Ayer's In ract k* combined with si• ■■! *' t ,! greater a limit** power a to -■' •■••< aa e-UrictW*? a •■•• ■ i: 0.;..,ri'! - ; r,; t ij cv-e. ii ich a rem"dy is sw ly wap'ed jy tft-it#! who aaffer from Stramoin ©TMIM*; •••••! t at on- whicii wii! ace mi>l 1 r r-gre prove r.{ i t,tn*-r,se sn •' ice to • !arc -claw : our aflLcN'u t-iL v citiz-r •. How ro(n?iieie i^B| this e rr:poped wiH Co i' has !>*rn proWn hy : i-xnerintent on n any oi th- worst cases to bi*| found in thr fpilmvirv c opiamls:— Scrof'nit nn Serai; ion:; Conpfoi'tf*, Brup- ) tins m■ L : "jfive Vi*?. • • L-:srs, ! Sltfche?, Turners, Salt R'i'/n. Sou'-.' //.' •, Sushilis tSy hiUtic .tfjF'rf'j>s, M-~r v~M Disease, Dropsy, JTeurnl^iTic De'orcux, De billys D> and Indigestion, £< t,.- tW-rt, ; Rase c S*. Jl-Jkt :y's Fir e, a:ii indeed tti- whole tWnu' earn; A'nts art-ing Impurity of the Blood. T'".j compound W. ( ! e t'n id t great pm.no !*- : h•->.!r;. u:. a 'afc-it in fp r rne, :> -s --; J the foul burr. af f >ch f-st-r in 'h* .*?r>.■ t that s-ason of the y-a\ Pv •' t? r<-1y ex .t- . son ot ti'.eni manv ia* £ • < •. . r; n e - ped in ttie b '• M•iiiilu-.it can. ,y th. at.l I this remedy, spare iLrawel**! Irafli tfe er- tb his t!-ro'eh the natural channelsc.-f the b.y i;\ an altera tive medicine. Cleanse on' the vitiated blood whenever you find i'* impt'.ii s thro" the skin in pimples, eruptions, >r sore-; ciranse it when you find it is obstriu erf and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse i whenever it s fool, and ynur fve!i•- thins must go wioug, ami the gre-'t machinny of life is disorder. 1 or jverihro •' • Durinsi late years t.he public br.-p been mis led by large bOtlln, pretend*.ig to give a Qtia|t ] of Extract of Sarsapariila I- one liar. .M s' of these have been frauds upon the sick, | r they not only contain little, tf any, Sarsapafitla, but often no curative properties wf.-a' -ver. Hence, bitt-r and painful ti -ip," ir.ti t i s followed the use ot tl e various ex'racts of Sor barilla which flood the ; j k -t, i. 111 the nam ■ itseli is justly despiserf, ari.t 1j- i-ame ?v rio'i- '.VI i ,Tl !>osi T eon an 1 ch-'it. Still we call to is compurid Sarsaparida. and intend to simply fuch a rein.-lv as sba'! -srue ii;.e „n from the load of obloquy which rexU upon it. And we think we l ave ground for believ ing it has virtue., which sie i:>s!ih:e hv 'ire ...rdiua rv r uij of - .c-' diseav-'s it is i'.tend'd ' > cure " Prep* ei -. !)-. J. r. \YC?x it L ov. li, Mass. l s r ii* -jl per bottle; Sux .le'.tits in ue package, Ni), Dec. ~7, 1861.—*2 m. .SiISLDiER'S TRi FRiSll 1 L tt A Y S II SAn \ . j- f? '* A. . loPrfTh ■■(<■ -evivpv. A . 'k SJ-V : - ;V \ V ' J '' ' ■"■■ ' J &Jk< . ... • - v.„-. , a = •tr s *Vv: - ; y. ,: - - V f HOLLO WAY £> OIi~I .IS: Lutg marca-s. nor? : v'f j its, h anl jr.s do - t- ; what relief a - Oil-r p." '!i:< .■£ vl -L'l- at.d COOLING Hiive w ill gir* to tn : o . -v. whir faraway ::r.-n home a-d IVI- . It it • • ; art! ntiaes touch tie teet *o tli it ta-.S can • • ir- Itlef.t fa igue. 1' Vrlh* U>t relieve- I tic ; a;-?. •: ;t- ie.:'.* :ig *t :> . stx i. .{ vi-oro j*, ..ile for S'fb a Ctefit - ii G.n'i ' G . It stands iin-Vi-u.'! i. rDOVihB an Ipi event iig eve ry vi.ig 11 11.*1. -a:if • -I r y thawing rue tog . it <|U t-.iy and completely hea.s the R5.->t frig ..1 >uo '.'fs. 'l l •* 12 i 1•t i* 3 of t ' t r 1 j .. >' ■ You can \t ; .t into Ida Km-.'-ucks of yrur ii s bauds ar.d Ifrct:. rv. a it— eva ar r. ort 1 :• tary grtt iban A up;-i> of this Extraorrln try rtiiUtf ry Salve. The Ic "eI v- w ir *..'■% id- it right, erpaved to drench" g 01 -h . o-.h' at.-, u often •>/.- ! with •st "V iOL' "• i PAtN \ C"-. H erf Mi'- f-OC T!. V G H' \ItSF.NESS. : .st -> •■l -of Q"iUt£ CO.v'SiJ'*!? 