The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 28, 1861, Image 2

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—: . 1 —:—rrr-r— - Jg. 1
I ; T
jIIKW OWIi, Pa.—
FKID.iI : : : JIM '-.. 1861, j
B. F Meyers, Editor 8?: Proprietor.
For (fee Union, the Coijstilation awl the Laws.
J UN* ATA. <■
C. V* LLCS'.
The exarriinptinn of the Cias- s in the J,ed
ford Classical Institute will b" l>.! J in the
Presbyferi tn Church, on Wednesday, July 3 i,
from 8 £ o'clock to 12 A.M., mid from 2to 5
P. M.
The severer exercises will be relieved bv se- j
lect reading, declamation, -c rnpositioo, tkc.
The Public are respectful' v inv;ie;l to be pres
ent. Rzv. JOHN LYON.
Principal. ;
Familiar Topics.
The Bhannpiul misconduc* of G iv. Curtin and
his military advuersand assistants at Harr -Surg,
in the equipment and provisioning of the S'ate
troops, the flagrant violation of the Constitution
on the part of the .National Administration and
(he fact that the leaders ami newspaper press-* of
the late " Republican" party, generaliv-su-'ain
.both Administrations in everything tl.ev do, or
have done, whether right, or wrong, have cre
ated an imperative necessity for th<* re-orgaoi
za'ion ol the Democratic party upon the broad
basis of the Union, the Constitution and the
Enforcement of the Laws. Uponthis platform..
""which has always bee- the ground-work of 'h
—*'< old Democratic pati> > a |d '< ' ' '
the peoP't *-i . — T i-i.-via • "ow rallying :
heretofore attacned to oihe- p-iit'-cal , r .
ftnizatiGiTs, z-: '.veil as the rank and file of ihe j
regular Democracy. It rejoices < )9 i 0 note *he
rapidly with which this movem-nt i• g line
forward. It is a bow of prorrbe in t ( 'e mnrkv
heaven so gloomily overhung *vi• h th sfofm
clouds o( war. It w the dawn of a brighter
day, for the soldier a. well a* for Hie ci'T7°n.
Let this good work progress, and th- - word, m w
believed by many to he drawn for other purpo
ses than the defence and nrot ction of th- (Jar
ernmenf, will becom° the s'ay and suponrt ,->(
the. Const it ut inn. L-l the movement go on,
and the vampire fpcu V-o/- .'.a: art luckmgil
very life-blood irnt of r.r h—y- c r>' ' • ,v;l
be exposed ar.rf driven'but of public ?f: vU > and
employment. It must go on. The Cun.-tltV
tion must be vindicated; the fundajnenta' law
of the land must beobsemd by the efficer r.c
well as by the citiieh. The honor of Pennsyl
vania rrcst be redeemed. The fibers! anjr: pri
atinns made by our State Legislature for the H* b
efit of the'military, tru*t be rescued from lie
clutches of the plundering cretv Ihat have m : J -
Pennsylvania troop* the jest ar.l bye-word of'
the whole army, and or.r ftoble-hearted ?die-rs
must be protected in those right* the full "Toy- '
merit of which alone ran place them in tbr.t
high position m the public service to whicb
they are so eminently entitled by their weU
krwwn bravery and pa* f lot ism.
In the furtherance of this Dhmocnstie reform '
movement, we have labored zeelously and in- 1
armntly for 'be I.lst few weeks. For defitig !
this we have been dnhbrd -a " de
nounced as a '* Trai'C"-," and villified nrd slan
dered generally, by the lenders, and lick-snlttle*
of the leaders, of fh- lately dere*- d " Republi
can" party. "Secession," "Treason," and
terms of similar import, have become familiar
topics, household word*", among the excited
moorners of " Republicanism." So fond have
thpy become of their u<", that a man rra\* have
a whole suit made out ot the A merit an Flag,
with a stuffed eagD for a cap, and may talk for
the Union, pray for the Union, swear for the
Union, but if he is pver heard criticising any
part of the policy of the President, or eulogis
ing the Constitution, or wkhing for peace, or
hoping for compromise, or calHrg himself a
Democrat, or denouncing 'Aholiffonism, fi? '* at
once called a " Secessioni*," <• Traitor," "Tfl
ry," or some other endearing pet name of the
Bedford Treason-smeller*. But wp have be
come well accustomed to Ihu fijinder and con
tumacy ol these pestiferous malevolent*, and
wv si.bit fight oo—despite their cowaidly nsa
'igni'y- in the cause of ihe Union, the Consti
tution and the Enforcement ol the Da *s, look
ing fox our reward to a future, bie.t with the
prisptvalfoo ol Coualitutional liberty and the
restoration ol th Govrf nmeat Irs p#re and uj>-
fgbt admioistratioo
Two Fegiments and A Battery at l
On Saturday and Sunday !at, our lev.'n was j
cr people, who had come in liOir. 1
all to witnes* (lit-arrival of the troops
w hogp intended march to Curu.berland had bet n j
mrtWred' for Several day? previous. To the
grea' disappointment ol th 1 * immense crowd as
sembled oh Ba'urday*. the soTdiefs faded to ar-
I rive on that day. On Sunday, however, the >
I anxious spectators, of whom a large crowd had
j again as-'*inbled, were gratified by the ot
J two regiments of "live suMiers, ' and on Mon
] day a battery of .vx guns, four six p.iundeis and
1 two twelve-pounders, thundered through our .
