ANOTHER BLUnDER I7EAR NEW PORT NEWS. tram was reacn ed in good order, surrounded by infantry and j artillery, arid the re! -at ol the Union troops ontinued until a point was reached where the i .oad passed through a high bluff on each side, j where the enemy's cavalry were poster! in large.) numbers. By a feint, as if intending to pas around the bluff, Siege! drew the cavalry in a j solid body into I tie road ala distance oi enc i tundred and fifty yards from his posili ~ hen , jy a rapid movement of bisarlillery he poured a heavy cross fire of canister into their ranks At the same time the infantry charged at a - double quick," and tn ten minutes the State ; troops scattered in every direction. Eighty-' five rid -r!ess horses were captured, and sixtyfive -hot guns and a number of revolvers and bowte knives were picked up (totn the ground. Colonel Siegel did not surround Carthage, as reported yesterday, but attempted to reach a piece oi woods north ol the town, and after two hours' de c perale figbling, in which al! the for ces on both sides were engaged, and iri which Lieut. Toskin thinks the enemy lost nearly two hundred killed, he succeeded in doing so; and the rebels retired to Carthage, and Siegej fell j back on Sarcoxie, whence he proceeded next lay to Mount Vernon. Lieuteiiant Toskin left on Ihe evening of the th irist., and rode to Rolla, one hundred arid fifty-three miles, in twenty-nine hours. He j met General Sweeny's command, five miles, ' and Col, Brown's command sixteen miles, from j Mount Vernon, pressing forward to reinforce , Siegel. Lieutenanl-Colonel Wolff was not killed, as . reported. DEMOCRATIC MEETING IN JACKSON CO. OHIO. —From all quarters we luar ot peac-> move ments, which have lor their advocates the -Sol- J men" of the country. The people ol Jack son county, Ohio, held an immense mass-meet ing at Jackson Court House on the Bth inst., jt which the following resolutions were unani mously passed : Resolved, That (waiving the question of the constitutional power ol the Fee ral Gov rnrnen' > coerce a State into submis ; m) we do not be lieve that aggression by arn -, or the puspcn -100 ot a war under any pretext except as is iainly laid down and provided for in the Con stitution of the United States, is or ran be a possible remedy against existing difficulties now distracting the country: and that, so believing, •v hold it to be not only our privilage, but oor duty, as good citizens and friends of the Union, ') unite our efforts to procure, by compromise, there-union of the States, and of that fraternal feeling which binfs the Slates together. Resolved, That we regard the right of evry tizen to investigate the acts, the motives, and , s ex-member of Congress, wtio ! was (iecid . y for compromise and peace, and i u'ci { i' ""v time during the last session. ' int'ieo i cmncronaue of our troubles n iglu •'■iv, . -en effected', an t the war now upon us, | averted. He said that be intended to stand by ! ••••; f"veu im of spi ech and the press, at ali haz- J arc!- The meeting was also addressed by Hon. • 1 '• iV. Voorhees, member of the present Con-I - ' A resolution was passed to thoroughly ' " r zanize ihe Democratic party, and enter the j t" id at once in opposition to the traitorous anrl fc'-U cUrve schemes ol the fiepot Hearts. - ' PIMPLES AND SKIN DISEASES Are the result ot impure blood. The blood becomes thick t and clogged. The skin is not able to cast oil the impurities so important to health. How many young men and woman we see with their /aces covered with rumples and 1 inches, who are endeavoring to IPTIOVP them y the use ol soaps and washes of various kinds. This • is very dangerous and should never be prac (ised by persons desirous of health. Mothers who have children afllic'ed with sores and erup tions, should never dry them up by external applications, for in this way they will diive in the humors and produce ill health lor the. child during its whole life time. There is no mother that likes to see her children afilicted with feeble health. HUDSON'S MOUNTAIN' HERB PILLS are prepared ex; essly lor (he cure of erup tions of the skin, such as Pimpl.