10% Hi- i* -iip. liel wit *. lit . . v.-.tr'- d, - . i AY S l> NTv. XT, e!i d,.r :e :v-:ol a Jew . us-h night and •,r 1 j -.li 1 1 *■ .-* o.r. ... IH. a.. ru ut* i 1 * •- 1 •h remedies used ir the European Camps and £■.?.cks, for over lortv years Uooior K tiloway r.as •i.ppli"tl ai! Ihe Artr.ies in Eorepe, arU during the CtiiMEAN CAMPAIGN he eaublisbed a depot \i Bale lava, for the exclusive saie of yese GI*..IA T KEMEDU.S, niuny a time ! is special Ait' t there bas so d over a on in weight o; the Ointment 1 •• singl— day- Tl'-ese temb.e and latal enemies of the tOLDIER IN CAMP. Diarrhea, 0 yie.nta y, Scui ry, Sores o,' Scrofu lous Eruptions, ai! li-a;ipi"ar like a charm be'ore thf-se PILL? end OINTMENT, %t.u cow while the cry rings through out the land, TO olRJlS! TO .a RMS'! Do rot let brave men peiish b* d 'eave, place in their hands these PRECIOUS REMEDIES, '.hat Will enable them tn ?e.-ibt the dangerous expo sures, the Ftver.-, ttieCiiifis, and li e wounds v* tneh they cannot avoid, a.:d what is more, 1 arniot ire quently get succor ;a t.ie MT.JI of need, w r.er a. if our brave men have only to put their da. u'o their Knapsacks a.tit find a sure remedy ftete for at! tne caaualties of the .atii- ti- v. How many thou sands ot lives woo 1.1 Ihus be saved who wcuhl othar wj perish before re ief could he obta.ned. CAUTIC >U.—None are genuine unless the words"HOULOWAY, NKWYOEK AXU LONUSX," are dis cernible as a IVaier-nar. in -very leai or th. boc . of directions atoui. ! eacd poi or uox ; the same may bs plainly a- en by ict.t.-'g th■■ lr£~ to the light. A aaudsome reward will 00 gtv-n to any one t i.derng such iiifoima'.icn as lead tothe detection o; ..ny party or parties -o.iatt rfet'i°g the medicines or ven ding the same, knowing theai to be spu>ic-s. • • Soli at the Mir .factory of Professor HCLI.O --b3 Maiden La Ne .v Yorr. i,.d by all resp'C table Druggists and De lers in Medicine, through out the world, in U.xes at 2o cents, 6J cts, and $1 each. XF*"rhere is considerable eav.ug by taking the vgur >J 8 Dirfcctioas for the guidarce of pat.ents ia svery diacrdvX are affixed tt oku box. 7kctary !?, 10d5. : ■ \ . -X • \'L Cl.' rMCNt' | *'• |||gp#| || n.:Si.|>S'a i .ft Lffp:tf| .... ... - . i : . — : v b-- E ■1 1 .1 f. 1,1 m G EN? 5 W A'e wit! pay from S25Ya S™. pr month,aso aU ; pxp-nsea, to active Agent*, or yiv fommiasio^gi '••tsixr. COSIPXXY, H. JAME3, Se|ier.' Agent', Milts, -> eta I v z r t \ s em cuts. * DMIXISTRATOR'S NO I'IJeSB 'Jffll \ L-ii-r. ot .1 d Tiniitrjt on h iviag b l * l - grant- f et! th su:-iT'!ht on 'h- e-tate o J j'l, S. S. . -v, late m M dd;- Woodbetty tp , Qodfori coustty, • i ileC'ised, ell pC' -ous indebted to SUhi estate, are ' I hereby net t:--i ! > make immediate ftaym-nt, and j •bos- having claims ai 1 n-t the -r.me; yii present : toeiii ply authenticate. 5 fo<- ••'. ! Jan. 31.] JACOB SYUfHraY/AAmt* j [R .suii. g it< M. Woottberry tp. ! I DIVIDEND. a / The Pic?itient and Manager# nf ■ • r (!latn'>r*bur£ ami IE ffur'! Turnpike r-iail j co.npatiy have declared a do id-nd Ll ore per j ; c :r on Hie capital -tuck of said company pay- i able on dcma . i. iV. 11. .McDowell, , J in. 24. 'i-2. Treasurer. | t DMIMSTRATOU S: NOTICE . V L- '••rs o. Aitimr.i? t. alio:, on 'he eatete of Jo -eph Jl. Co* le l-c'.J, having b-en ran fed to the itn- j d-t- i:i-d re-: 1,1.i tn L ttiofi tp. in I !,e co.inry of Bed . • . it-.*' : ■* •ie r.-r g v-ti to all prSo:iv indebt ed -o s.iid < - o mase imm-diate payment and j . cse having tijim- ..gainvi -a. 1 eo.ai.e :o present j them wiihout delay. THO3. OLDHAM. j Jan. 2iib.] Adm'f ! A j.LECi nEN Y.MALE AYD VE.MALE SEMINARY, Hedlord Co., Pa. . .'I \S. ii GERE A. fL, Principal. Mi sS- .L EKIM, P.>ct i'.tre.