! *'reels. Tlie two regiments b-Inn? toftif P-hn-*!
] sylvauia Reserve Corps, aud were un jer tb
c iramuid of Col. Charles J. Riddle, F'--' sei.'nr
j otlieer of ihe division. We believe they are
designated as tb.e First and S'-cond Regiment-'
of the Reserve Corps, tb- First being under th>
immediate vornrr.rsnd of Cel. Pid.fle acid Ltetif.
Col. Kan-, the Sccarul und- r that of Ce l. Sin -
| inons,ofilie Rvgubir SerMce. We were unable
ito leain the nr.mesiof the. other officers. Ill*
wull-known •' Ruck-Tail Rangers," form a par! i
■of the Fi'st Regiment'. The Aitilb ry i- th ■
: splendid bal'ery oi Capt. C. F. Campbell, of •
j Chairiber.siiurg, or,e of tlva Liavest and most
•skillful and efficient officer* in the service.
1 We sr- e!id ro be able to p'vre that our cifi
! z-ns received the trc'ops in a bee ming manner,
I and that after the long and wearisome ir.aich.
in the dust and heal, from Ilopenvejl to l .
place, the fatigued and I iot-*nie defenders of
'. our coordrv, found relief from their hunger
| and thirst, in the [>;triolic g-nefosity of'thp peo
ple of Bedford. Nor was the mere gratifies- ;
i tin of his physical wants, the only mar 3of la
vcr !o stowed upon the soldier. The ladies wa
ved their han ikerChiefs and strewed flowers
upun his path, cheering him on his way with
smites and gestures of approval. And last but
cot ieasl, tiie Stars and Stri|•", the glorious
emblem of ConMitutiona! Li J rty, wived ii<
mute xvelco r.e to tire brav- heart? going i rrward
' to uphold and il- fen d it.
The .'dace selected for the rr ar; prre nt ol
the troops, is situated a short di 'aru-e beyond
I (he Snring*. genera 1 Iv knnwn as "f.'abi >nia."
The ma'ch was extend A to that j face :i Sun-
Jay and the tents [ itched at once, the encamp
ment b ing christened " Camp M'Call," in hon
or of the Comrr ander-ir -Ciiief of live i'-nn; 1-
! vania Reserve Corps; On M >ndav th sol I grs
i hat! a general holiday, and our w -e
lined with them. Toward evening, l.owt ver,
guards were sent after them and they wi re
marched back to camp. It was a', first supp
eti that Camp M'Call, would be made a •*-im
manent rendezvous for these troops, but a sud
; den order from the Govern men*, on T'tWslk* j
'r. ght. I ii'r-H off nr> their march Snntfi
; all courteous ?..Vi geihleVriaWi t-.l i-t.-' ' ,
meni, end most of them well qualified tor the
: discharge of their respective duties. The men
are generally wetl-l< hav -t, rood-looking an I
property disciplined. Tlmy left on Wec'nes.lav,
for (Junjl'ei la mi, MJ. M-y Leaven bless and
preserve them '
Es Post Facto.
Congress meets on the Fourth ot July. May
j we not hope thai the patriotic 'recnfl-ctmns
; which the r'-'urn of'lnt tur.nfriotia lay mut a
wakeh in the minds pf the American people,
wijl operate for the restoration of peace and
that fist' na! feeling svbich aione can truly
tint! the Union together ? W'e f-ar r> t. Con
| gre*s is co;rpv*"d of - of r pusing pnlrtictio*
I who cp aid pot rise above their intejesfs and '
] prejudices, cr i! war Wft) to oe pri vented,
' and it is hardly to be xprcted that thev can,
|or will do so, now, in order to br ; rg it to an !
early lerminatioq. They will,of c -irsc, n a'ke
t:,actfr.eots in the nature of ex }■< it f<.cio laws,
approving of the course of ti,e Executive and
winking at every violation of th" Constitution.
Th"re will b". men, however, in f hat bo 'y, bold
j and fearless spirit?, who will stand up fat the
right regardless cf any c.jns> cut r.c> s. The
venerable Crittenden, the gallant Mav. and
That Untiring advocate of the Consti'ution,
' Vailanc'igharr;, of Ohio, will L eth:' rr-rrA-m of
| the nest Cetigr. ** to whom the Cihstitufir-nal !
j Union of the ccun'ry, will ook Dr the
! vjcdiraiion and enforcement ol the Amdaim n
' tal law of the land. w ill vote for no
' fx posl facto law, to glos* over any infraction
of th" Constitution.
