The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 12, 1864, Image 3

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Son. Wilson ITJ'Candles*,
Judge of the United Slate* Circuit Court, Prcsi dent
Center Pain and St. Clair Sis-, Pitt ."bury, Pent.
The Largost,'Cheapest end Boat.
§3 ,"5 Pay* t or a J"d Commtrciui Covise.
DSTNo ext-a ch ri'es for Mauirfactur"i, Steam
boat, Railroad and Bank Book-Keeping. Ministers*
Sons at half pi ice. Students enter and review at
toy time.
Tbis Institution is conducted by experienced tescb
ere and practical accountants, who prepare young '
men for active business at the tea t expense and j
shortest notice, for the rriONt lucrative ar.d responsi- I
ble situations. DIPLOMAS granted for merit or-LY.
Hence the universul preference far graduates of this
Collepe, by business men.
Paor. A. COWLXY, the best Penmen of the Union, 1
who holds the largest number ol IST PIII.MIU.M3. and
over all competitors, teaches Rapid Business Wri
CRKCNLATTS containing full information sent raru
on application to the Principals.
Pittsburg, Pa.
Bf7~AttenJ wl.ere the Sons and Clerks of Bankers
and Business Men graduate.
November C, 19E3.
PubHc Sale
By virtue of un order ct the Orphans' Court of
Bedford county, the undersigned, administrator of
the citato of Curtis S. Cocper, lite of Jfnnrne town
ship, Bedford cmtiiTv, dee'd., will sell at public sale
•n SATURDAY, the sth day of MARCH, 1301, up
on tha pn-miees, ail tne following fi-al e,fat-, viz:
All that cettain plantation or tract of lund situate
in the townsh p and county aforesaid, adjoining
lends of William Hixon, Cuthari- e tlebiier, And'w
Irons, Michael Hebi er and o'hers, containing 323
•ere* and 1?7 perches en I allowance, being the
mansion place of said deceased, and having a two
etory Frame Dml u,g House, Log Sable and other
out-bailriing* thereon erected, about 00 acres of said
land are cleaied and under fence, end Ihe balance is
well timbered. There is upo a fine apple orchard
•nd pl-nty ot good spring water upon the premises.
Thie land will be sold .n parts or altogether, to
eeit the convenience of purchaser:).
• Tenne made kr.owo on tlav of sale.
February 12, 1801. 1
1 will offer at public tale on S ATURDAY, 27th
FF.BRUARY, inst, my farm, situated one mile no:tb
of the borough of Bedford, ndjninirg lands of John
Amos, Jonathan Diehl, John Weisel Hnd Sara'l Car
ney, containing A'/IVETT TWO /.CUIUS.
The improvement-- are a good log house and log
barn, there is a well of pood water and an excel
lent orcherd near the house. The soil is a enprior
gravelly limestone, crj'ial to the Ch"stnut Ridge
lend. Possession will be given on the Ift of April
next. Terms made known on day of sale.
February 3, 18G1.
606 & 60S Market Bfr, Philadelphia.
CHAS: M.-ALLMOND, Manaoek.
fI'MS Hot'! is located in the very centre of buM
-1 nest, and i* in close proximity to till the respc
tive places 01" amusement, which rr.:.kes it partic
ularly desirable to persona visiting Philadelphia
on business or pleasure, and the manager hopes by
close personal attrition to the wants of h'.s guests,
to make it a comfortable home for such as may fa
vor the Hold with their palionage.
77U term* have not been aJtanred, but 3'.i1l remain
eel the old figure of $1.50 per day.
January IS, 10G4— 3ra
The undersigned having taken charge of the Bed
lord Hotel, formerly krpt by Col. John flafer. an
nources to the public, that he Wi I he able to aff'rd
tha beat accommodation*, both to the traveling pub
lic and home custom. The house will be improved
aftd re-fitted, ami the Bar Will alwya be well sup
plied with choice liquors. Ilia table will bo sup
plied with the choicest ediblca of theason, and
ho will apace no pains to make it suitable for all.
Hie stable it one of the beet in Bedford, and a good
hostler will always be in attendance.
taken by the Week, month or year.
Term* reasonable. The puJlic ere respectfully in
vited to give him a call.
Bedford, January 15, 1831.
3a V gBi N § IQVB*
G. K. & W. OSTER,
Successors to A. B. CAHN, have just received a
beautiful stock of
New styles Leather Prints, much admired.
Beautiful Madder Piirits, new Spring styles.
Neat Striped an 1 Fancy Shirting Prints.
Beautiful Delaines—Fancy and Solid Colors.
Mnhair W rss Goods.
Neat Plaids and in all desirable solid enlo-s.
Poplins, Cashmere Merino ar.d Shepherd's Plaids,
French G''nghams, C'na;> ani HaniMome.
Beautiful Lancaster GINGHAMS, new stjles.
Balmoral ord Skeleton Milit l'S. at. prices to suit.
Ladiea Head-dresses nnd Nets, very hand ome.
White Ballar-lvale Flannels, to please the Ladies,
Fed, Grey, Striped and Plaid Shirting Flannel*.
Canton Flannels, bleached and unbleached,
to keep trarm.
Williamsville, Watertwist, Enterprise and other
' leading makes.
Atlantic, (Eila, Pepperell, Poeesiit' and othr.
Apron Cheeks, Table Disprr, Bed Tickings, Cot
tonsdea, Denims aid Shirting Siriper.
at small profits.
all colors an I very cheap.
HOSIF.RY AND GLOYES, at old prices.
Mats and Caps, every ityla anl cVor. at low prires.
Boots and Shors, for men and fcoy, very cheap.
Ladies, Misses ar.d Children;' Balmoral
good and cheap, call and s-o them, they will speak
for them'elves.
Prepared Malt and E?cnce of Co llea.
Extra Imperial, Young Hyson and Souchong TE\.
SUGAR— A choice assortment.
Extra Coverings and other SYRUP,
Prime N. Oilcans and other Baking Molasses.