-s. Miss A. L. fHi'.' l, Feacher on Piano Forte, This tn-tuut rin, uudr the supervision of the a hove named p. . -ons, :is,:st.'d by other competent Teaii.-rs, ,t.ford* a coui e in M-lhe c r ; ,' , Natural J-c •• < '■■>. Lngu- i-s, :nd Beft- L-if <■ - Ir Mr.-ir, t'iiiolicg, ivic.. it Hives extended inst: iic- Tion Tile Winter Term Will commence on Jan. 13. lSf> J. S. u l-iit, admitted at any tune. Habits of health, System, an I p tri|An--s, vi. w-. moid, -o ciaf, aol ~ 1. vire hmaJe promt lent ob j-'Ct-. <•-" 'niEon. That the physical power.*, ;,r --welia. the me, ;al, may b- cultivated—CaL-ti.-ii ic e\ rc *e ire nec.s-ary—here tne Students meet c efc d y tor systemaf'c pd ysice ex-rcis. .no ~t t W.;| pry fur boai ii.cSudiri fu - Ovv.xi' lushed j corns room rent, fuel aid tuition n c mm no R-etish. p-r term of ei.-v-r w ■. k Extra a' wo lerav rirargey, even less 1 e-et io e, 1; .r. tne fdi" ar calls ior. Stuiesta yrepared ftM' the highest cLss in col "o" C >•' , or parl ; cui:tr, ad ; r- CHAS. If. GF.P.E, A. !L. Dec. 2!, I*6!. Re itsburg, Bert ford Co.. Pa. T~"*• R. RE\ r. ' ' TfTf-; CORNFR PROPERTY, forno-rJe oecupi by the l"s Sirrujef Sro.sn. as a li;y Geo is -tn •an ■ ROW n *n aecupf •y of James Fan.; a*, i for r lit if the'.s ; etaoil for - raer- CV ' . - U - 111 Bedford. Jar. 3IV IC, it.3o. B • ' i - > '" '• ! 3 s SOKI'.LSiIOOL &. AEMI\" A R Y FALL rLRM COMM C.YC ISO AUJ. V2TII 01. ! -f 1 AILY ti ■ given ia the Theory an : i'rac- Fo ' '.tig $! oh per week. Tuition in lu'i r.ngti-ii and scientific Course SC : S2 | per quarter o! len week-. For circular cobt tinios full p.nt : cul.rs ddress OSbORN F. iV TiCKER-ON, I'li' '■ -p.- s. JiF.v 1 Oth, '6l. Maiiiatburg, Bfair Co., Pa EGISTPR'S NOTICE. l\ Aii pel-oris .utere-t' d are hereby notified, '•.at the foiio-.vu-g named sccnunt lit-, have filed 11.-tr acc.mints in the Register's Office of f!-df >r i county, a: ii the' the same ax .11 be preset.ted o the Otpbars' t'o .d, in and fo- s id county, on Tuesday the 11th .lay of Ket. uary next, a: the Court flouse .ta tiedfo-d, i'o r confirmalio 1. 1. T'.e su, ;.|en.er ai account of A ran R ed, -x- i ecut >r of the la-T Will, 3-c. of Dr. Wm. \V. Rc c !, .'ate of So-."'i Woodnerry Township, d.-ceas -r|. 2. i'he a.com.t of John Morse, administfa'or o! the es'cte of No mar Johnson, iute of Southampton i towis-hip, deceased. ! 3. The account of Ann"Marks adir -is'ratrix of the estate of John J. Marks, lata of South imptou i ; township, d-ceased. 4. ; he account of David Ci >7, adm'r.istrator of: j th- estate of JacobClilz, la'e of Souluampton town- 1 i sh P, deceased. 5. I'he n.iai account of .ierirr. ah T. Black, onnf : Mr a iminis'ratros of the e-tat- o. Joan Black, late : ol" Napier township., d-eecsed. • i 6. Ihe .count of M. -ha-l Wei'z, £.q. aJ-ninic -1 tr toi of the est te'ot Joseph P. Carver, tale of St. | Ll iir Townsh'p ilecea-ed. 7. The :.-count of O. L. Shan: oi., E-:q. ad.mir.ia I traior of the estate ot Jamel Mean-, Rtu ol MOll - roe town-h.p, ile.-easet. e. The account of EFax DM!, Esq. exicii'orof the last Will a.: ! Tet,uent of John Snowoe ger, late of St. Clait township, decea ed. S. 11. TATE, Register. | Register's Oifire, Bedford j j January 17, 1352. i j jfftoriiONorAßY s NOTICE. Not c • :s hereby gives, 'bat the second 1 1 account of Ceorge F. Riddle, a; i ce <"I Is.ac! and ! | 6.tnon Opper.heimcr, has been fi'e.l in the l*r rhono ! tary's Office, and the same will be p es i.tej to the j ' Court of Common Pl-as, in ar.d for said c-urvy, for | | co.ifir nation, ou Tuesday the 11 th day of February ; ' n-xR j j The account of J>hn H.Rush, trustee of Peter Biudie, of Re-fori township. S. H. TATE, ProtL'y. | Prothonot.ixy "a Office, I Bedford, January 17, !82. \ QTRAY