MIHUCAN WATCH COMPANY GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. OFFICE JOHN* A. STODDAKT, NO. 411 CHESTNUT SriIEET, PHILADEL PHIA, PEVN'A. Attention is invited to the following statement and the accompanying testiinoui-i als in favor of these C-.~i.61> CELEBRATED A A 1 RA JAVA!CUES, A Gold Medal was awarded the Company by the Massachusetts Mechanical Association, ISSG. A Gold Medal was also awarded them by the Amer ican Institute at New York, HI 1857. The Compa ny also received the First Premium—a Gold Medal —from the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, iu 1858. These Watches have now been in the market for nearly ten years, during which time they have t-een tested as to ACCURACY, DURABILITY AND RELIABIL ITY, in every conceivable manner, and have proved themselves to be the most satisfacioty ,itne pieces ever offered to the public. This result has been brought about by a stiict ap plication of mechanical science to the construction j of the watch from its very inception, rendeting it, when fiuished MAT HEMATIC ALL Y CORRECT, in all proportions, and necessarily as perfect a time keepei as it is possible to make. The Company have tested their Watches, in manv instances, by actual daily noting, and the re sult of this test has been that they have exhibited a rate aqua! in regularity to the best marine chro -nometer. N. B. — We have just introduced a NEW STYLE OF WATCH elaboiately finished, and thinner than any we have heretofore produced, with several improvements calculated to secure the greatest accuracy,of perfor mance, and to prevent the usual accidents and < e-j •rangements to which foreign watchts are liable. Letter from P"vl Morphy, the Celebrated Cfltss Player. NEW YORK, Oct. 15, 1859. Mr. R. F. BOBBINS, Treas. Am. Watch Co. : Dear Sir .-—The American Watch, No. 9210. presented me by the New York Chess Club, proved to be a most reliable and accurate time-keeper—al most unnecessarily so tor ordinary purposes. It is now nearly five months since it came into my pos session, and during that period its variation from standard time bars been but a trifle more than half a minute. The following is a record of its perfor mance. It was set June 3d correctly i June 15, fast 4 seconds. Aug. 15, fast 18 seconds. July 1,-6 do Sept. 1, - 23 do - 15, -10 do - 15, - 28 do Aug. 1, -16 do ° ct - * 32 110 l'oive you permission to mnke such use of this statement as you may tbink proper. I am, with respect, yours truly, PAI'L MORI'HY. Vie following is from Mr. Porter, the well known Marine Chronometer and Watch Maker. BOSTON, Sept. 28, 1559. lv. E. Ronr.iJrs, Treas. Am. Watch Co. Dear Sir -1 have sold during the last year a considerable number of Watches of the Waitham manufacture, and am happy to say that all of them without exception, have fuMilled my guaranty, and have "iven satisfaction to the purchasers. GEORGE E. PORTER. The following' named gentlemen may be refer red to in relation to these Watches. Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, Maine, John G. Saxe, '"Vermont, N. P. Willis, N. Y., Hon. N. P. Banks, ; Massachusetts, A. L- Hamilton, Tennessee, James W. Simonton, Ca!. Carlos D. Stuart, Long Island, 'l'ownsend Harris, Japan, Horace Greeley, Frank Leslie, Norman Wiard, Wis,'Dr. J. Marion Sims, Charles Hammond, Phi Pa., Prof. Bartlett, West Point, Dr Amrm Brown, Boston, Lieut. Henry A. Wise, U. S. N., Col. W J. Harden, C. S. A., S. Ireneus Prime, D. D. White Plains, Col. 1. B. Thorpe. C Jl U T I O JV . As our Wa'ch is now extensively counterfeited by foieign manufacturers, we have to inform the public that no Watch is of our production which is unacompanied by a certificate of genuineness, bear ing the number of the Watch, and signed by our Treasuier, R. E. Robbins, or by our predecessors, Appleton, Tracy & Co. These Watches are for sale by Jewelers general ly, and can be had on application to the under signed. JOll N A. STODD AR T, Number ill Chestnut Street, above 4th St., PHILADELPHIA, FA. March 15, l&Gl.