R PROPYLAMINE, THE NEW REMEDY FOR R HEUMATISM. A NEW REMEDV, ♦ A CERTAIN REMEDY, V roR ACUTE RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATISM OF EVERY KIND ; .. I HOW STUBBORN, No MATTBR H(nv LONQ STANDING. PROPYLAMINE WILL CONQUER 11'. WILL CURE IT. WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN. DOCTORS READ, DOCTORS EXAMINE, DOCTORS TRY IT. THE BEST TESTIMONY, BEST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. DOCTORS KNOW IT, PATIENTS BELIEVE IT, TRIED AND TRUE. Pennsylvania Hospital. (FROM OFFICIAL HOSPITAL REPORTS.) MAY 19, 1800 Ellen S., x't. 28, single, never was very stiong. Two years ago she had au attack of acute rheumatism, from which she was confined to her bed for two weeks, and subsequently from a relapse for four more. She has been well sines then till last Saturday ; while engaged in house-cleaning she took cold, had ptin in her back, felt cold but had no decided chill. Two days later her ankles began to swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee joints and of the hands. She has now dull pain in ber shoulders, and ber knuckles are very tender, red and painful ; both hands are affected, but the right is most so. This, then, is a case ol acute rheumatism, or, as it is now fashionably call ed, rheumatic fever. It is a well marked typical case. We will carefully watch the case, and from time to time call your attention to the various symptoms which piesent themselves. My chief object in bringing her before you now, is to call your attention to a remedy which has recently been recommended in the treatment ot rheumatism. 1 mean propylamine. Dr. Awenarius, of St. Peters burg, recommends it in tbe highest terms, having derived great benefit trom its use in 250 cases which came under his care. Vaiious com nendatory tes timonials respecting it have appeared in our jour nals, and 1 propose therefore to give it another trial. 1 must conlesss 1 am always incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which aie vaunted as spe cifics; but this comes to us recommended so highly, that we aie bound to give it a trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER! MAY 23, 1860.— 1 will now exhibit ;o you the pa tient for whom 1 prescribed Propylamine, and who was then laboring under an attack of acute rheuma tism. She has steadily taken it in doses of three grains, every two hours, (intermitting it at night) The day alter you saw her, 1 found her much moie comfortable, better than she expected to be for a week or more, judging from her other attack. (The patient now walked into the room.) The improve ment has steadily progressed, and you cannot fail to notice a marked change in the appearance of her joints, which are now nearly of their natural size. Thus far our experiment would have seemed very successful ; but gentlemen, we must wait a little while before we car. give a decided opinion as to what is to be tbe result. Here is another patient who was placed on the use of the same medicine on Sunday last; she has long been suffering fjom chronic rheumatism, and I found her at that time with an acute attack super vening upon her chronic affection. The wrists and knuckles were much swollen and tense. She took the chloride of propylamine in three grain doses every two hours, and you will pprceive that the swelling of (he joints has much diminished. THREE DAYS LATER !! MAY 26, IB6o—This is (he case ol acute rheum atism treated with propylamine, the first ol' those to which I called your attention at our last clinic. She is still very comfortable, and it now taking three " r Wf. satisfactory results. The second case to which your attehtion was called at our last lecture, has also continued to do well. 1 wnl now bring befoie you a very characteristic caseol acute rheumatism, and if the result he Satisfactory,/ think, at good jurymen, ire shall justly render our verdict in favor propylamine. lie is a seaman, ast. 26, who was admitted a few days ago. Has had occasional rheumutic pains, but rot so as to keep his bed,until eight days ago. The pains began in his right knee,subsequently affected the left knee, and later, the joints of the upper ex tremities. These joints are all swollen tense and tender. His tongue is furred; skin, at present, dry, though there has been much sweating. His pulse is full and stiong, and i bout 90, He has now used propamine for twenty-four hours. This gentleman is what may he called a strictly typical case of acute rheumatism. There was ex posure to cold and wet, and this exposure • follow ed by 4i feeling of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning as it usually does, in the lower joints. There is fever and the profuse sweating, so gener ally attendant oti acute rheumatism. T did not brir.g this patient before you with the intention of giving you a lecture on all the points connected with rheumatism, but to again give a tii al to the new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical case, as 1 have called it, than which there could not be a tairer opportunity lor testing the medicine in question. IVe are, there fore, avoiding the use of all other medicines, even anodynes, that there may be no misgivings as to which was the efficient remedy. Y'ou shall see the ease at a future clinic. THE RESULT. A FAVORABLE VERDICT. Jus* 9, IS6o.