The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 14, 1862, Image 1

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    SLV'IFX -*? S
N :W s^Kies.
THT3 Q- ' S^TX'^
£ r r UL'.-H-') r.- .'; v r AY •■•■ i I.VS BY
§5 IV k£ ii\ ,'i r.j % . •;- f -
At trie following fprrri-*, to wit:
51.50 per annum, CASH, in advance.
$2.00 " •' if pai l within the year.
$2.50 " if 'ri?.fpaid within the year.
.ubscription taken for les? thdfi six months,
tryyo paper discontinued until all arrearage's
>"# paid , unless at the option of the publisher, it
has bvn decided bv the United Slates Courts th :
the -toppreeot a newspaper without the payment
nt ar earnges, is prima fa' ■' evidence o! traud and
is t -riminal offence.
courts have decided that persons are ac
. :r tehie for the subscription pri-.e of newspa
pers, i; they take them from the post .nSce, w it ti
er hev subscribe for thern. or rot.
TRANSIENT advertisements will BE INSERT* I T THE
rat o: sL.Q*Tper qar* of fen lines tar r'= :R ;TT r
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L'ab : - 1: J FIGURE Work fir S
notices T-N line AT-D iiwl, $1.0" ; •• ■ " O! TEN
lines and UNITE? fifteen SIJW. LRBCF-NL n-T'iKtioriS
OI.DE to person: tdvei rising by t . ■ YET
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1.% IAS lii K t'v> i ti\ •
The w tr.ter rr- -n ii 'e- hi"b.
The yei'ow moon shires b'ight ;
The f:o 'y .AI !i P V U -
Untwine ' he bow of Nie'nt.
An! the v iutry WINDS are R.ii .tig,
And the f'-ciMiery Hake sue flit :I ■
I"ii MOW shines, on I he ro .f.
The SNOW drifts OH-r the street;
Bond side a- d field arv pr:Rki< 1
Wi'B THE SHARP trans! CM! -.!EE'.
13• RR n :.-!E HUNG fr-en THE wall
Like ;••. r in GROTTOES dim ;
And a polish, d shie'd is thick eticV. -Q -nl
Around th 3 old >.:k-!i -nb .
Whi'E sparkling CRYSTALS on EMIT TWIG
In liquid lustre svsim.
The BROOK bath lost its merry SO
And ceased its playful chase:
O'er ghs'rmrg lake II rosy H E G
O! HAULER, ply the:? r ice ;
The water- WHEE! is choired with ic .
* N.R turns ITS dripping be.tai ;
"•iute res's the iruzen water-fail,
. Mute re ;s thetro.-ty sir-am.
Th- snow-t ird> pi-rc'i on a win i t!,
THE R -|J R.EIT • s rft-?n
Under 'he he.nluci: mopes the quail,
V. ith her he'f-p ris ed brood ;
AI d the pr.l'.tl :; ■ SHIVER, th MS the V E
HE - .. is : . I B t!,' inriement w N!.
The c.-ttle B.tsre to : he frten.iiv* Brn.
The sheep "o THEIR folds repni: ;
1 UE dame by the fi r- - s !E spil W : !,E yarn ;
i.'er T --OD man RODS in his our;
While children crowd to lb* cir. r.?■ ey-r.po;;,
ten' on ft" c: picti ■ ! boos.
Pro IA- ." •-i rji 7' of C
xnc old r^iox
cn.-e;tlrr*'..t is trnv atton n ,6s !h
rs-.'ical [>a .i f th> ir views of thf L'ni •• It
is ij ■ u r laii. •! > A tt. h•! ilv s'a'---!, contin
ttiilly r iteruied, it. t. "ir public j urr.als ami
1 .. }l i VS'e (u;Svl sj i US, in S; ilr!es 1 I. l.'t-
IS .-jllial IIE ! IPI'IFL 1 LIT .•! ruv - AI:1 !I at !N-V ti > 18-siry 1> - • it rtcunsftticl'D. *J :••
t: •:}<-• IS ..if AT-1:; D. We HAVE -sir.: THORN ! •
' ■'.* months a'trrnj ii: G to UIIAD THE PUBIIC y
the F>> ATW'SIION '*DO YUU PREFER plavery to
THE Unwn/' AS s! th-RE WERE ANY SUCH issue be
' -. Hut when a f-wv WOKT AGO the ;.n ,-
• I.'GAIT TO URGE O:I THRTN THE true qnes'ian,
• . - \..ii preh r the ahoSition nt slav- ry !• the
II n," THREE piofessed. I i-'riois a! !i S SOUGHT
' I avoid I lie ISSTI T AND at LENGTH in DESPAIR < F
SUSTAINING ANY LONGER TLU ir tianbHul pmh -sior.s
<D loyally, J ••lunged into LIE IDA! Hex of III*
ar ini.-an. TI:-Y R. : V ay t.-AT th V wjt.l l NOT
' '1! e;|F to-dt* ' 1 L-E R* *,5 111 '1 DS if WI;S |1
vear AGO. They SJ EAK of with horror a> a
r WRTIANT with O ATH a:. ! a LEAGUE WITH f.T i!,
WHICH THEY wuisitl no! consent to lerv-vv.