CATTLE. FN Came Io 'he prem : es of the tub-criber living in Urinn lovrnsbip, B -o count y, about thi - 2.1 of' December :ut, a BLACK STEER, with a I while b?ck, left e r cut off, and a slit in th* imd-r •' pan of each *r; and a red BUT* OLD HLIFER, ! with the left ear cut 08 and a notch in the under ■ part of the natre ear, supposed to be about two • years old. The cwner is requested to com*' forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, f H J MICHAEL SHAEFER. | January 17, 136®. ..r - \1 •' ■w. ' ,f ! '-V'tttefi? •?,• *CLA * iTlfl'! iT ' j 1 ' * * t V— • 'Brislj Jrl anw ,' * ttw ' Pi!i do&H I.: Tm! a! Fcbi uat v i j r- r-fi !. fi-nry snith vs ReubenSmi'h ; i j-tcoS Faftiair 44 J .!■ Ai.■ o t M)ifl i ;9CoJlttw\ Outt'ii'Ci '• E. L. Amt'-rsGft J&q | ■lO Sjiiit* J '"fin C-'M-nii E-q 11 Sam* 14 sic-n 'is Lv >;? ] j 1.2 Reed. Schell • Jai" !> R.kchey /. 1' 11 IJi-z- Uiah O'.V-al 44 Cftus 'P. AJa-r.? I*> Sinm-I Liu - 4 Pet*r H !! : .. • !€• AFxatxi* 4 ! H >llsr 44 G*o. Tr- ui'jnn ;17 .V-ah J. Mi'ler F.q •' P. (J. Morgan - 'ib David Iru!-: 44 Joseph Oi 4 ..an H. TA l'K,£| Prnt. Pnthy'a OJic*, ) Jan. 1?. JsiJ \ l>il. WM- 25. 3IEJSSIVS i ARr\ T 7 TIT Y l ' \C* IT iVi U L 1 I i 4 v e l -) 11 , A St," 5 _ KVMfcpY FOR A HAD BREATH, Soke MOUTHS, CANKER, DISEASED RLFF.DLVG GUMS, NURSING SOKE MOUTH, ! Ar.d the best pcife: now in iw (or <*>'*/ di-t<;.*d rr ln-.on of tha mouth. It is particularly bti:GV cial to persons wearing AR'IFKTAL TF.EI'i? V'ml-te'y dej -jying every taint of the mouth, absOl". g *l;d e-|..viiij? ill I ~.:i it I hOFiDg A SVVEI i* BREATH to a! who !< ike use oi it. No Yoiriso: L.ICT or '.'•4 Gi.NTL.J V w - ...:■> •* Ail Ai . rr .1 i. • ' * ri i ■ i rre;>.v i ■,: 't I' D'-..tai vMS.,, N>. 77, Feu. ,ti -t- rt. tC roHyn, E. L>. PRtcs, rj CBJITS rci: BOTTLE* ! A lib lal dieconnt made to dea -,".. | d-i Jrtsg pritich'-'i ('jizce, l\>{><. u Iluiljio jrs, ,Vo. 1, Spruce St net, Jtem Y<> k Sol ? :;' o bv Ca-•■ • !!, Micic ft f*i. , f nth Avenue ! 'Totfci: .1. H I. C.A. (initio, 7 .3 Btoa j.vav ; D. S. • Barn- s. 13 -"2 i'.roa-i • iy, ;. i by all l)rn- .■••'. bpM ii- PttiW p :a by Dyott Ac C >., 2 O• CP. vRCOAJ.. a•A is fr.-e f).:m ad Acids o. Alkalies bst c.n In tin- |e.->-t injure thp I' ->th. Irs .% rTi r: \ BF.INO FNTIRF..Y M FCIIA NIC A !.—FOLt.UI JNft WITHOUT WEARING THE ENAMEL. Dr. Vr ia B.ilurd's Tcotli Powder IS BECO'-NtENPEB BV Af.l. Fm NEICT DENTISTS. pa red a ! Dr. Hurd n Dental Office, No. 77, j Fourth Str.-it, Brooklyn, E- D. Price "JS cents pr box. A li'.errl disronnl m .de to dealers, i Si. : rccs I'-'incptf Qtjic . Irianne Buildings, -V,> 1, 5 >".'<:<• Sfrt J, .Y-W York. Sol I al-r bv C swell '.Mack & t"i. Fi r th-Avenue H T") , J. Ac i. Coddinston, "17 Broad.wiy ; D. i'.aroe., 2C-2 Bro>dway, and b'. al! Druggists. S >s:. only 12 c p-r Bo'tle. A liberal discount made to dealers. .A 't/ds Principal OJJice, Tnbum Buildings, JVo. 1 , Spruce Street, .S'l W York. Sold also by Caswell, Mack ft Co. Fifth-Avenue Hotel, J. & I. Codding'm, 715 Broadway j D. S. Barnes, 'ffiVJ Broaflwav, and by all DruggUts. i Sold in Philadelphia by Dyott iiy Co,, 232, N. 2d street, and by 0. S. Hubbell, 1413, Chestnut oorett. Icias to me directed, ! jrypat'..ill' . .-;. ■ j vv-?th a story end n'byjf log .Iwelriri-r r .r'e- rbmon ; Cu Pit arid ?thei , Mtu-ue In Sed'O d to.wjsabip, Bed ; i iwtd coimiy. gnu taken ill ftJkecu'ia;. as t tie property J: iof A'liJtam Johr>9'flH(. " J. j... il,r, ail tK tutor"-' of ti West tbtw frnit- '• i ' 7| " ' and !v ttly t-ui fa a po-r, (toftij-rly a| | \ oa'k rrti ej'm" 1110 iidf- P iand Muttstfie j *' ¥ John Savage*.? Mrs, Ihvacr " r)V aid iatid j ; :7= illi;' tone hod a Li!lf deities West twenty- | j hi ne perclo-s to a post, a corner ; I hence south i t degrees Wwl six [fetches to a span-1 j isb oak. a corner : if.voce South, t weuty-eighb ! I a halt degrees West twenty-?vvo perch'-s to . a |onst set for a corner; ihenc* by 'ar.d of H ] "CJo. North.; eighty degrees,;" /East nine-.' ■ perches an.l five-tenths to a chestnut • j M.esce Saolh thiify-fHtie d-'gieer, j i t'vo jvercw-.'