Schoolmaster OUR MISSION. ~ Vfv authorship's ari endless task ; My head is never out of school. I have too n.aiiy toes to fight.— Hood. We have pa-seii one week of editorial life end w !'ke t'. Put we feel as though an a polouV were dtfe the public, lor ihe manner in which w*.,last week, enteie.l Ihe editorial sane- : turn, and clothed ( urselves w itn the ermine of (i ete st perron, plural number, tile • x 'i that exerts such a -potent influence wher r\er the liberty r>f ttie press < xt-nda. Wei sCO .> We sf-uul'S, have cotne cut vs nil a lung sal-j : j ho, -e ,i \\ pi Hi i l.v , and c out h■ d i.i t.t-' beautiful words we Could com n,and ; adorned with fluwe.y language that j v n u!.l make a lover sigh ; a 1 this we rhmild, 3 t.d would have done, hut our eilitoiia! nf tlu* Inquirer had wander* d s" ''is la'i'ude that we, out of pure kindness, felt con- : strained t.iset him right and "seud him on fit-: v av 11j'vtcing."' And here we would take nc casi a to sav that we were not prompted bv a * spirit of rnahce to |len itiat admonitory a tide, for it was "moie in sorrow than in anger' that we wtole. YVv love our language. We like to see it live, and we will do our u'mo't to p* r- Detuate it. We hate to see it maltreated and "used up j" and above ail we have too much j fraternal feeling in us to tolerate, for one mo ment, the idea of seeing one of the "rrafi ar- ; raigned before a court of justice, f i >Muurd i ing the t ingV English." 1 tils woui ihu oui I■■l- : ings. We are not so selfish, however, that We can not Eppiaud any effort that is ma !e T >r tlm advancement of universal education ; but w hen wrong impressions are sent through the county, bv one who assumes dictatorship in educational matters we fee! as though we had a "special calling' to correct them. The woild is a great school, hev.-spap.-is are the p. ripb-'s t- St h <>k from which they a-e learning daily, arid the ideas conveyed therein -t ;u!d b cer it ones. Especially should this be the tes- in eilm ition al topics.—No Don't the a: tic!*- referred t > in our ts! (first V was all •' eaut to Iv tf.-sig >. - by the "Edit r but we would sav, privately, 'hat it was "horribly executed." We w dd tint again refer to this matter, but said "Editor' t>" t the arrogance to announce, fl at, "There v:-re several (manvj errors in the alli ie last week headed, 'lmprove the Time,' (or which we were not responsible." Ah ! indeed, "f Vere no!,"' "ten. Surely, then, you arv notr. Who wis responsible lor your peruhai orthography an bad grammar ? Webster was not lor the for mer, for you differ materially from him ; and 'he taller you will have to impute to B.oan, Smith, Clark, Piuqep, and o'.tn r g'amrnaii.ans, for the* do hot agree with vo.i. Now, it has not been our province to see anything s > en.*! snd refreshing for some time. Alter the "E !- t' .r" ha> served lis with a dish of in :ig I- English, he steps boldly on 'tie stage ro •: th c-reitron*.- presents to an outraged cue .10:- liiv, this'Hr.igniScei apol-gv.— "Ivt- v r : gunt public, we k. • *r s eo e 1 t>• i , so—that we mid a o is-uaS*- h -h < ! our 'E hicau maf culuir ■ / 'last iv. ek, Uu*. we w. i • not re-- - h>. L-x*!/graplers end fhifofo l*!s9 diffe* '■ us ; and. etjrt), H,.y are •; gib!•*-'' 0, it ahc '.ro'to r, t? ou i-j-on vye.'i ! Don't you kr; "is! - .-in 0 - '■ >k*nd . ieUh, nh a spirit more msfici us then charuabl**, u.i. - t impute thos" errors t*i the political editor of your ( -f—r, v. hicii w.,oJd >.e awful, ind----: I Rut we f ad rot intended tosav this much on this su'-j.'ct, now ; rur t p-ct was to tell yon our n :.-s on ; f-u* ur pen will not I,a. e un t 'ith'f! v.rfi vulnerable points. Our mission, n, is tit's; we have b-*n j laced a the watch-tower of E f'icai-ion, with orders not to allow any one to enter i'S golden p-irtsfs, with out a good knowledge of liie Eogtjsh language. The api iiraut n:t>- be robed in the ha'oii-i.enis fa pedagogue ; he rhu-t be a: * *-tI with a spel ling bor.k, a picket dm. noy and a gra-i-mar. ( \. R* N • others n-ed ;pj i.