The Battle of Great Bethel. Ofiiclal Account. The following account of the at Great Bethel revised and correct*'*! hv Maj r- Gentral Buter for the Associit-.l Piers FORTRESS M NRIE, inn-* 10, |R6I . This has been an exciting and sorrowing day at Old Point C< mf irt. Tir-n-ial Butler hav ing learned that fonMnairs were forming an entrenched camp u i'.h strong batteries rk town Road, he deemed it necessary to dislodge them. Accordingly movements were made last night from Fortress Monroe and Newport-New* About midnight Colonel Duryees's Z maves and fol. Townsend's Albany Regiment truss ed the river at Hampton, by means of six large batteaux, manned by* the Naval fir.gade, 3nd took up the line o! march. The former were seme two miles in advance ol the Isiier. At the same time Col. Benedix, regiment and detachment of the Vermont and Massachusetts regiments at Newpoit-New# moved forward to foim a junction with the regiment from Fort res Monroe at Little Bethel, at about 4-A. M , Col. Benedix's Regiment arrived nxtaod took a position at the inn is tiic nof the road. Not understanding the signal the (i-rman *, in ttie dai kings een ascertained the buildings were burned, and a Major With '.wo prominent sergeaols named Ltvey and V\ fiit sng made prisoners. The troops Itien advanced pon Great R th el, in the following order, viz : ih- Z maves-, Colonel fienedix, Lieut. Col. Washburn, Col. Allen and Col. Carr. At tiiat pint the troops found and successively! endeavored to take a laige masked secession battery. • The effort was futile, three s nail pieces of artillery not being able to cope ui h the heavy can non of thp cuemy, according to some ac counts, numbering thirty. The Confederate Battery was so completely masked thai no men could he seen, only the flashes of the guns. Tnere w*s probably not less than one thou.-and men behind their sand baiteries. A well concentrated movement might have secured thd portion ; but Biigadier General Fierce, who commanded lite expei i tion, appears to have lost hi" presence of mind. andiheTrov Regiment stood an hour exposed to a galling fire. An order to reJreat was at last given, but ai thp moment Li u nt. Grebble, of the Lnifed States Army, arid in comnr.and of the artillery, was struck bv a cannon ball and in-tanlK -kill ed. He had spiked his gun and was* galian'ly endeavoring to withdraw his crniranri. Capt. George W. Wilson, of the Troy Reg iment, after the older to retreat, took posse.- 3- ion of the gun, and with Quartet Ma;ter Mc- Arthur brought it off the field, w i'h the body of Lieut. Grebble. They brought ihcm to the Fortress tl is evening. Ther-'are probabiy twenty-five killed and one hundred wounded. Lieutenant Co to".-1 Bidler deserves the greatest credit lor bring ing off the killed and wooded. Se-vera of the (alter are now iu ttie hospital ai ttie Foil res 8. 1 should have stated that Colonel M< Ches nej'i regiment formed a reserve. Col. Hi kin's rrgin.ents moved firm Newport News during the day. The arrnpd vessel# went opto Newport- News, excepting the Cumberland. All the regirr.t nt are probably at theii forrn-r quarters. Considerable indignation is manifest* da ga.nst Brigadier-General Pierce. General Butler has been übiquitous: doing all m hie power to save trie men and (>r Hit honor of the cause. Battls near Washington City ! Bv a telegram received here, we learn thai a: the Ohio regiment commanded by Col. Mc- Cook, accompanied by Gen. S herick, we'e pin ceeding on the cars from Alexandiia low an Leerburg, Va., when wiihin ash irl distance ol i little village called Vienna, ab< ui t-.-n mile? irom Washington the train was fire.i u| ron by a concealed battery, ki'ling a number of the troops and wounding others, th- r-rr>ain l- j r be ing compelled to retreat, the JVnt. h,ftl/ijren cer's account has it that 200 Federal troops were killed and wounded *, other accounts sny :n!y one tenth of ti at number. Latsst War ftfcws We learn bv telegraph thai the U. S. Troops, after a severe engagement, have taken possession of Bxtneville, Mo, The capital of tnat Figie .salsa in possession of D. S. so'diefs, the Gov ernor having been compelled to flee, fhe loss of the Missouri Mditia, at Btaaevilie, in eyut down at 300 killed and wounded. Just as we were ready to go to preps, a mes senger arrived