THE BLOOD IS LIFE. No more shall the poor sufferers in our country languish, their consti tutions racked and torn by strong and danger ous mineial medicines; Hiey will come to the fountain of health, /ound in simple herbs and roots lrorn nature's storehouse. THE MOUN TAIN HERB PILLS of innocent mountain 'ants composed, will reach and stop their , and cause the blood, renewed and t. -d, to carry through the body the elements ot 1 :h ; building up the broken constitution, an 1 tarrying life and health, where but for tnem would have been the wreck of hope—the feeble moan of suffering at last ended by the coM hand of death. Do not let prejudice o •? your better reason; do not look upon ti- >; Fills as only like others; do not let your despair, after trying everything else, prevent you from trying these. The blood must be pure, and then sickness is impossible. What a great and yet simple truth is this! it appeals to the common sense of all; it is the great key stone of the healing art. JUDSON'S MOU N TAIN HERB PILLS will purify and cleanse it as sure as the sun will rise to-morrow. JUDSON'S MOUNTAIN HERB PILLS are sold by all Medicine Dealers. jX en> Sldocrtisementß. U "1\IT-ED STATES MAIL LINE BETWEEN CHAM4SERSBURG, BEDFORD & LATROBE. On and al'ter Monday, August 19th, 1361, coach es leave Bedford for Chambersburg, iaily, (Sun days excepted) at 7 A. M., and arrive at Chana bersburg. at 7 P. M., 58me cvenin ?- R ; '"*■ '* turning. lenveChamjg bersburg, at 7A. M., daily, (Sundays excepted) and arrive at Bedford.7 P. M., same evening. Leave Bedford for Latrbe, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, a! 7 A. M., making close connection with mail train for Pittsburgh and th West, Returning, leave Latrobe, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, on the arrival ol the train from Pitts burgh, at 9 30 atul arrive in Bedford same evening. RATES OF FARE. From Bedford to Cbambeisburg, $3 50. From Bedford to Latrobe, $3 50. N. B.—Passengers for Somerset and Johnstown, connect at Stojstown with J A. Carman's Line of Mail Coaches. A. J. KF.ESIDE, Aug. 23, '6l Contractor. BEDFORD CLASSICAL INSTITUTE— THE 3d school year of this Institution will open on Monday, Sept. 2d, IS6I. Miss F. D. Ward will act as Assi fant in English and as sole instructor in L-.tin, French, German, Drawing and Painting,— Experience has convinced the Principal, that there is no thoiough and master'y education even fot the mere English scholar without a drill in outline draw ing (to which the first principle* of the Perspective will be added.) How can the Diagrams of Geogra phy, Natural Philosophy. Botany, Ike., be thrown accurately upon the board, without previous train ing in Outlines ? This exercise is invaluable, too, by impressing upon the mind a habit of precision and of the perception of. pioportion in all things.— In the schools of Prussia the child is drilled in draw ing from the moment it can hold a pen, and Hoiace Mann says, it is this early drill which imparts that skill and accuracy of hand, which render the pen manship of the Prussian child, a model of legibility and elegance. In order to bring this invaluab'e ac complishment within reach of all, the Principal has resolved to t barge but 51, instead of 3or $lO, per quarter, as is usual where it is taught as an extra. Every member of the school will be required to pur sue the study from 16 to 20 minutes every day. The Principal would also desire to lorm the whole school, who have studied English Grammar, into a class in French at $2 per Quarter. But this study is not made peremptory. It will however afTord a most rare opportunity of pursuing, under an In s'.'uctress who has studied French in Paris, and who 'herwise an accomplished scholar, a branch, usual cost is $8 or $lO per quarter. *'■' I pupil will be received for less than one school y.- Those who reflect, will doubtless appreciate th equity and necessity of this rule. Deduction will be made only in case of piolonged sickness, or o r imilar overruling Providence. Until the new Scnooi-House is ready for the reception of the school it will convene for a few weeks in the basement of the Lutheran Church, which is central for all. TTRMS: Ir. A; Branches, S(>,oo j ' Classics, 7,50 '. , .ng, (Peremptory) 1,00 per quar er. French, 2,00 ) Miss Ward will take private classes, out of school hours, in the following branches, at prices, as fol lows : Drawing, ) French, V $5,00 each, per quarter. German, \ Crayon Drawing I $5,00 for 12 lessons. Grecian and Painting, ) Oil Painting, $lO per quarter. JOHN LYON, Principal. Aug. 9, 1861. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.