Public Sale OF vJuojable real estate. By virtue of en order of The Orphans' Court of Bedford county, thai subscriber will sell at public Mle, on the premises, in St. Clair township, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1863, the following real estate, late the property of Geo. Mocic, dec VI., via i A Tract of Land, situate in said township, on both sides of Bobb's creek, adjoining lands of Henry Yont, Jacob F.wig, Berkheimer's heirs and others, and containing one hundred acres, more orless. The improvements are a two story log dwelling bouse, with kitchen attached, double log barn, smoke house, spring bouse, and other out buildings; also, a tenant bouse and stable. A large portion of the land is cleared and under fence, about ten acres of which are meadow, and as much more can be converted into meadow as may be desirable. This farm it good quality'creek bottom and slate land, and is susceptible of fine cultivation. Terms—One-balf of the purchase money in hanc, to be paid at tbe confirmation of the sale, and the balance in two equal annual payments without in terest ; or, if the subscriber should prefer it, one third of tbe balance, after payment of debts, will be left in the land for the use of the widow, tne whole to be secured by judgments or bonds and mortgage. ABRAHAM H. HULL, December 26, 1562. Administrator. PROCLAMATION. To the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, ant/ Con stables in the different Townships in the County of Bedford, Greeting. KNOW YE that in pursuance of a precept to me directed, under the band and seal ol the Hon. JAMES NILL, President of the several Courts of Common Pleas in the Sixteenth District, con sisting of the counties of Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail de livery for the trial of capital and other olf'enders therein and in the General Court of Quarter Sess ions of the Peace ; and JOHN TAYLOR and JAMKS BURNS, Jr. Esqs., Judges of the same Court in tbe same County of Bedford, Yon and each of you are hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with your Records, Recognizances, Examinations, and other remembrances before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Over and Tetmider and General Jail Delivery and Genera! Quarter Sessions of tbe Peace therein to be holden for the county of Bedford, aforesaid on the second Monday of February, (beiug the 9th day.) at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, there and then to do those things to which your several offices ap pertain. GIVEN under my hand at Bedford, on tbe 16!h of Jan, in the year of our Lord, 1863. JOHN J. CESSNA, SbarifPs Office, Bedford, 1 Sheriff. January 16, 1863. j Something JYeit ! If you want to buy bargains call anil see my new stock of SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, DRUNKS, WHIPS, COLLARS, HORSE BLANKETS, AND EVERY ARTICLE IN MY BUSINESS. Being thankful for the liberal patronage already extended tome, I feel assured tbut persons buying will not forget their own interest, but call on me at my old stand on the corner opposite the Washing ton Hotel, and next door to the post office, Come one, come all, and examine lor yourselves. Every man that has a horse needs a bridle, so como and get one for only one i.ollar. J. B. MAGILL. November 14, 1862. FILL m WISTER GOODS!! MRS. S. E. SIGAFOOS Has Just returned from the city with her usual as sortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, con sisting of the latest style of dress goods, such as French and English Marinoes ; French Marino Robes ; Plain and Figured Repts ; Cashmeres, Delaines and Prints. ALSO, All ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF WOOLEN GOODS, CONSISTING OF Hoods, Clouds, Sonlags, Garibaldi's, and Opera CAPS. Felt and Velvet BONNETS or THE LATEST STYLE, TRIMMED &. UNTRIMMED. FLOWERS, RUCHES, RIBBONS, PLUMES AND DRESS TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. A splendid assortment of Imported and American FURS, which are being sold at prices much lower than ever before offered in this market. 07* AH who wish FURS should avail themselves of this opportunity of procuring for themselves an Elegant Set of Furs, AT THE IISDUCED TRICES. ALSO—Every variety of FANCY GOODS, to gether with Ladies' Morocco BOOTS and ShOES ; SHAWLS, MUSLINS, CAMBRICS, HOSE, GLOVES, BUTTONS, &c., &c. All of which having been bought for CASH, will be sold at prices that will nor v ALL COMPETITION. and examine the goods and prices for yourselves befeie purchasing elsewhere. SARAH E. SIGAFOOS. Bedford, December 5, 1803. GREAT ARRIVALI - I.B.CRIMER&OO.! Have just opened a very large supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. All of which will be oflered at the very lowest prices, for CASH OR PRODUCE. ahort credit will be given those who pay promptly. The public are respectfully invited to call and axamine