ID?*"" A new insect, entirely unknown to |
practical entoinoDgls!*, has lately made its ap- j
pea ranee in Bedford. It is known by the g*n- j
ral appellation of Trrrisen-smctler. It made !
its appearance oo the streets on Sunday last,
getting into the rfothe* of a very piom old gen- I
tleman named R>-a, whom it induced to button- |
hole some of the Volunteers for the purpose of j
"spotting" Secessionists. So furiously was j
this Christian gentleman b-set wi'.h the attack? I
of this evil ir?pct, that he forthwith ?p"-drd to !
Camp M*Call am! strove his best to precipitate '
a riot between the soldier? and some ot th- fit- |
izens. It also got und-r the jackets of some \
other persons, but as they haven't anv more j
brains than the insect itelf, their ravings are
.p it wcrthy of notice. .uMh
iLP'Thdre is no war news of importance p*.
cept (bat a tight took place some days since
between the Missouri State Troops ami some
of the Federal Home Guards in which the lat
ter were defeated, v ith a number of killed and
I wounded on b .th sides. The flght at Boone
vriig, meoticned in our last, resulted, as srateJ, I
in ihe success of the U.S. trroops under Gen. '■
Lyon, bug Ike State tnoopa had only about SO <
billed ir,ster ol jl
of the Bedford Treason-smaller?, :
| has(he following aMic'e in its last issue :
{ "The last Gazette has several artici -s con
' taining pretty g -od onion sentiments, and were i
it not that' tin' editor neutralizes thein by pub-1
, lihing,a ranV treasonable communication, we
might W>Ted to believe that he was eoing to J
change his coerce an 1 come out Cor his country,
i But hat is ar-tj m tftt- u ae wjjl .tuoie out in ;
; Hi- n^Vl"
Now, it becomes our pa nful duly lo inform 1
the Writer 'f the aV've. that+lie eh'.lvor of the !
, "rank treasonable communication a I.'uded to j
jin his article, is no Cos a personage thar. liis
Excellency. ABRAHAM LINCOLN ' When i
juyrcouoUy uu..engaged in ivar a for- (
' <ign enemy, Mr. Lsiuuin st J up in.Cpngi <■>?,
, and u|f t-r 1 'he words 6f that communioa' i ;n.
j exactly as they were printed in our paper, ♦-*-
j ceptsiig only tfi it the words "S.-tutl " and* "Me
' people cf th • 8 cr.fH States" are mi-:-*' Ink"
the place of Texas and M-'x id. Mnv !> *a<ifi- .
fully this treason-am -iter has been caught ' !
! We did ml think that he" would he so "green" ;
as to walk into our trap. We did not supp s*
! that he won Id thus str'mmarily dispose'of hi?
in id..!hz- •! Old Ah", as a "rank" Irai or i ;
; fia ! Hal Ha! Isn't it rich ?
fn order tnat our readers may more clearly j
comprehend the pi'-faM i.g o which r f ' !
' has fallen, we rep i' .' this 'rank ttcasona 'e
curof.uuuir aiiun, 4 ' i.I which A- L ;i . r i. r.
aoth. r, a' tie- rani" true i pea! :ig > > ' • snj .a
ic dissent fro th- sentiments it coa'ai" , ae
- perch fr v. which the qoi mfinica' ion is taken,-;
.vill be I'.nnd oil pi ;■ 135 ! the Congressional j
Gi ! >e l.r the First S .-i-. ni i the Thiriotb
Congress. Toe following is the '• an!; Ireasea- !
able," &. c ;
j Tin: RIGHT or KEvnLt'TioN &C.
I am well aware, Mr. Eh'or, Cm? von are,
averse io any r*c _'Hd in by the I'.S. G iv. i
i.eiit <d tie- ri.-ht oi secession, and. 1 have
desire to > nter into a dispute vv ill; you upon Ida! ;
"•'•j ct. li it, if y-.u will allow me the pa e,
I would like to <et d -wn a few genera! ughts
!>r the b'ell-fjt cf V ;r fri'Mid are I '-ti-'.i )* j • b
j " r i" the El if of • ! the l-'q .ir>r. I*' i!' :.k
my mind fret'v, nc* having the f. nr of the
mob before my ej s, and a I have a d* Are t> 1
Gam .1= w< li a-- to tea; ' , I would like !- k- o •
how the Inquirer. will meet the points I - a"
i make, and w ; h* :h'r its Editor do- sn >? age-,.
| with me in no?', if i ' .-.'l cf I hi*.:n. "Come,
let us reason t igether !"
The ng it of r vol it< >n is one of the most sa
cred of lights—t te right winch 1 believe is ul
to emancipate tin* world ; the right of a people,
ii ti:-y have a government they do -t li.k . to
use and shake it off". In the ex-rriye of that
light, tiie iVxans off the MeJfican
But how far 1 DiJ the nation—did the people
i revolutionize by Woes ? Certain.v not* Th*y
revolutionized exactly to the extent that they
took a par' in it. When lory rose up and chock
| off i he ■ G vernment, > much of the conn- ;
try wa* theirs. At-.! wii*ie were the jv
■ and it could not ■>■' h neri-ct tig Nt ii ;!
colli inh b* ex-rci on?il rc-ry in<)idie :a'
nl abitar.t w t in fa - , or of it. it would b • r.n
n-" '■ M uu'ies - linnit to rri.ij iidi s.