-s, Blotches, Sor s, Vc. They cleanse the blood of afl im punti s, producing a beautiful, e'ear and i healthy skin, so tnuch admired by taste and • refinement. -PIRI- " , - EARN EST—On the9ib mst., Mi*-- Rebecca, ' daughter it Michael Earnest, of Bedford town : ship, in the 22d year of her age. ; The deceased was stricken down in the : morning of lile by the fell monster < unm :. J tie.). and after many days and nights of w isome suffering, which wa.* r.urue with (Jiiris : tian fot' i'ude, she departed hence in the L i . ! : COUNTY ' j " NORMAL SCHOOL & SEMI \AR • . { FALL T/SRM COmtES€i:Y-7 AUt:. O'l'// '6l. DAILV i .trucEon g-venin the Theory t ..d Prac tice of i • coifing. 11.-. ui'tig iir w j .-k. Tiei'oc. IU lull English as ' .•cientihe cosir.-.f per quarter of leu wee:;--. For circular cottsmiui fall fsriictP - •.: -res . ofbi." \' :> i!' -it SON. Prior ipi.- July 19th, 'Ol. Mats'm. . i t Co., Pa, j T>RIGAL)E ORDERS.— Jt ) Brigade Inspector's office. 1 Bedford, July i 2th,'6l. j Hivrg been iastr-i -tet by 'he Adjutant General to collect all ernes in the County, to wit . Muskets, Rides and Equipments, Captaii.-s of Companies, privates or citizen- ! aving any arms in their pos session are hereby notified to hand them over, or ' sen.l them to the undersigned, without delay. Per sons tailing to comply with this request, will be proceeded against according to law. When the arms arereir.o ! 'erf, they will be prop- I erly dist: ibuted to organized companies in this ; County. A. J. BANSOM, e i , ctor, Ist, iGth Divi uon. July I?th., '6l. T >UBLIC SALE OF 5 VALUABLE REAL EST A tE. By- irtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Red : ' County, the undersigned -vill offer tor sale at public auction, on the premises in Monroe i Township, on i FRIDAY, 23d OF AUGUST NEXT, ' all the following described valuable Heal Estate in and adjoining the Town ot Cle -rville. late lb? prop erty of Jonathan Horton, dee'd. , the >. divided one | thud oi a tract of land adjoining the Town of Ciear viiie and ! :>d ot Samuel Snively, conl.. i.tng about 13 acres, with a two story-ptank fcou-e. Ta.-e sta ble, and other out buildings thereon , \I.SO, ;r tr tof land adjoining the above and laud of Vm. Grubb, ail under lence andcontaining about 7 acres; ALSO, a lot ol groom! in the Town of Clean-file, adjoining Wra. Robhir,s,S..mue! Snively and others, with a frame wagon-shed thereon. ALSO, on the premises, on j SATURDAY, 24th AUGUST NEXT, the following described Real Estate, to wit : a val uable Tavern-st nd in the Borougn of Bed for I, known as the Union Hotel, being a large and commodious br,ck house, with convenient stabling and other convenient out-buildings, j fronting on Pitt Street, adjoining tots ol John Cess na, Esq., and Sam'!. & A'rr.. W. Shr ek. Sib- to I commence at 10 o'clock of the respective days, when the terms will be n.a.le known by OLIVER HORTON, Adm'r. ot Jonathan Horton, dee'd. j July Pith, '6l. VDM IN* IST RATOES' NOTICE. Letters nf Administration on the es'aie ol Hcnrv Eautltnan, late of St- Ciair Town ship, dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned • residing in South Woodbury Township. All per sons knowing themselves >Lb ted to said estate aie requested to make immediate payment, and r^ose j having claim* against snide date will ores ;;t them ! for settlement without delay. GEORGE D. KAUFFMAN, Ju y 6, ISGI. Administrator, { DMLMSTR ATOR S NOIICE J\ Letters of Adtvint.