BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS-"WAR**iTCO IN ALS. (CASKS. Can b relied on! Never fail to cure 1 Do not nauseate ! Are speedy in action ! No change of diet required ! Do not interfere with business pur suits! Can be used without detection ! Upward of 3bo cures the past month—some nf them very se vere cases. Over one hundred physicians hav used them in their practice, and all speak well of their efficacy, and approve of rheir composition, which is entirelv vegetable, and hannless on the system. —• Hundreds of certificates can be s^own. BBLL'S SPECTRIN PJLIAT "re the original and only genuine Specific Pill. They are adapted for male and female, old or young, ahd the only reliable rem edy lor effecting a permanent and speedvcure in all cases ol Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, with all iti train of evils, such as Urethral and Vaginal Discharges, Gleet, the Whites, Nigh'ly or Involun tary'asa ns, Incontinence, Genital Debility and Irritability. Impptenee, Weakness or Loss of Pow er, Nervrftts Debility, &c., fitc.. all of which arise principally from Sexual Excesses or §elf-Abos-, or some eohs'ltutiolial derangement, and incapaci tates the sufferer from fulfilling the duties of mar ried life. In alt eexual diseases, as Gonorrhea, Gleet, anil Strictures, and in Diseases of the Blad der and Kidneys, they act as a charm I Relief is ex perienced by taking a single box. Sold by all the principal druggists. Price sl. They will Be sent by mail, securely sealed, and confidentially, on receipt of the money, by J. BRYAft", iM. D„ No. 76 Cnlar strepp. New York, Consulting Physician tor the treatment of Seminal, Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who will send, tree to all, the following valuable work, in sealed envelope : THK FIFTIKTH Times AMI —III). BEL!.' 9 TREA TISE on Si-11-Abuse, Premature Deeay, Impotence and Loss of Power, Sexual diseases, Seminal Weak ness, Nightly Emissions, Genital Debit.ty, fee., &r., a pamphlet of Of pages, containing impo-tent ad vice to the afflicted, and which should he re.d by every sufferer, as ihe means ot cure in the severest stages is plainly set forth. Two stamps required to pay postage. Dbteuibcr .4, lfsG'l— l vsc IMPORTANT TO LADIES- —Dit- HARVEY'S FEMAI.R | FILLS nave rioyet yet failed in removing difficulties i arising from obstruction, 01 stoppage ol i.atiue, orj in restoring the ystem to peifect health when sill- | fering fiorii Spinal Affections, Prolapsus Uteri, the J Whites, or other weakness of the Uterine Organs. T he Pills ate perfectly barmlecs on the constitution, | end may bo taacn by 'he most delicate I'etnalo with out causing distress— ihe same time they act like a charm bv strengthening, invigorating and restoring the system to a healthy conaition, and by bringing on the monthly periol with regularity, no matter from what caui-vs the obstruction tnay arise. They should, however, NOT be taken during the first three or four months of pregnancy, though safe at any other time, as miscarriage would be the result.. Each b-x contains GO Pills. Price sl. Dit. HARVEY'S TREATISE on Diseases of Females, Pregnancy, Barrenness, Sterility, Re production, and Abu'e.i of Nature, and empnaticsll) the Ladies' Private Medical Advise', a pamphielVof 64 pages, cent free to uny address. Six cents re quired to pay postage The Pills and book will be sent by mail when de aired, securely saaled. and, by J. BRYAN, i\i. D., General Agent, No. 76 Cedar st., New York. JjySold by all Ihe principal druggists, December 4, 186 3—lysc. II gaffs.' The Secretary of the Treasury his not yet given notice ol any intention to withdraw this popular Loan from Sale at Par, and until 10 days notice is given, the undersigned, as "General Subscription Agent,' will continue to supply the public. Th; whole amount of the Loan authoiized is Five Hundred Millions of Dollars. Nearly Four Hun dred Millions have been already subscribed for and paid into the Treaury, mostly within the last sev en mttnths. The large demand from abroad, and the rapidly increasing homo demand for use as the basis for circulation by National Banking Associations now organizing in all parts of the country, will, in a very short period, absorb Ine balance. Sales have lately ranged ftom ten to fifteen millions weekly, fiequently exceeding three millions daily, and as it n well known that the Secretary of the Treasury has ample end unfailing resources in the Duties on Imports and Internal Revenues, anil in the issue of the Interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it is almost a ceitsioty that he will not find it tie. cessary, for a long time to come, to seel; a market forany other long or permanent |non, THE INTER