Xtw a* v Clli 3tmen ts . j NOTICE. V\ herons letters testamentary to Ibe estate Of Peter Scheli, late of Scl.ellidiurg, dee J., i j,anted to the subscribers, all persons indebted to J" i I oatatc are requested to make immediate pa) - inent, and those having .Maims or demands a,n " ,"e estate of said decedent will make known the j ""■• wUbOUtd jo y ANß.BCELL.Sche ll . bU rg, W. P. SCHELI., Bedford. Jan. 23, i soy.—ots. Kxecutttri. KconosiiV is Wealth 2 (:|i!IK Vflfß 8011811 FOR 13CTS.J The BEST and CHEAPEST Household \ REMEDY in the World. Madam# ZADOC PORTER'S GREAT COUGH REMEDY. Madame ZADOC POUTERS Cu ff' la live Balstm is wurronted it \\ n/ used recording to the direc |A/f lions, to cure in all caces Jjft. Coughs Colds, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all aflee- Pv\/ vA tions of the throat ana I.ungs. rMadame Zadoc Porter'sßal ' .2 1 sam is prepared with all the yrequisite care and skill, from Tof'/A'"xW a combination of the best rem- ! edies the vegetable kingdom j AHilll' si ntlords, its remedial quali fy/ I I\ Rw *' PR are based on its power to y*' I I tvA assist the hea'tby and vigor ll I I txS on, circulation of the blood, I I I ihro' the Lungs. It is not a * violent remeby, but emoiient 1 \ JJ|JT warming, searching and eilec i live; can be taken by the r v! oldest person or the youngest ! I 1% Madame Zadoc Porter's U 'II Rain am lias been in use by - - pnlili" l'"r 18 years, end has'acqiiired its present sole simply by being ree enmmended bv those who have user, it to tneir at dieted friends and others. MOST IMPORTANT.—Madame Zadoc Porter s Curative Balsam is soid at a price which biings it in the reach of every one to keep it convenient for use of ii single bottle will prove to be worth lilt) times its cost. NOTICE.—SAVE YOUR MONBV !— Di not he per suaded to purchase arlicl is at Is. lo let Win h do r.nt contain the virtues ola 13 cent bottle of Madame l'orteia Curative Balsam, the cost ot manulacturiug which is as great as that of almost onyother medicine and the very low price at which it it sold, makes the profit to the seller apparently small, and un principled dealers will sometimesreccommend oth er medicines on which their profits are larger, un less the customer insist upon having Madame Por tal's arid no other. ASK for Madame Poi tei's Cura tive Balsam, price 13 cents, and in large bottles at accents, and take no o'her. If you cannot get it ut one store you can ut another. by all Druggists and Storekeepers at 13 els., and in larger libttles at 25 cts. HALL &RUCKEL, Proprietors, NEW YCRK. January, 23, 1863,—1y. TUB SOLDIER'S TRUE FRIEND. Always Itehdy. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Long marches, soie and stiff joints, blistered and inllamed feet, all these llie Soldier must endure MOTHERS, REMEMBER THIS, when your sons are grasping their muskets to meit dangei, think what reliei a single pot of this ALL HEALING and COOLING Salve will give to the one you love when far away worn home and friends. It hardens and makes lough the feet so that they can endure great fatigue. It soothes and r iieves the inflamed MIIU stiffened joints, leaving them supple, strong and vigorous, while I'oi. Sabre cuts and Gunshot Wounds, It stands unequalled, removing and preventing eve - ry vestige ot inflammation and gently drawing the edges together, it quickly and completely heals the most frightful wounds. Wives and Sisters oC Volunteers. Aon cannot put into the Kuupsurks of your HllS hAmls and Brothers, a more valuabta or more neces- Jf/ gift than a supply ot this Eatraordiiiaryjuiiitary Salve. The lonely sentry walking his rounds at night, exposep to drenching rains and chi I night air, is often seized with most VIOLENT PAINS, COUGH and SUFFOCATING HOARSENESS, first svmp toms of QUICK CONSUMPTION, hut if sup'plied wita HOLI.OWAY'S Pn.i.s and HOLI.OWAY'S OINTMENT , li danger is averted, a few Pills taken night and morning, and the Ointment briskly nibbed twice a vvijr''h. roat ani ' chest will remove the SE- X7 PAINS and stop the most distressing and DANGEROUS COL'pH. There fore we say to the whole Army, Soldier's Attention! See >o your own health, do not trust to the Army hiKT l urea' mitll '" OM valuable. Thee PILLs and . MLNT have been thoroughly tested, lliey are the only remedies used in the European Cam lis and f? r ov " r lorl - v L)octor Hollow ay bus f'BHiriv o I"'rn 1 "' rn; '' s Europe, and during the L. A \ rAMI ' AI(;N 1,0 Published a depot at BPMrhiM 0r thH ''Elusive sale of these GREAT ha. „t I „ m : ,ny S ,ime hU s|,ecial Akc ' there •" V'igbt of the Ointment in a SOLD Hi RS IN CAMP," a " d 01 lhc Elarr/itu, Dysentery, Scurvy, Sores