Chocolate, Kice, Pepper, AJLpiee,' Cloves, Cinna
mon, Mace, Niitmees, Cayenne Pepper,
Camphor, Sweet and Castor Oil*.
Taylor's Wnhba!l, Brown Wind
sor, Palm Oil, London Honey and other Toilet Soaps.
Amaiet, Honey Few. Pure Yol'ow Bank, Vine Sap
Also, best quality Natural Leaf and Congress
Brooms, Wooden Pails and Fancy Reticule Caskets.
Mackerel and Herring; Dairy and G. A. Salt.
Togedher with 1001 other articles, all of which
W*ro bought at net! rash price and which we will
tell on the SUM terms, at a small ndvanre on prima
cost. Motto —"Small profits and largo sales."
tyTernsa— Cans, except by special agreement.
Troducs bought. Jan. 13, '64.
HIP Great BtrrnLH?ning Tonic,
These Bitters lnvt> Performed more Cares I
Tlirtn any other article in the mnrkol.
We (Iffy any one t J contradict this assertion,
To ny one that will produce a Cerliiicite publish
ed by ua, that is I.ot SCMUINB.
Chronic or JS'erttjV* Debility, Diseases of the
Kidney, an J Disease. atising from
(i' disordered Stomach.
Oltaervo the folio wit Bvniptoms:
Resulting front Disorders of ifl-t Digestive
Organs :
Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness of JJlocfd to tbo
Head, Acidity cl tLe Stomach, Nausea, heart
burn, Jisgusl for Food, Fulness or Weight
in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sink
ing or Fluttering at the Pi' of the
' stomach, Swimming ot the
Head, Hurried and Diffi
cult Urealhing, Flut
tering at the
■ Heart,Chokir.gorSuf
fecating Sensations when
) a lying Posture,
u.-ne -of Yi* *•
ion, Dots or i.'yt's ae
fnra the sight, FeVCi and
Dull I'ain in the Head, Effi
ciency of Perspiration, Yellowness
of the Skin ar.d Eyes, Fain in the Sid-:,
Back. Chest, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes
of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imag
inings ef Evil, and great Depression ot Spirit*.
Shib Can't fllalic EDronlfaiiis,
In the World.
From the Rev. Levi G. Beck. Prs'or of the Bap
tist Church, Pemherton, N. J., formeriy of thelsorth
Baptist Church, Philadelphia.
I bave knows Ilooflar.d's German Bitters favora
bly fur a number of years. 1 have use I them in my
own family, anil huve been so pleased with their ef
fects that I was induci d to recommend them >o ma
ny olh-irs, and know that they have opwatetTin a
strikingly beneficial manner. I take p' asure ii.
thus publicly proclaiming ihis fact, ami !b"
a'.tei tion of those afflicted with the diseases lor
which they are recommended, to these Biuers, know
ing Irom experience that mv recommendation will
be sustained. Ido this moie cheerful)/ us
land's Bitters is intended to benefit tha afflicted,
and is "not a rum driuk." Fours truly.
Prom Rev. J. Newton Brown, J>. D., Editor of the
Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, and Chris
tian Chronicle, Philadelphia.
Although not disposed to lavor or recomme.iu Pat
ent Medicines in general, through distrust of their
ingredients and efforts, 1 yet know of no sutliiient
reasons why a r.ian may not testify to the h-nefiU
hi believes himself to have received frrm any sim
ple preparation, in the hope that he may con
tribute to the benefit of others.
I do '.his the more readily in regard to Uonfland's
German Bitters, prepared by f*r. C. >l. Jack-an, of
this city, because I w is pr judiced against tli-m fcr
mSny y are, under the impression that to y were
chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to rny
fiiend, Robert Shoemaker, I'l-q , for the reicoval of
thia prejudice by pioper tests, and fur encourage,
ment to try them, when suffering from great an I
long continued debility. Tlw usa of three bottles
of these bitters at the beginning of the present year,
was loilowi'd by evident relief and restoration to a
degr <i of bodi.y and met lal vigor which I h <1 r.ct
frit for six mor.ihs before, und IniJalu.r. t derpaired
of regaining. I tnerelore lhank God and my friend
for directing me to fbe use of then.
J. NEWTON BROWN, Phiitd'a.
From the Dev. Jos. tl. Kennard, Pastor of thelCtn
Baptist Church.
l)r. Jackson De ar Fir: —l have h,en frequently
rqu stcd to connect my name with rommendatiooa
of different Kinds of medicine.', but regarding the
practice OK out ot my appropriate sphere, I hive in
a.l casta declined t but with a clear proof in various
instances, und particularly in my family, ol tiie use
fulness ol Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, I depart j
for or.ea from my usual cour>, to express my lull j
conviction that, for general debility of the system '
and especially fir Liver Complaint, it . a safe and
value,'ile preparation. In some < as-s it ir:ay fail ;
but usually, l doubt not, it will oe very beneficial
to those woo siiti' r from the übeve cause.
Yours, very respectfully, J. H. KKNNARD.
F.ighth beiow CoaCes at., Phil's.
From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor if the Baptist
Church, Oermnfitown, Pent).
Dr. C. M. Jackson Dear Sir :—Personal t xpt— i
cnce enables me to say th.t I rrgaid the German
Bitters sreparcd by you as a most excellent n,edi
cine. In rases ot severe cold and general debility
I have been greatly benefited by tho use of the Bit
ters, and doubt not they will produce similar cflects
on others. Yours truly, WARREN RANDOLPH,
Gernisntown, Pa.
From J. H. Turner, Pastor of lloddiLg M. E.
Church, Philadelphia.
Dr. .lnckson :—Dfar Sir: —Ilavieg used vour Gee.
man diners in my fan i!y frequently, lam prepared
to ssy that it has been of great s-rrice.
Y'uurs respectfully, J. h, TURNER,
No. 720 N. Nineteenth Street
From the Rev. J. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the
Columbus (X. J.) and Mi'estown (Pa.) Baptist
New Rochclle, N. Y.
