CiUJm * •*<* °f *•„ matt" where the disease may appear to be seM -1 its origin may be traced lo supr*sawd*mi.piri o o Cold- Cramps and Lung Complainr. 4re ria ( .Currant!, Re., of l, UL a 10 or 28 acres each, at the following prices for tha present, via: 20 acre, for S2OO, 1Q acre, for •I io, S acres for s#6, 2$ acres for S4O, 1 acre fdr 30. Payable by one dollar a week. Also, good Cranberry land*, and village lots in CHETWOOD, 25 by 100 feet, at $lO each, payable ty one dollar a week. The above land and larms are situated at Cftetwood, Washington township, Darlington county. New Jersey. For further infor mation, apply, with a P. O. Stamp, for a circular, to ' 1 B. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. 80, Cedar etreet, New York, N. Y. fan. 16, 1863,-1 y. TERM* s— F<" announcing candidates for Assem bly Prothonotary, ami Sheriff, $3 00; for Treasur er $3.00 t foi Commissioner, Auditor and Poor Di rector, SI.OO, To insure insertion,all announce ments must be paid in advartce. Assembly. We are authorised to announce Geo. W. Gump ol Hipier tp., as a candidate for Assembly, subject to tba decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Wm. M. Hall, Esq.,'si a candidate for the Legislature, subject to tbe decision of the Democratic County Convention. To tss DEMOCRATS OF BEDFORD COUNTY t— l ofFei myself as a candidate for tbe office of Represents live in the next Legislature, subject to the decision of tbe Democratic County Convention. B. F. MEYERS. Prothonotary. Ma. EDITOR Please announce the name of John B. Plulte,,, for the office of Prothonotary, sub ject to the decision of the Democratic County Con vention. • We STC authorized to announce J. Henry Sehell Esq., of Scbellsburg borough, as a candidate foi tbe office of Prothonotary, subject to the decision o! the Democratic Oouniy Convention. We are authorized to announce A. J. Snively, ol ftchellsburg Bor., as a candidate for Prothonotary subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to artnoonce O, K. Shannon, Esq., as a candidate for Prothonotary, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention Sheriff We are authorized to announce Isaac D. Ernest,ol Bedford tp., as a candidate for Sheriff, subject ti the decision of the Democratic County Convention We are authorized to announce Isaac Kensinger Esq., of Libeity township,as a candidate for Sheriff eubject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce Philip MorEert, ol Bloody Run Borough, as a candidate for Sheriff, sub ject to tbe decision of the Democratic County Con venrion. We are authorized to announce Capt. John Al - of St. Clair township, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Dem ociatic county convention. ( We are authorized to announce Col. John Hafei as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to tbe decision of the Democratic County Convention. Aft. Editor -Please announce Geo. W. Horn, Esq., of Harrison tp., as a candidate foi Sheriff sub ject to the decision of tbe Democratic County Con vention. We ate authorized to announce W. A. Powell,ol flamson tp. as a candid-ite for Sheriff, subject tc tbe derision of tbe Democratic County Conven tion. We are authorized to announce S. D. Broad, ol HehelDSurg, as a candidate for Sheriff, stbject tc Che decision of tbe Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to arnounce Henry Fluke, ol Middle Woodb.rrv township, as a candidate forth* office ot Sheriff, subject to the decision ol tbe Dem ocratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce Huh Moore, ol Bedford'tp., as a candidate for Sheriff, eubject tc the dacition of the Democratic County Convention. Treasurer. We are authorized to announce the name of John Boor, of Bedford borough, as a candidate fur the of flee