\.} He can .e- t-d • ly • q 11pj ♦d 31 ai.y bo >k store ; hi rv wn iiog po-tage stamps to the pufnis' PIS, he wi Imu-s them renrUfecf free. Wo u-r • ; t l •r*t>e, r< c omm-nd the above work- to all tear -ier who would sure.Situilv "grasp foi" the Eur ! . w retth of fam.e. I-i fij: i, we will e-'u * no others. Too many have already been a'.'o... • errl-g* r <'n tie ir duty, h > hiui.ble soever ihe > tl rt. Son w ili sav, "tcv/gg/e 07t /'' bur wtu n w- s at ; have placed before us a dish which i' w rtild re quire the cufi-rary skill of Ah xander Dumas to' make palatable, Simon wit] sav, " down SIMON SYNTAX. EDITOR OF THE BEDFORD OAZETTE : The fol lowing communication with some editorial com ments appeared in your i-ue of the 7th irist. "Have all the subsetiplions made for the benefit o| the volunteers been paid lip, and if o how has the moriev been disbursed. As a subscriber to that fund, and one wh > has pai i his quota, I would like to see a -'a'> rn-n! .1 lt;- expenditure of said fund, ai d likewise • ut rhe subscription of made by the Count;." The above inquiries are proper and should be . answered. In reply I w ill state that 1 suh : ci di ed S2O for the benefit of the Volunteers, ami paid it. How the money subscribed w-as rit-- posed of, I cannot tell. Let the Treasurer of hat fend make a statement. it was appointed by the Commissioners o! .V j dford County, TrtTisiirr of the fund appropriate i by them j.-r the hen* fit of the V !- m'.eers r.f the County. Bvlow find sta'emeirt. i S. H. TATE, Dr. To Commissioners of Bedford Co. , Sfil, April 30, To amount received for ben. fit of Vol., $250.00 CR. Bfil, May 2, By Ca S IxiTcitEY, ESQ., ol Bediord Township, for the , 13i eOt A-oc.ate lids'*, subject lo tile decis ion ol the Uemociatic County Convent ton. MAS Y DEMOCRATS ! ■ ■ MR• Editor PVa 7i l) utiti£ c m c nt s. \ OTK'F. OF IN'Q UlSn !ON._ W'hfkeas Eliza Colvin, lat of Srhelf-biirg Borough, decea-ed. died -figed of I the i.dlouji i ileal Estate, viz : One tract oi land CrvesTrof Ridge in Napier Town-hip, Bedford com ty, adjoining lands ot John S. atarler, Chailc . Coivtn and otbe s. containing ten acre, leav •t e - . t '■' r(..; ''.-it of hi'ie, r.:n fu I h :rs . i Z : v . V- ! * t-ee-seC i-avi;./ Issue Af .ens C.. (. atto r j A., Ja; e- H , Marg *e, Martin : Ed vitjJ Si hell, tbe la-1 tao o r wb > n are minor s, I Who haV ti.rlliei ena . an Robe t M. i vim. Esq. J as. re i.ting in Ju'iaua. Ab'-iba ■ , Chuilolte, ' nd Meftm. r si trg in ( o an I tf- otf is in B'i'fo rou ty ; Charlotte it.fe mati.e.l with Mat t''i U yie v, I zi mi r rmr ! *.v *Robert M. 1-i\ . E-().. R n en Coivtn, Win. Colvtti, Geo. M. < -iv.n.C: . . Coivtn, .Margaret nteitra red it J. M. Rnsnttn, n*J John E. Coivtn, all resuiit g in r ! c.Kirity, N*rif, i,. , t-e.,, by crv.n Ifint irr ptr-rsu - a nee ot a wo ' of Partition, or Valuation, to medi •ectert, I wilt proceed to hold an Inquisition, of Vr -.tion. on l.e pmmi<4, on The-dav, tin 9:h; day ct July nest whn arid where ali parties in tere ' *erlv an ibet.ticated for settlement. JACOB BARK VAN. Ex'or., ;es.Ji. g in Monioe Tp. June 14th. 'GI. 17 0 R s A LE M A £?rav mare warranter) snunr] in every re.p.rt, ard gentfe ; suitable either for farm or farr ly iisei A l-o, a family cs riagu at.d a ; c et of larris-. Irqtiireof JOHN E. M< Glflß. Bedford, June ifth, '6l. J7 1K YLS r ! I 3 lUVI KT !! * ! Vtartny St Wood's Reaper pd \fiivver. with the wonderful se'f .-faking alt chmpnt grratly tmprovrt RBti warr pted to work We|t. Also, WOOD'S I.ITTLE MEADOW QUEEN MOWER, which ha but 19 1 Its., rir tight. • nc ! Wood's machines, now lie t the wot! !, for small farm ml alljcinds of work, and is tltou-ands are aire dy sold fo>- this s-eson, || who want mil-Tor der immrdintrl >, a - hirve-t i-slmo'-f h"re. Also, j 2 DOZ. ' GREEN CASTLE GRAIN < RAD'.ES," i which t- the lth|e-t rttntp.g cradle known. The l irgi-r i nil b-st a-sortrneut ot Grain inn Gras- and -Sited-" ever (trough, to Bed ford Co.. Harvest Implements of all k t: Is, and bet ter qua 1 1v than tho e kept ..t Dry goo Is' store,.