— O-H. Gaitber, Esq. J No 97,N0v. T, 1861, Vs. £ in Common Pleas of Bed- Collins, Dull Sc Co. ford Count)'. The undersigned appointed Auditor to hear the evidence, find facts, inc., in above cause, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the Borough of Bedford, on Saturday, Aug. 21th, 1861, at which time all interested can attend. R. D. BARCLAY, Aug. 16. Auditor. IV~OTICE— i. 1 Having debts of our own to pay, we re-pectfully call upon all per.-ons, knowing them selves to be in our debt, to pay up. . This notice is nor intended for those of our friends who pay us piompily ; but especially for a certain .arge class, who, having purchased our goods, never trouble themselves about paying for the SHtne.— Many ot the latter having had the use of our esp ial so long so long, must really imagine they have I a better right to it than ourselves. To this class we now say, in language which we hope they will fot mi understand, we want at least a portion of our means in their hands, to meet our own liabilities and if kind invitations to PAY U*, avail' not, we' will try a harsher, though very unpleasant remedy, •ire long. A. B. CRAMER & CO. Aug. 16—3t. PROTHONOTATA RY'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the account of John Fickcs, Committee of Peter Colebaugh.a lu natic, has beeh filed in the Protbonotar.y 's office, of Bediord County, and that the same will be present ed to the Court of Common Pleas, in and lor said eounty, for confirmation, on Tuesday, the 3d day of September next. Brothonotary's Office, I S. H. TA FE, August 9, 1861. f Pro't. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE— Letters of Administration : on the estate ol John Brumbaugh, late of Mid "oodberry tp., deceased, having this duv been granted to the subsi riber, residing in liddte .Vood oary tp., all persons . , - .. , Lbted to said estate 2T# rrij ? *v-v'••rrut lUJ mediately, nd those t. * them properly nttthentic- SIMON BRUMBAUGH, j Au ß' 9 '6L Adm'r. I LIST OF CAUSES Put down for trial at September Term (2d day) 1861. j J. G. Rohm vs. Bedford Railroad Co Henry Reighard etal vs Wm. H. Irwin et al Lott Ik Watson vs J. Sproat et al Abner I hompson vs David Stuckey Wm. A. Powell vs Jacob Studebiker Artemas Bennett vs Wm. Oss et al G. W. Steel's use vs W. T. Daugherty et al j Henry Jckes et al vs A. J. Cnsman ! Same vs J. W. Crtsman j Abm. Skelly vs Joseph G.irber • Joshua B. Bond vs Bedford Min. Sp. Co. H. Reighard et ai vs W. H. Irwin I John Luman vs Rob't. Adams et al | John Ehieer vs John Blown et al j Charles W. Coivin vs John C. Ritile ;O. E. Shannon's use vs Philip Keagy et al j Som't ti Bedf'd TRCo vs Davis \ Bowles j Jacob Snider vs Jacob Lingenfelter , Geo. Cartright vs John Cessna Esq i Bowman vs Joseph Bowman | George Miller vs James Pat ton j V,"m. A. May vs H. B. Eibin Reuben O'Neal et al vs Lewis Evans et al i Z. Shafer vs H. B. Elbin | Profhonotary's Office, S. H. TATh,- j Bedford August 9, '6l. Proth'ry. 1> EGISTER'S NOTICE \i All persons interested are hereby j notified, that the following named accountants have filed theiraccounts in the Register's office, of Bed ; ford County, and that the same will be presented | to the Orphans' Cou.t, in and for said county, on Tuesday the 3d day of September next, at the Court House in Bedford, for confirmation. 1. The account of William Snell, administrator of the estate of Catharine Snef, late of East Piovi cence Township, deceased. 2. The partial account of O. E. Shannon, Esq , administrator, cum testameuto annexo , ol Samuel Cam, late of Bedfoid Borough, deceased. 3. The account of 'ohn Studebaker, Guardian of Ann Miller, minorchild of Andievv Miller, late of Londonderry Township, deceased. 4. The account of O. E. Snannon, Esq., adminis trator, cum. ttstamento annexo, of Samuel Cain, de ceased, who was Guardian ol'Sarah and David Long enecker, minor children of Abraham I.ongenecker, deceased. 5. The account of O. E. Shannon, Esq., admin's trator of the estate of Margaret Hafer, late ot Bed ford Township deceased. i 6. The account of Danie! Stofer, Executor of the | last will and testament of Magdalena Stoler, late of Liberty Township, deceased. 7. The account of Robt. M. Taylor, Executor of ' the last will arid testament of Richard Knoufi, late of Harrison Township, deceased. 8. The account of Jacob S. Brown, Trustee to sell the real estate of Margaret Crolt, late of Middle Woodbury Township, deceased. 9. The account ol Valentine Steckman, adminis trator of the estate of Henry Steckman late of Mon roe Township, deceased. 10. The account of J. K. Latshaw, administrator of the estate el Peter Latshaw, late of Middle Woodbury Township, deceased. 