of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce the ngme of Geo. Maidoiff of Bedfoid borough, for tbe office of Coun ty Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention. MR, EDITOR; Please announce J. B. Farquhfir, ol Bedford borough, as a candidate for the office ol County Treasurer, subject to tbe decision of tbe Demoeiatic County Convention. ME. EDITOR: Please announce Samuel Defibaugh, of Bedford tp., at a suitable candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce S. J. AfcCauslin, of Bedford borough, at n candidate for thd office ol County Treasurer, subject to tbe decision of tbe Democratic County Convention, Commissioner. We are authorized to announce David Evans, ol Monroe township, at a candidate foi Commissioner, subject to tbe decision of tbe Democratic County Convention. Ma. EDITOR >—Please announce Abraham Reigh ard, of Beflford tp., as a candidate for the office ol County Commissioner. subject to the decision of tbe Democratic County Convention. Poor p|r*ctor. We ire authorized to announce Henry Taylor, of St. Clair township, aa a candidate for Poor Director, •object to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorised to announce Samuel M. Boor, of Cqmberland Valley township, as a candidate for Poor Dft-ectoi, subject to tbe decision of the Demo cratic" County Convention. <■' , We hto aOthorized to announce Henry Moses, of Bedford township, as a candidate for Poor Director, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized to announce David Stiver, of Bedford township, as a candidate for Poor Director, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authorized la announce the name of Ja ,cob D. Fetter, ot Bedford township, as a candidate '. Pe*fbr!i, Aprs! j PUBLIC BALE or VJLUJriLE REJIL RBTJTE. j By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of ; Bedlord county, tbe npAejtjgned adin inlnfatdr of the eatate of MajW John Watedo, deceased,.Will of fer at putflid sale, on MIVADJY, /*• Id day of May, next, at the Court House, In tba borough of Bed lord, the following real eatate, to via : j No. 1. A tract of land situate in Bedford township, in said county, adjoining lands of Espy- L. Ander son Esq., Mrs. Ellas Watson, William Lyon, Esq. nod others, containing 120 Acres, 65 Ferohes, and allowance, surveyed on a warrant to Humphrey Dillon, dated July 12, 1826. No. 2. A small tract of woodland adjoining tbe above and lands of William Lyen, Esq., containing 15 acies or thereabout!. Tbe above tracts will be divided into lots, a plot of which will be exhibited on day of tale. No 3. The undivided one.fouTtb part of a tract of coal land situate on Six Mile Run, in Broad Top township, in aaid county, adjoining lands uf B. L. ! Wigton, the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad & Coal Company, and others, containing 173 acres more or less. This is a valuable tract of coal land, and immediately available aa such, as it is located on the Six M ile Run branch of tbe Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad. TERMS—One-half of the purchase money to be paid in cash at confirmation of the tale, and tha bal ance in one year thereafter with interest. Sale to commence at one o'clock, P. M. ALEX. KING, Adm'r. ol Maj. J. Watson, dee'd. _April 10, 1563. Lfat of Retailer*. A list of venders of Foreign and Domestic Merchandise in the county of Bedford, for the year 1863, as appraised and classified by the appraiser of Mercantile Taxes. Bedford Borough. Class. Dole. Cts. A B Cam Store * 13 10 00 A B Cramer & Co " 13 10 00 N Lyons & Bona " 14 7 00 Peter A Reed " 14 7 00 Miss M Fetterly '< 14 7 oo S 4* W Shuck " 14 7 00 do Fancy stole 14 7 00 Robert Fyan at ore 14 7 00 J M Shoemaker " 14 7 oo Mrs 8 E Sigafoos • 14 7 00 Isaac Lippla " 14 7 00 