The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 04, 1864, Image 1

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At the fo'lowing terms, to wit i
$2 00 per annum, it paid within the yar.
$2.00 " if not paid within the year.
subscription taken lor less than six month*
arNo paper <iinbnt;nued until ail nrre.irape. are
paid, unless i the option of the publhbei. It has
been decided by the United States Courts that the
stopptee of P. newspaper without the payment of
arrearages, is prima Jacie evidence or Iraud and as
a criminal offence.
E?"The courts, have decided that person' are ac*
countable for the subscription price of newspapers,
if they-take them from the post office, whether they
subscribe for them, or not.
Professional €avl>3.
Will faithfully end promptly attend to all business
•ntruated to Ids caie in Bedford and adjoining conn-
He?. Military claims, back piy, bounty, &c.,
speedily collected.
Office with Mann & Spang, on Juliana street, two
doors South of the Mcnget House. Jan. 22, 'CI.
lew Slonsco
Lave opened a Bank of Discpunt and Deposit, in
Bedford, Pa. Money lent and taken on deposit, and
collections made on moderate terms.
They also have land, in lo .va, Minnesota, Vr'iscon
in. Missouri and Nebiatkn, for sale or trade.
Bedford, Oct. 30, IS63—tf.
Auctioneers & Commission Merchants,
Respectfully aolicit consignments of Boits and
Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries. Clothing, and ell kinda
of Merchandise for AUCTION and PRIVATE Saie,
Philip Ford it Co., Hon. Jolt Mann,
Boyd bt Hough, lion. W. T. Daugherty,
Armor Young & Bros., B. F. Meyers.
January 1, 1861—tf.
"71 MABBGUE3-, M. D.
Having permanently located, respectfully ten-'ere
his professional seivices to the citizens of Bedford
and vicinity. %
{ZF"o(nce on Julianna street, rpp<\>te th# Bmk,
one door north of John Palmer's office.
Bedford, February 12, 18J1.
ln iiT \ITSR77
Will promptly attend to all business entrusted to
his care. Mi'itr.ry claims speedily collected.
Office on Juliana street, ppn? ite the post office.
Bedford, September 11, 1563.
t, M. KItUMRt.O. !• w. LIXGF.NFKI.TKB,
the Law. Office on Juliana ttrec!, two doors South
of the "Mengct House."
Job Maxn. G. 11. Spang.
Nt Ji Ft &SP As c.
The undersigned have arsocir'eH thenrelvcs in
the Practice ot tho Law, and wi'l attend promptly
to Oil l> lelneeo -mrul.oU 10 tneir c.,. ... oeuiui'u
and adjoining counties.
on Juliana Street, three doors south
of the "Mcnsl Home, ' opposite the residence ol
Maj. Tate.
Bedford, Aug. I, 1861.
jo n s P . reed,
Respectfully tenders his services to the Public. [
DSF*Dffice tecor.d door North of the Mcngel
Bedford, Atg, 1, 1861.
rollN PA L ill RR .
CETWiII promptly attend to all business entrus
ted to his care. Office on Julianna Street, (near
ly opposite the Monad House )
Bedford, Aug. 1, 1861.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Somerset. Pa;
Will hereafter practice regularly in the several ;
Courts of Bedford county. Business entrnsted to
bra care will be faithfully attended to.
December 6, ISGI.
8 iM 0 E L KrTTEK.iI
CT-Would hereby notify the citizens c.f 'Bedford
county, that he has moveJ to the Borough o( Bed
ford, where ha may at all tiroes b- found b* person,
wishing to.sec him, unless absent upon business
pertaining to his office.
Bedford, Aug. I,ISGI.
Jacob, J. Bcttsct,,
C7-DRAFTS bought and sold, collections msde
tad money promptly remitted.
Deposits solicited.
V I T T S P V R. o IT, PA
HARRY SUIRLS Pcopiuetor.
'April 12 1861.
RICH A BR!Is ro,
The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet
making business, will make to order and keep on
hand every tiling in his line of manufacture.
STANDS, *C., iS-C.
Will be furnished at all prices, and to suit every
tSAte. COFFINS will also b" made to order,
ttyPrompt attention paid to all orders for work.
05-Shop on West Pi't Street, neeily opposite the
'•sidsnca of George Shuck.