11. The account of Joseph W. Sleek and William Sleek, Executors of the last will and testament of 1 John Sleek, late of St. Clair Township, deceased. 12. The Final account of Alexander McGregor, j Esq., one of the Executors of the last will and tes -1 tament of John Hammer, late of Union Township. deceased. 13. The account of Jeremiah E. Black and George W. Horn,administrators, of the estate of John Black, late of Napier Township, deceased. 14. The account of Job Mann, Esq., one ot the Execntors of the will and testament ef Abra ham R. Craine, late of Bedford Township deceased. 15. The account of Job Mann, Esq., one of the , Executors (t ihe last will and testament ot Abraham I llitchey. late of Snake Spring Township, deceased. 1 16. The Account of Simon Nycum, Adm'r. of the j Estate of Alexander George, dee'd., late of Califor ; nia. Register's office, S. H. TATE, Bedford, Aug. S), '6l. Register. OURT PROCLAMATION: To the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and %Con stables in the different Townships in the County of Bedford, Greeting. KNOW YE that in pursuance of a precept to mc directed, under the hand and. seal ol the Hen. FRANCISM. KIMMELL, President of the several Courts of Common Pleas in the Sixteenth District, consisting of the counties of Franklin, Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delivery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein and in the General Court of Quarter Sess ions ol the Peace; and JOHN TAYLOR and A. J. SNIVELS', Esqs., Judges of the same court, in the same County of Bedford, You and each of you are hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with your Records, Recognizances, Examinations, other remembrances before the 'Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace theiein to be holden for the county of Bedford, afore said, on the fiist Monday of September, (being the 2d day,) at 10 o'clock in the fo euoon of that day, there and then to do those things to which your several offices appertain. GIVEN under my hand it Bedford, on the Dth of August, in the year of our Lorn, 1861. JOHN J. CESSNA, August 9, IS6I. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE— 1 By virtue of Sundry writs of Fi. Fa., Vend Exponas, and Levari Facias to |me directed, there will be sold at the Court House, in the Borough of Bedford, on Satur day, the 31st day of August, 1861, at 10 o clock, A. M., the following described Real Es tate, to wit : One tract of land containing 509 acres, more or less, about 50 acres cleared and under fence, with a story and half log dwelling house, two tenant houses, two saw mills and double log barn thereon erecied, also two apple orchards ' thereon, adjoining lands of" Nathan Robison, j Solomon Leasure and others, situated in South- i ainpton Township, Bedford taken : in execution as the property of Thomas Pen nell. ALSO, One tract of land containing 256 acres, more or less, about 75 acres cleared and under fence, with a story and naff log house, log stable, and saw mill thereon erected, also an apple orchard thereop, adjoining lands ol Joseph Mills, John Mill's heirs and others, situated in Monroe Township, Bedfor! County, and taken in execution as the property of la cob C. Boor. ALSO, One tract of land containing 131 acres, more oi less, about 2r> acres, cleared and under fence, with a log frame dwelling house, with basement and frame bank barn thereon erected, also a young apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands oi Levi H. Diehl, David Bral lier Sr, and others, situated in Hopewell Township, Bedford County and takrn in exe cution as the property of Frederick Miller. ALSO, One t,act of land containing 1064 acres more or less, about 30 acres cleared St un der fence, with a two story frame dwelling house tenant house, and other out-buildings thereon erected, adjoining lands of Joseph Evans, Jo siah Horton, Cunningham and Co., and others, situated in Broad Top Township, Bedford Coun ty, and taken in execution as the pioperty of Jesse Hoi lon and Ezekiel Horton. ALSO, One tract of land containing 90 acres, more or less, about 60 acres cleared and -n.. ri.a , wuh a (wo story log dwelling K>i>> , i: L ' | ..r ito-n, ad of her oui-buiiiluigs tuercon erected, also an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Daniel Snider, Henry Grubb and others, situated in Monroe Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property ol Job O' Meal. ALSO, One tract of land containing 178 acres, more or less, about 50 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story log dwelling house, and double log barn thereon