EST AND PRINCIPAL OF WHICH ARE PAY ABLE IN GOLD. Prudence and self-interest must force the minds of those contemplating the formation of National Banking Associations, as well as the minds of all jvho have idle money-on'their hands, to the prompt conclusion that they should lose no time in subscri bing to this most popular Loan. It will soon be be yond their reach, and advance to a handsome premi um, as was the result with the "Seven Thirty" Loan, when it was all sold and could no longer be subscribed for at par. It is a Six per Cent. Loan, the Interest and Prin cipal payable in Coin, thus yielding over Nine per Cent, per annum at the present rate of premium on coin. The Government requires all duties oil imports to be paid in Coin ,- these duties have for a long time past amounted to over aQuarlerof a Million of Dol lars daily, a sum nearly three times greater than that required in the payment of the interest on "II the f>-2U's and other permanent Loans. So that it is hoped 'hat the surplus Coin in tint Treasury, at no distant day, will enable the United States to re sume specie paymenln upon all liabilities. The Loin is called 5-20 from the fact that whilst the Bonds may run for 20 years yet the Government has a right to pay them otr in Gold at par, at any lime alter S yefira. THE INTEREST IS PAID TI ART-YEARLY, viz : on the first days of November and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Bouds, which are payable to bearer, and are SSO, StOU, and SIOOO ) or Registered Bonds of same dei otninations, and iu ad dition, $5,000, and Foi Banking purposes and for investments of Trust-monies the Registered Bonds are prefetch!*. These 5-20's cannot be taxed tv Stales, cities, towns or counties, and the Government tlx on them is only one-and-a-half per cent., on the amount of income, when the income of the holder exceeds Six Hundred dollais per annum i all other investments, such as iucome from jvlortgages, Railroad Stock and Bonds, etc., must pas from three-to five per cent, tax on the income. Banks and Cankers throughout the Counter will continue to dispose of the Bonds ) and alLorders by ■rftJiil, cr otherwise, promptly attended to. The inconvenience of a few days' delay in the delivery of the Bonds i.s unavoidable, the demand being so great ) but as interest comb'iehres from the day of subscription, no less is occasioned, and eve ry effort is being made to diminish the delay. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, 114 Sooth Third Street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Dec. 4, 18G3. fume sale Of Valuable Real Estate. There will be offered at public snle, on the prem ises, in St. Clair township, en the 2flth of the 12th month ( Jecember,) a tract of land, ad|cining lands of John Ake, Thomas G. Wright, Jacob Horn a-v' others, one half mile from Pleasantville, containing FIFTY ACRES, about 30 acres cleared, part of which is excellent meadow, the balance farm land, a part ot which is bottom the balance well timbered. The improve ments arr a Two Story Plank Frame House, with a Kitchen and cellar, good water convenient to the door, a Double Log Barn, Blacksmith Shop, Spring House, with u small dwelling thereon, together with out-huiidings quite convenient, and fruit in great variety, apples, 'hurries, peaches, pears (common and dwatf,) plums, apricots, grapes and prunes. The property is quite a desirable one, easy ol ac cess, a puflic road running through it, convenient to mills, sohools and places for worship- Sale to com mence at one o'clock of said day, when the terms will be made known. HIRAM DAVIS. 12'h month 4th, 1983. 1 CEMETERY. * I The surveys in tbe Bedford Cemetery have Been completed and interments can now be made. Burial lots can be ha.l et any time by applying to the Secretary, who will show the ground and give necessary information to purchasers. The prices of lots have been fixed as follows : For ground bordering upon the principal avenues and carriage ways, 1 squire ol 4 tots, S3O | i square, 3 lots, . . . .18 Single lot, . . , . .13 1 Foi other localities in which purchasers make their own selections, 1 square of 4 lots, . . , S3B !, square, 3 lots, • . . . 16 Single lot, .... 10 When the selections tor purchasers are made by officers ol the Association, I square of 4 lots, at from . . sl2 to S2O {. square, 3 lots, at Horn . . 6 to 16 Single lots. . , . . 