-Gmo. I <1 V 1 L WAR ! V SHOEMAKER A Co. VS. THE WORLD ! The undersigned have just received a large lot of resh SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting, in part, of Diy Goods, such as Cloths, Cas-imeres, Satinetts, Men's ami Boy's wear, from the highest in price to the lowest, Ladies' Dress Goods, Calicoes, of which their stock is particularly fine, Muslins, Linens, tic., &c. Also, GROCERIES •of every description, such as Coffee, Sugnr, Tea, Spices ol all sorts, and gveiything generally kept in a grocery store. They have also a large assort ment of cheap and excellent Q U E E JV S yv A R E which needs only to be seen to be appreciated.— Thankful for past (avor, they respectfully solicit a continuance of public patronage. J. M. SHOEMAKER & Co. May the 10th, 'Ol. iIHUAUD ASSOCIATION, liIILADKLPHIA- A Benevolent Institution established hy sjiecial En dovment, lor the Relief-of the Sich and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Disease: of the Sexual Organs. Medical Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Piseast sof the Sexual Organs, and on the New- Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed tetter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage acceptable. Address, Dr. DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associa tion. No. ft S. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Afay 31st, '6l yAPRING GOODS ! kJ The Subscribers have receiv ed their supply of SPRLXG A.YO SI MMER GOODS, and will offer all who may favor us with a call, G R EAT B A R G A 1 A S. All kinds of Country Produce received for goods.— Also, Cumberland Bank notes—and many of the Virginia Banks. A B. CRAMER & Co. .May 10th, '6l. NORTHERN LIGHT THE CHEAPEST !!'! And best light in use, can be had by buying Cou Oil, perfectly pure, inodious and free from smoke while burning, at > 1.00 per gallon, at H. C. REAMER'S. Nov. 16, 1860. Drug Store CCT. CHARLES HOTEL, COKNEB OF WOOD AND THIRD STREETS. PITTSBURGH, p A HARRY SH'FI® PROPRIETOR. April 12 18CI. A NEW DEMOCRATIC MOUSING PAPER " T li £ I i\ 10 K With a view to meet a universally admitted want, the uiideisigned will issue on Monday, the Ist ot July next, a Morning Penny Paper, to be called '•THE LEMON." The great mission of the Democratic Party, which has ever stood as the bulwark of the IN ION and the Champion of the CONSTITUTION, renders its entire unity and bold attitude in this hour of National per ill a matter of vita! concern. The pending strugg !e is not less for the maintenance oi a United Coun try than lor the Perpetuation of Democratic Princi ples, as expounded by JEFFERSON and J ACKSO.N. The most momento s results ha.,g upon the issue. Meie part}' questions are for the time by common con sent adjourned. The past is dead, save in its les sons ot experience. T-tre Democratic hosts have not shrunk fiom their fall share in the responsibilitifs and dangers of the emergency. They have rallied with one accord a- ' round the standard of our common country. But 1 the occasion imposes other duties. The Govern ment will demand and receive the willing support of every patriot, in its efforts to vindicate the Na tional hoi.or and re-assert the National authority ; ; but the Preservation of Constitutional Liberty rests j more with the people than with Congresses and I Cabinets. Vigilance and Unity are therefore spe cially requisite iu the present juncture. It is the purpose of the Proprietors to make "THE UNION," in every respect a first-class Journal.