from Cumberland with the in telligence that a body ot Southern troops, num bering 1500 to 2000, under Ex. Gov. Wise, were marching upon that place. A la'er mes senger confirms the report, and states that when left, Wne'e men were within 15 miies of Wliisberland. Our town was alive with excite eot ail night. Gov. Curtin telegraphs that he send s-veral regiment* to the relief o* C >l. Wallace at Cumberland, whose force amounts to about ROO well drilled tloops. Reinforce ments were to leave here and at Ceutreville as •ocn as they could be got ready. H?"Tbe Indiana' Regiment stationed at 'Nivn- Md., recently routed a number ot Secewianirt, gt Boaney, Va., taking several prisoners. HFALTH AND PORE BLOOD ARE INSEPARA BLE. — Rt-ccoll'-ct 1 ha! all sickness arises Irom •mpwiiv ol 'he hloon, aruj that Juds m's M ->un 'aiu H> j r' Pi 1 Is will so sur- Iv find out and cleanse these iiri|H |io:n the system, that disease cannot exi-t. So simple and innocent ate the heptis and plants that compose tlvem that it is not necessary to have thepn sugar coated in order that the stomach can (tear them. In most cas-s, Pills are sugar coated becaos- the mate rials of which they are made are so griping and malignant, that other vise a delicate stomach could not oar them. These Pills deal with disease as it is, and will not only cure bv removing the cause, hut will build nn and r>More the broken constim. lion. There are many who have so trifled with heir constitutions that they think medicine "annot help th<'m; let not even these despair ; ! incredulity and skepticism is overthrown by a mass of testimony whi h is truly irresistible.— At firs! the virtues ascribed to these MOUN TAIN IIERR PILLS were deemed famlous.— The p ihlic ha I been so often deceived that thev [••■ old not hclieve the simple truths advanced by , h-ir di-coverer. Yet facts undeniable, attested i iv witness- s <-| the highest character and re speftat iliiv, have pn>vert, and are proving each lav, the virtues ol this ♦•mighty healer." They mark by their mitacolous efficacy and pow r a new era in medicine. CW SOLD EV ALL MEDICINE DEALERS^_/JT iX ctu 21 fe vert is c m cuts Y OSTI LOT! j A NUMBER OF PROMISSORY NOTEG and other papers wh.cL are of no use to any one but the tiib.-criber. Any PERSON finding them and returning them to me, villi be liberally teviarded fo- bis trouble. haxion, Peafotdco. JAMES L. PRINCE. June 17, 1861 / fAt TION. WHEREAS my wile SN-an has left rrry ben ai d board without any jn.t c oise, all persons are hereby rxutioned against harbor. NG, or trusting her on my account, AS I pay no d-Lts of h r contracting. REU BEN GATES. Bedford, June 17, 1861. Q TR VY SHEET 17 Pane to the pr-aiises r,f the snbc ib r in South Wninlberry tn., ;ome time since, five heai! of 'lieeep, wi h Ihe wnol on Hint two lambs, o eof THE lamb-has a t-lack -pot on fa back; !wo ol lLem aie ram-, on- with hoi lis and three ewe-, live o D sheep have the Bit EAR CROPPED and I piece IUT of ihe right. The owner •SILL please come to ward, prove property, PIFAY charges and take them away, or they will be disposed of according to L.AW. DANIEL BEUHTEL. Nooel's Mill, June 21, 1861. A NEW DEMOCK.LTIC AIOKKI.NG PAPEK. "T 11 E IN ION." With a view to meet a universally admitted want, the nnd-rsign-d will i-stie on \lonciay. tne Ist ot Jul N tt. a Morning P-nnj I'apei.tobe called "THE UNION." The great int-sion of the Democratic Party, which ha- EVER -too-t a- the bulwark of the UNION M l the Champion of THE CONSTITUTION, rend-r- its entire unity lid hold attitude in tbi- hour ot National p-r- LL a MA'tet of vital concern. The pending struggle is not TESS tor the mdinienaice NI A United Coun try than for th Perp-tuat ion of t)E uocralic Princi ples, a- expounded by JEFFEKSON an I JACKSON. The most mornento sre-ull- HA .G upon Ihe i-*ue. M~e parti questions are lor the lune by com noil con sent adjourned. The past is du.IT, save in its le->- sons ol experience. 'the Uemociatic hosts have not shiunk fiom their full share M the lesponsibiliti s and dangers of the en ergei. cy. Th-y haie rallied with one accord a lound the standard ol R • fonimoi country. But the occasion IINNO-E other duties. The Govern ment will demand anJ receive the willing support of every patriot, in its -(forts to vindicate THE N,. tiona! ho or and e-as-ert 'he National authority ; but Ihe t'res- rvation of Constitutional LIBERTY REGIS mo.e with the p-opl e Pan with Congr-s-es end Cabinets Vigif MRE AMI Unity ar- the. EL'ore spe cially requisite in th- pres nt ju lelure. I' is the puipo -of TH- Proprietors TO make . THE UNION " in ev-I v respect a Fl'Ft-rlas- Journal.