—BIABIHED TCTOMAS—MANGES.—On Sunday the S byS. W. Miller, Esq., Mr. Geo. Thorn as, of Somerset county, to Miss Mary Manges, of Bedford county, l'a the diseases of error. (Lei Maladies d'Erreur.) I John B. oden, M. D., author and publisher of the'above work, do hereby promise and agree to send (free of charge) to any young man who will write for it, a sample copy for perusal. Ihe proper study of mankind is MA*. This valuable work is 'L and sent forth for the benefit ol suffering hu manity It treats in simple language on all the diseases of Error, including Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, Indigestion, Melancholy. Insani ty Wasting Decay, lmpotency, &c., &c.—Giving 'afp speedy, and effectual prescriptions for the. r nermanent cure, together with much valuable in formation. All who favor me with a desite to read ro y work shall receive a sample copy by return mail free of charge. Address ra ' JOHN B. OUDEN, M. D., No. 60 Nassau St., New York. May 22, 1803—3 m. Children owe much of their Sicine-is to Colds. — No matter where the disease may appear to be seat ed itsorigin may be traced to suppressed perspiration or'a Cold. Cramps and Lung Complaints are di rect products of Colds. In short Colds are the har l)iners of half the diseases that afflict humanity, for as they are caused by checked perspiration, and as five- eights of the waste matter of the body es capes through the pores, if these pores are closed, that portion of diseases necessarily follows. Keep clear, therefore, of Colds and Coughs, the great precursers of disease, or if contracted, brcau them up immediately, by a timely use of Madame Por ter's Curative Balsam. Srld by all Druggists, at 13 cents and 25 cents per bottle. Jan. 23, 1863.—1y. NEW JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE.—Ai.so, GARDEN OR FRUIT FARMS. Suitable for Grapes, Peaches, Pears, Raspberries, Slrawberiies, Blackberries, Currants, ike., of I, 'J.', 5, 10 or 20 acres each, at the following prices for the present, viz: 20 acres for S2OO, 10 acres for sllO, 0 acres for SOO, 2J.acres for S4O, 1 acre for S2O. Payable by one dollar n week. Also, pood Cranberry lands, and village lots in CHKTWOOD, 25 by 100 leet, at $lO each, payable by one dollar a week. The above land and tarms are situated at ChetvrooJ, Washington township, Burlington county. New Jersey. For further infor mation, apply, with a P. O. Stamp, for a circular, to S. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. 90, Cedar street, New York, N. Y." Jan. 10, 1563, —1 y. Bctifovb dountji, 56: At an Orphans' Court held at Bedford, in and lor said county, on the 4th day of May, A. D. 18G3, before the Judg es of said.Court, on motion of A. King, Esq., the Court grant a rule on the heirs and legal represen tatives of Thomas Foster, late of Highland county, in the State of Ohio, deceased, to wit: Benjamin Foster, Basil Foster, John Foster, Mary Zink, (a widow,) Sarah, intermarried with Chaney, and Elizabeth, intermarried with Samuel Horton. That said John Foster is dead, 'eaviug nine chil dren, to wit: Dewalt C. Foster, Caroline, intermar ried with . Newton C. Foster, Amanda M. intermarried with , Emily Jane, intermar ried with , Israel W. Foster, Cynthia A. Foster, John 'l'. Foster, and Edney E. Foster, (the said Edney E. having since died leaving no chil dren.) That said Sarah Chaney is also since dead, leaving six children, to wit: Levi Chaney, Mary A. Chaney, intermarried with .Rebecca, intermarried with John Walker, Amoa E. Chaney, Richard Chaney, and Eliza Jane, intermarried with Samuel Ellis. Your petitioner iurther represents, that the in terest of the said Benjamin Foster is fifty-two acres and thirteen perches, or thereabouts, of the real estate hereinafter described, being the one-sixth thereof, is vested in Daniel Wasbabaugh and Dr. George W. Anderson, of the county of Bedford a foresaid. And that the interest of the said Benja min in the residue