Dr. C. M.'Jackson: —Pear Sir:—l feci it u pleas
ure thus, of rny own coord, to bear testimony to
tho excellence oi the German litter 3. Some yeais
since being much af3lcted with Dysjiepsia, 1 uted
them wi'h very beneficial results. J. M. LYONS.
From Rev. J. S. Herman, of the German Reformed
Church, Kutittown, Berks en., Pa.
Dr. C. M. Jackfor.:—Respected r'.r. — f have been
troubled with Dyspepsia noaily tw.nty and
have never used anv medicine .but did me as mimh
good a. Hootl.nd's Bitters. Your. with respect,
Large Siae (holding nearly double qnertitv.)
$1 CO per bottle—ban* div- S3 CO
SnaaJ! sixe—73 cts. per bottle—half doz. St 00
See that the signature of "C. M. JACKSON" is
on the WR APPER of each botslft.
Should your nearest druggist not have the aiticle
do not be put oir by oiy of the intoxicating prepa
rations th it may be offered in its pi ice, but send to
lus andxve will furward, securely packed,by express.
Successors to C. A'- Jackson fr Co.
! For sale by Druggiaih and Dealers in every town
in tfca United States. Jan. 13.
For Coughs, Ci IU, Croups Whooping Cough,
Jlaihma, Bronchi/in, Spitting Blood,
Pain nnd W'akntit of the Breatt,
OlJjlcvltj of Brmthing, £>' c.
'J H!S ij m nsvr rrsncjy. it has been metf Saoi
| for a o! o! 70ms in Mary'vrrJ -nd
parts cf Pennsylvania, and bus. wherever
kuowt, acquired on unprrtet!.'nted reputation
for cn.wg th vsriuui uieeasos for which it ia
re-omme uicd.
So appar nt ia its usefulness, and an remark
al)V has bern its cures, that it is last super- four
ceding < very other remedy for those diseases,
'i he alllicL I cut! rely upon it doing as injen
for them, and iu many cas. sir.or; than any
olher remedy now before the public.
It is vdcommended and prescribed in the
practice of u I'.rqe number < f the must intel
ligent and able physicians of Maryland. It Chtl
j i used and considered an indispensable house- dun.
held remedy by a lu'gc ptvtion of the first
families of the State.
Jt is used by nil cla srs cf society, and the
universal opinion is that it is goo '. Tiiie
*syruj. it pnrely Yegetjhlt Cnnpo':'u!. It is JV
o'eeiaiit '<> take, ar.j never does injuty. Hut
owinff to lis puril, ins qualities, n.ust do good
under any circumstance*. Ustilects are tru
ly wo ft J rlitl, soothing., calming, and allaying child
the must violent coogn, purifying, strength
ening ai d invigorating the whole system,
ce.itirtig and soothing the nerveoj aidi..g and
facilitating expertor-.tion, end healing the need
Thus striking at the loftt of disease, and dri
ving it from the sy-tem.
CROUP. die of
This di ase is announced by difficulty of
Dieatb'ng,shrill whistling or wheezing, hack
in" cough airfi thieatenod-eufforutlon, ipe. It
mostly occurs in young children. No child croup
need die of crr"p if tb ; s Syrup .e properly
Us I ami used in !;in-. Mo! be;, having erouj.y
child:en should watch the tittt t t-o.v of trie
disease. and ol y keep this ri.nWy a; hand. if this
Tor cuughsnlli rmeasl's this Syup is most
excellent. Experience has proven ihnt it is
equalled by no other preparation.
The pri e of the revd) is re eh ss la place eyrup
it within the roach of all. the pen = ,vc'l as
the tich, p.iri every penon shnuhl have It.
•dvery person should have it in the house.
It * 'rao and faithful frieud to all who val- '*
? ->d wish to secure themselves a-
Un jientu - terrible, consump.
gc'.nst Ilia.FF oe ' -l the most useiul as
tion. It will bs medicine in the usel
Well as the cheapest J 'he last four
world. It has been utfln J or , •
years with a success without a pa.ullcl.
Price 40 cei.ts per bottle, or three I MEes
fur $l.OO. Prepared by S. A. Fen'.z fa Hro,
For sale by H. C. Reamer andfl. F. Harry
Druggists, Bedford, Pu.
December 18, 1863—1y. time,
I lisisias i is mo mu'iFum
► gINCK the introductjoh nf this bee d.ful prp ra
tion, it has be. n stenukly advancing into public fa
vor. Its astonishing efficacy in expelling worms
has won for it many friends wherever known, and I
I these aie rpcak (jj-vv" ing its praise to'
' otliers, so tbat't Sit is fust biing
| introduced into*' TO Nevery ;amtly in
!'he land. TbeJ . 1 for it
lis beco.ning im DESTROY Vmt ; sr.Torr.ake
it stnl mere worS SjtLy the prefer
;ence already s WORMS! ej shown it, the
| PKOPKIETUK i TIAVM.^VSVV<-A. L,putting it up in
a taucli handsomer style than formerly. It is now
prepared with the greatest care of uniform strength,
with plain directions, so that any one can adminis
ter it.
H la fntirfSj Vfcetable—Perfectly Safe
ant' narmlrss.
And bas never been known to tail to expl worms,
Whtre wnrms exited. 'A lie proprietors bolJly as
sert 'hut it is superior to any other preparation in
the wo Id.
! and take no e her. U3*"!'rice 23 cents per bottle,
j by S. A. Foutz 4. 3r0., ar.J far sale
la. Hit Ling btores of Reamer nn.l Hany, Bedford,
i Pa. Dc. 13, '63—ly
rORtZ'S UdiXfcEfi'Cj
I'll C "ISa safe and reliable remedy fur the cure of
| Rheumatism, Painful Nervous Affections,
Sprains, Burns, Swellings and all di'eases re quiting an external application on rnan.