. to a post, S'-t for a corner; thence |by said ! i m-nu-Mied land, a4 itd notr, or i U'-A of J >:;n Britßih, North sixty-four d-grees, {'£ tJf'ielv-Rin - perches to a tiha, (or lofe,} f U"*nr,* Sotith eighty-f v.-n d-gree#. .Ei.i Iwru -k-x jierot.e? to a p .si ; i' 1 -" ce sixi'if- j i EiCee s.j * half East thi.tv-tuv perch ••r ? i a tii : '. a crtf -r : tli-nce N'orth U:iy jvx an 1 a bail degrees. East forty-ctje perches i fnd fiic-teoths to a post, (loiir.-riy Mack oak, '; i tlewoj; fh< ac.-S'vDh eighty-three degfees, Das! j ?• venlePji pr'*. N i (for -.r-: !y chestnut 1 .... - V- '• fifty-M io- p to slopes set f,r a coiaer ; : ' the-ICe Soiilili fifty ft . ' ...nr.-ri. Ki-.t ! hiity-!i Ve . p -rdies to a p ■?: s- ? lor a comer ; ibeoce Nor'.h "j . thirlVeo decreet, W-;-i vie v.-n pprrftcs to a i o?k ; ' firel i.nni DiJj.id*! ! ao> •o- u,■.:•! mSKmv J .-a : - v-L-J i£;-s above I' O'l 'Pl^HiiilpMl ■ ?■' at s and land •..•! id johna i eioht;- i.iee ilegrer s. East'' Bl?■. to a tiicknr*.', a corner ; Ih-oc • si Ft' N rl Ii 'hi.' v- nil'.e v.-'I *.v i -*, froi.t : a l , .j ?50 fet . .-.h an.} exten d,i * back r- : i! 1 I't ( -t, vith a two try log •: • el! '_* '.—, 111..! f nmi* St.! >ie thereon etect ■:!; adj-uMug I d ol Jo:-epti CI. Dull, on the 1 S oh, an alley on ihe North, and land of A ■ mm Ate. ■ n 'he East, and Pu lie Road on the IV r-t ; Si' *d n. I'niivi towns ip, Hed fa;d Cr.un'v, an 1 taken in execution as the piooerty ol Fredrick C .r". JOHN J. CESSNA, Sheriff's or--c. Bedford, f Shentf. January 17, KS32. V j J IST OF GRA XI) J: RORS, J*_Jl Drawn for February T.nn, 1562. J b:i Rithey, Esq., Foreman, Alvv Boylan, ; f i.o nas Grow den, William (Jriv, Frederick M-ii ,i, Samuel D. Broadt, David Roland, sen '. ni j;n Dcttman, Jos' h iV'er, Esq . ND cl"--i.fi \V..eharn, James II Frar.'er, Andrew DiV.h, George Ni >ck. 1! nry VVertz, William It. i"."V, (if W Miam,) Michel Brengle,. David F. Buck, Samuel D.cnn'ng, E?q , Henry VV j Smith , JahobL. Miv Jubu CorJey, Jr., ivii cluel VVertz, Ab'iri Johnston, John Brown, E q. | | IST OF PETIT 1 _J Drawn f>r February Term 1562 ii'.thew ivlnn v, J-Shn Kerr, Jacob D. F.-tt r, J i. A Burns Samuel Barley, John Lowery, Jacob iVliil' i*. ( f Henerv,) VViiiiair. Foster, I G- ;; * B'-unett. John AlJstadt, John F. Low er v, J -.cob F.w.g, Michael L. P i't, J ihn James, Jac bH. B-nser, Jo--j h Souc, John Dasher, i William Gracy, Jonn Hoiliman, James M. i Snowden, James Moore, George Reimund, j Samuel Bui kid, S domon Adams, Samn : ! Rep -1: ale, Go'ifi ey Y-ager, Thomas M. Long. Fred ! enck Miller, Geo.g - Stucky, Jaines VY. Re-d, j Dewalt flarshbi-rg'-r, David Kochenderfer, i VYillirt.o C >k, J hn D. Lucas, John Layton, Fied'k ivaufftnan, Dsn'i Stch r, John Fickes Er Bedford County, to be ' he! 1 on fhu l0:h day ol February next ToiTar j ero Licer.se, for the eas ting year: i Frederick 8.