- Price- To -uit the times. HAH DVV ARR RY TFIF. TON. Wishing *n cot.rtnti" in hn-ine-s and it b-ir.g my inte-est to pie. S° the peopie hy fuir denting an I reasonable prices. I will allow to regular ib-aler to tn-d-r s" I rue. Hiving lost enough bv those who have camel off my propitv tor their itwo u e. un der sp rims p.-orr..s sto pry, lam de'etm cer' r, tru-t none but nr n who are known in co nmunity as love t, tellable and p ortipr. making good fheir ptomises and -co nteg tp use o'hers' good- w thout eidhavp'irg, it least, to render n equivalent. "CHEAP FOR CASH A N'D SHP-R" r ! VIE." W.VI. HARTLEY. May 3tst, 'Gt. PUBLIC"S"\LFTOF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Bv virtno of an or Irr of *he C> phans' Court of Bedford rouiity, there will be sold at public ven due on the premises, at the late re-idence or Jobn Black, dee'd., on TUESDAY, 25th DAY OF JUNE, NEXT, are Tract of fi r sr-rate Patented Land, ntuate io Napier town-hip, Bedford county, containing IS2 acres and 13S perches, nett, w th a good dwelling house, arge siz>*, and a Tenant hou-e, a good Bank Barn,nea !y new, we!! finished and pointed, Rod other oul-buihhng.* thereon erected, about 120 acres cleared, and all it. a good state of cuitivation, with two apple orchard® theieon; adjoining lands of James f. ylur, Andrew Crisman and oth.-ri. The above p rp-rty is situate on the North-west side of Chestnut Ridge, 4,j mile- from Scitellsburg, well impioved, and a good qualii) of Limestone Land. Terms of Sale—One-third to remain n tbe prem ises during tbelitetima of the widow, interest to be paid her annually, one-tbiid Qf the balance in band, and tbe remainder in two equal annual pay ments. Sale to commence at iOo'c.ock on said day, when due attendance will be given by J. E. BLACK, May 21th, 'Bl. Administrator. l t>fg* ** •# •a-i*!* ''/.V-o 1 •llffJu <$ &-.* ?. ±4* A . y N APERIENT AND STOMACHIC PREP ARA j . I tion o: IKON purihel oi Oxygen uiiil Ca bone by lit Hydrogen. Sanctioned bv th' i gheat medical authorities, nnth :rt Europe and th i i. led Stale*, Hut led in liifir p.autiee. l ihe experience of thousand* daily prove* that pi, preparation ol Iron can be compared with it. impale rttiesol th- blood, depression of Vital euer-y, m*. j and otherwise sickly complexions indicate it- nnx j cesstiy in almost evrrycnriceiv*b|e" _ase. in it has lou- mall mala.lies in which it ha* been tried, ami : piove*.i ah-olutelv curative in each ol the coiri|i!niis, viz : I in lit tt/iiy, Xeryone Ajf' rtionx, Emanation, I>yi- I pep*to 9 C t " UiaJ> hre 1 , JJi/Zrnteri, 1-trtpfen: \ C'li-M/mptitin, Sterol*!oris i'nher. n/ous. Sufi Hiteust, \ A i.'m ritxtriturinit, Whites. C h/orSsi- River OmplarHt I It hrouie f-ajarhex, Rheumatism, lute.i n-.tlleul t-'eve ! Pimples on the fare, iV-\. In ca-ex 01 General JJvbHny, whether th- re tjii \ of acute disease 01 ol llir lOntl. lied din 11 on : i . ne.vous and omscnlar n.iai irmn im unc co > | ; plaints, one tnal of this r~s nai v p-oved >i 1 ; ces-tnl to an ex • i.' v I . I , p.,,.,. . „ ; f, n art-e-aiinn l-r I.h| . | v n 101145 bed itti.ien as have J>-co ne et-or'in in then own lielgttn 1 1. tales, I ~,.iy r--appeared in ; i the busy world a- if jn-i r tiin.- .l fan p otrac- I i t p d tra.el in a distan' land. Some very sit; ! ' nal 111 lances ol line Hind are atte-ted of fenite ( ufT-rers. emaciate.| victim- of apparent marax,jiui. aii-tmieoui exiiinrion, critical changes ari l ttti' j t npi I cat 101 10l ii eiv on and dy-peptic ive.sioii s.- j ;ir and exercise for which The physician has lit a me. In Xervou* Affrrhou v of all kind-, and for reaot familiar to men,cat men The operation of'hi- ration of lion mn-t i.eces-aiily b- salutary, fo , un like th- oi I oxides, it i- v rorna 1c Tonic, .vythou- • i bei'iitf exciting and over-hearing • and gently re-ot I lolly ap- i miij es.