— The Democracy of the whole State feel the need of a bold and vigorous Metropoiitar. daily; and no ef lort will be spared to render THE UNION both j popular and efficient as a newspaper, and as a fear less exponent of the great principles for which the Democratic party have ever contended, and which are now so unhappily imperilled. The Proprietors have perfected such arrange ment as will place the enterprise, from the begin ning, upon a substantial business basis, with abun dant means to make a Newspaper second in inter est and ability to no •other in the city • and while the paper will be fearlessly Democratic, it will sed ulously avoi ' all faction, as the deadliest bane to party efficiency. We look to the Demooratic Misses for support, and shall labor to make THF. UNION in every way woitby their confidence and libera! patronage, as a i fresh, readable and fearless Journal. TERMS :—Per Annum, Three Dollars. Orders should be addressed to JO. SEVERN'S it Co. No. 130 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. June 2lst, '6l. \7 OTicK OF iNqdsTnoN" "" x\ WHEREAS Eliza Colvin, late ■of Schellsburg Borough, deceased, died seized of the following Real Estate, viz : One tract of land on Chestnut Ridge in Napier Township, Bedford county, adjoining lands of John S. Slatier, Charles W. Colvin and others, containing ten acres, leav ing issue, and the children of issue, nine full heirs . viz : Jane Scbell, deceased, leaving issue Abraham C., Charlotte A., James 11-, Margaret, Martin and Edward Schell, the last two of whom are minors, who have for their guardian Robert M. Taylor,Esq, James, residing in Indiana, Abraham, Charlotte, and Maitin. residing in Ohio, and the others in Bedford county ; Charlotte intermarried with Mar tin Reyley, Eliza intermarried with Robert M. 1 Taylor, Esq., Reuben Colvin, WM. Colvin, Geo. M. ! Colvin,Chas.W. Colvin, Margaret intermarried with j John M. Robison, and John E. Colvin, all residing j in Bedford county, Notice is, therefore, hereby given that in pursu- j ance of a writ of Partition, or Valuation, to me di- \ rected, I will proceed to hold an Inquisition, or ; Valuation, on the premises, on Tuesday, the 9th day of July next when and where all parlies in terested can attend if they see proper. JOHN J. CESSNA, Sh'fi. June 11th, 'CI. pONF ECrio N ARY AND GROCERY. THE undersigned has jtisl received and keeps constantly on hand the following articles:— Coffee, sugar, molasses, cheese, crackers, currants, prunes, raisins, figs, admonds, filberts, cocoa nuts, ground nuts, pecans, Eng. walnuts, cream nuts, can dies in variety, oranges, lemons, tobacco and cigars, allspice and pepper, spices of all kinds, baking so da, cream of tartar, sulphur, brimstone, canister and keg powder, shot, caps and lead, grain and grass scythes, whetting tools, wash tubs and boards, in digo, extract logwood, copperas, alum and madder, oil, polish and Mason's blacking, sweeping, dusting stove, shoe and scrubbing, brushes, clothes, hair, tooth and flesh brushes, hat and infant brushes, hair oils and perfumery, purses and port monaies', pock et and memorandum books, bonnet and round gum combs, "ridding" and fine combs, brscelets and beads, pens, pen-hotders, penknives, scissors, knife sharpeners, umbrellas, suspenders, spool cotton and floss, clocks, small looking glasses, violins, violin strings, toy watches, watch chains, curry combs, cards, horse brushes, shoe-thread, pegs and spara bles, Johnson's Arabian Liniment, Rock and Little's White Oil, Merchant's celebrated Gargling Oil, for man or beast, and many other articles of a similar nature." The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. A. L. DEFIBAUGH. June 17,'59.-Iy. JA C O if R E E D, BEDFORD, PA. Retail Dialer in Dry Goods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Glassware, (iueensware, Groceries, and in fact, every article necessary for the com fort and happiness of his numerous friends. Just opening, new and fresh goods bought at p.mie pil es, ami will be disposed of at the lowestdiving rates fro cash. The war is inaugurated, and war prices nelv will be asked, but on war terms, to wit CASH. Call and see for yourselves. SILKS, extra quality, good styles of dress Silks, low and high priced. