A sprrfFtC PILLS—WAWUNTW IU ALL n BK In b r ™ n! N.V" fail to cure I Do noMieu-cte ' Arc speedy in action! No change of r.t eouircV' l)o not interfere with bu.inrss pur- Mi,V- Car. be used without detect ion ! Upward of 200 rre. 3T'yS!.nThabused' pp.<-.,ee,ana all .prak well of t.ieir effic cv a- I approve Pi tbeir composition, which is '™U. 'V veaetßole. and harmless on the .ystem.- Hundreds of cer'ili-ales can be ebowo. BPILA Se rine PILI- are the original and on y genome Spot ific PUI. They are adopted for male fnd f •mi.tr. old r y<"" l2 > a " d th " only pliable rem , , ~ii'ec''hp a permanent and speedy cure m all . : .r,ermalorih-a.orSetmrm! Weakness, with r ,i,' evils audi ns leiK.hral and Vagiiu' p'-Ychr'rgrc, fileei. U: Whiter, Nightly or Involun .a,v Kn'issioi e. Incontinent—, Genital Debil.tV and lrrii..bi'itv, Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Pow ' Nervous Debioiy, &e., fit., all l hich arise uri icipaliy from Sexual Excesses or Self-Abuse, or some constilutioiial derangement, and incapaci tates the sufferer ltom fulfilling Hie duties of mr --l\.-d life. In all sexual diseases, as Gonorrhea, ejiev* and Strictures, and in Diseases of the Blad der and Kidneys, they act as a charm I Relief is ex- Dtrienced by taking a single box. Sold by ail the principal druggHts. Price sl. They will be sent by mail, securely sealed, and confidentially, on receipt No. 70 C'dar 3treet, New York, Consulting Physician lor the treatment of Seminal. Urinary, Sexual, and Nejvous Diseases, who will send, free to all, the iollowing valuable woik, in sculed envelope i LIIT; FIFTISTH THOUSAND—DK. DELL'S TREA TISE on Self-Abuse, Premature Decay, Impotence -and Loss of Power. Sexunl Diseases, Seminal Weak ness, Nightly Emissions, Genital Debility, fcc.,&c., a pamphlet of 04 pages, containing important ad vice to the alilicted, and which tbould De re ;d by evert eutlcrer, as the means of cure in the severest stcgei is plainly sot forth. Two stamps required to pay postage. December 4, 1863 lysc IMPORTANT TO LADIESDti. HARVEY':, FEMALE PILI.S nave nevei yet faded in removing difficulties arts.rig from obstruction, 01 stoppage of natnie, or in restoring the system lo peifect lienltb wtien suf fering fiomSpinal Affections, Prolapsus Uteri, the Whites, 01 other weakness of the Uterine Organs. 1 he Pills arrperlecilyharmless on the constitution, end may bo taken by ihe irp_t delicate female v\ j;h oat causing distress—tne tame time [hey act I'kea charm bv strengthening, invigorating and restonng the system to a healthy condition, and by bringing on the monthly periol with regulaiity, no matter from what causes the obstruction may erise. They should, however, NOT be taken during the first three or four months of pregnancy, though safe at a v other time, as inietirriage would be the result. teach box coii'ains lib Pilid. Price St. OR. HAUVTV S TREATISE on Diseases of Females, Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Barrenness, Sterility, Re production, ami Abuses of Nature, and einpuaticallv the Ladies' Private Medical Advise, a pamphlet of 64 pages, sent free io any nildtess. Six cents re quired to pay postage. The Pills and book will be sent by mail when de aired. securely sale !, and prep till, by J. BRYAN, M. I)., General Agent, No. 7(3 Cedar St., New York. ay-Sold by all the principal druggists. December 4, IS&3—ly-c. mbucFSALE ~~ Of Valuable Kea! Estats. There will he offered at public sale, on the prem ises, in St. Clair township, on the 26th of the 12tli mouth (Jecamber.) n tract of land, adioining lands of John Ake, Thomas G. Wright, Jacob Horn and others, one half mile from Pleasantville, containing