John Arnold Hardware 14 I 7 00 Wne Hartley " 14 7 00 George Blymira 4 Son '* 14 7 00 Dr B F Harry Drugs 14 7 00 PrHC Reamer " 14 7 00 A L Dehbaugh Confectionery 14 700 James B Farqubar store 14 7 00 John Alsip it Son ' 14 7 00 F.liaa M Fisher " 14 7 00 JohnGMinnich Rating house In 00 Jacob Bollinger Confectionery 8 5 00 Reed it Schell Bankers 10 00 Bedford Township. John S Ritcbey distillery 15 00 Bedford Mineral Springs ten pin alley 7 30 •< < " Billiard table 7 40 William Wolf Confectionery 8 400 Broad Top Township. John Dell liquor 14 34 00 F.ichelberger & Lowry store 14 7 00 John Foster Rating house 10 00 do Ten piu alley 7 50 Cumberland Valley Township. Jacob Anderson store 14 7 00 Daniel Andeiaon •• 14 * 700 Jesse Diehl distillery 15 00 Henry Wertz •< 15 00 Colerrin Township. A C James store 14 7 00 Jacob Reed St Co " 14 7 00 N C Evans Confectionery 8 500 Hopewell Township. Eichelberger, Low ry A Co 14 7 00 Harrison Township. Valentine B Wertz 14 7 00 George R Bailey 14 7 00 Juniata Township. George Gardelt store 14 7 00 Lewis N Fyan " 14 7 00 William Keyser •' 14 7 oo Hil'egas it Co 14 7 00 John Markie 14 7 00 Liberty Township. Jacob Fockler store 14 7 00 Lewis Putt < 14 7 00 S S Flock " 14 7 00 J Crisman " 14 7 00 Londonderry Township. Jacob Evans <• 14 7 00 Monroe Township. James R O'Neal ' 14 7 00 Daniel Fletcher " 14 7 00 Asa M Williama " 14 7 00 St. Clair Township. G D Trout <• 14 7JOO Simon Hershman < 14 7 00 F D Beegle >' 14 7 00 Misa Ann C Smith " 14 7 oo Nathan Wright " 14 7 00 G B A mink " 14 7 00 George Hinsling <• 14 7 oo Isaiah Blackburn 14 7 00 Horn & Brother '• 14 7 00 Schellsburg Borough. John Smith Hardware 14 7 00 John S Schell store 14 7 00 E Statler tc Son 14 7 00 Jicob W Miller . " 14 700 Dunrap McVieker 14 7 oo John £ Colvin 14 7 00 Napier Township. John Wavde 14 7 00 George W Blackburn " 14 700 Peter Hillegas Distillery 10 00 Middle Woodbirry Township. Andrew Baker store 14 7 00 George R Bsrndollar •• 11 700 A L Beckhwfler •< I t 7 00 Henry Zook '< 14 7 00 J W Ricketron " 14 7 00 Fishack it Reed Confectioners S 500 South Woodberry Township, David F Buck stote 14 7 00 Dhniel M Baca 14 7 80 Samuel Oster 14 7 00 George Rautfman • 14 7 00 Robert Ralston 11 14 7 00 Eosl Providence Township. DAT Black store 14 7 00 John Nycurn fit Son *' 14 7 00 • John Landerbaugh f, ■ 14 7 00 West Providence Township. J M Rarndollar 4* Son " 14 700 J B Williams " 14 7 00 Wm States 4c Co ' 14 7 00 Thomas Ritcbey • 14 7 00 1 iiaugbman &Co " 14 7 UU Southampton Township. Hfh Wiieon • 14 7 00 George Himes << 14 7 00 Snake Spring Township. Wm Lvsinger Confectionery 8 500 Notice is hereby given that an appeal will be held at the Cuurt House, on the 9tb day ot Miy, 1863. LF.VI AGNF.W, Mercantile Appraiser. April 17, 1863, ROLE TO SHOW CAU6E. Commonwealth ot j In Common Pleas of Bed- PennsytVenia, tor use | fard county, No. 88', April of the heirs of John Tetm, 1880. Land sold by Floet, deceased, | defendant F.atrikin, th Fluck vs. | ft Little, who paid the pwr- James Kntrikin nnd J-chase money tad afterwards John Grilfith,with ho- pays this lien, wherefore on tice to Wm. Fluck, motion of O. E. Shannon, George Flucz and Esql,. rut* to show cause ! William Little, terre w(iy the teire tenants should j tenant*. J not be subrog'ted. i in testimony whereof 1 have hereunto et my j hand and alfixed the aeai of said Court, at Bedford, the 13tb *lv of February, A. P. 1803. I PfsfchStf. A. B. BtTNN, Prntb'y. BLACKBMITHING The nniii-rtiitned Laving opened a Backirnith .hop, immediately opposite the residßne*lFßemuet Vondertmith, in Borqugh, intoimi the pub' lie that be it prepared to (to HORSE SHOEING, STRONG or LIGHT, repairing wagons, pr any thing utually done in hia lire. The i*tronage of-the pi blicla respeftt'uily •oliqited. * -*• *• X A -Mm i SL A. J. DISHONG. April IT, 4863 SPECIAL NOTICE. On and after JULY tat, 1863, tha privilege ot converting tha prerent itiue of I.E6AL I'ENDER NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX PER CENT LOAN (commonly called "Five-Tweutiee") will ceaae. All who with to invest in the Five-Twenty Loan moat, therefore, apply before the lit of July next. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, No. 114 8. Third St./Phil'n. April 17, 1863. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of Administration on the estate of Cath arine Sliger, l.te of Cumberland Valley tp., dee'd, having been granted tbe subscriber, all persons in debted to seid estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims a gainst the same, will present them properly authen ticated for settlemtnt. THOMAS FISHER, Afitrcb 37,—6ta* Administrator. PHOTOGRAPH*. T. R. GETTYShas just returned from the East, where he has availed himself of all thq recent im provements in the Photographic art, and ie now pre pared to famish Piotures of every style and at per fect st can be bad at any of the city eatabliihmenta. Hia Photographs, especially hia "Card De Viritet, cannot be excelled, in proof of which he only asks his friends and the public generally to eall and see for themselves. He has brought with him a splendid stock ot ROSEWOOD, EBONY AND GILT FRAMES, of all aifes, ranging ia price from 50 Cents to S Dollars. Also a variety of frames for card pictures, as low as SO Cents each. Also a variety of BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, varying in price from 75 Cents to 9 Dollars, and holding from 12 to 100 PICTURES. Thesa FRAMES and ALBUMS are made of the finest materials and art the cheapest evei offered to the cifitens of Bedford county, and being deter mined to sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST he can assure hit customers that they need not go elsewhere to find as good an article at the iame price. His motto is "quick sales andnmall profits." T. R. GETTYS. April 10, 1863. NEW GOODS! The subscribers have just received a new sup ply of [SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, | i r f { \"'j/T r arf-r * -vl which in adittion to their previous jitnek, rcn-j tiers the present assortment complete. NOTWITHSTANDING THE GREAT AD VANCE IN GOODS THEY STILL HAVE SOME BARGAINS TO OFFER, \ A/tD RESPECTFULLY ASK BUYERS TOCALLANDEiX AMINE BEFORE PURCHASING. A. B. CRAMER & CO. Mareh 20, 18GG. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of Sundry writs of Ft. Fa. Vend. Ex ponas nnd Levari Facias to me directed, there will be sold at the Court (louse, in the Borough of Bed ford, on Saturday the 2d day of May, 186,1, at 10 o'clock, A. M. the fol'owing real estate, to wit : All the defendants, J. P. Krichbautn's interest in the following described tract of land, situate in Londonderry township, Bedford County and State of Pennsylvania,on the waters of big Will's Creel: being the land that the said J. P. Krichbaum bought of Peter Smith, adjoining lande of John Wilhelm, John Miller, Levi Shufer, Shroyer and others. One tract or part of a tract containing 2GI acres and 13S perches. And the o;her tract, warranted in the name of Edward Allen, containing 461 acres and allowance and taken in execution as the prop erty of J. Peter Krichbaum. ALSO —One tract of land containing 225 acres more or less, about 72 acres cleared and under fence with a story and a half log house, [tenant house, Saw mill, double log bam and other out buildinga thereon erected ; also, an apple orchard thereon, ad joining lands of Michael Stuff!, Caseltun Ake and others, situate in Union township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property of George Snyder. ALSO.