Hartley's Column. Hartley is Agent for the Great Iron and Steel Mowing Machine, The last invention of the age. Alto— Agent for the World Renowned "BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER." farmera deairing to procure either of the above machine., mutt order by the middle of April, a. the demand will be greater than ever before. Send in your ordera NOW! Hardware in all ita variety ean be had at the Mammoth Store 0 F William Hartley, ■at low rates, as the greater part of hijtmmeme stock was purchased at the OLD PRICES Hartley is sole agent in Bedford county, for the sale oi the celebrated CiIAMBERSBURG COOK STOVE, which is the heaviest and best planned Cook Stove ever sold in this county, as all must admit who ex mmin* it—call and see it. HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE AND IRON COOKING UTENSILS, POTS, WAF FLE IRONS, SKILLETS, GRID DLES, GRIDIRONS, &C., IN GREAT QUANTITY. Iron and JYails, By the pound or ton. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, BUILDING MATERIAL, LOCKS, HINGES, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS & OILS. BRUSHES, of all kinds, at OLD PRICES. PLANES, CHISELS, BRACES AND BITS. WOODEN WARE SPAIN'S ATMOSPHERIC CHURNS, Wash Goirdi. Buckets, Brooms, Baskets, Shoema kers' and Saddlers' Tools and Findings of all kinds. MOROCCO AND CALF SKINS. Carriage Springs, Axles, Steel, Felloes, Bows, En ameled Muslin—Forks, Rakes, Scythe Snaths, Grind Stones. Grain Cradles, Shovels, Spades, Mill Saws, Meat Saws and Hand Saws. A NEW ARTICLE OF COAL OIL, the cheapest in town, as it does not burn away fast TRT IT. The new Philadelphia INDIA ROBBER OIL PASUE. BOOT AND SHOE BLACKING. the best article of the kind made. Try a box. COAL OIL LAMPS, BLOODY RUN CASTINGS, MESH PHILADELPHIA GARDEN SEEDS Warranted Genuine and Good. Bartley is also agent for the oesqnaled ©UM ROLLER, GUM SPRING Grain Drill; This is BOW too well known to need commendation. Bartlsy WARRANTS every machine sold to eome • © up to the REPRESENTATION. He he a sold to hundreds— and has had NO LAW SUITS. Heis ageat for the very best Farm Machinery and Cook fttoytt the genius of man has yet produced. Any ptiena wanting a Reaper, Mower, Cook Stove, Grein Brill, or Ferra Implement ot ANY DESCRIPTION wiß tad it to their interest to buy from HARTLEY, both as to (j'selityt of goods and prise. t.ddtod, m refc M, Im. Great Excitement! Farquh&r has Caught the Elephant! Cheap Corner, Juliana Street. The Elepbsnt having created a gi eat panic among buvers in consequence of his high price freaks, Farquhar, by bis first arrival of CHEAP GOODS, cap tured the old ekap, aod those who wish to buy cheap can be accommodated at CHE A P CURJVER. We are selling LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Delaines, Shallies, Lavms, Lustres, nn i Shepherds Plaids, at low aa they were twelve months ago. Calicoes, Bleached and Brown Muslins, and all kinds of Mens' Wear, Ready Made Clothing, Sfc., 25 Per Cent. Under Panic Price. Our atock of BOOTS and SHOES is complete, and embraces every size and variety and of the best quality. FAMILY GROCERIES. Coffee, Sugar, Imperial, Y. H. and Black Tea, best Golden Syrup, Baking Moluases, and every variety ot Spices. FISII AND SALT. Shad, Mackerel and Herring, in barrels and half barrels, Ground Alum and Dairy Salt. T. e public sre cordially invited to examine our stook before buying elsewhere. J. B. FARQUHAR. Bedford, May 1, 18C3. THE ELEPHIITTOOW IM ! —O-0 REE J AGAINST IHE WORLD, FOR CHEAP SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ! A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED ASSORT MENT OF WHICH HE HAS JUST RECEIVED, AND INTENDS SELLING AT DECIDEDLY LOW PRICES! also, Hardware, Queensware and Groceries ot all de scriptions, all ol which contain bargains of the rarest kind, and will be sol! either for cash or trade. Customers will find it greatly to their advantage to give bim a call at the Emporium of Trade, op posite Hafer's Hotel. N. B.—No trouble to ahow goods. ap24 KIMMELL, HOUSE, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, C STREET, BETWEEN 44 AND 6TH STREETS, Near the National Hotel, and two squares from l/ie Railroad Depot, WASHINGTON, D. C. Fine Parlors for the Actemmcdtionof Ladies. Room and Board per day - - - $2 00 Room and Board per week - - -10 00 Rooms, alone, per day ... 1 00 Meals, each, - .... ,10 Meals, per week, alone, - - - 5 00 Lodging, if the room is vacated by 7 a. m. 50 The KIMMELL HOUSE i 9 newly and elegantly fur nished, and in every respect a first class Hotel. I invite the public to call and examine. A. F. KIMMELL, Proprietor. The best Livery Stable in the City, Attached. GENERAL BTASE OFFICE- The following Stages run from the Kimmell Hous. daily i To Leonardtown, St. Mary's Co., Md , via Jurrattsville, T. B. Beantown, Byrontown, He* us ville, Charlotte Hall, Chaptico, and Leonaidlown. Also a tri-weekly line to Port Tobacco, leaves the Kimmell House every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat urday, at 4 past 7 a. m., via Piscataway, Duffield, to Port Tobacco. A. F. KIMMELL, Agent. January 16, 1863. M. PUMPS!!! f fijK I am engaged ii selling the P'ilSlJvv r,e P um P — certainly the rl' >M\\ only pump well adapted to jhSR thia climate. jSHI Persons in need of s good rPM V pump will do well to give | j.i w me a call. Reorders from all parts of the county will be attend •T ed to with promptness. WLQ ADDRESS: % WM. C. SNIVELY, ||JB_ Schellsburg. J9pBESM> Aug. 1, 1862.