On horses it will never fail to cu-e Pole
evil, Fistula, o d running sores, or Sweeney,
I.iKl- if proprrly applied, lor cprivn. bruLei,
Ms nt scratches, croolrod hoo;s, chafes, saddle 01
collar pall, cuts or wounds, it is sir in f u!libie
FOR remedy. Try it uud be convinced of its EFFL
" Yt if F. ?! U A T I 8 M ,
MAN Persons afflicted with '.bia disease no mat-
ter of how lone st'inline, can he promptly
and elii c trolly cored by using thi Mixture.
AND There is nothing in the world so sore .and
so good to take away bard corns, an' l cure
BEAST Frost Intra as 1 his pr< put.V'on. Try it and
satisfy yourselves. I'rico 25 and 51) cents
NOW per bottle. Prepared by
s. A. FOUTZ,
Westminster, Mil.
in l-SK rt7"For rale at the Drug Stores of Reamer
and Ilarry, Bedfoid, I ! a.
December 18, 1863, —1/
foutz t S~'
1:0 W D E il o.
W HESE Powders hav proved, after c trial
•J[ of s vera! yars, to be superior to aiy
1 preparation if the kind in ue. The chisi
superiority of these Powders arises from tno
fact thai bey are composed ot medicines
rhat brve Laxative, Tonic and piirilvihg
properties The 'avativo cjecls crc dities
_ from the itonriarh and intestines , the toi.ic
t£ gives strength to the sys'e n of the ilors.,
and the purifying medicines' contained in
CZ; th to cleanse the blood, and lay the Inunda- y
|tijii lor a vigorous and healthy circulation. CO
■The use oftbern improves the wind, eti> ngtb
ens the appetite and gives tin: horra a fine, •
stnoo'h end glossy skin—thu improving the
appea-ancc, vigor and spirit of this nohio |
jatrmal.- I
j Theeo powders ere not intended, r.s rr.ovt
powders are to bloat the mimal. so as to,
give b'm'tbe app -iian. e cl being fat when 1
I not really ao—tut, tr i r r 'vc trie diseds''
and promote hi, general bee"' .
j There pov. lers w;P l:r,;gthen rti" atom-,
i nch er.d i t.-stiues, cleanse them from oil. n
i ive r..tttr, em! bring them to a healthy
'sta'e. Tbey are a sure prevention of Lung'
I Fever, ancl p certain rem y for all disease 3-
| incident io the Horn , as Glanders, Yedow
I Wafer. Di- terr-pers, Founder, ll avtr. B!av-|
'c-ing, Coughs, Fevers, Loss of Appetite and
iVilai Energy, he.—These Powders, if used
tv.o o r threa times a week, throii"'i the win-!
C 2 ter and spring, your horse v.'i !l never get the "T>
j lx* f org Fever, Colic or Potts. A few doses of
•"!' there powdera will remove the vcVat c-'iah, Jjj
t? on any l.orce. Were owners of horees to
Iced a few of thepc powd-raeveiy year, they, jpj
J \ might save the lives of t.os jy valuable horses;')
Tl.e pro;ic> this powder por*es in it.
crcasii k 'be quantity of mil':, in cows, gwi s
it an impoi'snco and vi.lue winch muuM
placo it in le i t-ds ol ..very pr jii kce,i.-
i ing a cow In faitcn'ng eat"", it gives tboro.i
an appetite, Ir.rsen", their hide, and make*
them thrive much faster.
! x Eoas. i
i C In all diseases of s\ in., as coughs, ulceij'
1 i-- in the lungs and liver, Ike., by pulling f o-n|
i 2: hali a paper to a paper of these powder, in |
; or a barrel of swill, the rhovo di.muse. r n he
cured or entirely prevented. By uslhg these
powders the hog cholera can be prevented. v-
Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ,
Westminster, Mil.
C>~For sale at the Drug Stores of Keatner
' and Harry, Bcdfcrd, Pa, Pe. IS— ly
"medical assistamm.
? C ■
v """ # * : t- \
f SL ' I t'd ■
. _ to#
i ".
. ■ -vv£.'—-
STOPS in-: • T u; p.un'
IN A t .;w iiiM'tts,
lullol.Y a".t THAI t'ATtam
Tcowtt iU *•■:* ioriiy to a.l utUcr Moiliclncj at occ.
it Hiur
lat ) r'>r l!ii f T 'cr cf Pno tnntt:r from
what cau ;c '.t m.;y ori f i. .te,or whero !i rr.-y lo seated.
If la Uie Tlead, Tate, or Throat;
If iu I'M P els, s>;n-, cr Fhouldor ;
If .a Ue Arr.i, or FWe; •
If i.i I'u? Ji/iut- 1 , loisilis, or Li t2vica •
If in Cio cr Lar i;
Or ia rvti7 otltcr nart nf tha boriy. :ti nop''cation tj tba
pa t or fCbita v.*Uc:e the pain axiiiln will uiTord immodi*
ale rc'.iof.
In liio rtoranch, P'-woI •, cr Tlidneya ;
In tUo pi uldcr, Epiosa,or Uvor;
Li t'jo Tcot-h, r-~, or Tliroixi;
In the J>uin or Ne. vous Pysient;
Cas toM.-ecwft 1 rr ri.VIWAY'J tIE.VTIY 'ftKTJCT'
to n t f . or v!', in a fo\r tamules, ie
•loie ilic p: lic;.t to ca"3 n*. l
If I.TQ..*, Cripple 1, IF IJei-ri 'don ;
it Paibio !,-.<• ! Jti 4 ,cr Uume.i;
It !'. ..cJ, WJUUCII'I, or Cut ;
If;nt IJ.-I KV I, or i v -*ablcl ;
If -i:n.'irol.-. or tr:z n d v..ih pits •
If WriU la Ui a, !uo or Bacj ;
rhoti'd • ' t41 ' 1,13 n 1 f Jt !n
BULtiiV )o'.:>Yt}J lln pv.iout f c.a i iin, aoi q:lck.y
fcea*," looilios?, anJ 'Dfftlcns I' oi: :• tbi.-.l pu. t-. :n
all case Icf Bites <f V ilii.i JA .b, lici: m, - :ir.,-4 < f P>|-
.4 In ecu, Vbo app)icati( i of RAI*WAY'I> Ki-iA.Mf
PAX\f.V to tlic wo'iu i wilt prcvcat iulUrnmatioa and
r-ortiHc;tion. 9
Per"on> exp . I ti Un Vitof / -rtie, or if re.'iod
Willi Cai.'s av * rev 4?:*, *. iM fin ' a pc.-.liv • Autkl t* and
C :ro in Kadi"ty*s Heady Pi-licf. la-'. two
cf Lho Heady Kslief, in u wiae fflass of wat. r, be Ulen
on getting out of hed In tlio morning, and However •
to xa!ariaymi will etcapo.