-ii in the most obs'K te ca-.-s ol CO-t.Ver)es. WTthoiit eve I. dug a gastric puigaTlVCj ;o: inflict ii.g a 11. -a j i-e a 111 e x—ns it ion, S It Is lull latter pi op rly. a:i.o - others, > make, it x i remarkably eliecttial a-i i perinanent u ; I remedy fur A/it, upon which it a!-o appeals to ex | ei 1 a distinct and specific action, by dispeiSitlg the T local tendency which for n- th-m. i lii l)v*)p*ia, iiiininierable as are its can*s, a is.i die liox of these Chalybeate Pilis has often snfli- ! ce.t foi the itio-t habitual cases. In unrbecked Diarrltra, even when advanced t I D. stymie y, confirmed, emaciati: g and apparently ■ 'oali-tKii.t, the effects have been equall decisive and I j bs'otii-hins. In the loch' pains, loss of flesh and strength, de 1 i hiu'ti. .ns coii-h, and remittent hectic, which scle ra; 1 y mdieate Jnetpient CunnampHOH, tins re-ne.iy ; j ins allayed th- ata m of friend- and physicians, in ! sever.,l v-ry eratifyine an.l iaiteiesTine i ! stances. I•' S-r fn/one V'thr rrn Ir V/f, this medicated i: on i | has had ijr more tf.e coo:i o: the mo-t can- 1 : "iisly balanced pteparalions ol iodine, without any j • of then well-known Slab.'.ties. The attention of female* cannot he too confident- ! iv invited to this re mody and restorative, in The ca .i" peril' larl v affecting fheo. " lit Rhrnmrtiitm, bo hchroi c and inflammatory. j i- the latter, howere . it-ore x Gt itt t.ti \scnis, • S.O CEDAR STREET, N. Y. i Ju'y 00th, 'CO. ' A)'/^/f)// • Ce PaV" *he T* fa Tuition in th Arrest p n p* nla- a' ? Rticcrssfu! n n''r'*!al ScHnol in th ronn- : t y. Upw -r 1 oi 'T'VKf.- K II 'JX PhiE it v .g it en Iron /f) ivA' i } -ExGll i ctued rn th- V< rdic' said j.idgmcr.t be- ' ilig 01 tl.e lial tc- of the rni-'t.a-e money lor r-r- - tain ica! en-are, ai) d, y\b-i-„s, a r tlie Apr.i Term of-aid court, A. I). IS 1, the ender-ign-<1 wasap puinted . M step in ( h nc- v to sell r-'a l e-fafe, nn ess the said dej'-n lint ifontd piy th- portion of the said Pu ri whie*h wa# iUP and j exabl- on or abnut he 22 1 day of May, A I).. 18b], w tf. intere-t, Now, 'here tore, default having been made in -aid" pa) nri< nt aioiesaid. I, by virtue of -aid ptiointm-nt, will s-l on th- premises, on Saturday the 20th day of lune, next, at the hour of 10 o clock in the fore noon of -aid day, all the R ght, "l it e at d luteie-t of \\ lili.iui Lyon, the a for- -a ttl defendant, in and to ihe folowng described property, to wit : To'l'hir ty three (13) acres, mo e or |e s,x>t farming land, mostly cl.-ar-'d and tu der cultivation, st'nated in Pediotd Town hip, rear the Rorough of Bedford, and bounded by 1 nds of Shuck'* tuir-, Win. M. Hall, E- Mountain Herb Pills. APOVK tv prcspfit you with a p#rfret !i, ,• cbiff of a tribe ■ f tb< str an,y. Artec Nation, on'-.. ruled MexTrt. You wiH find a I'uil account ot liu * 1 J > people iu our FnnifhtetM and Aiuiauacs-^to I be bad ffrati.\ from th© Agent# lor these I'ilU. Ile Inventor KncJ Manufacturer of • Judfrtr.'s Moun tain Herb Fills,'' has sjont th< greater parr ;.f bis life in traveling. having visited nearly every counrry in the world ll* spent over rir year* among the India-n# <*f th Rocky Motto taina aml of Mexico, and itwav thus that •he •' \IO:.VTAJ.V IIBKIJ Pll.!*** were A .©rv J fatvrefltin account of Ilia adventures there, you will find , in our Aluiauac And Pamphlet ! It ia an eiUolishwl fact, that all di*eav©9 arise from I3IPL Illd KfiOOD I T) o oloo! istlie life! ard when any foreign or unhealthy matter fret* mixed with it, it !-> at one dUirlbut*-.l to ev-ry >i ui of tfie b-H\ F. k ry nerve f*r)< the prison, r.n ,\\ the vital nrgan- (juiciuv complain. The ptotnaeh wiil not .':g.-t the?."-; perfectiv. The liver ceujsv-H to accrete a auffief , f }.■)■■ Tie ••.