F I FT V ACRES, •bout SO acres cleared, part of which is excellent rr.adow, th balance farm land, a part o! which is bottom the bulanre well timbered. The improve ments ate a Two Story Plank Frame Home, with a Kitchen and collar, good water convenient to the door, a Double Log I am, Blacksmith Shop, Spring House, with u small dwelling thereon, together with cut-biiildings quite convenient, and fruit in great variety, apples, cherries, peaches, peurs (common •rid dwaif,) plum-, apricots, grapes and prunes. The property is quite a desirable one, easy of ac cess, a pub ic road running through it, convenient to mills, schools and places for worship- Sale to com mence at ot.e o'clock of said day, when the terms will be made known. HIRAM DAYI3. 12*h month 4th, 1863. CEMETERY? The surveys ill the Bedford Cemetery have been enmpleted and interments can now be made. Burial hits can he i, ~i at any time by applying to the Secretary, who will show the ground and give necessary information to purchasers. 'i'ho prices of lots have been lived as fellows : For ground bordering upon the principal avenues and carriage ways, 1 square ol 4 lots, §3O 4 square,B lots, . . . .18 Single lot, . , . . 12 Pei other localities in which purchasers make their own selections, 1 square of 4 lets, . . . S2B 4 square, 8 lots, . . . 16 Single lot, . . . 10 When the seleciions for purchasers are made by officers ot the Association, 1 square of 4 lots, at from . . sl2 to S2P 4 square, 9 lots, at trom . . 6to 16 Single lots, . , . , 3to 5 For the purpose of affording further facilities to purchasers, there will be a public sale of lots at the (!enitery on Friday, ihe 18th of December, inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M,, at which time and place the Board o r Managers will meet any prisons desiring to puichase. By order of the Board. ALEX. KING, Prea't. C. N. Hiokok. S"c'rv. IVANTEir" 100 CORDS TANNERS' BASK, at Farquhar's CHEAP CORNER. Clover seed, Flax seed ami Timethy seed wanted *' FARQUHAR'S. Any and all kinds ol Country Produce taken at FARQUHAR'S CHEA" CORNER. Come and buy your Clothing at CHEAP CORNER, Juliana st. M-otiey tared by buving BOOTS and SHOES st CHEAP CORNER. Best C'LOTfhS, GASSIMERES and SATINF.TTS t CHEAP CORNER. Com* and get a good HAT or CAP at FARQUHAR'S. Sotr.e Rcant'fal PLAID SiTAWLS, very cheap, at Nov. 37, 1863. FARQUHAR'S. ' Last Notice! All persons indebted foJ. M. CO, either hy nole or book account will please settle before the first of January, or their accounts will A ~6ed '** Hie h nda of an officer fog collection. December 25,1563. RA T L ROAD ELECTION. Offla jli 'iiingrloF tf Broad Top 3Tauvi.iin f R - Co., Philadelphia, Dec .23, 1803. J fbe Annual fleeting o' the S*'ckhoiders of fi.e ii..ini"!nr. a- 1 3 rol - | Top Mountain Rail Iliad *-r\ toil L mpjny, will be he'd 0 the office < f the Com-1 ,IT* ? n , Tuesday, the 12th day 0 f January, 1331, * lo clock, A. 51 , when an eleitiuii will be held or a President end Twelve Managers to serve lor >ae ensuing year. J. P. AERTSEN, Eec'ry. ivoTscili *o Bl " c ' Dweetors of the Borough of Ooody Run will, until the 20th day r; January, 4e careful and only buy the PATENTED article put up in IRON cans, ail others being Covntekveits. Pfimsylvaniit Salt Manufacliiring To.' Fnti.ADKi.ritu—No. 127 Walnut Street. Pittsburg—Pitt Street ar.d Duquesiie Way. November 27, 1863—3 in Viiliiiiblc iUiSS Property FOR SALE. The subscriber will sell, at private sale, his Mill property in Southampton township; the improve, n.ents are a NEW GRIST MILL and SAW MILL, In good running order, n TWO STORY DWELL ING HOUSE, STORE HOUSE, WARE HOUSE and Stable; and sixty-five acres of land, about 25 acres cleared and under cultivation, the balance well timbered. This property lies on the line of Fulton county, three miles from the Maryland pike and seven miles from the Baltimore and'Obio Riil Road and Cumberland canal. TERMS—One-third in hand, the ba'ance in two equal annual payments. For further particulars inquire of tbo subscriber, residing in Bedford, or Joseph J.ensure, on the prem ises. JOHN NELSON. December 23, 1863.