The War. Tho Federatl troops under Gen.Gillmore have met with a disaster'in Florida. 'Win expedition .ent recently to Jacksonville, after rapturing that place advanced into the interior of the State. Jacksonville i. near tho northern boundary of Florida and elands on the border of n bay forin in„ the mouth of St. John's river. This liver flows north and curves around to tho east with in a short distance of Jacksonville. A railroad runs west from Jacksonville to Tallahassee which is almost 200 miles distant. The Federal ex pedition was sent along this railroad to capture Tallahassee, which is the capital of the State, with the intention of establishing a new Gov ernment there. For a few mile? it kept along the border of the liver, but as that river grad ually curved to the southward, the expedition following the line of the raiin-ad, reached into the interior. The supply boats and transports nNo sailed up the river to the place where the railroad left it, about five miles from Jackson ville, and there established a supply post. The expedition under Gen. Seymour was a bout G,OOO strong, principally negroes. For two or three davs it advanced without finding an enemy, and on the 20th of February, was near Olustce, a station on the railroad 50 miles west of Jacksonville. Hero tho enemy surpris ed it, and after a fierce eont, st of three hours the Federal troops withdrew leaving all their dead and a great part of their wounded in the enemy'sliands. Five guns were raptured and a large number of prisoners. Tho total loss will reach 1,500. Using defeated, the expedi tion retreated as quickly as possible to Jackson ville, the enemy pursuing. On reaching the St. John t> river the supply post norr Jackson ville w(tS broken up and the Federal force with drew into the town. A steam transport which was aground was burned to prevent her falling into the enemy's blinds. The Confederates at last accounts were'but five miles from Jackson ville. , The real extent of the disaster is not known, the ftenmer bringing the intelligence having sail ed 100 soon to procure tiny ih.iuils, Gun. Gill moro seized all the letters of passengers to pre vent the ti-ws leaking oflt. lie also placed Gen. Seymour under arrest for bis failure, though why he should suffer we are at a loss to con ceive. Three hundred wounded have been ta ken to Hilton Head. This defeat has put an end to nil hopes of overrunning Florida.— Age. -M A R El I EG— BO WE N —EDINGER.—At Misliuwaka, In diana, on the. 20lh ult , hy the Rev. E. S. Pies ton, Mr. Charles Mo'), lljwen. formerly\if this county, to Miss Magdalene Edinger, of the former place. WW——BWB— gWUtUMBIB.'IUU Wll lb MAN N.—At Prairie City, Illinois, on the 14th of Feb. Mr, Joseph R. Mann, formerly of this county, in the 26th year of his nee. KERR.—In West Providence Township, 27th Jan. 1864, Mrs. Nancy Kerr, relict of Ed ward Kerr, dec., aged 68 years. The deceased was a member of the Williams family, well and favorably known in the Eas tern part of this county. She was buried, nt her own request, side the remains of her husband in the CalholK; burial ground of this Borough It is besti wing hut faint praise upon her many virtues to ray that she adorned all the private walk,3 of life, as a mother, a wife Hnd a neighbor. Her forte as a christian was in private prayer, and w lipre, no doubt, she found sure acceptance at the Throne of Grace. ANDERSON.—In Centorvillo, Feb. 4th, Laura Ranche, daughter of Daniel R. and A manda F. Anderson, aged 1 year, 11 Months and 27 days. "Laura, thou wast mild and lovely, Gentle as tho summer breeze j Pleasant as the air of evening, When it flonls among the trees- Dearest dnughter thou hast left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel But 'tis God that hath bereft us, lie can aU our sorrows heal." A. M. F. COOK'S SUGAR EVAPORATOR. Over 4,SK?O isi use. Will manufacture Sugar in 30 minutes, equal to the best New Orleans, Evaporates, dedicates and finishes at one operation, is simple and easily man aged. The only Sugar maker in use five years with out a rival. We will guarantee the Cane more profitable than any other crop. For particulars in quire of J. H. Schell, Sehellsbuig, Where pure seed can be had, or of Geo. Blymyer & Son, Bedford Pit- Pamphlets furnished free at either of the above places. Samples of