erected, also an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of John Robison, Alexander Fletcher and others, situate in Southampton Township, Bed ford County, and taken in execution as the property ol Conrad Smith. j ALSO, One tract ol land known as the Su gar bottom, containing 90 acres, more or less, j about 12 acre 3 cleared and under lence, with a j stoy and hall log dwelling house thereon erec- ! ted, adjoining lands of Henry lckes, Frederick Reinninger, Gideon D. Trout and others, situ ated in StClair Township, Bedford Countv, and taken in execution as the property of Jo siah Sill. ALSO, One tract of land containg 41 acres, ; more or legs, about 25 acres cleared and under lence, with a two story log house, stone, grist mill, with two run of stones, and new frame barn thereon, adjoining lands of Henry Beegle, Samuel Stiver and others, situated in Bedford Township, Bedford County, and taken in ex ecution as the property of Jacob Beard. ALSO, One lot of ground containing 1J acres, mote or less, all of which is cleared and under fence, with a story and half log dwel ling house, thereon erected, adjoining lands of Solomon Leidig, Michael St roup and others. ALSO, One lot of ground containing 1 acre more or less, all of which is cleared and under fence, with a two story frame dwelling house, with kitchen attached and frame stable thereon erected, adjoining lands of Michael Hillegas on the West and South, and public road on the East and North, and all siuated in Juniata Township, Bedford County, and taken in ex ecution as the property ot Harman Walter. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant, John Cypher, in and '.O ohe tract of land containing 14-0 acres, more I or less, about 90 acres cleared and under fence with a two story stone dwelling house, with stone back building attached, store house, ten ant house, log stable, double log barn and oth er out buildings thereon erected, also an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of David Cy pher, Jacob Cypher and others, situated in Liberty Township, Bedford County, and taken iri execution as ttie property of John Cypher. ALSO, All the right, title and interest ol the defendant Joseph Bowman, in and to a tract or part of two tracts of land containing 327 acres, more or less, about 65 acres cleared and under lence, with a two story log house two log stables, and other out-buildings thereon erected, also an apple orchard thereon, adjoin ing lands of Daniel Miller, Eli Perrin and others, situated in Southampton Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property of Joseph Bowman. ALSO, All the interest of the defendant Sophia Osier, in and to one tract ot land con taining 100 acres, more or less, about 20 acres cleared and under fence, with two log dwel ling houses, and log stable thereon erected also an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of John Cruse, Adam Zenb&wer and others, situa ted in Cumberland Valley Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the property of Sophia Oster. ALSO, All the interest of defendant, Mary Oster, in and to one tract of land containing 100 acres, more or less, about 20 acres cleared and under fence, with two log dwelling houses, and log stable thereon erected, also an apple orchard thereon adjoining lands of John Cruse, Adam Zenbower and others, situated in Cum berland Valley Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the propeity of Mary Oster. j ALSO, One tract ol land containing 255 | acres, more or less, about 100 acres cleared and J under (ence, with a story and half plank dwei | ling house, story and half log dwelling house, ■ saw mill, small grist mill and bank barn there ' on erected, also an apple orchard thereon, ad i joining lands of Nathan Grubb, Laba.n Hanks, ] Samuel Snavelv and others, situated in Monroe j Township, Bedford County, and taken in ex i rcution as the property of John Martin, j ALSO, One tract of land containing 300 J acres, more or less, about 70 acres cleared and j under fence, with a two story log house, and j tog sfable ihereon erected, adjoining lands of Widow Cochenour, Frederick Smith ix, others, situate in Juniata Township, Bedford County, and taken in execution as the propetly of j Frederick Giossbrenuer. p " ALSO, Ail defendant, John Wright*# interest I in and to one tract of land containing 500 acres, j more or less, about 100 acres cleared and under | fenee, with a story and a half log house and i log stable thereon erected ; also an apple or | chard thereon, adjoining lands of Joshua Pen -1 neli, Philip Swai tzwelder and others, situated in Monroe Township, Bedford County and