3to 5 For the purpose of affording further facilities to purchasers, there will be a public sale of lots at the Cemetery oft Friday, the 18th of December, inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M., at which time and place the Board of Managers will meet any persons desiring ! to nuichase. By order of the Board. ALK.X. KING, Prea't. C. N. HICKOK, Sec'ry. Something New in Philadelphia. C O V KR'S PHOTOGRAPHIC & ART GALLERY, No. 1338 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite U. S. Mint. Gallery, Recep'ioa and Operating Rooms ALL C N FIRST FLOOR. All styles and ot Photographs, Ivorytypes, Feirotypes or 'Tintypes" and taken at prices to suit the times. Pictures huished in Water Dolors, Oil, India Ink and Pastil. Horses and other AnimnT, Equipages, Country Seat*, Ruins, Mode is of Machinery. &c., loi patent ing accurately photographed. P. F Cooper desires to tall the attei tion of per sons visiting Piiilaiiclph'u to Ins tie"' Ground F'oo Gallery, where he has introduced newly-patented cameras, capable of taking, in a few second?, one hundred Photographs, fto tin the s "all stamp 01 auto graphic, to the Imperial and Life Sue. After many experiment he has succeeded in placing his sky-light at an improved angh . diffus ing the light in equal proportiuus, and producing that soft gradation of tone which cannot he given by the side nna sky-lights generally used, and which is of so much importunes to tb beauty of a picture. It is made of French glass, and id the largest in Philtdelphia- Mr. Co'ner has been engaged m- re than twenty years in the st: iy and piactic* of the Fine Aits. His long experience as a Miniature Portrait Painter is a sufficient guarantee for the perfection of the pictures made at bis establishment. The art of idealizing is well understood) none but the most skilful artists are employed in the is spective departments. Ail Pictures Warranted :—the ivor)typ*f will no f ■hange in any climate, and will eland the test of acids. Particular altention is paid to giving grace ful and easy p"Sitions. Daguerreotypes and all oihei kinds of pictures copied, from small tnedaliiouto life size, and finish ed in colors or Indian ink, 'o took equal to pictures taken from life. This Gallery possesses rare facilities for taking Equestrian Pictures from life, in the rea- building, | wnere Irom one to fifty horses can be photographed at a time. N. 6.-TO PHOTOGRAPHERS, COtORISTS AND OTHERS. JUST ISSUED.—A NSW WORK ON Photograph Coloring, loorytyping, Ena melling, Ivory Miniature Printing, dec. Complete instructions given for making Ivory types. with sotne valuable receipts, never before published, useful to all photographers, lor one of which a large sum has been offered. M By following the directions contained in this book, even those persons with no previous knowledge of Painting cannot fail to color photographs in a beau tiful and effective stvl?. Price, One Copy, SI.OO, Five Copies, $20.00. By remitting $12.00 one copy, with Box ol Paints, Palette, Brushes, and preparations complete will be furnished tree of charge. WILL BF. PUBLISHED SHORTLY, 4 VALUABLE V'uRK ON DRAWING. With progressive illustrations of the Human Face and Figure. ALSO, A HAND-BOOK ON POSITIONS. With Illustrations. Designed for the use of I'ho lographers an! Artists. Mr. Cooper continues to receive Ladies and Gen tlemen into his Classes for Instruction in Drawing, and Photograph, Ivorytvpe, India Jnk and Paslil Painting, and a beautiful process for Enameling Pictures. Circulars containing list of prices of pictures and further information respecting the books anil terms of instruction tnay be had by enclosing Post Office Addicss and a Stamp to P. F. COOPER, 1338 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. REFERENCES. Caleb Cope, President Academy of Fine Arts. Dr. Thns. B. Wilson, Ornithologist and Entomol ogist. Rev- Thomas Miles Martin, P. E. Church. Hon. Victor A. Sartori, Consul of Legnorn. Rolil 6. Clarkeon, of Firm of Jay Cooke ft Co. New York, Rev. W. A. Maybin, Rect. St. Alban's Church. Boston. J. E. Tilton Ik Co. Worcester, Mass., P. Dodge. Esq. Baltimore, Mons. Araedee Sanvas, French Consul. December 11, 1803. Piiiiisiftii and utility Claims. U. H. AKERS has received all the forms and in structions for procuring Soldiers' Pension and Bonn ty money. He also h' a partn-r in Washington City to prosecute the claims speedily. Bedfor Nov. 27, 1863—tf WANT! 57 100 CORDS TANNERS' BARK, at Farquhar's CHEAP CORNER. Clover seed, Flax seed Btid Titnathy seed wanted at FARQUHAR'S. Any and all kinds of Country Produce taken at FARQUHAR'S CHEAP CORNER. Come and buy your C'othing st CHEAP CORNER, Juliana st. Money saved by buying 800 TS and SHOES at ,* , CHEAP CORNER. Best CLOTHS, CASSIMEREB and SATIN F.TTS at CHEAP CORNER. Come and get a good HAT or CAP at FARQUHAR'S. Some Beautiful PLAID SHAWLS, very cheap, at Nov. 87, 1863. FARQUHAR'S. PUBLIC SALS O F REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphana' Court of Bedford county, the undersigned will offer at public sale, on the premises, twer