July 10, 1663—tf
KiTEililX, VOlMi &CO..
Wbolesalo Grocers,
*aea* J, 1663—1y.
Manesfattserere and Whateeate Deal see MS
Boots & Shoes,
Wo. m Market Btraot, and 210 Church Alley,
. March 7, IMS—ly.
Select JJcctni.
From the Philadelphia Sunday Mercury.
The Democratic Creod.
Rrgardless of the hireling's cry
Of Copperhead et.d all that,
We at it 1 despotic power defy,
And dare to speak for all that,
For a'l that, and all that,
The traitor brand and all that,
We still brheve the south Das rights
At well as North, for ail that.
And love the Constitution, too,
We never will deny that t
Although the Abolition crew
Would willingly destroy that.
For all that, and all that.
In spite of threats, and ell that,
The Constitution as it was
Shall sjill be ours for all that.
State rights we ever will uphold,
Free speech, prtsi, and all that;
Herd cash of copper, silver, gold,
A'ith no discount on all that.
Yes, all that, and alt that, s
We still to all Itat,
No military necessity
Shall rob us yet of all that.
The freedom of the laltot-lox
From bayonet, oath, and all that,
With no tyrannir. poseer that mocks
At justice, peace, and all that.
Yet, all that, and all that.
We claim and will have all that;
White men, no matter rich or poor,
Have still the right to all that.
Let cowards wear the gilded chain,
Amalgamate, nml all that j
The Democrat its links ilisdsin,
. Loves freedom more than all that. .
Tea,' ail that, and all that;
Peace, justice, truth, and all that,
Our glorious Union ns it was,
We lore it still, for all tlj it.
f? PI TP rs cv M OVNTAX, EliZ}
All contributions to tnis column mast be ; ddressed
to "Simon Syntax, Box UJ, Bedford, Pa."
Thoso teachers whose certificates were not
i marked i.i "Practice of Teaching" at the time
| their schools were visitod, can have them mark
j cd by sending thorn to me by mail, and enclos
ing a stamp to puy r.t irr. postage.
Co. Superintendent.
No one can dotibt for a moment, that earnest
ness and sincerity, should always be tho true
characteristics of e\cry teacher, who hopes to
attain anything like professional eminence in the
! course of iifo ho has marked out for himself.—
| Without their aid tho brightest talents, tho most
| towering intellect, can avail but little, can ac
complish nothing worthy of note, can' produce
no better fruit than that which may bo said to
resemble tho fas-famed apple: so beautiful to
behold, yet so bitlov and useless. With earnest
ness and sincerity ns our guide, what an incai
culablo amount of good may wo not do with
even a limited of education. And to this
class of teachers I will address myself first.—
When I soy that persons of inferior education,
| who act under the influence of a sincere heart,
and aa upright inleution, can accomplish moro
than the protestor, or man of distinguished abil
ities, can do independent of the.n; Ido not wi .h
to be understood as an advocate for an inferior
order of intellect in the teachers who are to in
struct the youths of our country, and whose
moral example should ever bo a shining and
burning light before the eyes of the young and
inexperienced; but merely desire to sympathizo
and encourage that portion of our teachers to
whom nature, perhaps, has denied tho rich and
varied gifts which she sometimes lover to lavish
on less worthy objects; or who, from want of
proper opportunities, have been prevented from
improving and developing, to their fullest ex
tent, tho talents already bestowed, hut such '
teachers make self-improvement, their ilat'.y ex
ercise. Lot them remember, that the kindly,
earnest spirit in which the instruction is given. !
has as much to do with the child's progress in
learning, or even moro thnn the most logical or
scholarly explanation could do if given in a cold
and indifferent manner. To tho more gifted of
our teachers I would simply say, pride your
selves not on your superior intellects, depend
not too much on your own abilities or philosoph
ical explanations to draw fc-rtli the ideas of tho
young. But ever bear in mind that u kind look,
a word of earnest entreaty, or smile of appro
val, will generally do more towards accomplish
it g your views in regard to the child's education
than any other means yet loviscd. If it is nat
und that we should love thoso who love U", is
it r.Ot equally natural that children . houi 1 feel i
interested iu those who manifest an earnestness
and an interest in them? And endeavor to re- i
! pay such nnxioty by not only trying to be stu
dious but also to be docile. In many of tho i
counties of our State, where the system of free
education is in a flourishing condition, the touch
ers are well compensated, or comparatively so,
1 and their zeal, or motive power, as some would
call it, might, Ity tho cynical, be attributed to
tlm largo shnrs of greenbacks distributed in u-b
counties by th < kind directors, whom, I hats
r.o doubt, are firm I .fi-ror* in the tin,. hon- red
uuuuu, "live, auu let live."
