"■dirflcy's Column. H.rd'iare '(paVfi'te vajirfy ean be had at the " iMrrir cr ir' 0/1 w - v - iuiitli:y ' .■&HO Wto. %* the gredtef part of hijifflmense wesy *5;... Hen haen at the OLD PRICES eypjf.hV-ishV- eyentln Bedford county, for tho ,si sf t'it eelebrated COOK STOVE, trMch i tW&aviAt piiMtd Cook Stove c srsehW In Uk, county, its all must admit who *• a\ru it—wall and see it. 1 V rdni HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE AND IRON COOKING UTENSILS, POTS. WAF FLE tRON'S, SKILLETS, GRiD DLES; GRIDIRONS, TkCi, IN ,V • AIBEAT QUANTITY. Ofrnghev.'-aat .ad,' It ■ . ■■ Iron and JYails, .. . " By the pound or ton. '-POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, | CUilblNG lifATERIAL, LOCKS, HINGES, j ©LASS, PUTTY, PAINTS & OILS. BRUSHES, of alllunds, at OLD PRICES. #*. I i". • PLANES, CHISELS, BRACES AND BITS. WOODEN WARE- StxijfrS ATMOSPHERIC CHURJTS, !I|.-, • • Wait Boards. .Buckets. Brnoma, Baskets, Sljoemit 4 . V here' and Saddltre' Toole and Finding* .. -sf all kinds. AND CALF SKINS. Hii tk ILw ' ■* •Carriatc fm'ms*,' AxV' Steel, Felloes, Bw*. En- Ruket. Ssrytbe Snath*, "GrinSSmn ..Gr .."Cradles. Shovels, Spades, jStiP. Saws,,M-aiSaws and Hand Saws. A NEW ARTICLE OF COAL OIL, >- .3- f*t cbeenest in town, a* it don not burn wv fast. tRT IT. Thanbw Philadelphia INDIA RUBBER (ML PASTE. .s*# *OH fVTilf rtk. f "71 •„ *-■ well i .Wnto need commendation. iUr;'-:,' V, A lls AN ."S every ui.L l.i!ie sul; to come *l •; V ue 1cui.,... t A i"ON. II has- soli to i.- -In ij.i ;<:> LAW SUITS. He 1.1 ■v 'it fc.- w • bum Form Machinery and Coo'c Sl v tn.-B'i: lof TA..A tar yrt pn J icd. Any put •. won. ■ a .Leaps.*. Mower, Cook Stove, Grain Arid'i or' r'iri implement t ANY DESCRIPTION <■.ll unit it to fiair interest tv l uy r'rim HARTLEY both,a;■ to quality of go .Is AUil yfic;', 1 .'dfotd, Matcn 13, :862. ii7~" ""iiiiJlliFF'S SALC. by virtue injur uauce of a,. order of the Or : anj'i' C'otirt of Conei: on Plea a of ECriforit courty,. there at ill be eo'd on the premier ,at .'he late rmi -0"r:t of Bei'iairii'n \Vi*fi'cH, at pubiic vendue, oi. FlMe.y the S7th day ot ".'darch, inst., ;he fo.lowing *el astute, via: One tract of land situate in South ampton • township, Bedford countv, arljot.'iin.q lands •ofJeob Conrad, Anal Barnes, Philip Clingamaii, and Elizabeth Wigfield, containing 1-12 ac. es and ■•1 perches, with u story and a half log houa.o ami kitchen attached, dnnbla log barn, blacksmith .shop, wagon shed and spring house thereon erected, and an apple orchard—one acre reserved for grave yat d. Terms—onvtbird of purchase money to be paid it.' • Aod on confirmation of aalr, balance in two equal annual payments thereafter without interest. JOHN J.CESSNA, Sheriff. March 6, 1663. j ■ AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned appointed Auditor to aseer-> tain amount of lienf against John C. Settler, in .fhe eat ate of John S.Statler dee'd, will meet At parties in Interest at his office in the llor .ougW JWdfurtl, on Wednesday, the 18th (lay of IS6B, when and where all may attend. JOHN PALMER, & Wl A uditbr. Public Sale , ... . OF ■i Valuable Heal Estate. By virtue, of an order of the Orphans' Court •f •BedflbrAConnty, the undersigned will expose to public ?aje ppon the premises on Saturday the 14th March, next, the following doeerilied real estate, via e A tract of hind, containing 63' acres, with a atonr and a half log house and double jog hnrn thereon e.Atcledr also", an irpple orchard % there cm of choice' frott-o-about 60 acres nve cleared and under geod fnnco. About three a cres of this land is good meadow. A never fiwlin-c spring of good Wafer Rear the liouse. Also- One tract eoulaining about. 