DR. WM- B HURD'S. MOUTH WASH, * SURE REMEDY FOR A BAD BREATH, SORE MOUTHS, CANKER, DISEASED BLEEDING GUMS, NURSING SORE MOUTH, And the best specific now in use lor ony diseased condition of the mouth. It is particularly benefi cial to persons wearing ARTIFICIAL TEETH. completely destroying every taint of the mouth, absorbing and removing all impurities, insuring A SWEET BREATH to all who make use of it. No YOUNG LADY or YOUNG GENTLEMAN who is afflicted with a BAD BREATH -bould delay in applying this remedy, for it is acer tain cute,and is approved and recommended by eve y physician under whose notice it has been brought. A BAD BREATH is an offence for which there is no excuse while DR. WM. B. HURD'S MOUTII WASH can be procured. Many persons cairy with them a bad breath, greatly to the annoyance and often to the disgust ol those with whom they come in contact, without being conscious of the fact. To relieve yoursell from all fears regarding this, USE DR. WM. B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH. Cleanliness of the mouth is of great impoitance to the general health, which is often affected, and not unfrequently seriously impaired, through want of proper attention to this subject. USE DR. WM. B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH. Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Olfice, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. PRICE, 37 CENTS PER BOTTLE. A liberal discount made to dealers. Mdress Principal Office, Tiibune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New Yo'fc. Sold also bv Caswell, Mack & Co., Fifth Avenue Hotel; J. &"l. Coddington, 7i5 Broadway; D. S. Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by all Druggists. Sold in Philadelphia by Dyott & Co., 232, N. 2d Street, and by O. S- Hubbell, 1410, Chestnut street. DR. WM. B. HURD'S TOOTH POWDER. Thie'Powder possesses the CARBONIC WITHOUT THE INJURIOUS PROPERTIES OF CHARCOAL, and is free from all Acids or Alkalies that can In the least injure the Teeth. ITS ACTION BEING FNTIIIELY MECHANICAL—TOLISII JNG WITHOUT WEARING THE ENAMEL. Dr. Wm. B.Hurd's Tooth Powder IS RECOMMENDED BY AM. EMINENT DENTISTS. Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E- D. Price 25 cents prr box. A liberrl discount made to dealers, Mdress Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold also by Caswell. Mack & Co. Fifth'-Avenne Hotel ; J. it I. Coddington, 715 Broadway ; D. S. Karnes, 202 Broadway, and by all Druggists. Sold in Philadelphia by Dyott 8c Co., 232, N. 2d street, and by O. S. Hubbell, 1410, Chestnut stieet. DR. WM. B. HURD'S TOOTHACHE DROPS FOE THE CURE OF TOOTHACHE produced by exposed nerves. It is particularly adapted to all cases of children afflicted with TOOTHACHE. Parents can relieve themselves from that distres sing weariness caused by LOSS OF SLEEP, and their children from great suffering, by keeping a bottle of DR. WM. B. HURD'S TOOTHACHE DROPS in the house. Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price, only 12 cents per Bottle. A liberal discount made to dealers. Mdress Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold also by Caswell, Mack 8c Co. Fifth-Avenue Hotel; J. 8c I. Coddington, 715 Broadway; D. S. Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by all Druggists. bold in Philadelphia by Dyott ■ Scrofu lous Eruptions, all disappear like a charm be'ore these PILLS and OINTMENT, und now svhile the cry rings through out the land, TO ARMS! TO ARMS.'! Do not let these brave men perish by disease, place in their hands these PRECIOUS REMEDIES, that will enable them to resist the dangerous expo sures, the Fevers, the Chills, and the wounds which they cannot avoid, and what is more, cannot fre quently get succor in the momen' of need, whereas if our brave men have only to put their hands into their Knapsacks and find a sure remedy there for all the casualties of the battle field. How many thou sands of lives weuld thus be saved who would oth erwise perish before relief could be obtained. CAUTION. —None are genuine unless Ihe words "HOLLOWAY, NEWYOBK ANIJ LONDON," are dis cernible as a Water-mark in every leal of the book of directions around each pot or box ; the some may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or ven ding the same, knowing them to be spurious. V s °l (l a * the Manufactory of Professor HOI,LO WAY, 80 Maiden Lane New York, and by all respec table Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, through out the civilized world, in boxes at2s cents, G2cts, and $1 each. o~T"There is considerable saving by taking the aigersize3. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are allixe j to each box. January 10, 1802. OR RENT!— The Store Room on the corner immediately south of i\. Lyons' Store, now in the occupancy of Messrs. Magill & Hotfmier, Saddlers, is for rent from the first of April next. Apph to Jan. 124.. Dr. F. C. REAMER. FICKLE & LYON SBWIIVC-MACHING CO., r>3B BUOJIDW-IY, NEW-YORK. VT O person who contemplates purchasing a Sewing Machine for family or manufacturing purposes should fail to send for one of our Circulars, which contains cuts and full descriptions of the several styles, prices and samples ot work, all of which we send by mail free. We claim to have the BEST SEWING MACHINES IN THE WORLD Fur either Family or Manufacturing Purposes. And all we ask is a fair trial. Read the following : IMPORTANT FACTS. FACT No. I—This Company being duly licensed, their Machines ate protected against infringe' menls or litigation. FACT No. 2.—'lhese Machines'make the lo:k --stitch—alike on both sides—and use a little Jess than half as much thread and silk as the chain or loop-stitch machines. FACT No. 3.—These Machines are better adapted than any other sewing-machines in market to the frequent changes and almost endless variety of sewing required in a lamily. Thev will sew from one to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping, and make every stitch perfect. | They will even sew from the finest gauze to the heaviest cloth, and even stout, hard leather, without changing the feed, needle, or tension, or making any adjustment of machine whatever. Is not such a machine best adapted to family use? and if best adapted to family use, why not for every variety of light sewing manufacture ? For work too heavy for our we rec ommend our larger sizes. FACT No. 4.—These Machines make the most e iastic seam ot any sewing-machine in use-a fact of very great importance in sewing elastic oods or goods of any kind, or a bias. FACT No. s.—No Machine is more durable or more Tsimple in its construction, or more easily understood. The reputation of these Machines wherever used will fully demonstrate each of the above facts. FACT No. G-—These Machines took the Highest Premium at the Franklin Institute, Philadel pnia. FACT No. 7—These Machines took the Highest Premium at the New Jersey State Fair. *"IF"*! B '~These Machines took the Highest Medal at the American Institute, in the City of New Yjrk, together with the Highest Premium for tine Sewing-Machine Work. FACT No. 9.—These Machines took both the Highest Premiums at the Mechanics' Fair, Utica, FACT No. 10.—These Machines can do the same thing generally, whenever properly exhibited in competition with other first-class Sewing Ma chines. But we have space for onlv one fact more—it is the most important Fact o'f all FACT No. 11,— We warrant every Machine we sell to give better satisfaction than anyfolhet Sewing Machine in market, or money refunded. Of Send for a Circular. AGENTS , WANTED. Address, Finkle & Lyon Sew ing-3lacliiue Co. No. 538 BROADWAY, NEW-YORB. Aug. 3, '6l. 1 yr. PRINCE ALBERT POTATOES, For sale at Hartley's Hardware Store. They yield equal to "lay overs," are an excel lent table potato, and not apt to rot. ALSO, CHOICE SEED BARLEY, free from oatr, for sale at Hartley's. ALSO, Choice Philadelphia Garden Seeds, for sale at Hartley's Hardware Store. April 4, 1862.—3t. /CONFECTIONARY AND GROCERY. THE undersigned has just received and keeps constantly on hand the following articles: Coftee, sugar, molasses, cheese, crackers, cur rants,prunes, raisins, figs, almonds, filberts, cocoa nuts,ground nuts, pecans, Eng. walnuts, cream candies in variety, oranges, lemons, tobacco and cigars,allspice and pepper, spices of all kinds, ba king Boda, cream of tartar, sulphur, brimstone, canister and keg powder, shot, caps and lead, grain andgrassscythes, whetting tools, wash tubs and boards, indigo, extraat logwood, copperas, alum and madder, oil, polish and Mason's blacking, sweeping, dusting stove, shoe and scrubbing, brushes, clothes, hair, tooth and llesh brashes, but and infant brushes, hair oils and perfumery, purses and port monaies, pock-et and memorandum books, bonnet and round gum combs, "ridding" and fine combs, bracelets andbeads, pens, pen holJcrs, penknives, scissors, knil'e-sharpeners, umbrellas, suspenders, spool cotton and floss, clocks, small looking glasses, violins, violin strings, toy watches, watch chains, curry combs, cards, horse brushes, shoe-thread, pegs and spara bles, Johnson's Arabian Liniment, Rock and JL.it tle'sWhite Oil, Merchant's celebrated Gurgling Oil, for man or beast, and many other articles ot a similar nature. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. A. L. DF.FIBAUGH. June 17, '59.-ly. NEW GROCERY.— CORNER WEST HIT AND JULIANA STREETS. THE subscriber is opening at this well known stand, n well selected stock ol Groceries, COll - Tobacco and Cigars, consisting in part of Coffee, brown, crusbed, and pulverized Sugars, refined and golden Syrup, baking Molasses, Ynung Hyson, Imperial and Black Tea, Chocolate, Corn Starcb, flavoring extracts, Cheese, Coin Brooms, painted Buckets, Dusting, Wall, Scrub, Horse, Shoe,Tuoth and Hair, Brushes. CONFECTION ARIES, Such as plain and fancy candies, fruited candies and'flavored Jellies, water, butter and sweet Crack ers, foreign .fruits, Oianges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Prunes, Dates, Currants, Citrons, Filberts, Walnuts, Cieam Nuts, Almonds, (f Pea Nuts. TOBACCO. Congress Plugs, Sweet Plantation,' Natural Leaf, Rough and Ready, Lynchburg Smoking, a superioi article, Cut and Dry, Ac., CIGARS. Operas, Sixes, Half Spanish and a variety of other brands. The Public are respectfully pnvited to give him a call. All kinds of country produce taken at the high est market prices, but no goods sold on credit. J. B. FARQUHAR. Bedford, April 29, 1861. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heret olore existing between Dock A Ashcom, in the Foundry A Machine business, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Theßooks of the firm are in the hands of C. W. Ashcom, who is authorized to settle the same. GILLIARP DOCK, C.W. ASHCOM, April 12, ISGI. N. B.— I'he business will be continued by C. W. Ashcom at the old stand, wnere all kinds of machinery will be made and repaired. W. w: MA tit. JOHN S.DAVISON MAIR AND DAVISON, Importers and Dealers in Saddlery, Carriage and Trunk Hardware and Trimmings, NO. 127 WOOD STREET, Pittsburg Penn'a, TO THE PEOPLE OF BEDFORD AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. 1. M. LYNCH, at the Bcdtoid Nursery, offers for sale this fall, at war prices, a general slock of fruit trees, consisting of all the choicest varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Nectarines, Quinces, and Dwarf Pear trees, of the finest kinds. Upwards ol 15,000 trees are now under cultivation. Lawton Blackberries, Raspberries, including Brinckley's Orange, Gooseberries that will not mil dew, Cherry Currants, size of common cherries, Dutch Currants, Strawberries of finest kinds.— Choicest varieties of GRAPE ROOTS, RHUBARB, ASPARAGUS, EVERGREENS, VINES AND CREEPERS. Fifty Varieties of ROSES, Perpetual Blooming, all colors ond shades. My stock is remarkably thrifty and will be sold, for cash, much lower than traveling agents are sel ling at, who have to bring their stock a great dis tance and thereby injure them very much by ex poßure. The above stock is raised in Bedford County Foil and climate and can be had fresh from the ground. All orders promptly attended to and trees sent as directed by hack or otherwise. For further information address a few lines to „ , T. M. LYNCH, Oct. 4, 1801. Bedford, Pa. WLAIR COUNTY ** NORMAL SCHOOL & SEMINARY. FALL TERM COMMENCING AUG. \2TU 'Ol. DAILY instruction given in the Theorvand Prac tice of Teaching. Hoarding $1,50 per week. Tuition in full English and scientific course $0,82 per quarter of ten weeks; For circular containing full particular address OSBORNE 4- DICKERSON, . . . Principals, July 10th,'01. Martinsburg, Blair Co., Pa O AND c REED'S NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS' To be sold for cash or produce only. P. A. RF.ED wishes to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has bought out the Stock of his hiother, JACOB KEF.D, and in addition, is receiving Irom Philadelphia, an elegant New Stock of Goods bought at Panic Piices, consisting of DRV GOODS, Boots and Shoes, Hat* and