\Y* (!■.> NOT EXAGGERATE. I? very ward 5'R .AV
i? s T.-ce; linie T abiin-iani PRO D' FROM THE col
umn* of the radical party J •.•J—RS . R 'II- past
two WEEKS. THE day ii lau-v-r PAST w hen they
can CAIM. vvi'r. anv SI; RN of troilior SI; ce;i' Y,
T • fte lat A 1 •' • the CONS! ittiiion or TI - > ; i a,
AMI TII- v NITIST he. AS -TIT-y virtually ere- At F
•. • IASS-I 1 . wi'h the ENEMIES of !;>!H.
I discussi ?!t of to.-.r peculiar tete-U and
' 'ro. s • •t m h-n to be no Inr.gcr ne
■> • i ] ■ •'ho i ir evil siiic ; !wi r
• '■•. ores af exposed, an i Ute fact is now beyond
-iion : a! the G ;vemoe II! is r.. { under !' or
T'Hiue U;E, UP i WI I 0;' DECEIVED BV their
A ii- s, or driven by their threats.
But it may be WELL tor us, who REMAIN true
to the ancient laith of cur country AN 1 OIR :a-
TFITS, TO iaok for a MOMENT at the UKGI IC• :ce
of t'hr.t Union which those HI-} pa! and u. G. -
tol sons of Acneiican sires, unite with South rr;
ENEMIES in reviling and tasting oil".
It is the most beneficent GO'wrnment on LLTO
face of the earth. It has grown to OE such un
der the united EFFORTS O! Southein slaveholders,
*\ irtheirt m'-rchards and manufacturers-, and
*■ stead FAST labors of inhabitants of all portions
OF the land. Conservative in all its history,
•.PRESERVED in i'.s conservative coarse hv the fact
that {he various in' REST. R,f" .NORTH and S:>U'h
unitet WERE always powerful to overcome (he
efforts of radicalism in p litics as in social life,
it INCYRITE the great NAIIOIT WH se Itis'ory we
are P.rcud to recite, and whose nam • was the
FI: PY a of p luica! grandeur in ail parts of
the world. Under the guidance of w ise and
IIF' nguished rule-s, sometimes slaveholders,
F. try T IMES NORTHERN employers of free laoor,
vays c inservative ntett, under the watchful
•' Senators aud Representatives from EVE
'•"• \ •-•••/: * - : v-
ry State, every climate, every section, uniting
in c ms-rvatiee views of prdicy, it obtained the
f*i -itio'i am ;og na'ions which the ancient poli
'i. an-ibv.rie 1 of, bit died despairing of.