—AII the defendant, Joseph C. Brum baugh's right title and interest in and to one tract of land, containing 66 act ex more or less, about 55 a cies cleared and under fehce, with a smal I house and log stable thereon erected, adjoining .ands of' David Bridentbal. Jacob Smith and others, situate in Middle Wood berry township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property ol Joseph C. Brumbaugh. ALSO.—AII the defendant, George Snyder's in terest in and to a certain Saw Mill on the premises ; of the said George Snyder situate in Union town ship, Bedford County, near the Public road leading from Mowry'a Mill to Texas, and the lot of ground, curtilage appurtenances neressiry to satd Saw Mill and taken in execution as the propetty ot George Snyder. JOHN J. CESSNA, Sheriffs office, ( Sheriff. April 10, 1863. | NOTICE. The following named persons have filed their pe titions and will make application to the Court of Quarter Session of the Pe?ce, in and far the county of Bedford, to be held on the first Monday (4th day) of May next for Tavern License: Joseph Foller Huena Vista. J. A. Raum Liberty township. D. A. T. Black K. Providence tp., Lewis AnJerion Broad Top Bernard O'Neal Chaneysville Valentine Werti Harrison tp., A. W. Mowry Pattonsville Charles Suib , Londonderry Peter Amick St. £lir John A.Gump Bloody Run Eliza llaney C. Valley tp. Martin Feicbtner Harrison Henry Keyser Catharine Tricker Stonerstowo A. J Fennel! Rainsburg David Stuckey u v G. M. Colvin Schellsburg J. M. Robison do Henry Fluke Woodberry Wm. M. Pearson . . ,do ! JobnC. Biielr;'>tU , rj Thomas Ritcbey -———- Mrs. Sarab Filler Bedford bor Michael Kicbelberger Hopewell Isaac Mengel Bedford bor Samuel' M. Sleek St. Clair John Reeairnr Liberty Valentine Steckman Bedford bor. John Markle, Dry Ridge Frederick Mock South Woodberry A.G.Allen Bedford Springs Joseph Moitimor* Shake Spiing J. P. Cessna Bloody Run Patrick Drhew Coaldale J. A. Soivley Schellsborg bor. April, to, 1863. I BLAIR COUNTY NORMAL SCHOOL, MARTINSBURG, PA. " This instltuttenwiN epe on,kb 1.51k of Apr if, under Professor (iconic Cori.kss, A. M., late of toe Central High School ! Philadelphia. JOHN C. KVERHART, Prfi't. Boaid .lireetors. April 10, i96o—3t. FIVE-TWBVTV f- • LOAN. The subscriber* ire subscription age ot* todis poee of the Five-Twenty year* UNITED STATES LOAN. Amount s an be had to aoit the meant of different individuals from Fifty DoHan to Tbou eatidi. The inters* to be payable and to be ac counted fortalt yetfly in GOLD. REED 4- SCHELL. April 10, 1863—3* PROTHOHOTARrS NOTICE. Notice it hereby ffveo, that the account ot Ettat Dell, Esq., Committee of Jacob Eckbart, a lunatic hat baen filed in tbeProthonotery'a office, and that the same will be patented te the Coert of Com mon Plata in and fin taid county foi Confirmation, on.Monday the dtbfiay of May next. A. B. dUNN, Proth'y. Prothonotary 't odce, Bedford, April 16, 1683. j REGISTER'S NOTICE. All persons are hereby notified that tbe|following natnej accountants have filed their ac counts in the Regiger't office of Bedford county, and that tbe same fill be presented to tbe Orphans' Court in and lor said county, on Tuesday, the Stb day of May next, ft tbe Court House, in Bedford, for continuation. Administration iccount of Joseph Wigfoos, ad ministrator of George Wigfoos, late of West Prov idence township, Jec'd. The account #f Henry Hite end Thomas Fiaber, administrators!