the Syrup and Sugar may be seen at tbia office. .BLYMYF.R, BATES a man may not testify to the benefits ha believes himself to have received from any sim ple preparation, in the hope that he may tnus con tribute to the benefit of others. itSo '.his the more readily in regard to Hoifiand's j German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of thi City, because I was pr"j"dicel against them for many years, under the impression that they M'fre chi 'iiy an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my I j liiend, Kol-ert Shoemaker, E q., (or the removal of I this prejudice by pioper tests, and for encourage. j ment to try them, when sufiering from great and I long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these biters at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degr-e of bodily and mettal vigor which I had not felt for six mouths before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thanic God and my friend for directing me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN, Philad'a. From the Rev. Jos. H. Kennard, l'ahtor of the 10th Baptist Church. - Dr. Jackson : —Dear Sir: —l have been frequently requested to connect my name with commendations of different kinds of medicmes, hut regarding the practice a out of my appropriate sphere, I hive in all eases declined; but with a clear proof in various instances, and particularly in my family, ol the use fulness ol Dr. Hoofiand's German Bitters, I depart fo{ once froin my usual course, to express my lull conviction that, for general debility of the system and especially for Liver Complaint, it is a safe and valuable preparation. In some cases it may fail ; but usually, I doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those who suiier from the above cause. Yours, very •espectl'ully, J. H. KENNARD. Eighth below Coates St., Phil's. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Gernwatowu, Penn. Dr. C. M. Jackson : —Dear Sir: —Personal experi ence enabfas me to say that I regard the German Bitters prepared by you as a most excellent medi cine. In eases ot severe cold and general debility 1 have been greatly benefited by the use of the Hit ters, and doubt cot they will produce similar effects on others. Y'ours truly, WARREN RANDOLPH, Germantown, Pa. From Rev. J. H. Turner, Pastor of Hcdding M. E. Church, Philadelphia. Dr. Jackson :—Dear Sir: —Having used your Gar. man Bitters in my family frequently, lam prepared to say that it has been of great service. Yours respectfully, J. H. TURNER, No. 720 N. Nineteenth Street From the Rev. J. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Columbus (N. J.) anil Milestown (Pa.) Baptist Churchrs. New'Rocbelle, N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—l feel it a pleas ure thus, of my own accord, to bear testimony to the excellence of the German Bitters. Some years since being much aIH icteil with Dyspepsia, 1 used them with very beneficial results. J. M. LYONS. From Rev. J. S. Herman, of the German Reformed Church, Kutztown, Begks co., Pa. Dr. C. M. Jackson : —Respected Sir : —1 have been troubled with Dyspepsia neatly twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did me as much good as Hooff.ind's Bitters. Yours, with respect, J. S. HERMAN. PRICES. Largs Size (holding nearly double quantity,) $1 00 per bottle—half doz. $5 00 Small size—7s cts. per bottle—half d'oz. $4 00 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! See thet the signature of M. JACKSON" is | on ihe WRAPPER of '.ach bottle. Should your r iiest druggist not have the aiticle do not b put oif by any of the intoxicating (repa rations that may he off red in its place, but sead to us snd we wi.'l forward, securely packed,by express. PmricHAi. Omen /no MAxuFACToar, No. €3l ARCH STREET, PHti.ADEt.FuiA. I "TOIVLB He EVANS, Sttcecsso** 'to C. LI. farlton d Co, P'?ORR|E TOP.P | [ - For ea'f bv YVu/g ft? ami 'P: 'tiers fa " rry town 1 :• • * ' ti St i'es. Jan. 15. Public Sale OF VATUABLE HEAL EJSTAVE. By virtue of an. ordor ol the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the nderigned, administrator ol the es'ate of Curtis S. Cooper, late of .Monroe town ship, Bedford countv, dec'd., will sell at public sale on SATURDAY, the sth day of MARCH, 1804, up. on the premises, all the following real estate, viz : All that