of said real estate is now vested in Samuel T. Brown and John Scott, of the borough end county of Huntingdon, Pa., and Alexander King James M. Given and John B. Given, of said county of Bedford. Youi petitioner further represents that the interest of the said La'il Foster, Mary Zink and Elizabeth Horton, in suid real estate, being three-sixths thereof; and the interest of said De walt C. Foster, Israel W. Foster and Cynthia A. Foster being the three-eighths of one-sixth, and of Levi Chaney, Rebecca Walker, Amos E. Chaney and Eliza Jane Ellis, being four-sixths of one-sixth nf said real estate have become, by virtue of sun diy conveyance, duly tiansferred to and vested in your petitioner. Your petitioner further represents that as far as can be ascertained, the said Caroline, intermarried with , Newton C. Foster, Amanda M.,in termarried with , Emily .lane, intermarri ed with I —, and John S. Foster, children of said John Foster, dec'd, and Mary A., intermarried with , and Richard Chaney, children of said Sarah Chaney, dec'd., nil reside in said county of Highland, in the State of Ohio aforesaid, and that the husbands ot said daughters of John Faster and Sarah Chancy are unknown to your petitioner, to be and appear at our Oiphans' Court to be held at Bedfoid, in and for the county of Bedfotd, on the fitth Monday of August, the 31st day, A. D. 1863, to accept or refuse to take the real estate of said deceased at the valuation which has been valued and appraised in pursuance of a writ of partition or valuation issued out of our said Court and to the Sheriff of said county directed, or show cause why the same should not be sold. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said Court at Bedford, the 7th day of May, A. D. 1863. Attest, A. B. BUNN, Clerk. JOHN J. CF.SS.NA, Sheriff. July 17, 1863. Scbfoib Countg, S3: At an Orphans' Court held at Bedfosil in and for said county, on the 4th (lay of May, A. I). 1363, bclore the Judges of the stud Court, On motion of G. H. Spaog, Esq., tho Court grant a inle on the heirs and legal representatives of Ber nard Uoos, late of Blair county, dec'd., to wit : Andrew Roos, Charles lloos and n child of a sis ter, about 8 years of age, named Joseph 'Prayer, living in Germany, Andrew Roos resides in New Jersey, and C'hailes Roos in Bedford county, to be and appear at an Orphans' Court to be held at Bed ford, in and for the county of Bedford, on the sth Monday of August, the 31st day. A. D. 1863, to ac cept or refuse to take the real estate of said dec'd. at the valuation which has been valued and apprais ed in pursuance of a writ of partition or valuation issued out of our said Court and to the Sheriff ot said county directed, or show cause why the same should not be sold. ' n testimony wLereof 1 hava hereunto || PnSart 6e t my hand and seal of said Court ut Bedford, the 7th day of May, 18G3. A. B. BUNN, Clerk. Jons J. CESSNA, Sheriff. July 17, 1863. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. i lie undersigned appointed auditor to make dis tribution of the estate of George Wigfoos, late of Vest Providence township, dec'd., to and among the judgment creditors and heirs of said deceased, Wl ''attend for that purpose at his office, in Bedford, on Thursday, the 30th day of July inst., when and whore all may attend. JOHN MOWER, Auditor. July 17, 18C3. MENGEL HOUSE STABLING. The undersigned proprietor of the Mengel House would announce to the public that he has made such arrangements for stabling as will enable him to accommodate all nis customers, notwithstanding the loss, by the tecent fire, of the stable attached to tne hotel. ~ ISAAC MENGEL. May 22d tf. NEW SPRING STYLE CLOTHING, Just received at CRAMER'S. May 29, 1833. CAPITAL NEW BOOKS, JUST PUBLISHED BY JOHN BRADBURN, [Successor to M. DOOLADY], I 49 Walker Street, (Near Bioadway,) NEW YORKCITY. Leaves from the Diary of an Army Surgeon. By DOCTOR THOS. T. ELLIS, Late Post Surgeon at New York, and Acting Medi cal Director at White House, Va. Cloth. 