*!' the estate of Elia* Hite, late of C'umberlqqd Valley tp., dee'd. Tbe account tf Frederick Buxton, executor of the last will It*., of Mary Ann Buxton, late of Southampton tp., dee'd. The account ot George Potter and Jeremiah Mentzer, executors of tbe last Will (sc., of Susan Patter, late of Soith Woodberry tp.. dec'd. Administratis" account of Wm. M. Pearson, ad ministrator of Elizabeth Cramer, late of Middle Woodberry tp., dee'd. The account of G. 5. Cowan, executor of the last Will fie Teitsment of Rachel Walters, lata of M. Woodberry tp,. dee'd. The account oi Abraham M. Miller, administra tor of the estate of Christina Nicodemus late of Harrison tp., decM. The account o' John S. Holsinger, administrator of Gao. M. Holsinger late of St. Clair tp., dee'd. Final account of Lewis Anderson and Lemuel F.vans, administittors of Wm. Anderson late of Broad Top tp-, dtt'd. The administrsttion account of Adam Hadermen executor of the last will Ac., of Henry Bender dee'd. Account of Joseph Fisher execntor of Sirah Sparka lite of Weat Providence tp., dec'd. Account of Akner Walker administrator of Dr. John MygrilT, late of St. Clair tp., iiec'd. Account of Isaac and John Reighard, executors of Geo.Reigbard, late of Bedford tp.. dec'd Sanr.u|l Walter administrator of John Walter late of Unioi tp., dec'd. Acco|nt of David and Aaron Whet atone adminis trators If Samuel Whetstone, late of Colerain tp,. dec'd. Acrairit of J. W. Lingenfelter administrator - of Eve Char, late of Bedford tp., dec'd. ThefcountOf Alexander, Helsinger, executor of the lad will, <\rf., of Jacob Teeter, late of South Wood|erry tp., dec'd. Thi&nal account of David Lingenfeltcr, admin istrator ol the estate of Abraham Lingenfelter late at N'nier tp,, dec'd. Thfaccount of Daniel Barley, Guardian of Sa rah Ate Haiker, William He iry Harker, Phebe Elleit Harker and George Edward Harker, minor childm of John Harker late of Middle Woodberry tp.. ((re'd. , Tit account of S. S. Fluke, administrator of the estntl of Michael Flake, late of Hopewell township, dee'dl Tkxlacronunt 01 John B. Longenecker, aminis tratarof the estate of Abel Grilfitb late of MidJla Woodierr'y tp, deceased. / A. B. BUNN, Register, LIST OF CAUSES, put down Jor trial at May T. (4-t/t day) 1863. John W, Beeler vs Henry Moses A. M'Grignr, Esq. " Samuel Clark Gideon Hiteshew " John Wonders Danieli Walter << J.W.Liog'.nfelter com mittee of A. Sill Fultos county ' Tate ft Lingenfelter F, D.Beegle " Jesse Sjeak T. M Lynch et al < William Spidle Augult Ahlbom Cumb'd Valley M. P. C. Henrf McDonald • Alex'r McGrigor John Lambert Charles William* fiedfrril R. K. Co. " Charles Smith sHme " Jonathan Bowser Alej'r McGrigor " Henry McDonald Ajril 10. A. B.BUNN, Proth'y. tOURT PROCLAMATION. To lis Ctmntr, the Jmheri of the Perm, and Qon ttlbler in the different Townships in the County oj Bet ford, G reeling. ' ,KNOV YE that in pursuance of a precept to me directed under the hand and seal ol the Hon. JAMES NIUL, President of the several Courts of Lotffnon Plea* in the Sixteenth District, con sisttiiglf the counties of Franklin, Folton, Bedford and Setter set, and by virtue of his office of the Court if Oyer and Terminer and General Jail de livery or the trial of capital anil other offenders thereinand in the General Conrt of Quarter Seas iona of the Peace; and JOHN TAY/.OR and JAMES llt'KNs, Jr. Ksqs., Judges ol the same Court in the same County of Bedford, Ton and each of you aa hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with yonr Records, Recognizances, Examnations, and other remembrances -etore the Judgei aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Over and Teimaer and General Jail Delivery and Genera! Quarlv Sessions of the Peace therein to be holden for thr county of Bedford, aforesaid on the first Mondty of May, (beiug tbe Ith day.) at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, there and then to do those things to which your stveral offices ap pertain GItEN tinder my hand at Bedford, on the 10th of April,in the year of our Lord, 1861. JOHN J. CESSNA, Sheriff Office, Bedford, 1 S/ttriff. Aptil 10, 1863. i LIST OF GRAND JURORS, Drawn for May term (4J/i day) IRG.T ditties Allison, Foreman; Jacob Stolcf, Thos. J. Wllcr, Jacob (i. Dively, John Shoemaker, JacA Speight, John P. Potter, Adolplius Ake, Geche Zimtncrs, of A., Georgo Whip, Ad am Zrmbowcr, Isaac Blankhrv. Thos. Iraler, Samuel Barley, John Metzgcr, Cha's Stnckcy, IwuaKonsingcr, Nathan Oldham, Hugh Wyrtz, JokntKegg, And'w Horn, jr., Thos. Gilclifist, JohnAV. Scott, Jacob Hurdman. 