cV Scrof ulous Eruptions, OINTmK V'tV Ch ° r ' n befo r'hese PILI.S and •out the land,' n ° W Wbllß the cry r '"S < trough • TO Jl RMS! TO JIRMS ' ' *ures, the Fever., the Chill, ,„lt ,k 8 r °, US ex,)o " they cannot avoid, , ,| w ! WOUnds w,licl ' ■ q-ntly ge, succor' to b. " B " If our brave men have onlu . nea I.whereas ■theirKnapseek. and find ae„remldv the casualties of tbe battle field H , r ' *and of lives Would thus be saved who "L* T - r .s. perish before rullrfcouW beobuS ° AV °rd^^Hoi.LowA"iVew Vor/a""!"] O Un ' P ",. ,he same may he phii„| v , .P 01 or box; the "g'u. A handsome reward "' C rsndrring infoimntir to any one tectioaof any mm may lca, t ,0 the de. wdiri M 3 or vending •purious. nuiug tne same, knowing thupi to be WAY, 80MatdeiJ 1 ] ™ C,L " FI ' CTN TY of Professor Hor.r.o ouMhe civifizeJ w • i \ through and SI each 01 ' d > in buXe! at 25 cents, 02 cu, uSSST. b 6av ing by taking the pationt£ in d Yes! o Yesir T,icense'' v/i\| 'mteri rf h*" ° Ut Allclio " cer a" l ' •— term.:' Janu-ry if!, I?cs V ' iU l A. POWELL. ' L '/r €• A, HH KOK, DENTIST. Will attend punctually and carefully to all opera tions entrusted to his care. NAIIIIAI, TEETH tilled, regulated, polished, &c., in the best manner,and Aurivrci.u. TEETH inse*ted from one to an entire sett. Office in the Bank Building, on Juliana street, Bedford. CASH TERMS will be strictly adhered to. In addition to recent impiovemenls in the mount ing of ARTIFICIAL TEETII on Gold and Silver Plate, I am now using, as a base for Artificial work,a new and beautiful article, (Vulcanite or Vulcuni/.eit In dia Rubber) stronger, closer fitting, more comfort able and more natural than either Gold or Silver, and 20 per cent, cheaper than silver. Call and see it, C.N. HJCTvOK. Bedford, January 16, 1563. Sheriffs Nalc. By vittue of sundry writs of Fi. Fa. Vend. Ex ponas and Levari Fnois t<> ine diiected, there will be sold at the Court House, in the borough of Bed ford, on Saturday, the 7th day of February, 1863, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following rent estate, viz: i All that tract of land composed of several small er tracts containing 300 acres more or less, about 100 acres cleared and under fence, with a two sto ry log dwelling house, blacksmith shop, log stable and othei out buildings thereon erected, adjoining lands of D. Dickeo's heirs, John C. Morgart and others, situaie in Cumberland Valley township, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the ptop erty of Jacob Boor. ALSO—One tract of land containing 50 acres, more or less, about 45 acres cleared and under fence, with an old log house and old stable thereon erected, adjoining lands of John Cook, Jacob Comp and others, situate in llariison township, Bedford countv, end taken in execution as the property of Andrew Geller. ALSO—One tract of land containing 50 acres, more or less, about 6 acres cleared and under fence, with a small cab.n house and small stable thereon erected, adjoining lands ol Christopher Nicodemus, Barclay's heirs and others, situate in Harrison township. Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of Henry Lehr. ALSO—Ore tract of land containing 100 acres, more or less, all cleared and under fence, with a two story dwelling house, double log barn and other out buildings thereon erected, also, an apple orch ard thereon, adjoining lands of Jacob Zimmers. Henry ICoontz and others, situate in Bedford town ship, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of E. B. Trout. ALSO—One lot of ground, containing about half j an acre more or less, all cleared and under fence, | with a two story rough cast house and log stable i thereon erected, adjoining lands of Daniel Miller's heirs, John Brumbaugh and o'heis, situate in South Woodberry township, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of William Straley. AI.SO—AII that certain messuage and tract of land, situate oft Broad Top Mountain, in Bioad Top township, Bedford county, adjoining lands of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company, lands of Daniel droadstone, Cun ningham tx Co., and others, containing 69 acres and sixteen perches, and taken in execution a9 the prop j erty of R. Bruce l'elrikin. | ALSO • All defendant, Andrew V.'olford's, right, ! title and interest in and to one tract ol land, con ( taining 60 acres more or less, about 10 acres clear | ed and under fence, with an unfinished log bouse I tbereon erected, adjoining lands of Geo.Tioutman, George May arid others, situate and lying part ill i Juniata and part in Londonderry township, Bed lord | county, and taken in execution as the property of | Andrew