ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letter* of administration on the estate of Jacob Fluke, late of Hopewell township, derMi, having been granted to the nndeisigauo, residing in South Woodberry township, by the Register of Bedford county, all persons indebted to said estate are here by notified to make immediate payment and those 'having claims against the same are requested to present authenticated for settlement. JOHN B. FLUKE, Adm'r. January 2, 1863,—6t5. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICEL Letters ot administration on the estate of John Wesley Hartzell, late of Snulre Spring township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Bedford county, all persons in debted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims a gainst the same are requested to present them prop erly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE SMOUSE, Jr., NICHOLAS KOONS, January 2, 1863.—5t5* Adm'rs. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters Testamentary on the estate ot Benjamin Mills, Iste of Monroe tp., dee'd., having been grant-1 ed to the undersigned, residing in Southampton tp., all persons indebted to said estate are hereby noti t tied to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. NATHAN ROBISON, Jan, 2, 1803.—6t5. Ex'or. To the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and Con stables in. the different Toums/ups in the County of Bedford, Greeting. KNOW YE that in pursuance of a precept to me directed, under the hand and seal ol the Hon. JAMES NILU, President of the several Courts of Commou Pleas in the Sixteenth District, con sisting of the counties ol' Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail de livery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein and in the General Court of Quarter Sess ions of the Peace J and Jours TAYLOR and JAMES BURNS, Jr. Ksqs., Judges of the same Court in the same County of Bedford, You and each of you are hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with your Records, Recognizances, Examinations, and other remembrances belore the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Over and Teiminer and General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace therein to be holden for the county of Bedford, aforesaid on the second Monday of February, (being the Oth day.) ot 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, there and then to do those things to which your several offices ap pertain. GIVEN tinder my hand at Bedford, on the 10th of Jan, in the year of our Lord, JBG3. JOHN J. CESSNA, Sheriffs Office, Bedford, 1 Sheriff. January IG, 1863. j Something JYeie! If yon want to buy bargains call and sec my new Stock of SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, DRUNKS, WHIPS, COLLARS, HORSE BLANKETS, AND EVERY ARTICLE IN MY BUSINESS. Being thankful for the liberal patronage already extended to m, I feel assured that persons buying will toot forget their own interest, but call on me at my old stand on the corner opposite the Washing ton Hbtel, and next door to the post office, Com* one, come all, and examine lor yourselves. Every man that has a horse needs a bridle, so come and get'one for only one collar. J. B. MAGILL. November 14, 1882. FILL .11 WINTER GOODS,! /MRS. 3. E. SIGAFOOS Has just returned from the city with her usual as sortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, con sisting of the latest style ol dress goodß, such as ( French and English Marinoes j French Marino Robes ; Plain and Figured * Repts i Cashmeres, Delaines and Prints, f ALSO, | AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT J OF WOOLEN GOODS, CONSISTING or Hoods, Clouds, Sontags, Garibaldi's, and Opera C.JIPS. Felt and Velvet BONNETS OP THE LATEST STYLE, TRIMMED & UNTRIMMEO. FLOWERS, RUCHES, RIBBONS, PLUMES AND DRESS TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. A splendid assortment of Imported und American FURS, •which are being sold at prices much lower than ever before offered in this market. K?*All who wish FURS should avail themselves of this opportunity of procuring for themselves an Elegant Set of Furs, AT THE REDUCED PRICES. ALSO—Every vmiety of FANCY GOODS, to gether with Ladies' Morocco BOOTS and ShOES ; SHAWLS, MUSLINS, CAMBRICS, HOSE, GLOVES, BUTTONS, &c., &o. All of which having been bought for CASH, will be sold at prices that will DESY AM. COMPETITION. and examine the goods and prices for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. SARAH E. SIGAFOOS. Bedford, December 5, 1862. GREAT ARRIVAL,: U.CRAMEB&CO., Have just opened a very large supply of , f? 7 ' ' ' I FALL AND WINTER GOODS. All of which will be oflered at tbe very lowest prices, for CASH OR PRODUCE. short credit will be given those who pay promptly. Tbe publie are respecttully invited to call and examine the LARGEST AMD BEST ASSORTMEMT •f Goedt ever opened in Bedford. November 14, 1892. """ NEW GOODS!.! COME AND SEE THE Jffammotk toe k AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'S CHEAP STORE, NOW OPENING. His customers and the public generally are in vited u> call and examine for