ta ken in execution as the property of John Wright. ALSO One small tract of coal land, con taining 3 acres more or less, about 2 acres cleared,and under fence,joining lands of John McCauoiess, John N. Lane's, heirs and; others, situated in Broad Top Township, Bedford Conn ty, and taken in execution, as the property ot Aaron W. Evans, ALSO, One small tract of land containing 6 Acres morp or less, nearly all cleared and un der fence, with a story and a half log dwelling House thereon erected, adjoining lands of John Brideham, Chailes Colfelt, and others, situate in Bedford township, Bedford county, and taken in execution as the property of William John son. ALSO, One tract ol land, containing 150 acres more or iess, about 30 acres ol which are cleared and under fence, with a two story log dwelling housp, blacksmith shop, wagonmaker shop, and log stable thereon erected, adjoining lands of Frederick S'oopy, George May and others, situate in Juniata township, Bedlord county, and seized and taken in execution as the property of George Troutman. ALSO, One tract of land containing 170 acres, more or less, about 100 acres cleared and under fence with a two story frame dwelling house, frame bank barn, and other outbuildings thereon erected, also an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Adam Olt, Joseph Blackburn, Wm. Border and others, situate in Napier town ship, Bedford county, and seized and taken in execution as the property ot Jesse Blackburn. * JOHN J. CESSNA, August 2d, '6l. Sh'ff. TA\ClSTti£ a Bid ITALIAN j SLED WHEAT FOR SALE, j The Italian wheat is xaised from imported seed that ! cost $6 per bushel. 1 can confidently recommend bolh kind* to the farmers. My wheat is perfectly 1 clean of Rye, cockle and cheat and will be sold at $1,25 per bushel, cash. WM. HARTLEY, j Aug. 2, 1861. F'BLIC SALE By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the undersigned will offer for sale, at public vendue, on the premises, on SATURDAY, 24th AUGUST, NEXT, The foLowing described valuable Real Estate, situ ate in Monioe township, Bedford Couuty, adjoining lands of Bernard Claybaugh, William Cornell, John Fletcher and Leonard Nycum, containing 254 acres, about 130 acres cleared, about 6 acres of which are good meadow, balance in high state of cultivation. The improvements are a TWO STORI PLANK HOUSE, A DOUBLE LOO BARN, Wagon Shed, and other out buildings. KySa e to commence at )0 o'clock of said day, when the terms will he made known by JOHN NYCUM, Adm'r of Wm. Nycum, dee'd. Aug. 2, 1861. \T TEN TJU N, COM PA NY, ! I want to make a desperate effort to go east soon and to pay my debts, and 1 most isspectfully ask all who owe me either on note ot book account, to call and pay, and those whose accounts Lave been standing for a long time will be most respectfully sued, if they refuse, as I must have money. Aug. 2, 1861/ WM. HARTLEY. 1)UBL1C SALE OF REAL ESTATE— By virtue of an order of the Oiphans Court of Bedford County, there will be sold on the premises on SATURDAY, 24th AUGUST NEXT, at one o'clock of said day, the following Real Es tate, late the property of Benjamin Wigfield, dee'd, vi/. : One tract of land situate in Southampton 1 ownship, Bedford County, adjoining land of Philip Clitigman, John Moss, William Wigfieldand others, unimproved and well timbered, with white pine and other timber, containing 149 acres, jrnore or less, tine other tract of land iu the same Township, un improved, containing 29 ncres, adjoining land of Philip Clmgman, John Wigfield and others. made known on day of Sale, when due attendance will be given by NATHAN ROBISON, Adm'r- ofßenj. Wigfield, dee'd. Aug. 2, '6l. 3f. N'OTICE.- Notice is hereby eiven that the ut "/irsigned will apply to the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, at September Term, next, for a dis- } charge in the following cases. As Administrator of the Estate of Joseph S. Mor rison, dee'd. As Administrator of the estate o ; Sophia Morri son, dee'd. As one of the Executors of the Will of Abraham Ri"he;.\ dec'd,, and as one of the Executors of the Wi'l G! Abraham R. Craine, dee'd. aug.9,'6i. JOB MANN. OFFICE C, V. M. I'no. Co. Dec. 27th. iB6O. Notice is hereby given, that an assessment of 5 I per cent has this day been levied on the premium j notes of this company in force cn the 14th of Dec. ' inst. Members of this Company residing in Bedford j county, or having property insured therein, are res- i pecttnllv required to pay their pio rata assessments to James M. Rus-eil, Esq., who is duly appointed collector for said county. By order of the Board. JOHN T. GREEN, Aug. 2, 1861. Sec'y. rillAli BRILLS. 