The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 22, 1861, Image 2

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—Bi:iFOKi>, Pa.—
FBttIT : : : BML !K, 18W-
B.F- Meyers, Editor & Proprietor.
Twenty-Seven State 3,
The first grand result of the success of "Re
publican principles, is the practical curtailment
ol the Federal Union to the number ol States
comprised in the Union some twenty years ago
This must be w hat (the "Republicans" meant
when they told us that they intended to bring
back the government to the condition in which
it was left by our revolutionary forefathers.
That such would be the inevitable consequence
of the triumph of "Republicanism," was our
firm belief from the vpry inception of that dan
gerous heresy, and we spared neither time, la
bor, nor expense in cur endeavors to prevent
such a consummation. We warned our neigh
bors and friends, from £tbe stump and through
'he newsnaper. We argued with them, ex
r s'.ulated, importuned, implored, but all in
vain. The headlong current of the prevailing
fanaticism swept them from the bread platform
of the constitution and plunged them into the
narrow abyss "of Northern sectionalism. With
what intense regret must they net remember
those warning words unheeded, when they re
flect that by their own act they have driven
seven sovereign states nut of the once honored
and impregnable Union 1 Tbey "knew their
July but did it not !"
People may tell us that the Union is net dis
solved—that our government represents as ma
ny states as it did formerly. As a maftpr of
law, that is time. As a matter of fact it
is, we are sorrow to acknowledge, not
quite so corepct. Of what value is the law,
when it cannot be executed ? Does it restrain
the robber from violence, or the mutineer from i
rebellion 1 Of what worth is the law in South
Carolina, when the Federal Administration is ;
compelled, ae a matter cf policy, to withdraw 1
itr forces irom Fort Sumter ? Of what conse
quence is the law, when men who are surely 1
guiitv of treason under that law, go unpunished j
yea, even unmolested by any attempt to bring
therr. to justice t No! To the shame of the
people of the North be it said, Abolitionism has
been allowed nay, aided and abetted, by them,
to effect the practical dissolution of the |
Union. Blind as bats! wilfully, perversely :
blind, were the people of Pennsylvania, j
when they refused to be warned against .the i
sectional "Republican" party. The darling
scheme of Wilberforce and Exeter Hall,
is accomplished. A deep and daily wide-;
ning chasm yawns between the people ofj
the North and the South, and there is but j
one way of filling the breach, and that is by j
casting therein the leaders, office-holders and |
office-buntersof the Republican party.
Lincoln Limber in the Knees !
The glad news that Fort Sumter is to be !
evacuated, and that we are to have no civil
war for the present, is confirmed. The ques
tion so indignantly asked by the "Republi- j
cans" a short time ago, "Have we a Govern
ment V' is answered. According to their doc
trine, we have not. According to their policy !
four weeks ago, the Government instead of
withdrawing the troops from Fort Sumter,
would have been in duty bound to re-inforce
them. According to their ideas of the require
ments of the times, the 'Southern traitors"
should have been sought out and hung. But
Mr. Lincoln, finding that unless he look Demo
cratic ground in the'present emergency, he
would be entirely unable to administer the
Government, has to some extent abandoned the
Quixotic plans of his party friends. He is just
now decidedly "weak in the knees," so far as
standing on the Chicago Platform'is concerned.
We sincerely hope that the Republicans will
not abuse bim for adopting Buchanan's policy,
nay for doing the very opposite of what they
demanded of the Ex-President. We hope they
will be as consistently inconsitenl as ever and
praise Mr. Lincoln lor surrendering to the
"Southern traitors" the Federal property a!
Fort Sumter.
Local and fliisceiianeoiia.
. .. .SPRING ELECTION. —The election for lo
cal officers which came off in this Borough on
Frtdav last, resulted in the choice of thirteen
Demon&?s and five Republicans. i'iie Demo
cratic majority on the test vote {lnspector) was
'2O. The following is the vote
Chief Burgess.
joU IT . IvusL, IOS Geo, D. Shuik. 65
Assistant Burgess.
Henry Peibaugh, 111 Col in Lover, 62
Council men.
to tgt Mardorf, Ili !■'. W. Shuek, S9
Joshua Mower, .94 J. L. Lessig, 61
High Constable.
f.mvi Agncw, 73 JL A- Hsrutereua, 122
R. H. G. Irvine. H3 F. D Siupp, 7 3
Judge of Election.
Samuel liavis,, 101 M. Milburn, 97
Henry Hwimaiv.-. 109 R. IS. Barclay.