themselves. HIS GOODS ARE OF THE BEST QUALITY, AND CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! LOOK TO YOUR OWN INTEREST BY EXAMINING MY STOCK. A LARGE LOT OF REIDY-MM CLOTHING, Moots and Shoes, OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, AND VERY CHEAP, form a part of my now stork. WINTER WEAR, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Ladies' Dress Goods, GROCERIES, QUEENWARE, &C., &C. * All to bo had at the store of J. M. Shoemaker. Bedford Oct. 21, 1862. JUNIATA MILLS. THE subscribers, having leased this Well known manufacturing establishment, are noir prepared to do CARDING AND FULLING, ir. the best ol style. Thev are also manufacturing and keep constantly oft hand, for sale or trade. CLOTHS, CASSIMF.RS, SATINETTS, BLAN KET S, SI OCKING-YARN, 4-c. Having a practi cal knowledge of the business and employing none but competent and experienced workmen and be ng determined, to spare no efforts to give satisfac tion to their customers, they respectfully solicit a sharp of the public patronage. TERMS foi carding and fulling strictly cash. They have on hand a large stock of goods which they desire to trade for good clean wool. The highest cash price will be paid for good clean tub-washed wool. May 16, ,862. 8. LUTZ. Barley Wanted! We will pay the highest price in cash for one thousand bushels of Bnrley. A. B. CRAMER is recnmmended by physicians as a superior NU'l'kl' IKSpS'UUVKRAGK lor General Debility, Dysnen sin, arid all billious disorders. Thousands who havo beenv Compelled to abandon the ice ot cotfee wi|J use niipVithout injurious effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds ol ordinary coffee Price SO cVufts. KOL LOCK'S LEVA IN, The purest and best BAKING POWDER kffown for making light, sweet and nutritious bread and 1 cakes. Price 15 cent*. manufactured By M. H. KOLLOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets; PHII.AOKr.PIHA, And sold by all Druggists and Grocers. February 28, IS62.—ly* EMPIRE OP FASHION. PEACE TO BE DECLARED On tiie Ninth ot June C cIEAP CASH FANCY STORE' SHUCK BROTHERS will open a new and spleru | ( ' l( * °i Fancy Dry Goods, iri the new buiHinr, one door West of S. &W. Shuck's dry 1:00 is atorel on the sth ol June, to consist, in pirt, yf FANCY DRKSS SILKS, CHALLIES, Ptipllns, Grenadines, De Laines, Berages, FAEJYCH LAWJYS, F. INCY PRINTS, fire. SILK and CLOTH MANTILLAS, New Styles ! SHAWLS, in great variety.' MOURNING AND LACK GOODS, of every description! READY MADK BONNKTS, BONN FT TRIM MINGS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, CHILDREN'S 11 JITS AND FLATS, LADIES' GAITERS, SLIPPERS and fine laced Boota CHILDREN'S do. do. do. NOTIONS, in Great Variety. Stockings, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Dress Trimmings, Perfumery, Sec., Sec. The above stock will consist of every article usu ally kept in First Class Fancy Stores, selected by a lady of superior taste and experience, who has spent the greater portion of her life in the bnsiness, in Second Street and Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. She will take charge of the establishment, and we ask our patrons and the public generally, to call and examine her stock before purchasing elsewhere. SHUCK BROTHERS. N. B.—The old firm of S. ty W. Shock also ask a call to see their new stock lately arrived, and a con tinuance of public patronage. S. it W. SHUCK. May 23, 1862. § PUMPS!!! 1 am engaged ill selling the k Erie Pump— certainly tbe h\ only pump well adapted to _ J -£ v\ this climate. \ p'-'fM. \\ Persons in need of a good I 'SI \ pump will do well to give ! M > me a cfll. ttyOrders from all parts of the county will be attend ed to with promptness. Addrfss: I IPF WM. C. SNTVRI.Y. • ' eaelL. ..;g Aug. 1, 186 U. o TTTASHMAFTTOR*.' M„, , BEDFO s;> A MRS. S. FILLER would respectfully announce tier friends in Bedford Couui.y, and to the public generally, that she has leased, lor a term of years the large and convenient brick hotel, at the comer' ot Pitt and Juliana streets, Bedford, Pa., known as HOUSE" andlatelyTent by MRS. COOK. Phis house is be ng thoroughly re mind and refurnished, and is now open for" the re ception ot guests. Visitors to the "BEDFORD SPRINGS" and persons attending Court, will (ind this house a pleasant and comfortable temporary home.—Every attention will be pan. to the comfort and accommodation of guests. The table will at all times be supplied with the best the markets afford. Charges moderate. Extensive stabling is attached to this hotel, and a careful and competent hostler w.l lie in atten dance. Special attention will be paid to the aecoin modation of the terming community. March 30th. 1860. DRUGS AND BOOKS H. C. REAMER, JVUANNA STREET, BEDFORD, PA., lit the stand formerly orcupir.d by Dr. F. C. Reamer ■ 11/' HOLE SALE anil re- jriyTsi ■' - -y' is ta 'l dealer in Drugs, . Medicines, Chemicals, 'Dye is ---A Stu ® Oils, Paints, Varnish tine, Window Glass, Glassware •reived, a large stock of American, French and English perfumery. Also, a great variety of fine Soaps for toilet use. Tooth pastes, flair Tonic's flair Dyes, that will color var; iis had- .