Jijst uch wi.sthe ca • with the for:-*s in tiie
American Revoh-'ion. Tiipv w.-re ohii-g— to
, to the n;ajnri , y--tlie great body f ! the
1 people, uho r - and put them down bv force.
Wimn the Texan people ros-* op and shook !l
'he M-xican Governun rit, they pi t down the
minority among th m w ho were ml disnbs * t to
go with them and b catue owners of th- fi '
■ themselves; the country lie longed to Texas—
No rule cok! i be more just, n ore rt pn'.iican.
mor. in conf&rr tly with natural riglp. Wl ~
K f Tr tn-rule that one utian of the p> ! ■
. have the right to ris** an-; shake off their G v
eroment, ano er portion have precisely the
same - ght to remoio as t :v were. When
they rse up, they have a right to put down
the IT inorit y.
; T' at is my tind rs'inding of th- sidu rt,
.and I b'*]if'Ve it is the light understanding, [f
; I were a*mr. b- r o 1 C ingress, I would a'k the j
i President hf tfee United States to talk to th-
House en this poir!, w' ich He seer; s exceeding- j
ly anxi is to avoid. (*);!•• r p'-orde talk rd mt
d; 1 would like to .have :. * r ..A 3 nt talk a
, bout it. I i w h-re (lec'are, that if by party!, if hy lister.i g to rt pri s nta'iors which !
. w. re errrtn- us, T have b:e.i'indue- 1 to suppose '■
I what was not true i i r.-'ginn to t'ir. uuanim
itycfthi people in the Sccr 'fl S'n/rs; f?! o
Pi'sKfenl wi'i cot Tie furuar'd and give nr fac's'
not arguments, ren em' -ring that f,e sits . her
; Warhingt.-r, 'a*, run! a new .fang as \W hingf.
1 would have re'ntenlberihg lut i*
| na'iofi should not he evarh d, that th - Afuughty !
; will nt be; and il! show that h- d
J armjr among a people acknowledging
ance to us—if be will show ; is bv ficf®, I w,.l
!oe -appy tod-vers.-,i, y pbsifiin. I will
go the .other way —mil go with him.
But if he cannot, or will not if on anv
pret* nc*-, or no pretence, he refuses to do it, 11
shall then be fully convinced of what J havt* j
more loan suspected, that the President js
deeply conscious of b**iog in the wrong in tfii
-1 master; that fie f**e!s the bloo.i of tins wjr,like
she blood of Abel, is crying from the ground
agaitist bun ; that originally he rrnift hive bad
suine slrang motive what it was I will riot
| stop to inquire—for iuvohir.q the two sectiong
t in war ; that, having that moiiv., he trusts do
i avoid the scrutiny of his own conduct bv rii
j retting the attention U the na'ion, by fixing ;
[ the public eye upen military glory—that rain
bow that in sboweis of blood—ser
pent's eye tiitt charms but to destroy; and pHus
; ralculatiuq, had plunged into this war, until
| disappointed ay to the ease by wfiich the South
; could be s*mdu J, h-Gods hims. If at last he
| knows not where.
Does not the Editor of the Inquirer agree
with me in this? If not, is there auy "treason*'
in the above?
Bedford, June 11 th.
Cnarle, J. Bui die, of the First or
Rifle R -■gunenf, has been nominated f.r Cm
trresi by the Democrats of the Second Di<>rict
of Philadelphia. Col. Biddle is a brave a:.d
distinguished 6oldit*r, and will, doobtiess be e- i
I Cot.- Tunr. L Kane —This qentl-naan is the
j Lieewhant Colonel of the Firs', opßifle Regi
• men), of U e Reserve Crrps, which Rygimt nt,
w* are h- raised turns'*lt.
the Colonelcy in favor of Col. Riddle. Col.
I Kane was the Commissioner ?ent to tfe Mor
mons by Ex-President Buchanan, and to] his
pnergeiic and wel! dirtied efforts the ietllv
ntent of the cfHficuhy with fbe Sairris
Lake, vvas mainly due. He is the son of .l'ie
! late emtnent Judge Kane, and brother of the
lamented Dr. Kane. Such men are an honor
! to the service.
r.f'Now, now they'll shut up ! The sol
diers 'II jnake 'em hush i" was !he exclamation
of s'->me of the malevolents of this borough, made
i in regard to the advocates of the Constitution,
■ when the troopi arrival on Suntdav last. P ;or
fens! They (iioii't know that the andier is
fighting for the Constitution as well as tin* Ed
, itor and the citizen. a,*i,l so 'hey were d.stp
pointed when they found the ?roops well <iis
| -d to- - ard those true Union.inen who ven
e;ate and are ready to risk their all for tbeC.m
--| stiiutioo.
Col. G-aiy, of Philadelphia, C- 1. Wil
liams, ot Pittsburg and Mti. J. (.'resswelf; of
Huntinfrdon Co., ;.• rai-ing a Regiment of vol
unteers to enter the U. S. Service fnr three
I 5 *ai3.