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Challies, Delaines, Bareges, Lawns, Pol de Chevres, Cnintzes and Barege Robes, Shawls, Calicoes, Muslins. Summer Cloths, Cottonades, at surprising prices for cash. MEN'S WEAR, Fine and Fancy Cloths and Cassimeies, Jeans and Linen Drills. HOSIERY, Ladies' Men's and Children's; also, Gloves, Collars, Ties, and stitched Handkerchiefs. GROCERIES, Coffee, Sugar, while and brown, crackers, molasses and Syrups, low tor cash. All manner of Hats and Caps, I Eur, Silk, Wool and Straw. Jut bring on your Cash, arid you shall not go away disappoin-^^-^^ ted. May 10th, '6l. CIAUTION. ) Whereas my wife Susan has left my bed and board without any just cause, all persons are hereby cautioned against harboring, or trusting heron my account, as I will pay no debts f her contractinz. REUBEN GATES. Bedford, June 17, 1861. O TRAY SIIEEP. kD Came to the premises of the subscriber in South Woodberry tp., soma time since, five head of sheeep, with the wool on, and two iambs, one of the lambs has a black spot on The back; two of them are rams, one with horns and three ewes, five old sheep have the left eat cropped and a piece cut of the right. The owner will please come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, or they will be disposed of according to Law. DANIEL BECHTEL. ° Nobel s Mill, June 21, IS6I. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The paitnership hereto lore existing between Docket Ashcom, in the Foundry ft Machine business, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Theßooks of the £r m are in the hands of C. W. Ashcom, who is authorized to settle the same. GILLIARD DOCK, C.W. ASHCOM, April 12, 1861. N. B.— l'be business will be continued by C. W. Ashcom at the old stand, where all kinds of machinery will be made and icpaired. SHF.rALND WOOL, all colors at Dr. Harr r , KEROSENE OIL-the lest tele a v' 17 o IS *ASJ I: , OFITRADE, # ■ , A first-rate tarm of limestone land, in Morrison's I Cove, containing about l.'H acres, 100 of which ate cieaied am! balance well timbered. The farm is well watered. The improvements are a good two Isiory Frame House, Log House, Barn, &c. There st a good orchard upon the premises. The tarm ad joins Bloom field Furnace, lies half a mile from fhe Ilollidaysburg Turnpike, and four miles from Mar tinsburgl There is a ready market at the door for all kinds of produce, and the land is in a high state of cultivation. For particulars inquire ot Dav.d Daniel, in possession, or George Cleugh,at Spang 's —ALSO— A Gtist-mill property in Ha!man's Bottom, now owned oy Lewis N. Fyan. The mill is a large frame with two overshot whells and four run of stone ; in good order, arid in a good settlement, with a suf ficient supply of water. The farm contains nearly •100 aores ; about 10U alluvial soil, and cleared ; arid the balance well timbered. The improvements ate ' a large brick house, tenant house, miller's houe, ! barn, distillery, 4*c. The farm can be divided with out disadvantage. Teims reasonable, —ALSO— A tract ol land in St. Clair tp., containing 93 acres, or thereabouts, about 55 acres cleared, with a two story log dwelling house, tenant-bouse and two log stables thereon erected ; also, an apple or chard thereon, adjoining lands of Wm. Keete, Jacob | Semlerand others ; iottnerly the property of Geprge i Kimberlin, —ALSO— | a Farm of ICC acres, about 100 cleared, with Double i Log House, New Bank Bain, and two good orchards j fhereon, lying on the Juniata River, two miles from Stonerstown, and half a mile from the tail road. 'This farm is composed of a good quality of river bottom land, 30 or db acres of which can be put into good rr.eadow. The whole is cow in a good i state of cultivation. —ALSO— A farm of lIS acres of limestone land in Liberty Township near StoneTstown, known as the "Jojb Stolei property," adjoining lands of 'Squire Ketmn ger, S'oler and others. The improvements are a Log House, Log Bain Kc. There is good water on the premises, also an orchard of good fruit. —ALSO— A new two-story Rough-cast House and two lots ol ground in Broadtop city. - ALSO— * 160 acres of the best quality of land in Rarrisoe county, lowa, near the Missouri, and