Wolford. ALSO—One tract of land coniaining 000 acres more or less, about half an acre cleared, with a cab in house and new saw mill thereon erected, adjoin ing lands of Martin Hoover et al. ALSO—One tract of land containing 10 acres more or less, adjoining lands of Eli Hoover, James Dowser and ethers, situate in Liberty township, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the prop erty of Jacob S. Hoover. ALSO—One tract of land containing 53 acies more or less, about 40 acres cleared and under fence, with a double log house and double log barn thereon erected, also, an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of John Snyier, Jacob S. Bitcbey and others, situate in Snake Spring township, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of Franklin South. r ALSO—AII the defendant, George Snyder's in terest in and to a certain suw mill oil the premises of the said George Snyder, situate in Union town ship, Bedford county, near the public road leading from Mowry's mill to Texas, and the lot of ground curtilage appurtenances necessary to said mill, and taken in execution as the property of Geo. Snydei. ALSO—One tract ot land, containing one hundred acres, more or less, aliout Sixty acres cleared and under fence, having thereon erected a log house, log barn ami other out buildings, adjoining lands of Eckhart Horns heirs, land lately of John Shafer and others, situate in Juniata Township, Bedford county, arid taken in execution as the property of Gideon Hiteshew. ALSO—Two lots of ground in the town of Mari etta. fronting about 60 feet, each, anil extending baca about 4 to feet, with a two story log dwelling house and frame stable tlieron erected, adjoining lots of Joseph C. Dull, on the South, an alley, on the North, land of Adoiphus Ake, and the East, and Public fioad on the West, and taken in execu tion as the properly of Frederick Coil. JOHN J. CESSNA, Sheriff. Bedford, January 16, 1863. Register's Notice. All persons interested are hereby notified that the following named accountants have filed their ac. counts in the Register's office of Bedford county, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court in and tor said county, on Tuesday, the 10th day of February next, at the Court House, jn Bed lord, for confirmation : 1 The account of John L. Grove, administrator of the estate ot Isaac Grove, lite of Monroe town ship, dee'd. 2 The account ot Henry Wertz and John J. Wertz, executors of the last will and testament of John Wertz, late of Cumberland Valley township, dee'd. 3 The account of llavid Barnet, administrator of the estate of Robert Barnet, late of Middle Wood be! ry township, dee'd. 4 The account of Nathan Robison, administrator of the estate of James Smith, late of Southampton dee'd. 6 The account of Isaac Ritchey, executor of the last will and testament of Susanna Ritchey, late oi Bnake Spring township, dee'd. 6 The account of O. E. Shannon, trustee for the sale of the real estate of Jas. Smith, late of South ampton township, dee'd. 7 The account of John Shoemaker, administrator of the estate of John Gorsuch, late f Hopewell township, dee'd. 8 The account of Alexander Holsinger, adminis trator of the estate of Elizabeth Schtiner, late of Middle Woodberry township, dec d. 9 The account of D. S. Eongenecker, acting ex ecutor of ihe last will and testament of Joseph Kea gy, late of Middle Woodberry township, dee'd. 10 Theaccountof John Sill, admiriiptratorof the estate of Henry Beltz, late of Napier tow'nship, de ceased. 11 The account ot Anthony 7,immer administra tor of the estate of Daniel Zitr. mers late of Bed ford township deceased. A. B. BUNN, Register. Bedford, January 10, 1803. I.ist of (Jimsesi Put down for Trial at February Term, 1863. John 11. 1". Adams vs William Adams 8 .tnuel J. Way vs Dr. F. C. Reamer David Imler vs Joseph Crisman Reed, Kupp IkSchell's use vs M. J '.cllwatne et ah James W. Ritchey vs Jacob Hini-h's adm'p. A. 15. BUJW, Proth'y. Bedford, January IC, 1563 Tata! ol Grand Juror* Drawn for February Term, Second Monday, [9th day) 1803. Jacob Anderson, Foreman, Solomon Feigbt, Fred erick H. Heeglc, John 1,, drove, Frank. Beard, K marine! J. Diehl, Jacob Kinurd, Thomas M. Lynch, David Reighard, William Cant, Wilson M.Sams, Joshua Browning, Jacob Feightner, John Allison, John Filler, Daniel K. Barley, Frederick Schiiebley, lacob Semler, Philip Hardman, Adam Diehl, Jacob duyer. Cornelius Whetitone, G-eorge Alortimore, John Boor. List of Pel It Juror* Drawn Jur February Term, Second Monday, (9th day) 1863. Jacob Beckley, James Mortimoae, Jaeob May, Abraham Snowden, Wlliam Robisorr, Joseph Fergu son, James Mullin, Samuel