V -c r,;n -nJ our young palrijlic f:i-nds
v. >. . . win t.i go to .var, to join Hits regi
on nt eaiiy, as it affords -a rate chance to able
ntied and well behaved rn'*n. Th so!d; *rs
v.T! **.* c. '?.*• cliarqe ~{ g >d men, tvi'l be u l!
fe /, v 11 cf'i'l and \i U paid.
A front a d.iz-ri oi Col, tVa!!ar.-N Indi
ana 7. -uaves, en route Irow Cumberland fur
; their own slate, arrived here on Wednesday
: inorniiig, and after taking briakfast, pioceed
ied to floflidav imrq by coach. They ha I with
them the Secession fls capture) a? R - * U"v.
'and also a fl'tnt-f.-ck lifle .taken at I!;.* same
: place. A iady diess ii in Zouave costume was
in th* ir company. They are tine looking s>!- j
"Masked IjAxrcairts.''—We hear a qt-al
Jeal said s out the strat**g*-ms of the enemy, but
th-ir devices ate not more calculated to ern'oir
ras 'h-* A fm'nisj rat ion than are the covert a -
m ,! -- c -ntinual v made ihrmgh the ag-ncv of
certain di-atT cte.i Republican editors For ex
ample, tue Tritnine yi*terdav had the follow
ing severe reflections upon high Cabins? offi
"We call a' fof'ie letter of our W u
ing'.on corresp mdent, wfiich v.*ill be franc! on
an -tin r page of this paper, lie trl's the Ad
minisfration s me si-ri us truths, v. i:ich they
would do well not only to lay to hea ', but to
ac? upon . and !)•- in! •ru.; the c un'ry :hat.g,vsn
in 'he j:. 11 momentous c:i-is \>fv g- a"
•• are *.ei g n a'e <.fficeis, ar.J /•-ry •at
:kt -v--. r**c< ne .cn.'Mi iv**" us in c.virJife. IJe j
nigh* -(Go •ii ve a.Jd d p-oyej tia na: e
, Siat>> a'-f*;.' .i."
<*; column the Tribune says : '
"Another steamer left for Europe v -ferc!av.
!>u! >ve have reason (o believe thai if did not
'ike out the o. del* I r Ihe return to the
States of tne corresp ndent of the Ch 'flerton
S*cessioiri*ts, who represents trie Ur? ** t State.*
in Portugal."
The i imes also admitted t':? following trom
its Washington correspondent:
"Cap*am Brackett, oi Hit* Second U.i'ted
S* r s Cava ry, has resigned, disgnitid by the
rest, a?mo 'il Lieyiieoani Co! eiel E ; y ;*. ti
reoiihir * rvire. J) -zer.s bf our b- -t and me?;
eua officers declare that Cip'am R-ack-'ti di I
* iqht, an l that tfmy will follow his example if
•he A T inisir ifon p. rvis's ift i?s attempts, as*
ir Emorv's car'*, to make them a*xbci3te on
terms of equali'v, with mmi whom thev r*ea:d
astrado* --, deserving death by Hie rom*." .!
But all th -e extracts areeclips-d by the ed
itoiia! cnrc-pondenL ojf tin* Cincinnati Commer
cial, who descends to a lower dt-pth of scurril
iti and eh larnatrn. He savs :
"No one cer s:ipef ( ) Carrcron'of honesty,
nut there were Ropes- t?• .at h- hid ♦.•jsiaees cn-
P3: ity, am! that irt the position of Secretary of
vVa l . in ?'>*>e 'im-. h w n!d make a repnta
;j in for irtieqri'y. Io truth, however, he is
1 very inc. ir M'tent. T.b* qr-ater portion of the
ren IP, rmphrtuot business of his • department is;
performed hy General Scott and Secretary
''' i■: . ('arr * r *( n't* ids to t'fe stealing (I fjart- ;
merit, li** ! :i< rrns of relatives .about htm, j
'is. ! i !*!-'■! '*, and a!! that sort of thing.
' - - tut i > rive mid* fw'en'.y-twn ,
i! 'ar '•) a sing!*.* hu r s'* contract, and
•?■ ' '■'') • transaction justifu#-the'opin
i : 1 -at : *> 'as the inosi frightful dishones
ty in th* rrii'ter." J...
Tliese sie'cimVns are snfScienl fo show that
th<* ilangers i which this Governmeflt is expo
set} uo not Eli proceed burn avowed enemies.—
Every loyal citizen will discountenance insub
ordination and factions opposition to the Gov
ernment from whatever quarter it may come.
For the Bedford Ctazelte.
Editor Gazette A How me space in your
columns to i turn thanks on b- half ot my Com
pany, to the citizens of -Bedford, for the kind
treatment received at their hands, our ar- i
rival at Camp McCall, after a long and fa-'
tiguiog maccii. The excellent supper fftrnisb
i*d, revived our spirits, and made strong our
arms, and ne felt thai although we were stran
gers in a strange land, yet we were in the midst
ot friends,whose hearts throbbed in unison with
otu own in defence of our beloved flag, and ,
with tears of gra'itude and hearts filled with e- '
motions of pleasure, we partook of the viands I
prepared for us bv fair haods. To the Ladies
especially and some particularly, would we re
turn our hear'felt thanks and .assure ihem that
th.*v wiii long be remembered by the "Jersey
bhore Rides."