IbrsDi Leotr., 93 Milton Spidis, IK)
A.J. San from, 1'23 Ja. Mc.Muller., 73 j
Assistant Assessor.
xenniet Shuck, U8 Vat. VonJersmnh, 70
William Bow fee, I° 7 Peter H. tsfcires, 69
School Directors
J W. Lmgenfelter, 113 rr. Jordan, 97 ;
John Mower, 94 S. L. Rueeeiß SO
Sotiu Border, ©• ■■ Rw. f
W. BuMMkenn, 109 L. G. McMuhtn, 94
Town Clerk.
t> H. Spang, ws #• M. BaraUy, 63
' ... .SHARP ! —Some three months ago, we
gave our note tor §>7o. payaole in par funds, at
the Banking House of Reed, Rupp & Scheli.. —
Vi m. Schafer, Eq., Treasurer of Bedford Coun
ty, who is a heavy depositor with them, and
: had tunds at the time in this Banking House,
gave us his check for s7l on Reed, Rupp and
Scheli, and on presentation, intending to lilt
our note they wanted to shave this depositor's
check on themselves. Are these hanking rules
and if so, isn't it sharp practice ?—lnqui
Sharper still—the idea of lugging a little
! private difficulty in a matter of business, into
the columns of a newspaper. At any rate we
cannot see how there can be any cause for com
plaint against Messrs. Reed, Rupp and Sclieii,
in any- thing set forth in the above statement. —
The note refe/red to was payable in par funds,
whilst .Mr. Scaler's deposits must, from the
necessity of the case, consist frequently of funds
! that are not par, but merely current. The dil
i ference between par and current money was
ail the bankers asked, and to that they w ere
certainly entitled. Their "occupation would
be gone" very soon, if they were to exchange
par lor current funds. As for the manner in
! which Messrs. Reed, Rupp and Scheli do busi
ness, we can testify to their perfect honesty, as
well as to their liberality, having dealt with
them from the beginning of their business.
... .Among.the graduates of the recent An
nual Commencement of the Medical Depart
ment of the University of Pennsylvania, we
observe the name of cur j'oung friend and fel
low townsmen, Dr. W. H.' WATSON, Jr. IVe
understand that the Dr. passed a very credit
able examination, and hear his professional
attainments spoken ol in high terms.
....The Spring elections throogout the
county, JO tar as Ave have heard, have resulted
as favorably for the Democracy as we could
have expected, local matters, of course, having
more to do with them than politics.
... .The contest among the "Republican?"
for Postmaster at this place, was decided on
Friday la3f, by a plurality, in favor of .Air.
William Riser. As well as we reccoilect the
vote stood, IV. W. Shuck, 24 ;'A. S. Russell,
56 ;S. Radebaugh, 65 : W Riser, 78. There
is considerable hard feeling between the friends
of the different candidates, one set charging
the other with untair electioneering and another
objecting tojhe counting out of the votes by
the election-board long before the voting
ceased. Mr. Shuck, we believe, withdrew, at
noon, in favor of Mr. Reiser.
... .It seems that the Irrepressibles have
some intention of removing Mrs. Statler, P. M.
at Schellsburg, for thejnurpose of making icom
tor a well-to-do "Republican" of the masculine
gender. We shouldn't be sui prised if 'Fry
swallow all their professions of sympathy lor
widows and orphans expressed at the time of
removal of Mrs. Saupp, and turn out the
widow Statler in the cold. Can you do it,
gentlemen, after saying what you did in the
Saupp case 1
. .. .Mr. J. G. Fisher will open a subscrip
. tion school, in a frw weeks, at the school-house
!in Boydstown. The citizens of the upper end
i of our town will consult the interests of their
| children bv sending them to Mr. Fishrf. We
' know him to be a good scholar and excellent
i The Spring elections for borough and tov i
h:p officers throughout ihe greater part of the
; State, took place on Friday, and as far as we
j tiave been enabled to learn, the Democracy has
' swept every vestige of Black Republicanism be-
J fore them. Even in the very strongholds of
; sectionalism has thejreaction oeen so great that
j (tie miserable plunder-seeking party seemed t< r
j ror-stricken at the verdict of the ballot-box.—
i In the city of Reading, where the opponents of
! Democracy have been ruling for years, the
' Democratic Mayor is elected by a majority of
' 644, and the entire council, with three or four
! exceptions. In Harrisbu-g, Norristown and
I West Chester the victory has been equally
■great. But will this signal rebuke soften the
j hearts ol the rulers at Washington and cause
i '.hem to pursue a peace policy J We fear not.