Tii-re are r-tny poll! iciaas ■ ti— TO nil, in
tins A- ar R f !;•• :O!e. who charge on the fathers
1 ! h Ii puliiic the errors which have led it
into i present tune of I rial. There ate ambi
tious demagogues at the South who curse the
Uoi in v nich ''a*hiagtun and his companions
foui: led, a: a ! nion in which thev cannot find
the freedom ar. the power 'in y desi;. . lioth
das--** are trove! by the very omniions ■vhich
-i itgti i lor siw, and against which he
wv 1 ill- na'i m. There was noliiing in Uve
c • Hi uti m of th- government against which
"if i r could cijip l sio. if ihe Mi saclyus- Us
pi •i'!ir*j>. t .-I sired a field f* • f.i- large nod
i-Yfiatssire vi* vof his hpy (n fi ,• j. ;. : ,w mtri,
; - a ig. i have tv-uird sins and suffer i;*vs m B-*•-
• n that wvdd have lasfed him a fif-titr *of
'■ 1 r ■ i..mi !■ n .in . peth spt f.r his ciirl
'..* w:* k or:, fi tr * ardent and aspiring
> .'i.ii Cai ■ i' not find the Unil-U States
br i eri • ;h f' Use ifi ris of his nrnbi'.ioo, he
might haw, a' leas!, been wiser than to confine
! i> genius to the limits f one small j>*a!>, or a
r racy na 1 • up of o iiy j. ot of :be old
i 'U-Prv. ft was the union of Massachusetts
• :•! > nfh (Idrolma itiat tempered the ambiiiQu,-
c! ecked the reftu.niog a;;.! cisorganiziug fpiri',
ark r .•!•* a so'it! and Mibsianiial basis of power
1 a gra' ■ :ti nl It is easy n'-w to say that
•-p of the X *rth io t u ar.t at u;ioii in which
!)iviand Ms a and Shd"! sf ili return to
ir old u uiian.-. S> it is easy at the S.-ulh
to say i;;ey do nut want a Union in which Sum
ner fitid Lav joy, and tiiddings shall occupy
f.iaces of pov.- ami hurl their taiin's and ic
•.!>- nt th- H .veho!d-r. But this dealing with,
or talking of in fi* i !rials, on b *(') sides, is child's
piav, when - are discussing the welfare of a
na'i n which is to live a th ijsand years after
we VI ! thes* tii n, traitors on one side, and ab~
- s ;r the oth r, shall liave been dust of
fh- < fi. We do want a Union, and no other
in in n can he dev i-ed, than just tha! cid Union,
in which Mi u-s may meet Sunuiers in she S- n- •
• , and, fi' needs be, mind clash with mind,
rhat spirk of trufii l>e elicited to enl'gbteo
Uo-P • 'pie. BJCU of ali ( lies tin* error thai i
ibe people must ham, that their repreA.-ti'a- i
S VMS -iionl i be wise and harmless, sagacious ami ;
calm, and if out of this present discord that old ,
I nion shall emerge sale, we veoture the ;.r ph- !
fey tliat the I' .-snn will have been well learned,.
and the land wiil have rest from political d >m-j
' T'gu' ;- fja iical reformers I>r at least a hun- i
red gyrars_._ _ .... lgl ' g. t I
What other [ nion would th? Northern re- ;
farmers have ' We put the question to them, j
became the S mtherneis avow that they v. ill
have no Uni.rn, and ihes* men seem to have j
sir- i -.coherent notion if conquering a new j
Urn n out fi the war. Would tb u y give to th
gpti'-rai Government the powers of the Slates ';
Tint would bra r.a'iuD, but not a Union.— ;
W >uH tin y Ir.tve a grand Sa-ik id Islam, a j
el i'llerj re' -r of the reform faith, to be the j
dispenser of the laws, tire judge of moral light i
n;v ■ -z f*r every State, th- administrator of j
ill • ffiu ! < - li'ii'' ' The gain's '..i1l i-.-'g • lire!
w. -i i, upi*; bcv true, btil the time ha--1
hr die arriv fi v t, s- d the Saints are wanting;
among these ref umers.
N! Tf -:;ir • lir- patriarchs ruled liufi. fir- i- :
ii s live- ...r i house *>d v eats ago, or th.
plains ol Asia, there has been anything oi gov- j
crnmeiit on tf.e earth to '>• a.lmii t-d, respected,
I i i r pro'oun.iest venern'ion, it is the Amer
ican Union as it u-a in "tl'e year 1-S6O after ]
t'oist. To i! eveiy vye ou the globe, smong ,
civilii 'd nations, was turned wifiiti >p. Even
the hard at iat-s respected, and * im* am ,irg them :
revered it. \'o man, wint vri is name what- j
ever Ins reed. whatever his education, no;
mo i. failed to do homage to tin work of Wish- j
mgfoll. As tiie ivligi ;us wot hi. the eyes of
lvi".g ' iiristians tin ned tili longi u g g dz- -to J
I e Ei urn skip*, as it to beliol.l the light a-1
1. ,1. ru-alem, -o in !l;e political world tber
faith arid hope of men was tlirerled West-vaid, j
and slaft -tnen, and worn out dealers i-i the !
broken theories of n narchv and abf iutistn ;
died with th ir oi n gaze turned to is. b le ■-
irig in our gl.-rious destiny. * j a.'* n* idle ph. ag'i ,,f "i:i;j gnei- :
aliiies. In this hour of our, G •! f *r ; ii j
that anv man fiio fid waste mere •* < r •- in p3r- ■
ing tiie Amcttcau Unien, or wri "I it m.-ref.
to ran high sounding p riufis. wi i - • in
. soberness, and to that which i- wiitmo th"
• i'-art ol every American i>spor.d-, •( he ! e ft ; *•
to the holy bond which the juhers bound.