Sfahl, Samuel drove, Jacob Aldstadt, John Riley, Joatab Miller, George Metx, John Ward, Adam Oster, f'imon Stuckey, Abraham Croyle, Stephen Weaverlin g, ' hos. Don ahoe, Andrew Mnrtimore, John 0. K eyser, Henry Wilhelm, William Dibert, John Rile)', jr., George Carr, Peter Cramer, Peter F. Lehma n, Abraham Hull, Willinm Gorsuch, John Beal, Dai tiel Cypher, John R. Jordan, Jacob S. Brown, Henry S. Fluke, George Barthelow, James Shirley, A. J. Snively. January 16, 1863. NOTICE. The following named persons have filed '.beir pe titions and will make application to the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for th e coun ty of Bedford, to he held on the second Monday day) of February next, for Tavern Lict use r Daniel Weimer, Clearville. George \V. Teigart, Six Mile Run. Philip G. Morgsrt, West Providence. Fiederick Berkhimer, St. Clairsville. Joseph Stouei, Bloody Run. John Hillegas, BuenaVista. J. L. Prince, Saxton. Aaron Reed, Foot Cove Atoun. S, '.V. George Stuck v. Napier Township. John P- Weaverling, Bloody Run. January 16, 1863. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned appointed to report a distribu - tion of the moneys in the hands of Esther SStrayer,, administratrix c. t. a. of Nicholas Strayer, dec'd., to and amongst those legally entitled to the same, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Fri day the 30th day of January, inst., at his office in Bedford, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when and where all parties interested can attend. JOHN P. REED, Auditor. January 46, ISC3. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned appointed lo distribute the mon ey in the hands of the Sheriff of Bedford county, laised on sale of the real estate of Adam Earnest, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Bedfotd, on Monday the 3d day of Febru ary, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where all par ties interested can attend. JOHN P. REED, Auditor. January 18, 1863. NEW JERSEY LANDS FOR SALE. ALSO, Garden or Fiuit Farms, Suitable for Grapes, Peaches, Peais, Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries, Currants, &c., of 1,21, 5, 10 or 20 acres each, at the following prices for the present, viz: 20 acres for S2OO, 10 acres for sllO, 5 acres for S6O, 2J acres for S4O, 1 acre for S2O. Payable by one dollar a week. Also, good Cranberry lands, and village lots in CH FT WOOL), 2.6 by 100 teet, at $lO each, payable by one dollar a week. The above land and larms are situated at Chetwood, Washington township, Burlington county. New Jersey. For further infor mation, apply, with a P. O. Stamp, for acircular,to B. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. 80, Cedar street, New York, N. Y. MIiHUKLL HOUSE, OjV THE EUROPEAN PLAN, C STREET, BETWEEN 41 AND 6TH STREETS, Ntnr the Ntitionul Hotel, anil two tqunren from, the Railroad Depot, WASHINGTON, D. C- Fine Parlors for tlie Accommodation of Ladies. Room and Board per day - - - $2 00 Room and Board per week - - * 10 00 Rooms, alone, per day ... j 00 Meals, each, - .... 00 Meals, per week, alone, - - - 5 00 Lodging, if the room is vacated by 7 a. m. 50 The KIMMBI.I, HOI SE is newly and elegantly lur nished, and in every respect a first class Hotel. I invite the public to call and examine. A. F. KIMMELL, Proprietor. The best Livery Stable in the City, Attached. GENERAL STAGE OFFICE The following Stages run from the Kimmell Hous daily: To Leonardtown, St. Mary's Co., Md , via Jurrattsville, T. B. Beantown, Byrontown, He-.ves ville, Charlotte Hall, Chaptico, and Leonaidtqwn. Also a tri-weekly line to Port Tobacco, leaves the Kimmell House every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat urday, at j, past 7 a. m., via Piscataway, Dulfield, to Port Tobacco. A. F. KIMMELL, Agent. January 18, 1863. NOTICE" Is hereby given that I have purchased from Hen ry B. Meyers, the following personal property viz : One two horse wagon, one Four horse wagon, one yearling colt, three milk cows, eight he ad of young cattle, and nine head of sheep, which J have left in possession of the said Henry B. Meyers during my pleasure, Ibereby forewarn all persons from purchasing said property, or in anywise meddling with the same or any part thereof, us 1 have paid the said Meyers for the same. FRANCIS BEARD. Jan. 9th 1863.