Co. A, 2d K feiment, P. V. R. C.
JjTA meeting of the citiz.-ns of Redfcrd will
be held in ,th* Piesby t. nan L<cture Room, on
this (Friday) evening, to make arrangements
for the cv>e!*ratioa of the Fourth <4 July.
Kentucky and th 9 Federal Army
I LOEISVIU-G, Jtirif 22—Go and aft *R MOM
I!O\ next, FRYIGHJS Nash-i|le KiilronJ
u ill'be i-fnued. urii< s pennilitd |by k!>• Sur
vivor of i MS poil <o pass.
I t)** Journal -g> i v that 3000 guns were stop
ped, JV, at J'''FLIRMJI)VILL., con-igfhed TO
i L.iUwivrijv, until evuieece is pro
•, uci-I! that they aie lor the Uuion men of K M
I Th-' M roing PAPERS contain IETTE-S from
General Buck net and (>ov. Magoffin, givir G
'!I" : aiticuiaiii IF an agreement made .itii Grn-
Tne Kentucky authorites will protect the
UNITED States nrpj,E:TY IN liu- Stale ENLURCY
' the 'h'V-4 of THE TJO-TEH States according to THE
interpret at ion OT THE CJHITED Sta'es FEE?!?, AND >RCE all OHNGTI'/FT* ol '?*' frti'y.fls against
TTI-I Southern SPATES.
Gen.-iat M'CLELLIN agr- E* TO R*.Net the
TerrI'OJR V" O! K-*fifuekv, EVEN ( T-OUFFH South
ern AIM occupy it. In such CASE H wit/
csiil FFIE Kentucky author i'i-S 'o R-"I V THE
SOUTH'*) n FOR C-?.
Should Kentucky tail '■> rh Ibi, he rtairn
the same right of occup-ifion as given to 'he
South ; and also t Ktuckv is nmbl • to remove
•he Sou'hern forces, *i* will call fir the
in REMOVING (hern, G-n-ra! MeOI'TLAN agr. <*s
to withdraw.
II THE Administration N<' YDS a dill*- EN NOL
LE v, K-nUlfk V L< to HAIE firrrelv notice, 3FI<J U"
(ien. Ilockn-r gave Governor H-vi", of
Tennessee, mi'" e, and Hi-' is gave .mces
that the Terri'orv of Kentucky would e res
p-cted U'til ncrilpie'l t, v the Fed-r 1,
art] aU> gave per*-nit" -rv orders to the Tert
! ne-see officers ! o this .:i rt.
OWING to THE CSFIF N ERT in Uofiimboe, G"ti.
PUCKNER orders a del A hm-nt of TH- S'ate
Go I 0 into camp (HUE. FOR the PURPOSE of res
training the cil'Z RIS of Kentucky from re's of
la W|ENES a I ' A IGRES-.'*! >rr.
II in. H. U. Birnetf, pece.-siontst,) is nn
r}iMl'i K ,*n ! V elect'd to fi '• " • f >fjl tf:-* FifSt
Distri t of Kentucky, by a mai .ritv.
From the St. Louss Republics-.
"uJirn A U" .I; D IT TAV II CP PeaCE.
We hot echo the voice of a!! THOSE WHO love
th'ir c untry, and d- ire to SEE TIN- Union re
st.'-erf, WHEJ; WE say that the rran WHU can
suc'ce.'-ifcfly bring ab .it this NHJ. ct, without
hio-DSHEJ, wh-lher in Congress ir out, will ; e
IRRM >rl:-'iZ'D, and have his rz RR.E canoniz- J
. T', r: R with Washington and all the other
-nef; ' -,rs ' T THE human race. Bad as the t-RA
i• R -F ?' PE. ; ■ NORTH and South undoubtedly
otter wrought as they have BEEN by the ap
!•< T!--. • I a SO'ai ic press, seemingly D' lighUng 'O
RWE! in rd .<! and nn-eiy and desolation —-stung
to the quick and exasperated as they have been
■ Y cons'aflt misrepresentations of each other's
; f'ti-O! !■ ■ lings and intention — driven to des
■l,: '! by the destruction of business, and all val-
N ; in T'VI-fy town and city and State in the
R- i >F., LEA MG to want, starvanon and crime
P, C'AD, TA', aim t I.l; si. ut
would ?•' up I I THE RONSUMIOVMN of Peace. —
;!'!'■? •'. hich the deaih-rolf of EVEIJ baltie ca.-
r! . with IT to every HOUSEHOLD; and THAI NIAII
MU-T '"STRONG !y con-tiiut- U who can sit down
at lio JVSLS JI,D C'ATl) pc, ly protest a reluin to
peace, '■4 such Cj p.sition ON |.ilil!cal
GROUNDS alone. GUODOIEU OF uil parties should
unite I piomoting this work OT compromise
and ret cilia! ion aitur ngh it may not suit ttie
views ;.F , jiiticrans AR. I peculators.
