles, Steel, Felloes, Bows, En ameled Muslin—Forks, Rakes, Scythe Smiths, Grind Stones. Grain Cradles, Shovels, Spades, Mill Saws, Meat Saws and Hand Saws. A NEW ARTICLE OF COAL OIL, the cheapest in town, as it does nof burn away fast TRY IT. The new Philadelphia INDIA RUBBER OIL PAST E. • • BOOT AND SHOE BLACKING. tbe best article of the kind made. Try a box. COAL OIL LAMPS, BLOODY RUN CASTINGS, FRESH PHILADELPHIA GARDEN SEEDS Warranted Genuine and Good. Hartley is also agent for the unequaled GUM ROLLER, GUM SPRING Grain Drill; Thle it new too well known to need commendation. - Hartley WARRANTS every machine sold to oome up to the REPRESENTATION. He baa sola to hundreds—and has had NO LAW SUITS. Ileis agent for tbe very best Farm Machinery and Cook Stoves the genius of man has yet produced. Any person wanting a Reaper, Mower, Cook Stove, Grain Drill, orTarm Implement el ANY DESCRIPTION will find it to their interest to buy from HARTLEY both as to quality of goods and piice. Bedford, March 18, 1868, Pjlai>elpl)ia 2tfroertisrmctito. VAN CAMP BUSH. W.Vf. WFSL&Y JCURTZ • BUSH & KURTZ, (Formerly Bras, RAIGLF.L & Co.) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN Jan eg Dry ©ooiis, No. 137 North Thinl Street, PHILADELPHIA. Cloths, Cnsslraeres and VestNgs, Silks and Dress Goods, Linens and White Goods, Ltves ami Embroideries, Shawls, Ribbons and Trim mings, Hosiery, Gloves and Notions. A LSO —Bleached Shirtings, Colored Cambrics Flannels, Jenns, Ginghams, &e. March 6, ISG3.—iy HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Diseases of the Nervous System, Spermator rhoea or Seminal Weakness, Impotence, and other affections of the Sexual Organs, Physical Debility ar.d Premature Decay—new and reliable treatment, in reports of the Howard Association, sent hy mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGH i'ON, HOWAHD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. March 6, 1803—ly GILLETTE & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS AGO dTommtsaion fUmljants, Jayne's Mai hie Building, 616 Chestnut SI., fr 616 Juyne S(. PHILADELPHIA. J.vo. E. GILLETTE. B. SCOTT, JR. Apr. 17, 18G8— ly. ~C. I). M'CLEES & CO. Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, BRQGAN3. AND INDIA RUBfIER SHOES, 1 NO 133 NORTH THIRD STREET orPOSITE CHERRY ST., PHILADELPHIA. Apr. 17, 1863—1y. DR. TAYLOR, WM. K. HEMPHILL, T'aylor Hemphill, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN MANUFACTURED TOBAPCO, * FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC SEGARS, 220 Market Street, South side, bet .veer. 2d and 3d, PHILADELPHIA. March C, 18C3—ly. MILTON COOPKR, WM. M. PAUItAM, ROUT. D. WORK. 100PI.R, P.JBMSWBBS, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF H ATS, CAPS , FURS AND STRAW GOODS, No. 5! lYorth Thirl! Street, BRTWr.CN MARKET ANO ARCH, March 6, IS63—ly PHILADELPHIA. : MARTIN BUF.III.ER. 1 I OGO. BONBRIOJIT \ 11. H. tIOWART). } |O. P. EUGSSi.RO.TT BUEHLER, HOWARD & CO Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic uatirmraus aNO No. 441 Market St., below Fifth, PIIILADF.LPHIA. i March 6, 1863—1y. mCB.&HL IYARTAIAft & TCBACGO, SNUFF AND SE6.TR MANUFACTORY, No. 313 North Third Street, Second door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. SC. WARTMAIF. 11. T. ENGKLMAN. March 6, —ty. % NEVLIN, PERM & CO. laAKIVWAtiR JOBBERS AND IMPORTING MERCHANTS, No. 337 Market Street, * PHILADELPHIA, Dealers in Butcher's Edge Tools and Files, together with a general Stock of English and American Hardware. March 6, 1863.—1y PETER ARMBRUSTER S> JlhO., No. 300 North Third Street. Philadelphia. LOOKING GLASSES, COMBS, CEDAR WARE, CORN BROOMS & BRUSHES, Laces, Cambrics, Jaconets, Mull Muslins, Gloves and Hosiery of all kinds, And a general stock of FRENCH, GERMAN and ENGLISH GODD3. , Mnrcli 6, 1803.