There may be men at the Xotlh > will sneer.
Th-'V are enemies of their coy ' y. "• here
••.ay he men at '.!.•• South di > v. 1 fi>
Th"v are enenti s to their countrx*. We tar *
rut win ther Hie man is Northern a'-ofit: m.-fi
.•r fi at hern r-b* I, he who say.> to-day, in th.
hour of darkness, that the old I nion night to
fall, he who laughs at the Constitution, u ho de- J
nies i's iplenrior among the long dim row of
hun an inventions of gov* foment, is no true ,
son of America, and no lova! defender ol the j
A great speculation has lately been biought \
io light in Cairo, between Quartermaster Watch j
and Commander Giaham.
Ii appears that among oth°r speculations, j
this Quartermastar captured several hundred . Irom the Secessionists. The army reg
ulations require that ali animals captured froni
the enemy shall he advertised and sold to the
highest bidder. In this case he only advertised .
them half and knocked them off to one of his 1
own hands (there b*-ii g no one else there,) at ;
,$33 each. A few davs afterwards the govern
ment needed moles, when he •purchased from
his understrapper the same mules at slll each,
for Uncle Sam. The difference in price was
of course divided between the Quartermaster
and his hand-
! Words cf Startling Import—The Csnfrae
tnrs Destroying Hie Ration-
Tiiis war has already produced nrany a sub
ject for the painter and many a theme to be by
our future p,->e!s "wedded (o immortal verse."
W'.-it sublime devotion to soldierly duty was
thai which impelled young Grebie to stand al
| most alone at his gun with "d- ath as his com
; panion gunner," that he might protect,-with
his last ciiarge > the retreat of Pierce and his
rrii-r: from Gr-at Bethel! What an examoie of
. the most txalied heroism was that of Lvon,
vvhn lie deliberately rode mtj ilie jaws of
' death to redeem the adverse fortunes of the day
at Springfied! What a picture of unyielding
patriotisrri and heroic courage is seen in the
conduct of Rluiiigan at Springfield, fighting
victoriously for nin? days, against overwhelm
ing odds, until his Home Guards— not he —were
■ farri'shcd into submission-. These and scores of
'Cher kindred scenes will insptr i many a pen
. and pencil in the bright and g'ad hereafter. But
w rthy of equal rank with these is the nobU
sens so recent iy witnessed off the stormy
coast of Mstteras.—Burnside, una wed hy the
liercetivss cf the storm and the taging of th ' un
• chained elements, defying danger and death, ss
iie ;,a-s d Irom ship to ship in his lirtie boat,!
cheering Ins men and gathering together the
scaftned vessels of li! 4* fleet.—This must live up
on the n.iuds of the people, and be embalmed
; in th-ir memories through ail coming time.
B it well will it be for th * people, wise will it '
jb j for 1 lie Government, and fortunate will it
prove for our glorious cause, if we &!!, while j
(fivrishing the memo! ins of (hat sublime specta
c.le, remember also the startling words that
j \v r wrung from the imajt of Burnside, in his
hour of anguish—"Tin: CONTRACTORS UAVE-AC,-
j MOST RUINED MB, but God holds me in the palm
of his hand, and ail will yet be well."
j Here uv have crystaliz d, in this brief rx
clamatioo, the whole philosophy of the mi.fior
! tunes cf the war, and ol the certainty cf our
final success. The contractors have almost
ruined us: but G>d holds us in the jraim rfi his
hand, and a!! will yet be well. Who kept
Burnside and his fleet, and h;s thousands and .
thousands, of gallant men, for two whole weeks, j
; ex;x>peil to des!ruction upon the efonniest o ast j
ill iiie United States? Who but the reckless
; and guilty scoundrels who furnished v.-sseli.;
known t> be unfit for the sei vice! What car- :
• ed they what ftores and ships-might be lost,;
I what pficeles lives might be sacrificed, what j
j faiai blow might be inflicted on the cause, if |
j they could oolv succeed in making money ou!