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
But, to return to tire teavhors of ourowncoun
; ty. To what earthly notise can, or could we
; attribute their untiring teal and arduous labors
i iu the fjreat causn of education? Very low, if
j any, r.-ceivc anything more than a mere pittance,
an amount too small to come under the head ot
compensation, and yet their dude* are more fa
tiguing on account of the great want of proper
faciiitie.', than those teachers to whom wo have
just referred.. If ->tno of tho teacher* of our
[ county foii below fit" standard to generally pre
scribed and insisted on as really nefidful and ne--
ceasuty, let them solace then: solves with lite hap
py rcfioeiion, that they, at lent, afe not liclutßT;
in the pcrformanro of their respective duties,
by too large a of what soma uro pleased I
to tcnu "fluctuating currency, or IJuelo Sum's
promissory nolle." Not ono single teacher of
Bedford county ever has, ns yet, stood convict
ed of corruption from that cause, before any
body of lawful and well appointed directors.
Free from all such polluting influences, they
are positively and kindly permitted to teach and
to labor i-i our schools in a rjuist manner, with
out even an much as a new desk, or bench to
vary the monotony of the scene, or remind them
that they are teaching in the nineteenth Century-; J
the ageof comforts ami of improvements. But i
let riot the teachers of Bedford county bceoiao |
disheartened und discouraged, or grow cold to j
their task, even if self-sacrificing efforts in j
the pood eaus; should never us componsnted bv
a larger siiare of pay. Let them continue to
ha zealous and dovoted to their ciiarge, believ
ing and hoping that they will yet receive a rich
and sweet reward in tiro world to corn.?, if not
in this. Let them havo engraved indaiibiy on
their minds, that earnestness and sincerity will j
not only make then true tcachors. but iviil also
make them true citizens and true friends.
Umon TowNbuip.
Provisions of the ITevsr Enrollmcij; Law.
Tire 10'h of March 13 the day dofignated for
the next draft to tnke piae;. in the Several otatc3.
It will, of courxe, be made in accordance with
the amended enrollment bill, which parsed both
house., of Congress last week.—'l ho following
arc tire provisions of the bill as it passed:
It provides that tho President of tiro United
•States shall bn authorized, whenever ho snail
deem it necessary, during tha present war, to
call /.ir rr, .1. ----- --J
service as tr.o ptibltc exigencies may require.
The quota of each ward of a city town, town
ship, precinct or eleclion district of a count;.',
where tho county is not thus divided, shall be,
as nearly an possible, in proper.ion to tho num
ber of men resident therein liable to render
military service, taking into account, as far as
practicable tho number which has been previ
ously furnishCr! On ascertaining and filling
the quota, there is to ho fatten into account the
number of men who havo heretofore entered
into the naval service of the United States, and
whose nam:a are already returned to the office
of the Provost Marshal General.
If the quotas shall not lie Idled within the
tim j designated by the Prc. IJbnf, the provost
marshal is to ma tea draft for tiie number t'e.i
cieut: bat all volunteers who may culist alter
tiie draft shall have bw-n ordered and before it
shall be actually made, shell bo deducted from
tho number ordered to bo drafted in any wind,,. township, procurator election district or
county. If the quota of aiiyali>,trict 6hnll not
ho lilietl up the draft made in ncctrJanco with
tho provisions of this act, and tiie law to wiiich
this is an amendment, further crafts shall ho
made, and tike proeee lings had, uutil the quota
of such district shall be tilled.
I'prsons oiiroUed rnny furnish at any time pre
vious to the draft an acceptable substitute who
is not liable to the draft, and sitcu person
thus famishing n euuMitutc shall be exempt
from draft, not exceeding the timo for widen
such substitute shall have hccij accepted.