t hIX! D VriTTT
, - rrf M 1.1'.X, or L'hrrLa'j. or Flue
' U ■". Crampfl, ord Fp'trnw p
rv.cuu'i Vc.Uttii
r;::-...' - a.: r r^re.-:
r'-..' * . ' 4 n ;
J r.t4cn.-","< ..R;'*'*, "' L % . "• Ecvrel;
P.P.amiuatiou nf'tjio l - Tmi
nr. TAKFS T:.Ti.T.I.V. v
C"f ifc : o v. !!l atop the pa n: in con.inned u.*o will, i?
a f ttv.' hours, core La pafj t. .
T.c fr -.ondarr inJlratiou cf RFADY RE.
I.IEF \j tj euro t'.io potic.t of tlio or moLdy tbot
*.ccartens tlie pain; Uii-* i; occoicplisues rapiuly and
radically. I'o zxi/l is thn patient Irißif.'rracd from
ptin, mi cry, vrau*. ICTE, and dccr. niiu' to the delight,
f ! enjoyment cf bcaUU oud strt'Ogtb, Hut patient* fro
qn-nliy escribe its ta!b>mauic power to tbo supematu.
lal i:.Cuen?c of encbar.tment
-7lf. 'V*/ .If 'NIA, 1 N'T Ar.GF!> TPVPOS'si'iEAD
VCUF, (- ick or N< . A;' TUiIA, or iIARU
I* Is fru!/ znirv '.irua h- xr qr.ic'. HADWAY'A REaVDY
R'-D.iiiF V"' I tbo F '.Vvoru of I'acm RVI'IUDC*. "iho
r crippled, nn i pr.i.v Triuken Bbot'.nMtie boa not
f \.*a.i d ;*:J before n r'- .:p ujrw place, but in a fetr
iidautes duj .ves and '- ftifort.
Ci IRONIC HHEU il i fl'ril CITvEDk
Twenty Vcr.n of SArplcw
tYr Fy.Ttwy t'yora, r-q .nf Ilavsna, r nba, tbo cor
of the London 'f .h-3, i.-ifo uJ wiij /.cute
. (lirotile i OUSt '• "if ;• I .it "y C ..'.it .KB If
twentyyer.wlie • <' i t C Jeved e who e rirbl'u C.' .TI
reel He upphed RAHWAV J I it i;j
r lu '.lattily eve Itim i.r.e atid rtc r eJ hhn ti:o Hrficaln
r.j.i u-dirt ' be I dnr'u; i' e twenty yonrr. Vhe
CvLtinuod ue oi Ui9 ItFADY RELIEF cured bira.
rnEvtjfno:: i-.. t*.r; CURE.
tVhcu yon ft"l feel pala, than lake a teaspoonfid
of the REAIiV DM.I. F. in water; or 0p,.!/ it to tli
{ vUero you ftuf llio clkzoinfort.
Crslc'vo vi%rui 'f? of il.* ir pre •t" •, nrd if met proar?*
It Imioro 'hey bsr-.rns t cirei/ iutrencbcJ with.a &•
y tcia, witi l>o rc.idi'y r r\ lied.
F!CN ' o7" 0
' \TruAar 1 rai. l ' .:i llio in t!> Ftonaeb, T.■-*.
iL.a'.fl Kidneys—CuM Cliil'H. fu! Tlot I'lii: L , Caat
c-J 1- \ pnri iri? ?\in, Kaus-FL.verirj?,
In gof A)iei;te, lts"ti' r -r .-•. (oif incas, f.c ,t: c.,vo
p-pTupni'rrv By;r*-io:n ft MiLj;. •it Dleiscs. 000
do-eof tlioßl.'AUV MiLTIT :p srll. :?i.t \ brcal; up
* ami fJ(pel ctiiOitfed nctio.'i, ftl i rc.loro tUo j>uUm.t t
HcnliU 1
Frcry rotlier F!IOUM carry with liim A rnpplv of
P ti'. iy't Kendy Uidi.f. L F'pplfcj the p'ac cf ull
oiL • mC'ltuncs ; . id na r liewr*ge,H tomin of
tho rllcf, taaM' to yln.'id VT tv it'r, 1h a r.lrcr, plcanuut*
cr ttioiuiuut tliau brauUy, nil., ky, or tiWors.
mfTKNTrn r.< -th£ sm Maine rrcr.
UgLtL !!a;:if- retitrtt •t. Fo":'! C. ?. I/>rd t wrU
I:, a .y -I •: cf :• .\ -tl the rogiuartit from death
wbl o quirterc \ at f> l ' ' tb.i l. V. C. ,\vi)ea v.:
in tho fw.imivi, f •:lifloftilie;. Fvery n.a
•r:x-U wil't Tyj'hi.' i ul otl-er Fever?, J ever and
Ajpie, 7 ..a.rhnpt, ty ma y. vas cured
Ly U.o ueo of me lleady ho. i f.
In all atrvo? r<k for !Oi Jsvay'.; heady Relief. Take
Rf.uth-i . "*cs tint iNt n/iMiuro of I'iuwsy fz f •>.