••:. ,1 of the 1 -nrt la weaker.e \ nrrl v> the circul-.rion ivfoMe. The luig* fcfC'.nie closet With the poisonous matter; hence, a cough—:n..l all from a /Might imparity at the fountain, head of lite—the ill • •! ! As \\ you Iul thrown some ©arili, for instance, in a pure spring, from which ran a tioy rivulet. ia a ff-w ininuu-s the whole course f lac *tieim f c.-turbe-l ni l difeolon-■ . Af rjnickly .k)" impure blood fly to every part, and leave its sung tK* nl. Ail the pasbee an© obstructed an I tmiesti the obstruction i removed. tl lamp of life soon dies out. The*© j 'lis not 1 nh purify ?U- Moo i. but regenerate all th- secretioiMol the body; they are. theref ire, unrivalled as a tunc FOR muois DISK asks fiver ('.>rr>p T int. sick Headache. &c ThU Anti lhli^us Medic.::* expel* from the \l. : the hidden ee-h< of dis* :, • 1 ren r~ all the fluids an i >ec: on* pure aad fluent, c -at nc ami the vital organs. I'loo-tnt tLder-d, is us. that we are able to place wIU. M V r reach a medicine like the '• AW H.MUI Pit.! ' that will pas's directly to the aUlictcd parts, throng 1 , the bloixl an 1 fluids of the body, and cause the N'.iifurer to brighten wiUi tho Sueh of beauty and heal;h. 4 J Jvdsoji's Pills arc the best Remedy in exist ence for the following Complaints : /: ncd Co -ir hiin'.t, T'-' Uity, Inward Weakness, | 1 i S Pmr and Ague, Liccr Complaints t , ' howl's, C mpl.iint !.<>ntwsi of Spirits. I'" * i rHseasctj, Piles, tV-viiviieti. InJvjestii/n, Stone and Gravely v/"'i •"! a, Influcruc. Secondary &ymp~ Jncurhita, Inflammation, tains. Oropiy, * " ♦ • v • e GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE! renin! -s who value health, should never be without tiie-e* pil - Ihev pur fy th. blood. rem#ve obstructions . al! it - d. .Meen-e the elan of all pitnplos and blotches, at. b- g the rittlv cs/lor of*health to the pale cheek. Tl riaite and Her be of which these Pills are uiade were Ed in h very surprising way arc on g '• 1" Tor in i- :\ :..N- nf Aborigine.*- in Mexico. fet the Almanac of our Agent, acd yon will read with delight, : e interesting account it coataiua of the " Übxat Mrr-i r -,: ' of the Attecs. f f?;-' }. Kin in //, ' Pil?# are put up in a t\ '•iti'i • tV'rc.i-.per Farh* r -ntciins 40 piUs. ana Retail a <.r* y t - I- 2 All fi'r.utile, hart the f ion&tvre of j I V. I J I'D SO*V d) CO *? each Lex 3. X,. JUL.SON & Co. ROUT PROPRIETORS, So. CO Leonard Street, .v E If rORK. •ST **r. 5V AM- xrj-.'CINF. PEA LESS. S* I Mi' tn ti L itEAMEii mi J.iii anr. S. r .*i, and Dr B. f*. Harry Pill St., Bedford. Pa. Jan. 1!, 1860.-1 r. "VTEW GKOCERT -n 7 | if f RKF-R VVEr-T mr AND JtLTANA STREETS. J | I [IE fubrcrihfr is pponing at this well known ; xfar. I, a \v!l s/lrotrd stock oi Groceries, Con-. li'clioi'ories. Tobacco and Cigars, consisting in ■ part ol toit'e, Iroivn, crushed, and pulveiizi-d ; Sugars, r. fined and gniden Syrup, hairing Mo'.a-sss, V..,ng Hi .on, 111 periai ?nj Black Tea, Choeo ate, f ori) Starch, fiavori; j extracts, Cneese, Coin ■ so. s, pamtrj Buckets, Dusttng, Will, Scrub, Horse, SLOU, .:Ii nd Hair, Brushes. Infection a HIES, i Such as p'am an I fancy est dies, fruited candies snd )! cured ,li I?i —s. wter, butter and sweet Crack ; ere, joieien fruits. O Lcronx, Figs, R. isins, ; 1'M:..., I> te, Cur ant Filberts, Walnuts, j ' Ciearr Nuts, Al-aior.d, \ Pro Nuts. TO 13A fif O. Congress Plugs, Sweet Planfaf ion,' Natural Leaf,' Br,l gji a,„| R-ads'. Lynchburg Sniolricg, a sui erioi ; article, Cot and Dry", &e., CIGARS. Operas, tvxf, H i!f Spanish and i variety of other bis 's. The Public ere respectfully invited to. gi* e him call. p mi jes ani May parties supplied at very reasons- ; ble price.. Ail kinds of cotir 'rv produce taken -t the high est market prices. ' * J. e. FAKQUHAR. Bedford, A prri 29, 1861. PUBLIC SALE \ OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Ry virtue of an order of the Oiphan?' Coult o' Be tord Cdnnty, tn nndergigi ed will off-r at Pub . r S ilc. on the premises, in South Woodbury tow n h.p on rA I'RDAY, 29th OF JUNE, INST , •h- fr I , w ing described Real