Any person drafted may before the timo tix
cd for his uppcarr.nco for duly at the draft or
rendezvous furnish an acceptable substitute,
sul/j. ct to audi rules and rcgulati w us may ito
prescribed by the Secretary of IVnr. If nny
drafted person shall hereafter pay money for
the procuration of a substitute, such payment
shall only operate to relievo the po: sun from
draft on that call, and his name shall bo retain
ed on the rod. and bo shall be subject to draft
1 filling that quota; and his name shail be re
tained on the roll in tilling future quotas; but
"in no instance sludl the exemption of any per
son, on account of his payment of commuta
tion money for the procuruliun of u substitute
extend beyond one years but at the end ot one
year, in every such ease, ti-a nnn;c of any p ;r
--son so exempted aha!', bo e irelled again, it nut
beforeroturncd to th < enrollment list uudar tho
provision of this section.
Boards of cnrulli iau' are required to. enroll
all persons liable to draft, whose names w ay
have been omi.tod by the proper enrolling of
ficers-—all persons who shall arrive at tho ago
of twenty }'<rsbefore the draft; ail aliens wi.o
shall declare t'.oir intentions to become < ituenai
nllj'.c-r • 3 dielni;rc.l from tho mild try or nav
al service of tho L'. S. who base not h'sn in
Ruth suriieo two years during the present war,
and ail prisons who have boon exempted under
tlie provi ions of tlu second section i.f the tu
rollmont net, hut who are not exempted by tlw )
provisions of the prevent act; and the said i
boards of enrollment ahatl release and discharge
from draft all person* who between the time of
the enrollment nnd the draft, shall have arrived
at the age of forty-lire years, and shall strike
tlia mines of such persons from tlie enrollment.
Any mariner or able or ordinary oilman,
who aba'! lie drafted, shall hare the right, with
in right days after thu notification of ench draft,
to enlist In the n.ival servi ;e a* n end
bn escmpt fi-oiti Uio 'lnl. Any nr.- ~i in r
in the u.illi rv s tie of the Unite! Suites,
I who shall furni-ib satisfactory proof that be U
a mariner by vocation or an abb at— tan, may
• j enlist iu the navy under such rules and regula
; j lions-us may be prescribed by tbo President of
■ j the I?. States, provided that such enlistment
f| shall not bo less than the unexpired i.,rm of his
,! miliSt.;-- service nor for icc3 than cue year.—
f j And •: bounty money which any mariner or
■; msomnh enlisting from tho array into the r ivy
• j may received from the United Stat ?, or
t from Vic State in which he enlisted in the army,
• t si mi. ifc deducted from tiieptize money .to whioh
- j he rnif become entitled during the li ne rcqttir
tt 1 t<\complete l.i-i military service; anl pro
• J vidti fhrther that the whole number of snrii
• enlistments shall not oxcced ten thous
j liiilistracnts in the navul service are to be
• I credited to the draft.
j The following persons are exempted from en
rollment and draft, namely: Such as are r.-jeet
ed as physically or mentally unfit for the ser
vice; all persons actually in the military cr
naval service of the United States at tho time
of the draft, and nil persons who have nerved
iii the military or naval service two years dur
ing the present war and been honorably dis
charge.]. and no presorts but such as are herein
exempted thai! be exempt.
much of the enrollment net ns provides for
two of enrollment, is repealed, anJ tiiey
arc notv consolidated.
Any person forcibly resisting, or aiding to re
! sist or Oppose tho enrollment, etc.. shall, upoh
! conviction thereof in any court competent to try
j the oft'er.rc, he punished by a fine not exceeding
j five tlunisnr.d dollars, or by imprisonment not
■ excceukig five years, or both of these punibh
j meals in the discretion of the court. Incase
j where Assaulting, obstructing, hindering or itn
. peding thai! produce tito dentii of the otficor or
other person, the offender stall bs deemed guilty
of murder, and on conviction, shad be punished
with death.
The Secretary of War is authorized to detail
additional, surgeons for temporary duty in the
examination of drafted persons and ho is au
thorized to permit or require boards of exnmi
ti-'.tion to hoid examinations at different
p .iinls their enrollment districts, to be
deternieu by him.
Pcovo3t marshals, boards of enrollment, or
any raemb r thereof has power to summon wit
nesses in bchaif of tii3 government unci enforce )
their attendance.