—1y ARMAR YOUNG, DAVID YOUNG, H. O. MOORE. AMIR VOL! till', BP. k CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN EMBROIDERIES, LACKS , White Goods. Hosier)', Milts, Gloves, Trimmingi 4-e., No. 429 Market Street, 418 Commerce meet, PHILADELPHIA. March 6, 1833. ly CN. G. SOWER, W. H. BARNKS, F. C. POTTS. SOWER, BARNES fc CO., PUELI9IIERS AND DEALERS IN Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books AND STATIONERY, No. 37, North Thud Street, below Aich, PHILADELPHIA. PUBLISHERS OP PZLTON'S OUTLINR MAPS AND KEYS, Tbe largest and best Outline Maps ever published SANDER' NEW READERS, GREENLEAF'S AND BROOKS' ARITHMETICS, Sic. • Blank Books, Writing, Wrapping, Curtain and \Va- Papers. Mjach 6, 1863. STIRAl r CAlrVf Taken up trespassing upon the premises of the subscriber, residirg in Bedford tov.'iiship, about th middle of Aug'.el lust, r. i-'il and white spotted ralf, no marks perrtptrbio. Tac owner is requested 'o piovs property, ptiv charges nnd t ike it away, or it will be sold according to law. OWEN McGIRR. . February 5, 1864—31 FOR SALE OH TR.IDE! A Farm in Bedford township, owned by John H Rush, about lour miles from Bediord. conUto in;; 16n ncres, about 80 acres cleared, with log home, log barn nud other out-buildings thereon erected ; also, an apple orchard thereon. ALSO—A tract of land in Harmon's Bottom, Ju niata 'OWL ship, with log house, barn, &e., thereon erected, containing 70 acres and aliovvttnre. P.ut of this tract is cleared and under fence and in a good state of cultivation—near to a school house, mill, Stc., adjoining lands of Scott, Low, Hughes and oth ers, and lately purchased from William Hurley. ALSO—A tract of land in Union township, con taining 225 acres, 72 acre 9 cleared, with alarm house, tenant house, double log burn and new Saw Mill thereon erected. Also, an apple orchard lh*re. or.—known as the "Snyder" or "Koons" property- CO acres ol land—lo cleared and under fence with a log home thereon erected, adjoining George Tioutman, George May and others, partly in Jtini itta and partly in Londonderry Townships, lately owned by Andrew Wolford. ALSO—IO6 acres near Stonerstowu- within $ mile of Broad Top Railroad—about 100 acres clear ed, with a two story dwelling house—naw bank barn, stable. lee., thereon erected i also, two apple orcharJs thereon, of choice fruit. The soil is a rich loam, an 1 capable of producing every variety ot crops of this climate. ALSO—I6O acres best quality of prairie—near the Missouri river, close to the county scat of Harrison county, lowa. ALSO—Two 160 acre tract 3, adjoining F.lkhorre city, in the richest watley of tbe west ths Platte Valley—about 20 nr.iles west of Omaha city, nnd close to the great national or government road lead ing west in Nebraska Territory. ALSO—too acres, two mi'es above Omaha city, on the great bend of tho Missouri. This tract is well timbered and very desirable. All of these lands were located afier a p-rsoiiiil inspection and careful examination of tbe ground, and can he well relied upon for tilttire wealth. Maps showing the precise location are in my possession. ALSO—Three desirable lots in Omaha City, Ne braska Territory. ALSO—A lot of ground in the city of Dacotab, Nebraska Territory. The above real estatewiiil be sold at such prices is to insure safe and profitable investments. Notee cr obligations of any kind, that are good, will be taken in exchange—particularly good bank lotes. May 8, 1363. O.E.SHANNON. Ami Stili They Come. MORF. NEW GOODS, Just received at Sept. 18. J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. BEAUTIFUL SUN UMBRELLAS Just opened at CRAMER'S. May 2i>, ISG3. CRAMER & CO. Have just opened a very large stock of IFJSIS and Winter floods. Buyers are respectfully invited to call and ses them. October 30, 1563. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. Twenty pieces—all widths, for sale at Nov. 20. CRAMER & CO'S. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letter.3 of administration having been granted to the unders'gned on the estate of John 11. Devote, Inteof Colerain township, dee'd., all parsons know ing themselves indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those bavir.g claims nrrainst ihssaid estate will present them to th"b un dersigned. J. W. LINGENFELTER, January 8, IS6I. Adm'r. Bedford II ai! ISoad!! FALL ii WINTER ARRANGEMENT FAKQUIIAK'S TRAIN HAS ARRIVED with a vtr large end well selected stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC - DRY. GOODS TO SUIT THE SEASON. LADIES, come and examine our stock of DRESS GOODS AND FANCY ARTICLES- Some beautiful Balmorals, Woollen Hoods and Head Dresses. Latest styie ol SHAWLS, good Cloak Cloth, VEH 7 CHEAP. OVER .TOO PAIRS CP HOOTS & SHOES, Consisting of Ladies' and Misses, Mens' and Boys' Shoes and Boots of every styie and variety, and as low in price as can ba bid in town, A LARGE ASSORTMENT CF Ken's Wear CLOTHS, CASSIMERES,-SATINETTS, JEANS. AND HEADY MADE CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS No better place to buy ar. OVER COAT. HATS AND CAPS in abundance. Coffee, Sug.r, Teas, Syrups, Molasses, Tobacco, Cigars, and a great variety of notions. K7*Remeraber "Cheap Corner for Cheap Goodo." EXAMINE OUR STOCK FtRST. J. B. FARQUIIAR, C-'-tap Corner, Juliana St., Bedfori. December 11, 1863. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Letters of administration hsve been granted to the subscriber, residing in Bedford borough, by the Register of Bedford County on the estate of Samuel Barnhart, late of said borough, dee'd., all persons having claims against raid estate are requested to present the same-properly authenticated for settle ment, and all persons indebted to taid estate are no tified to make immediate payment. J. W. LINGENFELTER, January 8, 1861. Adm'r, EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamentary having been granted by the Register of Pedfoid county, to tbe undersigned, ex ecutors of the last will and testament'of Frederick Berkbeimer, late of St. Clairsviile, Bedfordrrot. t de ceased, ell parsons knowing themselves indebted to sail) estate nre hereby required to make immedi- I a'e payment, and tnosc having e.a'rrs will present : them properly authenticated for eettb m'-nt. I JACOB WALTER, JACOB BERKHEIMER, ' January 8, 1861.* Executors. REBELLION AGAINST HIG.II PRICES I Revolution in Bedfand! II M. FISHER Twx'y'Ara'YsV WTOOsTrME* at the stand formerly occupied by Samuel Brovvn immediately opposite the Washington Hotel, whera they eurstartly keep on hand a very large assort ment of k "* MUSLINS, CALICOES. GINGHAMS, &C., and pay especial attention t6 the sale of '' NEEDLEWORK, LADIES' COLLARS CtTFFa AND UNDER SLEEVES, LINEN AND SILK POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES 1 HOSE. MITTS AND GLOVES. GEN TLEMEN'S iIOSK, WHITE GOODS. SPOOL THREAD, LADIES' HEAD DRESSES AND VEILS, FANCY SOAPS. HOOP SKIRTS, JEWELRY. SHIRT FRONTS, &C . ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH. The public nie respectfully invited to call and ae a our stock before buy ins elsewhere. E. M. FISHER & L. J. C. Bedford, May 8, 1863. A PUMPSH! F" jjj;Tl I am engaged ii selling ihe K Erie Pump- certainly the SL'M \\ °"'y P um P wc " adapted to ' V\ this climate. \ \s Persons in neod of a good f *4l V rmp will do well to giv. P. N nie a call. tt"?"Orders from all parti \ ..;J2 of the county will be attend. Ed to with promptness. I wT- AcnnEss: . WM.C. SNIVELY, Sehellsburg. Aug. 1, 1862 3ra p. &. mmmm, HA3 ON HAND AND CONSTANTLY KEEPS A FULL SUPPLY OF ALL KLYDS OF GOODS. WHICH HE WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE JBcdford, Jan*. 