-Jiot- n on the , estate o; John McGriff, late of St. Clair Town-dip, i dec d., having been grantee! to the undersigned, ra iding in said township. Alipresotis knowing them , selves indebted to raid estate are reqi ested to make immediate pay men!, an J those having claiirs against said estate will present the •< v.Uioul del iy. ABNER WALKER, JR., July, lhOl. Admimstiator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE L Iters of Administration on the estate o: Robert Barnet, late oi Middle Woodbury Tow-hip, deceased, having been grui tad to th subscriber. All peisons knowing taem aelves indebted to said estate are requested to make payment immediately, aud those h vj.ig claims will preremt them properly authenticated 101 set tlement. DAVID BARNET, June 28th, ISCI A'l'r. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. i \ Tne undersigned appointed Audi tor to distribute the funds ir. the fcacc' of Samuel Griffith Administrator of Elizabeth Griffith, dee'd., will inoet the parties at his office r, Bedford, on the 23d of July, IStil at 10 O'clock, when all i ,ter ested can atlei L J. W, LtNGENFELTKR, July 5, IS6I Auditor. Y OTICE. \ All persons are hereby notified not to tresspass upon my farm, lor the purpose of hunting or fishing, or they will be d witn according to law. Tqis notice must be observed as tam deter mined to be piotected agsinst such trc;:*pa-v>rs. Buffalo Run, July 5. HENRY KEISEK. VITANTED! WANTED y y Four able-bodied men, with good horses, to complete the Bedford Dragoon Company, This company is intended for a home guard, and any psrsons wishing to join will please call at the U;ug Mora of jaiy oth 61. H. C. REAMER. 1! TARM FOR SALE.— The subscrib- r offers for sole b s ..iim m Napier tp., near the bo. ©! Schells rgbu, conto ONE HUNDRED ACRES. more or less, with a log house (a good cellar und r it) a good frame barn, well of excellent water, tvso apple orchards, ant- all kinds ol ftuit tides. ALSO, Two head of boises, horse-seais, and all his lar ming utensils, which will be sold with the farm, if desired JOHN RININGER. • ,t isbuK . Jut." 2Stb: h's- * JJARVEST.! HA RA'ftSfcj ! Manny & Wood's Reaper the wonderful self finking attaokjßehjlg'r■ tmyrov*'l and warranted 10 work well. Alw", WOOD'S LITTLE MEADOW QEEEN MOWER, which h„-s bit 134 ib= . drau fat, ud warranted to cut lodged clover an t all other — nearly all wo* and steel, light, durable and cheap. Manny is Wood's machines, now beat the world, for small farms and al! kinds of work, and as thousands are already sold for this season, ail who want must or der immediately a, harvest is almost here. Also, i I'OZ. "GREEN CASTLE GRAIN CRADLES," which is the lightest runing cradle known. Tun largest and host assortment of Grain and Giass Scythes and '-Sneds" ever brougln 10 Bed ford co.. Harvest implements of ail kinds, and bet ter quality than those kept at Dry goods' siores.- Priees to suit the times. HARDWARE BY THE TON. Wishing to continue in business anil it being my interest 10 please the people by fair dealing and reasonable prices. 1 will al'ew no re™"!ar dealer to ( under sed rre. Having lost enough by those who > have carried oil rr:y property lor tleir own u-e, im ' der specious promises to pay, I am determined to | trust none but men who are I .wu i community as l-onest, lelieb'e at d prompt, making good their promises and scorning to use others' goods without endeavoring, at leas', to rentier an equivalent. "CHEAP FOR CASH AND SHORT TIME." WM. HARTLEY. May 31st, '6l. 4 LLEGHES y MALE AND j - - 1 - FEMALE SE ..i NARY, ' Ufdioi'd Co.i l*a. i RMV W. W. BRIM, A. .VI.. f no.; a!, j -Mi - A L RE IM, Precept re-. | Mi S f. BRIM, Teacher an Forte. i ; his institution, under the supeivL.on o! the a -1 hove named pei .ms, a:--isted by oiher compelPii j 1 "achers, affords a fail co:i-e > Mathematics I Na'u ui sciences, Languages, and '..idles Lettres- I "i music. Pain ling, etc.. it gi v a extended instrur | tion. The Summer Term will commence on Aug • I IH6I. Students admitted at auy time. Habits of ; heal! i. sy :>• !,.; .