PILL IKB WINTER GOODS! MRS. s. E. SIGAFOOS Has Just returned from the city with ber usual as sortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, con sisting of the latest style of dress goods, such as French and English Marinoes; French Marino Robes ; Plain and Figured Repts; Cashmeres, Delaines and Prints. ALSO, AH ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF WOOLEN GOODS, CONSISTING OF Hoods, Clouds, Sontags, Garibaldi's, and Opera CAPS. Felt and Velvet BONNETS or THE LATEST STYLE, TRIMMED & CNTRIMMED. FLOWERS, RUCHES, RIBBONS, PLUMES AND DRESS TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. A splendid assortment of Imported and American FURS, which are being sold at prices much lower than ever before offered in this market. KF"AII who wish FURS should avail themselves of this opportunity of procuring for themselves an Blegant Set of Furs, AT THE REDUCED PRICES. ALSO—Every variety of FANCY GOODS, to gether with Ladies' Morocco*BOOTS and ShOES ; SHAWLS, MUSLINS, CAMBRICS, HOSE, GLOVES, BUTTONS, &c., &c. Ail of which having been bought for CASH, will be sold at pricee that will DEFY ALL COMPETITION. Q2?"Call and examine the goods and prices for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. SARAH E. SIGAFOOS. Bedford, December 5, 1562. GREAT ACtIUYAI.! LB.mMEr.iMO., Have just opened a very large supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. All of which will be offered at the very lowest prices, for CASH OR PRODUCE. short credit will be given those who pay promptly. The public are rospectfully invited to call and examine the LARGEST AMD BEST ASSORTMENT of Goods ever opened in Bedford. November 14, 1862. Something JYcic! If you want to buy bargains call and seo my new •tock of SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, WHIPS, COLLARS, HORSE BLANKETS, AND EVERT ARTICLE IN MT BUSINESS. Being thankful for the liberal patronage already extended to me, I ieel assured that persons buying will not forget their own interest, but call on me at my old stand on the corner opposite the Washing ton Hotel, and next door to the post office, Come one, come all, and examine (or yourselves. Every man that has a horse needs a bridle, BO come and get one for only one i.ollar. J. B. MAGILL. November 14, 1862. O Yes! O Yes! The undersigned having taken out Auctioneer and Sale License, I will hold myself ir. readiness to cry sales on the shortest notice. Persons desiriug my Bervice would do well to consult me prior to appointing a day of sale. JOHN A. GUMP. Rloody Run, Jan. 30, 1803.* Sate Costs!! The accounts and notes due the late firm of Oster & Tarn, have been left with me for collection. Per sons indebted will please make immediate payment, otherwise costs will be added wi.hout lespect to persons. „ , H.NiCODEMUS. Bedford, December 19, 1802. O YcsTO YCS!~ 1 take this method of informing the public that 1 have taken out Auctioneer and Sale License, and will attend wheiever desired on the shortest notice and roost reasonable terms. Apply to D. T. AKE. St. Clairsville, Bedford Co., Pa. December 19, 1862 6m. OYe s ! O Yes!! I take this method oi informing the public that I have taken out Auctioned and Sale License, and will attend whenever desired on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Persons wishing the services of the auctioneer, will please call upon the undersigned before adver tising. Apply to JOHN ALSIP, Jan. 2, 1863. Bediord I'a. O Yf\ O Yesll „Jv e , Un . der,igned I,avin 8 ,aken out Auctioneer and hale License, is now ready to CRY SALES an I.rm. n °}\ ce > and on Hie roost reasonable terms. Jt will be reccollected that no one is le gally entitled to act us a crier ot Sales, unless he procures a license. Addres _ LEV ',S, w e.. O Yes! O Yes!! The subscriber having taken out Auctioneer and Sale License, will attend wherever desired on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. WILLIAM A. POWELL. January 16, 1863. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. ro . her u ß if .l* 1 , 1 "* ,tß;ar nentary to the estate cranted mih h of . Sch.!:! t, © • ; Ha -• • ■ v m j if @III Has just been reinforced, and now contains the lar gest and best selected stock ever biought to Bed ford county. Hie GOODS were nearly all bought at the old cheap lates, are nil paid lor, and will be sold to suit the times for cash or produce. at the old sign of the PADLOCK and see for yourselves. Cook Stoves & tlcaiijsDg - Stoves, IN GRfI.IT VARIETY, AT HARTLEY'S If you wanta(JOOl>, HONEST, Heavy Plated Stove, V. arranted in lull—if you want a Beautiful and Good Heating Stove, either for Coal or Wood, Go to Hattley's. HARTLEY keeps all kinds of Cooking Utensils, Boilers, Bake Pans, Griddles, Gridirons, Waffle Irons, Iron Pots, Brass and Porcelain Kettles, Stove Pipe, Sic., S'c., all at tin lowest prices. Also—THE BEST STOVE BLACKING that ever came from Germany can be had at Hartley's, October 24, 1863. Come this Way F@B BARGAINS!! I FALL AND WINTER STOCK, i J. B. FAMQUHAM, | i MAWS CORNER, JULIANA STREET Is just opening a Urge stock of i I Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, READY MADE CLOTHING, A Dress Coats, Over Coats, Pants & Vests SHOES AND BOOTS, Mens' and Boys' Shoes and Hoots, Ladies and Mis- 1 ses Shoes as cheap as the cheapest. t i GROCERIES. t Coffee, Sugar, Syi up Molasses, Teas, and a general ' assortment of Spices. , I, , Tobacco and Cigar*. > i Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, with an assort ment of Choice Cigars. FARMERS will find it to their interest to give us a call, as we arc trading for Grain and Country Produce. November 11, 1562. TO CONSUMPTIVES. ri'HF. Advertiser, having fiet-n restored to health L in a few weeks, by a very simple lemedy, alter having suffered several years with a severe lung af fection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to mike known to his fellow-sutfereie the means of cuie. To all who desire it, he will send a copy f the prescription used (free of charge) with the Jireo tiona for preparing and using the same, which they will find a HURK Cms for CONSUMPTION, Aspiwa, BRONCHITIS, The only object of the Adverti ser in sending the I'erscriptions is to benefi the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please ad dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williatneburgh, Kings County, New Yak. Oct. 31.—3 m, Jon MANN. G. H. 81-ANO. MANN & SPANG. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. The undersigned hava aesociated themselves in the Practice ot the Law, and will attend promptly to all business entrusted to their caie in Bedford and adjoining counties. K7~OiHce on Juliana Street, three doors south of the "Mengel House," opposite the residence ol Mai. Tate. Bedford, Aug. 1, 1861. BAUD EL KETTEEJtIAN, BEDFORD, PA., hereby notify the citizens of Bedford county, that he has moved ro the Borough of Bed foid, where be may at all tiroes be found b' persons wishing to see him, unless absent upon business pertaining to his office. Bedford, Aug. 1561., JOHN CESSNA. O. K. SHANNON. CESSNA Si SHANNON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., formed u Partnership in the Practice ot the Law. Office nearly opposite the Gazette Office, where one or the other may at all times be found. Bedford, Aug, 1,1801. JO H N P. It E E 1), ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Respectfully tenders his services to the Puh/tc. UyOiWov second door North of the Mengel House Bedford, Aug, 1, 1861. W. M. HALL. JOHN PALMER. li ALL & PAL M E K, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA IKr"Will promptly r tfond to nil business entrus ted to there care. Office on Johanna Street, (near, ly opposite the Mengel house.) Bedford, Aug. 1, 1861. J. W. LINGBIfFBLTBR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND LAND SURVEYOR, Will attend with promptness to all