certain plantation or tract of land situate in the township and county aforesaid, adjoining land" of William Ilixon, Catharine Hebner, And'w Irons, Michael Hebner and others, containing 328 acies and 137 perches and allowance, being the mansion place cf said deceased, and having a two story Frame Dwelling House, Log Stable and other out-buildings thereon erected, about 60 acres of said land are cleared and under fence, and the balance is well timbered. There is also a fine apple orchard and plenty ot good spring water upon the premises. This land will be sold in parts or altogether, to suit the convenience of purchasers. Terms made known on day of sal. DANIEL FLETCHER, Adm'r. February 12, 1861. 3)E. BADDY'S PIUS. ARB TTTR BEST crBGATjTK PILLF. * ARK THE BE-T ITROAT.'Vh PILLS. ARB THE BI3T I'CBUATIVE F.I-LS. *s NO STRAIXIXO. NO GPIPIXa.( . .1 NO TTSKIICS. NO rIt.EA • KO FALSE CALLS TO THE WATER CLOSET. BUT A BRISK AND THOROUGH EVACUATION FROM THE BOWELS 13 ALWAYS SECURED. Keirl/Distovcred Principles in Purgatives. Dr. Hadvray's JMla are tho best Purgative Fills in lb# world, and ih • n!y Vegetable Substitute for Calomel or Nereurjr e*..*r discovered. are compc3ed of TEGKTABLE EXTRACTS PROM HOOTS. HERBS, PLANTS, GUMS, SEEDS, FLOWERS, BARKS, FRUITS AND WEEDS, PRE PARED IN VACUO. One jraln of tbo extract of tbo medicinal proper tic-i ofßidwar's !><*<<* a greater curative power ev t riiseas? than a thousand of ttie crudo and inert i uteruli that enter juto *'l other pills in use. Theee Pills compounded of ibe active medicinal proper t>* of iho Hoots, lle'bs, Plant*, Flowers, Gums, lie. of % bicb they arc composed. Que dose will prove their superiority t > *ll othor pills. They PURGE, CLEANSE, PURIFY, HEAJ,, SOOTHE, CALM, STRENGTHEN, INVIGORATE, And REGULATE THE SYSTEM. Their Grcni Combinatloni.' They arc Aperient, Tonic, laxative, Alterative, bdm u'ant, Counter Irritant, ikidurlflc. AS EVACUANTS, Th*y are more certain and thorough tbe Drastlo Tiiis of Aloes, or Croton or Harlem Oil, or EUterium ; and more soothing and healing than Senna, or Rhsu* barb, or Tamarinds, or Caator Oil. IN SUDDEN ATTACKS OF Inflammation of the Bowels or Stomach, Llrer, Spleen, Pancroa* or Kidneys, Bilious Cholic or Bilious Fever, F>y*ip*lM or Congestive Fever, Small rox, Measles, or bc-mel Fever, Six TO Eiunr OF DR. RADWAY'S REGU LAYING P1L1.3 WILL PURGE THE PRIMA RY CAU$$ OF THESE FROM THE SYSTEM IN SIX HOURS. One doss of Dr. ltadway's Pills will cleanse tbe Intee tinal canal, cad purge from the bowel* all offending au 1 retained humors, as thoroughly as lobelia or ths b".\t approved emetic will cleanse tbe stomach, with-^ on: producing LCanmutioa, irritation, woaknes®, STRAIN IN O. X or urpl'aaaut symptom*. Thore sre no other purs alive piiis in tbo world tbalwili secure this dui tf.rst.un. —... fiTTts TIU.N CAI/IM.I. oa isr.cE Pir.r. i ' T. TiIA.V riLOUKI. (>R RI.tJE PIIID M.TTLH THAN R MXNTN. OR NT.CK FILL AS ALTERATIVES, Tl.ey rxercire a more powerful infiuenoe over the liver sad' its Htorrtions than calomel, mercury, blue pill, bonce their importance In cases cf Liver Complaints ! s*id Spleen Difficulties, Jaundlse, Dyspepsia, Bilious at tacks, Headache, Ac. Iu the ireatmett of Fevers,cither B lious, Yellow, Typhoid, and other reducing Fevers, ; they are superior to quinine. Their Influence extends ever the entire svru m, centrdninf , strengthening, and l>ra nig up tbe relaxed and wasting energies, and tegu lating HII tho secretions to the natural performance of tUdr dut!nv'lean*ug and purifying the blood, and purging from the system all diseased deposits and im pute humors. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. ONE TO'HIX BOXES WILL CURE Costi venesa, Jaundice, Rush of Blood Constipation, Cfmgiit've Fe- to the Head, Congestion, , Tcr, Obstructions, Heart Disease. Sleepiness, Dropsy, Disease of Kid- Gen l Debility, Acute f.ryalpo ney & Bladder, Dimness of S't las, Disease of Li- Fits, IToadache, ver, Lown'sofSpir-Bad Breath, Biliousness. its, Lnflotnation of Typhus Fever, Quinscy, the Intestines, Sl.fp Fever, Dyspepsia, Apoplexy, Malignant Fa- Measles, Enlargement ver, Melancholy, of tho Spleeu, Loss of Appe Hysterics." Scnrvy. tite, Amenorrhoia, Whooping Indigestion, "aiutlng, Cough, Inflammation, Dizziness, Worms, Palpitations, Betcntloa of | Bad Dreams, • KOM let Fever, Urine, , Pleurisy. Bilious Fever, I I AM CURED. 