— IN- Democracy of the whole Stat- lee' the need ol a tnild -ml VI-IOOUS M-tiop ili'ar. daily ; and r.o el fort will be SPIRED to render I'tlE UNION boib poputar N.t -dici-nt A a newspaper, and as • t-ar ie-E expoi ent of ihe great principles for which the Dernociatic patty have ever contended, and which a:e now so unliappily imp-ilh-d. 'THE Prop ieto s have perfected such ar'ange men's AS wi | piece the nteipti?e, front the begih hitig, upon a snbstahti. I bit-itie-s ban-, with abuh ilaht uieahs to make a Newspaper second IN inter est and ability to ho' oilier in the city • and while the pa PEI will tie |ear|es-li Democr -tie, it will sed ulously avoid a I faction, AS the deadliest bane to par'y efficiency. We look to the Demioratic M IS-IS fir support, and shall labor to MAKE J'HF UNION in every way worthy the-r confidence AND L-b-ral patronage, a, a FLESH, readahl- and liailess Journal. IKR VJS :—P-r Annu o, Three Do lars Orders should tie addres-ed to JO. SEVF.RNS SI Co. No. 130 South Third St., PuilaJelphia, l'a. June 2lst, '6l. 3 \UBLIC SALE J OF REAL ESTATE. By virt-ie of an order of the Oiphans'Co irt of Bed ford county, the -UHI-criber will offer at Public Sale, ON 'HE PREMISES, in the village of Clearville, Mon roe TOW nf.hic, n S-ID Com ry. on Sain day the 3d day of Angn-t NEXT A HOUSETE LOT of ground, late the prop-ify ol Mrs. Ham ah tiorton. dee'd., situate on Mam strc -T in said vi-lage and hounded by said main on the East, an ali-y on the W--T. I aac Grove'O lot on on TH- Noitb and lot of Nicholas Bordei street on the South. THE location of said property >I a DENIABLE one, making it worth the attention of my one wishing acoirilortab'.e home. I'tu improvements are a two stmv log dwelling house and log Stable, ivi'H a wed of gooc water at the door. TERMS One third of the purchase money in band, at the confiimation ot the Sale, and the balance in two equi! payment* there tter, without int< rest, to BE secured by Judgments or Bonds and mortgage. Salt to commence .t one o'c oik. DAVID EVANS. June 21. 1861,-ts Trustee.^ P~ ÜBLICSALE OF VALUABLE RE\L ESTATE. By virtue of an Order ot the Orphans' Cou.t of of R-dtorl County, the undersigned Administrator of th- E-ta'e ot Sophia Diehl, late ot Southampton Township DECEASED will -ell at pubitc ou'riy upon the premt-e*, on SAT URDAY TH- 201H da y of July , "-xt the following DEACI 'bed K-tal E-itar-, to wit; One DWELLING HOUSE and LOP of Ground s toate in the Township aforesaid, ailjotnihg lands of William Adams, Esq., and Huih WI son, in said Township, now- occupied by John K. D ebl. TRY Terms made known on day of Sale. HEZEKIAH O'NFAL, June 21, -*6l'-!s. AUm.Rts'rator. DWELLING HOUSES FOR SALE. The subscriber hereby offers at Private Sale, two Brick Dwelling Hou-es, situ te in the Town of Bloody Hun. Both Houses are new and in jfooii or der , the l.otssso the usual sige. THE subset ib#- occupies one of the hoti-ES and will cheertu ly show both to say one who Mv CALL ON htm. J>'o. M'ELHLNNL'. Juns 21Y-tf. \7 OTICF. OF INQUISITION— _[\j Whereas Eliza Colvin, late of Schell-bnrg Borough, decea-ed. died seized of the following Real Estate, viz: One tract or land on Cne-tnut Ridge in Napier Town-hip, Bedford coinitv, adjoining lands of John S. Slatler, Charles W. Colvin and olhe s, containing trn acres, leav ing is-u>-, a ri the children of issue, nine fu'l heira viz : Jane Schell, deceased, leaving issue Abraham C., Chatlotte A., James H , Margaret, Martin and Edward Srhell, the la-t two o> whom arc minors, who have for theii gua dian Roheit M. Taylor, Esq, James, re-iduig in Indiana, Abraham, Charlotte, Mid Maitin. residing in Ohio, and the others in B'dfo ri county Charlotte inte* married with Mar fin R-yley, Eliza interlo , E-q. R* nben Colvin, Wen. Colvin, Geo. M. Colvin.Cha-,W, (Colvin, Margaret inteimair.ed with John M. Robi-on, nd John E. Colvin, all residing in Bedford county. Notice is. rhereiore. hereby given that in pursu ance of a writ of Partition, or Valuation, to me di iected, j w ill proceed to hold an Inquisition, or Valuation, on tie premises, on Tue-day, th. Oth itey ol July next when and where al! parties in terested can attend it they -ee prop-r. JOHN J, CESSNA, Sh'fl. June 14th, '6l. | |A a VEST ! 