—The next ot our convalescents is the case of acute rheumatism before you at our clin ic of May 26th, whirh I then called a typical case, and which it was remarked was a fair opportunity for testing the worth of our new remedy. It was therefore steadily given in three grain doses every two hours for four days. The patient has got along very nicely, and is now able to walk about, as you see. Ido not hesitate to say that I have never seen as severe a ease of acute rheumatism so soon restored to lyalth as this man has hem, and without being pre pared to decide positively as to the value of the reme dy we have used, I feel bound to stale that in the eases in which ire have tried the Chloride of Propylamine, the patients have regained their health much earlier than undertht treatment ordinarily pursued. I wish, geulleraen, you would yourselves try it, and report the results. For a full report of which the above is a con densed extract, see the Philadelphia Medical and Surgical Reporter, it is the report tfter a fair trial by the best medical authority HI this country, and makes it unnecessary to give numerous certificates from astonished doctors and rejoicing patients.' A SPEEDY CURE, AN EFFECTUAL CURE. THE SAME RESULT IN EVERY CASE, WHENEVER TRIED, WHEREVER TRIED. WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN. Bullock and Crenshaw, a firm well known to most medical men, by whom the Elixir Propylamine has been introduced, have sold to us the exclusive right te manufacture it according to the original recipe, and we have made arrangements of such magnitude as to enable us to scatter it broadcast amongst suf -ering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTOR*. If you prefer to use the same remedy in another form, we invite your attention to the PURE CRYSTAI.IZED CHLORIDE PROPYLAMINE. PURE PROPYLAMINE LIQUID, PURE PROPYLAMINE CONCENTRATED TURK lODINE PROPYLAMINE, of which we are the sole manufacturers. claim uo other virtue lor tbe' Elixir Pro pylamine than is contained in Pure Crylalizcd Chloride ol Piovpl'mjiiie, THE ELIXIR IS MORE CONVENIENT. AND ALWAYS READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, AND MAY BE TAKEN ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS, BY ANY ONE, BY EVERV ONE, WHO HAS RHEUMATISM OF ANY KIND At 75 cts. a Bottle. Orders mnv be addressed to PROPYLAMINE MANUFACTURING CO., I Office, ROom No. 4, S. VV.Coc. FOURTH and CHESTNUT STS., Philadelphia. Or to either of the following Wholesale Agents. BULi.OCK & CRENSHAW", FRENCH, RICHARDSON & CO. JOHN M. MARIS \ CO.. GEO. D. VVETHERELL Ik CO., PETER T. WRIGHT & CO., ZEiGLER fk SMITH, ELLIOTT, WHITE ft CO., Dec.6,'6l-lyr. PHILADELPHIA. DR. WM. B. HURD'S. M 0 U TII W A SII, A SURE REMEDY FOR A BAD BREATH, SORE MOUTHS, CANKER, DISEASED BLEEDING GUMS, NURSING SORE MOUTH, And the best specific now in use for any diseased condition of the mouth. It is particularly benefi cial to persons wearing ARTIFICIAL TEETH. completely destioying every taint of the mouth, absorbing and removing all impurities, insuring A SWEET BREATH to all who rr.ake use of it. No YOUNG LADY or YOUNG GENTLEMAN who is afflicted with a BAD BREATH •hould delay in applying this remedy, for it is acer tain cuie,aml is approved and recommended by eve y physician under whoe notice it has been brought. A BAD BREATH is an offence for which there is. no excuse while DR. WM. B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH can be piocured. Many persons cairy with them a had breath, greatly to the annoyance and often to the disgust ol those with whom they come in contact, without being conscious of the fact. To relieve yourself from all fears regarding this, . USE DR. WM. B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH. Cleanliness ol the mouth is of great impoitance to the general health, which is often affected, and not unfrequently seriously impaired, through want of proper attention to this subject. USE DR. WM. B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH. Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. PRICE, 37 CENTS PER BOTTLE. A liberal discount made to dealers. Aduress Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold also by Caswell, Mack fx Co., Fifth Avenue Hotel; J. fk I. Coddington, 7.0 Broadway; D. S. Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by all Druggists. Sold in Philadelphia by Dyott Ik Co., 232, N. 2d Stree-', anil by O. S- llubbell, 1410, Chestnut street. DR. WM. B. HURD'S TOOTH rOWDEB. This' Powder possesses the CARBONIC WITHOUT THE INJURIOUS PROPERTIES OK CHARCOAL, and is free fiom all Acids or Alkalies that can In the least injure the Teeth. ITS ACTION BEING FMIKELY MECHANICAL —POLISH- ING WITHOUT WEARING THE ENAMEL. Dr. Wm. B.Kuril's Tooth Powder IS RECOMMENDED BY ALL EMNKNT DENTI^TS. Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E- I) 7*"' Price 25 cents per box. A libcrrl discount made to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold also by Caswell, Mack fk Co. Fifth-Avenue Hotel , J. Ik 1. Coddington, 715 Broadway ; D. S. Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by all Druggists. Sold in Philadelphia by Dyott fk Co., 232, N. 2d street, and by O. S. Hubbell, 1110, Chestnut stieet. DR. WM. B. HURD'S TOOTHACHE DROPS FOR THE CURE OF TOO Til A CUE produced by exposed neives. i It is puitinitially adap'ed to all cases of children afflicted with TOOTHACHE. Parents can relieve themselves Irom thatdistres sing weariness caused by J.OftS OF SLEEP, and their children from great suffering, by keeping a boitle of DR. WM. B. HURD'S TOOTHACHE DROPS in the bouse. Prepared at Dr. Hunt's Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price, only 12 cents per Bottle. A liberal discount made to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold also by Caswell, Mack Ik Co. Fifth-Avenue Hotel, J. fk I. Coddington, 715 Broadway; D. S. Faroes, 202 Broadway, and by all Druggists. Sold in Philadelphia by Dyott FOR SILL. An excellent farm, situated miles North East ot Bedford, in Bedford township, containing I SO Acres. More or Less, is offered at private sale on very reasonable terms. Eighty acres of this farm are cleared and under ence. The improvements consist of a Two Story Log House and Baru, A young orchard of choice fruit,, ice., the. The farm adjoins lands of Charles Smith, Tho's. Hughes, and others. The title is entirely free from all in cumbrances. For further paiticulars inquire of the editor of the Gazette, or JOHN H.RUSH, Bedford, Pa. March 21, 18G2.—tf. TO THE PEOPLE OF BEDFORD AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. T. M. LYNCH, at the Bedford Nursery, offers for sale this fall, at war prices, a geneial stock of fruit trees, consisting of all thu choicest varieties of Apples, Hears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Nectarines, Quinces, and Dwarf Pear trees, of the finest kinds. Upwards 01 1.1,000 trees are now under cultivation. Lawton Blackberries, Raspberries, including Brinckley's Orange, Gooseberries that will not mil dew. Cherry Currants, size of common cherries, Dutch Currants, Strawberries of finest kinds.— Choicest varieties of GRAPE ROOTS, RHUBARB, ASPARAGUS, EVERGREENS, VINES AND CREK.PF.RS. Fifty Varieties of ROSES, Perpetual Blooming, all colors and shades. My Slock is remarkably thrifty and will he sold, for cash, much lower than traveling agSits are sel ling at, who have to bring their stock a great dis tance and thereby injure them very much by ex posure. i'he above stock is raised in Bedford County soil and climate and can be had fresh Irom the j round. All orders promptly attended to and trees'sent as directed by hack or otherwise. For further information address a few lines to T.'M. LYNCH, Oct. 4, 1861. Bedford, Pa. HOLLOW AY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. O-c-0 All who have Friends and Relatives in 'he Army or Navy, should take especial care, that they be am ply supplied with ihese Pills aeU Ointment ; and where the brave Soldiers and Sflor have neglected to provide themselves with LOUGHS WOODCOCK, SEYLE and HILL-SIDE PLOUGHS.