! Their hatred to the South and her institutions is
j so deep-seated that they are cailuus to public
' sentiment.
i Joel B. Wanner (Dem,) is elected Mayor by
i 644 majority over Bonneville Keim (Rep.) the
i present incumbent.
Peter Snaneman (Dem ) i 9 elected Treasurer
| by 454 majority ; and Messrs. Smith, Haus and
Morris are elected Auditors by Majorities of
S 323, 337 and 206 respectively.
Granklin B. Miller (Dem.) an I Wm. B.
Schcener (Ind. Dem.) are elected Alderman ;
and Christian Snyder and Joseph Goodhatf,
(Dem.) Constables.
The Democrats also elect ail ihe Common
Councilman and the Judges and assessors, in the
Northeast, Southeast anil Spruce Wards ; and
one of the three Common Councihnen and the
Assessors in Northwest Ward.
The election in Norristown has resulted in
a complete triumph of the Democrat and Bell-
Everett ticket, by an average majority of near
The entire Democratic ticket was ejected HI
' Harrisburg.
The election in this borough resulted in the
| success of the Conservative and Independent
The contest in the election "here was confi
ned to Chief Burgess. The candidates were
Henry S. Evans, Citizens candidate, and Addi
son May, Black Republican Evans was tlee
ted by ever 209 majority. I
[Sp?eial Dispatch to the Bulletin.]
WASHINGTON, Match 16.—The Judges of the
| Supreme Court are said to have protested a
i gainst the appointment ol Mr. Lamon, of Uli
j nois, as Marshal ol this District. They object
' to such a precedent.
J The fi lends of Senator Fessenden, of Maine,
i and Senator Douglas, are endeavoring to settie
; the dilficnity between them caused by the se
vere "nassage-at-arms" between them in the
i Senate Chamber yesterday.
| The movements ol the fleet of U. S. vessels
j which has sailed from New York, are said to be
| in the direction of Fort I'ickeus and Foil Jeff
' erson. Information ol their sailing has been
laid before Governor Pickens and Jeff. Davis,
Washington, March 16.—1 he Senate win
; not adjourn until the middle of next week.
Reports have been receiveu m this city to
i the effect thai a collision has occurred between
I the United States troops and the Seceders at
; Pensacola. No small stir has been created oy
■ the rumors.
j Louisville, March 16 —A large Southern
Rights meeting was held at the Court House
I last night, the proceedings were attended
| with much confusion, and the meeting finally
broke up in a row.
j WASHINGTON, March 14c—Chief Justice
j Taney delivered the opinion of tile Supreme
i Court to-day in the matter of the Cominon
| wealth of Kentucky against the Governor
jof OHIO, deciding that it was a case of
j original jurisprudence, and, in effect, of one
State against another ;and, therefore, the Court
| has jurisdiction under the Constitution. It a a
I case to compel the Governor of Otno, hv writ
;of mandamus, to surrender a fugitive froin jus
! tice from Kentucky. And the Court savs "the
demanding State has a right to have every such
! fugitive delivered up ; that the State of Ohio
! has no right to enter into the question whether
■ the act of vvbicu the fugitive stands accused is
criminal or not m Ohio, provided it was a crime
in Kentucky, and i' is the duty of the Cov'er
rioi of Ohio to deliver op, upon anv proper
; proof that tne act charged is a crime by the
laws of Kentucky ; that the act oi Congress of
1793 determines what evidence is t.obe submif
ted to the State of Ohio ; that the duty of the j
Governor is ministerial merely, like that o! a
sheriff or marshal, and the Court apppited to
his good faith in the discharge of,
al duty for the reason that Congress cannot iin-'
pose any i: eJera! duty on the olficers of a State,
and that where such officers are called upon I
by an act of Congress to perform such duty, it
relies upon good good faith on their
part. And, on these grounds, the writ oi
madamus was gran'ed.
The Evacuation < f Fort Su-alcr
Another Cabinet council—The S uthern Con
federacy io be Eventually Recognized—C-m- i
pi i merit to Mr. Crittenden —Ohio Politics, '■
Etc., Etc.,
WASHINGTON, March 16— A nother protrac
ted meeting of the Cabinet was held to day. '
After passing upon a number of Territorial and
other appointments, ihe Southern question, in !
its various healings, was again taken upanddis
cussed for nearly two hours. The instructions
to Major Anderson, in' r-fAr<-r.*r- the ~
tiou of i-i,it rsun/er, formed the prinripal sub- \
;ject under consideration. Much d,vtr ity of :
j opinion is kit iwn io have prevailed as to the
j manner of withdrawing the garrison, and no
| ultimate conclusion was ?-rived at cn thai i
i point.