Fioni ti.e Calti nora Patriot, (Rt p.)
VV IT'V.-R THE GEOTJEINEN composing the pres
ent L j.siatuie_i>; MARYLAND may TLMD ami be
lirie in r tiioti io TIN' cn-is. we can knowing
s' is- UE thein that U is not now 100 la>t to m-
Juce n m* iniion of fvacc be/wem I tie cn tend
ing Government J tne United >m J Confeder
ate S/a/e.t.
WE suggest to our Senators and representa
tives that they prepare a respectful memorial
I and remonstrance, to be submitted either to the
1 c INLESAAH,: pIN -rs or to Congress, or to each
if them, proposing a national convention or a
commissi N of Northern and Soutiiern statesmen
to settle the dispute upon TERMS consistent with
cioitization and IEA m. That th- pursuit ol
the present war is inhuman and b.ibarous,
A'! admit. Why not, th-n, arrest it, arid
proc td at once to the work of settlement
in a nvmm r becoming our J OS.: n as AN eafiglil
; "NED nation.
THE PEOJDE of n- 11H< r the North nor the
I South 'have BEEN suddenly c UIV.-rt'd into mnn
-ters, tliat fiiey caiin' T liden to the counsels of
Jr- ason nor HERD the appeals of liiimani! v. They
i are contending lor what they consid-r their
-IVH*, and it is well known that they cannot
learn THEM better nor appreciate them mere
through the agency of WAR and ' toodshed.
Ruts Deserting Uie Sinking Skip.
The Allegheny county R'pub/icin Execu
tive Committee, MET in the city of Pittsburg on
Saturday the Ist mst., and among <vbers a iopt
edtthe f Mowing honest and sensible resolution:
Resolved , That the course ot Hon. S. A. Pur
vian'ce, in resigning all farther connection
j with the present State Administration, de-
commendation and respect of ail
honest " usWfciuiorabie m-'J.
Now, how DOES that taily with the report
started by Gov. Curlin's friends to the effect
that Gen. Purviance RESIGNED ''because he was
not cuusolted in the appointments!" No, the
truth is tFat there is much that is radically
and chiinefully wrong in the ntanagrnetit ol
j our itate affairs, and the tax payers will . ne ol
these days speaU out in such tones as will
prove a terror to evil - doers for a long time to
corfV. Ob, that honest Henry D. Foster were
NOW IN the Gubernatorial cbair. It would
save tlie people million* of dollars. Crawford
j rtturns of the killed and wounded
itGieat Bethel have not yet been made, nor
VWRtoiil be — Telegram f ram Fortnse .Mon
roe. *
; LEANED f-om "a gentleman of high character"
that when tne rolls were called, after the bat
•tie, 1,800 were missing. This, ot course, is a
gross exaggeration. Neve: thrle.-S, in consid- r-
A.I-in ot T ie inuchiet occasioned BV flviog ru
mors of this character, it wcnild T>C better that
Gen. Butler should give bis promised OFTICML re
port wtthout ynneoesssry riefav.
Th (Allowing from the New Haven ,
T, with a change of names, will ;
well I# m- longitude of Bedford i to that j
New lliveo.
Treason aod Sedition,
7he C ur. r preluded flat the Bridgeport
Farmer was guilty oil reason for speaking V
Pir-ident Lincoln ar a despot, and for accus.rg
de*j?>tic powers, or in other won',
powers n'/J" legated to him by the Constant!
of ih* United S'at". It saving that of a Pret
•dent, ii treason, why doer not the Courier com
plain of it Jo the L. S District Attorney, *>, 0
i* a Republican, and one of the President's o {r
< iata, and jut ft.- q-!■ rj to the test ,y s crim
inal prosecution? And when the D .irict At
tomey ha? his hand in, h- may as well ],w.
hack to the files of the Courier six mon'hs
dud aee what that patiiolic sheet then sau: i,|
the ['fi sni' ttj. The mildest t. < n.< that the
.wrier thn applied" to P. t'9 r?4 * * | * •pj g,
was tyrant and traitor, besides heaping on l ir
'!)- vilest itijuse thai the tin;,' ,sh aogoase ;
l-.i-n:sh.- I' is i r.f our-faWed ytf—a ")
the attorney get* thropgh with tire C
wtdo to take up the Far -e- f or ;fj„ p 4P> J.