M unbcrs of religious denominations, who;
| o?:
I arms, and wlio arc prohibited from doing so by '
tho rules and n'ticies of faith and practice of
such religious denomination, sliaii, wheu drafted j
into the military service, ba considored uon-com-1
bntants, and siiail be assigned by tho Secretary
of War to duty in tiie hospitals, or to the core ,
of frecdmcn, or sball pay tbosum :f tbrqa hun
dred ilolli'i - ?, to bn applied to the bwicli; of iho
sick and wounded soldiers; provided, no person
shall bo entitled to the benefit of this rection
unless declaration of conscientious scruples -a
gaiiwt bearing arms shall bo supported by sat
isfactory evidence that his deportment fans been
uniformly consistent with such declaration.
Ixo person of foreign birth shall, on account
of alienage, be exempted from enrollment or
draft, who has ut any time assumed the rights
jof n odiren, by voting at any election ha!! un
der tue authority of the i: WB of any State or
Territory, or of (lie UniietJ Stales, or who has
uekl any office under said law i, or any of them,
but the fact (hat .such persons of foreign birth
has voted or held, or shall vote or hold office,
shall bo takon as conclusive evidence, that he
I is not entitled to exemption from military ser
vice on account of alienage.
Any person drafted mid Table to render mil- 1
itary service, who shall procure exemption by
fraud or false representations, is to be deemed a !
deserter, and held to servico for the full term
for which ho was dratted, reckoning from the ■
time of his arrest; Provided !ho bectctary of
VV'nr may order the discharge of all pet sous in
the military service who are order the age of
eighteen years at the time of tho application'
fir their discharge, w'.uu it shall appear upon
due proof that such persons arc in the servico
without the consent, either express or implied,
of tii ir parents 01 guardians; and provided
that such persons, tlmir parents or guardians,
I shall first repay to the government nod to the
States arid local authorities all bounli snnd ad-.
\.meo j ay which have been paid to them.
Any person who shall procure dr attoaipl to
procure a f'also report from the surgeon or tho
board of enrollment, concerning the physical
•condition of "any drafted person, or a decision
in favor of such person uy the boa - ! of enroll
ment, upon a claim to ej.euip.i n, knotvin; tb >
same to bo false, shall, upon conviction in tiny
district or circuit court of the United Stat. \
be punched by imprison HUM for tho period for
which the parly war drafted.
The fee of agent an 1 attorneys for making
out and n;i:, t u bo executed papers m sup- :
port of n claim for exemption irotu draft, or
for any service rendered to the i.hitmant, shall
not in any env oxeoetl live dollars; and phi si
clnns or snrgeoiH fumi a hir.g certificate# of di>
eblliry, and nny officer, clerk or "mm *l
- with the Irjnrd ot < nioiluiect, who bd ra
ce i v.i compensation from any drafted man Ivr
any rer\ices, or'btiii dug tit* performance of
such serri.o i-ijuir. I from any member of the
b-inid by tlie pr .- as of th't act, SI M.l La
guilty of a Ligli misdouKiuor, and on conviction
tilted not exceeding th e hundred dollars, ami
shall also l>i subject to iinj rUoaaumt fur a term
not exceeding one year, at the discretion of the
No members of tha board of enrollment and
no-aurg'ua de: ailed or employed to easirl the
board of enrollment, and no clerk, assistant,
or employee of any provost msr-hai or board
of 'enroll iDcnt sbnll, ibrectly, ff In Ve'lv, be
el- tug ■ I l'i procuring ur a.iiaaj. iog to pro. JU
i' J toe p.. .is or Iml'.t to be
d • .. an 1 n* uV ng a ial* ar la
auric.l report, or shall atlfuUy nsgfcsot to Mais .
• (aitbfal tamper i Use aad tree repoct, aad any
YOL. 7, NO 31.