There are Republicans here who assert, !
| knowingly and positively, that the secret of the
j unexpected consent of Gov. Chase and other
j radical members of the Cabinet to th 'surrender '
; of Fort Sumter, is their firm belief j s ;}ie j ne v- I
I itability of the ultimate division of the country .
j into t wo confederacies, one distinctly free Kaor
. the other slavehoMing, an 1 their de3ire to bring i
j aoout the separation wiihout bloodshed. T it i
j this idea has been broached in Cab net council
j is certain, and Seward as well as Chase will e
: ventually urge a recognition of the new ("on- ;
i tederacy.
The Piesident of the United States, the mem
bers of the Cabinet, the Foreign Ministers, Sen
ators and Representa'tves in Congress, Judges
of the Courts, Supreme and other, the Mayor
and citizens of Washington, with a large num
ber of visitors, have ai tanked to wait upon Mr.
Ciittenden and lady, at the National Hotel to
1 tie visit is a paifmg entertainment given to
the distinguished Senator from Kentucky, alter
forty years ol hone-t and faithful public service
for the whole country.
The Administration will adhere to the line
of action indicated by Mr. fessenden, and there
will be no premature discu.-ion of the policy
-of the Administration towards the seceding
Reports received from Columbus show that
there wilt probably b- a choice ola Senator du
ring tbe present session.
THE REPUBLICANS are racking their inge
nuity to discover excuses tor the evacuation"of
Fort Sumter. The gallant Anderson, who was
petted and applauded a? a marvellous hero, is,
by some of them, suddenly discovered to be a
traitor little less infarnovs than Twiggs.
correspondent ol the JV*. Y Tribune says it j s
suspected in some quarters tbat Mr. Buchanan
sent a secret agent to Fort Sumter more than
eight weeks ago, advising the Government false
iriieliigence concerning his condition and
means of subsistence. This ; very unlikely
story is gravely repeated in justfication ot the
back-down ot the Lincoln Administration.
A letter from Frankfort of Feb. 19, s:ivs :
j "The day before ye-tcrday an English "lady
who had resided at Hamburg for some time, and
j had been a constant visitor to the gambling sa
loons, where by degrees she had lost almost all
her property, left town and went to the vil
lage of Kirdorf, about three miles distant. She
ascended the tower of the new church there
and having first tied her legs together, threw
1 herself from the lower to the earth, a distance
iol about 100 feet. When picked Jup she was
still living, but was conveyed to the hospital at
Hamburg in an exceedingly deplorable coodi
: condition.
j *"01*1 the Hollidaysburg Standard.
Democratic Meeting.
i A mass meeting of the Democracy ot Atioo
|na was held at Lowlher's Hall, cn Thursday
evening, Match 7th, 1861. On motion, John
McClelland was called to the Chair ; and Jon
athan Canrad, Richard Crozier and Patrick
Patsely were chosen Vice Presidents, and Wm.
McDona|d, Secretary. S.jM. Wooodkok. Esq.,
was then called upon to state the object ot the
meeting. Air. Woodkok made a brief and elo
quent address, and concluded by moving that
a committee ot live be appointed to diaft reso
lutions expressive of the wishes ot the Democ
tacy ot AllOona. The Chair appointed S. Al.
Wooilkok, John Woods, John Bowman, John
Condoaud Ihomas Alcßride. The Committee
alter retiring lurashuit time, returned, when
S. Al. W oodkok, Chairman, read the following
resolutions, which were unanimously adopted
by the meeting :
HAereas, Seven of the Slates constituting
this Republic have declared their connexion
with th Government ol the United States dis
solved, and we have reason to believe that un
less some adjustment ol ou. present difficulties
be speedily made, Virguia and all the border
States will attempt to separate themselves trom
the Union ; jhid Whereas, The Democratic
party of Pennsylvania at the late Stale .. in
vention held in Harrisburg, again altered its
loyalty to the Constitution, the union, and the
Rights ol the States, we, the De<nocricv of Ai
toona, in a mass meeting assembled, believing
thai the present condition ol aha rs demands
that the people every where shou d give expres
sion to their opinions, be it, therefore.
Resolved, l'hat the federal Government is
tile freest and the best the world i: as ever seen,
that it was founded upon mutual concessions,
made for the sake of the Union, try several
separate and sovereign communities; that the
• spirit of compromise, exercised in the begiu
j ning, has always been needed ; that so soon a
ii? ceas-s to influence the various members of
| this Confederacy, we have no r asou to hope
j for anything else than a renewal of such a sent
las is presented m the country to-day.