61 t UVEST !! Manny fie Wood's Reaper and Mower, with the Wondeiful self .-taking att chment greatly improved :-nd wari nted to work w-| . Also, WOOD S J.I I I'I.E MEADOW QUEEN MOWER, which has hut 191 lbs., dr light, nd war anted to cut lodged clover hiij a'l other g> ss—neaily I! iion and -teel. light, dul ble and cheap. M riny Ik Wood's machines, now* be it the woild, for small farm- .-nil all kinds of work, and is tboit-ands are aire dy sold fo-I his *'* son, II who want rnu-t or ( iter immediate!.i a- h ter qua'ity than tho e kept at Dry goods' stores.- | Prices to tilt the times. HARDWARE BY THE TON. Wishing to continue jn bu'ins and it being my ! infeiest to p|e„s the people by fair dealing and . reasonable prices. | will allow no regular dealer to ' under se I rne. Hiving Jos' enough by those who j have carried ofl my j ropeity tor their own n-e. uri- | der specious prom ims 'o piv, lam determined to | trust none but m-n who are known in co imnnny ] as hoi e t. reliable and prompt, making good th-ir ptomises and .-co rung to use others' good- w trout endeavoring, at least, to render . p equivalent. "CHE.> P TOR CASH AND SHOR " T| \!E " V,M. HARTLEY. May 31st, 'Of- IVUBLIC - SALE Of VaLU \RLE REAL ESTATE Bv virtue of an nHrr of 'he O f'nnrt o' Bedford county. Iher" w'll he sold a' public ven due iidon the premise-, at the iake residence or John Black, der'd . on 1 I* ESP AY, 25th DAV OF JUNE,NEXT, nr." Tract of li sf-ta'e Patented Land, -ituale ill Nepie' town-hip, Hedfoid county, containing IV.' acres and 138 perch-**, neti, w ih a good dwelling house, arge site, and a Teiuml liouie, a good Bank Barn, nea lv new, well finished and painted, and other out -buildings thereon er-cted. about 120 acr-s cleared, and al! it a good state of cultivation, with two apple oiehards thereon; adjoining lands of James Taylor, Andrew Crismao ami others. The above p operty is situate on tlie North-west side of Chestnut Ridge, 4.j mile, from Sehell'hurg, well improved, and a good qnali'j 'ol Limestone Land. Terms of Sale—One-third to remain in the prem ises during theli "timf of the widow, interest to he paid bet annually, one-thiid ui Ihe balance in hand, and the remainder in two equal annual mots. Sale to commence at lOo'c.ocb on said day, when due attendance will be given bv J. E. BLACK, Mav 24th,'6 t. Administrator. MASTER'S SALE OK REAL ESTATE Sitnu -l Vondersmith j In the Cou.t of ("ntn vg. | men Pleas cf Bedford William Lyoe. Countv, November Term. ' J 1660, WHEREAS at the iifore-aid Term ot the said court, Judgment was entered against the defendant in the above edit ed cau-e, to the efT-ct that said defen dant should pay cer ain sums of money in manner ai d form specified in the verdict, said judgment be ing oi the hal nee of the purchase money loi cer tain lea! eslaie , and, whereas, at the April Term of -aid court, A D. 1861, the rh'ler-igned was ap pointed M Step 111 Ch nee •y to Sell fea l estate, nil ess the said def-ndant should pay the portion of the said so il wh eh was i ne and pat able nn or about he 22d day of .May, A D., iSfil, with intere-t, Now. th* re tore, default having been made in said ; paym- nt aforesaid, I, by viitu *of -aid ppointmenr, i will se| on the premises, on Saturday the 2Pth day I of June, next, al the hour of 10 o dork in the fore noon of -aid day, all thp R ght, Tit e aid intere-t of William Lyon, the! defendant, in ai d to the tol own g described property, to wit : To Thir ty three (33) acres, mo e or !e-s, n| farming land, mostly clear'd and ruder cultivation, si'uafed in Bedford Town-hip, near the Rorough of Bedford and : bounded by I nds of Shuck's heir-, Wm. M. Hall, K-q., Samuel Vonder-mith, and by other lands of Win. Lyon. Esq.. and now in possession ot said de i fendiint. aforesaid, to the highest and best bidder, i lot cu-h. JOHN K. McGIRR, Bedford, May 3lst, s 6l. Master, Ace. . A LLEGiiENY MALE AND ® FEMVLESE I NARY, sS\l\stnlS*-, lutllottl Co., 8 5 : i. REV. W. VV. RHIM, A. tVI , Piincijial, Mi-s A