business entrusted to his care. WILL PRACTICE IN BEDFORD AND FULTON COUNTIES. A. 11. COrFROTU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOMERSET, PA., Will hereafter practice regularly in he several Courts of Bedford county. Business entrusted to' his cure will be faithfully attended to. December 0, 1801. DR. B. F. HARRY, BEDFQRD, PA., Respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. CEF"Oflice and residence on Pitt Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. John Hofius. ' Bedford, /.ug. 1, 1861. I JOJIJI BOBDBR. , GUNSMITH, BEDFORD, TA. Shop at tho east end of town, one doc v.est ef i t the residence of Major Wnsbabaugh. ' t 02?*"All guns of my own manufacture warranted.' c Bedford, Aug. 1, 1331. JACOB REED, G. W. Rurr, J. J. SCHELL, REED, BBPP AND SCHELL, BANKERS & DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, BEDFORD, PENN'A. KF*PRAF 1S bought and sold, collections made and money promptly remitted. Deposits solicited. REFERENCES. Hon. Job Mann, Hon. John Cessna, and John Mower, Bedford Pa., R. Forward, Somerset, Bunn, Kaiguel 6c Co., Phil. J. fVatt & Co., J. W. Cm lev & Co., Pittaburg. " gT. CHARLES HOTEL, CORNER OF WOOD / ND THIRD STREETS PITTSBURGH, PA HARRY SHIRLS PROPRIETOR. April 12 1861. MINERAL SPRING HOTEL. THE undersigned has opened IIIP above named Hotel a few doors South of'the (5-ourt House, (formerly kept by Mrs. Filler, as a board ing House) where hs will be happy to accommodate all who may favor him with their patronage. Boarders will be taken by the week, month t,r year. Persons attending Couit will find this House very convenient. The Bed Rooms in this Hotel are very lnre and well ventilated and furnished in the best stvle. The Bar will be supplied with choice liquor.' The Stable will be in charge of a good aod at tentive hostler. JOSEPH ALSIP. April 25th, ISC2. ©litre oi JAT €©9E£E, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, IT JIY (100 SI& DO., BffiERS, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1882- The undersigned, having been appoi ate 1 SiißScnii* - •rioN ABSENT by tho Secretary ot the Tieusury, is now prepared to furnish, at once,the Kcw Twenty lc:ir 6 per ct. Bonds of the U, States, designated ns r > J TIODS BEVERAGE lor Gei, .ra!Dbi"- r, V 6, . sia, and all billions disorders. I'hoUsunjj lV( , been compelled to übandon Iho use ol co* ;• nse this without injurious etfects. Onecau t, , the slrengtb of two pounds of ordinary tot Price 20 cents: KOLLOCK'S LE V A 1 * The purest and beat BAKING POWDER known for making light, sweet and nutritious irie... , cakes. Price 15 centc; MAISVS ykCTUßfelr BY M. 11. KOLLOCK, Ch.'ir,it, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets, run.AbEr.rntA, At.d sold by all Druggists ulfd Grocata. February 28, ISG2.—ly" EMPIRE OF FJSHIOI PEACE TC BE 2>:JCLARED On the Ninth of .Tbidc CHEAV CASH FANCY STORE! SHUCK BROTHERS will open a new a ul • did btock of Fancy Uiy Goods, in tL ne.\> build ioj one floor West of S. \V. Shucks dry i/oods £t on the sth of June, co consist, in pirt, of FANCY DRESS SILKS, CIIAUIES, I'dpHns, Grenadines, c Laities, BeragM, FRENCH LAWNS, FANCY PRINTS, s c , SILK and CLOTH MANTILLAS, NewStylaa! SHAWLS, in great variety MOURNING AND LACE GOODS, of ever description! READY MADE BONNETS, BONNET TRIM MINGS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, CHILDREN'S HATS AND FLATS, LA DIES' GAITERS, SLIPPERS and Una laced Boots CHILDREN'S do. do. do. NOTIONS, in Great Variety. Stockings, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Dress 'Trimmings, Perfumery, Sfc., ike. 1 he above stock will consist of every article usu ally kept in First Class Fancy Stores, selected ly a lady of superior taste and experience, who has spent the greater portion of her life in the business, ii Second Street and Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. She will take charge of the establishment, and \va ask our patrons and the public generally, to call and examine her stock before purchasin" elsewhere SHUCK BROTHERS. N. B.