-' members of the board of enrollment who shall
f | wilfully agree to discharge from service any
t! drafted person who is not legally and properly
' discharged, are to be punished by fine nnd im
r j All able-bodied male colored persons between
f the rges of .wenty and lo"ty-iiveyears, resident
in tiio Ij nitocl States, shall be enrolled accord
' i ' !, S P provisions of the enrollment act and
1 to this amendatory ant, and form part of the
national forces; nud when a slave of a 10-al
muster shall be drafted and mustered into flic
1 service of the United States, his master shall
have a certificate thereof, and thereupon such
[ slave shall he tree, and the bounty of one hun
'■ drod dollars, now payable by law fur each
i drafted man, shaft be paid to the person to
'! whom a !i drafted person was oteing service or
labor at the time of his muster into the service
of the U. States. Tue Secretary of War shall
appoint a corn p'ssionn' in each of the States
represented in Conge.-?, charged to award to
1 . each loyal person to whom the colored volun
teer may owe service a jut compensation, not
', exceeding three hundred dollars, to each such
I colored voluntoer, payable out of the fjnd d:-
rived from commutations: nnd every such
colored volunteer 'on lehig mustered inlo the
I :rvieo-shall be free. And in all case where
men ot color have been heretofore enlisted who
have volunteered in the military service, ail the
J j provisions of thi.s act, so far as the paymcht of
bounty and compensation are provided, shall ]
> be equally applicable to those who may be here
■ ( after recruited. But men of color, drafted or
■ enlisted, or who may volunteer in the military
, service, while they shali be credited on the quo-
I I (as of ihe several States, or subdivisions of
States, wherein they are respectively drafted or
shall volunteer, shall not be assigne 1 as State
troops, but shall be mustered into regiments or
] conip'i!ii"3 as United States colored volunteers.
I iha words, predate and election districts ns j
I used in this act, nro not. to be constructed to j
require anv subdivision, for purporo of enroll
ment anil draft, Ic-s than the wards into which
■ any city <y village may lie divided, or than the
I I the towns or townships in which any county
I may be divided.
j Our Gold Fields.
| The extant and vpiua of the minernl rcsour
| ces of the United States aru now a subject of
; pciifs TfMPbn WindJfla
oi silver and gold, the whole world must even
tually be tributary. In an interesting paper
; lately ad Ire.vscd bv Mr. E. E. Dunbar to the
(Traveller's Club, of New York, we find some
startling observations upon tbo vast mineral
J ticltjj on the eastern and western slopes of the
■ 1 E'.v!ky Mountains, greater, as he fl.iy.i, in extent
! and yielding more abundantly of the precious
i J metals thin any other part of "ho gloje. Yet,
i ho continues, wo do not begin to comprehend
■ | the extent and vainc of these mineral fields,
j though they are now yielding a hundred millions
i per annum, and "I believe tirat some who now
j hear mo will live to see our yield of precious
;; metals a thousand millions a year." The terri
■ tories of Dakotuh, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Nc
i viola, New Mexico end Arizona will, under the
inducements of their gold deposits, soon become
, prosperous and powerful Stales.
j Judge Doty, lately .Superintendent of Indian
i Alfidra in Path, and now appointed Governor
of tile '1 eriitory of Colorado, has travelled more
than thrtv thousand miles iu tiio region of tbo
' Territori .s above named. While the gold fields
] of that region a*o ail of vast richness and ex
| tent, lies considers Idaho as more productive ot
go'.d than any other portion of it, not excepting
i Colorado. Gold in Idaho is found not only in
} placer diggings, but in quartz lodes, from which
, it is more easily separated than from the iron
pyrites wherein it is found in Colorado. Some
I or the ore which lie caused to bo assayod recent
ly in New York yielded twenty-eight per - :it.
|ot pure gold, lie soys of thoso ntiii • which
i h.t found to exist in Idaho, thnt if tholl. States
, Government could work any one of them, it
on! I y i. hi enough to pay oil the entire Nation
al debt. 'J I e exh tof this gol 1 region is more
■ tit .n throe hundred and atly mile*in !■ ngtlt and
| liwadth. It i> situated about four hundred
1 miles north of s It Lake city, upon the hea l
i waters of the Mi rouri und Yellow Stone and
1 other rivers.
It is bciiaved that Colorado and Idaho will,
. wen in the current year, prloco more g d 1 than
C'aiiforn'a, nnd the pro luct will he rapidly nog
wint-d with the inermeaof population. Thaee
. mints a .-a taken up by ti.: firrt win r, under
regulations which tlif miners xstablieb forthem
sclv-.". and without pajrho* tribnta or tax ar roy
alty, in any form, to the t jve.nw.-nt of the I'.
States. What with tb* bvnsetcad nt tu.d the
übseico cf any on products, the
j nntionul domain is uluxiutl from this t! .vera
ment en I people of the United States t.'.cieh
this roi.iincn nro,-**/ no; lit h ' • admlnietereit
atoi*s. Ha Oownastst fkm
nnd reliivo tbo p. opls from a grievous burUr,
of h.xaliun. .