as n it c rile within gun *!. • yet of the crime
a* couq.aied with the aphakic* a
gainst li.e Chief Magwiate o! the Nation rakes
on a traitor. If the Courier will turn back to
its 'ld Journal files, in the days of Jackson, it
wi ! be fjjnJ (bat its abuse of '.he old hero wag
infinitely beyond anything that any Democtaf
io payer has ever said or intimated of President
L"' in and his administration. While the ad
ir ;> ;:'ra'ir n of 'he general government was :a
U'ir.oc atic hands, it was the fairest thing m
the warH to call the President hard and f ul
names, and charge hi-n with executing des' vis
powers not g-sn'-d in the Constitution hut
•he m >ment that 'he r-vilers of fhe Democracy
are instaJh-d in power, and the Republican o's
oegins to g-f gored, then "that alters the case"
entirely. Trio Courier is "spoiling" in its anx
iety to restore '• the reign of terror," a? it was
in the days of the elder Adams, when the " se
dition law" was in full blast, and when wbts
puing pimps and .'ving spies were filling th
• ai of tile government officials with hints of
tieason or -edition those whom thev
wished to p. -scribe, in those days a leading
Democrat was pr 'S-cuted and imprisoned as a
.v, Lr saying, in the h-at of a par'y dispute,
thai he wished the wad of a gun thai had b-tyi
fired oti, had hit Pres.Jent Acams on the fleshi
est jait of Irs body, it is just such limes as
those that the jet blacks ol the Republicans
would ilk- now to inaugurate against Demo
crats ; and yet on- o! their own papers (the New
Turk Times) has more tiun intimated, it has
threaten d, thai President should ck
scpera. de.i or deposed before his time is out
but nobody tiiiakf, not even the Courier, that
tiiat is treas mable.
I icon the Journal o! Corn mere.
Who is Aiding TiuiTCRS Now ? VVhat u
the matter in the Trioune office ? The Admin
istiaiion is in bid odor—the woM of odors
there. Tiie Editors declare that Mr. Harvey
is admitted io be guilty, and yet the Tribur ? is
able to announce on the highest authority that
Mr. Harvey ha 9 not b-en recaiieu ! Perhaps
tfiej will givt. us an explanation of that word
i riimiiied. Do they mean that the Administra
ti ii has .•■.dmitte d Mr. Harvey's guilt? cr bar
Nlr- Harvey atn il|v • 1 • Hr> liiav m.m lha'.
tts, tiie liibone L iiiora, lis employers, have
admitted his guilt, therefore it is admitted ? Be
frank, gentlemen, and wh-n you publish ta the
woi id that an abs tit n an is an " admitted trai
tor," teii us who has a iifutUd the accusation ;
and if you can't tell us, then for decency's sake
suspend your wholesale spec stations on pa-a.vr,-
ai character and reputation.
But this is not (he onlv grievance of the
Tribune. Tne Government has restored a com
mission to some officer who has heretofore re
signed. We are not lamihar with the circum
stances, but the Tribune savs that it's about the
same thing in the Government, as it would have
been to give Arnold a commission alter the ex
ecution of Andre. This is is a mild and genft
remonstrance comprtd with si me of our
cotemporary's remarks on the times, but
hen applied to the Administration,
arid ! he President, especially, it seems much ai
if the Tribune's notions of ireason were getting
to be personal toward men in office. Last
week the Tribune proved conclusively that it
never betrayed Government secret 3, bv showing
that two other newspapers betrayed them also.
Now we shall have nil equally lucid explana
tion ot the Tribune's c urse in intimating that
"he G 'verument gives commissions to num as as Arnold bimgelf; Tnat we mav do no
irju-tice to the Tribune, ••• copy U exact
words :
From the yVeio Y -rk Tribjre. June 2Oik.
We learn from a source not likely to be rrai
in' rmed that Nir. James E. Harvey fas not
bc<in recii.'td from the Portuguese mirsion, al
though there is ample arid unquestionable evi
dence of his complicity with the traitors of
St th Carolina. If any uncharitable persons
.should .suppose that Harvey s me
t' rugh mysferiotis h< !d, not upon the Secreta
ry ot State, but on prominent friends of his,
ctapply interested in contracts, and that the
idi-nl is not aware of the facts, it would be dif
ficult to deny that appearances were in favor of
their hypothesis.
Quite A DlM: hence. —Some time ago the
Secretary of war, General Cameron, aw arded
a beef contract to a number of political jug
glers, headed By his chi>T associate, George M.
Lauman, of R ading, for which the Govern
ment agreed to jay eight dollar r per hundred,
live weight—equal to fou/le n or fi'tetn ten's
per pound for the beef.
The juiblic indignation manifested at th.s
species ofrobbeiy, it is presumed, induced Mr.
Cameron to rescind the contract with Lauman
St Co., and having advertised for furnishing
b> el for the Army,a wealthy Illinois cattledea
ler has agreed to deliver at Harrisburg all the
beef needed at three dollars and ninety cents
per hundred pounds. From this it will be seen
that Lauman & Co., must have been realizing
over one hundred per cent, profit. They,
however, ailege tnat their ci.:.tract is without
limit, and claim damage,-, ike. Shameful a*
(hit swindle was, it is no worse than the op
erations charged upon perspps connected with
our State administration to the matter of fur
niching equipments for the volunteers; and, in
view of the state of the 'tmes, the character of
the men holding the purse strings, Sec. fitc.,
instead ot con plaining, pethapa, the people
ought rather to feel thanktui that things are po
worse, and thai there is some prospect of it liv
ing Uiipprtf. Put thv er-d N notyei.— Cl*orj"l4