Caps, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, \c. All of which have b9en bought at the Lowest Net Cash Prices, and, will be sold unprecedentedly low for Cash or Coun'ry Pro duce. The undersigned determined to act upon the Prin ciple that a Nimble Sixpence is better than aSlow binding, can adopt the language of the Poet : 1 "Come One, Come All, this rock, shall fly, 1 rom its firm base a$ soon as I," , 23, '6l. p. A . KEED, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration hat ing been granted to the subscriber, on the es tale, of G >rge Miller, of South Woodbury tow p deceased, all persons indebted to said es tate, are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claim9st again 'he same, will present them authenticated "for set tlement. O. E. SHANNON, March 14, ? 62. JldminUtralor, NEW HARDWARE STORE. George lllyniire& Son Have opened a new and carefully selected assor nient ol HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Hardware Cutlery, Copper and Brass Kettles, Tin and Sheet , Iron Wares, Parlor, Ten Plate and Cooking Stoves, of a great variety of patterns, and ut prices from ! $2 50, up to $35 00. Persons about to commence house keeping will find it to their ulvantage to give us a call ; and we invite the public generally to come and examine our stock. All our purchases being for Cash only, and at rash prices, we believe we can, and intend to set! at rates more than ordinarily favorable, our pmpose being to put no greater advance upon our goods than will afford u fair and reasonable profit. We propose to sell for rash, or on a short cedit to those only, who will pay promptly when called on. This rule will not be departed from. March 21, 1802. FOUNDRY. THE subscribers having purchased the Bedford Foundry of Messrs. Washahaugh and Bannon, would most respectfully announce to the citizens of Bed ford and adjoining counties that they are prepared to make and furnish all kinds of CASTINGS for GRIST AND SAW-MILLS, THRESHING MA CHINES, PLOUGHS, APPLE MILLS, COOK ING, TEN PLATE, AND COAL STOVES, SLED AND sleigh soles, wash ketties of diflerent sizes wagon boxes of all sizes, farmers'bells, (a superior air, c le), oven doors, and every thing usually made in a c ountry Foundry. K7" PLOUGHS —WOODCOCK, SEYLF.R and HILL-SIDE PLOUGHS.—AIso, a new PLUG PLOUGH, to which we call the especial attention of our farmers—a superior article to the old Plug Plough, with two kinds of points, shares and land sides to suit all ploughs in general use in this coun ty. Turning and fitting of iron patterns made to order, and all kinds of repairing done at the short est notice and at low prices. AH our own work made of the very best material, and warranted to give satisfaction. Farmers and others would do well to cull and examine our work before purchasing else where, as we are determined to meet the emer gencies of the times, we will Sell ,ow for cJ]!jII, or country produce. Pig and bar iron, horses and lumber, taken in ex change for work, feb 25,'G0-ly SHIRKS Ik JORDAN. BLOODY RUN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. THE subscribers am now prepared at the Foundry in Bloody Run, to fill all orders for Casting of eveiy deseription.for GRIST JIJYD SJIW-MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES, APPLE MILLS, PLOUGHS and all things else in our line that may he needed in this or adjoining counties. VVe manufacture Threshing .Machines of 2, 4 or Horse Powor, WARRANTED equal it not s'uperioi to any made in the State. We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Wood Cock, Pin-' and Hillside Ploughs, WARRANTED to give satisfac- I tion, or no sale. Points, shares and land sides to fit all Woodcock, or Seyler ploughs in the county. Farmers' Bells, Ploughs and Castings of our make may be had at the store of Wm. Hartley, in Bedford, Lomlerbaugh & Pee, East Providence To., John Nycum & Son, << Times being hard, we ofler great inducements to Farmers and Mechanics to buy of us. All kinds of repairing done in a neat and substan tial manner and all work warranted. Call and ex amine our castings and work and judge lor your selves. Our agents sell at foundry prices. JOSIAH BAUUHAIAN & BRO. March 26, ISSB. JJKUGS AND BOOKS. H.C. REAMER JULIANNA STREET, BEDFORD, PA., If the i/aiiri former'y or en pint hy Dr. F. C. Reamer 1I/ H °l-ESAI_E nnmk i Valley township, deceased, all