Hopewell, on Saturday, UetjmOer 19 th, ISG3, all the following described property of Jamoa Rich eaon, late of Broad Top township, dee'd., to wit : The undivided half of r truct of unimproved land, adjoining lands of Schell Sc Forter, the John Buiin and John Belt surveys, containing 33 ACRES, mete or less, TERMS—One-third gash, at confirmation of sale, the remainder in twp eqqu! annqal payments, with interest. Sale will cammtnee at 1 u clock t-n said day. For fui ther particulars inquire of Joseph VV. Tate, j Esq , Bedford, Fa.. Lemuel Evans. Esq., Coaldale, or the undersigned living near the premises. GEORGE W. RICHESON, Adni'r. of J. Richeson, dee'd- Novetnber 27, 1863, I Public Sale I OF VALVAR LE REAL ESTATE. i fly virtue of at' order oi the Orphans' Court ol ' Bedford county, the tub-rribgj will offer at public ; j ale, on the premises, in Bloody Hun, on | .Saturday, the 26/A day of December 18G3, j the ,'oliowiny described real estate, late the proper ! IV0 .Josiah, dec'd., to wit: The on- un | divided half part of a lot of ground beiug lot No. i 17 in tb s general plan of Bloody Kun, fronting 60 ' feet on t> Bedford and Cbambersburg Turnpike ro:nt and r 'rnninji back 162 feet to a sixteen and a halt feet alli' , y> adjoining said alley pu the ncn ih, lot of watam bysiiger on the east, and a 40 feet .rreet on tiro we.t, wi.'b Foundry building. thereon erected, and known' as the Bloody Kun Foundry This property nonsai '• all the patterns, flask, en gine, training lathe, a nd every thing complete for a Also7'the Also 7 'the undivided of a lot of ground in Bloody Run, adjoining Jam Stcc!rman on he west, and fronting 73 teal on the Eedfnrd end Chamber# burg Turnpike road, adjoining' " str ff 4i fee. wide, and extenning "a.* fcerto a 10J feet alley, and being 73 leet w idf n . v with a frame dwelling bouse aha' w. ' 6 ' ou ' [? ri '* on erected. Possession to bt gi'.'i'n o." 11 ' 6 'J of February, 1861. Sale to commence 1 0 clocl! P. M. . TERMS—One-third of the purchase r.mnt v xa J ■' mam in the propel ty during the lifetime 0. tire ' ' oiv cf Josiah Buughman, deceased, nne-thir.d of 1 balance in hand fit coi.lirrriatioii of sale, ami ti.'e re s " idue ir. two equal annual payments wilnout interest. 1 JEREMIAH BAUGH.MAN, j Guardian of til* minor children | Jo ''ah llinglimtin, dec'd• | December!, 1863. At the same tim'* ard place the subscriber will ofler the ether undivided bail' of said properties so as to tive to the pure bus rs a cttinpletw title to the who e thereof. JEREMIAH BAITGHMAN. Orphans' Court Sale OF VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE- In pin nuance of an order of the Orpbe Court of Bedford county, there will he sold at public sale, on 'he jyvroiaes, i£ St. Clair township, in ra'id cuuu'J', MONDAY, fkrlSth thy of December , 18G3, Inst., the'iollowing real estat", late the property of Henry lciies, dec d., to wit: Tract ol Land sit. ua'te or George's creek, in St. Clair township, ad joining lands of 8 nntiel Clari;, Amos Edwards. Ja cob Stuff', Alexa der McGrigor and others, contain ing )67 ac.a- and 70 p-iches, more or less, of wtucli 50 ncres of upland anu 30 acres of meadow are clear ed and under fence. There is also a good apple or ch >ro on'his tract. The impiovements in a-tory • and a half lop and frame home, B double log barn, and other out buildings. The wood! uid on this tract is well covered with excellent timber. TERMS -('ne-third of the purchase money to re main in the hands of the purchaser duiing the life time af the widow, the interest to t -aid her semi annually, counting from the date of confirmation of sale. One-third of the balance to be paid at the confirmation of the sale, and the residue in two e qnal annual payments thereafter without in. rest, to he secured by judgment bonds, or bonds and rnort- HPNRY ICKES, Adtn'r. Dec. 4, 1863—4t. $5 Reward. Fscaped from the custody of the subscriber, con stable of Bt. Clair township, on the 05th nil., JER EMIAH MOCK, about 20 years of age, stoni built, had on a black suit of clothes and white hat. The above lewaril will be. paid for the d' livery of said Mock at the office of J. H. Wright, Esq., in Pleas antville, GEORGE S. YKAGER, Dec. 4, ISo3—3t* Constab'e. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS- The Collectors for 3563 nt the different boroughs and townships of the county of Bedford, are requir ed to meet the finird of Military Auditors at the house of Col. John Hufer., in the borouh of Bed ford, on the Ist day of January, 1804, where all I'-- eal exoneration? and abatements will be made for Militia Taxes. And be it known that no exonera tions will be made after the session of said Board. LEMUEL. EVANS,'r. Nov. 27, 1863. Board Military Auditors. SHERIFF'S SALE. IJy virtnoof sundry writs of Vend. Exponas and Levari Facias to me directed, there will la; sold it 'ito Court House in the borough of Heri tor,!, < n Saturday the 'id duy of January, 1861, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following property, to wit; One lot of ground in the borough of Bedford, fronting about (it) feet on tlv. south side o r I'ju street, with a two story dwelling house with back building attached and frame stable there on erected, and lot extending back about '2 10 feet to an alley, adjoining lot of Samuel Shuck on the east, ami lot of A. J. Sanson; nud wife on the. west, situate in Bedford borough, Bed ford county, and taken in execution as the prop erty of Charlotte liiidebaogh. JOHN ALDSTADT, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Dec. 4, 18i>3. Bedford RaiSßoad!! FALL & WINTER ARRANGEMENT. FARQUHAR'S TRAIN HAS ARRIVED with a verv lnrge alid well selecled stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS TO SUIT THE SEMOjY. LADIES, come and examine our stock of DRESS GOODS AND FANCY ARTICLES- Some beautiful Balmorals, Woollen Hoods and Head Dre-ses. Latest' style ot SHAWLS, good Cloak Cloth, VERV CHEAP. OVER .!*<> PAIRS OF BOOTS SHOES, Consisting of Ladies' and Misses, MenS' apd Boys' Shoer. end Boots of every style ami variety, and as | low in price s can be h id in towiu A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Wear CLOTHS, 'ERES, SJITIJYETTS, JEJIJYS. AXD READY MADE CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS. No bettor place to buy ar, OVER COAT. HATS AND CAPS in abundance. Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Sytups, Molasses, Tobacco, Cigars, and a great variety of notions. (XT'Renwber "Cheap Corner lor Cheap Goods." EXAMINE OUR STOCK FIRST. J. B. FARQUHAR, C.'irap Corner, Juliana St., Jledford. Dcccmlier 31, 1863, ,T,XP . --V ib | . ISon. Wilson TTCandless, Judge of the United States Circuit Court, President. Corner Perm and St. Ctair Sts., Pittsburg , Venn. The Largest. Cheapest and Beat- Pay" for a full Commercial Course. Cyfio extra charges for Manufaclurers. Steam, boat, Railroad and Bank Book-Keepieg. Ministers' Sona at half piice. Students enter and review at any lime. This Institution is condnrted by ex|>erienced leach era aid practical accountants, who prepare young men fer active business at the least expense and shortest notice, for the most loerative and responsi ble situations. DirnoMss gi.iniH for merit only. 1 Hence the universal preference lor gradnatea of this j College, by business men. ! I'XOF. A. Cowimv ' - hen Penman of th Union, I who holds the larger number ol ler Prkmiums. and ovei all competitors, teaches Rapid Business Wri ting. CißcnnsKS containing full information sent PURE on application to the Principals. JENKINS fc SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. Q3*"Attend where the Sons and Clerks of Bankers and Business Men graduate. November 6, 18C3. PfibSic sale * Of- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. p,, j.jn'fie of an order ot the Orphans' Court of Bedford COL" o ')'' undersigned will offer for sale, on 'he premi Hopewell township, on SATURD '*.Y. DECEMBER 26, 1803, the r-al estate ot" At'cb.-e 1 Flock,,dec'd., containing 140 ACRES ami 22 perches, neat measure. The improvements ore a' Rood f-amt Dwelling House, Bank Ban, and other .nit-buiblings. A gool spring of never failing water i.' upon the About one-iialf of the '.and is Cleared and tu a lugh a'atc of cultivation, and i* locked within two miles of the rail road. Terms—one-.'hud q. conhrmation of sale md the balance in two eq'bsj annual payment?. SAMoh'e FLUKE. Dec. I, 1863—41. j STRAY STEER. Taken up trespassing upon the premises of th" subscriber, in I.ondonCeriy township, some ime in August last, a red and white spotted steer, supposed to be two years old last spring, having a r.otcb out of the under side of the right -sr. TL'e owner is de.ired to come, prove property, pay charges and take bim awav, o r he will be sold RCI ordinp to law. GEORGE WOLFOKD. December 4, 1863—3t* ADMINISTRATOR.? - NOTICE. Letters of administration have been granted to the subscribers, lesiding in .luniata township, Bed ford county, by the Register of Bedlord county, on the estate of Peter Hillegas7 jr., late of St, Claii township, dec'd.; all per ons having claims against said estate are requested to present the same prop erly authenticated for settlement, and all person: indebted are requested to make payment immedi ately. MICHAEL HTLLEGAS, JACOB H. HTLLEGAS, of P, November 20—6/ Administrators. STRAY SHEEIT Taken up trespassing on the premises of the sub scriber, about the first of September last, three Sheep, having a hole in the 'ight ear and a slit in '.he left. The owner is requested to come, prove prop-rtv, pay charges and take them away, or they will be sold according to law. CHRISTOPHER CRAWFORD. D-cember 11, 'Sfjj. French all Wool Shining Flannels, Cassimeres, and all Wool Overshirts for sale at Nov. 20. CRAMER Sc CO'S. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Ry virtu* of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedlord county, the undersigned administrator of the .Mate of William Sparks, late of West I'rovi derce township, Bedford county , deceased, will sell at pub lie outcry, upon the premises, on Monday, December 2Btf/t, ISG3, nil the following described real estate ot said de ceased, to wits One Tract of Land, containing 1.16 acres .-.nd 70 p?r-bes, net measure, with a good Dwelling House, Double Log Barn and oihei out-buildings thereon erected; also, a fine ap ple nrchatd on the premises, boing the Mansion property of said deceasedi ALSO—ON"K OTHER TRACT, adjoining the above, containing 110 acre and 156 p'wehea, uet measure, aad having a Log Dwelling House, Stable and other out-buildings thereon erect ed. ALSO-ONE OTHER TRACT, adjoining the above, containing 15 acres and 13 perches, net measure, with a goon Tenant House, Double Frame Barn and other ouUbujldings thereon erected— there is al-o a good apple crchard of choice fiMt upon the premises. The above , ..pertieg are nil well watered, are i-> a good slate of cultivation, and favorably located within a short distance of the Rail Road at Bloody Run. Sale to commence at il o'clock, A. M. of eaid day. Terms made known on day of sale. G. W. HOUSEHOLDER. Nov. 27, 1863. Administrator. Piiiilfc Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of the last will and testament of Leon ard Nyeurft, latd of Monroe township, Bedford coun ty, deceased, anil an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedtoiu county, the undersigned, surviving execu tor in said will named, and trustee appointed by the Court aforesaid, will sell at public sale.ontht prem ises, 0 1 Monday, :!l si day of December, next, all the (bllowing described real estate of said deceased, to wit: , One Tract of Land, con'aining 203 acres anil I 3& and allowance, ritunte in Mcnroe township, Bedford county, adjuin ingjands of John Fletchers heirs, Henry cteclt qjan's hcus, Joseph Barltmeir's heirsumd-others, havhi| thereon erected a Log-Divellmg House, Barn an-' otlier out-buildings ; there is, also, an apple or chard, am! a failing spring of excellent v-ater on the premises. A large portion of this land is cleared and under fence, part good meadow, and the balance well covered with good nmbor, being the "Mansion Proper'y" of 3aid deceased. ALSO—ANOTHER TRACT OF LAND, adjoining the above, containing 192 acres, 92 perch es and allowance, about 70 acres cleared end under fence, pa t meadow, balance well timbered, having thereon erected a Dwelling House, Barn, Stable and othei out-bttildings j there is, aiso, an apple orchard and good spring of water on the ptemises. . ALSO— ONE OTHER TRACT, adjoining the above, containing 196 acres and 16 ! perches, being a tract of land surveyed on Warrant to l.eonaid Ny PHILADELPHIA. November 13, 1863—1y MEDICAL ASSISTANCE THE CHEAT AMERICAN |EKEST gAD WAYS READY RELIEF, THE GREAT EXTERNAL AND IN- ThRXAL REMEDY. ETOPS Till- Mft-T LXOfUCUTLVG PAW is A niw jnxtfris, AND RAPIDLY OKlfcS THE PATIENT. * RADWAYS READY RELIEF Provs its superiority to all niher Medicines at uuc®. ITS FIIWT INDICATION * I.j to relievo tu® fufl&cr of PAIN, no matter from \v La t-canoe it may onpiimo, or where it may be seated If in the ITcad, Faco, or Throat; I Ifthe Eucta, £pino, or Shouldor ; . If in tl-0 Arm 3, Eroast, or Sido ; If Ir the Joint*, Limbs, or Muscles • If In tf.o rvg,Tooth, or Ears; Or in any other firt ot J* t nd?, Its application to the part or part, where tho px o eiL't4 affjrd linmodf ate .-elicf. • , 2. SOZFJ) P.y.Y I:i tho Stomach, Bow old, or Kidneys ; In the Bladder, Spleen, or Livor ; In tiie Teeth, or Throat; In or Norroua System.; Oce tcaspoojful of ILVDWAY'S READY RLLTEP to a wineglass of will, In u few minuter, re* t.torc tho iNitieiit to case and comfort. If Lit.o, Cripple!, or Bod-rMden ; If Palsied,. cjHed, or li!.i*ned ; 1 f Bruised, Wounded, or Cut: Tf Strained. Injured, r Disabled ; If Sun Stroke, or seised with Fits • If Weak m the .Spine or Back ; EAlt WATS EEADY BELIEF fhould bo applied t' the i*\ tor parts afflicted. It In- Bluntly relieves tho patient from pain, and quickly heals, seothej, anil Hirenßtliens the disabled parta. In nil cases of Bites .f Rabid Dots, Reptiles, Stings of Pol* Fonous Inserts, the hpplicitiou ot RADWAY'S READY RFf.TFF to tho wound will