L- BRIM, Preceptrc-s, : Miss S.J MR I. VI, Teacher on Piano Forte. This institution, under the supervision of the a ; hove named persons, s-isted by oth-r competeri- Teacheis, affords a full cour-e in M thematic Natural aeifnees. Languages, and Belles Lettre- I HI music, f'ainitng, Ate., it gives extended instrur ; Don. The Spring Term will commence on April 8 1661. Students admitted a' any time. Habits of health, syst-m, and p,empties view-, moral, -o --! rial, and domestic, are here prominent ob ject- of education. That the physical powers, as well as the mental, rnav be cultivated—Calisfhen ic exercises aie necessary here the Students meet each day for systematic physical exercise. 4dQ*) \ W" ' or board, including fu - • f nishert room.-, room rent, fuel and : tuition in common English, pr term of eleven | weeks. Ex'ias, .t moderate charges, even less I than heretofo'e, or than the circular calls for. Students prepared for the highest ci es in col- For CirctiJais, or particular*, address W, W. BRIM, Dec. 21, 1860. F.a'rskurg, Bedford Co., Pa PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of th- Orphans' Court of Bedford County, 'he subscriber wII --|l it Public : Sale, on the y remises, ii. Napier Township, on Tues day the IStii day ot June, next, the following tract of laud, being the Real Estate of Aaron Good dee'd, adjoining laid* ofjes-e Blackburn, Adam Otto, James O Robiiett and other', and containing forty acres and al ovvance, about twenty-five or thirty i acres of said land are cleared and under fence— .bout fen acres of which are meadow*. The other improvements are fwos'ory log dwelling hou e, stable and other out boil iings, with n eood thriving young orchard; a pump is near the door, and th-re is j-lenty of excellent water on the place. The aHe wii commence at 10 o'clock, of the dav above tuent oned. TERMS i—One third in l.atnl at the confirmation of the site ; balance in two equal annual payments ' w iihoul tulctcal, to be fcecured by wetter Judge-* Itnetila. WM. ZIMMERMAN. , May 10 h,'6l. Adm'r. j "MRS. HALE'B BECFJWb fr>rt>.e million, nt I Or. Hairv'k. .J VJt S O .V' s Wountain Herb Pills. Auovg we present rnu with a perfect likenea* o\ Tezuco. 8 chief of a tribe f the *t range .Artec. Nation, that once ruled Mexicft. You will fin l a full account of l>ini and liin people in our Pamphlet* and Almanac*—to be had gratia, from the Agenta for theie FMl*. fhe Inventor and Manufacturer of ''Judaon'A Moun tain Herb lift*." lm* ppent the greater part of hi* life iu traveling, having visited nearly every country iu the world He *pent over nix year among the Indiana of the Kocky Mountains and of Mexico, and it wa thus that the •' MOCVTAIX HRKH PILLa" were discovered. A vnry intereatin account of his M-iventures there, you will find In our Almanac aud Pamphlet. , It i an estabhahed fuct, that all diseases arise frotia IMPUtE Ill.OOl)! The olood is the life! and when any foreign or unhealthy matter gets mixed with it, it Is at once distributed to every organ of the b.dy. Every nerve feeU the poison, an t all the vital organs quickly complain. The stomach will not digest the food perfectly. The liver ceases to accrete a sufficiency of bile The action of the heart is weakened, and so the circulation is feeble. The lunga become clogged with the poisonous matter ; hence, a cough—and ail from a slight Impurity at fountain head of life—the 1 As 17 you had thrown some eaMh, for instance, iu a pure spring, from which ran a tiny livulet ih a few minutes the whole course *t; ncted, an 'l unless the obstruction is removed, the laf&jpof life, goo a die* cut. These pills not only purify tfcn fionl. bt* regenerate all the Mjcretious of the body, they ore, therefore, unrivalled s a CURES FOR VSU'IOUS DISEASES, lAtft Complaint. Si-.k Headache. A*c. This Anti-BMnui Medicine expels from the blood the hidden seed* of dis ea.e, and renders all the fluids and secretions pure and Qu*Lt. clearing and re-usc;tat;ng the viral organs. i'leasant iLdeed, is it to us, *hat we are able to place within your reach & medicine like tho l< MOUNTAIN* HURT) FILLS," that will pa directly to the afflicted parts, through the blood and fluids of the body, and cause the sufferer to brighten with ike flu?k of beauty and health. Jtulson's Pills arc the Best Remedy in exist