Tim deerelary of the Treasury sufg <* n>*e
sary legl-'xtioii for the p |ii a ot oUt-sbiing J.-
rrrt ravenia fnmi |ha gild-bearing ItiatU of the
(•••vetunseat on liteir pwalurt, ai d it la sahr
stoo l th ti a pu , oetiioM will he eflbrmi in it.a
llosuo lor lUa dealt m fa rUuliage"u*liwe
UN mines ami mining. The iiuasrs af Calif jt
ala, ruiurotllof m they !■• ila lgiHiwa st that
Stale, have I aWo resisted sal is ft a lad awp
Statu laaatloa upon ihsif product, aa-theme
the b!.u laaee (alt uj-m o .#r t <i...<ia 1
known, however, thai the mottag alma
heea i occatty *ip •*', thruvgb eufh .
tr U Ilia Cover •meat, a W.lliogfwa. t ha
1 m tb*asad hr ike to • eeasea iMi taa
ua . air g*l pa '*■ I, la • o,wii#* tf pu*
tary pitaiUi !• be WW h the Uutefo
meat to sS> tr in- su ?■ • m io t e to- Ida
af nan* geaeial pJw/ . a the autyMt
Rates of fltojertisfna..
One Square, three week* Or lee $j g§
One Square, each additional insertion leet
than three months fg
n 3 montmb. • months . 1 rata
One square- S3OO $4 00 s<oo
1h o squares 400 500 •
Three squares SCO 100 12
{ Column . * 600 000 IS 00
4 Cclomn 800 12 00 20 t
4 Column 12 00 18 00 30 0
One Column 18 00 30 00 50 00
Administrator*'and Executors' notices $2.50, An
uitors' noticen $1.50, if under 10 lines. $2.00 if
more than a square and les3 than 20 lines. Kstraye,
*1.25, if hut one heid is advertised, 23 eenta for
every additional head.
The spaeeoerupied hy ten lines of this site ol
type count sone square. All fractions of a square
under five line* will be measured ea a hall square
and all over five lines as a lull square. All legal
advertisements will be charged to the person hand
in* them in.
Southern Women.
The correspondent of the Chicago Tribune,
an abolition paper, in one of his letters from
Tennessee, writes as follows of Southern wo
men : "I shall never he done admiring the pa-
triotic faith and undying devotion of the loyal
women of liic land, but I must tell you that the
rebel women of the South are wcrthy in every
thing Lut a sacred cause, of their Northern rio
ters. 'lllere is nothing they will not surrender
with a smile; the gemmed ring, the diamond
bracelet, the rich wardrobe. They cat up tho
rich,carpets for soldier.' blankets, without a
sigh; they tube tiie fiuo linen from their ncrsons
for the bandages.—When 400 of Longstreet's
men came up to Nashville, prisoners of war„
about the roughest, dirtiest, wild, ?t fellows the
sun ever shone on, an I a flight of stairs in tho
building they occupied fell, killing and wounds
ing n largo number of them, you should have
seen tho fair young trnitoresscs come forth from
the old aristocratic mansions, bearing restora
tives and delicacies in their bands, mingling j a
thi dingy crowd, wiping away tho blood with
their while handkerchiefs, and muttering words
cf cheer; should knvo seen them doing this,
with hundreds of Union soldiers all around, anl
smiling bark upon tho rough blackguards cf reb
els as they left. But in all thero was a defiant
air, a pride in their humanity strange to see.
Of a truth thoy carried it off grandly. And
almost nil those girls were in mourning for dead
rebels, brothers, lovers, friends, whom these
same girls had sneered into treason and driven
into rebellion, and billowed all the South with
their graves, and the least they could do was to
wear black for tlwm and flaunt from the win
dow blinds. Clothed be their sou's in sackcloth!
I said they were worthy of their sisters at tho
North, in nil but a righteous cause, but I said
wrong. Then is a thero are glirapmi
of the Pythoness, that makes you shrink fro.n
them. 1 Jut they are fearfully earnest; fhay are
almost crand in nelf-cacrillce. Oh. that tlg-y
were truu und loving daughters of'the uIJ slag I
Bo Content.