) Resolved, That there is, in reality, no such
i antagonism between fho North and the South
'as would justify a disruption of our bonds o!
! Union : that the jieople of the South are our j
' fiends and not our enemie-, and that to deny ;
| their, any of the rights guarantied them by the j
! Constitution is to commit at once an act of the '
greatest crtrue and folly.
Resolved, That the decision of the Supreme
Couit of the United Stales, upon a Ooaslitu
!■ i,ai question, is a final adjudication ol the
matter, and that Hie doctrine that every new
j bench of Judges may alter the obligations o:
the Constitution, by a new decision, is a .m
--• getous political heresy, and calculated to de
-1 moralize the highest judicial tribunal in the
j land oy bending its decisions to the will ol i
• dominant political parties, and thus changing j
the meaning oi the Constitution itself to suit
■ every gale oi popular caprice.
Resolved, Thai we now hold, as w? have
ever held, that the Territory u file common
property of the State; comprising this ftepub- i
; lie, and, that being such, ine people of each
State have a perfect right to go into the Tc-r- \
| t Tories with their property, slave or other, and
! thereto hold it is such form and manner as is j
' authorized by the Constitution and the law of,
| tne land.
Resolved, That when the people of any Ter
ritory have sufficient population to entitle them i
jto one representative in Congress, they ought :
to be admitted into the Union, with or without !
s'avery., as by their State Constitution may oe '
determined. j
Resolved, That the Border Slave States, in i
j the "Compromise Measures" offered in the!
of •; • j-. ii„. J. j. Cnl- j
t(.'titled, df.uanded nothing more than their
Constitutional rights, and that th-ir people i
have shown a devoted love to the Union, and
a disposition to abide by it so long as thev have
any hope of their rights being recognized and 1
1 protected.
Resolved, That to remove our present dilli
> culties, an 1 to insure tranquility m th- future,
i a National Convention ot Delegates, sei-cted
|by the people, should be immediately railed,
and the amendments proposed by Mr. Critten
■ deo, or some similar amendment?, after havino
I been concurred in by the delegates from two- ;
i thirds of Ihe States, should be incorporated in!
1 tfie Constitution as an amendtment thereto,
j Resolved, That we still have implicit Uith 1
j in the "time-honored principles" of the Demo
■ cratic party —not those sectional dogmas or in- i
J dividual opinion? of any one man—but that '
'great and broad system of Nationality devised .
; by our justly great leader Thomas Jeffers >r., ami i
J by which it has, with but few exceptions, been
since governed
Resolved That the organization of a purely j
sectional party based upon principles such as!
those enunciated in the Chicago platform, was I
a movement calculated to bring about just such [
a state of affairs as exists in this country to-tiav.
and that their whole course of action has been
such as would most certain!" alienate the p.-o
--j pie ol the South and give power to thus-- lead
ers in the cotton States who have been discon- I
tented for years, and that the ultra leai-n at !
(he Republican party are respoiisiUe lie \ ' c. r i
present national difficulties, and we int. ml id- :
ing them to a strict account there! ,r.
Resolved, That we believe the ma;? of the !
people ot Pennsylvania, without lespect to
party, are overwhelmingly in favor oi an hon- j
crable a just meat of our present diiticui'ies, in
some manner in accordance with ihe Cnn-E u- i
(ion, and that all they want is an opportunity '
to speak their sentiments.
Resolved, That we are in fivot of granting '
to the South tht ir Constitutional right-- ; that :
we condemn the action of tin Guif States a?;
has'y and revolutionary, but that we are oppo- j
seit to the coercion of any one so long as her j
sister Slates of the North continue their un- I
friendly legislation and refuse to repeal all Io- I
cal laws in'", inging upon the rights of the South j
as guarantied to each ol the Stales by the plain ■
provisions of '.he Constitution ; that we depre
cate civil war ; that the cause will not justify
it ; that this battle is one ot opinion, and not of
armed men ; that we expect to see Constitution- :
al principles triumph over ail opposition ; that
patties and party platforms must give wav be-'
fore the sacied causa of the Union ; that our i
whole country i, as it ever has been, the ral- I
lying cry of tin* Democratic party of PenT.syl-'
vania ; that we know, in this strife, no North, !
no South, no South, no East, no West ; that we
are for preserving an undivided Union of these!
States, and that we believe that tins cousuinma- [
tion, so devoutly to be wished, can be brought
about so soon as party platforms and party pre- j
judices are made subservient to the Constitu
tion, and to simple, even-handed Justice.