eiice for the following Complaints: Bmvel Complaints, TM/ility. Inward Weakness, Con ,*}s, Ptrer an d Ague. Liver Complaints, C>l*h. Female Complaint*. Loicnett of apii-its. Chest Disease*, He.ulaches, " Piles, Vostiveneu, frciujMtum, Stone and Gravel, yveprpna, Jnfiv&ua, Secondary Syrup- Dxarrhcea , Jn/lamma 'ton, tome. Dropsy, m ' * * * % GREAT FEMALE MEDICDiE! Females who value health, should never be without the*- ! ,; lls. Tbey pnrifv the blood, remove obntroctiooi ef all kinds, cleanse the skin of all pimples ao l blotches, and bring the rich color of health to the pale cheek. ■63" ihe Plants and Herbs of which these Pills are made, were discovered iu a very surprising way among the Tezucang, a tribe of Aborigines in Mexico * Get the Almanac of our Agent, and you will read with delight, the very interesting account it contains cf the - Great kl ED2dXX' * of the At tecs. Oberrve.— The Utovntnin Herb PHI* art put i .p fn a Beauttful W\raj £a*.U boa r c nU ins 40 jrilit. and Retail at Zb cents per £✓>-. All genuine, have the signature qf li L. JCD SON d CO., on rath box. B. It. JUDSON & Co, SOLi: PKOPIi IK T ORB. No. 50 Leonard Street, A-fif roRK. KT- FOB i- AIX BY ATX iIFTKTKF rFULERS -99 A'" • • C til-.y 1.1C.K, Oil Jiill anr. Street, and Dr. B. F. Harrv Pitt St., Bedhtrd. Pa. J an. 11, 1860—ly. "V" E W G ROC ER Y fnKNER UEges, Lemon*, Figs, Raisins, Pinne-, D te, Cunants. Citron*, Filberts, Walnuts, Cieart' Nuts, Almohds, 4- Pea Nuts. TOBACCO. Congress Plugs, Sweet Plantation, Natural Leaf, Rough ar.ii R.adv. Lynchburg Smoking, 8 iu;.erioj article, Cut and Dry, &e., CIGARS. Oppra*. Sixes. Half Spanish snd -1 variety of other hi amis. The Public are respectfully invited to give him a call. Pieties and May parties supplied at very reasona ble price*. All kinds of country produce taken at the high est market price*. J. B. FAKQUHAR. Bedford, April 29, 1861. PUBLIC SALE O F V ILU ABLE REAL EST AT E. By virtue of an order of the Oipbaus' Couit o: Be.'iord County, the undersigned will ofT r at Pub lic Sale, on the premises, in South Woodbury town bip, on SA ! URDAY, 29th OF JUNF., INST., ih- following described Real Estate, viz : A Tract ot Land adjoining David L. Replogle on the F.ast, Djvul T. Miller on the North and West, and Chris tian Eversole on '.he South, containing Sixty-eight Acres, more or le*s. There is an O chard of choice Iruit and . oorl tunning water upon the property, and aho a Dwelling Hou*e and Black*mith Sh"p thereon erected. Terms made known on Har o r Sa!e DAVID T. MILLER, Adm r of the estate of Susannah Miller, dee'd. June 7,-ts. PUBLIC S ALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court W Bedford Countv, the undersigned will oiler for sale on the p etnises on SATURDAY, lSih JUNE NEXT, the fol'owing described Ra! estate, viz 1 A tr. ct of land cOn.aining 212 acres, adjoining land* of D. Srowberger, Martin M Her and others, design iti f on the diagram attached to the p ocee riinga in Partition, on Dr. W. W. Reed's es'ate as part "C," at.d siiuate in Middle Woodbury Town ship. I'FR.MS :—One third in hand on confirmation of edc end balance in two equal annu l pivments without interett. AARON REF.D, Kx'r of Dr. W. W. Reed, dee'd. May 17th, '6l. 4t. HP HE RAILROAD CANT BE MADE IF P ATM EX T IS NEGLECTED ' All those that aie indebted to the undersigned, are requested to call and pay up. The accounts are numerous and none large, and can be paid at onca, and irjnte nobody. By attending to -his notice, the car can be kept in motion. So d >o't forget to call immediate v. A. L.DFFIUAUUH M 1 rcl. ?9. ADAUoTRAIOR'S NOTICE Leliiis<( Atlinintstialion, La in g Lciei granted to the subscriber on the Es tate 01 Ltwii.