Never complain of your birth, your employ
ment, your hurdships ; never fancy that you
could be something if you only had a different
lot and sphere assigned to you.—God under
stands his own pl.ui, and !u knows what you
want better than you do. Tho very things you
mot depreciate n's fatal limitations or odstruc
what you most want. What
arc prbbnldyGofr's flpptfrtiu\tn anu it is noth
ing new that the patient should dislike his medi
cine?, or any certain proof thai they arc poisons.
No! a truce to all such impatience. Choke that
envy which gnaws at your heart, because yon
are not in tho fame lot with ethers; bring down
your sonl, or rather bring it up toiceive God's
will, and do his work, in ycur lot, ia your
sphere, under your cloud of obscurity, against
your temptations, and then you skill find that
your condition is never opposed to voar good,
but consistent with it.
A Republican member of Congress says,
''though Mr. Lincoln is not perhaps a man of
groat parts, ho i* certainly a very cunning man."
On tho contrary we ailim; that Mr. Lincoln has
prune very great farts. I lis* Jul, tor instance, nro
tho greatest we ever saw on raort I man. Am!
then, wo novor saw bu- <m ar.imal liiat can
match his Mrs. Then his mouth i' liko the gats
way to a tomb. His hands are like elephant's
care, lie certainly has a goodly number of srreat
parti. And ns for his cunning, if ho has ihut, it
is not .a thing for a man to boast of; for, m a
great French author .ays, "cunning leads to kna
very." Merely cunning mi a are slm'v.t invaria
bly great rogues. Addison says, "Cunning luu
only private, selfish tads, and sti-'ts at nothing
which may mako them succeed." Not a 'ingle
member oif Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet Ims an intel
lect above yrnde, of awning, and two or thraa
of them have not even that— Dag Be
f7-fongri*. the other day, after bard coaxing
on the part of the !>:-\ocrila, ordered 10,000
additional copies of Gen. M 'Clr.lan's report to
lie printed. 100,0)0 .opi -a ought to have boea
oriLred, to meet the pressing .to.iumd for them.
Every Congressmen Una received hundreds of
npp'ications, hy letter, for espies of ilie report,
mi 1 yet has less th*n .no hundred ti> give. So
official d.v .mi -ut ever b f* was u universally
wwg .t niter* It slums that Gtn. MrClellan haa
this day tboeonfld. ncj of <h" pcoj'h in a lur,.ir
il.'gree than any other public man —T< as Dam.
We an authentically iuun m J that Genera'
llun dde said in this city, lest w,*.U, that out
of "contrabands" in Ilea ilr per turn* as
signed to Ijin, lull one half dlud within a fear
> . it to U tito ion. starvation and dmtasa.
A bolt'ion of slavery haa ;hns be* awe, practical-
Iv, abofitltut of the argre; ami rram.hfa ra
ii'ti'm inn,t we tu.dl.iie I** t* of "jrhlt-
Anthropv" eowhl hose iv, itlier result- We 4a
not übasrve that the ra-li. al pa pars here m ika
say aliiK-ic itw th, etvtiment of Oca. Mara
side < a Ibu suli.ei—-/lorn Crerw.
A* !*• It. ■*-!.—4)aa of ih* iwarhaa thai W*
this eitf (h* ChlHeetho, last wash, sanded a
<of or el am the . oUtdt. the IreUe esete he*
tag rwn>f.taWy tiled. When ethwt *etaw
on the ran I some ef I'm iaeida peewywe pare
pedis inks i we tut (he This wwa
je< ed ta hy Iheetaet pwwtgreh are*g there
• Vile sal IPS| tOne pad tha prflima <h<Qji*
,-• Ah" autre frHw an a wure-us atlb %
rt.. 4 wee weu. ■{ i teis passaga aiJ th.aa
pssseagas* wha eppsf I tha aegpiha hi
as tare etwh t reahe re* the wre
•. hut there wha wesa a fcaariaa af *.W.t
--• -.< U Or '/. s -'fw-.d I. (tv* any - -west fee Hke
w ial the awash pare laa wnhsial lua
Ws glsw this as ew u... a a. . u 4 ths t twl af>
atf th> dm* ■ Uadwha .'* t IhrePah
tare-**■>** ~-m
hfl hree lihae heMef the Iwaadbaf hsaaw
ere aa tha ptrew the pnmtm 4