1 LIST OF PETIT JURORS, krawn for May term (4JA day) 1863. P. yiuegardncr, A. J. drisman, John Mock, Jacob t'nnrad, Valentine Emmett, Geo. Roads, Oeorgi Potts, Baltzer Fletcher, Jacob Carpen ter, i'.lH. Davis, Martin Hoover, Samuel Sha fer, A* Williams, William Hancook, Westley Perrlew Jacob H. Wright, F. D. Ifceglc, Dan iel prink l*hilip Hnrdman, Charles S. Crisman, WijliainCcssna, jr., John Miller, Enoeh Cates, Geergo Brqwn, John Imler, Joseph MtiHin, Saituel Abater, Goo. Bortg, Thoa. Price, Hen janiri Wtgflold, SingietonSutcr, Simon Nycum, John C. Figart, Goo. Flucjtyißamuel Mcoder' inif, Daniel Stufer Samuel Shuck, Thomas Bittiajr. ' DR. SWEETS' INFALLIBLE LINIMENT THE GREAT REMEDY FOX RHEUMATISM, OOUT, NRURALOIA, LUMBAGO, I STIFF MECX AMD JOINTS. SPRAINS, BRUISES, CUTS AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AMD NER VOUS DISORDERS. | For all of Which if ia a apeedy and certain remedy, sad never fails. Tbie Liniment is prepared from tbe recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Coonecticat, the famous bone settes, and bat been used in hi* practice tor more than twenty years with tbe most astonishing success. AS AN ALLEVIA'IOR OFlown in the give* at eaeb bottle, without which noaeare genuine. j t ... .. RICHARDSON H CO. * Sole Proprietor*, Norwich, Ct. MORGAN fc ALLEN, General A gent a, Cim St:eel, New Toft. OySold h> ell dealers everywhere. December A. IWSI<~A* napiliifhriliiij liiiul ta'f . , j jpNTIRF.LY VEGETABLE NO ALynilOMC PREPARATION ' wmmvr%swn ' OB HOOF Lild'l CELEBRATED German Wttert, PREPARED ft Dr. C. W. JACKS#!*, *. WILL EFFECTUAIXfttJWB LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE Chronic or nerwut debility, diseases of 'ike kidneys, and alt distant orMssg from a disordered Liver or Slomaeh, ideh tin*'- .f* as Coustips tion. toward Piles, Fulness, or blood to tb Head, ncidily of tbe Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, 1 ' Disgust for food, fulness or weight io the Stomach, tour Eruditions, •ink-' ''re ing or flattering at tbe pit of the Stomach, swimming of the bead hurried aod dithenit Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, choking or suffocating aenaaticna when in a lying posture, pin neta of riaion, dota or weba before the sight, Fever and dell pain in tbe head, deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and | Eyes, pain in tbe side, back, chest, Limbs, lie., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great De pression of Spi rit • . And will positively prevent YELLOW FEVER, BILLHWS FEVER, At. v. n THEY CONTAIN XO ALCOHOL, OR BAD WHISKEY ! ertj t J — They wili. crax the above diseases in ninety-ciM ease' out of a hundred. Induced by the extensive ante and unirersalpop nlarity of Hoefland's German Bitten, (purely vege table) hosts of ignorant Quacks and unscrupotooff adventurers, have opened updft suffering homanky the flood gates of Nostrums an the Shape of pent whiskey, vilely compounded with injurious druge, and cbiistened Tonics, Stomachics and Bitters. Beware of the innumerable array, of Alcoholic preparations in plllborh bottles,and big bslliSdledgfi under the modest appellation of Bitters 1 which, in stead of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave the disappointed sufferer in despair. lIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, Are not a' new and untried