* NOTICE OF APPEALS" Notice is hereby given that appeals will be held lit the Commissioned ' Oflice, at Bedford, (or the different districts of the County, as follows : For Middle Woodbury, Schellsburg Borough, Har rison and Union, on Monday, January.2Gth. For Snake Spring, Broad Top, Liberty and Hope well, on Tuesday, January 27. For Londonderry, Cumberland Valley and South ampton, Wednesday, January 28th. For St. Clair, South Woodbury, Monroe and Na pier, in Thursday, January 29th. For West Providence, East Providence, Juniata, Colejain, Bloody Run Borough, Bed 'Old Borough, and Bedford Township, on Friday, January 30th. By order ol the Commissioners, JOHN G. FISHER- Bedford Jan. 9th, 1863. Clerk. STRA Y SHEEP" Came to the premises of tl.e subscriber, residing in St. Clair township, about the middle of June last, a Ewe and two Lambs, a crop off the left ear of each, no other marks. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take fhemaway or they will be disposed of according to law. JOHN FEASTER-. January 9, 1863-—3ts. ~ "SIX CENTS REWARD! P.an away from the subscriber residing in Juniata township, a bound boy named Joseph Creiger, he had on when he went away a cap, Kentucky Jean lound about and pants. The above reward but nei ther thanks nor charges will be paid fer bringing him back. JAMES E. BURNS. Jan. 9j 1863.—2t5* Pension A. Bounty Claims. Cessna & Shannon have received all the forms and instructions lor procuring Soldiers Pensions 4" Bounty money. The earlier application is made the sooner claims will be attended to at Washing ton. CESSNA & SHANNON, January 2, 1363,—tf. fledlord, Pa. I*l en Savagre 111 ills. The subscriber having c large Steam Saw Mill erected on the lute George Mowry tract of timber land, is now ready to receive orders for LUMBER, ■ucb as White Pine Hoards, Plank, Spruce Scantling and Hoards, Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, Shin gles, Fencing Boards and Bridge Timbers ol any length up to thirty-six feet, Oak or Pine. left at my house in Bedford, or at the Mills, will be thankfully received. Prices mod erate. THOS. C.GARRETT. Bedford, January 2, 18G3.—dm. Public Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the subscriber will etf<*r public sale, on the premises, in Union township, on Satur day the 21th day of January next, the following Ileal Kstate, late the pioperty of John Corle, dec'd, to witi—A TRACT OF LAND, containing ninety, three acres, sixty six perches and the usual allow ance of six percent, lor roads, &c., adjoining lands of Jacob Corle, on the east, Isaac linler, on the west, and Castleton Ake on the north and south. The improvements are a atory and a half log house, a log stable and apple orchard, with aboi t fifty acres cleared and under fence. There i a line spring of water not farfrom the house, and in other respects the pioperty is a desirable one. Terms—One-half of the purchase money in hand and the balance in two equal annual payments with out interest, secured by judgment bonds. Bale to commence at 10 o'clock. GF.O. W, CORLF., Adm'r. December 19, 1862. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I.etteTs Testamentary on the estate ot Benjamin Mills, late of Monroe tp., dec'd., having been grant ed to the undersigned, residing in Southampton tp., all peisons indebted to said estate are hereby noti lied t make immediate payment, and those hav ing cuims against the same will present them i>rope:ly authenticated for settlement. NATHAN ROBISON, Jar, 2, 1863—Bts. Ex'or. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. I.(tiers ol admin istration on the estate of John Wesby Hartzell, late of Snake Spring township, deceised, having been granted to the undersigned by tie Register of Bedford county, all persons in debt'd to said estate are hereby notified to make imrrediate payment, and those having claims a .gaiir t the same are requested to present them prop erly authenticated lor settlement. GEORGE 9MODSE, Jr., NICHOLAS KOONS, Jinuary 2, 1863—fits* Adm'ra. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Tlie under.-igneil appointed auditor lo dis trDuie the balance in the hands of Solomon liiim, adai'r. of Andrew Rice, late of Cuinb'd. Valley tp., dee'd., will attend to the duties of his appointment at. his office in lied ford, on the 2(1 Hi city of January, 1863, at 1 o'elock, when all intci ested may attend. J. W. LINGENFELTEK, JanuarY 16, 1863. Auditor. THE MAGIC TIME OBSERVER. The Perfection of Mechanism- BEING A HUN TINO ANO OPKN FACE, OR LADY'S OR GENTI.E.MAN'S WATCH COMBLNEH. One of the pnUtiest, most convenient, and deci drdly the best and cheapest timepiece for general aid reliable use, ever offered. It has within it and ccnnected with its machinery, its own winding at tathment, rendering a key entirely unnecessary: Tie cases of this Watch are composed of two met als, the outer one being fine 16 carat gold. It has thi improved ruby action lever movement, and is wa-ranted an accurate timepiece. Price, superbly engraved, per case of a hall dozen, $204.00. Sam ple Watches, in neat morocco boxes, for those pro posing to buy at wholesale, $30.00, sent by express, with bill payable on delivery. Soldiers must remit payment in advance, as we cannot collect from those in the Army. Address HUBBARD BROS. & CO., Sole Proprietors, Cor. Nassau and John Streets, N. Y. January 2, 1803.