11 1 lmva Ukeu alz iloim of Rjdway's Ptlls, of thru til.'" each, In "'i dayi ; they enroll ma of Constipation, ludijotllon, .ot Dyp, PTRAINIMI ANT> TENRSIfUS, I'll,lP, RTRAIM.-U ANll TENKHMU3, Are tbo result" of lufl - umntion or lrrltetioa or the tttj t-iua msmhiene of tbe bowels, Inducod by drastlo t ill.— toivo finporfi-et pills, IntMsri of being dissolved by tliecblle, are carried to tbo lower bowotl. and in (tore a poris alno i.iovement or.evacuation by their trritaiion hence the Hraininf. cr Mp-, wrnebtM puttu, om< tmaniu, cad tke f-flgucnt Ja\H snub I" Ike as lir Curt, that p take (bos imi>*rfectpilU. II yon wo Id Avoid theee aonc/snoMi, whenever a purgative me loin. Is required, take a dose of -. KAI)WAV'S WIGCLATLNO PlliS. TLIST WILD PURGE THOROUGHLY AJTW LEAVE THE BOWELS REGULAR. Afnicte'l with FILES, may r'y on a positive euro by tb ir use. wrm G:m. COATED WTrn GUH COATED Trrra am. P-. lUtlti3a,ro. Direettußs hr •:M ere talkie ooci. box. Pi 100 |>or t' x,CS r ante, tioid y l'rii^ s '.su, Pollers. aalb'to;e k^rewr. S IL - Hv .y A/, eft h .i tocn turel'Vil W.tu frt tl ; hot It cricloeod with i K > tool Eugr avo.: label, tak* rone cthire. UADWAY di CO., * r.i ILWi u Ur.e, New Yosk. Sold By ))rupp,ieta. ' Oct. StK 1863.—1y I BHRIZV ER'B I BILSiMKJ (JflllGß SYRFP. " ,f | For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, '( ! Jlsl'ama, Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, ; Pain and Weakness of the Breast, ' I Difficulty of Br ml king, 4'c. . i r j HIS ij no new remejy. It has been used Sees e j i for a number ol yens in Maryland and \ irte of Pennsylvania, and baa, wherever v 1 known, acquired an unprecedented reputation g | for curing the various diseases for wbiob it it e : recommended. 0 ! So nppar-nt is it's usefulness, and so remark r j able bas been its cures, that it is fast super- year j ceding every other remedy for those diseases. g The afflicted ran rely upon it doing as much ,1 for them, and in many cases more than any ~ other remedy now before the public. Q It is recommended and prescribed in the practice of a large number of the most intel ligent and able physicians of Maryland. It Chil is used and considered an indispensable house- drsn, holJ remedy by a large portion of the best families of the State. It is used by all classes of society, and the universal opinion is that it is good. This Syrup is purely Vegctalle Compound. It is No pleasant to take, and never does injury. But owing to its purifying qualities, must do good under any circumstances. Its effects are trn i ly wonderful, soothing, calming, and ."Haying child I the most violent cough 3, purifying, si.-'ngtL j ening and invigorating the who'e system, j calming and soothing the nerves; aiding and facilitating expectoration, an,ehealing the mssdi DISEASED LUNGS, | Thus striking at the root of disease, end dri ving it from the system. CROUP. iisof This disease is announced by difficulty of breathing, shrill whistling or wheezing, hack ing cough and threatened suffocation, 4-c. It mestly occurs in young children. No child croup. need die of croup if this Syrup is properly used and used in time. Mothers having eroupy children should watch the first show of the disease, and always keep this remedy at hpnd. if this For coughs after measles this Syrup is most excellent. Experience has proven tint it is equalled by no other preparation. r l no price of the remedy is sucb at to plate syrup. it within ti,S reach of all, the poor as well as the rich, and every person should hava it. 1 Every person should have it in tha house. It is a true and faithful friend to all wboval> is ue health and wish to secure themselves gainst that most t*rnble disease, consump tion. It will be found the most useful aa well as the cheapest family medicine in the ussl world. It has been ued for the last four years with a success without a parallel. Price 40 cents per bottle, or three bottle* for SI.OO. Prepared by S. A. Foutz ft Bro. us. Forhalc by 11. C. Reamer and B. T. Harry Druggists, Bedford, Pa. December 19, 1860—ly. tims.. SH R1 !YER'sIXD 14VEBNIFEGK. Q, . I jiNCE the introduction of this beautiful prep Tac tion,'it has been steadily advancing info public fa vor. Its astonishing efficacy in expelling worm* has