Estate, viz : A Tract 0 l.f.r.d enjoining David L. Replogle on the Fast, D v 1 I .MJieronthe North and West, and Chris-' tiin Kveisole on *l.e Botilh, containing Sixty-eight | A>-, n oie or There s6 i O.chard of choice Ir'Kt and -nod in..ning water upon the prop-rfy. and a aoa D lellmg liou-e and Blueksii.iili Sijop thereon erected. Terms made knotvn on datr of sal.t I DAVID T. MILLER, Adm r of the estate of SuraunaM .Miller, decM. June 7,-is. "TJUBLIE S A T E OF 1 - VALTIABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Beuf. r-t Count' , th- undersigned will otier for salt) On the p enr>is"s ott .^SSS SIIORDAY, 15ih JUNE NKX^H the fo! owing described Real extate, viz : A tr. ft of and con.aining 212 acrs, lam xof D. Snowherger, Martin JU.Her and oiherSr designated on the diagram attached to the p ocee '' n Partition, on Dr. W. W. Reed's estate as part "C," and situdte in Middle Woodbury Town ship. 1 F.RMS One third in hand on confirmation of sale and balance in two equal annu .1 p yments without interest. AARON REED, Ex'r of Dr. W. W. Reed, dee'd. May 17tb, '6!. 4t. TGLHE RAILROAD CAN'FBE MAEE IF PAYMENT IS XEGLFC7ED All those th if ate indebted to th- undersigned, are requested to call and pay up. The accounts are numerous and none large, an t can be paid at once, and inj'iie nobody. By attending to -bis no'ice, the car can be kept in motion. Bo d >n't forget to call immediately. A. L.DFFIBAtrtIH- March 27. ADJUST BATOR'S NOTICE^ Letteis CF Administration, bavin g beTL granted to tfce SUB-criber on the Es- TIILEOF DANIEL McDonald, late of Omen Township, Frrifo d t ounty DEE'D. tbey hereby notify all per-ons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment and EL B ving CLAIMS will pieient them p.operly au' BT nt tea ted for a-tfleinent. HfNRY MCDONALD ,. , MIC HAEL WF-RTZ. • May 17th, '6l* A T T 5; \ T ION! THE BEST MILITARY BOOK EVER PUBLISHED X 0 VV REAI) V, BAXTER'S VOL U A TEE R'S M I MML, 1 CONTAINING full instructions for the n E C li U I T, In the Seboo's of the Soldier and Sq>iad. given in , fh'* most Simple Siv 1 •*. And nil the information | necessary for the forming of CORPS OF HOME CUARDS ILLUSTRATED WITH OVER ICO E.YG/?. '7 VL\ GS, ' Showing the Different Positions in the FACINGS AND MANUAL OF ARMS, And complete direction relative to LO A I) 1 N G A \ D F I K I N G ARRANGED according to SCOTT'S SYSTEM CF INFANTRY TACTICS, And in conformation with ths ARMY REQUIREMENTS FOK THE PRESENT WAR. | BY LI C I D. W. C. BIXTKR, CF THE NATIONAL GUARD This Book is Officially approved of. The ins' ructions given are of the greatest impor tance 10 the new volunteer, and should be thorougn ly understood, being indispensable to the instruc tion ot a companv. Bound in one volume. 12m0., 62 pases, Paper Cove - , price 25 cents. Flexible Clnth, 39 cents. THE SAME WORK IS ALSO PUBLISHED IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE, , At the sine price, and is the only GERMAN LOOK OF AMERICAN MILI TARY TACTICS Published in tbe United States AGENTS AND CANVASSERS WANTED To engage in the Sa'e of this Work, in every CITY, TOWN and VILLAGE In the Country. Price per Dozen Copies $2.00 " Fifty " 8.00 " Hundred 15.00 All orders a< companied with the Cash will be immediately, either by post or express. (Up-li on -red by post, Ftamps must be enclosed to pay postage, if by express, the freight can be paid on delivery. SONGS FOR THE VOLUNTEER. the CA MP -FIRE CO MP.?. VIO jV, A New and Original Collection of Military and Patriotic Songs, adopted especially for the present O.iiTipiign. One vol. 12mo. With illin'rations. Paper Cover, 13 cts. Flexiole C!oth,*2s rts. Sirs!