close to the countv seat. —ALSO- A Lot-of ground in Omaha city, Nebraska. —ALSO— -100 acres of land, in Southampton Township, Bed ford county, lately owned by YVm. Lashley. TERMS to suit buyers. O. E. SHANNON, Jan. £7, ISCO Bedford, Pa 1)0 YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO I'OU WANT WHISKEFTS ? DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE ? BELLINGHAM'SCFLEBRATEDSTLMULATING i UNGUENT, FOR THE WHISKERS AND HAIR, j The subscriber take pleasure in announcing to the Citizens ol the United States, that they have ob tained the agency for, and are now enabled to offer ( to the American public, the above justly celebrated : and world renowned article. THE STIMULHTLYG OJYGUEJYT ' Is prep red by Da. C. P. Beulingham, ari eminent j physician of London, and is warranted to bring out a thick set of Whiskers or a Mustache, in from 5 three to six weeks: Thi article is the only one of j tbe kiad used by the French, and in London ai.d j Paris it is in universal use. It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stiin-1 ulating compound, acting as if by magic upon the j roots, causing a beautiful growth of ,'uxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, it will cure baldness and cause to spring up tu place of the bald spots a fine growth of new hair. Applied according to direc tions, it will turn red ot towy hair dark, and restore gray hair to its original color, leaving it soft, smooth and flexible. The "Onguent" - is an indispensable I article in every gentleman's toilet, and after obe week's use they would uot for any consideration be without it. The subscribers are the only Agents lor the arti cle in the United States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Price One Dollar a box—for sale by all Drnggists and Dealers , or a box of the "Onguent ' (warran ted to have the desired effect) will be sent to any who desire it by mail (direct) securely packed, oil leceipt of price and postage, Si.lß. Apply to or address HORACE L. HEGEMAN fr CO., Druggists, &c.. 24 William Street, N. Y. March 8. t BLAIR COUNTY NORMAL SCHOOL SEMINARY, MARTINSBURG, BLAIR CO., PA F..J. OSBORNE, A. B. I . , i. W. DICKERSON, f Principals. This institution will commence its spring session with an able and experienced coips of instructors on Monday, April Bth, 1881. No expense has been I spared in making it thorough and complete in every i department. The schooi building is constructed and furnished upon the most approved modern plans, and is one of tne best in the Stale. It contains a hall capable of seating 500 adult 3, with office, music rooms, suffi cient for a school of 300 pupil*. The school is located in a region of country un excelled lor its beauty and healthfulness, and is surrounded by a moral and industrious community. The distance to Cove Station. Huntingdon and Broad Top R. R. is six miles ;to Hollidaysbnrg Station, Pa. K. R. 12 miles, with daily stages froir the latter and tri-weekly from the former ; thus ma king it easy of access from ail parts oi the country. The objects of the school are : Ist. The Professional Training of Teachers. 2nd. The thorough Education'of young ladies and gentlemen in the English and Ornamental Branches 3d. The preparation of Students for College. The teaching Class will meet daily for lectures en the Theory and Practice of Teaching, recitation from a standard work on the subject, or discussion ol Methods of Teaching by the class. Students Mho desire to do so may prepare to en ter the higner classes in college. M.adies Will have a separate boarding house and will be under the immediate supervision of an ex perienced Preceptress. Instruction given in all the branches taught in the best Academies and Seminaries. Whoie expense, (exclusive of Ornamental bran hes,) for boarding, tuition, furnished rooms, room ent, and fuel, SIIB.OO a year. •or circular, with full particulars, address E. J. OSBORNE or J. W. DICKERSON, J.C. EVERHAIIT, Martir.sburg, Blair co., Pa. Oct. 12. IS6O - WAR COMMENCED! ! X TERRIBLE CONFLICT RAGING !! ! THE HAMMER & ANVIL TRIUMPHANT ! The subscriber vvoald respectfully inform the cit izens of Bedford and vicinity, that he has- located in the old stand of John Claar, immediately east of John Brice's Hotel, where he is ready to d® all work in his line, such as hoise-shoeing, wagon making, Ate., in the best style, and at prices to suit ihe times. He earnestly solicits a liberkshare of the patronag" of all who may need work in bis line. Call and bear the "music of the anvil" and "ive me a trial. WILLIAM COOK. April 19. rpo BUILDERS.