t *JM','Srfq--;i ."los'i I-*' ' ''l BY B. F. MEYERS, 4fi,k* fc>U° w il t#rm, to Wit ■ $t 00 pot kiiouM, if p#W within th# y#ar. ' $9.90 ■ if not paid within the yotr. AT " F , sgfrHa.tthrriptloß taken tor!•• than ix month*. • syNo paper dinontinwd until all arrearage! are ■aid, unlet! at the option of tbe publisher. It ba Seen decided by the United States Courts that the tept|e of a newspaper without tji# payment of orrMrhifst, is prim* fait* evidence of fraud and as offence. "aaTThe courts nave decided that persons are *e •oentafcle for the eubacriptiori price of newapspa-s, 1 they take them from tbe post office, whether they bscribe for tbem. or not. ;■ flroftffstonal Cariiß. JTJ M. Kt**iiL. I. Vv. Lmomrattia KIMMELL & LINGENFELTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. QSTHsve formed a partnership in the practiee of Lass. Office on Juliana street, two doors South f tt* "Mangel House." Urn Kill. : W- H. 8*o. MANN & SPANG. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. The undersigned have associated themselves in eke Practice el the Law, and will atten I P> n >P u y * alt business entrusted to their ears in Bedford Md adjoining counties. nyOffice on luliana Street, three doors south af the "Mangel House,'' opposite the residence of Mai. Tate. Bedford,.' Aug. I> 1991* CM*NA. O. E. Spsnnon. CESSNA & SHANNONs ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., KgrHtve formed e Partnership in the Practice ot ehe Law. Office nearly oppoaite tbe Gastie Office, whore one or the other may at all times bt found, helloed, Aug, 1, 1861. >T JOHN P. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., ffisepselfWfp readers An ssiei'ess re th* Putin. gyOffiee eeeond door North ot the Mcngel * 'Bedford, Aeg, 1, ll. . M.HALI.. Joan PSIIMSA. HALL t, PALMER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA BBtVill promptly sttend to !l bueiness entrus ted to Ifctre tare. Office on Julianoa Street, (near. 4y oppoaite tbe Mangel House.) ■ Bedford, Aug. 1,1861. A. I. COFFROTH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, iOMCRSET, PA., "Will hereafter practice regularly in be several Capets af Bedford ■ county. Business entrnsted to hi* eare will ha faithfully attended to. < 1 December 6, 1881. DR. B. F. HARRY. BKDFORD, PA., Respectfully tenders bis professional services to tha citizen? of Bedford and vicibity. S9"OBice and residence on Pitt Street, in tbe building formerly occupied by Dr. John Hc£uc. Bedford. Aug. 1, 1861. JOUN BORDER, GUNSMITH, BEDFORD, PA. Shop at the east end of town, una dot west a' th residence of Major Washabau eh. tar All gurs of my cwu mar.utacture warranted. Bedford, Aug. 1, 1861. BINOKL KETTGRMAN, BEDFORD, PA., oW"Would hereby notify tbe citizens of Bedford •oor.ty, that ba has moved ro the Borough o* Bed ford, whsre ha may at all timet be found b'' persons wishing to sec b m, an'.cte absent upea business pertaining to his oißea. Bedford, Aug. 1,1861. Jaliaftm, J. J. EenatL, REED AMI SCHRLL. BANKERS 'k DEALERS IN EXCHANGE BEDFORD, PENN'A. BTTRAFTS bought and sold, aollcstfone made -wed money promptly remitted. Oapoails solicited. • tzrtniMcsa. Dm. Job Mann, Don. John Cttina, sod John Mewar. Bedford Pa., R. Forward, Somerset, Bunn, JUtguel k Co., Phi I. J. Watt k Co., J. W. Cot ley, k (Vk, Pittsburg. • ' - ■ - . . gT. CHARLES HOTEL, mum or wood J no third strikts I r T• I B V t 0 B, P A HARkY SHIRLS pROfRiETOR. April 13 tß6i. W- w. nut- jobn a. Davison MAIR AND DAVISON, Importers and Oaalers in ftsddtery; Carriage and Trunk Hardware and Trimmings, NO. 137 WOOD STREET, Pittsburg Penn'a, PITTSBURG, PA., Cornar Penn and St.Clair Sta Tha largest Commercial School of the United States, with a patronage of nearly 3,000 Students, salve years from 31 States, and the only one which affords complete and reliable instruction in all tha following branches, viz i Mercantile, Man ufacturers, 6team Beat, Railroad and Book-keeping. Fizat Premium Plain and Ornamental Penmanship; also. Surveying end Mathematics generally. ! * $35.00 Pya far • Commercial Course. Students enter and toviewat any time. • CBWihiafora' sons' tuition at blf price. Fez Catalogue el 86 pages, Specimens of Busi aeak and Ornamental Penmanship, and a beautiful CeDeguview of 8 square feat, containing a good wmriety of writing, lettering and flourishing, in. close ft cents in stamps te the Principal*. JENKINS Is SMITH. Pittsburg, Pa. Agwil 11, 18S3. PUBLIC NOTICE. Take netiee that 1 have purchased the following property belonging to Jacob. Fisher, and sold at CeaataMe Bale an Wednesday, tbe Uth day of Feb snary, 1863, and have left the same in hi* notses aten doriag my pleasure: Qno caw, one sett Blackemith toeli, on* Cooking •fore, three Beds and Bedding, Corner Cupboard, Awe Table, .Meal Cheat, Chop Cheer, one Shout, a• E-**MULLES.. * w. vIWR—JPe*' i * slmiiar iuureaae has been made in all Republican* T,optimum. gp-The papers of every section ngreey that the marriage of Tom Thumb, at Now York, though celebrated with all the eclat thit-' Waa possible, was one of thp wi U**, ,aftjpf uf tla kiud thafrhas ever takea place.. *jy tpwltiefa letter takes upmocethan half th*' worldt—C- (•*•*) r t ,