-' copies of the above Books MAILED FREE OF POSTAGE, To any Address in the United States, upon re ceipt of the price, by KING •!! at Public Sale, on the j realises, it. Nepier Township, on Tues day the 18th day ot June, next, the following tract of lard. being the Real Estate of Aaron Good dec'd, adjoining lards of Jes-e Blackburn, Adam Otto, James O UotuM'tt and others, and containing forty ac e, and aUoWhree, about twenty-five or thirty acres of sairt lard a e cleared and under fence— unit ten acres of which are meadow. The other improvements are a twosiory log dwelling hou e , stable and other out buildings, with .1 good thriving young orchard; a pump is near the door, and tuere is plenty of excellent water 011 the place. Thpsi'e will commence at 10 o'clock, of the day above ment.oned. TERMS 1 — One third in hand at the confirmation of the ill' 1 ; balance in two equal annual payments without interest, to be secured by waiver Judge ments. WM. ZIMMERMAN, May 10 - b, *6l. Adtr'r. A LLF.GHENY MALE AND - 51 FEMALE SEMINARY, It tfcdford Co., £a. REV. W. VV. BRIM, A. M., Ptitictpal, Miss A. L. BRIM, Preceptress, Mtsi S.J. BRIM, Teacher oil Piano Forte. This institution, under the supervision of the a bove named p rsons, assisted by other competen- Toaehers, affords a full course in M.'thematic* Natural sciences. Languages, and Belles Lettres in music, Painting, &c., if gives extended instruc tion. The Spring Term will commerce on April 9 IS6I. Students admitted a' any time. Habits of health, system, and piomptness views, moral, so cial, and domestic, are here made prominent ob- Bcts of education. Ttu.t the physical pow- rs, as (•*# as the mental, may be cultivated—Calisfhen ie exercises are necessary — here the Students meet each day for systematic physical exercise. C.Cit) tZCi 'll pay for board, including fu - ' nished rooms, room rent, fuel and tuition in common English, per term of eleven weeks. Extras, A modpra'e charges, even les* than heretofore, cr than the circular calls for. Students prcpired for the highest class in col lege. For Circulars, or particulars, address W, W. BRIM. Dec. 21, IFfiO. Painsburg, Bedford Co., Pj Dissolution of partnership The firm nf Smilli and & Ltngdon baa tnis day been dissolved, by mu'oal consent. 1 be Ccoks are now in the hands uf Richard Langdon, for collection. All persons knowiog themselves indebted to s id firm, will please call and settle their accounts, either by cash, or note, forthwith, as tbe Books must be c osed. h.MITH (, LANG!?ON. Hopewell, April 26th, I &41.-3 m. Administrators notice— L'tteis cf adtriintsnalioa on tbe estate of Fam'l Whetstone, late of Co'eraio Towusbtp, deceased, having been granted to the fubsnibeis residing in said tp., all persons indebt ed to said Estate, are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims can present iheai for settlement. DAVID WHETSTONE AARON WHETSONE, Msy 10th. '6l. Administrators. PIA \ O FO KTES, ' PIANO FORTES. PIANO FORTES PIANO FORTES. ! PIANO FORTES PIANO FORTES. piano fortes. PIANO FOUTES. LIGHTE fc nRADBT'RVS' PA Z™' l EAT ED FULL IKON FRAME M. vV SCALE, GRAND, ANO SQUARE PIANO FORTES. IHE INSULA I ED FRA.M E presctvei the ori ginal tone of the instrument in all its pu'ify, xecu | fine it tor all time against that moat disagreeable nequality of tone invariably found it, all other Iron EraT,e Piano Fortes. It greatly atrengthen. the ease, and thus keeps the Piano Forte much longer in ttine. !r give* the instrument a much fuller, richer, and s.veeter tone. It a lap's the Piano to all climates, and to ell cfang.i 0 f atmosphere, and in ail re-pecis it is pronotincer. by out best "artistes" he greatest improvement-of the age in P Jgno Forte construction; producing an instrument Bcknowl edged to be superior to all olheis made in this coun try or Europe. .1 few trstimonnds from some of the most em inent fun/nuts and Musician in (he world, in regard lo the Superior ity oj our .Yew Scale Patent' Insulated Piano Fv(es. ' "I hive eximii.ed the Piano Fortes of Ltgh'e ft Bradbury's with entne satisf ction. I know not 'hat there are any others totter, either in our oven country or elsewhere. "DB. LOWELL MASON." "In clearness, richness, and volume ot tone, delj • cacy, elasticity of touch , and tine repeating action, i have never played upon their equal. ••H A. WOLLLNHAUPT.." •'ln volume, richness, evenness and purilv of tone, and in rie icacj ot touch, they certainly excel, and in that beautitul singing quality so desirable, yet so seldom l'oond. WILLIAM MASON." ' I have never played upon so rich and heavy a tone Square Piano Forte. "ARTHUR NAPOLEON." "1 am a.'