— I Trie subscriber is fully prepared Jto furnish any -quantity or quality of Building Lumber and Plastering Lathe.-! Orders directed St. Clairsville, Bedford county, will be promptly attended to, by giving a reasonable notice. F. D. BEFGLF, • I fJNITED STATES MAIL* LINE BETWEEN | fICAMBERSBURG & LATROBE, via BEDFORD. A new and splendid line of Concord built Coaches, eaves Chambersburg daily (Sunday excepted) at v_ 7 M - and arlivr * * Bedford at 7 P. M, day. T., a Bedford daily, (Sundays excepted) at 7 A. M., lor Latrobe, making close connection with Mail train lor Pittsburg and the West. Retaining, leaves La trobe daily (Sundays excepted) mi fhe arrival of tbe tiain from Pittsburg, at 9 30, A. M., and arrives in Bedford same evening. Passengers wishing to go East, take the coach next morning at 7 A. M., and arrive at Chambersburg same evening at 7 P. M. RAILS OF FARE:—Erorn Bedford to Cham bersburg, $3 50. From Bedford to Latrobe, S3 50. Fiom Bedford to Pittsburg, § 1.25. The stock on this road cannot be surpassed by any in the State, and the drivers are careful, sober ana accommodating. This is the cheapest, most expeditious and pleasant route passengers can take, going East ot West. For further information apply to James Reamer, Chambersburg, John Hufer, Bed ford, Chas. W. Fisher, Latrobe. A. J. KEESIDE, Contractor. N. B. Passengers for Somerset and Johnstown, connect at Stoystown with J. A. Caiman's Line of Mail also, at Jenner X Roads with E. Kber man's mail line, Sept. 7,^SOU. f JNION HOTEL,— _ B E D F 0 R D, P A. IHE subscriber respectfully announces to the public, that he has leased the above named Hotel, in the old and well Jr.own Globe building, formerly owned and occupied by Mr. John Young, and re cently in the occupancy of Jonathan Morton, dee'd., where he will he happy to see his friends, and the traveling public generally. Persons attending Court are r-pectful!y invited to give him a call.— He pledges himself that he will do all in his pow er to render his guests cornfottable. His Table will be supplied with .he choicest del icacies the market will afford. The Bed Rooms will contain clean and comforta ble bedding. The Bbt will be supplied with choice lipuor. The Stable will be attended by a careful and at tentive hostler. Boarders ta£en by the month and year. JOSEPH ALSIP. Bedfotd, Nov. 30, IS6O. |>E DFORD FOUNDRY. THE subscribers having purchased the Bedford Foundry of Messrs. Washubaugh and Bannon, would most respectfully announce to the citizens of Bed ford and adjoining counties that they are prepared to make and furnish all kinds of CASTINGS for GRIST AND SAW-MILLS, THRESHING A CHINES, PLOUGHS, APPLE MILLS. COOK ING, TEN PLA TE, AND STOVES, SLED AN'DW 8 Sleigh soles, wash kettles of different sizes wagon boxes of'all sizes, farmers'bells, (a superior arr, e !e), oven doors, and every thing usually made in a c ountry Foundry. E7" PLOU GH S WOODCOCK, SEYLEK and HILL-SIDE PLOUGHS.