Resolved, That the concilatory course of Mr.
Buchanan, in regard to our present National '
difficulties, has been wise and patriotic, and thai
the people of the whole country are with him
| in refusing, by using harsh measures, to precio
itate the nation into civil war and fraternal
j Resotveil, That, in the Hon. Wm. Bigler.
Pennsylvania has a Senator of whom she may
j well be proud, and that in this hour ot trial he
i has shown himself, by his speeches and actions,
I a Statesman and a true son of his coun'rv, a id
. the people ot Pennsylvania will welcome tiim
' te his retirement with the plaudit of "Weil
! done, good and faithful servant."
■ j Resolve/, That the course of our Coogress
; man, S. S. Biair, in voting with the Af.-ihtion
u'-> against the "Corwin Resolutions," and a
i gainst ail the compromise measures and hon
! orable adjustments introduced into Congress fur
j the purpose ot restoring peace to the country,
has been a shameful misrepresentation of the
j wishes ot his constituents; that hp has bv hi
j votes, shown himself to he a "full Hedged" Ab-
I olitionist, and that his much wronged constit
uents will hereafter mete out to htm that right
eous condemnation which his misdeeds so rich
ly merit.
Resolve'/, That a Coprmiittee be anpoinfed to
j attend to the printing of th-se resolutions in ail
i the Democratic papers in this District.
(Sigimd by the Officers.)
j TUB OHIO I- at BOY.—Tre bo?v of Vat :
■ Mack, th" celebrated O i > Pat B rv, who died
j in New luik, while exhibiting at Barrum's
i Museum, passed through Pittsburg on Tii'irs
j day, by railroad. It uas marked ♦•Agent C ir
j Fat Bov, Darlington, Pt ."and vas described
ion (hp ti11 of lading as follows: "I Fit Boy
—dead. Double first cla*s passeng *r freight.
I Weight 800 pounds. Freight $ 1.50." The
i weight as given above, includes tie coffin aor
j box.
j I.r.' CTIO.V oy Ij. S. SENATOR.--At I'd o'clock
lon Thursday lire Senate net tin- House of
Representatives in Convention to elect a Uni
ted States Snaior in place i t !! >n. Simon
arneron, resigned. David Wdm t received
65 voteg j Win. If. Welsh 3d. votes; Mr.
Ketciiam and Mr. Wiikuis I vote each.
CALIFORNIA EXPORTS.—We not.c that the
j ship M win light, which sailed from San Fran
| cisco for Hong Kong, on the 19th of February,
i was laden in j art with ! JO,OOO feet ot lumber,
I 50,000 flaks quicksilver, $150,000 in specie,
! and 400 deceased Chinamen's remains '
diseases are to> w ii known to require any fle
c> ip'.ion. How many th cusands are every
year carried to the silent grave oy that dread
ful scourge Consumption, which alwavs com
m ncps with a slight cough. Keep Ihe blood
puip arid healthy by taking a f.-.v doses of IFf)
nd disease of any kind is impossible. Con
sumption and Lung difficulties alwavs arise
torn pa:tides of corrupt matter deposited in
the air-cells by bad b'ood. Purify that stream
of life and it will very soon carry 4 cfl and de
stroy the prisonous matter ; and like a crvsta)
river flowing through a desert, will bring with
it and leave throughout the body the element
ofhealth and strength. As the liver leaving
he elements of fertility iu its course, causes the
before barren waste to bloom with flowers and
rui!,sopure blood causes the frame to rejoice
in s!rengtli and health and bloo n with unlading
ill a t'itt'ls.
The FLOUR market lias unritrgone no fe-r
--c-ptode change, and the export demand is
limited. SB's ot 200 barrels go n! Superfine
at §5 : 450 Panels Extra - at $5 25 ami 5 374:
100 barrels Extra Family at $5 624 ; and
200 battels Broad Street Mii son private terms.
1 in* s;ileg to ihe retailers aid bakers iv- been
■ withm the range of these figures, an i ,ancy at
$b and (> 75 as in qnahlv .
The r ec.ip's and stocks of RYE FLOUR are
! small an I held with'm re firmi;..s-. Saies at
; •' j3 u24 o lanvl.
Of CORN MR\L there is- very little here,
i and Penn vhanta is ii-ld at 82 S7 j.
1 lie offerings n) \\ HE \l' Continue light.
I and it i in st- tdy demand at yes; -n'nU qnota
ti ina. Sales id 4 and 5.000 bushels fan and
orime Pennsylvania anu Western Red at i L 5
and I*2s 1,100 bushels good Pennsylvania
, White at -Si 25 and 1 37 ; and SOU bushels
: choice K ntucky at I SJ.
