EDITOR ot GAZETTK, Dear Sir: With your permission I wish to say to the read ers of vour paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe with full directions for making and using a simp'e Vegetable Balm, that ■will effectually remove, in 10 days, Pimples, Blotch es, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of tha Skin, Jeaving'lbe same toft, clear, smooth and beautilul. 1 will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Lux uriant llaii. Whiskers, or a Moustache, ir. less thin 30 days. Ml applications answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, No. 831 Broadway. New York. August 14, 1863—3 m A GENTLEMAN, cured ofNervous Debility, Incompetency, Premature Decay and Youthful Er ror, actuated by a desire to benetit olheia, will b" happy to fuinish to all who need it [ ree ot charge] the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edy uaed in his case. Those wishing to profit by his experience—and possess a Valuable Remedy— will receive the seme, by return mail, (carelully sealed) bo addressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 60 Nassau Street, New York. August 14, 1863—3 m THE DISEASES OF ERROR* (Lea Maladies d'Erreur.) 1, John B. Ogden, M. D., author and publisher of the above work, do heresy promise and agree to send (free of charge) to any young man who will write for it, a sample copy for perusal. The proper study of mankind is MAN. This valuable work is isiued and sent forth for the benefit of suffering hu manity. It treats in simple language 011 all the diseases ot Error, including Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, Indigestion, Melancholy. Insani ty, Wasting Decay, lmpotency, Bcc., Btc—Giving safe, speedy, and effectual prescriptions for their permanent cure, together with much valuable in formation. All who favor me withadesite to read my work shall receive a sample copy by return mail, free of charge. Address JOHN B. OGDEN, M. D., No. 60 Nassau St., New York. May 22, 1863—3 m. Children owe m tch of their Sickness to Colds. — No matter where the disease may appear to be seat ed, its origin may be traced to suppressed perspiration or a Cold. Crumns and Lung Complaints are di rect products of Colds. In short Colds are the har bingers of half the diseases that afflict humanity, for as they are caused by checked perspiration, and as kve- eights of the waste matter of the body es capes through the pores, if these pores are closed, that portion of diseases necessarily follows. Keep clear, therefore, of Colds and Coughs, the great precursers of disease, or if contracted, breax them up immediately, by a timely use of Madame Por ter's Curative Balsam. Sjld by all Druggists, at 13 cents and 25 cents per bottle. Jan. 23, 1863.—1y. NEW JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE.—ALSO, GARDEN OR FRUIT FARMS. Suitable for Grapes, Peaches, Peais, Raspberries, Strawberiies, Blackberries, Currants, Bcc., of 1,21,, 5, 10 or 20 acres each, at the following prices for the present, viz: 20 acres for S2OO, 10 acres lor sllO, 5 acres for S6O, 2$ acres for S4O, 1 acre for S2O. Payable l.y one dollar a week. Also, good Cranberry lands, and village lots in CHETWOOD, 25 by 100 feet, at $lO each, payable by one dollar a week. The shove land and larms are situated at Chetwood, Washington township, Burlington county. New Jersey. For further infor mation, apply, with a P. O. Stamp, for a circular, to B. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. 90, Cedar street, New York, N. Y. Jan. 10, 1803,-1 y. SPECIAL NOTICE* The Proprietois of theGIRARD HOUSE, Phila delphia, would respectfully call the attention of Business men and the Traveling community to the superior accommodation and comfort of their estab lishment. KANAGA, FOWLER & CO. August 21, 1863 —3m. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WM. A . POND & CO., •147 Broadway, Hew York. (Late FIRTH, BOND 8c CO.) Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, Publishers and Importers of Sheet Music Musical Works, Sic., ' >' DAVID C. UOLDPN. \ We cordially invite the attention of the mer chants of llcdford county to our large assort ment of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. March 6, 1863—dm. BEAUTIFUL SUN UMBRELLAS Just opened at CRAMER'S. May 29, 1563. WANTED. 5,000 Pounds of Wool, at J. M. Shoemaker's store, for which thr highest price will be paid in Cash or Store Goods. Bedford, May 29—2 m. DR. J. L. MARBOURG, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Tenders his protesaional services to the citiaens of Bedford aud vicinity. Office, on Juliana St., opposite the Bank. 07-Night calls should be made at the residence of John G. Minnicb. April 24, 1863—1y LIST OF CAUSES, Put down for trial at Jlugust Term, bik Mon day, (31 sf day) 1863. Wm. Waning v. Thomas Haney ot al George W' Figard Thomas Haney Amanda Diehl et al " Jacob Snyder William Keyser " Wm. A. Powell Abram Dennison " James McVicker August Ahlborn " CumbM Val. M. P. Co. David Pattersons use " Otter lit Carn Henry McDonald 4 ' Alex. MeOrigor Catharine Hoon et at " Joseph Dull et al Alex. McGrigor " Henry McDonald Timothy Daley " J. C. Campbell At Co Francis Jordan t al " Diahl it Dibert John Arnold •' John W. Bceler Eve Baegla et al " John Sfine A. B. BUN'N, Proth'y. Bedford July 31, 1873. I J£NTIREL¥ VEGETABLE NO ALCOHOLIC PREPARATION' A FUAR TONIC MCBLCINT. \ OS ROOFLARD'S CELEBRATED German Bitters, PREPARED BY Dr. C. JACKSON, Phll'a., Pa. WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE LIVER COMPLAINT DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICT Chronic or nervous