prevent inflatfttrtatiou and tuori flcation. FEVER AND AGUE. Versons oxposcd to the Malaria of Ague, or If reized v. itti Chills nnd Forer, will And a pfsltive Antidote and fir® in Ready'Rrliof. twt) tsifpoßusful of the Ready Reli:!, in a wiae-glasi of water, bo taken on getting out of bed in tlie morning, and bowover Mb posed to malaria you will escape. WHKM ,s£J7>J> WITH CTIOTJCKA, or Marrbosa. or Ffux ; Pjmeutery, Crnmps, and Spasnts ; Bdioua Cuolic, or Gastritis; FoarM, Typhld, or other Fevers; lufluciiia, Coughs, o.' Colds ; liiflamiuatkm of luo Stomach or Dowels : R. A3 WAY'S REALY RELIEF SHOULD BE TAKEN INTERNAIXY. One dose will stop the pain : its continued cse will, in a few hours, cure the iv.viooL HOW IT CURES. Tho secondary indication of RAILWAY'S READY RE* LIEF is to cure tho jiatieni of the disenso or malady thai fiocasienn the pain ; tlih tt eocomplmhP* rapidly and radically. So swift is tho patient transformed from pain,misery, wenknocs, and decrepitude, to tho delight, ful enjnymeot of health und strength, that patMn ffe qucntty aacrllo lL a talitmanic power to tho sopernattf* ral infiuencoof UK bantu, 'ut mTEUMATtay. Li'JIB VJO, fTOTT, XECTIAI/iTA. TOOT! i ACME, CK'JL"!', INILUu-N/.j. MJllliLill.oA7, QMIN7.V. i'IfTFTKRIA, KOAlw-Vi'.'S TIiUIXCHT- T; • STIFF .10! NTS. KtfUtHOEP TENIXXW, MEAD ACfIF, (Wck or VfrrvonO AiTMJU. jr T 111 l EAT 111 NO. It i? truly nar** llou" L n* quck RKADY IMXIEF '"arcs tb sui'- r-of thov ipftjadie*. Tu >. ...r. crlpoWl, uti'l put:-.* trirken Kliewnatfc hu not t. w lit days Ueforfl ft cbuoirft ut'o. >s place, but hi a few miuutea dertws ease '-nfl comfort. craiO'frc !m:-:t >;.<[. .cf Havana.Cuba, tho enf rwpopd.nt of the luiiulon Times, fufltrod wiia /cuie a 4 Cl,r"H|o Rheumatism for twenly-flvn years, sad for twenty vesrs lie hail no- .■>-Jnved one liolo iMtWoahn r.t. SenppJ-l ib.U'VAVtt KKALY KIJJKF— It lm medial •!>* ce io i m ee--e and secured him tlm flrstcslm rod tiedisi'irhail sleep during the twenty years. Thu coeUnue.l t-.-o ol thi i.iiAl'Y KKirtki cured him. rptTEN'rro:: uunr. TITAN ccru T3ERE K NO OCCASION tCK! fICKNUa. When yo-< fret f-e| twin, thou tskn a tenepoonftt Of the Hi OA"! wider; or apply It to tie , . puis when; youlfool the'dlsmuiforl. AIX MAIJG.'.ANI WSEAST*. flrrtglve warning of tli.'ir pre-'.-uoo, and it met pro^ipt i\- 1..-lore tl-ey become securely Intrenched vith.n Iho system, will be reuuily expelled. f SIGNS OF MCKNKSS. Ileadae.ho, raiiiß in iho Lirnle—iu tho Slnmac'.i, Low els.snd Kidneys—Cold Chills, sad Hot Flushes, Oct ed Tongue, Burning S*tu, Nausea, Shivering, Dulluoss, Ixi-fl ot Appetite, Restlessness, Giddiness, ,'.c., Ac., n: o hremoiilierv symptom-, of Maiigns it ! gso-nes, Ono dusc of tlm RLAI'Y KF.t.IEF is rn-moletit to l're-ik up and expel diseased action, and nature tho panel.l to litallU i SOLDIER 3. Fivery soldier should carry with him a supply of RaiwnyV Ready Roll if It snpplion the place it all infer medicines ; and as a beverage, a tcasponnful or ill.! Relief, 1.1 a wine-glass of water. is a nicer, pleoaiiDS er stimulant than brandy, whisky, or bitters. aCK.traS IT EVEN TED IN THE Srn MAINE RBGT. Eighth* Maine rocinient, Serg't C. P. lord, wriloa thai Railway's Ready Relief ..aved the regiment from death whiluquartered at Tvbw Island, K. C.,wbon working in Iho swamp., erecting ttrtißcatious. livery mail seized with Tvihold and other Fevers, Fevor a.i.l Ague. Piarrhsi, Pyeniery. Kheumatisin, was ourcd by the use uf tiiu Ready Relief. CAUTION. In all cases ask for Radway's Rendy Relief. Take no ether. Reo that tlio rlgnaturo of ltadway ft Co. is on the outside l-.bel of e.oh bottle. Every |:ent Is supplied with a now and fresh slook. i'rloo '45 cents lr bottlo. Bold by Druggists, MeroliaiiU country Btorc.keepers. ' IUDWAY A CO., 87 Maiden Lano, New York. Sold by DiTiKgistf. Oct. 9th 1803.—1y __ L A 'OTB S . At Crsmei's you will find a large assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS,* Buitnble for fall.and winter. , Nov. 20. _ SAPOXIFIER, OB CONCENTRATED LYE FAMILY SOAP MAKER, "Afi AR makes high prices; Saponifier helps to re duce thorn. It makes SO;kP for FOUR cents h pound by using your kitchen grease. HyGAUTION! As sr.hriod". Lyes arc oftered also, be careful and only b-jy the PATENTED artieiepdt up iu IRON eaPfc, all others being Cocnteefsits. Salt Manufacturing Co.* Philadelphia —No. 127 Walnut Street. Pittsburg— Pitt Street and Duqueene Wnjr. November 27, 1863—3 m 7 —' r CASSIMERES. Fifty Piecei new Fall Cassimerea for sale at Nov. 20. • CRAMER & CQ'S. 100 SACKS -GROUND ALUM SALT, Just received at J. M. SHOEMAKER'S. October 30, 1563. . CLOTiIIi\ T (< Go to Cramer At Co'e. and look at their immensa supply of CLOTHING, before you purchase. November 20, !