—The old firm of S. If W. Shuck also ask e. call to see their new stock lately arrived, and a con tinuance of public patronage. w „„ S. 4- W. SHUCK. May 22, 1862. A PUMPS!!! t'" I am engaged ir. selling tb: jy Er ,' e Pomp— certainly the f't Vk °"'y pump well adapted to <§l tbia eliinatc. ' 'C ' N\ Persons in need of a good \- pump will do well to givo |i i: -jjS > tne a call. V-'-'V '."•t RyOrders from all parts I ;'W of the county will be atund ...Tlf e< ! 10 with promptness. /! raf . At>i>n>.si ] ■ipSj WM. C. SNIVELY, V*. Sehe'lsburg. JUdflUfit* Aug. 1, 18C9.—3ru \irASßia:seiWr' itwhsj, il . „ pa MRS. s. FILLER would res] sctfallv ann ier fiiends in Bedford County, and to p-;kiie generally, that she has leased, to- a term of wars the large and convenient brick hotel, at the ro-uei 01 litt and .'ulianu streets. Bedford, Pa., known r.r the-.WASHINGTON HORSE," and lately kept ev ; COOK. This house s be ng thoroughly re (itted and refurnished, and is now open for the •. ception ot guests. Visitois to the "BEDFOf.O SPRINGS" and persons attending Court, will a. this house a pleasant ami comfortable renano rv home.— Every attention will be pur., to the con and accommodation of guests. The table will rt times be supplied with lire best the markets ult> Charges moderate. Extensive stabling is attached to this bo-:-!, . a careful and competent wil oe in att. ~ dance. Special attention paid to fie a com modatiou of the larming community. March 30tb, 1860. DRUGS AND BOOKS H. C. REAMER. JuLIANNA STKEET, BKOFOND, PA., °" 'tie Hand formerly orctryied by Dr. P. C. Seamor II.'HOLE SALE and re- ffiTitm ta '' '' ,a ' er in Drugs, fyc . -.1 Medicine.;, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs. Oils. Pa.ota, Varnish ' tine, Window Glass, Glassware iceived, a large stock o: American, French and English perfumery. Also, ■> gieat variety of fine Soaps tor toilet use. Tooth pastes, Hair Tonic s Hair Dyes, that wil! color various shades, from a light brown to a jet black, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Sha ving, and Clothes brushes, Comb;, Pocket Knives Pocket Books, Portmonnaies, Segar cases, fcc. —ALSO— Have and will keep constantly on hand, a supply of Coal Oil, Burning fluid andCamphine, with a great variety of the most modern and best elyi* o f. coal oil and fluid lamps. Pure Wines and Brandies for medical use, Fla>. voring Extracts aad Spices ofall sorts, Fine Began Snufls, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. " Having the agency for all the principal patent' medicines in use, will keep a full supply conetantiy oil hand. —ALSO— Dealer in Books, &c., consisting of Geographical, Scientific, Religious, Poetical, Historical, Law Medical, School and Miscellaneous Works, in con nection with a great variety Of plain and fancy Stationery, Cap, Note, Post, and Wrapping Paper, Blank Books, of every aixe and quality, Diaries* Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Notes and Receipts. ' promptly filled and satisfaction guar anteed, with regard both to price and quality. KJ"Physieiana' Prescriptions careful!)! and accu rately compounded at all hours of the day or night. Dec. 16, 1859. w.w. MAIIt. JOHN a. DAVISON MAIR AND DAVISON, Importers and Dealers in Saddlery, Carriage and Trunk Hardware and Trimmings, NO. 127 WOOD STREET, Pittsburg Ponn'a, I~Tt> R S A~T E, OR EXCHANGE.— I hree tracts of veiy choice farm land, containing 100 acres in each tract, situate on the fllinoia Cen tral R. R., in Champaign co., State ot Illinois, 8 rr.iles from the city of Rrbana,and 1 mile irnm Ren tual Station on said road. Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of tli'm has a never failing pond ot water. The city of Urbeuna contains a population of 3000. Champaign is the greatest wheat growing county m the Stata. Address, F. C. RE VMEK, Bedford, Pa.