—3 m "NEW GOODS! Tho subscribers havo just received a new sup ply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which in addition to their provious stack, ren ders the present assortment, complete. NOTWITHSTANDING THE GREAT AD VANCE IN GOODS THEY STILL HAVE SOME BARGAINS TO OFFER, AJ\D RESPECTFULLY ASK BUYERS TO CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE PURCHASING. . A. B. CRAMER &CO March 20, 1863. PHOTOGRAPIIS. T. R. GETTYS has just returned from the East, where he has availed himself ol all the recent im provements in the Photographic art, and is now pre pared to furnish Pictures of every style and as per fect as can be had at any of the city establishment*. His Photographs, especially his "Card D Visiles," cannot be excelled, in proof of which he only asks his friends and the public generally to call and see for themselves. He has brought with him a splendid stock ot ROSEWOOD, EBONY AND GILT FRAMES, of all sizes, ranging in price from •SO Cents to 3 Hollars. Also a variety of frames for card pictures, as low as 20 CxitTS each. Also a variety of BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, varying in price from 75 Cents to 9 Dollars, and holding from 12 to 100 PICTURES. These FRAMES and ALBUMS are made of the finest materials and are the cheapest ever oflered to the citizens of Bedford county, and being deter , mined to aell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST e can assure his customers that they need not go lsewbere to find us good an article at the same I rice. His motto is "quick sales and small profits." T. R, GETTYS. ' April 10, 18W. Economy is Wealth! UIiHE YOUR COUGH FOR 13 CTS The BEST and CHEAPEST Household REMEDY in the World. Madame ZADOC PORTER'S GREAT COUGH REMEDY. t Madame ZAUOC PORTERS CI • rative Balsim is warranted ' used recording to tbe dire • Hons, to cure in all rasi i Coughs Colds, Whoopir; Cough, Asthma, and all affe tions of the throat ana Lung . Madame Zadoc Porter's Ba ■ sum is prepared with all tli requisite care and skill, fro i a combination of the best ren • edies the vegetable kingdoi affords, its remedial qual ■ ties are based on its power > assist the hea'thy and vigo ous circulation of the bloo<, thro' the Lungs. It is not i violent remeby, but emoliei warming, searching and effe<. tivej can be taken by thi oldest person or the youngei I child. Madame Zadoc Porter > Balsam has been in use b the public for 18 years, an has acquired its present sale simply by being red ommended by those who have used it to theirs' dieted friends and others. MOST IMPORTANT.—Madame Zadoc Porter' | Curative Balsam is sold at a price which brings i in the reach of every one to keep it convenient fo use of a single bottle will prove to be worth 10( tim its cost. NOTICE.—SAVE YOUK MONEY ! —Do not be perl suaded to purchase articles at 4s. to $1 whi :h do uol contain the virtues of a 13 cent bottle of Madame Porters Curative Balsam, the cost of manufacturing which is as great a9 that of almost anyother medicine and the very low price at which it i 9 sold, makes the profit to the seller apparently small, and un principled dealers will sometimes reccommend oth er medicines on which their profits are larger, un less the customer insist upon having Madame Por ter's and no other. ASK for Madame Porter's Cura tive Bal-am, price 13 cents, and in large bottles at 25cents, and take no o'her. If you cannot get it at on store you can ut another. CK7"Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers at 13 cts., and in larger bottles at 25 cts. HALL &RUCKEL, Proprietors, NEW YCRK. January, 23, 18G3,—ly. RICHARD LEO. MANUFACTURER OF CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, &C., BEDFORD, PA. The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet making uusiness, will make to order and keep on hand every thing in his line ol manufacture. BUREAUS, DRESSING STANDS, PAR LOR AND EXTEASION TARLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS. SrC., SrC. will be furnished at all prices, and to suit every taste. COFFINS will also be made to order. CyProinpt attention paid to all orders for work. •.