!ot tiie country ii her Hour of neccssi'v? VVhat
| has Ihtown us back six long months, and dis
i graced us most in the eyes of the wot Id? The j
: disaster at Bull Run. And what caused that? i
! Was it nut the notorious fact that the War He- J
j partment, instead of bending all iis energies to!
; the organization, the discipline, aijd the health
fil and honest supply of the army, was just,
s given over utterly to jobbers in contracts and
j military commissions? So entirely was the
war regarded as nothing but a huge jib. that
i <r l.lret- months but liUle else was done than*!./ *
' parcel out the plumb r. Tuere was no time j
m > op:, jrlu'iity i > do anything else, for the or- |
; ganizcti gangs ol | lunderers who thronged the j
• - I'-elsjinfi hotels of the Capital seemed to have
; aUulule posesifi:>:i of the War Department,!
' and '-xclufiej r,- arly all picpi r vi.iiora and ali j
. legit imatu bu.-in- Aml so this deplorable j
| cmnlitio!) of things went on nnfil t!s'- mifi iU* of •
July, when an armed mob, short of all nee- >-a- j
; ry siipp-i s, wholly unorganized and i.alffi'-;
rr.orafired.were nt ut l<> battle, and tiie piun- ,
deiing system rulminated in Ihe calamity at i
i Manassas. Besides the shame this brought up- ;
: on our brave soldiers, the disgrace to our chai
! acter a ; >r"ad, the t- rrible sacrifice of life, the j
j loss ol millions of property, and the lo>s of j
; LY.
After ihis liisaster the oiifciies cf. the pro-!
pie and the denunciations of ihe press checked j
the evil In s nr.e extent, but did stop it, Al
: tha' more attention w as paid to r-gular business ;
; in the War Department, 'he jobUrsand spec
ulators Mil! had large sway, and besides jdun- j
; fi.-ring the Tr- asury did a gr* at ri a! of tins- j
! clii-f; to what - stent we need not recite, fur j
some of the details ate .-till fresh in the uiscio- !
j sores of Congressional Committees of Invest iga- j
; ;bn. So shameless and monstrous were the j
abuses tn contract? and purchases, that it is j
within th' mar!; to sat, that of the four hnn
j dred million--thus far spent nri the war, full
one-half, or two hundred millions , liuv". gone
info tb- pockets of the plunderers. We now
see the aa'urai and embarrassing result of thi?
in what is to-day I ie worst trouble of the war
a pressing want of money for immediate use;
fir the people and the batiks who are furnish
ing tj-..- n ir-ey became disgusted and alarmed
the Government profligacy, and stopped the
sopnii s. If the Governmer t only had now what
has been wast- d upon jobbers, middle-men pol- \
i'ica! hacks and go-betweens, it might carry on 1
the war for sis months, and perhaps to the end, i
without anottier collar.
But there is a new state of affairs in the War j
Department. Vigor, hone%ty and economy are i
now the orders of the day. Congress is labor- j
ing to establish a satisfactory financial policy. j
This, however, is not ail that shouid he done to j
b'ing the ppople and the banks once more to j
the pecuniary support of the Government, j
Many of the monstrous contracts that were j
made during the reign of the middle-men, are. j
doubtless, yet running. Secretary Stanton
should strike at all these with a heavy hand. !
H" has it in his power, one would think, to \
discover how, by whom, and thro' what influ
ences these contracts were made. If so, he
should discover and expose every detail of such j
transactions, that the guilty parties may be j
subjected to public contempt and disgrace, and,
if possible, be also made to disgorge, and, be
brought to exemplaiy punishment. We be- i
lieve that we but reflect almost universal coin-;
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
ionj when we urge upon the Secretary of Wai
to use his official power fo this end; and we call
upon John Gov ode, who rendered such price]??*
services in expioiijg the corruptions of the
Buchanan Administration, to lend his aid. The
men" who have grown rich upon spoils wrung
from,the country in her hour of trial and sor
row,are no belter than pirates, and should
have as little mercv.— Philadelphia Inquirer,
While the Republican managers at Harris
burg are endeavoring to work the elements of
opposition tolhe Democraiic patty into some
new shape, ih Republicans of Philadelphia,
undthe lead ol WM. B. TUOMVS, Collector of
tu" Fort, are purging the Republican party of
all itq allies who are not straight-u[ -and-riown
Biac' Republicans. The Philadelphia Press
of rfeirsdav la?" gives the following account of
the smuggle between the Republican and "Peo
ple's** parties:
"To-sday evening was the commencern. nl
of a new epoch in the political history of Ptiil
adelfjiia. The contending struggle between
tlio members of the Republican and People's
j parties was animated and interesting in many
lof the wards. In pursuance of the call of the
Executive Committee, the Republican parly
inr-i ;n the different wards, and Selected three
delegates to meet in convention tins evening,
at the County Court House, for the purpose ol
making rules for their government. In the
Eighteenth ward, which has heretofore been
People, aftei a closely contested strug
gle, t|e People's organization was abolished, or
•mbmejgi " into a Republican.— The same result
was arrived at in many of the lower wards. In
the Seventeenth the contest narrowed down to
Urn n<ttive,and naturalized elements of the Peo
p'e's party, the latter being successful in effec
ting a Republican organizaiion. The test re
quired for suffrage was a pledge to maintain
the Republicio nominees, when fairly and hon
orably made, and a loyal support fb the Admin
istration in prosecuting the present war."