Hon tbo until Ic I. tint Inf 1 -flc. Kve r y ftftpr.t la
pupN'cd w.ih u ue.vat; I fie > rroo a I'rjco
pei L'i'.t'e fjolJ by Dsumw'-, il-rcUaiUi aad cauotry :
n \r-TAY h co,
ST M-i-m Lauo,?.cr York,
Sold '\v Dntfrgists.
Oct. O.h lSi3—ly
in i.eroiint v.ith raid coi nly from the 5.h day of
January, 1603, until the Ith day oi January, ISOI.
i.LriSuo, on.
To bale nee on l.r.nd at last settlement 53,830 41
Front Solcmc" Steel l!rpewell tp., 1658 75 00
From f. S. Prumhsugh S. W,o ihorry 1S6(I 17' fsb
hro:n R. D. Rarelaj Usufoid borough loCl 4' 9".
From S. Defibaugh Bcdfctd township '• 25 2.4
From K. Ilil Jetrnndt .'iniata '■ ICO 03
From John Perr.ell Monroe •' >') 7!)
From John Aldstadi St. Clnlr " 8 51
From Thomas M. Lynch Bedford bor. 1802 410 67
VVm. Pir ip? Bedfoid township " 770 00
From Thomas I'lite P' ad Top " CCO 3.3
From John A. (Intrp E'.oody Run bor. 20 59
h iom Philip Haidm.n Cnir.b'd Valley " 525 02
From Maili iL. Hctrixlt Coierain " 418 CO
' From Jonathan Hyde Harrison " 82 77
Froi.i Solomon Steel Ilupr weli " 181 73
From Cu.per Stroup Juniata " 291 40
From Will.m Cook Londonderry " 40 15
Fi >m I'tr.iel Sinter Liberty " 134 37
From llallzer Fletcher ilo roa " 217 00
!•" 1 i.n J obit VVnydc jNaficr " 300 i.O
Fr-ir. D. A. ' r . Black jhiet " 200 00
From lohn Rihy West Providence " 45 13
From Samu.'Cotl Scheilsbn.g bor. " 47 37
Cram Join, ilnbi on Southampton " 103 21
Ffhr.: Nicholts Koonv Snake Spring " ISO 07
From J"-nii Fcaster St. Clair " 423 80
Fro .1 i rtneis B*ard Union " 3R'J 47
From J. tt Dniborrow M. Woodberry " 200 00
'rom Samuel Vforkioz o- Wcodbctry • 431 00 l'ete.- E.valf 8.1 Mlsburg bor. 1803 32 00
Fim Samuel Bender Bloody llur. boy. ' 185 00
From David Spar.,3 W. Providence tp. 200 65
I From lleekiah May Harrison " 28 00
• From L. N. Fyau Juniata ISO Oft
From Thoo Fifher Cumb'd Valley >75 >0
From Nicholas Koonu Snake tipriog " ISU 00
From Herbert Shoemaker Coleratn '* 381 00
brum D. A. T. Black E-st Provideuee 100 00
Fnm Jaccb Carpenter Londonderiy u 100 00
From i JOO C. F:;rerd Biood Top " 70 00
From Aaron Reed South Wood berry " 137 33
From .'obn Mors Southampton " 100 00
From Jubn W. Crisman St. Clair " 174 48
From Peter Winr gardner Napiet M 300 60
From Alfred Fntrikrn Liberty " 20.7 74
From Kaltzer Fletcher Monroe " 300 00
Frum Wis. M. Pearson M. Woodberry " 607 40
From W. I>. Schell per ord'r Cummiaaioneri 63 03
Commonwealth v. E. B. Trout 57 11
Jury fund ami cost! in same 33 01
$12,162 01
tkasuoT cr - a
Amount peid (Jrand Jurora $461 08
Amount paid Petit Juiora 830 67
Paid Commissioner Feightner 100 30
do fchoerhuk.t 101 50
do Crisman 119 00
do Koadea 31 00
B. F. Meyers printing s o 9 °0
f. R.-Duttorrow printing 142 23
Alonzo Kobina Tipstave 10 00
Jcsbua Mowr do - '
Levi Agutw Court crier 06 09
do Cleaning Court Home, fce., 47 09
J. G. Fisher salary as Clerk to Comm'ri 183 00
da atteiidii j b-irtge sale, Ike., 12 09 j
do making out duplicate*, &c., 2.' 09 j
do Btetioneiy, fac , 13 35,
At censor a returns, attending election*, Ike., 42S bS
ifoad vie,.ers _ 132 73 •
Damages on road views 37" 00
A. J. Hendeiaon filling up jail yard 36 60 j
B. ughm#n,Gump ! Co c-j't wiudow abutters 97 09
Repair* IO public building* 33 2tt
W. Foster fciate io.'d unuet act of Assembly 07 70
Building bridge in Hari '-oo tow-ship IC6 00
Af?i?or making septennial vnoii -ration 168 03
money in hands of Treasurer 10 00 j
Cm:-; ;h'es rctutrts 57 ,3
Service • u* Cousiabies 2'.0 01 ,
Boat ling piiconers at vre-trrn penitentiary 12 98 j
J.G.Fisiier making and distributing duplicate* OA SO ,
do pr-paring Looks and copj ing sep
tennial enuinerat .on 3 5 09 j
J. J. t'esini eost in Commonwealth case* 1088 82 ;
do boarding prisoner* 4SI 40 j
(1. 11. Sparg cost in Commonwealth casei 10 65 .