article, bttthfeve stood the test of fifteen years trial by the American pnb lie ; and their reputation aad eale areaot rivaled by any simitsr preparation. The proprietors have thousands of latter* from the most eminent CLERGYMEN LAWYERS, . V,. RHY^C'IANS, rs"" f hi CITIZENS, Testifying, of their own personal knowledge, to the beneficial effects snd medical virtues of theseßittera. Do you want aomething to strengthen yon ' Do you want a good appetite / . Do you want to build up your eonatitntion t Do you want to ieel well / l)o you want to get rid of iterfoutnebe> Do you want energy t Do you wabr to ateep well t ■' j Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling t if you dp, uge JIOOI'I. AN" D'S GfiKM AN BITTERS. From J. Nrwton Brawn, D, J)., Editor of tht Bn cyrloptJta of Religion* Knowledge. Although not disposed to fivor or recommend Pat ent medicines rt general, thiough distrust of their ingredients and effect*, I yet know of no snßcieut reason why a man may not testify to the h-arfil be believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in tips hope that he may thus col.trib ute to the benefit of others. 1 do this the more readily in regard to Hoofland's German Bittera, prepared by 'Dr. C. M. Jackson, ot this city, because I was prejudiced against then for tin any years, under the impression that they were cheieO/ an alcoholic mixture. i am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper teats, and for encourage ment to tky them, when suffering from ffrdrt Tnd oing continued debility. The use of threo bottles of these Bitters, at the Beginning it the present yesr, wss followed by evident relief and restorstiei, to s degree of bodily and mmtttl *ir which 1 had not felt for six months before, and bad almost de spaired ot regaining. i therefor* and my friend for directing me to the use of them. J. NEWTON DROWN. Phijsdplphia, June 33, 1861. Prom ikt Rett- JOSEPH It. XFlfflAK#, Potior of the Tenth Boptiu Church. Dn.T/ioxson—B*a Sia ;-J barebeen frequently requested to connect my name with commendation* of different kind* of med'th*'. fW rdlfl * ">•* practice a* eut of my appropriate I have iu all rases declined 1 bu wilhndxai proof in varioa* instances, nd particularly in rriyown family, of the usefulness of Dr. Hoofland's German Bittern, i dee part for once from my usual course, to express my full' conviction that, tai geOraLdepvlstypf the sys tem, and especially for Liver Complaint; it is a sale and valuable preparation In ciwi itmay fail, but usually 1 doubt not Tt wiTl ms vVry henWicisl <0 those who suffer from the above causes. Yours, very respecttully, J. H. Kf.NNAJU'. Eighth, below CoeW*>t., Phil* Dec. 24. From the wife of ALDERMAN H r L NDRR, Are 1, JSOI. what the German Bittern had done for me. 1 ecu now pjßhrtly cured ot all thosediseases your med icine professes to cure, vU Dyspepsia, Chrome snd Nervous debility, diseates of the Kidneys, he. The powerful influence it exerts upon Nervous pros tration is surprising. I bsve been consulted frequent ly in reference to ypur fitters, and without hesita tion, have recomiheniMd it ffiFWalfodi complaints, and in every instance it has effectually cured. Your nrflfdicitie has a gfoet re|iuUtidi iMJ#|#iantown and i* now sold in every Drng store, snd ih most of the JffKRO KP dU'LT.dSrS^Ji will prove to their satisfaction, that the Bitters hs'e curdff ih thie vieiaHy mdte thai* Weptj caafsof ho shove disease. Respectfully, HANNAH WONDEP. Main St., above Rittehbouwe, GwmMtbkln, 1 v BEWAREIFSiWRiMIi. See that the signature of "C. M. JACKBO.I ' on (he of eatstt bhdffei ■ Principut Office and Manufactory ■ "* rot JONES & EVANS, I r Successors toT. W. jieaidW#>*B For tale by the Druggists in Bedford. Juno IS, IWl—tt* *4 Aii f*4ol IHimM iiD osj &£ §OO