-i McDonald, late of Union Townabip, b< d0 cents per hex , for *ale by druggists nd dealers. Will be sent free to any address, on re ceipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc , thau'i bi addressed to R b. Lucke & Co., (af-neral lgeni% 20 CEDAR STREET, N Y. July 20th, '6O. I 3 5.0 O Pays the entire cost for Tuition in the most pop ular and successful Commercial SchhoTin the coun t.y. Upward of TWELV E HUNDRED y ting men from TWENI Y-EIGIIT d.fferent States, have been educated for business here within the past three years, sow nf whom have been employ ed as 800 k Keepers at salaries of S2OOO 00 PER ANNUM, immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing o accounts when they entered the College. sons half price. Students enter at any time, and review when they please, with out extra charge. For Catalogue of 86 pages, Specimens of Prof. Cowley's Business ami Ornamental Pecns'nship, and a large engraving of the College, inclose twen ty-five cents in Postage Stamps to the Princi pals, JENKINS & SMITH Jan. 18, 1860. Pittsburg, Pa. THE N. Y. JOURNAL OF COMMERCE \ Newspaper devoted to National snd State Poli tics, productive Industry, the Arts and Science city affairs, literature and general intelligence, end having intelligent coirespondents in all pails ot onre owb and in loreign countiies. The p'oprietors claim tor it, all that pertains to a journal of the very first rank. To companies taking 10 copies or upwards ONE DOLLAR each, 13 copies fiftsfs eolt.abs, 8 copies TSN " 4 copies six " 3 copies FTvs • Under 3 copies two each, The pap-r w l'l be addressed to different persons at the same Post Office, if desired, except in cases of clubs of 13 or more copies, which will be mailed to one address. The payment for each c!ob at list be made in one sum in advance. Daily Journal of Commerce, $9.00 Junior (daily) do .5.00 Two Copies Junior to one address, 9,00 HALLOCK, HALE & HALLOCK. Edi.ors ar.d Proprietors. 91 Wall street, New Yoik, .May 3, 18dl. I~ET~O R "SA L E.Z A gray mare warranted sound inevery respect, ard gentle ; suitable either for arm or family use. Also, a family carnage and a et of harness. Inquire of JOHN E. McGIRR Bedford, June 14th, '6l. DISSOLUTION OF FZETNERSHTP. The firm of Smith and & Lr ngdnn ia ttna day been dissolved, by mutual consent. The Books are now in the bands uf Ktcfcard Langdon, for collet tion. All persons knowing themselves indebted to a*id firm, will please call and aettls Iheir account*, either hy cash, or note, forthwith as the Boqßs must be c osed. SMITH $ LANGDON (lopewell t April 2Gth. 1361.-Cm. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE.— " LHtcrs of administration on the eatate of Sam'l Whetstone, late ol Colerain Township, deceased, having been granted to the tnUcnbets residing to said tp„ all persons indebt ed to said Estate, are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims can present them for settlement. DAVID WHETSTONE AARON WHETSONE, Mey 10th. 'Bl. Administrators PIAffO FO RTT, S. PIANO FORTES PIANO FORTES PIANO FORTES PIANO FORTES PIANO FORTES PIANO FORTES. PIANO FORTES. LIGHTE X BRADBCkYS' PATENT INSULATED FULL IRON FRAME NEW SCALE, GRAND. AND SQU \RE PIANO FORTES, THE INSULATED FRAME preserve* tbe ori ginal tone of ibe instrument in aii its pu'ify, secu ring it for all time against that mot disagreeable nequality of lone inr iriably found 111 ati other Iron brame Piano Fortes. It greatly strengthen* the ease, ar.d thus k-ep the Piano Forte much longer in tune. It give* the instrument a much feller, richer, and sweeter tone. It adapt? the Piano to ai! climates, and to *ll change? of atmosphere, and in ail rer-pects it is pronouncec by our best "artistes" he greatest improvement of tbe age in f'tauo Forte construction [ producing an instrument acknowl edged to be superior to all others made in this eour. try or Europe. few testimonials from some of the most em inent Pianists and Musician in the U">rld, in rrqard to the Superior ity of our ATtio Sotfe Patent Insulated Piano Fo'trS. "I hive ex irr.:ned the Piano Foitesos" Light? A Bradbury's with entre satief ction. 1 kiit-v not that Ther- are any others better, either in our ?vr country or elsewhere. "DR. LOWELL MASON." "In clearness, richness, ami volume of tone, deli racy. elasticity of touch , and fine repeating action, I have never played upon their equal. "H A. WOLLF.RHAUPT.." "In volume, tichness, evenness and puritv of tore, ind in de-icacy r.l touch, they cert iin'Jr exce', and in that beautiful singing quality so desirable, yet s-o scl-iom found. WILLIAM MASON. \ '•I have never played upon so ricb and heavy 3. tone Square Piano Forte. "ARTHUR NAPOLEON." -f am astonishcd and delighted with the New Scaie Iron Frame Piano Fortes rn ide by you. There rnu-t be a splendid future for Lighte flr Bjadbury's Piano Fortes. "GEO. F. ROOT." "1 bave never played upon so fine an