■ COMMISSIONERS' SALE Of Unseated Lands In Bedford County. I Agreeably to the provisions of an act of As- I sembly, "Directing the mode.of selling Unseat ed Landg, and for other purposes," passed the 13th day of March, 1815, and the *oppttment thereto, passed 59th March, IS24C, the Commis sioners of the county of Bedford hereby give notice that the subjoined first of Unseated lands purchased by the Commissioners of-said county at Treasurer's sales, will be sold" at'thc Court House in the borough of Bedford, on Tuesday, the otli day of January, A. D. 186*, at 10 o'- clock, A. M. Said sale to bo continued until ' all are disposed of. * Acret. Warrantee or Owner. • BBPFORD TOWNSHIP. 383J Jacob Funk 07 John Keen 2GG Israel Coasnll ?00 Andrew Mann 130 Matthew Taylor 400 John Ross Broad Top, \ JOO James Pctton IGO Josiah Duncan 400 Robert Sharp 400 Jacob Meyers 97 Abr'm Kerns 16 Wm Flghrd 300 Barclay & Foster 431 Thos Montgomery 150 David Bane 996 James Razor 189 Francis Moans 449 Isaac Herr Co/train. 424 William Scott 439 Davi d Hessner 400 Christian Diehl 53 Frederick Smith 100 Jacob Mechtlcy 04 J. 11. Shoenberger' 399 John Smith Cumberland Valley. 393-112p Geo. Davis 419-loßp John Lewis 399-1 lop Wm. Lewis 444—10p John Piper 331-128p Robt Lewis 304 > Steele Sample' Hopewell. 20 John McCumpson 12 Henry Gates 100 Martin Moans Ebenczer Lewis 433 John Moans 422 Bernard Moans 380 Francis Moans 428 Geo. Hawker 50 Jacob Meyers 444) John Razor 440 John Stane 400 James Todd 400 David'n Wishard 24G0 Wm. Lane —— John Montgomery 250 Isaac Barndoilar 402 Samuel Herr. . 51 John Buigart 443 James Dilworth 400 Wm. Richards 440 Samuel Tate, sr. 325 John Razor 227 Z. Moans 250 Timothy Moans 209 Israel Moans Ihrriton. 150 Matthias Holler 70 Kegg & Harrier 50 Geo. W. Powell 362-50p Wm. Viper 104 J J. Garretson & A. Sbeats Liberty 400 Swoope & King 448 Maria Aiberti 375 Hannah Aiberti 400 James Entriken 40 W. T. Daugherty 400 Edward Aiberti 150 Stephen Kerr Londonderry. 198 John McHatfey 400 Rachel Elenor 453 Elizabeth Golden 442 John Sample 457 Robert Sample 339 Abeam Fry -Monroe. , 109 Henry Mills 200 James Mountain 158 Michael Heavener 176 Jacob Kissell 20 David Fletcher 104 Jacob A. Wink 185 Sansora Wink 499 John Treves 335 Jacob Martin • *\apier. -J* 100 Gabriel Hull 30 Gabriel Hull 150 Thos Griffith 265 M. Riffle 439 Henry Hitter 4(10 John Oavidson 409 John Potter "300 John Little 150 John O'Neal 188 John Stull 149 John BlacTiley 123 Stuckey's heirs Providence East. 223 James Ensley 50 Abm. Buzzard 18 James Ensley 75 John Hanks 400 JacohZimmerman 100 Ephraim Hixon 50 T. Hixon 40 Elishn Barton Providence West. 300 King's heirs Providence. 300 Wcll&Clevinger 300 John Harden 333 Sarah Williams 301 Lemuel Gustine 400 Isaac Cavin 429 John Carver 250 John Miller 418 Thos. DeVVesse ' 4 140 Samuel Crossen 26C L. Martin 398 Thomas Cavin 102 T. Logan 402 Isaac Cavin 314 John McCartney 447 H. Alherti St. C/ 389 William Brown 407 Robert Gordon 419j John Lynn 406A John Giles Southampton. 409 Gust. Tomm 406 Nicholas Tomm 419 Titus Tomm 439 Jos. Cooper 439 Jas. Reed, jr. 305 Beany Brcathad 434$ Corn- Cooper 50? Arthur Brown 200 James lleyden 200 Thotn-rs Hoyden 400 Wm. Brown 4014 Johh Kerr 439 Win. Heed 404 Daniel Huff 339 Stephen Heed Union. 390 Adam Black 322 Michael Bhimor 400 Michael Shinier 400 Stephen Clark 100 John Little 438 Alex. Irwiue , • 407 Wm. MeClane 408 A. Mann Woodbtrry Middle. 400 P. Shoenlierger 50 John Todd 100 Jacob Snively 13 Jacob Huffman 10 Adam Souder 100 Heffloy's heirs 10 Martin Hysong 40 John Watt 400 Margaret Montgomery Woodbtrry South. 447 John Harden 474 John Chaney 440 Ignatius Harden 432 Isabella Davis 441 Wm. Piper 4-14 Elizabeth Piper 429 Joseph Monn 476' Alex. Moans 415 Stephen Moans 460 Samuel Moans 1 474 Wm. Montgomery Woodbtrry. ■"OO Henry Swoopo 421 Alax. Boyd \ • 346 Wm. Montgomery 432 Han. Montgomery •The following tracts, now in Pulton county, were purchased by the Commissioners prior to the erection of said county, and will be offered for sale at tho above named time and place: Ayr. 100 Dankl Metzlcr 2 I aits E. Wallace • Bethel. ■ i 142 Bcnj. Green 439 Jos. Reed 393 N. Seank 4394 J, Ward ; " * 439 IV Reed 114} Wm. Powers 439 Harry Ward 398 Adam Ward 439 Ahram Ward 481 Jas. Huff 462 Peter Huff 460 Robert Reed 431 Nathan Reed 428 Wm. Thomas' 439 Wm. Lee (McKee) Dub/in. 440 John King 15 John Harmon 160 Ephraim Zingler 424 G. VYild 'On Sidling Bill! ''" 406 Andrew Logan . v The two tracts following are it Greenfield township, Blair county: 383 John Thomspu ,440 Jas. Graham . Given under our hands at Bedford, this 4th day of December, A. D. 1863, 1 1 P. J. SHOEMAKER, ' ANDREW GEORGE RQAD&* Attest— Conmiuionmu Jons G- Pisuiß, Clerk.