-rkhimer, St. Clair Township, i George VYetr.mer Monroe 44 ! Samu'i R B .tloroSeld VY-sl-p.avidence j Levi H Dethl Hopew-fl 44 JohnHlle'KS Juniata 44 P. G. MorgaH Bloody Run Borough • William Dibert 44 ,c Geo. VV. FigLrd Bioid TopTp. . Wm. Botch, South Woodberry Tp. ; Clerk's office, ) S. H.TATE, ! Jsn, 17 IW2 | Clerk. < DR. WM. B. HURD'S XEFRALGH PLJSTBRS, FOR THE C*"RE OF NEURA L G I A or Toothache produced bv colds. LOCAL NEURALGIA i iiiioieiliately cured by their application. They set 11We a charm, and are p-rfectfy harmless in their nature ; do not produce a blister, and leave ou unpleasant, results. Dr. Win- B. Hurd's Neuralgia Plasters j never (ail to give satisfaction to all who test their i virtue. Piepsred at Dr. Hurd's Dental Office, No. 77. Fourth Stiect, Brooklyn, E. D. Price, only 13 cents each. A- liberal discount made to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune BuiUings, Jfft. 1, Spruce Street, J\/ew York. Sold ,'&i*PJy Caswell, Mack (t Co. Fifth-Avenue < Hotel J. &I. C'oJdicgton, 715 Rroadway; D. S. | Barns, 20 1 Broartway, and by a;i Druggist-. .. Sold i.,d Philadelphia by Dyort m CO., 232, N. ?.i street, an- by O. S. Hubbell, 1410, Chestnut street. j | t "L-IXir-l PROPYLAMINi," FL&.U K 7ff E SEW CEMEDY FOR REEUMA T I S M . 'ANEW REMEDY t , j A CERTAIN REMEDY, ( rOR ACUTE RHEUMATISM. | V . CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, ' If liIIPUMATiYM OP EVIiJIY Kf\ T D ; I 1 HOVV STUBBORN, II No J,/ " Trsa 1 \ HOW LONG STANDING, i ymopYLAmNt: WILL CONQUER 11', I 1|,.-WILL CURE IT. WD AT IT H AS DONE, lif WILL DO AGAIN. ?--. I'm DOCTORS HEAD, : | QperOß 4 } EXAMINE. DOCTORS TRY I I . j THE BEST TEST IMONY. j BEST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. DOCTORS KNOW IT j PATIENTS BELIEVE IT, j TRIED AND TRUE. Penusjlva ni a Hasp it a L I . (f liosr Hoselrat Rt. .E-ORTS.). ; { Miv 19. 1850,—Ellen S., ®t. 'Z% etegle, never | very tt :.ng. 'l'wo yesrv igo .she had airatfacfc i f trf a<-;,re'|huuidtis.-Ti irtim whicß was cos/fined | tto Lei hieAfor tvfo weeks, and sufce.iiiui-z ! \ -he took CviJ, had p-in w bt-r back, ffl't cold hut i I bad r.i deenfr ! chill. Two day* later her ankles • ; began to swell, wsick foHdwed by sweliing of j ttu '-cr.ee of th bai-t. Sii* Mas sow QHlt , j pain in her -boi.Ueer, an.! her kiiurkies' are very ( : teiGer, red nod painful ; Loth bands arc- üBVcTM, j j bot the yigrit is most so. This, then, is # ease of j j acute rheama'ism, r, as it Is now fit-hiowbty call*} i eii, tfeenmatic fever. It is a well marked typical ■ease. VVe wit} earefady witel. the tadW fcpin I time to tiro-- 4 'rail your at tent son t® varib .Uymptams wliica p.-t-snt i.w.-Ivm. My cb.-U j'nvjsct ia br ngmg "or bt von now, is to call I, ,I V Jt* a r-me.iy whicfr has recextHy §t*£< - ' ' J* s -- ;3 1 The dv aei.rsaeh :twf<:• : comlbi'taid '.,bet9^BHHov:,Yi wii i. so b j the result. LT*|||^^HB i Here is anot ier patient who was placed on'Hli* use of the ;-anie me-liciinf on Strftday fast; akie baf>!' In ig :>. ; en £ 'Uering unm rhron'ic iheumat cr,. end (!- ■ '1 an octi : \,r*ut - 1 v-miiig upon her chronic affection. Ttie-vvflstS andi kiiuck-ea were mum swollen and tense. She took f the chloride of propylamine in three grain do-jesf every two hours, and vuu wvli p-rceive that toe : t-lirg of the jo.tits has much diminished. j THREE DAYS HTF.I!!! MAY 26, I*>6o.—This is the case o" acute rheum-! at. -n j rented w i -i propylamine, the first o; those to' ! rich 1 called your attention a! our last clinic. Sue j i very comfortable, and it caw taking three i grain- thrice daily. Iri tl s case it has scerr.ed to be followed by very | i st.- actorv results, lie second c -ae to v.-ieh ; j your atteht ion was riled at our last lecture, has j I also continued to do well, i will now bring before } ! you a vry characteristic case of acute rhetunat.sm, I and tf the'iesii t he satisfactory, 7 think, as good I | jurymen , t-e .hall justly render our verdict in favor | rf propylamine. j | lie is a seaman, mt. 2fi, who was admitted a few j ■1 vs ugo. H > had occasional rheumatic pains, but j r.ot so as To keep his bed,until days ago. 1h" i pains began hi his right knee, subsequently affected I | the 1-lt knee, and lat-r, the joints of t? upper ex- . i irernttiea. These joint? are all swollen tense and j tender. His tongue is lurrcd; skin, nt pusent,! • dry, though there has been much sweating. His! ! pulse is full ami stiong, and ; yout 00, He has now ! used propslamine for twenty-four hours. This gentleman is wuat m-y be cr.Meii a .