BEDFOLLD JJAZETTE. B. F. MEYERS, EDITOR. FRIDAY,: : J ONE 26, 1563. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. STATE TICKET. FOR OOVERNOK, GEORGE W. WOODWARD, OF LUZERNE. FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, WALTER H. LOWRIE, OF ALLEGHENY. COUNTY TICK3.T. ASSEMBLY, B. F. MEYERS, Bedford Bor. I'ItOTHONOTAKV, (). E. SH ANNON, Bedford Bor. SHERIFF, JOHIJ ALDSTADT, St. Clair. ASSOCIATE JUDGE, SAMUEL DAVIS, Bedford Bor. TREASURER, J. B. FAHQUII Alt, Bedford ffor. COMMISSIONER, • , GEORGE KHOADS, Liberty. AUDITOR, DANIEL BARLEY, M. Woodbcrry. POOR DIRECTOR, HENRY MOSES, Bedford lp. CORONER, JAMES MATTING LY, Londonderry. A Raid from the North. On Friday night last, when the excite ment over the expected visit of the rebel cavalry, was at its highest pitch, a body of about 1300 militia men from Blair and Cam bria counties, were marched into our quiet borough and took up their quarters around the town and in the immediate neighborhood. The citizens of this place did all that was in their power to feed them and make them comfortable. But what was the. surprise of our people when they found that instead of friends, they were really harboring foes' . For, no sooner had they arrived than they began to plunder the stores and to scatter abroad through the country, ste; nig horses, Vahooting hogs and Cattle, and destroying ' property generally. They seemed to be un der no restraint from their officers ; indeed some of the latter, as we arc informed, en couraged the men in their lawless conduct. True, there were many well-behaved and and quiet men among these militia, and we, of course, except such in our animadver sions upon the conduct of their rowdy com panions. A company from Ebensburg was an honorable exception and we make this mention so that injustice may not be done them. Nor do wo advert to this matter in anger or with any desire to disparage the military. We speak of it in sorrow and in shame, for how are our people better thau the Rebels, when they rob and pillage and de stroy instead of defending and protecting the country? May heaven protect us from both rebel and rabble raids! Democratic State Convention. We publish, elsewhere in this issue, the proceedings of the Democratic State Con vention. Notwithstanding the great war excitement, every Senatorial and Represen tative district was fully represented. The Convention did its work deliberately, har moniously, and did it well. For Governor, HON. GEORGE W. WOODWARD, of Luzerne comity, Chief J ustice of the State, received the nomination. Judge Woodward is a sound Democrat and a pure as well as an able man. lli3 nomination gives great satisfaction all over the State. For Judge of the Supremo Court, Hon. WAI.TEK II LOWRIE, of Allegheny county, was nomi nated by acclamation, ft is universally conceded that Judge Lowrie stands among the first jurists