'I he best in the world, for sale. Call and see them. Hardware, Iron. Nails, Oil, Piint, Glass, cutlery and farm Implements, for sale cheap for ca-h at Aug. 2, 1861. HARTLEY'S. txtind MILL, OR GRAIN FAN, H An excellent new Double Severn, Wtttrant'd " Waterloo Grain Fan," for Sale at HARTLEY'S. Aug. 2, 1801. F I Y K L e : a i„ vow SE WI \ (i'-M l CIII \ E 10., 538 BROADWAY, .YEW-YORK. V* O person who contemplates purchasing a Sewing Machine for family or manufacturing purposes should fail to send for one of our Circulars, which . contains cuts and full descriptions of the several ; styles, prices and sample* ot work, all of which we send by mail free. We claim to have the BEST SEWING MACHINES IN THE WORLD For either Family or Manufacturing Purposes, j And all we ask is a fair trial. Read the following : j IMPORTANT FACTS. FACT Mo. I.—This Company being duly licensed, their Machines ate protected against infringe ments or litigation. FACT No. 2.—'l hese Machines make the lo:k --stitcb—alike on both sides—and use a iittl* less than halt'as much thread and silk as the chain or loop-stitch machines. FACT No. 3.—These Machines are better adapted than any other sewing-machines in market to the Irequent changes and almost endless variety of sewing required in a family. They will sew Irom one to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping, and make every stitch perfect. They will even sew from the finest, gauze to the heaviest cloth, and even stout, hard leather, without changing the feed, needle, or tensior, or making any adjustment of machine whatever.— Is not such a machine best adapted to family use? and if best adapt ed to family use, wby not for every variety of light sewing manufacture 1 For work too heavy for our Family Machine, we rec ommend our larger sizes, r ACT No. 4.—These Machines make the most e lastic seam of any sewing-machine in use— a fact of very great importance in sewing elastic goods, or goods of any kind, or a bias. FACT No. s.—No Machine is more durable or more simple in .its construction, or more easily understood. The reputation of these Machines wherever used will fully demonstrate each of the above facts. FACT No. 6*—These Machines took the Highest Premium at the Franklin Institute, Philadel pnia. FACT No. 7—These Machines took the Highest Premium at the New Jersey State Fair. FACT No B. These Machines took the Highest Medal at the American institute, in the City of New Y rrk, together with the Highest Premium for fine Sewing-Machine Work. FACT No. 9.—These Machines took both the Highest Premiums at the Mechanics' Fair, Utica, FACT No. 10.—These Machines can do the same thing generally, whenever properly exhibited in competition with other first-class Sewing Ma chines. But we have space for only one fact more—it is the most important Fact of-11 FACT No. 11.— We warrant every Machine we tell to give better satisfaction than any other Sewing- Machine in market, or money refunded. CF-Sendfnra Circular. AGENTS WANTED. Address, Fiokle & Lyoii Scwiiig-Jlachine^Co. No. 5,38 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. Aug. 3, '6l. 1 yr. BLAIR COUNTY NORMAL SCHOOL SC SEMINARY. FALL TERM COMMENCING AUG. 12TH '6l. DAILY instruction given in the Theory and Prac tice of Teaching. Boarding $'.,50 per week. Tuition in lull English and scientific course $6,82 per quarter of ten weeks. For circular containing full particulars address every organ of the 1;< dy. Every nerve feel-* the poi?oit, and all the vital organs quickly complain. The stomach Will not digest the food perfectly. The liver ceases to secret* a aiifflciency of biie. The action of the'heart is weakened, and so the circulation is feeble. The hings become cleared with the poisonous matter ; hence, A cough—and all from a alight impurity at the fountain head of life—the. filood 1 As If you had thrown some earth, for instance, iu a pure spring, from which ran a tiny rivulet, in fi few the whole coarse of the stream become disturbed and discolored. As Quickly does impure blood fly to every part, and leave its ftting behind- All the passages become obstructed, and unless the obstruction i* removed, the lamp of life k>oji die* out. TheJre pills not onlj purify ti-eblooi. but regenerate all the secretion* of the body; they are. theref ire. unrivalled as a . CURB FOK BILIOUS Dl-SBASRS, liver Complaint, ."dck Headache. This Anti-12 ili-na Medicine expels from the blood the hiddt 11 eefeds of dis ease and renders all the fluids an i secretions pure and fluent, clearing and resuscitating the vital organs. I'leananl iadec I, is it to us, that w* are able to place within your reach a medicine like the "MOUNTAIN HKUB PILLS,'" " that will PUS* directly to the afflicted (.arts, through the blood and fluid* of tlie body, and cause the sufferer .to brighten with the tluali of beauty and health. Judsotis Pills are the Best Remedy in exist ence fur the Jo/tewing Complaints: Bmv+l Complaints, Drf/Uily. Inward IVeakncss, Coughs, Fever and Ague. Liver Complaints. Coldty Female. Cemjkaints. Phones* of Spirit^ Chest Diseases, U<.'viaches, Piles, Costieeness. Auiigestum, Strut aiul Gravel. Vyspepoia, In/luenza. Secondary Symp lAarrhaa, inflammation. terns. Dropsy, **•••• GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE! Females who value health, should never be without these Tills They purify the blood, remove obstructions of all kinds, cleanse the skin of all pixuples and blotches, and bring the Tich color of health to the pale cheek. faF The Plants and Herbs of which these Pills are made, were dipcovered in a very surprising way among the Tezucans, a tribe of Aborigines in Mexico. Get the Almanac of our Aarent, and you will read with delight, the very interesting account it contains of the " GKJUT ifkoiciNE" of the Aztecs. Observe.— The Mountain Hurt, Pills are put up in a Ilea utif al Wrapper. Each box c ontains 40 pills. and Retail at 25 cents pec tax. All genuine, have the signature of B. L. JUDSON & CO., oil each box. B. L. JUDSON & Co., SOLE PROPIt IF T ORS, Wo. oO Leonard Street, A'lfW I'ORK. •3- FOR SALE BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS. ""S* For sale bv H. C. REAMER on Juli ann Street, and Dr. B. F. Harry *Pilt St., Bed lord. Pa. Jan. 11, 1860.-1 y. • j > KDFORD COUNT V, SS. I ) At an Orphans' Court held at Bed- Cord, in and for the County of Bedford, on the 3Uth day of April A. D. ISGI, be:ore the Judges ot said Court. Cn motion of John Mower, Esq., the Court grtut a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of Zach eus Luman , late of Cumberland Valley Township, dee'd, to wit: Ann, intermarried with David Dick en, residing in Neneca County. Ohio, Sarih human and John human, residing in Bedford County, Mo ses human and Benjamin human residing in Seneca county, Ohio, and Kilza. intermarried with William Oillam, residing in Bedford county, to be and ap pear at an Orphans' Court to be held at Bedford, in and tor the County ol Bedford, on the Monday, second day, of September, next, to accept or refuse to take the real estate of said deceased, at the valu ation which has been valued and appraised in pursu ance of a writ of partition, or valuation, issued out of our said Court and to the ol Sheriff said county di rected or show cause why the same should not be sold. Li testimony whereof I have hereunto set m - v an EDFOKD COUNTY, ?S. j ) At an Orphans' Court held at Bedford in and for the County of Bedford on the 29th day of April 1861, before the Judges of said Court, On motion of John W. l.ingenfelter, Esq., the Court grant a rule on the heir 3 and legal representa tives of Rachel McCune, late of Middle Woodbeiry. township, dee'd., to wit : John McCune, Samuel McCune, Rebecca All iways, Margaret Igo, Hannah Berly, Nancy Ann Moore, and Sindford Miller, to be and appear at an Orphans' Court to be held at Bedford in and lor the county ol Bedford on the first Monday, second day of September next, to accept or reluse to tntf the real estate of said deceased, at the valuation which has been valued and appraised in pursuance of a writ of Partition or valuation is sued out of our said Court, and to the Sheriff of said county directed, or show cause why the same should not be sold. ' n testimony whereof I hive hereunto | Se&'fMll set my hand and the Sea! o! the said yc . Court, at Bedlord the 6th day of May, A. D. 1861. Aftest : S. H. TATE, JOHN J. CESSNA, Sheriff. Clerk. July 26 IS6I. I PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order ol the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, there will be sold on the premises, at the late residence of Archibald Findlay, dee'd., on SATURDAY, the 24th day of AUGUST, next, at 10 o'clock, the following described Real Estate, to wit : One certain tract of Land situate in Napier township, adjoining lands of Dr. Ealy,William Cris man, Wonders arid others, containing fifty acres, more or less, with a small dwelling House ana Sta ble thereon erected, considerable part of said Land cleared. Terms of Sale will be made known on day of Sale and attendance given by GEORGE BECKLEY, July 26, 1861. Administrator TIKE OR DEATH.