This is an interesting fight as it stands, says
tiie Patriot rind Union, and a beautiful com
mentary upon all the Republican professions of
no-parfysim. It appears that the Republican
organisation in Philadelphia is making war up
on the. "People's party," and that in many
wards |he latter organization was abolished, or
ruergeif into the Republican party. The test
requirfil (or suffrage, we are told, was a pledge
to sustfin the Republican nominees and the
AdmirlHratjjn. Nothing appears to have been
• srrisf v.ftohyr parnr*lor the sake
of the Union.
It appears to us rather ungrateful for the Re
publicans of Philadelphia to wage war against
their faithful and obsequious allies, the so-called
"People's party," because without some such
blind as this (he Staie of Pensylvania could not
have been carried for the Republican candi
dates. There has never been a fair and open
Republican party in thisSt&fie. While the or
ganization has been substantially Republican,
it has not had the courage to ccine out under
thai name. It has been an "Opposition/' or a
"P. opleV' party, or anything else but nomi
nally Republican; and some of its leaders are
now maneuvering to make it a "Union" party.
But the Republicans in Philadelphia are in fav
or of making a clean record, and coming out
in their true colors. We wish them success, il
fa no other reason than that Republicanism
may he put to the popular test, (o demonstrate
how really weak it is in this conservative and
loyal State of Pennsylvania.
(on correspondent of the Springfield Republi
can scou'.s the idea :liat the Union is to be re
-tored, and mock? at the President for appear
ing to believe it. We quote:
"The restoration of the old Union is impossi
ble, admitted io bo so practical iy. by every
body, including Mr. Lincoln himself. Mr.
Cameron propose* great changes in the boon
dary .fi Stales, and I do not understand that
Mr. Line .'n objects to this part of his report.
Virginia i? already dismembered: Tennessee is
liable to be cut in pieces at any time; Delaware
is to he enlarged; ami soon. The exigencies
of the v..i; make the resolute extinguish
ment of hall a dc/t-n rebel States, as political
organizations,as necessary. Florida may yet!
be ceded to Spain, and Texas to Mexico. The
old Union ! poll! poh i it is a tiling of the past, j
To call a man di--unionist who is not in favor j
rd a'lowing things t> b restored to the condi- :
'ion th.-y weje in before the election of IS6O is I
very poor and cheap and harmless nonsense." i
TIIN MORGAN CASE.—A new feature in the !
Morgan affair in the purchase ol vessels for the j
navy has just t en devel ,ped. It appears that j
certain parties were authorized to sell m the j
Government the Mew York and Savannah line '
of steamers, for which the;, are to have ti?o per j
cent., brokerage on the gtoss amount of the |
In the meantime, Air. Morgan pin chased :
them lor the Department, for which he was
paid by the same party two and a half per ceut.
The broker now comes forward and sues the
owner of th-.- steampr for his two per cent.
The defendant claims that he is not bound to
pay, and insists that he can. establish the fact
that a" ring" was formed to prevent the Gov
ernment from getting the New York steamers,
except at an exorbitant price, established by
the ring. The testimony of Secretary Welles,
Assistant Fox and others, is now
being taken by a Cvmmissmn to be used in New j
York in atria! which will come off in a few j
EXCHANGED —So far about twelve hundred
prisoners on each side have been exchanged.