—AIso, a new PLUG PLOUGH, to which we call the especial attention of our farmers—a superior article to the old Plu Plough, with two kinds of points, shares and land sides to suit all ploughs in general use in this coun ty. Turning ana fitting ot iron patterns made to order, and all kinds of repairing done at the short est notice and at low prices. All our own work made of the very best material, and warranted to < give satisfaction. Farmers and others would do well to' call and examine our work before purchasing else where, as we are determined to meet the emer gencies of the tirae3, we will Sell cow for CJISH, or country produce. Pig and bar iron, horsosand lumber, taken in ex change for work. feb 25,'G0-ly SHIRES Ik JORDAN. |>Loony HUN FOUNDRY JL* AND MACHINE SHOP. THE subscribers are now prepared at the I Foundry in Bloody Run, to fill all orders - for Casting of every description for IGIt IS T JIJYD SJ W-MIL LS, TIIR ES IIIJYG MACHINES, APPLE MILLS, PLOUGHS and ! all things else in our line that may be needed in this ■ or adjoining counties. We manufacture Threshing Machines of 2, k it. as you advise, in small doses of a teaspis inful over A month, and used almost three bottles. New and healthy Bkiu soon began to form under the scab, which alter u while fell off. My skin is now clear, and 1 know by my feelings that the disease has gone from my s\ stent. You can well believe that I feel what I am saying when 1 tell you, that I hold you to he one of the apostles of the ago, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALFiiKD B. TAI.LHY. St. Aiithonj-'g Plre. Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter and Knit. Rheum, Scald llend, Ulligworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert If. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y"., 13th Fept., 1859, that he has cured an inveterate cast) of Dropsy , which threatened to terminate fatally, by tbe porsevcrlug use of our Sarsaparilla, and also a danger ous attack of Mal'fitunit Erysipelas by large dy mercury was suffering from this poison in lier holies. They had in-come so sen sitive to tho Weather that on a damp day she suffered ex cruciating pain in her joints and hones. Che, too, WHS cured entirely by your haiwaparilla in a few weeks. I know from its formula, which your agent gave me, that this Preparation fiom your laltoratory zunst bo a great remedy: consequently, tlieso truly remarkable results with it have not surprised me. Fraternally yours, 0. Y. LARIMER, M. D Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. iKIiKFCnPENCK, Preston Co., V.. fitli July, 1559. DR. J. C. Arctt: sir, I h ifo been afflicted with a pain tul chmtiic UhcvnwHsm for a lon$: tinu-, uhich Uiftit-i tb Fkill of pliysicinus. and Ptu k to lac in Ppito of all tho reLicdim 1 i'oultl find, until 1 tritii TOUI Faritflpßiilla. Ono Imtlle cnrtti mo in two weeks, and restored my general lu ilth eo xnuch that I am far better than before 1 was attacked. 1 think if a wonderful medicine. J. FKKAM. Yulev V. Getrhcll. of St. Loui*. writes: " I have been afflicted for year* with an afftctUyn of the Livcr 9 which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing ■faiit-d to relieve mo-; and T hav*:* been u brokonniown n'.&ii for some ymrs from no &thar raru*e thxii'Herangemcnt nf tht Liter. My beloved l-uwU*. the Kev. Mr. Kspy. advised me to try your Siirsu|>anlla. bccauie he said he ki:o* yn, and any thing yon mado wns w. ith trying. Hy tho blcae iup: of God it has cured me. and hns JH> purified my lJ<-4 as u> make u new man of uc. 1 fuel young again. The boat that ran be said of you is uot half good enough.'* Sthirruii.fniircr Tumors, Fiilargcnicnt, Vicera t iou, Carit s and F.tfollatton of the Holies. A great variety of cases have been reported where cures of these formidable complaints btfv< resulted from the use of this remedy, but our space hero will not admit them. St mo of them may ♦* maud in our American Almanac* which tho agents bolowr named are plea*-d to furnish gratis to nil who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart niscr.se, Kits', Vnllep t>y f Mrlaucholy, .Neuralgia Many remarkable iun> of these affect: i -> have b .n made by t! alterative p-.wer of thk> mtHliriii**. it stimu lates the vital functions into vigorous acti n, and thus overcomes riukirUt-ra wbieh would be supp-fc; lxyotrd ita rent-h. Su.li u remedy lias !