* piomptness , views, moral, so ciwl, and domestic, are here made prominent ol - jects of education. That the physical powers, as ! well. • be mental, may be cultivated—Calisthen j exercises are necessary—here the Students j meet each day for systematic physical exercise. ' "}*) '{ ( lay for boatd, including I" OA '' d I nished rooms, room rent, IV. .*1 and tuition in common English, per term of eleven weeks. Extias, ,t modeia'e charges, even less than heretotore, oi than the circular calls for. Students prepared, for the highest class in col lege. For llirculj:s. or particulars. sil,tr w, w. i; kim, Dec. 21, 1-00. Rainsburg, I edford Co., Pe T IFE OR DEATH.— 5 J The ntbfCrih: is take pleasure in anno g that they are jw prepare-; torn .! (free j To those who wish it, ,i copy o 'ft. irrpoitant little wci k. by the late Dr. Bram-don. entitled u Th.t Inntiiii'-i Medical Ccvf 'ant," pub! bed for the bn.-fit, ant. cs a wa • to young nri"o and person*, who suite; rem A'rrr, ■■ jjrbtHly, Pr "na ture ixc.. Ike., supplying the means of telf core. '1 be reader is ine istiVly led to compare a useful life with ar; ignoble death. Reader, Jo * no; a momei t, tuy > ed yoni i ; for a copy of th.- little work. Add.* •= he ? ers. Dn. JOHN B. OGDF.N & To, 6s having b ,r aiante.l to the * uL-cribrr on the Es-I t.r of Darie! Mcf'onaid late of ("nion Township, ! Bedford County dee'd. 'hey hereby notify all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment aud all having claims will present them properly auth eutieated tor settlement. HENRY MCDONALD j . , , MICHAEL HERTZ, i A ' !,,r H Ma}' 17th. "01 " OR SAL fi.— J[. A gray mare warranted sound j in every respect, and gentle ; suitable either for iarm or .nit'y use. Also, a family cairiage and a | set of harness. Inquire of JOHN E. McGIRR. j Bedford, June 1 Ith, '6l. QTRAY MILES.— t i (.'unie trespassing on the premises of tbe tubseriber lesiding nearCentre ville, on the 12lh inst.. Two dark t.ftj' rrules, 12 or J i ban.s high, one male, the other female. The owner ail! prove property and take them away, or they v. i'i he diepored of according to law J one 25th.J JONATHAN HENDRfCKSON. | > A If.ROAD NOTfCE ~51 A meeting of Ihe Stockholders ol the Bedford Railroad Coirmanv, will L>e he'd at the office ol the Company in the Borough ol Bedford, on Saturday the 27tli day of July, ins;., for the pur pose of considering the propriety of accepting or adopting r. farther supplement to the act incorpora ting said Compatm approved the fi ! Forte, to any with which I atn acquainted. "TH EO. EISFELD." "Having examined your New Scale Iron Frame Pianos, we inu : express our delight nnd pleasure at their superior excellence. For the.r peculiar lira volume of tore, tine elastic touch, and in all the req ( -iies necessary loi perfection in the instru ment we must suv, in all our experience, we have s>- n not! sg to compere with them, and we can mo-t cordially reconimt-r.U them to our friends and the public ■'(..HAS. FRADEL. "CARL BERGMAN." "1 tke much plea-ute in giving my testimony it la ;or ot tr leautilul P'ano, which i have re cently seen made by your li in 111 p wer, quanti ty, and equality oi tone, they certainly excel ; while tof that peculiarly rich, singing lone, that i so in uable a- an accompaniment to the voice, sustaining Mending w.lh 1., I ha,- .a. -j met theirequai. "U. BASSINi." "It