won for it many friends wherever known,.and are its praise to others, so bit is last being introduced TO every family in tue land. The-, for it is, becoming im *> DESTROY b mense.Tornake • it still mare wor J* thy the prefer ence WORMS! <|tbown it, tha Propp.ietor iaiUv— y putting it up in a much handsomer style than formerly. It is now prepared with the greatest care of uniform strength, with plain directions, so that any one can adminis ter it. It is entirely Vegetable—Perfectly Saft and Harmless. And bas never been known to fail fo expel worma, where worms existed. The proprietors boldly as sert Ibat it is superior to any other preparation in the woi Id. tL?"Ask forSHRINER'S INDIAN VERMIFUGE, and take no other. •.'Prepared by S. A. Foutz ft Bro., and fot said at the Drug Stores of Reamer and Harry, Bedford, _ _____ Dec. 18, '63— ly E- oiitz's mixture, THE "TS a safe and reliable remedy for the care of ] Rheumatism, Painful Nervous Affections, Sprains, Burns, Swellings and all diseases re- - ■ist quiring an external application on men. On horses it will never fail to cure Pole evil, Fistula, old running sores, or Sweeney, Lini- if properly applied. For sprains, bruises, Kent scratches, crooked hoofs, chafes, saddle or collar gall, cntß or wounds, it is an infallible fob remedy. Try it and be convinced of its eO eaey. RUEIIYIATISN Max Persons afflicted with this disease no mat ter of how long st nuing, can be promptly and efiectuallv cured by using this Mixture. and There is nothing in the world so sure and so good to take away hard corns, and cure Beast Frost Bites as this preparation. Try it aad satisfy yourselves. Price 23 and 50 renfs now per bottle. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, Westminster, Md. IN rsx sale at the Drug Stores of Reamer' and Harry, Bedford, Pa. December 18,,1863, — ly F OIT Z' 8* CELEBRATED JIOKSE AND CATTLE. POWD'EKS. /THESE Powders have proved, after a tfiatf i I of several years, to be superior to any preparation of the kind in use. The chief superiority of these Powders ariseafrhm Hie' |facl that they are composed of medicines j jrhat have Laxative, Tonic and Purifying ■ • properties- The laxative ejects crudities from the stomach and intestines , the tonic i 3S gives strength to the system cf the Horse, I .© and the purifying medicines contained in/5 © them cleanse the blood, and lay the louoda- < @j J tion for a vigorous and healthy circulation. So .The use of them improves the wind, sttength-< S lens the appetite and gives the horse a fine,! • 'smooth and glossy skin—thus improving the 1 appearance, vigor and spirit ofthis noble animal. j These powders are not inlenderf, as most -powders are, to blos/i the animal, so as to give him the appearance of being fat when | not really so—out, to remove the disease rand promote his general health, j Thesg powders Witt strengthen Ihe sldm ach a,ml intestines, cleanse them from often-* js.iVe matter, nod bring them to a healthy Istate. Tbey are a sure prevention of Lung jFever, and a ccitain remedy for all disease*) 'incident to the Horse, as Glanders, Yellow I Water, Distempers, Founder, Heaves, Slav-| raring, Coughs, Fevers. Loss of Appetite and, Vital Energy, he.-— These Powder), if used two or three times a weak, through the win-; and ipring, vour hftiae will never get the C fc- Lung Fever, Colic or Botts. A few doserof H these powders wilj remove the worit cough, 3 J2'on any bone. Were owners or horses to j— jq feed a few of these powders every year, they PS ; might save the lives of (many Valuable horses. MILCH COWS. The properties this powder possesses in in-, (creasing tho quan'ity of milk in cows, give* -it an importance and value which should, ' place it in 'he Leeds of every person' keep ling a c. w. fa f*tbeuingcat;!e, it gives theihj l an appetite, loosens their hide, an) maker them tbrire much fa-der. f tc . HOGS. C: In oil VilSesses pf awine, as coughs, ulceis S" in ibe lungs ind liver, ftc., by putting from half a paper to a paper of these powders in rf a barrel of swill, the above diseases can be'-Z --cur-d or entirely prevented. By using these © [ powders tho hog cholera cap be prevented. Sj j Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, j i _ Westminster. Md. j KZ"For sale at the Drug Storos of Reamer . * jtnd-Harry, Bolfcrd, Fa -ply