the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT of Good* ever opened in Bedford. November 14,1803. NEW GOODS!! COME AND SEE THE •Mammoth Stock AT J. M. SHOEMAKER'S CHEAP STORE, WOW OPENING. His customers and the public generally arc in vited to call and examine for themselves. HIS GOODS ARE OF THE BEST QUALITY, AND CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! LOOK TO YOUR OWN INTEREST BY EXAMINING MY STOCK. A LARGE LOT OF * READY-MIDI CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, 0 OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, AND VERY CHEAP, form a part of my new stock. i WINTER WEAR, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, I Ladies' Dress Goods, GROCERIES, QUEEN WARE, &C., &C. All to bo lind at the store of J. M. Shoemaker. I led ford Oct. 24, 1862. JUNIATA MILLS. THE subscribers, having leased this well known manufacturing establishment, are nosr piepared to do* CARDING AND FULLING, in the best of style. They are also manufacturing and keep constantly on hand, for sale or trude. CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, . SATINETTS, BLAN KET S, STOCKING-YARN, St w O < y a. h H > ac Has just been reinforced, and now contains the lar gest and best selected stock ever brought to Bid ford county. His GOODS were nearly all bought at the old cheap rates, are all paid for, and will pe sold to suit the times for cash or produce. at the old sign of the PADLOCK and sfe for yourselves. Cook Stoves & Heating Sfovcl, IN GREAT VARIETY, AT HARTLEY'S If you want a GOO."), HONEST, Heavy l'latsd Stove, Warranted in full—if you want a BeaiitiOl and Good Heating Stove, either for Coal or Wool, Go to Haitley's. HARTLEY keeps all kinds of Cooking Boilers, Bake Pans, Griddles, Gridirons, Wajjle Irons, Iron Pots, Brass and Porcelain Kettles, Stove Pipe, persons wishing to see him, unless absent upon business pertaining to his office. Bedford, Aug. 1861., JOHN CBSSNA. O. E. SHANNON. CESSNA & SHANNON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., formed a Partnership in the Practice ot the Law. Office nearly opposite the Gazette Office, where one or tbe other may at all times be found. Bedford, Aug, 1, 1801. JO UN P. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Respectfully tenders las services to the Public. second door North of the Mengel House. Bedford, Aug, 1, 1861. W.M.HALL. JOHN PALMER. II A L L & P A L M E R , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. promptly attend to all business entrus ted to there care. Office on Julianna Street, (near ly opposite the Mengel Huuse.) Bedford, Aug. 1, ISOI. J. w. LINGENFELTE R , ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND LAND SURVEYOR, Will attend with promptness to all business entrusted to his rare. WILL PRACTICE IN BEDFORD AND FULTON COUNTIES. A. 11. COFFROTU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOMERSET, PA., Will heroafter practice regularly in he several Courts of Bedford county. Business entrusted to his care will be faithfully attended to. December 6, 1861. DR. E. F. H ARR7, BEDFORD, PA., • Respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. [C7*office and residence on Pitt Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. John Hofius. Bedford, /.ug. 1, 1861. JOHN BORDER, GUNSMITH, BEDFORD, PA. Shop at tbe east end of town, one doc' west ei the residence of Major Washabaugh. 02?"A]I guns of my own manufacture warranted. Bedford, Aug. 1, 1861. JACOB REED, G. W. Rurp, J. J. SCHELL, REED, UUI'P AND SCIIELL, BANKERS & DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, BEDFORD, PENN'A. K7"DRAFTS bought and sold, collections made and money promptly remitted. Deposits solicited. REFERENCES. Hon. Job Mann, HOB. John Cessna, and John Mower, Bedford Pa., R. Forwurd, Somerset, Bunn, Raiguel 8c Co., Phil. J. Watt & Co., J. W. Curley, Be Co., Pittsburg. gT. CHARLES HOTEL, CORNER OF WOOD / ND THIRD STREETS PITTSBURGH, P A HARRY SIJIRLS PROPRIETOR. April 12 1801. MINERAL SPRING HOTEL. THE undersigned has opened the above named Hotel a few doors South of he Court House, (formorly kept by Mrs. Filler, as a board ing House) where he will be happy to accommodate all who may favor him with their patronage. Hoarders will be taken by the week, month or year. Persons attending Couit will find this House very convenient. The lied liooms in this Hotel are very large and well ventilated and furnished in the best style. The liar will be supplied with choice liquor. The Stable will be in charge of a good and at tentive hostler. JOSEPH ALSIP. April 25th, 1802. CFIICEOT JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, IT J;iniGOIiE&C9.,BMIiItS, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1862- The undersigned, havingbeen appointed SUBSCRIP TION AGERNT by the Secretary oi the Treasury, is now prepared to furnish, at once,the New Twenty Year 6 per ct. Bonds of the IT. Slates, designated as "Five-Twenties." redeemable at the pleasure of the Government, af ter five years, and authorized by Act of Congress, approved February 25, 1862. The COUPON BONUS are issued in sums of $50,5100, SSOO SIOOO - REGISTER BONOS in sums of SSO, SIOO, SSOO, SIOOO and 5000. Interest at Six per cent, per annum will com mence from d*te of purchase, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi-Annually, which is equal, at the present pre miuro on gold, to about EIGHT PER CENT. PER ANNUM. Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who hnve any money to invest, should know and remember that these Bonds are, in effect a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, Canals, Bank Stoma and Securities, and the immense prod ucts of all the Manufacturers, Ike., Ike., in the coun try : and that the full and ample provision made for the payment of the interest and liquidation ol prin cipal, by Customs Duties, Excise Stamps and Inter nal Revenue, serves to make these Bonds the Best, IHost Available and Most Popular Investment in the market. Subscriptions received at PAR in Legal Tender Notes, or Notes, and checks of banks at par in Phil adelphia. Subscribers by mail will receive prompt nttentijn, and every facility and explanation will be afforded on application at this offfice. A full supply of bonds will be kept on hand for immediate delivery. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent. Nov. 7,—3 m Union Hotel, WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA: V. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now peepared to accom modate the public in the best manner and on the most liberal terms. A splendid LIVKRY STABLE is attached to this hotel. [May 9, 1862. i HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by tpecinl F.n dowment, for the Relief of thr Siei and Distreescdl afflicted with Virulent and Chrome liteeases, and especially for the Cure of Disease: of the Sexua, Organs. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. ' Valuuble Reports on Spermatorrhtea, and other Diseas. sof the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps lor postage acceptable. Address, Dr. DR. J. SKILMN HOUGHTON, Howard Associa tion, No. 2 S. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. May 31st, '6l Ho! This W*ay! ! MEW GOODS, FRESH FROM THE EASTERN CITIES. Ladies Dress Goods, Latest Style and Color. Silks-, Merinos, Cashmeres, DeLuines, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Col lars, Druids, Balmo ♦ ' rals, Skeletons, Gaiters and Shoes of every description. G ENTS HEAR. Cloths, Cassimeres, Votings, Jeans and Shirts. Ready Matlc Clothing. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, ftc. A'so, a laerg stock of HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE AND GROCERIES. Remember our motto, "Quick sales and short profits." t£F"Cal! and see our Cheap Goods. P. A. REED. November M, 1862. BEDFORD HOTEL AND GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to an nounce that he las leased the Bedford Hotel, on Pitt Street, where he would be happy to meet his old friend?, and the public generally. it is not bis design to make many professions as to what he will do, bnt he pledges his word that his most energetic efforts will be employed to ren thr comfortable all who give him a call. The tyuse will be handsomely fitted up, and none but careful and attentive servants wil be engaged. Persons visiting the b dford Springs, as well as those attending Court, and the travelling communi ty generally, aie respectfully invited to give him a call and judge for themselves. KF-Bonrilers taken by the week, month, or year, on favorable terms. Kl?"Arnple and comfortable stabling is attached de this Hotel, which will always be attended by a oaretul hostler* Also, a safe and convenient car riage house. ALL THE STAGES STOP AT THIS HOTEL. JOHN HAFER, Aug. 1, 18(50. Pioprietor SSlymire & Son's STOVE DEPOT, SIGN OF THE MILL SAW." Th" largest am. best assortment of PARLOR, COOKING and HEATING STOVES in lidfor,l county. We have all kinds and patterns. Among the Cooking Stoves may be l'ouna the Wellington. Prince. Royal, Sk John Franklin, Continental, Victor, Summer Rose, 4"c. The Wellington, we will warrant to be the lar gest, heaviest and best Stove sold. It is linger th all any other Cooking Stove of the same number, arnfat the same price. We have the xole agency for the sale of this stove, and also of the Pbinci: Royal. We have Room Stoves of different patterns and latest styles, at prices from 53.00 to $ll.OO. HARDW A R E . We have a large and full assortment of Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. Oils, Points, Wooden Ware, Brooms, Brushes, Shoemaker's Findings, Saddler's Find ings, arid every thing Jouud in a First Class House Fur- nii/ting Store. Our Goods were bought at CASH prices and will be sold low. No. 1 Coal Oil, warranted best quality. We