•Shop one door east of the residence of J. M. Rus.eli, Esq., South side of the Public Square. RICHARD LEO. July 10, 1863 tf REBELLION AGAINST HIGH PRICES! Revolution in Bedford! E. M. FISHER and "LITTLE JOHN C.," have Just opened a new FANCY AND DRY GOODS STORE, at the stand formerly occupied by Samuel Brown, immediately opposite the Washington Hotel, where they constantly keep on hand a very large assort ment of MUSLINS, CALICOES, GINGHAMS, &C., and pay especial attention to the sale of NEEDLEWORK, LADIES' COLLARS, CUFFS AND UNDER SLEEVES, LINEN AND SILK POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES' HOSF., MITTS AND GLOVES, GEN TLEMEN'S HOSE, WHITE GOODS, SPOOL THREAD, LADIES' HEAD DRESSES AND VEILS, FANCY SOAPS, HOOP SKIRTS, JEWELRY, SHIRT FRONTS, (kC , fkC., ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD VERY LOW H)R CASH. The public are respectfully invited to call and see our stock before buying elsewhere. F.. M. FISHER &L. J. C. Bedford, May 8, 1863. MAVII O O D . How Lost! How Restored !! Just published, in a sealed envelope. Price 6 els. A Lecture on the JVature, Treatment and Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weak ne-s, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Phys ical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, fkc.— By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D., Author of the Green Book , lo Mills, Bed ford county, Pa.. .Ic hn C. Vickroy, Cumberland Val ley, Bedford county, Pa., or Jatnea C. Devore, Cum ber. dtid, Md., who are the executors of Cornelius Devore, dec'd. August 7, 1863. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WM. A . POND & CO., •147 it roadway, New York. (Late FIRTH, BOND & CO.) Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds ot MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Publishers and Importers of Sheet Music Musical Works, Sec., Sec., Sec. MESSRS. W. A. POND it Co. can futniah anything in the musical line at the shortest possible notice* end at prices that defy competition. PIANO-FtIKTFS (New) Trout $21)6 to *SOO. PI ANO-FORTF.S (Second-hand) from $75 to S3OO, according to size and style of case. MELODEONS of all the celebrated makers, at tnan ufaclureis' prices. FLUTES, from one to eigbt keys, and from 50c to $125 in price. GERMAN SILVER FIFES, in case, $7. GUITARS, BANIOS, VIOLIN'S,VIOLONCELLOS, DRUMS, ACCORDEOXS, CONGER UNAS, and all kinds ol Musical Instrum-nta. A set of our very best VIOLIN STRINGS, 75 cts.; GTITAR STRINGS, $1 , BANJO STRINGS, slj sent by mail postage-paid. We publish one of the largest and most valuablo- Catalogues in America, and are daily adding to it. Our facilities for furnishing everything in this par ticnlai department are UNLIHITRD. Every piece of Music published in the United 1 States for sale, at wholesale and retail. We have constant exchanges with European publishers, and csn therefore supply any foreign muaic desired. CATALOGUES SENT GRALTS. Music sent by mail. Po tage-paid, on receipt of tbo Marked Price. Dealers, Teachers, and Seminaries, can obtain their supplies of music by mail, at a postage of on ly Two Cents on each package of four ounces, or less, and four cents for each four ounces, or leas, weight of bouks. WM. A. POND & CO., 347 Broadway, New fork. August 11, ISG3. STRAY COW AND CALF. Came to the premises of subscriber, in Snake Spring township, about the last of July, a red Cow, rii!it ear cropped, having with her a Calf. Tito owner is requested to provo property, pay charges and take them away. WILLIAM SELLERS. August 14 the 1863.—3ta Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. The undersigned, having been appointed Trustee of Mrt. Elizabeth S. Lytle, by the Orphans' Court of Philadelphia, by virti") and under the authority of an order of the said Court, will offer at public sale, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 5, 1863, at the American House, Hollidnysburg, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described FARM LAND: The undivided Two-thirds of tut Aliright Farm, known as the Brallier Trict, situate in Juni ata township, Jflair county, Pa., bounded on the North by surveys formerly owned by John S. Kry on ; on the West by lands of James McConnell and others , on the South by land devised to the Trus tees of Martha K. Duncan by Dr. Shmnberger, and or. the East by land of James Malone, formerly land of Roudebush's heira, containing 330 atrts, more or less. Also—Tract oj Mountain Land, situate in Morrison's Cove. Bedford county, and State aforesaid, known as the Snyder and Brum baugh tract, and being on the mountain adjoining the Stone House Loy Farm, containing about 190 acres. Also—A Tract of Land, situate in Summerhiil township, Cambria rennty. State aforesaid, surveyed on a warrant, M'm. Smith, D. D., containing 440 acres, now, or formerly, ad joining lands of Dr. Storm McMurray and other*. TERMS—On third of the purchase money to bo paid on the confirmation of the sale, and the bal ance in two equal annual payments, with interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the pur chaser. For further psrticulars inquire ot E. F. Lytlo, Martinsburg, Pa. CHARLES MAC ALES TER, August 31, 1363. T'oabsh.