debility, dis tat t a of the kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomnck, suen as Constipa tion, Inward Pilat, Fulness, 01 blood to tbe Head, Acidity of tbs Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for food, fulness or weight in tbe Stomach, sour Eructations, sink ing or fluttering at tbe pit of the Stomach, swimming of tbe bead hurried and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at tbe Heart, choking or suffocating aensationa when in a lying posture, Dim ness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, deficiency Of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, pain in the side, back, cheat. Limbs, !kc., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in tbe Flei.fi, Constant Imaginings of Evil, ar,d Great De pression of Spi rit s . And will positively prevent YELLOW FEYER, BILLIOCS FEVER, Ac. THEY CONTAIN M) JILCOHOL, OR BAD WHISKEY! They WILL CORK the shove diseases in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. Induced by the eitensive tale and universal pop ularity of Hoofland'a German Bittera, (purely vege. table) hosts of ignorant Quacks and unscrnpulooa adventurers, have opened upon suffering humanity the flood gates of Nostrums in lira shape of poor whiskey, vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and cbiistened Tonics, Btomachiea and Bitters. Beware of tbe innumerable array of Alcoholic preparations in plethoric bottles,and big bellied kaga under tbe modest appellation of Bittera; which, in stead of curing, only aggravate diseaie, and laave tbe dieappolnted sufferer in despair. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. Ara not a new and untried article, but have stood tbe teet of fifteen years trial by tbe American pub lie ; and tbeir reputation and sale are not rivaled by tny similar preparation. Tbe proprietori have thouaanda of lattari from tbe most eminent CLERGYMEN LAWYERS, PHYSICIANS, AND CITIZENS, Testifying, of tbeir own personal knowledge, to tkß beneficial effects and medical virtues of theseßittars. Do you want something to strengtben you ' Do you want a good appetite / Do you want to built up your conititution t Do you want to feel well t Do you want to get rid of nervousness 7 "o you want energy 7 Do you want to sleep well 7 Do you want a brisk and vigoious feeling 7 If you do, use HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTER*. From J. Krwton Brown, T). D., Editor of the Bn cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pat ent medicines in general, thiough distrust of their iogiedients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reason why a man may not testify to the benefit he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that be may thus contrib ute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hoofland'e German Bitters, prepared by Br. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for tmany years, under the impression that they were chetefly an alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., tor the removal of this prejudice bv proper tests, and for encourage ment to try them, when suffering from great and leng continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which 1 had not felt tor six months before, and had almost de spaired of regaining. I therefore thaokGod and my friend l'er directing me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June 2.1, 1661. From the Rev. JOSEPH 11. KENNARD, Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church. DR. JACKSON —DEAR SIR:—I have been frequently requested to connect my name with commendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding tha practice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in all cases declined , bu' with a cleai proof in various instances, and particularly in my own family, of the usefulness of Dr. Hoofland'e German Bittera, Ida part for once from my usual course, to express my full copviction that, for general debility of the sys tem, and especially for Liver Complaint, it isasafe and valuable prepaiation. In some cases it may fail, but usually I doubt not it will be very beneficial to those who suffer from the above causes. Yours, very respectfully, J. H. KENNARD. Eighth, below Coates St., Phil., Dec. 24. I'rom the wife of ALB ERMATI WUNDER, Germantown. German town, June 1, 1861. DR. C. M. JACKSON —SIR:—It gave me pleasure two years ago, to give you a certificate, testifying what the German Bitters bad done for me. lam now perfectly cured of nil those diseases your med icine professes to cure, viz:—Dyspepsia, Chronic and Nervous debility, diseases of the Kidneys, be. The powerful influence it exerts upon Nervous pros tration is surprising. I have been consulted frequent ly in reference to your Bitters, and without hesita tion, have recommended it for the above complaints, and in every instance it has effectually curad. Your medicine has a great reputation in Germantown and is now sold in every Drug store, and in most of tba Grocery stores heie. It any one should question what 1 say, let them come to Germantown, and I will prove to their satisfaction, that the Bitters heva cured in this vicinity more than twenty caeesof Ibo above disease. Respectfully, HANNAH WUN DEP. Main st., above Rittenhouse, Germantown, 1 a. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT. See that the signeture of "C. M. JACKSON on the WRAPVKS of each bottle. Principal Office and Manufactory, V"o. 631, rfrch Street. JONES & EVANS, [Successors toC. M. JAOSSON kCo.,] Paoraiaroaa For sale by tbo Druggists in Bedford. George B. Amick, St. Clsirsville. J. M. Bsmdoller