— J The subscribes take pleasure in announcing that they are now prepared to mtnl (free; to I hose who with it, a copy of an important little work, by the late Dr. Brampton, entitled "The Invalid 3 * Medical Confidant," published for the benefit, and as a warning to young men and person- who suffer from Nervous Debility, Prema ture Decay, be c., &c., supplying the means of self cure. The leader is irresistibly led to compare a useful life with an ignoble death. Reader, lose not a moment, but send your address for a copy ol this little wotk. Address the Publish ers. DR. JOHN B. OGDEN Ik Co, 64 Sc 66 John St. New York Miy 17th, '6l. 3m. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of j Bedford County, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auctiou, on the premises in Monroe 1 Township, on ' FRIDAY, 23d OF AUGUST NEXT, j all the foilowiag described valuable Ileal Estate in I ar "' adjoining the Town of Cietrville. late the prop ' erty ot Jonathan Horton, dec'd. , the ur divided one j third of a tract of land adjoining the Town ofC'.ear | ville and land o! Samuel Sniveiy, containing about ; 13 acres, with a two story plank house, frame sta ble, and other out buildings thereon ; ALSO, a i tract of land af.tjoming the above and land of VVm. j Grubb, all under tence androutaining about 7 acres; ! ALSO, a lot ot ground in the Town of Clearville, adjoining Wm. Bobbins, Samuel Sniveiy and others, with a frame wagon-shed thereon. ALSO, on the piernises, on SATURDAY, 2i\h AUGUST NEXT, | the following described Real Estate, to wit : a val uable Taverr.-st ind in the Borough of Bedford, I known as the Union Hotel, being a large and I commodious brick house, with convenient , staffing and other convenient out-butldiogx, ; fronting on Pitt Street, adjoining lots of John Ceas na, Esq., and Sam'l. & A'tr.. W. Shuck. Sile to , commence at 10 o'clock of the respective days, when the terms will be made known bv OLIVER HORTON, Adm'r. of Jonathan Horton, dec'd. July 12th, 'Ol. PUBLIC SALE OF VA LUA BLE REAL ESTATE. The subscriber, Agent and Attorney in fact, for 'he children and heir;- of Mrs. Rebecca Shimer and Peter Shimer, late of Union township, Bedford county, dec'd., will aeil at Public Sale, on TUESDAY, lOtli SEPTEMBER, NEXT, all that valuable tract of limestone land, late the mansion property of said Rebecca and Peter Shimer situate in said township, and containing 302 acres 149 perches. This land lies on both sides of the road leading from Bedford to Holl idaysburg about fourteen miles liom Bedford, and may he regarded as one of the best far.n = in the coun'y, it adjoins D.ivid Gochen our, John Fickes, Michael Shaffer, Isaac Pressei, and. others, and is susceptible of oeing divided into two good farms, for which puipose a survey has been made so a* to have it so divided, if desired. The land is of the best quality of limestone, and very productive ; about one hundred and seventy acres are cleared and in cultivation, about 15 acres of which aie meadow. There are two springs of fine water on it, one oi" which is at the house, with good fresh water flowing through a considerable portion of it. There is also a good Orchard upon it. The improvements are a two S'ory Log Dwelling House, a: d a tenant House, with a log barn and other out bui dings. The attention of persons wishing to purchase a farm of the very best quality, is directed to tbis property, it presents inducements for a profitable investment in real Estate r.otoftm met with in this region of country. The location is healthy, public, convenient to mills, and in a good neighborhood. Any one wishing to examine the land, wit I call on John Fickes, now residing on it, who will take pleasure in showing it. It is patented, and the title indisputable. CfT" The Terms arc—One third of the purchase money in hand, on the Ist of April, next, when pos session will be given, and the balance in two equal annual payments, without inteiest, to be secured by- Judgments. It will be sold in two parts or together, as may be most advantageous. [E7*Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M. JOSEPH IMLER, Agt. if Atty. in fact for the heirs. Juiy 26.—1t. GROCERY— CORNER U'EST PUT AND JULIANA STREETS. THE subscriber is opening at this well known stand, a well selected stock oi Groceries, Con fectionaries. Tobacco and Cigars, consisting in part of Coffee, brown, crushed, and pulverized ~ugars, refined and golden Syrup, baking Molasses, Young Hyson, Imperial and Black Tea, Chocolate, Corn Starch, flavoring extracts, Cheese, Coin Brooms, painted Buckets, Dusting, Well, Scrub, Horse, Shoe, Tooth and Hair, Brushes. CONFECTION ARIES, Such as plain and fancy candies, fruited candies ard'fl.vored Jellies, water, butter and sweet Crack ers, foreign fruits, Oranges, Lemons Figs. Raisins, Prunes, D