-trictly typical case ol acute rheumatism i here was ex posure to cold and wet, and th.s exposure s follow ea by a feeling of coldnesa, severe aiticular pain, 1 beginning as i: usuahy does, in the lower joints. Tfiere is lever and the profuse sweating, so gener ally attendant on acute ihe uiriati:. 1 did not bring this patient before yon with the . intention of giving you a lect re on ail the points i connected with rheumatism, but to again give a tii- j al to the new remedy we are testing, and to exbiuit; to you this typical case, as 1 ns.ve called it, than ; which there could not be a tairer opportunity for j • testing the medicine in question. We ar, there-! i fo*e avoiding the use ot all other medicines, even | anodynes, That there may be no misgiv.iigs as to ' which was the efficient remedy. You thali see the ! case at a future clinic. THE RESULT. • ——- A FAVORABLE VERDICT. i JUNE 9, 1860.—The next of our convalescents is the cese of acute rheumatism before you atonrclin j ic of May 2(ith, which l then called a typical case, j and which it was rematked was a fair opportunity i for testing 'he worth of our new remedy. It was there'ore steadily given in three grain doses every ® two hours for four days. The patient has got along i ! very nicety, and is now able to walk about, as you j | see. Ida no' hesitate to say that I hrve. never seen ets severe a ecre-e of acute rheumatism so soon restored i to health as this man has been, and without Irias pre- • j pared to dende positive y as io the vol''' of the rente-, i dy tr- have used, I feel touud to state that in the rases . i in u-hir'i ue have tried the. Chloride of PropylaiKme, ; the patients have regained their health mseA earlier j l.than under the treatment ordinarily pursued. J wisn,; | genlitanen, you would yourselves try it, end report ; the results. For a foil report of which the above is a cen -1 denied extract, see the Pniladelphia Medical and ' Suegvta! Reporter, it is toe report tfter * fair trial ! ■"' i'lom astcn.. " V SPEEDY CUR>., AN EFFECTUAL CUKc,. THE SAME RESULT IN EVERY u. WHENEVER TRIEi,, WHEREVER TRIED. WHAT If HAS TONE. IT WILL CO AGAIN. Bullock and Crenshaw, a firm well known to most medie-i! men, by whom the Elixir Propylamine aas been introduced, bave sold to us the exclusive right i to manufacture it according to the original recipe, and we have made arrangements ot such magnitude | as to enable us to scatter it broadcast amongst suf ; ering humanity. j A WORD TO DOCTOR-. j If you prefer to use the same remedy in another I form, we invite your attention to the Pl'ek Crystal zto Chloride Propylamine, ' line Propylamine LryriD, J Pi-re Propv ■ mink Concentrated, PCUU "/ Kf.PYLA.HINE, of which we are the sole manufacturers, j QjP-W e cliurn no other virtue for toe Elixir Pro pylamine than is contained in Pure Cryolali^ed Chloride oi Pioyplitniue, , THE ELIXIR IS MORE CONVENIENT. AND ALWAYS READY ~ FOR IMMEDIATE USE, i AND MAY BF; TAKEN ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS, i BY ANY ONE, BY EVERY ONE, , WHO HAS RHEUMATISM OF ANY KIND At 75 cts. a Bottle. | Order* may be addressed to i PROPYLAMINE MANUFACTURING CO, Office, Room No. 4, j S. W.Cor. Fourth and Chestnut Sis., T'kilu.Jc/phi*. • Or to either of the following ' j Wholesale Agents. BULLOCK fc CRENSHAW, FRENCH, RICHARDSON it CQ., JOh,Y*t. M A PUS A CO., tip&4I*AV£THERELL A CO., PKTft&T. WRIGHT it CO., 1 <• - ZEiGCER. it SMITH, ELLIO I T, WHITE A CO., Pec.