350 pages. 12mo. Price sl. • A Liberal Discount to the Trade. copv contains an autograph letter from General McC'lellan._/n DR. CU MMING'S REPLY TO BISHOP COLENSO. Bishop Colenso fully Answered: His Errors refuted, and the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch clearly established, by the Rev. John Cummino, D. D., in a series of Lectures. Cloth. 271 pp. 12mo, Price sl. The Actress in High Life, AN EPISODE IN WINTER QUARTERS. By a Lady of South Carolina. Cloth. 461 pages. 12mo. $1.25. Adventures by Sea and Land of the Count de Canny ; OR, THE DEVOTION AND FIDELITY OF WOMAN-. Ati Episode of the Colonization of Canada. By H. EMILE CHEVALIER. Cloth. 312 pp. 12mo. sl. Lcs ITliscrables, BY VICTOR HUGO. Five Vols, in One. Fantine; Marius, St. Denis, Cosette, Vaijuan. Cloth. 476 pp. Bvo. $1.50. Hans of Iceland, THE DEMON OF THE NORTH. A Romance, By VICTOR HUGO. Cloth. 187 pp. bvo. 50c. Arbitrary Arrests in the South, Scenes in the Expsrience of an Alabama Unionist. By R. S. THARIN, A. M., Native of Charleston ; fot 30 years a resident of the Cotton States , and commonly known in the West as "the Alabama Refugee." Cloth. 245 pp. 12mo. sl. Lives and Letters of Jtbelard and Heloise. By O. W. WIGHT. Cloth. 319 pp. 12mo. sl. Three Years in Chili; Cloth. 153 pp. 12mo. 75c. Woods and Waters: THE SARANACS AND RACKET. By ALFRED B. STREET. Cloth. 441 pages. 12mo. $125. Stories of Frontier Adventure in the South aud West. By WM. T. COGGESHALL, Author of "Home Hits and Hints," "Poets anu Po etry of the West," &c. Cloth. 313 pp. 12mo. sl. The ESaftle or Waterloo, By VICTOR HUGO. Paper Covers. 75 pages, lflmo. 15c. Trips in the Life of a Locomotive Engineer. Taper Covers. 224 pp. 12mo. 5Uc. Cloth sl. Our Farm of Four Acres AND THE MONEY WE MADE BY IT. From the 12th London Edition, By HARRIET MARTINEAC. Paper Covers. 128 pp. 12mo. 25c. Cloth, 38c. July 17, 1863. RIISIIKD LEO, M AiVU F AUTURER O F CABINET-WARE, CHAIRS, &C., BEDFORD, PA. The undersigned being engaged in the Cabinet making ousiness, will make lo order and keep on hand every thing In his line ot manufacture. BUREAUS, DRESSING STANDS, PAR LOR AND EXTENSION TABLES, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS, 6, C., oob s , No. 137 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Cloths, Cassimcrcs and Ycstings, Silks and Dress Goods, Linens and White Goods, Laces and Embroideries, Shawls, Ribbons and Trim mings, Hosiery, Gloves and Notions. A i.so—Bleached Shirtings, Colored Cambrics Flannels, Jeans, Ginghams, &c. March 6, 1863.—1y HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Diseases of the Nervous System, Spermator rhoea or Seminal Weakness, Impotence, ani other affections of the Sexual Organs, Physical Debility and Premature Decay—new and reliable treatment, in reports of the Howard Association, sent hy mail in sealed lettei envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGH PON, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, NO. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. March 6, 1863—1y VOI. S. BOYD. JOHN L. HOUGH. W. S. BOYD, JR. BOYD & HOUGH* WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 17 SOUTH WATER ST., PHILADELPHIA. March 6, 1863—6 m. imooumr HARDWARE JOBBERS AND IMPORTING MERCHANTS, No. 337 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, Dealers in Butcher's Edge Tools and Files, together with.a general Stock of English and American Hardware. March C, 18G3.—ly J. H.ZIMMERMAN, WITH E. A. HENDRY, SUCCESSOR TO HENDRY AND HARRIS, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in BOOTS & SHOES No. 53 North Third Street., PHILADELPHIA. March 6, 1663—Cm. GILLETTE & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS *nd Commission fUmljants Jayne's Marble Building, 616 Chestnut St., Sr 616 Jayne St. PHILADELPHIA. JNO. E. GILLETTE. B. SCOTT, JR. Apr. 17, 1803 —ly. C. D. M'CLEES & CO. Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, AND INDIA RUBBER SHOES,j NO 133 NORTH THIRD STREET OrroSITE CHERRY ST., PHILADELPHIA. Apr. 17, 1863—1y. BR. TAYLOR, WM. K. HEMPHILL, Taylor Hemphill, WHOLESALE DEALERS IS MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC SEGARS, 220 Marke treet, South side, between 2d and 3d, PHILADELPHIA. March G, 1863—1y. J9ICUAEL WAR Till AH & CO.. TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGiil MANUFACTORY, No. 313 North Third Street, Second c'oor below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. M. WARTMAN. H. r. ENGELMAN, March G, —ly. A. A. SHUMWAY & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Hoots db Shoes, No, 221 Market Street, and 210 Church Alley, PHILADELPHIA March 7, 1863 ly. ARMAS YOUNG, DAVID YOUNG, It. C. MOORE. AMUR YOUNG, BRO. & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN EMBROIDERIES, LACES, White Goods. Hosier}-, Mitts, Gloves, Trimmings, ij-c., No. 429 Market Street, 418 Commerce street, PHILADELPHIA. March 6, 1863. —ly United States Clothing Emporium. GEO. W. REED # CO. WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS, Ao. 423 Market Street, up stairs, PHILADELPHIA N. B A 'ull assortment of Shirts, Drawers, O reralls and Gum Clothing, constantly on hand. March 6, 1803—6 m. BLINDS& SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 North Sixth St., Philadelphia, Manufacturer of VENITIAN BLENDS and WINDOW SHADES. tt7~Tbe largest and fines: a-sortment in the Cit y, at lowest prices. Blinds Painted nd Trimmed equal to new. Store Shanes made and lettered. Apr. 17, 18G3—2m. MILTON COOPER, WM. M. PAR HAM , ROBT. D. WORK. I'OOPfiR, PARKfIAM & PRK, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBKRS OF HATS, CAPS, FURS AND STRAW GOODS, No, 51 North Third Street, BETWEEN MARKET AND ARCH. March 6, 1863—1y PHILADKLPHIA. jS> LEWIS LADOMUS CO., J 802 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, G&JLB Have always on hand a large Stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, suitable for Ladies' Gentlemen's or Boys' wear. Some of our own importation, EXTRA FINE QUALITY. Our assoitmentot Jewelry consists of the mos fashionable and rich designs ; as, also, the plainer and less expensive. Silver Spoons, Forks, Pie, Cake and Fruit Knives; also, a large variety of fancy Sliver Ware, suitable j for Bridal Presents. | We have, also, on Land a most splendid assort i ment of DIAMOND JEWELRY of all kinds, to which we invite SPECIAL atten tion. Our prices will be found considerably less than the sanr.e articles sually sold lor. AH kinds of Watches repaired in tbe very best manner, and warianted to give satisfaction. WEDDING RINGS on hand and made to order. Call or address LEWIS LADOMUS & CO., 602 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. P. S.—The highest cish price paid for old GoU. and Silver. All orders from the country will receive especial attention. April 24.—3m5. ME* lOLYG & KL, Wholesale Grocers, 407 NORTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE CALLOWHILL, PHILADELPHIA. March 7, 1863—1y. LEFEVRE, PARK & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in NOTIONS, Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Whits Goods Umbrellas, Parasols, Looking Glasses, Shirts and Drawers, Yarns, &c. No. 238 North Third Street, between Race and Streets, PHILADELPHIA March 6, 1863—6 m MARTIN BUEIILEH. ) ( GEO. BONBRIGHT. R. H. HOWARD. J (C. P. 6UGSSEROTT. BUEHLER. HOWARD & CO- Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic No. 441 Market St., below Fifth, PHILADELPHIA. March 6, 1863—1y. CH. G. SOWER, W. H. BARNES, F. C. POTTS. SOWER, BARNES fe CO., PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books AND STATIONERY, No. 37, North Third Street, below Aich, PHILADELPHIA. PUBLISHERS OF FELTON'S OUTLINE MATS AND KEYS, The largest and best Outline Maps ever published SANDER'S NEW READERS, GREENLEAF'S AND BROOKS' ARITHMETICS, kc. Blank Books, Writing, Wrapping, Curtain and Wa- Papers. March 6, 1663. PETER ARMBRUSTER b BRO., No. 300 North Third Street, Philadelphia. LOOKING GLASSES, COMBS, CEDAR WARE, CORN BROOMS & BRUSHES, Laces, Cambrics, Jaconets, Mull Muslins, Gloves and Hosiery of ull kinds, And a general stock of FRENCH, GERMAN and ENGLISH GOODS. March G, 18G3.