• njr been r riuiml \ v tho ne cessitirw of the people, and we arc confident thai thie will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOII TUB KAPII) C'VKB OF Colds, lufltiMiza. Croup, Ilrourhitli. Im-iplt n! ( on atimption, nnl for tli- Itrlicf of Consumptive Pat Scuta iu acfvaiicrtl Stages Of the i)isuyiu Thii Is n remedy r 3 universally know nto rnrpsn any other for the cun- <.f throat ami lung c mp'Hthis. that it is useless hera ti publi hth ' cvidei.ee cf irs virtues. Its unrivallel excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary dis- ase, have m.-.de .t known throughout tin- civilized cations of tb* e.mth Few ore tho communities, or even families,.nutong vh* m who have not some personal cjfpei : nce of its everts aonio living trophy in tiieii midst < f victory *v r tho subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful f.itnlity < ( thus * disorder*, nnd as they know, Uh\ theelTe,{s f ibis n medy. we mod r;4 do more than to assure ihem that t has n vr all j!.- vlr tns that it did have whet: making the cur s whiih luive won BO strongly upon the c.'nfi.lenc-e !'' i!M, 8..i1j, T. AOI: CM. C. w. RUPP, j.i. It FED. ItIJPP AND SCHELL BNDt'HS k DEALERS IN EXCHANGE BEDFORD, PENN'A. 1 \RAFTS bought and sold, collections mad Jl f and monry promptly remitted. Deposits solicited. REFERENCES. HON. JOB MANN, Bedlord, p a " JOHN CESSNA, " JOHN MOWER, T; R. FORWARD, Somerset, ,i BUNN, KAIGUEI. & Co., Phil „ J. WATT St Co., Pittsbur .1 J. W. CuRLEY, &. Co.. , |JESS.\A JT SOAAIVOA Partnership in the Practice Sthl neai ly opposite the Gazette Office, where r 1 or the other may at all times be iound Bedford, Aug. I, lSf9. ¥OU.\ P. REED /foT,TOR/NE!ATiL.AVV' CEDF °RO,^. Respectju//y tenders his services to the Public tC? Ofiice second door North of the House. Bedford, Aug. I, 159. T OH.V PALMER, 0 ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'BEDFORD, PENN'A., Will promptly attead to all business entrusted to S,RM ' L """R [apnl 19'C0.] JE. McGIRR, ~~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PENN'A. mru°LiTTAL T L, E isq. Mmeas oecup,ed fapril 19,'61.] ROLL\ BORDER V GUNSMITH, BEDFORD, PA. - hop at the east end of the town, one door west of the residence of Major Washabaugh. All guns o1 my own manufacture warranted May 21.'nS. CANCEL KETTERMW— £,,,, _ COUNTY SURVEYOR. AVfJi :'LD hereby notifiy the citizens of Bed ford county, that he has moved to the Borough 01 Bedford, where he may at all times be leund by persons wishing to see him, unless absent upon business pertaining to his office. April 18, 1858.-tf. MAW & SPANG — ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, TA. THE undersigned have associated themselves in the Practice of the Law, and will attend promptly to all business entrusted to their care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Z-T" Office on Julianna Street, three doors south of the "Menge! House," opposite the residence o Maj. Tate. JOB MANN Aug. 1, 1859. G. H. SPANG. TH. LINGE\FELTER— • ATTORNEY AT LAW, ANB LAND SURVEYOR. Will attend with promptness to all business entrusted to his care. WILL PRACTICE IN BEDFORD AND FULTO!? COUNTISS. thren doors North of the ''lnquirer" ! Office. DR. R. F. HARRV REsrECTFULLY tendeis his professional services to the citizens of Bed ford and vicinity. Office and residence on Pitt Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. John Hofius Aug. 1, 1859. I YT. FTC REAMER- ' , ■, RESPECTFULLY begs leave to tracer his Professional Services to the Citizens of Bedford and vicinity. !p"* Office in Julianna Street, at the Dru* and Book Store. Aug. 1, 1859. C IB LGOifBOLD, * M# TUNER & REPAIRER. of Pianos, Melodeons &c., has made arrangements to visit this place regularly at stated periods. The next visit will be in October. Yearly contracts made. Price tor tuning $2.00. First class pianos for sale. Orders to be left at the "Gazette" office. H. L. G. has permission to refer to the following persons for whom he has tuned : Hon. A. King, Hon. S. L. Russell, John Mower, F.sq., O. E. Shannon, F.sq., Dr. W. H. Wa