170 acres, with a two rtory frame house with basement, ' n good bank Offre tind other out buildings there oni. erccipd; tha a young apple orchard and good JUga/fv. p tlreraon—about 40 acre's clear ed and uuder good fence—about 4 acres mead ow. There is.-a good stream of wnter running through this property cftse to the house. Also—oge other tract containing about one hupd ed twenty-five of which, are cleared and under gdod fcncey-the balance well tira- Mred. .1 ~ Posscssioiyto be given Ist of April, 1833. TwtiC.:-—Onp tjilrd in hand, and balance in two equal annual payments with interest, from conflnfiation of sale. JOSEPH DULL, Trvi-w *f jnz- SairgKanovr, Vve'tf.. i 'II A II1) AY Ali £. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, States 4* Tin Ware, SIGN OF THE "MILL SAW " BLYMIFU". &SON have returned From the citiee with a need and full aesortraunt of e very tiling in then line of busincse. HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AXES, ADZES, DRAW KNIVES, HATCH ET&, HAMMERS, BUTCHER>, SPEN CERS, GREVE'S, ROCKER S AND OTHER FILES. Our Stock of '.lidf Hardware is complete. CAR PUNTERS' t COLS OF ALL KINDS. Oar at'iclc of CUTLERY is large, of latest styles, and nest quai.ty. STOVES. Our Stove Department is complete, being the lar gest assortment of CHOKING, PARLOR it HEATING STOVES IN BEDFORD COUNTY. I We have the sole agency for the WELLINGTON COOKIAG STOVE, , whieh we will warrant the beat Stove in maiket. WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS, Tuba, Buckets, Brooms, Brushes, Chums, Baskets, Wasn Boards, Boats, tec. IRON, GLASS, NAILS, PUTTY, OILS, Paints, Turpentine, Benzine, Pipes, Tobacco, &c. We have a beautiful a.soitment of COAL OIL LAMPS, Also, WICKS, GLOUtb, SHADES At CHIMNEYS. Shoemaker*' and Sadd'ers' Findings, Pegs, Awls, Needles, Awl Hafts, Thread, Sec. TINWARE- We are prepared to Wholesale aiiJ R-tail Tinware on very moderate terms. SPOUTING and JOB WOLK done to order. We ask the attention of the public to our stock of goods. We can sell Shelf Hardware, with few exceptions, nt out old rales, und Hrticio, that have advanceJ, we will sell as LO >V as trie LOWEST. GEORGE BLYMIRE & SON. Bedford, March 13, 18CJ. • PjUatitlp!)ia Slhicrtisements. VAN CAMP BUSH. WM. WFSLRV KUKTX. BUSH & KURTZ, (Formerly Bess, RAIOUEL & Co.) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN ianty Dig <£> oo i 0 , No. 137 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Clothe, Cfls.imorns and Vestinps, Silks and DAtd Goods, Linens and White Goods, Laces and Embroideries, Shawls, Ribbons and Trim mings, Hosiery, Gloves ami Notions. At.so—Bleached Shirtings, Colored Cambrics, Flannels. Jeans, Ginghams, &c. March 6, 1863—iy C. C. LOVVKK. H. W. RAN*. LOWER & RANK, WHOLESALE TOBM'O, SIFF & SEfilß W A K KIS o t sa No. 146 North Tbirtl Street, BETWEEN CHERHY AND RACK, WEST SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. Country custom respectfully solicited. Our stock in large and will alwaya he as low iu pries' as any in the market. .March 6, 1863—iy CM. G. SOWER, W. 11. BAUNF.S, F.C. POTTS. Bov?£a, barnss & co., ruuusHEits AND DIJALERS IN Miscellaneous, S?!i"ol and lilank Books AND STATIO N E U Y , No. 37, North Third .■street, below Aich, PHILADELPHIA. PUBLISHERS OF TFLTOs's OUTLINE MATS AND KEYS, The largest and best Outline Maps ever pualiahed. SANDER'S NEW READERS, OREENLEAF'B AND BROOKS' ARITHMETICS, Stc. Blank' Booka, Writing, Wrapping, Cuitain nnd Wall J'appra. March °> 1863. MICHAEL WARTMAi'V & CO., TOBWJMPFMDM MANUFACTORY, No. 313 North Third Street, Second door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. 34. WARTSIAN. U. T. ENGELMAN. March 6,— 'y. JONfliS, WAInAEit A CO Successor to FilliiaJi, Jones & Co. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, NO. 240 MARKET STREET Five doors below Third, south side, cn,SON F. roNKs. I rjhtlatieJplM. RICHARD U. WAkRER, V . " ' ■ f DAVID C. GOLD FN. 1 Wo cordially invite tho attention of thetner clients of Bedford county to our large assort ment of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. March 6, 1 SG.S—Gm. WMBttIiWOBSSMO., Wlh)f'snle Grocery 407 MOlilil THIRD STRREX, ABOVE CALLOWHILL, PHILADELPHIA. !• Marth 7, 1663-ly. hi 1111. TAYLOB, WM. K. HEMriKLU Taylor Hemphill, WIIOLCSALI DEALKM 11? MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BF.GARS, 320 Market Street, South aide, between 3d and 3d, March 6, 1863—1y PHILADELPHIA. JTH7 ZTmmerman, ~ WITH B. A. HENDRY, SI'CCKSSOn TO Hg.NQRY AND HABHIA, 1 Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in BOOTS & SHOES No. 55 Jio. 'h Thild Stteet., PHILADELPHIA. Mareh 6, 1863—6 m NEWLIN, FERILEV & CO. HARDWARE JOBBERS AND IMPORTING MERCHANTS, No. 337 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, Dealers in Butch,.; .s EdgeTooli and Files, Together with tt general Stock of English and American Hardware. March 6, 1803.—1y LEMEVBG, PARK & CO., Importc s and Wholesale Dealers in NOTIONS, Trimmmys, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Whits Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, Looking Glasses, Shiits and Drawers, Yarns, Nc. No. 238 North Third StreH, between Hare and Vine Streets PHILADELPHIA. March 0, 1803—6 m DRY GOODS A T W HOLES ALE OR RE tail, always under th market prices. Wo buy our goods exclusively lor cash and by that means are enrb'ed to buy vei y cheap. We sell tit a very small advance ai.nJ bcyeis can always suv- from 5 to 2!) per cent by making their pit-chases of ns. W"bave i a large STOCK o! MUSLINS, LINENS, DRESS ! GOODS, MEN'S WEAR, Ac. To thoir ofcout co;n --j menring housekeeping, one of the b'st stocks of I furnishing goods in Philade'ph' i Will be foun I here. U. 0. WAD. J }C. P. BUESSEROTJ". BUFHLER. HOWARD & CO importer' and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic iiaKDHaiM casra No. 44! Marker 9t., below Fifth, PHILADELPHIA. March 6, ISo3—ly. A. A. SHUMWAY &• CO., Manufacture™ and Xfholtsafe J)ealert in Hoots & Shoes, No. 221 Market Street, and 210 Church Alley, PHILADELPHIA Mareh 7, 1863-ly. WM. S. BO I'D. JOHN 1.. HOllGlt. W. S. BOYD, JR. S BOYD & BOUGH, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Ho. 17 SOUTH WATER ST., PHILADELPHIA. March 6, 1863—6 m. YOUNG'S CELEBRATED Y. P. M. C 0 F F E E. 1 beg leave to introduce In your notice the above substitute for Coffee. YOUNG'S PURE MALT, the greatest and tno.t economizing substitute for Cotf'ee i n the world. It is made from pure selected grain, and malted in the Malt House underourown super* vision. Previous to mailing, the grain passes thro' a Patent Revolving Srieen, separating it from all impurities. In ottering it to the public, Ido so with a lirm conviction that it is tho Most lien I thy Substitute in the Mfitlc el. This Coflee requires less sweetening on account of the saccharine formed in it by the process cf mail ing. Over two hundred pel cent, i- a.veil by using the Y P. M. Codes. For sa'e by the pound, hundred or ton, at one-fourth the price ot Rio, Java or j.** guayra Coffee. . IRI II I,TRY IT I TRY IT! Grocera, Board inghouse keepers, Hotels, Restaurants and Fami lies will find it to their udvaulage to give ita trial. Due trial will prove the truth of lh above assertion. ALEXANDER YOUNG, Malt House, 468 & 410 South Street. S'oro No. 700 Pass ty unk Koad, Phil'a A liberal deduction made to wholesale purchasers. Price 10 centa per pound. Mar. filli—4ts. HOWARD ASSOC lATION, PHI LA DEL Pi 11 A , Pa., Diseases of the Nervous System, Spermator rl.ma or Seminal Weakness, Impotence, and other affections of the Sexual Organs, Physical Debility and Premiture Decay—new and reliable treatment, in reports ot the Howard Association, asnt by mail in sealed le.Uei envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLt.V UOUUH i'ON, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 3 South Ninth Sfteet, Philadelphia, Ph. . March 6, 'lß#*— ly FTTBTIC BAI.B-" ■■ ■**■ By Virtaa-ot an order of tha Orphan's Court of Bedford Caunty, tha undersigned, will offer Cor sale on the premises, four milesNnrtb of the Borough of Bloody Run, on SATURDAY, 38th day of Mareh io(l., all the following described property of Hen ry Ritcbey, lateof West Prorideoco (p., dee'd, to wit: A TRACT OF LAND adjoining Joseph W. Tate, Thomas Ritcbey, R.QT7 V. Clause and others* containing 130 acrsa, more or less, fittjr acres cleared and under fer.ee, wjth a bout 71 fruit trees thereon. Tbe improvements are a Double b-g Dwelling boose, Deoble log Barn, and other out buildings thereon erected. Terms—One third cash, at confirmation of sale, one third to remain in hands of purchaser during the lifetime o( the widow, the interest payable to her annually, the remainder in two equal annual payments with interest. Sale to commence at 1 o'- clock on said day. further particulars, in quire of Joseph W. Tate, Esq., liedford, or the undersigned, at Hamilton, at the Junction ot the Bedford Railroad, and Plankroad near the premises. THOMAS M. RITCHEY, Mar. 6. Ex'r of Ilunry Ritcbey dec'd. # PUBLIC SALE. OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the undersigned will sell at public sale on I he premises, on SATURDAY, THlil\st DAY OF MARCH A EXT, the following described real estate : A tract of land containing about 13© Acres of limestone land, with the following improve ments : A GRIST MILL, SAW MILL, LOG-FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, MILL HOUSE AND TWO TENANT HOUSES, fr.ime barn, leg stable and other outbuildings there on ereclea ; also, two apple orchards thereon. The land is nearly all cleared and nnder fence, aitnote on Will's Creek, and adjoining lands of James Met tin™ly, Benjamin Valentine, John Cook and oth ers. ALSO. A mountain tract of timber laud containing about 400 acres, adjoining lands of John Cook, Kerns' heirs and others. TERMS—One third in hand at conGrmation of sale, and the balance in two equal annual payments with interest. Possession given on the Ist April 1861. JAMBS MATI'INGLT, Executor of Charles Hoyman, dee'd. Feb. 27, 1863,- ta. PUBLIC SALE. OF , REAL ESTATE IN CUMBERLAND VALLEY. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the undersigned will expose to public, sale, upon (ho premises, on 'SATURDAY, 28TH MARCH, NEXT, the follow ing described real estate, the property of David Dickon, dee'd, to wit: Tract "0" as designated in the Inquisition on said estate, and containing 203 & 15 i perch - cs, neat measure, adjoining lands of Moses Dicken, Sam'l Elliott, Jacob Sligcr, Eiias Hardingcr and others. The improvements arc Three Log Houses, Barn. Spring House and other ont-buildin,?s. About one-half the land is cleared—contains two streams of running water, Spring, Orchard, &c. TERMS:—One-third of the purchase money to remain in the land and the interest thereof to be paid Ihe widow during her life-—One oth er third to be paid at confirmation of sale and the other third payable in two equal annual payments without interest. JONATHAN C. DICKEN, March 6, —Its. Ex'or. Public Sfalc OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By ordur of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County there will be soM, on premiss, ou SATURDAY UTH MARCH NEXT, at public vendue, a certain tract' iif land situ ate in Sou, hamptt u 'township, Hodforrt county, adjoining land of William Jajnei-, Asa llow- Bsre, Richard Barthclow and others eontaioing Acres, with a log dwelling house one and a half sto ries high, about 85 acres cleared, end a Saw | Mill thereon that will cut ono hundred, feet of lumber in an