is with pleas, ve I:iv, n•• test Imo to t'.. excellence ot your Pianos in general, and cspccia al to toe idmirable new invention of Air. Lighte, r.y improvement which I regard as the mo i impoi tani yet tiiade in the manufacture of!a>B in stiumenis. "LOUIS ERNST." "1 take pleasute n Mating my favorable opia ior. O' your New Scale Iron Frame Piano Fortes. Among many superuo' Piano Fortes manufactured in New York, tr.ry certainly must rank second to none of them for strength, purity, and richness ol tone, together with extraordinary vibratory quali ties. 1 h ve aUo had frequent opportunities, in the schools, during the past four yews, to notice the duiability of your instruments, and this unlet ■ • vere on nearly ©rerv country rn il.e 1 w.irM. He Mfwnt over six vi-nm among the luihan *f j f'.e itAuky and of Mexico,ar.d it was ;: at tt.-e " i liksn wero 'Ji/C'ivered. A very iutertvt n hc n.i.t of iii> adventurti tliore, you will finJ iti our Alu: in: - .in ! Pamphlet It an estaWir'bi-J fnct, that all disease? arise from IMPIItK r.LOOUI 1' pf! mvl the I'■ ' and when s r.y or u&tieai-hy li.utter niixH .th it ,t i at. one*- !i>trituted to < • r 4 ."in if Tie- \< ty !*.• y tier . e f*uls the p>h -n, •• T - • lit:-.] .•; n.- qn'eh! r->r • 1 i,\ lie h -V. .!; Wj' : ' : [ - • Y <■. * ! b- '-:• •. to/.u:i with tin- , - hoi'ii> :n itter: • * i 1 all from'i sligVr 1- ;: . •• tu f j i IT ft-——-th© filo/xt} Tf uou hft l ' .}. v -,r. •• i. fIT in a. irr sj r'iny i. .hh . j y :: i.- .t n.'. .t' %•. i. ••• • I *. u**v •• .i d.lsiurki! an l ' dinci.T -rvd As ~iy ' •- . a i' to i '■ ■ i ; ,\.I * •• , as.* i":'- •no* '-tr N : \ * j f -Vt • ' rmoveii. tin' i. up •' Hie aoou av out. Th: purify the biooi. out rej£*oer.-:t ... • ■ f ' i"- ; '" 'v;tt;cv ire, i!.crjf r* :j .i 3 ' "A i'■ BIMor.S njSEASKS, I.' : ' hi • . Headache Sic ! .u-.! •'! Sh j >' :• d. . *. fn • . .),< the -ed.s I tiis | i * nil h ' • • tsi'l *■ f• lions pure at. . i flat ~.. cl v • . . • li lint th • tifßl •. : nt. (2 ' ' iit to pa. th* ' ;j 1 j Pi: is, that pw dr • i Complain *. i>- eiliiy In new-1 iFeaknru, ' Ft' :>/!.!.iw. lA-cr 1 mf'aitUs, j C 'Ul j. I e C''Vipt - TiiU. 1 hey purify th hhxni. remove < b-:riu:r na of all kludi#, eti . :hf- V • f nil pimple :md blotches, auti bring th© r color of health to the pale check. KW Th I ' n" •nd H rbn of which f'ill.s are made rei ,: -e '.cv! Ai a very curprisiag way among the Tnracsnn, a tribe of in Mexico. Get the A.n i ' t.r At- nt, and } i ".*il! read with deilght, rb- verj' interesting aecoutit it contains of the '* Gkkjlt M -i iCJN i t * A . PC i O& s irve.—77 e "• ■nfiin II 1 PrJh put up in a He ■! • tif ' Wrapper. Each bx c -rdaxru JO yilL*. aid Retail a.' lift ex.. fter *rr All genuir.' have f he signature of L L JL PSOX u CO . on each box B. L JUDEON & Co„ SOLE PROPRIETORS, No. f.O Leonard Street, j NEW YORK. a-- FUR SAI.E BY AIX MEDICINE HEALERS. -£>, Far sole bv H. C. KEAMER on Juli ann Stfc-el, and Dr 6. F H ry Pitt St., Bedford. Pa. Jan. 11, 1860.-lv. l i \i it vs o> rmrirrir# THE NEW REMEDY FOR H SI E I M A T 5 &M- the yi ar we h. ve introduced to the notice ol the medica' profession ot this country the Pure Crystalizeu Chloride of Propylamine, as a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM; and iwving received ,'iom many sources, both fiom physician- of the highest standing and from pa tients, the MOST 11... I UKIKU TESTIMONIAL? OF ITS REAL VALUE iin tl:-' ' :.e: t of this p.: . ,'al ans obstinate dis ■ ' e . e in need 'o present it to the | iblic in I a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope wdl commend Lei! to tho-e who are stiff ering with ta:- alflivting complaint, and to the med ic, prHC.iliom r who may leei disposed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. EI.IXIR PROPYLAMINE, • n the form above spoken of, has recently been extensively experi mented with in t e DENNSYL VA NJ\ UOSPi TA E, anil with MARKED SUCCF. - c (a-will appt a- from the published accounts in the medical journal. d?"