The system of exchange inaugurated by our
Government is fully reciprocated by the lebel
'i <£he Schoolmaster jTlhroatu
of education who wish to enlighten
the public on the subject of teaching the "young
j idea how to shoot," are respectfully requested to
i send communications to the above, care of "Bed
t ford Gazette."
j -SCHOOL SONG. —The following beautiful song
; is taken from a collection of school songs, call
ied (lie '-'Day School Bell" Wherever it has
! been introduced it has become more popular
i with the pupil?, than " Dixey " itself, and there
j rerta'nly is more sense in it.
In all schools where singing is practiced—
j and it should be practiced in every school —we
! would recommend the " Day School Bell" 1 as
jjust the thing.
TUNE —"Drxey's Land."
I'm glad I live in the land of learning,
Wisdom's height I'm discerning,
Far away, fa- away, away, far away,
Although sometimes I'm sad ar.d weary,
And the way looks dark and dreary,
I'll away, I'll away, away, I'll away,
Oil! I wish I had my lesson,
I do, I do,
In Ipaining I will end my day?,
And live and die in wisdom's ways,
I'll try, I'll try,
I'll try to get my lesson.
I'll try, I'll Iry,
I'll try to get my lesson.
Some children always fret and worry,
Because th-y can't learr, in a hurry,
Right away, right awav, away, right away,
Bat as for me as I grow stronger,
I will strive to study longer,
Work away, work away, away, work away.
Oh ! I wish I had my lesson,
I do, I do, &c.
Sometimes I think of the sunny hours,
The golden bees, and pretly flowers,
Far away, la: away, away, far away,
But then I kftow when school is over,
I can run in the fields ol clover,
Skip away, skip away, away, skip away,
Oh ! I wish 1 had my lesson, j
I do, I do, iScc.
I love my school next to my mother,
Next to father, sister, brother,
Work away, work away, away, work away,
Y While lam young and while I'm ruddy,
I will work and I will study,
Woik awav, work away, away, work away,
Oh ! I wish I bad my lesson,
I do, I do, &c.
The subjoined article, on the above subjpet,
; is from the pen of Prof. J. J. STUTZMAN, CO.
' Supt. ol Somerset county. The Professor is a
regular "walking dictionary," and ha? put forth
| herculean efforts to make the teachers of his
: caunty the same. As he is thoroughly ortho
! >lox on orthoepy and orthography, his views are
! entitled to great consideration, and we recom
i mend them to ttie teachers of this county.—
But hear him .
"We hold it to be a maxim in teaching that
pupils should always be required to repeat what j
they have been told or shown, as a proof both
of their attention and their mastery of the sub
ject presented. Tn teaching spelling we should
take care that ail the elemenis aie uttered dis
tinctly, and with proper loudness of voic*. j
Where Teachers are negligent in thesp particu
lars, ty is often inelegantly abbreviated into
twity, ic into eye-sick, meat into minly-ment, I
and so on, while some of the little dears ?pe 11
in so low and desponding a tone that one might
almost he templed to believe that they had for-'
gotten their dinner baskets ! —lt might be deem
ed superfluous to say that words should be cor
rectly pronounced, did we not occasionally hear
men cf this stamp give out van-eye-te and van
nh-le for vanity, loom-eye-nay-re for luminary,
ami tr.any similar monstrosities. With tinclas- '
sified scholars we have at present nothing to do. 1
As for the rest, they may he divided into begin
ners, intermediate, and advanced classes, and
the following remarks mast b* understood main- .
Iy to apply to spelling on the book.
In teaching primary classes in spelling, it '
will be well for the Teacher, at least where the
lesson is new or difficult, to prepare them for
recitation by spelling each word tor them in
succession, the class following in concert, which } j
when rightly conducted, will also be found an j
important means of leaching a good articulation. '
Rut concert spelling, as well as ccncert read
ing, is liable to several abuses. To prevent it j
from degenerating into a drawl, he should spell !
the whole word at once, in a distinct and lively ;
tone, and direct each scholar to imitate "him, i
without waiting for any body else. After the j
word has been spelled by the class, one may be 1
called upon to spell it again, and if he fails, it
may be passed to the next, or a show of hands
may be called lor ; but i( the class fails, the
i Teacher should spell it again, followed by the
class as beforp. When the lesson comes to be
| repeated, or where it is not ha.d enough to de
! mand this preparation, each pupil should be re
quired to spell his word twice over in his turn,
! distinctly, and no: hurriedly, but with a pause,
J so as to give time for the necessary corrections.
Many are still content to t*d! scholars, without
requiring them to re-spell the words missed,
! which is a loose and careless practice at best.