Kuril Moore Comrcor.wealth vs. C. Nauglo 15 25 :
Harrison Boggs Cnxruouwenlth vs. Poggs 17 90'
John .Major, Esq., discharged cas.s C 73 :
J. W. Lingenfelter Comm. vs. J. A. Boone 52 02 i
John Pa.;.ier Comm. vs. Teinpletou 25 Od I
H. Nicor.cmus CoirmouvreaPih case* 23 2,5
Jacob Walter do do 5 87
P. F. Lehman do do 5 80
Milton Soidle do do 18 87
1 S. H- Tate Prothonottiys feee 76 73
A. R. Bunn do do 191 23
John Price interest on borrowed money 300 00,
John Sill do do do 120 00
F.iizab-tb Uca money and interest in full 59 50 |
C. Merwit.e cutting wood for Court House oi 30 j
Expenses for holding elections 2!3 02 :
Michael Naugle for removing public dec. 3 hi) j
A. E. Dtbcrl building bli ge at Hughe- 293 09 j
Wm. S. Haven for dark"!* for Prothonotary 43 73
J.W. Lingenfelter late ediljonaPurJuu , s digest 5 00 j
I. Mengei for keeping jury in liowLrd case 13 69 |
* . mr-sting priioiujr 59-3'
J " 'J- --cm cost of deedi on unseated land, 11 47 |
L',' . -iai't aire.-ling rmisc luicf 21 05
Jo -, ; 21 53
B. F. hd rf Y (or , 'ijncral F.hetion ,296 9:
Expeusrs If, Q 9 OR
H. Nicodemus r nv -sitb ca*es 79 09
W. 8. Fluke rusts in I 3 ()Q
John Border bubbling prism. • •
Mary Morris scrubbing ol.ices, •
John G. Fisher Portion s digest " •
John Mock attending jurie* V t .
Wm. Ronnell attending juriee 4 no ;
Win. Sparks attending jury
John Cavender do 3 08
Sarr.ue' A. Carmack do 1 u ,
M.L. Hetrick 'l® *
John Mock do 3 00
Charles do . 3 00
George S. Yeager do • 09
Jo*. C. Miller do ® c ®
John Mock do J JO
To amount paid talesmen -0 c
Go- Blyrutre4-Sou goods furnished C. House 13 0"
H. Reamer S'ationeiy 0 57
Joshua Mower repaiting bnuge 10 60
Join J. Cessna lor boa: drug criminals 174 88
An ount overpaid by coUectors 88 51
Edward Huffman for wood tor Court Housa 49 62
A. J. Sau-o.n far wood for jail 11 30
Miscellaneous checks £5 91
Amr.i t paic Auui or* and Clerk '0 M
A. 11. Agoovf attending Court room 3 09
A.T. Sanson) r*' a 3 e and Stationery 10 00
Vreasurer'* salary 509 60
Attorney for htiuj this repost S 00
Fox and wild cat scalps 297 04
Charge. $12,1C2 01 $8,617 29
Ctedita 8,64 7 29
Balance due county $3,314 71
Statement of Moneys due and owing to
Bedford County.
Jerob A. Nicodemus M. Woodberry 1851 7S 23
John A. Osborh Broad Top 1837 79 90
Lemuel Evuns do 1858 227 03
John C. Morgart Cumb'd Valley " 100 21
Solomon Steel Hopewell " b'j 2'l
Jacob Ni oderous Woodberry " 102 27
J..ej h Evans Broad Top 1859 ' 4 70
George Uoadcs Libert;, " 86 53
Levit;ui|inter Londonderry " 7 86
Jr.c b S. Brutrbaugh Woodberry " 26 61
Siitibn Stucxey Coierain 18C9 77 28
Abraham Croyle Unron " 273 78
R. D. Farclay lledlord borough 1861 Bl
Wm. tionnell Londonderry tp. " 40 61
Fred. Hilthbiai'uit Juniata " 102 66
John Aldstadt St. Clair " 89 73
liezi itiah P.a'Kn in Southampton " 177 31
Rudolph llaovcr M VAwwlterry " 59 79
Tlios. Al. Lynch Bedfoid borough 1832 370 2 )
VVm. Phillips Be.lferil lownsbip " 40 51
Philip llardman Cuuib'd Valley " 85 35
Mntin L. Heltteit Coierain " 253 71
Jonathan Hide Huriison ** 172 43
Casper Stroup Juniata " 180 53
VVm. Cook Londonderry " 216 79
Baltzer Fletcher Monroe " 77 93
John Wayde Napier | " 492 06
];. A. 'l'. Blacit blast Providenca " 61 o)
1 i.ii Ft. lcr .St. Clair " 13l 21
Francis Beard Untort " 899 13
J. R. Durborrow M. Woodberry " 4'.>7 57
St.niiel A'orKing South Woodberry " 3515s
IH. Nicodemus Bedford ooicugh 13C3 OJI if,
Jacob D. Fetter Bedford township " 1003 72
P..tcr Jiwalt Schcllsbnrg borough. " 138 90
Samuel Sender Blody Ren bor. " 66 01
H.tvld Sparks VVcat Providence tp. _ " 90 49
Hezckiah Miy Harrison " 367 55
L. N. Fjan Juniata *• " 483 08
L'bomas Fisher Cumb'd Valley ' 622 47
Nicholas Koons Rncke Spring " 470 99
Herbert Slioc.noK. r Coierain " 602 47
D. A. H. BIaCK Kest Provblenc* " 374 01
Jacob Carpenter Londonderry " 45144
George Brcglu Union " 706 69
James E. Kay Hopewell * 4-57 16
John C-Figu't Broad Top V 612 3.5
Aaron Reedfouth Woodberry H 1287 37
John Mors Southampton " 410 72
Joht. W. Crisirmn 8t Utair " 995 76
Peter Winegardner Aapier " 687 97
Allrcd Ei trixen Liberty " 131 50
Ballzer Fletcher Monroe " 423 82
Wm. M. Pearson Middle Woodberry " 1008 01
slB 020 SI
NOTE.— On some of the amounts from cu'lrc'a'i
in I (rest is due, and front some exonerations and
j commissions ate to he deducted.
- Statement oft moneys due nnd owed by Bed
ford County.