person, vdto said estate, are hereby notified to 1[ immediate payment, and those havimr ri • against the same, will present them thent icated for settlement. F^'YM AMOS GROSS, JOHN B. HARDINGEB * M " ch Mmi n , s tr a Z. | }EBBNA & SllAi\NOi\ HA VP i Partnership in the Practice o I the La" Qfo! nearly opposite the Gazette Office, when,™ or the Other may at all times be found Bedford, Aug. 1, 1859. TOIIN P. REED- ~ ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW% BEDFORD, t> . Respectfully tenders his services to the Pubi, e House seconil door North oI the Bedford, Aug. 1, 1859. JOHN BORDER ~~~ GUNSMITH, BEDFORD, Pa. Shop at the east end at the town, one door wt ot the residence of Major Washabaugh. All gmis ofmy own manufacture warranted. (2UHJEL KETTERMAN— r. . COUNTY SURVEYOR. WOULD hereby notifiy the citizens of Bed lord county, that he has moved to the Borough of Bedford, where he may at all time, be lound by persons wishing to see him, unle„ absent upon business pertaining to his ofK a April 16, 1858.-tf. Mann & spang- ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. THE unclersignej have associated themselves in 'he Practice of the Law, and will attend promntlv tc all business entrusted to their care in Bedlonl anil adjoining counties. CF" Office on Julianna Street, three doors south of the "Mengel House," opposite the residence of Ma l- Tate. JOB MANX Aug. 1, 1859. G. H. SPANG. J IF. LINGENFELTER— ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND LAND SURVEYOR. Will attend with promptness to all business entrusted to his care. WILL PRACTICE IN BEDFORD AND FULTON COUNTIII. p"*Ofhce thren doors North of the ''inquirer" Office. ' DR B. F. HARRY— RESPECTFULLY tendeu his services to the citizens ol Bed ford and vicinity. Office and residence on Pitt Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. John Hofiui Aug. 1, 1859. Dr. f. c. reamer- RESPECTFULLY beg* leave to tender his Professional Services to the Citizens of Bedford and vicinity. ITV" Office in Julianna Street, at the Drug and Bookstore. Aug. 1, 1859. A 11. COFFROTH, XJL* ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOMERSET, PA., Will hereafter practice regularly in he several Courts of Oedtord county. Business entrnstod lo his care wilt he faithfully attested to. December 0, IS6I. |S EDFO RI) II OTE L— AND GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. The subscriber respectfully begt leave to an nounce that he las leased the Bedford Hotel, on Pitt Street, where he would be happy to meet hii old friends, and the public generally. It is not his design to make many professions as to what he will do, but he pledges bis word thai his most energetic ettorts will be employed to ren thr comfortable nil who give him a call. The tyuse will be handsomely fitted up, and none bat careful and attentive servants wil be engaged, Persons visiting the b dlord Springs, as wellai those attending Coiut, and the travelling communi ty generally, aie respectfully invited to giva hi® a call and juUgc for themselves. (E?~Boarders taken ly the week, month, or year, on favorable terms. DC7~Ample and comfortable stabling attach*! do this Hotel, which wilt always be attended by * oarelul hostler. Also, a safe and convenient tar age house, ALL THE STAGES ST' V AT THIS HOTEL. JOHN. HAFER, Aug. 1, IS6O. Piopriator IXTASDINGTON VIOUSE, v ▼ BEDFORD, FA. MRS. 3. FILLER would respectfully announce to her friends in Bedford County, and to the public generally, that she has leasej, tor a term of yea'ra, the large and convenient brick hotel, at the cornar of Pitt and Juliana streets, Redford, Pa., known as the "WASHINGTON HOUSE," and lately kept by MRS. COOK. This house is being thoroughly ra litted and refurnished, and is now open for the re ception ot guests. Visitors to the "BEDFORD SPhINGS" and persons attending Court, will find this house a pleasant ami comfortable temporary homo—Every attention will be paid to the comfort and accommodation of guests. The table willt alt limes be supplied with the best the markets afloid. Charges moderate. F.xtensive stabling is attached to this hotel, and careful and competent horler will be in atten lance. Special atlention will be paid to the accom modation of the farming community. March 30tb. 1800. ROCK POWDER— Just received and for sale bv March 2?. A-L. DEFIBA*GfI.