—4ts Mew Firm* The undersigned havirg purchased A. B. Carn'a entire stock" of goods, will continue the lapinessat the old stind, where they will constantly keep a general assortment ot goods adapted to the wants of the people. They also expert to receivp a gen. oral assortment of NF.w GOODS in h few dsns, when their assortment will be complete in every department. O. R. & W. OSTFR. December 23, 1863—tf PUBLIC y A LB OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. ly viituc ef sll order of the Orphans' Ourl of Bedford county, tne undersigned will offer a, public sale, upet tb A premises, cn FRIDAY, loth OF JANUARY, 'B7l, I th" following described reisl estate t A t-act of 'and in Monroe township, containing 25' ACRES and 8' i l'erclies, with ale t house and log barn thereon e rac'ed, tin, I" testimony whereof 1 have heieur,- *° * el " iy band and ti.e sea! of the sa.d Lnurt at Bedford, the 2'< M day of De cntnber, A. D. 18C3. O. E. SHANNON, Cle.k. Attest—Jons AIOISTAUT, Sheriff. Scblorb (HotmOi, as: At an Oiphans' I'ouit held at Bedford, in end for the county ol Bedford, on the 16th day of No vember, A. 1). 1563, before the Judges of the said Court, or motion of J. W. Licgenf.;lter, Eao.. the Con t grant a rule upon tbe heirs and lega' repre sentatixes oi Philip Shrove,-, 'ate of Londonderry townfliip, riee'd., to wit i Jacob Shroyer, Wiiliam Shioyer. rending in M irvland, Jo*>n Shroyrr, resid ing ill fiomerse; couttv, Pa., T unie, wife of Philip Klitr, ir. Bedford CLunty, Pa.. I'oily Gom nielj, wi e of J'e.er Uonnnell. rcsidii g in Somerset county, J'li., El'zaUe-h, widow of William Speal irr n, residing in .Somerset county, Pa., Rachel Cr.si ner. xvifa , f .-jlin Costlier, residing .n Bedford Co., Pa., Sarah K'i:z, w;fe of Baniuel K' tz, residing in Bedford Cc t; Pa., Philip Shrojer, resiun g in Henry county, lowa, Daniel S.nnyor, residing in Bedford count), Pa., A 'art Strcye* - , livivg in Bed lord county, Pa.; Sn -au, wife of Jacob 4v dlison, re tidi g in Bedford county, fa. to be and appear nt au Orphans' Court to be held nt Bedford in said cciinty on th"2d Mo-xd-y (Sthi.'ay . of February t.ext tc accept or refuse to take the veal estate of the said Philip Shroy-ii, lee'd., at the vainafiou which lias beer valued in-l nppraised In pursuance of p writ of pni'iridn or valuation issued cut of the Or phans' Court cf Bedford county, and lo ihe Sheriff of said county directed, ot show ecusr why the same rhou'd not be sold by orde." of the snid Court. In testimony whereof I have hereunto fet my hand and the seal of said Court at Bedford, the 22,1 day of December, A. D. 1863. O. E• SHANNON, Clerk.- " Attest— JOHN ALPS-TAUT, Sheriff. RECEIPTS AXD EXTRA O ITU RES Of Redfera Bcrouqh for iht t;sar 1562. JOHN BORDER, Treasurer, in account with the Boiotigh of Bedford, for the year 1862. OR. lo eash received from former Treasurer, H. Nicodernus, sl6 24 To amount rtceiyed from R. D. Barclav on Ju-lgmrrt against Agnew, 2J 10 To amount from Niccdemus as collect ir 81 83 To amount from Levi Agnew or jitdg't, 13 8' To amount f.xm collector H. L vodemus 240 O'-S To on mint lrom Agnew, Smith and N:co der.ijs 42 95 To Linount from 11. Nicod'-ir.us 102 62 