—6w. Public Sale OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county the subscriber execu tor of the last will and and testament of Mrs. Mary Ann Birxton, Dec'd will offer at public sale on the premises, in Southampton township, on, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31ST, 1863, the following described tract ofland. Ute the prop erly of said Dec'd., viz: ONE TRACT OF LAND, adjoining lands of David Waters on tne north Sarah limes, on the we-t, David Howsare's Heira on the West, Artemas Bennet on the South and others, containing about 66 acres, about 20 acres cleared and under fence a portion of which is meadow, the residue is timbered. The buildings are a story and a half Log dwelling house, also a small stable thereon erected. Possession given on the Ist day of April next. Teams—CASH. F. BUXTON, January 2, 1863.—t5. Ex'r ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of Jacob Fluke, late of Hopewell township, dec'd., having been granted to the undejsignert, residing in South Woodberry township, by the Register of Bedford county, all persons indebted to said estate are here by notified to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same are requested to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN B. FLUKE, Adm'r. January 2, 1863.—6t5. Save Costs!! The accounts and notes due the late firm of Oster 8c Cam, have been left with me for collection. Per sons indebted will please mane immediate payment, otherwise costs will'be added wi .hout respect to persons. H. NICODEMUS. Bedford, December 19, 1862. O Yes ! O Yes ! 1 take this method of informing the public that I i.iave taken 'out Auctioneer and Sale License, and will attend wheiever desired on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Apply to D. T. AKE. St. ClairsvUle, Bedford Co., Pa. December 19, 1862.—6 m. O Yes! O Fes!! I take this method of informing the public that I have taken out Auctioned and Sale License, and will attend whenever desired on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Persons wishing the services of the auctioneer wi II please call upon the uudersigned before adver tising. Anplyto® JOHN ALSIP Jan. 2, 1863. Bedford Pa. O Yes'. O YesU The undersigned having taken out Auctioneer and Sale License, is now ready to CRY SALES an the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. It will be receollected that no one is le gally entitled to act as a crier of Sales, unless he procures a license. Address, LEVI AGNF.VV, Bedford, Jan. 2, 1861—tf JjiNTIRELY VEGETABLE j NO ALCOHOLIC PREPARATION' A PURR TONIC MEDICINE. DR HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED German Bitters, PREPARED BY S>r. r. HI. JACKSON, Phil'A., Pa. WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE Chronic or nervous debility, diseases of the kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipa tion, Inward Piles, Fulness, or blood to t ie Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for food, fulness or weight in the Stomach, sour Eructations, sink ing or fluttering at the pit of the Stomach, swimming of the head hurried and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, Dim ness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great De pression of Spi rit s . And will positively prevent YELLOW FEVER, BILLIOIS FEVER, Ac. THEY CONTAIN JV'O ALCOHOL, OR BAD WHISKEY! They wiu. coirc the above diseases in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. Induced by the extensive sale and universal pop ularity of Hootland's German Bitfers, (purely vege table) hosts of ignorant Quacks and unscrupulous adventurers, have opened upon su3ering humanity the flood gates of Nostrums in the shape of poor whiskey, vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and chastened Tonics, Stomachics and Bitters. Beware of the innumerable array of Alcoholic preparations in plethoric bottles.and big bellied kegs under the modest appellation of Bitters; which, in stead of curing, only aggravate disease, ami leave the disappointed sufferer in despair. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, Are not a new and untried article, but have stood the lest of fifteen years trial by the American pub lie ; and tbeir reputation and sale are not rivaled by any similar preparation. The proprietors have thousands of letters from the most eminent CLERGYMEN LAWYERS, PHYSICIAN'S, AND CITIZENS, Testifying, of their own personal knowledge, to the beneficial effects and medical virtues of theseßMers. Do you want something to strengthen yoa ' Do you want a good appetite t Do you want to build up your constitution ? Do you want to feel well t Do you want to get rid of nervousness f Do you want energy f Do you want to sleep well 1 Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling 7 If you do, use HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTEKS. From J. Newton Brown, I). D., Editor of the ii/i --cyclopedia of lieligiom Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pat ent medicines in general, thiougb distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reason why a man may not testify to the benefit be believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus cui.trib ute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hoofland's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were cheiefly an alcoholic mixture, i am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., lor the removal of this prejudice bv proper tests, and for encourage ment to try them, when suffering from great and lcng continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which J had not felt for six months before, and had almost de spaired of regaining. I therefore tbanaGod and my friend for directing me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia, June S3, ISBI. Frum the llev. JOSEPH 11. KENNAtiI), Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson — Ukar Sir 1 have been frequently requested to connect my name with commendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the practice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in all cases declined i bu' with a cleai proof in various instances, and particularly in my own family, of the usefulness of Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters. 1 de part for once from my usual course, to express my full conviction thut, for general debility of the sys tem, and especially for Liver Complaint, it is a sale and valuable preparation. Jn some cases it may fail, but usually 1 doubt not it will be very beneficial to those who sutler Irom the above causes. Yours, very respectfully, J. H. KENNARI'. Eighth, below Coates St., Phil., Dec. 24. From the wife of ALB ERMAN WU ND Ell, Germantown. Germantown, June 1, 1861. Dn. C. IV. Jacrson — Sir:—It gave me pleasure two years ago, to give you a certificate, testifying what the German Bitteis had done for me. 1 am now perfectly cured of all those diseases your med icine professes to cure, via Dyspepsia, Chronic and Nervous debility, diseases of the Kidneys, &c. The powerful influence it exerts upon Nervous pros tration is surprising. I have been consulted frequent ly in reference to your Bitters, and without hesita tion, have recommended it for the ahove'complaints, and in every instance it has effectually cured. Your medicine has a great reputation in Germantown and is now sold in every Drug store, and in most of the Giocery stores heio. If any one should question what 1 say, let them come to Germantown, and I will prove to their satisfaction, that the Bitters ha" cured in this vicinity more than twenty eases of h above disease. Respectfully, HANNAH WUN DEP. j. Main it., above ltittenhouse, Germantown, 1 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT. See that the signature of "C. M. JACKSON * on the witAPPKH of each bottle, Principal Office and Manufactory, No. 631, Arch Street. JOKES & EVAIV9, [Successor* to C. M. Jackson & Co.,] Prol'Uiktors Por sale by the Druggists in Bedford. George B. Aniick, St. Clairsville. J. M. Barnilollar tr Son, Bloody Run. John S. Schell, Scheljsburg, G. R. Barodollar, Woodberry. .une 13, 1362—1y- I ★★★ DR. SWEET'S ; INFALLIBLE LINIMENT T H E GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO,. STIFF NECK AND JOINTS. SPRAINS, URUIbEF,. CUTS AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NER VOUS DISORDERS. For all of wliieb it is a speedy and certain remedy,, and never fails. This Liniment ie prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone setter, and' has been used in bin practice tor more tban twenty years with-tbe most astonishing success. AS AN ALLEVIAT OR OF PAIN, it is unrival ed by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thou sands of cases where it has been used it hns never been known to fail. FOR NEURALGIA, it "wiil aQord immediate re lief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of HEADACHE in three minutes and is warranted to do it. TOOTHACHE also will it cure instantly. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENERAL LASSITUDE arising from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strength-' ens and revivifies tbe system, and restores it to elas ticity and vigor. FOR- PILES.—As an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distress ing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail to attord immediate relief, and in a majority of cases will effect a radical cure. QU/NSY AND SORE THROAT are sometimes extremely malignant end dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment will never fail to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and en largement of the joints is liable to occur if ueglect ed. Tbe worst case may be contpueied by this Lin iment in two or three days. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES, UL CERS, BURNS AND SCALDS, yield readily to the wondeifnl healing projieities oi Da. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, when used according to directions. Also, CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS, Dr. Stp!ien Sweet, of ConneCtiCHt) the Great Natural Bone Setter. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, ii known all over the United Statci. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, Is the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." Da. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Rheumatism arid never fails. Da. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Da. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. Dr. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Biuiaes, Dir. SWF.ET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Headache immediately and was never known to fail. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom falls to cure. Dr. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Tuotbaehe in one mhute. Dr. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Cots and Wouncis immediately and leaves no scar. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best remedy for Sore* in the known world. Da. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Has been used by more than a million pecple, ami' all praise it. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Taken internally cures Colic, Cholera Morbus and 1 Cho. DR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is trul) a "friend in need," and every family shouiif have it at hand. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is lor sale by all Druggists. Price 115 and fiO cents.- A FRIEND IN NEED- TRY IT DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external remedy, is wilhout a rival, and will allevi ate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all Rheumatic mid Nervoua disorders it is truly intallible, and as a curative for Sores, Woundt, Sprains, Bruises, Ike., its soothing, healing and pow erful strengthening properties, excite the just won der and astonishment ot all who have ever given it a trial. Over one thousand certificates of remark able cures, pcrlormed by it within the lust two yeare attest the fact. To Horse Owners! DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES is unrivaled by any, and in all cases of lameness, arising from Sprains, Bruises or Wrench ing, its etiect is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle Galls, Scratches, Mange, &e., it will also cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may be easily prevented und cured in their incipient stages, but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a rad ical cure. No case of the kind, however, is so des perate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and it* faithful application will alw*ya remove the Lameness, und enable the horse to trav el with comparative ease. Every Horse Owner should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the fust appearance of Lameness will elltectually pievenl those formidable diseases, to which ail hor ses are liable, and which render so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthies DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment, IS THE SOLDIER'S FRIEND, And thousands have found it truly A friend in Need* C A UT ION. To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and' Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also "Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment" Blown in the glass ol each bottle, without which none re genuine. jucHARPSON c CO. Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. MORGAN Ik ALLEN, Ooetal Agents, •16 Cliff Street, New Yoikw QSrSold by all dealers everywhere. December 5, 186'.'. ly.