8, 1851. * FAMILY DYE COLORS. • Black t \ Mo gent a, Dark JVue, . Aluroon, lllue $ y Orangs 9 Dark 11, own, \l J£ \ A RoyJ'Pvrpl,, high' Drown, efe^jsf/7) > Salmon, Snnff Drown, Scarlet, trim eon, Slate. Dark Oral, -Solfrrino, Light Drah, Violet, Dark Green, Yellow. Light Green^ 'For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbon 3, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers. KtdGloves, Children's Clo thing, ai d nil kinds of Wearing Apparel.. Dp" A SAVING OF 60 PER C,ENT._£Q For 23 cts you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shades can he picduced from the same Dye. The process is simple, and any one can use tho'Dye with perfect success. Directions - .n English, French and German, in side of each package. For further information, in Dyeing and giving a perfect knowledge what colors are best adapted to dye over others, (with many valuable recipes,) pur chase llowc d- Stevens' Treatise on Dyeing and Col oring. Sent by rrail on receipt of price—lo cents. Manufactured by HOWE ft STEVENS. 260 Broadway, Boston. For sale by Druggists and Dealers generally. September 25, 1863—6 m. Terrible Disclosures—Secret* * for (lie /tSilNoii. A most valuable and wonderful publication. A work of 400, ami 30 colored engravings. Dr. HUNTI-R'S VADb; MECUM, an original and pop ular treitise on Mar. and Woman, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual Disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies lor their speedy cure. The practice of DR. HUNTER has long been, and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of nu merous persons, he has been induced to extend his medical uscfii'ness through the medium of his "Van* MFCIJM." It is a volume that should be in the hands of eveiy family in the land, as a preventive of s cr-t vices, or as n guide for the alleviation of one of lhe most awful and destiuctive scourges ever viiited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of postage toany part of the United States for 00 cents in P. O. stamps, er three copies for SI. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New York. June 5, IS6T—I yw NEW ESTABLISHMENT! ' SADDLE?, B"IDLES AND HARNESS! The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Bloouy Run and vicinity, that he has just opened out a new shop for the manufacture of Baddies, Bridles, Harness and everything usually in the saddlery line of business. His work will be warranted as goo., as the best and us cheap as the cheapest. Having been employed, for some time, in soma of the best manufactories in Pittsburg, he flatters himself that he is able to give entire sat isfaction to all who may become his customers.:— The public aie invited to give him n call. Shop next door to the store of Captain VVin. States. W. L. LKNTfc. Bloody Run, June 12, 1563. Pension a::;! Elonnly Claims. IT. 11. AKERS has received all the forms and in structions for procuring Soldiers' Pension and Boan ty money. He also has a partner in Washington City to prosecute the claims speedily. Bedford, Nov. 27, 1863—tf UNION HOTEL. WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA. V. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom modate the public in the best manner and on the most liberal terms. A splendid LIVERY STABLE it attached to this hotel. [May 9, 1863. Mew Firm. The undersigned havirg purchased A. B. Cartila entire stock of go