Total J 511 31 OR. Bv amount raid J. Pa'ner for Garretson for cement $ 3 20 Paid J. Palmer sala'y as clerk, stationery, Ac., o;? (0 Paid J>anifl Bear.; auditor's fees 3 00 Paid W; R. King do 3 CQ Paid 11. Nicooomus for swearing ir, offuftri 373 Paid ii. Nicoikoius as adm'r of S. H. Tate for recording deed 6 p j Paid 0. Over for printing 3 5.7 Paid John Minnieh bill of work 3 30 Paid Daniel Shuck for hauling dirt 12 00 Paid for digging foundation for hay scales 10 25 Paid Levi Agnev one year's salary as wa- ter master 62 50 I Raid for digging ditch, laying pipes, isc., 13 12 i I'aid ,1. R. Durborrow fer piiitii g 10 hit Paid 1). iiorbar salary for attending town clock 20 00 Paid Si.mm I Boor for post- for hay scales 8 to Paid H. C. Reamer tor rerotd book 5 00 ; Pa" I fames Carboy f or work on Pitt st. 32 CO' Paid P,. F. Meyers for printing 1? 00 ' Paid L). Crouse for naring foundation for bay scales 11 70 Pat'l Patrick Wall for.carting at hay rcales 300 Paid Job:' Border salary as treasurer 20 09 Total SSU r<2 Ralance due borough $29 32 Statement oj money Sue. >0 Bedford Borough on the Jirst day of April, Ih'(S3 rr- four ' ced.n;' every clbcr remedy lor 'host discuses. I The alili.'.teu can rel) upao it doing es mucu | fur iitein,' nd in many cases more than any ■ other jem-edy now before the public. it is lec rannenied and pies-ribe.l in the I practice of a l.rge number of the most Intel , ligent and tble physicians of Maryland. It CA.V --! is used andc ansidered an indiipensabic house- dan. hold remedy by a la;ge poition of the fiiat families of ib v .Stale. it is n.,e!,' b' a! 1 classes of society, and the universal opin.'on is that it is good. T/iit | ttfrmp t'.i pure/if l r eg'tal/li Compound. It is .Ve pleasant to laite, and never does injuiy. But . oving to its pu ri lying qualitie", must ii good under any* rirco t stances, iu tlecls arc tru- Ilv wond ;ful, soot.'i.ng, calming, and allaying r/uld | the most violent ec'Ugus, purifying, atiengtb j ening and invigor ttiug the whole system, I calming an.! snotiiin g 'lie nerves; aiuing and I facilitating exp. cloi stimi, and healing the < UifjEAJ VEi) LUNGS, i Thus stiiking at the , not of di.eaae, and dri- I ving it from the sysfc to. : CKO *1 P. die of I X'his disease is anno unced by difficulty of breathing, sbrill wbiatln ijor wheeling, hack i n.g cough and thieatencd' suffocation, ,Ve. it j mostly occurs in young children. JNu child croup ; need die of croup if thin' Syrup is p-opsrly i use ! and used in time. Mot hers having croupy i chilrtren should wuteli tl.e first 'how of the j disease, and always keep tnia remedy at hand, if thit j For coughs uiter measles t ins Syrup is most I excellent. Experience has proven liint it ie I equalled by no other prepjrc'toii. | Ihe price ol the leuieily is ;*jcb f.s to place oyrup I ;t within ihe reach of U, the poor as well as , the liefi, urd everv per.on st ould have it. | Every person siiould Save it in the house, jltis a tru.. er.ii taiihlui liiend lo b.I who val- t'r j uu utaith unil wish to ;CCUM> themselves u gmnst fht nio.t terrible disease, consunp lion. It will be found the mo. ' uselul as | Well as tie cheapest family medicine in the uiti i world, it has been used for the last four j years with a success wilhortt a parallel, j Price 40 cents per bctti.r. or three bottles : for SI.OO. Prepared bv S. A. Koutz b Hro. m For rale by H. C. Reatner and B. F. Barry j Druggists, Bedford, Pu. i l'tceiriber 18, 1803— ly- time. BB3l.