—AIso, a new PLUG PLOUGH, to which we cajl the especial attention of our farmers—a superior "article to the old Plug Plough, with two kinds of points, shares and land sides to suit all ploughs in general use in this coun ty. Turning and fitting of iron patterns made to order, and all kinds of repairing done at the short est notice and at low prices. All our own work made of the very best material, and warranted to give satisfaction. Farmers and others would do well to call and examine our work before purchasing else where, as we are determined to meet the emer gencies of the times, we will Sell vow for CdISH, or country -produce. Pig and bar iron, horses and lumber, taken in ex change for work, feb 25,'60-ly SHIRES & JORDAN. I>LOODY RUN FOUDRY • > AND MHCHINE SHOP. THE subscribers are now prepared at the Foundry in Bloody Run, to fill all orders for Casting of eveiy description for GRIST JIND SJIW-MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES, APPLE MILLS, PLOUGHS and |pll things else in our line that may be needed in this or adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machinesof2, dor Horse l'ower, WARRANTED equal it not superioi to any made in the State. We keep constantly 011 hand a full assortment of Wood Cock, Plug and Hillside Ploughs, WARRANTED to give satisfac tion, or no sale. Points, shares anil land sides to fit all Woodcock, or Seyler ploughs in the county. Farmers' Bells, Ploughs and Castings of our make may be had at the store of Wm. Hartley, in Bedford, Londerbaugh & Pee, East Providence Tp., John Nycum & Son, " << Times being hard, we otler great inducements to Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us. All kinds* of repairing done in e neat and substan tial manner and all work warranted. Call and ex amine our castings and work and judge tor your selves. Our agents sell at foundry prices. JOSIAH BAUGHMAN & BRO. March 26, 1858. DRUGS AND BOOKS H. C. REAMER. JULIANNA STREET, BEDFORD, PA., In the s land formerly occupied ly Dr. F. C. Reamer til" HOLE SALE and re- jaWgfm II tail dealer in Drugs, JtlSlzj&i Medicines, Chemicals, Dye viTLoffi-w Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Varnish tine, Window Glass, Glassware iceived, a large etock of American, French and English perfumery. Also, a great variety of fine Soaps for toilet use. Tooth pastes, Hair Tonic's Hair Dyes, that will color various shades, from a liaht hrnwn to a let black, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Sha ving, and Clothes brushes, Combs, Pocket Knives, Pocket Books, Portmonnaies, Segar cases, tkc. —ALSO— Have and will keep constantly oil hand, a supply of Coal Oil, Burning fluid and Camphine, with a great variety of the most mode rn and best st* >e of coal oil and fluid lamps. Pure Wines and Brandies for medical use, Fla voring Extracts and Spices of all sorts, Fine Segars, Snufls, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Having the agency for all the principal patent medicines in use, will keep a full supply Constantly on hand. —ALSO— Dealer in Books, &c., consisting of Geographical, Scientific, Religious, Poetical, Historical, Law, Medical, School and Miscellaneous Works, in con nection with a great variety of plain and fancy Stationery, Cap, Note, Post, and Wrapping Paper, Blank Books, of every size and quality, Diaries, Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Notes and Receipts. By°"Ciflcrs promptly filled and satisfaction guar anteed, with regard both to price and quality. Prescriptions carefully and accu rately compounded at all hours of the day or night. Dec. 16, 1859. mfENGEL HOUSE, IJ * K JULIANA STREET, BEDFORD, PA. IHE subscriber, having renovated and refurnished this old established House, is now prepared to re ceive guests. He invites his friends and the travel ing public to give him a call. Having new furni ture, new beds, and everything necessary to render hearty cheer to those in want of a temporary home, he flatters himself that those who stay with him, will find themselves at the right place. He is fully prepared to receive visitors to the Springs, and all l.aving business with the courts or otherwise. Ample stabling and carriage boi se is attached to the Hotel. Boarders will be received on favorable terms ISAAC MENOKL, JR. Bedford, April 20, 1860. CHARLES HOTEL, CORNER OF WOOD / ND THIRD STREETS. T I T T S B V E. G It, P A HARRY SHIRLS P ROPRII2TOR. April 1801. 17 O R S A L E, 1 OR EXCHANGE— -0 Three tracts of very choice farm land, containing ' 0 acres in each tract, situate on the Illinois Cen tral R. R., in Champaign co., State ot Illinois, 8 miles irom the city of Crhana, and 1 mile from Ren tual Station on said road. Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond ot water. The city of Urbeuna contains a population of 300 D. Champaign is the greatest wheat growing county in the State. Address, F. C. REAMER, Bedford, I'a. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— The partnership heretofore existing: between the undersigned was dissolved on the first day ol October, inst. The accounts are in the hands of Josiah S. Deal, for collection, to whom all dues must bo paid. The line of coaches will hereafter be run by the firm of Heal and Brother. JOSIAH S. DEAL, . Oct. 11, 1861. WILLIAM 01 BERT. Blair county normal school&. seminary. FAIL TERM COMMENCING AUG. 1277/ 'Ol. DAILY instruction givenin the Theory and Prac tice ol Teaching. Boarding 81,50 per week. Tuition in lull English and scientificcourse $6,82 per quarter of ten week*; For circular containing full pnrt : culu address OSBORNE d- 01CKERSON, , Principals, • July 10th, '6l. Martirsburg, Blair Co., Pa NOTICE— ~ All persons will please take that I will hereafter enforce the law against one who may trespi,,* in any way upon my pi operty, whilst engaged 111 Halting. There is no objection to persons fishing „„ my . but I cannot allow them at the same time wan* touly to destroy plank, boards, or other proper ty wlueh they may see lit to make use of in carrying on their sport. JOIIN G. HARTLEY April 2oth, 18(12. A LLEGHENY MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY RAITVSB(JR(N> Bed lord "CO., Pa CHAS. H. GERE A. 8., Pnnctpal Miss S- J. BRIM, Preceptress, Miss A. L. BRIM, Teacher on Piano Forle 1 nis institution, under the supervision of th ■ nove named persons, assisted by other competent Teachers, affords a full course in !>cl ® n . ee ®' Languages, and Belles Lettre'.' In Music, l ainting, &c., it gives extended instrue' 1862 8? Pr ' f " g i errn a'" comnlence on April 7" • ! w'k b,udents ctb litv*rUrl, froin one to tut vntiru ct. I J Churgua mo his care will be faithfully attended to. December S,18(il. MASS & SPANG— ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. The undersigned have associated themselves in the Practice of the Law, and will attend promptly to all business entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad|oiriing counties. [E7"Office on Julianna Street, three doors south of the t'Mengei House," opposite the residence of Maj. Tate. JOB MANN Aug. 1, 1859. G. H. SPANG. BEDFORD HOTEL AND GENERAL STAGE OFFICE The subscriber respectfully begs leave to an nounce that he has leased the Bedford Hotel, on Pitt Street, where he would be happy to meet his old friends, and the public generally. It is not his design to make many professions as to what he will do, but he pledges his word that his most energetic eflorts will be employed to reu thr comlortable all who give him'a call. The tyuse will be handsomely fitted up, and none but careful and attentive servants wil be engaged. Pcrons visiting the b dl'ord Springs, as well as those attending Court, and the travelling communi ty generally, aie respectfully invited to give him a call and judge for themselves. E?~Boarders taken ty the week, month, or year, on favorable terms. K7*Ainpl and comfoitable stabling is attached de this Hotel, which wi'lalways be attended by a oar.elul hostler. Also, a safe and convenient car age house. AI.L THE STAGESST'V AT THIS HOTEL. JOHN H\FER, Aug. 1, 1860. Pioprietor WASHIAGTOAI HOOSFI, ' ' BEDFORD, PA. MRS. S. FILLER would respectfully announce to her friends in Bedford Coupi.y, and to the public generally, that she has lease J, tor a term of years, the large and convenient brick hotel, at the corner of Pitt ami Juliana streets, Bedford, Pa., known as the -'WASHINGTON HOUSE," and lately kept by MRS. COOK. This house is be ng thoroughly re litted and refurnished, and is now open for the re ception ot guests. Visitors to the "BEDFORD SPRINGS" and persons attending Court, will find this house a pleasant and comfortable temporary home.—Every attention will be pai>. to the comfort and arcommodation of guests. The table will at all times be supplied with the best the markets alloid. Charges moderate. Extensive stabling is attached to this hotel, and a careful and competent hostler wil be in atten dance. Special attention will be paid to the accom modation of the (arming communitv. March 30th, 1800. N EW HARD WAR E STORE Giiorgc IHymii'e & Son Have opened a new and carefully selected assort ment ol HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Hardwares Cutlery, Copper and Brass Kettles. Tin and Sheet lion Wares, Parlor, Ten Plate and Cooking Stoves, of a great variety of patterns, and at prices from $2 50, up to $35 00. Persons about to commence house keeping will find it to their nlvantage to give us a call; and we invite the public generally to come and examinfrour stock. All our purchases being for Cm A only, a" l ' R ' cash price/, we believe we can, and intend to sell at rates more than ordinarily favorable, our puipose being to put no greater advance upon our goods th in will afford a (air and reasonable profit. We propose to sell for cash, or on a short credit to those only, who will puy promptly when called on. This rule will not be departed littin. March 21, ISG2. ROCK POWDER— Just received and tor sale V March 22. A. L. UEFIBAUGH-