hour. TERMS OF SALE—One third to be paid in hand on confirmation cf sale, and the re mainder in two equal annual payments there after without interest, DAVID HOWSARE, Feb 1 •}, 1803. Guardian OF SALE— One-third to be paid in .hand on confirmation of sale, and the re main dor in twoeqtml annual payments thereaf ter without interest. JOHN CESSNA, Adnm"Kl- vat °r of Solomon Harkleroad, dee'd. Feb. 77, 1868. Public Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Hertford county, tihere will he sold at public auc tion, on the premises, on SATURDAY, 2U| Of MARCH, NEXT, the following Rial Estate, into th pioperty of Dantei McDonald, dee'd., to wit: Ono tract of land situate in Union fbtvinf.ip. adjoining lsntlr of John Claycomb, John McDonald's heirs and others, containing 55 acres and 17 perches, being the Man sion tract, with n TWO STORY LO j Jflammoth Stock AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'S CHEAP STORE, NOW OPENING. ' His customr.ru and the public generally are in- j vited to call and examine for themselros. HIS GOODS ; ARE OF THE BEST QUALITY, AND CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! r rr.r— LOOK TO VOIR OWN INTEREST BY EXAMINING MY STOCK. A LARGE LOT Of READY-MADF CLOTHING, Hoots and Shoes, OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, AND VERY CHEAP, form a part of my new stock. SPRING WEAR, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, W " ' Ladies 7 Dress Goods, V' * i GROCERIES, QUF.F.NSWAHE, &C„ AC. All to be had at the store ofj. M. Shoemaker. Bedford, Lfiirr.tr, 6, 1863. C. N. HICK OK, DENTX3T. Will attend punctually anil carefully to all opera tion* entrusted to his rare. NATURAL "YKSTH filled', regulated', polished, &e., in the best manner, and AaTirrciXt. Tswit inserted from one to an entire sett. ' Office in the Bank Building, on Juliana street, Bedford. CASH TERMS will be strictly adhered to. * Io addition to recent improvements in the mount ing of, ARTIFICIAL Tina on (Jold and Silver Plate, 1 arniiow using, as u base for Artificial Work,a new ami beautiful article, (Vulcanite or Vulcanised Jn dia libber) stronger, closer fitting, more comfort able and more natural than either (Sold or Silver, 'and 20 per cent, cheaper than stiver. Call and see it. oiei.'i! 'C. N. HlCifOK. \ - - •edfoid, .Isaitsry Id, 1993. { w L NO acuauiJc fgecAnwios < ' - * *tj*n tokio Mcsirmi. , f 9R HOOF LAH D' I > r " tn:.-9n*6iH C£LEBk\TEI> •! .< German - t PREPAID' By Dr. €. Iff. JACKSON, Phil'a., Pii WILL EFFECTUALLY CORE "f LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA! JAUNDICE Choreic or nervous debility, diseases of thd kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomachy inch u Constipa tion, Inward Piles, Folness, or blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for food, fuFhess or weight in the Stomach, soar Eructations, sink ing or flutteririg at the pit of the Stomach, swimming of the bead hurried and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the ITeart, choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, Dim' ness of vision, dots or web* before the sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, deficiency Of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and? Eyes, pain in the side, back, cheat, Limns, ice., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Fletb, * Constant Imaginings of Evil, ar.d Great De pression of Spi rl; s. And will positively prevent TELtOfF FETES, BILLIOUS FEVER, 4e.' THEF CO.VTAIN ' XO ALCOHOL, OR BAD WHISKEY t' They wiul ci're tl.e above diseases in ninety-nine caees out ot' a hundred.' Induced by the extensive sale universal pop ularity of Hooftand's German Bitters. (purely vege table) hosts of ignorant Quacks .Mol ' June IS, 1882—ty.- " • - ' f - I •<. '■ - 1 * ... ' ' -LeJ -k "] as f. p_ ry r- •