R\ L is dull, Pennsylvania sejlmg at 66 and
! 68 cents, the latter in a smail way.
CORN is unchanged nut rather quiet, with
; sales of 5000 bushels Fellow to note at 57ceuts
' 'or prime dry Southern, afloat ; 51 and 55 cen's
for !afs in th * ca's, a> to c.wdi . ,n, and 574
'a. "-84 cents for old do. at the .1- • <t. Outs
; ; 1 selling at 32 cents for Peanylvania and
1 •., cents f>r Southern.
! BARLEY is scarce. Of BARLEY M ALT,
' e. sale ol 800 biufe-ls was M ade at OS cents.
The PROVISION mark-t cjiitmiies very
j inactive, and tile only sale we heir of >s 45,-
'> Ji) lbs. loose should, rs an ! sides, in salt, at
| 6J cenis for the former, and 8f cents for the
! latter, 60Tava.
The SEED market is quiet at $I 75 an i 5
I DP: bushel tor C.'overseed, and none i fleiing ;
| 100 bushels Timothy brought $3 per bushel,
! and some Flaxseed $! 50.
WHISKEY moves of slowly a! IS en's for
P enns ! < aitia ha' re Is ; IS ami 184 cents for
, for Western do ; 17 cents for D.uged, and 174
cents for hogsheads.
All those that ate indebted to the undersigned,
ire requested to cal! an ! pay up. Tho accounts are
numerous and none large, and cen be paid at once,
and injuie nobody. By attending to -bis notice, the
car can be kept in motion. So dHi t jtorget to cal!
March 22.
L -Iters of 'ad
ministration upon the estate of John Gorsurh.late
of Hopewell tp.. dee'd., having been canted to the
subscriber, all person-, in .ebted to the estate are
requested to make immediate payment, end those
having claims will present them properly authenti
cated for settlement.
March 22. Colei township, adm'r.
I Jnt received and for Fa'e hv
March 22. A.!.. DEFIBAUGH.
evening March 12th, !861, by Sam'l. J C a St
ner E,q., at the Residence o! Mr. A. L fierk
ta'l.-r, ,n ' Mr. Alexander Sheel,~e
PEARD-KOONS._On the 7th i
th - Rev. H. Heckerrnan, M r . David ?
K ' bt ' CCa Knon *> br ' lb f'i Bedford township
• TA J Lr ! R ~ L ° WRY - 0n Tlmrxday even
ing March 14th, at the house of 'he "r, itW
father, by L-nue, Evans Be?., Mr. Alexander
lav.or, of Riddles CV.-rv, to Mi.c 3 Martha
•fane L'.vvry Loth of Broad Top Tp., Bedford
M , r * h '' ih ' i" Evansville, by the same,
Mr. David I igard to M, ss Amy Anderson, a l.
of Broad lop Tp , Bedford county.
mat , by Rev \. E. Gilds, Mr. Peter Reini„V- r '
to -Mi s Ann Alaria Allison, both ofSt. Clair
\L LI SON SLON A KEft.— On (he same
day. v the sane, Mr. Jacob VV. Allison to
Miss Rebecca Sionaker,, both 0 ( Union Town"
-ÜBKD- "
GROVE.- On March 9th, Mrs. Hannah
'HOV( , agjed b4-y**ars.
STATLER.—On the 12th inst., H*rrv
Clark, infant son of Dr. S. G. and E. J. Staler
aged o months and 11 days.
At Bovdstown, on Saturday the 9th irst
El ward M. infant son of Simon and Margaret
A. D ckerh ~f( aged sewn mcntbs.
"S> her little children to coire unto me and
fort Itaern not, for such is the kingdom if
<he )-c vv. , offer at Public Sale, pursue r
to the order ot the Orphans' Couit, on the 6remi'
in vv- t Pro lence Township, Bedford County! on
sATLKUAY, 20th APRIL next, the following
late the propeity ot McDar.iei, dee'd., viz :
Lie tr. t o> land, unimproved, adjoininglandii
— Fett " r on 'be East. FreJ'fe, Colhber*er
on The A est, Andrew Mortimure o.i the N'orrh, a"id
Joseph McOaniel-'s heirs on the South, containijg
one ; urrfred acres, rno.e or !es. "
ALSO, one other tract ot unimproved land ad
joining the P.aruK,- property and lands of Danil
Miyder, Da- 1 Steeic-nan and others, and containing
one .■■< and tilt*' acres, mote or 'ess.