\£R'S ISDIAV VSRMIFFGK. O . OINCE the introduction of this beautiful prep.ra tion, it has been steadily advancing into publ:? fa vor. Its astonishing efiicacvin expelling wort a has won for it many friends wherever known, and these are sp'-aking its prai9e to other-, so tlracS" v.it is fast being introduced into|> TO J" every family in the land. The., for it ia becoming imS DESTROY 8 mens?, i omake it still mo'-e wor> Jsthv the jireier ence WORMS' shown it, the PnoeßiiiToa ia'igs. pniiig it up in a much handsomer rtyh th-'n iormerly. it is now prepared with the gweatest care of uniform strength, with plain direction*, so that any one can adminis ter it. II Is entirely TtgftaMe—Perfeclly Safe aii"J Harffliess. And h-s never been kno.rn lo (ail to e.rpel v.orms, where worms existed. The p-oprietors holdlv as sert that it is superior to any other preparation in tlio wo; Id. UT"Ag|; for SHRIfTER'S INDIAN VERMIFUGE, and take no other. ".•Prepared bv 8. A. Foots b Bro , ami for sale at th Drag Stores of Reamer and Harry, Badfo-d, Pa. i) to, —\j ' i F''@ is 5 ft'g ix t is re, THE 1 S a sale and reliable remedy for tho cure of j ! Rbeirnalism. Painful Nervous Affections, Sprains, Burns, Swellings and all diseases re-, BEST quiring an external application on man. Or, horses it will rn-v.-r fail to cure Poie- evi>, Vistula, old ruhf.ii.g? sores, or Sweeney, I.iM- if properly applied. For sprains, !>iuises, ML NT scratches, crooked hools, chafes, ■ addle or co'tar gall, outs or wounds, it is ar. infallible r.'B remedy. Iry it and be convinced of its (3- cacy. 85 S3 IP. m .T! 4 T I S !?I. MAN Picons afflicts 1 wit!, this no mat tci of how long st.tnding, ran bo promptly and effectually cured bv t!s the li, q cholert. can nrevented, yj Prepared by S. A. FOIiTZ, k Westminat--", Aid. 1 (L.'"For sale at the Drug Stores of l.namor (and Harry, Bedford, Pa. Dac. 18—ly MFDICAL ASSISTANCE. THE REIIEBY AD WAY'S HEADY RELIEF. THE CHEAT EXTERNAL AND IN TERNAL REMEDY. BTOJ-S THE <:o-T fiECRI'CIATDW tXBt! IN A FEW HINUTki, AXT> a IU7IDLT CTHIiS THE rATIETT. > RAILWAY'S RKAPY RELIEF k rroTCi 1U tvp*r!orit7 lo a!T c?W Medic'ne* at •sot. * ITS FIRST INDICATION . It to rtiitr* t'i® cufkrc- of Pa IN, DO ttai'cV from whateauio it may oncuute.or wbt.e it may Im sealed. If in too Xl£d, rVo, or Throat; , If ia 11-.u RISK, Rpii.a, or Shoulde**; If ia I'.o Arms, Br rial, or £ide; • If in tbo Jointe, Limbs, or HutolHi • ■A 1 If in t ho Nerve.* .Tooth, or Ears ; Orla thy dthrr p.r: of tku body, its application to lot part cr parts where tins prin exists vrili aJord Imroetli aie relief* ' *•* JF FEHTD WITH PAIN In the f tomnch, Dowels, or Eidnejt j Ia tho Bladder, ?;>lrca, or Liver; Ia !be Teeth, Fare, or Throat; In tue Drain or Nerrous Sy* ;eoa; ' Oat .raapoonfui of LABWAY'S READY RELIEF to a winegluM of water will, in r. few minutes, ro etoro ike pat Mint to caso and comfort. If Latu.\ Cripple I,or Dei ridden ; If Paltiod. fciWel,cr Burned ; If Drusud, fVomHod, or Cut; It Strain*! 'inured, or Disibic '; If Prn stroke, o; seized wl;h Fits • JlWeak in tie ttyioe or RALWAYS RTADY RELIEF Should bo applied to the pari \>r parts afilicu-... It ta siar.ilj relieves *bo jniicnt hota r*itot nnd quicklv hca!*, soothes, Aid str jEtfhcu* the *n. :a. In a.i c&ser ofß.toa of Ratißoys, Reptile*, hiing* of Pel sonous Insects, the spplinaLou of r AD'VAY'S R3ADY RELIEF to the woum wi.l prereut Irhimoat!;. and aonJfl'jsUon. IEVER AND AGUE. Persons cti-ose l n the Uft!