[ To John Sill r $2600 00
[To John Brice .... 0900 CO
Total $7OOO 00
I There is now in tho Treasury, subject
to the order of the Commlsaioaors $3814 VI
A. J. SANBOM, HBQ., Treusorer of Bedford raw
ty, in areonnt with (aid county; frotn the fth day
of January, 1883, uptal the 4th day of
Received from N. Komn Snaao Spring WIS W
Thome Fisher CumVd. Yelfey 750 00
Samuel Render Bloody Kan bor. 26.1 off
WM. Pear on M. Woodberry 1018 53
L. N. Fyan Juniata * 450 00
Aaron Itecd S. Woodberry * 1438 60
John Mora Southampton CIO 00
A F.r.triiten Liberty 295 00
Prter Ear Jt Schellabur j borough 105 00
H. Ni codeines Bedford bo.oujh 904 15
Herbert Sboemaser Col drain Sin 09
B.illzr l irlr'uer Mouioe 330 00
John C. Figart Top 450 00
(•corse BeeateJUnion ?2| 00
David Sparm West Providence 338 00
Jacob Carpenter LonaonJerry 4.50 00
John VV. Cristnuit St. Clair 951 00
Peter X pier 700 00
Hrzeciab May Harmon 100 00
J>. A. T. Bluck East Providence '75 57
Ja .ies K. Kay Hopewell 350 00
Jacob D. Fatter Bedforl tp. 750 00
■ $12,528 09
By amount paid on drafts oa Treasury $12,047 25
TV money overpaid 13723
J. (1. i isiier •' asing end distiibuting
Bounty duplicates 55 00
Tre .sur. r'f commission on $13,166 25 131 03
Interest on checm 2 ]8
Auditors ai d Cler* 39 CO
Paid J. W. Lingenfelter 519 00
Total $13,492 39
Credit $ 13,492 30
Dt btor 12,320 0£
PUP Treasurer $OO6 20
BcMcvb (fouuii), sj :
Tim uuder?igned, A udifors of the ntH Coun
ty, <lj certify, that i.i pursuant of tlio several
acts of Assembly in such enss made and pro
\idcd, tiicy mot at the Court house, in the IJor
ongh of Uclfurt), and d(l audit and adjust the
accounts of A.J. Sanson), Esq., Treasurer of
paid County for the year 1803, as contained in
the foregoing statement, and that we hnvo ex
amined the foregoing accounts of taoncv due and
owed by lkdiord county and havo found the
same carrcet.
Witness our hands and seals this 7th day of
January ISGT.
Attest— Auditors.
E. F. Keuii, CicrL
.1. J. S- -Wo OM, E.*q , Trturrtr of Bit font
county, i:i account toith the Com-nonwcntlh
of I'eiinttfu af.i, jrooi the 5.' tliy of Jan.'
vary, 1833. to the i/.'i di.yof Jnnitny, FbC*.
To n<r<riv ate amount nf t -.xcsou!-
htamiii.g at last satieiueut $10,273 35
Aggregate amount of tax assessed
for i'db3 8,180 91
Tola! $18,154 27
. CONTRA C 3.-
Pnid Treasurer jtfr receipts $10,417 09.
allowed collectors 182 S3
allowed collectors • 354 96
Treasurer s on $10,417 104 17
15. F. Mayers publishing list of retailers 10 50
,T. 11. Duiborrow " " 10 70
"Amount outstanding for ISG3 and
previous years / 7,374 01
Total $18,454 27
Amount received front collectors $lO,lOl li
Paid State Treasurer per receipts $10,417 00
Treasurer's commission on same 104 17
B. F. Meyers publishing retailers list 10 50
J. 11. Duiborrow " " 10 70 t
$40,541 37
Charges $10,541 37
Credits 10,101 11
Balance duo Treasurer $440 26
Tuoern Licenses.
To aggregate atnouut tor 1863 $6BO 00
Contra Cr.
By Treasurer's commission $34 00
l'uid State Treasurer 645 00
$OBO 00
j Eating Houses. Dr.
Aggregate amount for 1863 $3O 09
Contra Cr.
Treasurer's commission $ 1 ST
Paid Statu Treasurer 28 50
$3O 00'
Confectioners License, Br.
Aggregate amount for 1833 $32 00
Contra Cr.
Treasurer's commission $ I 60
Paid State Treasurer , 30 40——
$32 00
Ten Pin At leys Dr.
Aggregate amount for 1563 $22 59
Coni a Cr.
Treasurer's commission $ 1 12-4
Paid .State Treasurer 21 37 £
$l2 50
Billiards, Dr.
Aggregate amount fur 1803 $OO 37 V
Paid State Treasurer 7 12|— ——
$7 50
Bankers License Dr.
Aggregate amount fji 1863 $lO 00
Contra Cr. ., 4
Treasurer's commission $OO 50
l'rid S.ata Treasurer 9 50- .
$lO 00
Dislillerits Dr.
j Aggregate amount fur 1863 $l5 00
i Conlta Cr.
Treasurer's Commission $ 2 25
Paid State Treasurer 42 73 • ■
$l5 00
P.efailers L:cense J) r , *
Aggregate amount fur 18C3 $552 00
Contra Cr.
I Treasurer's commission $27 CO
Paid State Treasurer • 651 CO ■ •
i 8632 20
i Due A. J. Treasurer, $l3O 20
. Btblcit) (Jcuuty, £3:
I Tho uadersigncd, Auditors of said county,
i do Leruby certify, that in pursuance of tbosev-
I evai huts of At. -umbly in such cases inndu and
: ] rovided, wo met at tlies Court houso in tho
i Borough of Bjslf >rd, ntxl di 1 audit and adjust tha
I accounts between A. J. Hansom. &'<]• -.rens
ulvr of Ilcdfprd county, and tl.o Cafnin ouvvealth
of Pemisylvauir, as contained in the foregoing
Witness cur bands nndieals tho 7th day
of January, A. D. 1864.
4tu*fr—B. F. Knout, Ckrk,. AuMw^