manufacture and will Wholesale mid Retail, TIN, COPPER and SHEET-IRON WARES. Roof ing and Job work done to older. [E7"AII orders promptly attended to. GEORGE BLYMIRE & SON. November 34, 18G2. THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY. Just published in a sealed envelope, Price 0 cents i A Lecture by Dr. CULVERWELL, on the cause and cure of Spermntorrhte i, Consumption, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy, Im paire'l Nutrition of the Body ; Lassitude, Weakness of the Limbs and the Back, Indisposition, and In capacity for Study and Labor; Dullness of Appre hension; Loss of Memory ; Aversion lo Society: Love of Solitude ; Timidity; Self-Distrust, Dizzi ness; Headache; Affections of the Eyei ; Pimples on the Face; Involuntary Emissions, add Sexual Incapacity, the Consequence, of Youthful Indiscre tion, Ike., Ike. tX?*This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the above enumerated, often self aftlicted evils, may be removed without medicine and without danger ous surgical operations and should be read by eve ry youth and every man in the land. Sent undn- Seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two post age stamps, bv addressing CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowerv, New York, Post office box, 4586. October 17, 1862. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. An excellent farm, situated 4J miles North East ol Bedford, in Bedford township, containing 180 Acres, More or Less, is offered at private sale on very reasonable terms. Kighly acfes of this farm are cleared and under fence. The improvements consist of a Two Story Log House and Barn, A young orchard of choice fruit, K-c., Ike. The farm adjoins lands of Charles Smith, Tho's. Hughes, and others. The title is entirely free from all in cumbrances. For further paiticulars inquire of the editor of the Gazette, or JOHN H. RUSH, Bedford, Pa. March 21, 1802.—tf. - r —: —— -- v --. . x , 11 Koilock's l>an * ADDRKSS: WM. C. SNIVELY, _ . E . jwU . Sthellsburg. Aug. 1, ISG2 3m \FASHimonr nou^e, * ▼ "BEDPOPD, PA. MRS. S. FILLER would respectfully announce t® her friends in Bedford County, and to the puhlie generally, that she has leased, tor a term of years, the large and convenient hriek hotel, at the corner of Pitt and .'ulicna streets, Bedford, Pa., known as the "WASHINGTON HOUSE," and lately kept by MRS. COOK. This bouse is be ng thoroughly re fitted and refurnished, and is now open for the re ception ot guests. Visitors to the "BEOPOiRD> SPRINGS" and persons attending Court, will find this house a pleasant and comfortable temporary home.—Every attention will be pan. 10 the comfort and accommodation of guests. The table will at all times be supplied with the best the markets afioid. Charges moderate. Extensive stabling is attached to this hotel, and a careful and competent hostler wil be in atten dance. Special attention will be paid to the accom modation of the larmiug communitv. March 30th. ISCO. DRUGS AND BOOKS H. C. REAMER. JULIANNA STREET, BEDFORD, PA., h the Hand formerly orci/jtirtl by J)r. F. C. Reamer ss 11,'HOLGtsALt and re- jfMTiftm tit tail dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stud's, Oils, Paints, Varnish tine, Window Glass, Giass wo re •reived, a large stock of American, French and* English perfumery. Also, a great variety of fine Soaps for toilet use. Tooth pastes, Hair Tonic's Huir Dyes, that will color various shades, from a light brown to a jot black, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Sha ving, and Clothes brushes, Combs, Pocket Knives, Pocket Books. Portmonnaies, Segnr cases, fee. -ALSO- Have and will keep constantly 011 hand, a supply of Coal Oil, Burning fluid andCamphine, with a great variety of the most modern and best sty'e of coal oil anil lluid lamps. Pure Wines and Brandies for medical use, Fla voring Extracts and Spices ofall sorts, FineSegars, Snuffs, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Having the agency for all the principal patent medicines in use, will keep a full supply constantly on hand. —ALSO— Dealer in Books, fee., consisting of Geographical*. Scientific, Religious, Poetical, Historical, Law* Medical, School and Miscellaneous Works, in con-, nection with a great variety of plain and fancy- Stationery, Cap, Note, Post, and Wrapping Paper*. Blank Books, of every size and quality, Diaries,, blank Deeds, Mortgages, Notes and Receipts. promptly filled and satisfaction guar-, anteed, with regard bjQth to price and quality. CCPhysicians' Prescriptions carefully apd accu rately compounded at all hours of the day or night*. Dec. IC, 1859. W. W. MAIR. JOHN S. DAVISON*. MAIR AND DAVISON, Importers and Dealers in Sadjllery, Carriage and Trunk Hardware and Trimmings) NO. 127 WOOD STREET, Pittsburg Pe&a'a. ]~7O R SALE, 1 OR EXCHANGE.— Three tracts of very choice farm land, containing; '.CO acres in each tract, situate