—ly JONES, WARNER & U©• Successor lo Fitliian, Jones & Co. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, NO. 210 MARKET STREET Five doors below Third, south side, GIDEON F. JONES. J P)ilai)dpl)ta RICHARD C. WARNER, > " ' ' ' DAVID C. GOLDEN. Wo cordially invite the attention of the mer chants of lied ford county to our large assort ment of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. March G, 1803—Cm. DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE OR RE tail, always under the market prices. We buy our goods exclusively lor cash and by that means are enabled to buy very cheap. We sell at a very small advance annd buyers can always save from 5 to 20 per cent by mailing their purchases of us. vVe have a large STOCK ot MUSLINS, LINENS, DRESS GOODS, MEN'S WEAR, &c. To those about com mencing housekeeping, one of the best stocks of furnishing goods in Philadelphia will be found here. R. D. & W. H. PENNELL, 1021 Market st. Phil'a. March Gth, 18G3—3mo. DR. J. L7 MARBOURG, \ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Tenders hia professional services to the citizens of Bedford and viculity. Office, on Juliana St., opposite the Bank. CEf Night calls should be made at the residence of John G. Minnich. April 24, 1803-ly BEAUTIFUL SON UMBRELLAS Just opened at CRAMER'S. May 29, ISB3. WANTED. 5,000 Pounds of Wool, at J. M. Shoemaker's store, for which the highest price will be paid in Cash or Store Goods. Bedford, May 29—2 m. ______ Call at CRAMER A CO'S OLD STORE. May 29. HATS To suit all tastes, just received at CRAMER'S. May 29, 1803. JgNTIRELY VEGETABLE NO ALCOHOLIC PREPARATION' A PURE TONIC MEDICINE. OR HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED German Bitters, PREPARED BY Dr. C. HI. JACKSON, Pliil a., Fa. WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE LIVER COMPLAINT DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICE* C/itonic or nervous debility, diseases of the kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, sucn as Constipi- * lion, Inward Piles, Fulness, or blood to the Head, Acidity of the ' Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for l'ood, fulness or weight in the Stomach, sour Eructations, sink ing or fluttering at the pit of the Stomach, swimming of the bead hurried and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, Dim i ness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and 1 Eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesb, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great De pression of Spi rit s . | Aud will positively prevent YELLOW FEVER, BILLIOCS FEVER, &c. THEY CONTAIN JYO ALCOHOL, OR RJIB WHISKEY! They WILL CURE the above diseases m ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. Induced by the extensive sale and universal pop ularity of Hoolland's German Bitters, (purely vege table) hosts of ignorant Quacks and unscrupulous adventurers, have opened upon suffering humanity the flood gates of Nostrums in the shape of poor whiskey, vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and chiistened Tonics, Stomachics and Bitters. Beware of the innumerable array of Alcoholic preparations in plethoric bottles,and big bellied kegs under the modest appellation of Bitters; which, in stead of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave the disappointed sufferer in despair. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, Are not a new and untried article, but have stood the test of fifteen years trial by the American pub lie j and their reputation and sale are not rivaled by any similar preparation. The proprietors have thousands of letters from the most eminent CLERGYMEN LAWYERS, PHYSICIANS, AND CITIZENS, I Testify ing, of their own personal knowledge, totha I beneficial effects and medical virtues of theseßilters . | /• . '!• is ■ • •/ | Do you want something to strengthen you 7 Do you want a good appetite 1 Do you want to builf up your constitution 1 Do you want to feel well f Do you want to get rid of nervousness 7 Do you want energy ? Do you want to sleep well 1 Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling 1 if you do, use HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTEHS. From J. Newton lirown, D. 2)., Editor of the En cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pat ent medicines in general, thiough distrust of their ingiedients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reason why a man may not testify to the benefit he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus coi.trib i ute to the benefit of others. | Ido this Ae more readily in regard to Hoofland's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for tmany years, under the impression that they were cheietly an alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., (or the removal of this prejudice bv proper tests, and for encourage ment to try them, when suffering from great and o|ng continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which 1 had not felt for BIX months before, and had almost de spaired of regaining. 1 therefore thanlcGod and my friend far directing me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June 23, 1661. From the liev. JOSEPH 11. ICENNAUD, Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church. DR. JACKSON—DEAR SIR :—1 have been frequently i requested to connect my name witb commendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding tha practice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in I all cases declined ■, bu' with a cleai proof in various instances, nnd particularly in my own family, of the usefulness of Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, I de part for onre from my usual course, to express my full conviction that, for general debility of the sys ! tern, and especially for Diver Complaint, it is a safe ! and valuable prepaiation. In some cases it may fail, but usually I doubt not it will be very beneficial to those who suffer from the above causes. Yours, very respectfully, J. H. KENNARH. Eighth, below Coates St., Phil., Dec. 24. Prom the wife of ALDERMAN WVNDER, Germantown, Germantown, June 1, 1861. DR. C. M. JACKSON —SIR: —It gave roe pleasure two years ago, to give you a certificate, testifying what the German Bitters had done for me. lam now perfectly cured of all those diseases your med icine professes to cure, viz Dyspepsia, Chronic and Nervous debility, diseases of the Kidneys, &c. The powerful influence it exerts upon Nervous pros tration is surprising. I have been consulted frequent ly in reference to your Bitters, and without hesita tion, have recommended it for the above complaints, and in every instance it has effectually cured. Your medicine has a great reputation in Germantown and ia now sold in every Drug store, and in most ef the Grocery stores beie. If any one should question what 1 say, let them come to Germantown, and 1 will prove to their satisfaction, that the Bitters hae cured in this vicinity more than twenty cases of'he above disease. Respectfully, HANNAH WUNDEP. Main St., above Rittenhouse, Germantown, ia. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT. See that the signature of "C. M. JACKSON ' on the WRAPPER of each bottle. Principal Office and Manufactory, JVo. 63 i, Arch Street. JONES & EVANS, f Successors to C. M. JACKSON & C 0.,1 PROPRIETORS For sale by the Druggists in Bedford. George B. Amick, St. Clairsviile. J. M. Harndollar tj- Son, Bloody Run. John S. Schell, Schellsburg. G. R. lifirodollar, Woodberry. June 13, 18C3—ly.