ALSO, the mansion place, of said .lee'd., adioin
i, g i th s of Dan ie 1 Snyder, Wilson .Mc Daniel" Ja
cob Steel, John Calbouu and others, eo
:.crc-, bout one hundred acres cleared and under
fence, 6 or 8 of which are meadow, balance we.i
timbered. The improvements are a two-story Log
Dwe ling House, with kitchen attached; also a
Smoke House, Spring Hou,e, and L,g Stable, vv p
thre-hing floor. There is also an apple ore 1 r! on
the p rinses, and a good vpring rt ?he door of the
dwelling. The proper!} .actuated rive miles South
ot Bloody Run, cn the rond to Clearvil'e,
The Sale will commence at i o'clock, on said day,
the t.rms vvf! be one third in hand, the balance in
two equal annual payment without interest.
March 22d, 81. Administrator.
The snbsc-lber respectfully begs leave to an
nounce that he ha- laased the Bedford Hotel, on
Pitt Street, where he would be happy to meet his
eld friends, and the public generally.
It is riot his design to make many professions as
to what he will do. but he pledges bis word trot
Lis most enrrgetic efforts will be employed to ren
der ccTt-ifMe 11 who give a caii. Tee
house wii '•• handsomely fitted up. ,and none but
careful i* ' jntentive- servants wit fle engaged.
I'ersor visitinghe Bedford springs, as well as
those ulte ding Court, and th? travelling communi
ty generally, aie resrectfully irvited to give him a
cu'l an i ju ige for themselves.
£l7*Boarders taken by the wepJc, month, or year,
on tavoiabte terms.
and -omfortable stabling is attached
to this Hotel, which will always be att-nded by a
c.-rcjnl hostler. Also, a sale and convenient car
nage house.
Aug. 1, ISuO. Proprietor.
jjff O T I C E -
f." hereby given
that 1 have p -chased a! Constable's sale," on the
v 'b ot M tr- . I*sl, the following property, to wit :
Chi-* g v mare, one roan colt, one red spotted cow,
ore red hr : : two sows, twelve pigs, six shouts,
one two horse plow. ! vo shovel plows, one harrow,
two sieds, one two hor wagon, on wind-mill,
one gund-stone, one iron kettle, one ten plate stove
o: . c*.tk ug- tove. two setts ot wagon harness, fif
teen bushels 0} wheat, forty bushels rye, fifteen
barrels of oru. forty bushels of oats, all of which
sai.i property, 1 have left in the hands of Conrad
Smith, Hiring my pleasure, and beieby caution all
persons against interfering with the same.
Marcn 23. per J. VV. Ti'e, At'y.
s cutmx. The Semi-Annni! meeting
of ' ' Assoc ation vv: 1 convene in the Hall of the
1. the LLilon Scho. I: use, in Bedford, cn
Friday, Apiii 1 tith, at ! v o ock, P. R, The ex
em i-es will consist of Essays by Misses L. C. Ar
no!!, M. i". Allison, ind .Me-is"j. B. Flock, M. A.
1 oin ■, Jas. J. B-.rndu lar and J. O. Livingston.—
I.e. ares will be delivered by A. N". Ranb and J.
H. Longei.ecker.
It is hoped that the teacners of Bedford com tun out in juimbers, and show the pcop'e tn-t
they are working in earn?-1. Friends of education,
and the public generally are invited to attend.
March ~. Chairman Business Commitfpe.
" The utider.njned appointed
nn-'ifor to .listrib.ite the fund in :he bands of the
Sheriff , arising from tii*- sa! of P'.nlip Go.-ler's in
terest, in the Bedford Mineral Springs property, will
office. :ii Bedloid, ou Friday 17 h day of April, 1381
at 1 o'clock, when all interested can attend
March 22J, 'Bt. Auditor.
James ti Veal 1 Alias Subpoena on Libel
v "- > for Divorce.
Sophia O'Neal
nin undersigned, appointed commiseioner to take
the testimony. in the above ease, will attend
to the duties thereof, on the 22d dav of April ISO!
at his office, in the Borough of Bedlord, at 1 o'clock
when all interested, can attend.
March 22d, '6l. Commissioner. "]
U hereas Letters of adminis
tration upon the e,tato cf.facob Marisy, late of
Wootlhury Townsh'p, dee'd., have been granted to
the undersigned, al! persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make smmedia*? payment, and
those having claims against said Es 'te, will mike
the same known vviihou delay to f
Administrator, near Woodbcrv.
■March 23d, IPOI.