&ria of .C.gno,or If seised witb Cuiite m l Fr*ir, uiil Gr ! a posttite Antidote and C"' In Had way's Roa 'y Rel.cf. *J/si two f aa'tvronifal of Uo KefcPy Relief, in a wlac-glnse of water, bo taken on gcttiuff out of bed in the mr. r.ing, aid bowcror ea poaod to maia.la you wi.i escape. * WHEN" hfcJZKD WITH CHOLERA, or Diarrhma, or Flv.x * Dysuuteiy, Crarr.;*, nnd Sjvusnu ; Bilious Cliwlic, or Gastritis: Soar let, Typhoid, or oilier Fevers ; luflueij'.n. Coughs, or Colds: ♦ InGampiCiion of the Stomach or rowels : SAB WATS READY RELIEF SHOULD BE TAKEN INTERNALLY. One will FtCpthe tia'n; Its continued trcnttll, la a few hi urs, euro iLc patient. ' HOW IT CCUEB. Thosecondary indication cf RADWAY'S READY R2- UT Is to en c tba patiect of the d'seano or mikd)' tiiat cxoo>oua the pain; tills it accomplishes rapidly aad radically. Sotvift is tlio pa'.kut tracafirmed from pno, JoHery, s; oaVness, and decrepitude, to the deli ght. ful ccj.iyirect of health and tU that pitienta fre qjently ascribe talismanlc j>otrcr to the miport_ to ral influence cf enchantment. RHEUMATISM. i:*MPA(;o, COPT, NTTTRAT/HA. TOOTH ACHE, CROUP, INITA'I-NZA, PORE THROAT. QiiN/.Y, i pthkr; a, IIOA >rni ni:oNaii- T!3, STIFF JiMNTS. LNLAiViFp TENIXINS, HE \D ACHE, (>ick or Ner tis.) A. TIIMA, or IIARD It Is truly marvellous Tow quick RADWAY'S READY RFIJKF cures the rLf.crers of thc>o rcn.ilies. TT.o pear, crippled, rnd psUi- i triikca lUioumailc has not to wait day before a change tA':o.s placa, Lot la a few uouutcj derives cast) and <-omlrt. CHRONIC 'RHIi : M ATL'.M CTEPD. V Trni; -rear* or ru. jaoi Kigair Fm. ?> dcey Myers, Esq.. of Flavian. Cuts, tho cer. respondent of the Jvondon T.mes, sufl'erod wita Acute and CLrotiio Rheumatism for twenty Gvo year?, and for twentvyesrs he haJ noteojriyedone whole right's calm r&it. lie applied RADWAY'S READY Li::iEF—it | tt . lucdliteiy gave t-im easo ,-nd Ftc bim the first calm end utidisiurbud sleep dunug the taouty yars. The continued use of the READY lt£)i£F cured him. PitEVENTION DffITER THAN CUR 3. THERE U NO Oa'ASION FOIt SICKNJI33. Whf you flr-A fool pain, tl en lako at- .paonfiA of iho RF-ARY RlT.lrF,in water; or apply It to the parts whero you fuel the d'uuimfort. ALL MALH.NUN T HTSEASW flrttgive varaing of ilielr pre..enco, naJ If uiot pirript \f bofore they bsioruo securely intrenched within Ob* •yftfuc, will bo readily exptßoJ. £IGN3 oFMCKNB?*. PAias JiT Ui" I.ants —m tbo Ftcmach, Tijw •'. and Kidneys— CV l Chills, mid Rot Flushes, Coat ed Tongue, b.irnii-g Ski:, Naus-r. Murerojy. I>:;!loarj, Jorsot Appetite, Loetleb-ne*s, Gittdlnen, Ac., &0., oo premonitory eyrapiome of Malignant Diseases. Oi dose of the READY RELIEF is* fufflcie.it to break up and expo! diseased action, and rofcU.ro U*o '*.unt to health BOLDILRP. Every eold'er should carry w :h him a rvpply of Radvray'g Ready f.tjM.-f. Jt Mpp!. 'f the pioco r.f ail ether medicines ; nutl na a beverage, a tea*poonful of tna Relief, to a xe:ne-£lar.a-cf witor,t aucor, piruauiP er ttiinuiarttUuu brandy, urh.sky, cr bitten.. HCKNESS PRLVE.NTKD IN THE ton, MAINE REGT. Eighth Maine regiment, Ferg % t C. P. Lor\ xvrltes that Radway'n Ready Kehel Hived the ;■ eg. ment from death while quartered at Tybee lahuid, f% C., when working In the awampi, creating furtifleatfena. Every can teixed with Typhoid and other l'evrfra, Fever and Ague, r.larrhoßi, Dy*eo f ery. KhcunutUm, m wad by the us" of the Ready Relief. CAFTJOK. In nil oas a afk for Itadwaj o Ready Relief. Take ■oolhu. Eco thut the r-.Tnu-e r.f Rod way S; U Uon tba ontokla label of eacli bwUlifo Every Meat If uuppUMl wad a nw uod fraau r took. i'riue ft oonte per bottle. Sold by Lrruggishs, Met chaste and country fctore-kceptrs. PADWAY 4 CO., 97 Maiden laco, New Twb, Sold bv Druggists. Oct. 9th 1863.