!t is carefully put up ready for immediate j u-e. with full directions, and can be obtai ncd from I all the druggists at 7.5 cents per bottle, and a wholesale of BULLOCK St CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Cnemirts, June 28, 'filly, Philadelphia, | "\TEIV GROCERY \XV CORNER WEST FIT T AND Jlit.l ANA STREETSi. THE subsciibei is opening ct this wn o: IKON punfte ! of Oxvs"n 'i C bone by cornbu-fior. in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest medic*! autho.ties, both in Europe and th Un ten States, and prescribed in tbeir puctice. r.o e *pet ;erice of thon-ands daily proves that pu p.opjiatioii o! l et, can be compared with it. Impale .1 ea of the blood, depression ol' vital energy, ne and otherwise sickly complexions indicate its nox cessily in almost eveiy conceivable case. Jnii has IOUS in all maladies in which it has been tried, and proved absolutely curative in each of the iollowine complaints, viz : c hi D, hilily, JV. ~. I rttoiis , 11 ma nation, Dye* I Consti patior>, Dituvha-t, Dysentery, Imtipunt Consumption, Sero/ttlu's V ',e.ri r'o > . Satt 111, rum, j M lumen st r not ion, H Cat ore Znvir Cmplaint j Vkrwio Headache ~ R ■ nmatism, In in mint tit Fever Pimples on the Pure, d-r. j In cases of General liability, whether the re ult | of acute disease or ot'the continued diminution of j ne.vous and muscular energy from cbionic com j plaints, one trial of this restorative has proved sue* i ceatful to an extent which no d script ion nor writ i ten atte-station would tender credible. Invai ds so Song b'.-d-ridden as to have become lot got', fn in their ; own to |hbci h-ioiii. have sari enly re-appeared in Ihe busy world as i; ju.-t .etumed from protiac ! tad ! .t! it. a Cus'an; land. Some very sig .JIB! instancs 01 this kind are a'te=ted of feniae • offerers, emaciated trkftot or apparent ntaruoiai, I anguuteoui exhaustion, critical changes, an I 'bat j duplication of nervous and dyspeptic tversion sc i ir and exercise for which the physician has nt j arne i )ii .• von- ■ ' -iiur. ol all kind- an ! lor reason j iuitliiiui to tiiemctii WH-n, the oper. *ion of his ptr-pa liuiicn c ii or: must tiece-ainy be salutary, for, uu i.t.e the oi l oxides, it i- vigorously 'ontc, without being exciting and ovei-besting end gently regu , iarly aperient, even in the most ohs'inate cases o'l j cosiivcnes , war out ever being a s - trie purgative, j or indicting a cable sensation. It is this la' er property, among others, wbicu Jra : -:cs it so r" ma re ably effect' I and permanent a j remedy tor PH.- , unoo which it alsi ?.i nc u ,s to ex ert at! -tinct ar.o specific act ion, by dt-pel ing the ■ local leiiticiicy which forms teem. !I.i !)-■ p.-psia, innumerable e are it e -■■■■■ "s. a - ngle box of these Chalybeate Fill has oft an sutli. cod lor the most habitual cases. In unchecked Dturrbaa. even when advanced t l>y enieiy, confirmed, emaciating and apparently | malignan', the effects ' tve been equ ill decisive ami ' astonishing. In tin' locai ; j ns. lots of ilesh and strength, de bilitating cough, am: remittent hectic, which geoe j ra r indicate Incipient Consumption, this remedy nas allayed the alarm of friends phy .ieians, in . several v< y grat'tymg and interesting instances. In Sr'i.fuloi'.s Tiibeiculosis, ih>s medicated iron has had in. mote the good effect of the most cau tiously balanced pieparatlons of iodine, without any I o! their Well-known liabilities. 