instrument. "GEO. F. SRISTOW." "i consider them as to beauty. ricbnes, fullness, and equality of tone, -is well as their agreeable, c- touch, equal, if '.o' superior, to any made in this country or hiurope KARL A ELS.'" "They have all tbe requirements for a superior interpretation of both classical Bi;J modern compo sitions. "MAURICE STRARCSB." "Jt affords ine pleasure to add my testimony to the many artistes who speak in the highest terms of tbe supe.ior excellence o) your New Scale Patent Insulated Iron Frame Piano Fortes, and 1 must say that yonr New Scale very far surpasses aii vour lormer elio.ts, producing an instrument far superi or in ail the excel lencies that constitute a perfect Piano Foite, to any with which 1 nm acquainted. "I'HEO- EISFKLD." ••Having examined your New Scale Iron Frame Pianos, we must express our delight and pleasure at tbeir supenor excellence. For therr peculiar rich volume of tone, tine elastic touch, and in al I the requisites necessary fo: perfection in tbe instru ment, we must say, in ail our experience, w lnve ndir. .; *o re with tnem, and we can most cordiai y recommend tbem to our frieodt and the public "CHAS. FRADEL." "CARL BERGMAN." "J tke mach pleasure in giving my testimoav in favor of the beautiful Prrnos wuieh I have re cently seen made by your bvm. in power, quanti ty, and equality of tone, they certainly excel ; while for that peculiarly rich, Singing tone, that is so invaluable as an accompaniment to the voice, sustaining and blending with it, I luve rarely met with theirequal. "C. BASSINI." "It is with pleasure 1 my testimony to tbe excellence of your Pianos in general, and especial al to the .dmirabJe new invention of Mr- Lighte, ny improvement which I regard as the most impor tantyet made in the manufacture of first-class ir strdments. "LOUIS ERNST." "I take piei.tnc in slating my favorable opin ion ot your New Scale Don Fiamc Piano Fortes. Among many supei ior Piano Fortes manufactured in New Fork, they certainly must rank second to none of them for strength, purity, and richness of tone, together with extraordinary vibratory quali ties. 1 b-ive also had frequent opportunities, in the schools, during the past four years, to notice the durability of your instruments, and this under se vere and unremitted trial?. "GEO. H.CCRTIS." "The high reputation which they have obtained for their fine brilliant tcne pleasant touch and pow er, have given them the preference over those of all other manufactures, in tbe Public Schools of New Fork, in which over one hundred are now in daily use , some twelve or fifteen of which are in departments w here I have had the pleasure of teach ing, and where I have used them for the last five years. "MARCUS COLBURN." " Bcir.g pleased with your steady piogress in im proving the quality of your Pianos, I cannot refrain from say ng to you, after seme fourteen yean knowledge of tbem, that the New Scale with Iron Frvme, which 1 have seen, I think the best Piano f evci saw. 1 say ibis after having purchased over two hundred of your Piano Fortes. "F. H. NASH." Our Square Pianos range in price fro rt $250 to SOOO. Our Grand Pisnci " " " " " S9OO upwards All our Pianos are WnamsTEß, urMunt limit as to time. Send for a circular, which contains complete price list and descriptions, and hundreds of relerenees to persons in every section of the country, who have pnrchased our Pianos. Address LIUHTE & RRADBURYS. No. 421 BROOME STREET, NEW YORK May 10fh '6l. ly. FJBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Court of Bedford county,, the undersigned will offer at Pub lic Sale, on the premises, in Monroe Township, on SATURDAY 15th JUNE, NEXT, all the following descnhed real estate, vix : 350 acres of lend, adjoining Henry Whetstone, Bern id Miens' heirs, Bernard Steckm n end oouth Fide of Tustey's Mcnul in, and having thenon erected a Log Hou-e ai d Shop, about 40 acres thereof clear ed and under fence. ALSO, 40 arret, being part of another tract (tne mansion tract) ard ai ioinitig the above—ubout 20 acrea tbereot cleared, adjoining Urnry Wbetatone, Ber nard Means' heirs and others. TERMS made known on day of sale. O. E. SHANNON. Adcs'r of Dan 1 Means oocM May ITtb, •$. at. MACCARWI. CHEESE, CRACKERS. CRTS ♦allied Fruit xrdG'jiri Csrdirs for sale bv ' >'2o A- L. DEFIBAUGH