—1y WIIiWI'RIIiDT & CO., HJlialcssls! grocers AND TBA DEALERS, JV. E. Corrur Second and Jirch Sheets, PHILADELPHIA. November 15, 1863—1y STItAV SHEEP. Taken up treap&asing on tlw premise* of the nb •criber, about the fiist of September last, three Sheep, having a hole in the right ear and a (lit In the left. The owner it requested to eoroe, prove property, -pay charges and take them away, orthty Will he sold according to law. CHRISTOPHER CRAWFORD. December 11, 1861. Frtnch ail Wool Shirting FUunela, Cassimerea, .and r'l Woo! Overshi ts for sale at Nov 20. CRAMER & CO'S. jfc'cnsinu acid ftounly Claiimi. U. H. AKETS bar received all the forms and in structions 'or procuiingSrldiurs' Pension and Boun t.y r,.ine\. He also baa a partner ill Washington City to proeci'te the claims speedily. Be 'ford, Nov. 27, JBo3—tf A- A. SH'JMWAY fo CO., 71Taw . finer* and "Wholefate Dealers tn Floats & Shoes, No. 231 Market '"lreet, an:'. 310 Church A'.ley, PHILADELPHIA March 7,1893—1y. Pnblic Sale OP VALUABLB REU ESTATE. V\ ill be eolJ at public eele, at the reiirfenee of John S. Brumbaugh, in South tVoodterrv townabip, nedtorn county, on F RID Ai, the Blh day of Jan'itrry, nnt, the following valuable real eiute, eUuate in laid township, to wit: ONL iKACI OF LAND, being the Mansion Tract, now in the occupancy of Martin anil John S. Brumbaugh, containing about one hnndredand sixty five acres ami allowance, about one hundred! and fit", teen acres cleared and under good cnltivation, with a good hirge Dwelling House, Bank Barn, and all other necessary out-buifitings theion. Ai.so-ONE OTHER TRACT OF LAND, ad joining the above, being the one on which Jacob S. Brumbaugh resides, containing about one hundred and filty acres and allowance, about one hundred acres cleared and under good cultivation, with a large commodious Dwelling House, large Bank Barn, V>'agon Shed and other out-buildings theieon-. The above tracts are first quality Limestone land, in good condition, with good wells of watir, orch ards,, &e., thereon, and among the most desirable farms in Motriscn'i Cove, in every respect worthy of the ettenticn of persons desiring to purchase. ALSO—The one undivided half part of a tract of land, adjoining the above. Daniel Miller's heir- and otners, known as ,he "Diddle Tract," containing in all about one hundred and forty-five acres, about one hundred arri ten acres clearei. and in cultiv itiou an-stly food hmeerone land, lies well, end is detira ble firm land, with a good common dwelling house, barn and other out-buildlugs thereon erected, a large and very strong spring of good water within a short, distance of the touse, also two orchards of choice fruit. ALSO—The one undivided half part of a lot of ground adjoining the tract last mentioned, and land ot John Koontz, containing one hutubed and twen ty eight and one-half perches, with a new, fast cuuiiig geared Saw mill thereon erected, with ail the rights and privileges as to walr, fj-c., thereto belonging. ALSO—The ope undivided half part of a small r tract of Kidge land, adjoining lands of Artem Fink, David O. Hoover and others, containing in all about 'birty eight acres, being timbet land, a considera ble part being first rate chestnut timber. Tue terms, which will he favorable, will be made known on the day of sale, or at any time previous on applicaiion to tbe subscriber. Sale to commence at it) o'clock. A. M. JOSEPH B. NOBLE, Att'y in fact for David Brumhungb. December Id, ISG3. Iist notice to Coih'Clos■, All Collectors U the several districts of Bedford county, who have not settled their duplicates up to the year 18G3, are hereby notified that uulfts the same tedOiie by Ftbiuary Court, they will C< pro ceeded against without respect to persons, as the law directs. This is positively the last notice. By older ol the Commissioners. JOHN G. FISHER, Clcilt- December IS, ISG3. PUBLIC "S ALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. liy virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the undermined, administra tors ot the estate of Daniel Ilouck, lute of the township of Cumberland Valley, deed., will offer at public sale, on the premises, on Thurs day, the 21st day of January, 1864, at 1* o'- clock, M., the following real estate, to wit: Jfo. J, A TRACT OF LAXD\' ritunto in township and county aforesaid, ad joining lands of Philip Hardman, H. lirandt, Frederick Hire's heirs, George Elliott and oth ers, marked in Inquisition on said estate "A," containing 171 ai ms nnd 67 perches. No. 2, A TRACT OF LA.YD, being part of a larger tract adjoining the above, Jones and ethers, marked ' inquisition "B," containing 177 acres and GD perches. Trams—One-third of the purchase money"to lie paid in cash at continuation of sale, the rc j inainder in two equal annual payments without ; interest. For further particulars inquire of, or address i .Tos. \\ . Tat-, E j q., He-dfbrd, or the undersign ed living near the premises. A,.10S GROSS, JOHN B. HADDIN'GER, P gc - 18- Adm'rs. SHEK/FFS SALE. By \irtu cof A\\ rit of Vend. Exponas to me directed there will lie exposed to public Sale at the Court House, in the town of Bedford, on Thursday, the ] 4th day of January, A- D. 1803, at 10, o'clock, I'. M. the following prop erty, to wit: One tract of land containing Seventy oipht acres, more or less, about forty acres clenred and under fence, with a story and a half log house, and log Stable tbercon erected, adjoining lands of Win. IVerta, Christian Carn, Jacob Beard, and others, situate in Union Town ship, Bedford County, and tuken in execution as the property of Martin Corlo. ALSO.—One Lot of Ground in the town of Bedford fronting about Sixty feet <>n West Street, and exUr.ding back nbout two hundred and forty feet with two oncston/ houses frame Stable thereon erected, adjoining lot of Levi A grew, on the South and lot of Eben l'enntll on the North, Situate in Bedford Borough, Bedford County, and taken in oxccutioa as the prop erty of James McMullin. JOHN ALDSTADT, Dec., 18, ISC3. Sheriff. STRAY CATTLE Came to the premises of the subscriber in Na pier township, about the 20th of October last, & red and white spotted heifer, the right ear cropped and n half crop and slit in the left enr; also, a dark brindled muloy heifer, without any mark, both one year old last spring, The own er is requested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. Dec. 18. " _ JACOB KOONS. STRAY CATTLE. Came to tlo promises of tho subscriber, re siding in Bedford township, aometimo in Sep tember last, three head of cattle, two of them red, the other brindled, tho one has a piece off tiie left ear, tho others hare no marks percepti ble. The owner is desired to prove property, pay charges and take thorn away or they will be disposed of according to law. THOMAS DKENNING. Doccmber 18, 18C3. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Exponas and Levari Facias to me directed, there will be sold at tho Court House in tho borough of Bed ford, en Saturday the 2d day of January, 1804, at 10 o'clock, A. M., tho following property, to wjt: One lot of ground in the borough of Bedford, fronting about GO feot on the south side of Pitt street, with a two story dwelling house with b: 'k building attached and frame stable there on erected, and lot extending back about 240 • feet to an n.Tey, adjoining lot of Samuel Shuck on the east, and lot of A. J. Snnsom and .vifo on the west, situate ir. Bedford borough, Bed ford county, mid taken in execution as the prop erty of C! .rlotfo lindeh'.ngh. JOHN ALDSTADT, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Dee. 4, 1809.