'I be attention of females cannot be too confident - y invite to this remedy and restora'ive, in the ca i ses pecu'iarly <;lf.'ct : cg hem. In lilt- nnati-m, both chionic and inflammatory, n the letter, however, more decidedly, it has beer: iuv iriabij well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing the swellings and stiffness of the joint? ! and muscles. In Intermittent Fevers it must necessarily be a great temedv and energetic restorative, and its pro gress in the new settlements of the West, w ill pro bably be one of higi. renown and usefulness. No remedy has ever been discovered, in the whoe history ol m; i cine, which exerts such prompt hap py and luliy restorative effects. Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition lor active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. Put up in neat dat metal boxes containing ".0 pills price 50 cents per box , for saie by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address, on re ceipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., sbaulii be addres :ed to R P FiOfke & Co., Kcuerai Agents, 20 CEDAR STREET, Nl. Y. July 20th, 5 60. |~>UOL[C SALE i OF REAL ESTATE. By \ irt tie of an order of the Oi phans" Court of Bed ford county, the subscriber will offer at Public Sale, ri Tli |ve:' w, in tbe village of Clearville, Mon ro" town-hip, in s.i; Cotii-ty, on .'-afuiday the 3d day of Augn-1 next, a H■ 1 ' I.OT o) ground, late the . ' t'. . Hannah Horton, dee'd., situate on .Mali. -' vt i- lid village and bounded by said main on th 'i' • .u alley on the West, Uaac Grove's lot ' - No ii and lot of Nicholas Bordet street on the South. The 'Ct on ol sari juoperty is a desirable one, ir.c . , it worth t - ' er.tion ol any one wishing a comfortable home, l'he improvements are a two store log dwelling house and log Stable, wi'h a weP ot goou water at the door. i I.KM*.— One third of the purchase money m iiar a! the cor.fii mation ot the Sale, and the balance in two equal rmvments thereafter, without interest, to be secured by Judgments or Bonds and mortgage 03"Sab to commence at one o'clock. DAVID EVANS, June 2!. 1861,—ts Trustee. # -1 •© O Pays the entire cost to; Tuition in the most pop ular and successful Commercial School in the coun try. Upward of THI'LI E HUNDRED y ting m.on from J'W'EjX I i'-JBiGHT d/tJ-rent Slates, have been educated for business here within the past three years, some of whom have been employ ed as Book Keepers at salaries of $■2000.00 PER ANNUM, mm i tely upon graduating, who knew nothing u aciount- when they entered the College. Q.~" Mini-! "rs r ens hail price. Stuiiqnts enter at any, end review v. bcii they please, with out --viia charge P u Catalogue oi 86 page-. Specimens of Proi. Cowley's Business cnu Ornamental Penmanship, ami a large rngiav ng of the College, inclose twen ty-live cents in Postage Stamps to the Princi - pais, JENKINS & SMITH Jan 18, 1 SCO. Pittsburg, Pa. f, vI.jsuLoTKJN of partnership has tn.s day Leeu J. -olved, by mutual consent. The Ik >,i,- ine now in ttie Lands of Kichard Langdon, loi rol'eition. All peisons knowing themselves indebted to said firm, will please call and settle their accounts, either by cash or note, forthwith as the Books roust b>* closed. SMITH ,V LANGDON. Hopewell, April 20th, 1861.—3 m. E|IHE RAILROAD CAN'T BE MADE IF I'A YM I- V T IS NEG LEC TED ! All those a;e indebted to the undersigned, re request.d to call and pay up. Tbt> accounts are numerous and nore large, and can be-paid at once, and injure nobody. By attending to -his notice, the car can be kept in motion. So drtrt forget to call immediately. A. L. DFFIBAUGH- March 22. W. W MAIR. JOHN S.DAVISON* MAIR AND DAVISON, Importers and Dealers in di.lecy, I'aii'iagc ami Trunk Hardvare and Trimmings. NO. 12. WOOD SIRF.ET, Pittsburg, Peun'a. April f>, 'bl 1 yj.