.onished and delighted with the New- Scale Iron frame Piano Fortes by you. There mu-t be a splendid future tor Lighte & Bradbury's Piano Fortes. • "GEO. F. ROOT." "1 have never played upon so fine an instrument "GEO. F. BRISTOW." "I consider them as to beauty, richness, fullness, and iquality of tone, us well as their agreeable, e lastie touch, equal, if not superior, to any Pianos made in this country or Europe ' KARL WELS." "They have all the requirements for a superior int-'.-pretat.on ot both cla-sical and modem contpc sitions. "MAURICE STKAKOSH." "It arlo-ds me piasure to add my testimony to the many artistes who 'peak in the highest terms of the sopeiior excellence of your New Scale Patent Insulated Iron Frame Piano Fortes, and I must sav that yonr New Sca : e very far surpasses alt your former etto t*, producing an instrument far superi or in a'l the excel lencies that constitute a perfect Piano Forte, to any with which 1 am acquainted. "THEO. EISFKLD." "Having examined your New Scale Iron Frame Pianos, we must express our delight and pleasure at their supenor exce'lenco. For their peculiar lich volume of tone, hoe elastic touch, and in all the requisites necessary for perfection in the instru ment, we must say, in all our experience, we have seen nothing to compare with them, and we can most cordially recommend 'hero to our friends and the public "CHAS. FRADEL." "CARL BERGMAN." "I tke much pleasure in giving my testimony in favor of the b-auiilu! Pianos which I have re cently seen made by your firm. In power, quanti ty, and equality of tone, they certainly excel j while for that peculiarly rich, singing tone, that is so invaluable as an accompaniment to the voice, sustaining and blending with it, I have rarely met with theireq uat. "C. BASSINI." "I, is with pleasure I give my testimony to the excellence of your Pianos in general, and especial el to the .dmirable new invention of Mr. Lighte, ny improvement which I regard as the most impor tant yet made in the manufacture of first-class in struments. "LOUIS ERNST." •T take plea'uie in a*.sting my favorable opin ion ot your New Scale lion Fiame Piano Fortes. Among many supeiior Piano Fortes manufactured in New York, tney certainly must rank second to none of them for strength, purity, and richness of tone, together with extraordinary vibratory quali ties. 1 b-ive also had frequent opportunities, in the schools, during the pest four yers, to notice the durability ot your instruments, and this under se vere and unremitted trials. • GEO. 11. CURTIS." "The high reputation which they have obtained for tbeir f.-e brilliant tone pleasant touch &ixi pow er. have given tneni the preference over those of ail other manufactures, in the Public Schools of New York, in which over one hundred are now in daily use , some twelve or fifteen of which are in departments where 1 have had the pleasure of teach ing, and where I have used tt.em for the last five ' years. "MARCUS COLBuiIN." "Being pleased with your steady piogress in im proving the quality of your Pianos, I cannot refrain from say ng to you, after some fourteen year* knowledge of them, that the New Scale with Iron i'nnie, which I have seen, I 'hink the best I evei saw. I say this alter having purchased over two hundred of your Piano Fortes. "F. H. N ASH " _ * ' Out Square Piano? range in price from $250 tos6oo Our Grand Pi .roa " " " " " SaiOO upwards. All our Pianos are WAHB\NTFD, without limit as to t7 m*. Send for a circular, which contains templet* price list and ifuJdrr'p.'toitT, rnd hundreds of relerencca to persons in every section of the country, who have prrrh