Or, if deemed preferable, the Teacher may spell
through the lesson with them first, and then
hear them spell it word about, or, if it is still
i too hard for them, let them take their seats and
study it over.
In the intermediate classes scholars are better
prepared, and should pronounce each word be
fore they spIl it, (as all should be required to
to do in spellingoflT book) and always so as to
make every element distinctly understood. To
enable them to study their lessons, they must be
taught the accent and the author's notation, and
for that purpose they must be required to give
the notation of each word after spelling it, and
\ ever, after they are supposed fully to understand
it, they should be made to do it whenever they
make a m:stake. As for the advanced classes,
where they are sufficiently familiar with spell
ing books to pronounce words readily at sight,
instead of the present routine of many schools,
they should have one good lesson each day, pro
nouncing each word twice, with proper dis
tinctness, without spelling it, giving the author's
notation whenever they mispronounce a word,
as a means of enforcing attention. The com
mon practice is very, faulty; for what can b®
more disagreeable to an intelligent spectator
than to see all the larger scholars drawn up in
a great, gawky, straggling line through the
length of the room, to mumble over half a page
in a speller they ought to have by heart, when
they could pronounce a lesson of two pages in
the same time, and with much greater benefit
i to them ? If this stupid-performance JS designed
to teach scholars to spell in the book, it is alto
gether too careless to. answep Any useful pur
pose but it if "is resorted to rrierely to help
• them 3tudy their spelling lesson, it is a waste of
| time, and they had much better get it at their
j seats."
The Pittsburgh Post of the 2ith ult.. the
leading Democratic newspaper in Western
i Pennsylvania, and a firm and consistent suppor
ter of Mr. DOUGLAS in the last Presidential elec
; lion, administers a scathing rebuke to John W.
FORNEY, for his impudence in presuming to
speak for the fciends of Mr.Dougfas through" the
columns of '.be Philadelphia Press, while he
is in the pav of the Republican party. The
Post gives a sketch of the career of FORNEY:
shows that up to the time when he quarreled
with Mr. BUCHANAN he was the most obsequi
ous and pliant tool of the "slave power" of the
South, declares that Douglas never" trusted
Forney, and that the great principle of Popu
lar Sovereignty for which D'-uglas contended
was used by Forney a3 a mere pretext; that he
remained in the councrlsof ihe Douglas Dem
ocrats only to betray th?ra; and that, from the
malignant opponent ot SIMON CAMERON, he be
came that man's toci, and was, through his in
fluence, rewarded tor his treachery by beino
eiected ( lerk of the Senate of the United States.
The Post continues;
"W t* have thought it necessary to remind
our readers of these few points in this trickster,
Fomey's career, because he still has assurance
,to speak in the name of the Douglas Democra
cy. His game now is to arouse as much feel
ing as possible against what he styles the Breck
enridge Democracy of Pennsylvania, and after
harping upon that string for a sufficient time,
a union of the Douglas men ot Pennsylvania
with the Republicans is to be proposed. For-
I ne y s has been at ties game for more than
a week, and after it is properly ventilated, we
are to have another convention of such Doug
las men as himself and John Hickman to pro
' pose and accept such terms ar they ran com
mand. It is the old dodge but will not succeed.
John IV. Forney has -un his course; he never
can transfer another Democrat to the ranks of
Abolitionism. We, too, are for a Union of
Democrats, regardless ol former differences in
regard to dead issues, and we are tor extend
ing the rigid hand of fellowship to every man
who i 3 in for suppression of the rebellion and
the restoration of ihe Union; but no affiliation
with that poisonous thing Abolitionism: no com
munion with those whose hatred of slavery is
strongei than their love for the Union. The
restoration of thp Union at all hazards and ot
all costs, no matter who or what suffers in
bringing it about,-"
We are glad to we that the genuine friends
of Douglas are so fully aware of the gayie
which this insolent demagogue is attempting
to play for the benefit of his Republican mas
ters. If Forney can succeed iu detaching e
i nough Democrats from their organization to a
zain defeat the Democratic party, he would be
in a position to claim a magnificent reward for
his services, and that is about ail he cares for.—
They seem to know what he is driving at. In
the language of tie Post, his power for mis
; chief to the Democratic party is gone; and gone
forever; they know him, and none so well as
those he has so shamefully destroyed—the Dou
glas Democracy oi Pennsylvania.— P. 4" Union,
vai. 5. NO. 28.