€, ; 6l-lyr. Philadelphia. j | | ECFORD COUNTY, ss. [ JC AT an Orphans' Court held | Bedford, in and far the county of Bedford, on the j ISs-Lday oi' Nove r.ber, A. I). IS6I, before trie Judg ; es ot tlte wid Court, on motion of Attorney Shannon ; the Court grant a rule upon the heirs >ind legit rep j resenUiives of Daoiel Sleigbter, late of Monr>e ! township. dec'J ,to wit: Joseph and Darnel Slaiglj j ter, and Nicholas Sk'igbler, Mary, intermarried wilit • John Gsr'ick, who did, an.! a, ter wards was inter married '.villi Joan H ill, leaving issue Adam, Daniel, ; Catharine, Sarah, Barbar i, Abraham and Nicholas j Kai'lick, and Washington liali and .Matgaret Hall, all | residing in Bed ford county, except Daniel Gar'ick, | wiip-o reHuc is not known; Nicholas Slighter, j 50::...a, widowni James McFarland, deceased. John | Sleigh ..'cr, Louie: Ann, intermar j tied with Ba.clay 'darkle, Matilda, intermarried J with S..domett Feight, Rachel, who was intermarried wiiii Abraham Garhck, i* new dead, leaving issue i three children. to \vtfcj Joseph, Catharine and Peter ! Garlicx ; Joseph Slnighter,. sit residing in Bedford f eonvrfjy awd Wit'wm, Sieig'residing in Blair ; county, ' '.tUfo-rr.pt; to be and appear at an Orphans* ■Court, to be held jt Bedford, in and for said county, | cn tfte second Monday (itKb day) of February next, i to accept or re tun to take the Real Estate ot said : Daniel" Sieigb'ter, deceased, at the valuation, which ' has been vaiged an i appraised pursuance of a Writ Partition or valuation issaml out qt the Or- Co-::' of 8.-i,.! i-juiv for llist purpose di- I rct*4 m aJtgw rM-v why th" suooM not b .> • ' Ju - " ' O-. '.Oit. a- b-, , H■. v isi,.".osr* SShbii m ci* H e aoid \ %SBHe|CWi : B"teifhrd a tftrfjU day-of No , r, a. d. - c.D .i' =!. S. H.TATE. Register. 1 ; S 5; UN I* \EiV; liViT TO THS LAS|i ? S-; : ' KZTEJVT EEMMER FUR HAM) SEWTVG. ' v f Is pronounced by all who 1 used ir : b i.... "/for* those - etefy 1 protects the finger, and mak'sanest ami uaiftaMßM aem while the npeiator is sewing. -T'-dsS^fflj One half the l.bor of sewing saved by r.rnj this Remirkibly Simple an 1 Novel favep.tion, No ladv shottl Ihe without it. it is also "just tb ; thing" foi girls to u.- leaning to -w. Its remarkable rheapties.j bring, it within reach of the million. Sample >ent by mail on receipt of price, 2 5 CENTS, Descriptive Circulars furnished on application. A liberal Discount to the Trade. Enterprising Agents (wanted in eveiy town nr.J ! county throughout the United S'ates and Canada,) wil' find most prof, able employment in selling this • usef.ii ait tele, as it meets with ready sales wherever | offered—has no competitioh—and profits are very ' larje. $l5O Per Month can be Realized. Address, A. H. DOWNER, 4 the most liberal terms. ! January 3, 18C2.—*^3 ris.J .NEW FALL & WiSfER GOODS. The undersigned have just opeued a largu ; and elegant assortment of FALL St WINTER GOODS. We respecdfuliy Falicit a call by all in search f ot great bargains. Tho'old cred *, no pay system, - Sharing exploded—for the pr --.ent, our terms wtl! be—Cash, or Produce. Nov 1 ,'6l. A. B. CRAMER A Co PUBLIC SALE " OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the undersigned will expose to pub lic £ah, o-t the premises, on SATURDAY, Ist FEBRUARY, NEXT, the following described ReM Estxte : A tract of land in Liberty Townthip, containing about 140 acres, about 67 thereof clea.ed. Tlie im ptovements are a'Log Frame House, Bank Barn, Spring House and other building* j also, an Appt* Orchard thereon. The tract adjoins lan ds of Georg* , Dil'tuger, Samuel Brumbaugh, snd Alexander Mc- Don tid. HF'Terms made known on day of sale. JOSEPH CKISMAN, Dac. yth] Adm'i of Michael Raed ,